The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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V .'
Giants Play Badly andjhe Visit-
- or Have an Easy Timer ,
..v.:..,;- in Winning. . .
Categ. of Last Year's Portland Team,
Pitched for Oakland and He Man
- aged to Scatter OuV the Hits Dur-
ing the Nine Innings. '
. Oakland 7, Portland V'-', - -
BatUrta-CaUa-ani, ltcktti,jCltff.
Toren and McLean. ' .'.
' There was something wrong with the
. Portland. Giants- yesterday. From a
cloaa observation it appeared thaLstY-1
. . rial i ine players were Bunsruig iron
the restf illness that la known In New
- York politics today ae, a, "Jerome alum
.ber" And how they "ever, managed to
. , slumber.durlng the .fitful apella -while
. the few faithful' fans, were shouting
hole through their lung pipes. In se-
vara criticism for superb stupidity, la
. more than the casual observer can tin-
f- derstand, - .--.... . . r
- In the .' vernacular of everyday Ufa.
tney were punk, ana tne aioweat Brand
of punk In the market. As tt la human
" to err. it la not divine for a fun to for-
give, and all of the aweet things that I
were exomngiy appiteo on .Thursday,
were taken tuck yesterday with a yen
geanre. - . t .
- After the day's dark dream wis o'er
n the fans slai lwr'fnr-the'ca'rs, with
heavy hearts and lonely tread, it never
dawned upon the unauspectlng spscta-
. tors that there was a cauae for the dis
aster, and Mils la what'Jt was: .
- On the- pennant pole In right eenter
. field, that- patient flagstaff that has
put .Job's successor out of a position,
and that has beerr apostrophised, more
time. than It deserved, there hangs On
the topmost point the beautifulemblem
of the United States. " "Half way-down
a t- bo! a. UrX -a-et;n e-nnet .r-Hwit-f
ic. nuppoKta to apeu tne name Fort
sand.'' . The Idea la old: but anything
ztnrA change.- The word as spellod by
- tho arrangement of the pennant reads:
- P-O-R-T-L-A-N-C, Thelast letter is a
"CLjud aheula be -" The pennant
1 whle,j-fithgred.baU-i-thrianglo,
uum- -tna correct- em Diem ror a "v
ia Oregon from
Oregon wool
" Elks' Buflding v-:t
Seventh and Stark
ii. i.-w' I lr - .- ;v
i;yf...;. ..i.i.'iN,!,,,!"-.. 41 '1 w.
f ibjf
ii: .-Suits to-
S : Measure
:.f abnes jwo ven :
. ... i : ' .
should bo a blue ponnantvCoRtalnina; a
white ball or design In the miudlei
'If no other suitable reason can be as
signed for yesterday's comedy that ended
In a tragedy the mistake In the arrange
ment of the pennents must naturally be
4 accepted by-the fans. " "' T"
In the second Inning Callff was hit
for five safe drives. Oneof them
dropped between Mitchell ah McHale,
but while -the two worthies were Imitat
ing Qaaton arid Alfonso Moore added an
error, and before the smoke cleared fwo
runs were across.' .'
Toren then-took up the work tinfln-'
Ished by Callff. and things went along
smoothly until the fifth inning, when
four hrts and Sweeney's mlscue contrib
uted five runs to the. visitors. ' : 't T
' Portland's only run was mads In' the
-third Inning.' when Donohue lined out a
double9cortnr a Olant " "
Ely Cates, a discarded Portland player
from Jaat season's team, was in. the box
for Oakland., and held the Qlanta safely
throughout. While, Cates was touched
up somewhat, hie cleverness prevented
the Giants from bunching any hits.,
The attendance! though l waa free
day for the ladies, took drop below.
Tburaday'a figures. Knell upmlred A
good game, Ilere la the official score
, am. n. -ja. js.
McHele, ef..y...i.... 4 e 1 y, 0 0
NoCredle. rf o.v. -- -A 0
Sweeney, as..? 4 , ' 84 4 t
Mitchell, If... I 0 Y
Lister. Hn-H iTn-ml sWa-"-- 4 -4
McLean, c. . 10181 1
Moore, ah...... . 1-9-,1-k '---!
Donahue. "b. 8 A. ,i "
Callff. p.. 0 0 i ofci o 0
Toren, p. ............ J 0 e 4 0
Totals .,...,.28 'X 1 17 1
- AaR.ri.po.
Van llaltren,.cf.jf;.. 6 I I 1
Kruger, rf . . . . k . .. . 11 1 P'
Aa R. H. PO. A. B.
Smith, 8b. . . . , , ... a
T. Hackett,
Devereaux, lb'. , 6
J. Hackett, Lb... S
Francka, as ......... , t '
Markleyr ShV T., ".;;..". 4
fates, p....".....,,,. t
e 1
t 1,
1 s
1 a,1
:.:. t u n 11
- Hrts-. i
Oakland -
e e i 0 e e e e e
I I I M 1 1 I 110
e t e e -eti tt-'T'
iitts ... ........ i ( e e 4 o o
. . 8UMMART.
Struck. out By Callff 1. by To
by Toren 4
by Cates 4. Ieft on bases Portland 4
Oakland 8. Bases' on bails Off Callff
1, off Cales 2. 8toln bases Francka
1. -Devereux, Mitchell, BmHlt.- Two
base hits T. Hackett. Donahue. Home
run J. Hackett. Double plays Dev
ereaux to J. Hackett te T. , Hackett,
caies io vrancas to J. itacKett, Bweeney
to Lister, Krancks to-Msrkley, Markley
to FranrkS to J."TTokeH, Francks li)
LIBtar. IIlT-vYinr.TiiT-Tii,Tr.Triren s:
Wild pitch Cates. Innings pitched By
Callff 2. Base hits Off Callff .- Runs
scored by opponents at' time Pitcher
Callff was taken out, I. Time of game
r-i wo noura. . umpire K.neu. r
Won.' Lost.- P.C.
San .Francisco ,. .i,.. .az 2 ".$67
I -os Angeles ......... .14 ( . .727
Portland ............. ,t .470
Freano . 12 , -.429
Oakland ivn rtttt trie tr 1- .818
Seattle ... . . . ... . . ... a - . H ,2e
- - -.
i.- Won.-
. .:,..i
......10 .'
e'e'e 4 8 v-
New York
Chlcaeo ..
. 4 .78
. .484
i Plttaburg
1 i .688
St. l-ouie ..
' nnvlnn
a m
e , r.47i
Cincinnati .
fclraeMtrai it
Vi, - u. . r. :
an. senle.
R.H. K.
St.. Louis ................ i
Cincinnati ................
11 1
8 7 4
Batteries Thompson and RaubiUar
per, Chech and SchleL- Umpire John
atone. v ; - .r-- 7- '
.. Afoetea.
"-'i' -. - R. H. R.
Boston .' 1 (10
New York ,,.........,. 10 II 0
Batteries Maroney and O'Nell; Ames
snd - Marshall. Umpires Emslie and
Conway. , .-
At sMttsburg-
- .- R. H. K.
i T t
7 12 e
Bstteries Lelfeld. Karer.Flel
fGibson; Brown and Kllng. -' Umpires
carpenter ena Kimg.
At Philadelphia.
R. Hi E.
f I
Batteries Hcanlon and Bergen; Pit-
-, Kane and Dooin. Umpire Q Day.
Lost. P.C.
7 '; .681
rleveland .
t New York
Detroit ....
Chicaao-i .'.-.
At Detroit.
R. H. K
Detroit 1 7 2
8t. Louis s . . 4 .. i 1- 2
Batteries Donahue and 4'ayne; Jacob
Sen and Rickey.
. . . .. - At aortoa.
Boston .r. . . . . , t
r - B - 1
.4 4
Hatterles r- Dlneen
Hiighes and Hey don. .
ind '
vAt ffew Tork.
R. IT V.
Philadelphia .................. 8 6 1
New York . ; 4 2
Batterlee Bender, Waddell. Plank and
Schreck; eroy, Orth and Kleinow.
During 11 Innings yesterday after
noon. th best -thst Portland rd'cademy
and the High school teams could do was
to score nine nine apiece There was a
generous contribution of errors on both
sides.- A f atr-stced crowd witnessed the
game. Lineup:
Newell ...... ........... ....... Higglns
Word ,irr,,mi .p-. .-i t -Reed, T. Myers
GanOflg - i'i T ;' r,rr4 O-:' i . 1 a iri-i . . 7 Jones f
Oakea -rt-ts 2b ... ,
Tauscher .. i . . . .-.Jb. .
need -;itt;t. . . 7. ;ss.v.-.
- -Won..
. . a . 10 ' '
............ I
T .5(2
7 . .562
........... 7 8 .440
-- lvjX ie j41 2
, i li rM
. . . BrownleJiryofid
, jiuuiwn
T. Myers. Reed
Clsrk. Corbetl
. . . . M. Meyers
f Ms gness "fW. .....If .TT.'.
Kilts .............rfi.,.
Brigge- ...:.ef. ...
For Sale Bargains
' 1(S tons bop wire. $1S ton.
-" 88Ttons "Remnent'1 plow eteeK
cables, .
10,000 feet different elites pip
ing. -100 tone pulleys, shafting, etc
Metals, scrap Iron and Junk of
ell descriptions bought. .'
Concluding Day jb Threa Days'
; Sal ; Showed Interest as z
Zi Keen as Ever. -
In All There Were About One Hun
dred and. Forty Horees SentJUnder
the "Hammer at ' Good Average
Price Horsee Sold Yesterday.
The breeders" home ' sale came to
clone -yesterday" afternoon at "Irvine-ton
racetrack, . From early morning until
late In - the day, the auctioneer from
Missouri, made the buyers "show- him
From the. standpoint of both breeders
and purchasers, the sale wae a success,
a fair average price being received for
the entire lot, numbering about 140.
Those who attended the sale- were
loud In their pralae of the manner tn
which the. auction waa conducted. The
full list of the horses disposed of yes
terday and which concluded the eale fol
lows: . "
- flomeweiilth. chr s. i t). bjr- The- torn
monwalttUi Ed Holman. Portland, S136.
Toil de Nortli, br. ni.. by Del Norte;
Holman, Portland, S70.
Careful Guy, br. g-i A. JjawsonPortt
land. 1190-- - - .- r
Van D..lbr. g., by Witch Hasel; WU
Ham Fraxr, Portland, SIM
Tommy p., tilt. by Claymont;, R.
Eatln Duiees. oh, m by Satin Royal;
O. J. Brown, Portland, $80.
Harriet OoucK. b. m"by rrltemont
J. P. Flaher. Oregon City, $250. - ---
Lovelace, br. a., by Egotlat; O. Davis,
Forest Grove, Oregon, IS56.
Lovelace, br. s., by Lovelace; L. L.
Thomas, 'Stay ton, Oregon, 4J50.
Felix, eh. g. by Lovelace; J. C, Wolfe,
Bllvcrton. Oreaon. . 8240. -
-Georgia BSae, b. m., by -Caution; -O.
J Brew ii, PorHand;-e2g0.
Colaatt. Portland, tlbi.
Connell, br. a., "by Caution; I M. ' Ad
ams. Portland, 200. ,
Maud Brarkstt, b. m.. by Caution; J.
Xunta, Portland. 10.
TOity. YernonBna The luagw
an wT-e-r-ottnTlr-LarsehlBel-
llngham, Washington. 81i,
Bailey, ch. ig.-, by Bllverllght;-Charles
F. Brown, Wenalchee, Washington, t20.
Rastus, " br. g, by ' Oro Qujr; P. J.
Mann, Portland, ttlo.' '
Santa Anna, eh. m.. by Bantam: R. L.
Kte. Sheridan. Oregon? 2 Seor
y Diablo; F. B LoDPla. 1
V, . , a . n n n ' I
Adallna PattU civ m., by Boodle: F.
Btopplefield. Portland. 22. '
Dalles - Boy, Valley Boy:
stopple, lew, poruand, 200. - -
Sweet Madge, blk. m.. by OVo Guy:
N. P. Nelson, Vancouver, Washington.
ize. : - .
Dolly Brown,' br. m.. by Judge Rork-
wood;- J Am M und Yr Vanoeu rer,;: Wash-
lngton,J$Ki. "7 - ' ' v"
. Dot. - b ni.. by - . McKlnnev i c. - F.
QrowAr- Wexatchee, Waahlngton, $140.
Babe, b; m by Altamont: C. ' T.
Brown, Wenatchea, Washington. $110.
Fan Lace, br, m. (2), by Lovelace; J.
31. Jones, Independence, Oregon, f 50.
Toby Lace. ch. e. ' (I), by Lovelace:
J."Krooch, Maroe ininols. 250. . r
Fljv-ew m.r by Fred Hsmbleton; C
W. Embody, Portland. 1185. , r-
Romeo Jr., br. g., by Romeo; G. W.
Johnaon, Dufur, Oregon, 2215.
Moncyback, b. s. (2). by The Common
wealth: C. Cunningham, Pendleton. Ore
gon. 2150. - ; vrri'JX..
Ruby, b. m., by Caution: C Cunning
ham, Pendleton, bregtmr 1H, ...
Staf'b.-r.. by Caution; Anderson
Bros., Portland, $200. - 1 ",''
hy JBantlon;. William Wa
aler, Portland, $140, -
Crlstobel. b. m., by Caution; C. Cw
ningnam, fenaieton, uregon, tivi.
Johnny, b. g.. by Caution; James
Nichols, Portland. $155
Molly, ch. m., by coloma; J. A. Scam-
on, Wenatchea. Washington, $120.
Pearl, blk, m., by Blacksmith; E. L.
Pressy,- Oregon City. $71. "
" Rrowhlaoe. br. m., by J,ovtlaeeI".
M. LaceyPortland, $120. - - '
- Lucille.- ch,- m.r- by - Coloma; I It
Adame, Portland, $80.
- Ldy M. b. m., by Altamont; L.
IS. . HuberlPorUand, $114. ; ...
Billy, br. g., by Malbrlno; Ed Holman,
Portland, $240. .....
FreshmenlShow-Thelr Heels to
r Upper Classmen fn Athletic T.
- - Competition at Sa!emi-f
Wl'llaniette t'nlversltir, 8a)ent,-Or.,
Msy 6. -Yesterday before a large and
enthuslaetlo crowd pf students the
track team of WUlemette university
had - their torst- tryowtrThere wae
great-class spirit- shown end - the - dif
f erent classes tried hard to outdo the
others. ' The freshmen reme out ahead,
newever, winning 48 points. .
The following were the evente and J
winners or eacn
Half-mile race Forbes first. Cran
dal second. Howard third; time, I:17Vfc.
109-yard race Gray first, Loumi ber
ry aecond.,Bader thlrdi lime OjtO 4-.
High Jump Lounsberry first. Pierc
second,' Ruder third: dlstsnce, 88 feet.
High hurdle Matthews first. Ruder
second. Whlppla. thlrd;i time. 0:181-8
HI1scii Nace; distance, 100 feeL
ra yamp LeunebwylesV Radeei
LCOfldrJletsnce. 10 feet Ulrtohes -
mmmrr nn,w .-.viwn !, uunn
5' feet" . . . !
. first. IT. Belknsp
second. Benders third: time, :15. -
- Iajw hurdle Gray flret, Wlnana sec
ond. Banders third; time, 0.87 Z-8.
Pole vault Wesley first Lounsberry
second. Whipple third; dlstsnce 8 feet
7 Inches. r --'
410-yard run Forbes flret, C Bel
knap second; time, :87 8-8. '
Z20-ysrd , sprint 'Lounsberry first,
kormlch . second, - Forbee third; time.
0:S. ; v -- -
At Seattle San .Franc;leco
I. ,8eet
tie ,. j... (.'utt i -..:;' I ..-
At Fresno Los ngelce 4; Frenn
t. At Portland Portland . I, Oakland 7.
-r . m -..V- ... x
Rube- Waddell has eet' the' sf rlkelmi
record for the, season b farming 11 of
the Boston Americana.
auctioh m
Y. M. C. A2 Junior Athletes Will
rr Hojd a JTrackr Meet To
; ;r. riay at Irvinjjtbn; -f":
prief Itema of Interest. Touchin. on
:. Baseball.; Boi;ingRowin;,: Racing
and Every Line That Is Now Busy
' Whitman- Defeata Pullman,
This afternoon the f:"M P A, ju.
plora will bold a track meet at Irving
ton racetrack. The customary list of
events will be pulled -off.- --
:The -Atttomobtle-elub members decided
last night to hold Its first run ef the Sea
son tomorrow to llUlsboro and. Forest
Grove. The etarf will be made at 10:30
In the morning and the party will dine.
at Forest Grove.'".. -:' .-.- ' "
. e e . '
Whitman athletes" defeated Pullman
In a track meet yesterday by trie score
of l to 52. Whitman students broke
five college 1 records.
'' ' . e :. .- .
- Four of. the American league! cjube
this season have -a Jones In the lineup
Charley with - Washington, Fielder
with Chicago, Tom with St. Louis and
Davy with Det roit. -: - - .-
e second smateur target tourna
ment of The t Mississippi-Del ta Trap
p noo rare- league is scheduled te begin
ar-virirburromtirrflw aaorrcofftthue
three .day a. .
e- e . . :....'
"Pop" Shrlver, the veteran catcher
and manager of the champion Wheeling
team of the Central league, aaye.that
he is good for 10 years' more service
benina tne plate.
-T'heti-aBk team -cf-trm- t-'iiivsiall vtj
meet of the season today, going against
4ha Untversity -ef-lllinois-T team at
JZh supposed ' w.
4-Amertearr league"ar "ooTfig alfklucfs of
things , to thelE-atronger Orotners, . . ,.
L This Is the. data set for .the second
annual Marathon race under the aus
pices of the Missouri A. C of St. Louis.
In 1(04 the first Marathon, run was held
In 8kJLouiala-Connection- wlth.atbe
Olymplo games at the exposition and
waawon by Tliuiiias"J.-'Hlrks of Cain'
bridge. Last' year Joseph Forshaw, who
la now abroad with the American
Olympic team, won the'eventcovering
the ,40 kllometree,; Jn,i.Ibgim.I ana.lS
mlnutee. .
- e e:
It Id interesting to note that very tew
of the "home tams in the north won
their opening; games, while the southern
baseball clues that opened at home were
nearly;-all-successful. Irr the National
league and In the Connecticut leagueno4
homfli tn m won its opening game. In
the American league New York was the
only home team that won, and In the
Eastern league. Providence was the only
winner. In the American sssocistlon
two home teams, Louisville and Toledo.
were . supeeeeful. n"the "other hand.
every home - team tn .: the Soufhern
league won lie first game, while tn the
South Atlantic and Cotton States
leagues there were two teams each that
won on the home grounds. , ,
.,.- . -1. . . , M.I. .l.i. . . I
i ii-T uwd-miu, v v' astni, wilt
verslty and Indiana - university are
scheduled to engage in a dust meet to
day at Bloomlngton.
Both the Btr-Loula league tesms
working bard to- keep, out of tho cellar
they will
euoceed In . keeping above
The tennis season for If 08 starts to
day, when the check teama of Harvard,
Tale and Columbia line up for the Jnter
scholastlc tournament. ,
- e " e-' :
The - Baltlmoretegnr playedaeTerat
of the Virginia league eluhs this spring
and ran Into some mighty good ball
playluav-whioh tmMewtee thstJake Wells
at tne need or a nign-ciass minor
league thla -eeaaon.; f
he . fifth- annual meet of - the -Tale
MTrreTfOTolastlgrscanramiriSkes place
on Tale field today.. About 100 schools
hveentefed and the outlook, la bright
for a successful meet. -r . -
. j e ,e J;.....i '
Ace Stewart has made" a nice start
with his Jsckson (Mississippi) bunch
and Is going tomake a hard tussle to
lend the flag In the Cotton , States
lesgtie. Billy' Karfe" ofVlcksburg saya
that the first hame Of the jarkson man
ager. is a high -card, but he wttt have to
show'. ...
Iarge scores are scarce In baseball
nowadays, but -the Boston Atnerlcans
hsd two In one week to their credit.
One 18 to 0 game with Philadelphia and
a ecore ef 1 to 2 agalnat Washington
estsbllshcd the season's record.. i
" . " e e " . .
" Th-i Ptttsbtirg and Chlcagd'Katlohali
are playing nice ball, but it Is doubtful
if they ran overtake the Giants. It
looks aa If the New Yorkere get farther
away-every day. . v . , ,
- Jearnel Speelal- 1- Ij.
" Louisville, Mey - . Churchill lowns
race results: -; -----
Five and one half -furlongs, selling
X"BoariUo w6hTrTrr WltSSrr sec;
ond Preclou. mon, thlrdr time, l:0 -.
Four fiirlotigs Billy Vcrtren won.
Webber, second, Bolveiit third; time.
O:S0 8-8,
8I 'furlongs. Selling Free Booter
won. Roao.oc second. Uambrnu thirdi.
ttme. 1:1 1-1. T
One-mile Beecon Light, won. Daring
second,-Banner third; time, 1:41. .
'Four furlongs, selling Margaret,
OBOwnro ackxs aitd ranrs.
Mrs. Josle .Humner, 'Bremnnd, Te,
writes, April 18, 1801: "1 have used
Ballard e Know Liniment In my family
fn three years. - I would not be with
out it in the house. I lisve used it on
my little girl for growing pains and
st-hes In her knees. - It cured her right
swyy. 'I have also used 1t for frost bit.
ten feet, with good- success. It Is the
best liniment I ever ueed." 15c, (On end
8100. Hold byJVoodsrd, Clarke tt Co.
' ...
--.ttv: ' ifr:r:.:., ,.-. . ; , --r ------- - -- - r,. . ;;.
Xan't you see
' Take notice of the railroads being ! built to . Portland, also . lee how
branch lines-are-" underonstructioa-o r- to-be .built-the - next - two years - in -.Oregon.
, RnaM arr heing : built : for the upper river. airangerrientS JmZ
der way to run boats to Alaska and the Orient, all of which will make Port-. .
land double its presentsizelwitnintJireeyears and if tho city "double's in ;
. population, property
jwhy not make a little, investment, cr buy a little property for a home while
it U cheap and sold on terms so easy that any one can pay for it? -.
7 r': We are ielling lots in Vernon from $100 to $500 and' will continue to
-non 5 to 10 per- cent
wpncctlf you OwTi
ever we advance our
- J. A. H ARBKE,
i. - ., - tt, - 't -
Ti5i5r sixTir street;
Merry won. Princess Mario second. La
Jhorpe third; time, 0:49 S i.
One mile, selling Tarp won. Oldie
second. Mats bon third tlme, 4:41 '
At Janaie Course,
(Jnornet Special gervlee., - - .
New Tork, May t. Jamaica race re
sults: - , .'-.-...
Six- furlongs." selling Optlclsn.; won,
Rlii ,'n.fc Mnnrf . RL-. Kflt.nha third:
I ... "
, time, lilt
Five - furlongs Grace George won,
Tanager -second. . Economy . third; ; time.
i;oi tt.y.
One mile and one sixteenth, selling"
Grenade won, Yorkshire - Lad second.
Ebony third r timer 1:47 -.
nix-forlongsr meHitir, Newton stakes-
Grapple won. Fustian second. Benevolent
third; time, 1:18 1-8.
Six furlongv celling Rob Roy won,
Austin Allen, second, , Ancestor third;
time, 1:18 8-8.
'-- Six ' furlongs' r' Larable won," Ocean
Spray second.- Realm - third; - time,
lTlt-.' : 7-
: At Memphia,
Memphis, May . -Resulta of races:
Four furlongs aelllng-Cpwrrr-Me-Cormlrlc-:
Von, Miss ' .Cesarlon ' second,
Tom Gllroy third; time. 0:40 V-'
'"One mile and one furlong, selling
Los Anmeno won. Bannock Belle see-
fendrX4s-JacfcTthlrdr tlma, 1:88 '
Fouf - and -eneTiarr- TUrlongs Mlse
Btrome won. ueortr aecono, aay umoui
tiilid; ttme. 0:S 6
T-K, . ... . J-.
Seven and one half furlongs John
Smulskt won. Gold Rnsmel second,
Druid third; time, 1:36 8-6.
i Six furlongs Platoon' won, Lapueelle
aecond. Cutter third; time, 1:14 -Blx
furlongs, selling Proteus won.
Swell Girl eecondj BanposaMhlrdtlme,
. ; .- ! i ' -
-Bog ' now rntriee. .. ;; ' :
T'lteeelved at Hudson'a Gun Store. '118
Third sUtLJ3etJnformation there and
make your entries. . . '
jorvaiiis. jt., msy . imri is sirorx
hope, that the college TV M. C. A., build
ing, for which the first contribution
were asked about a yefer ago, may reach
completion thie- summer.- People out
side the elty of Corvallie have pledged
14,800. the alumni- of the college will
give 8700, members of the feoulty agree
to donate $1,000 and Corvallls resident
have promlsed-fl.30ftmoiw. WA,balanc4
of 82.300 is, still necessary for the com
pletion -of ' the . project. The students
eve elreadyrplcdgedei.000, an4 slnce
th work hss been ts ken-up afresh with
1n the past - few days,' the aid of the
state committee of the - Y,- M.-4V-. A .- hnn
been asked in raising funds. The build,
ing-ts greatly needed,-an4 being- very
worthy enterprlseenotild he and haa
been liberally supported. t..
. at . ' . - t
- r - . . . .
- JpeHsT rtpetr fo The Journal.)
jChehslis, May 6. S. Bertelson, a well
known Tacoma bridge contractor, went
home Thursday with very bad Injuries,
which he sustained in railing from a
bridge across the Kewaukum river.
hlch hie rompany is constructing about
The -Original Lesatlve Cough Syrup
la Kennedy's Laxative Honey end Tar.
It espevls sll cold from the system by
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Kennedy's laxative Honry and Tar Is
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The Throwback
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A romantic story of the South
west in the days when the buffalo
roamed the plains; when the In
dian council fires still smoked and
the cowboy's life was one of con
tinuous hazard.: A. stirring novel
In which Mr. Lewis returns to the
West he knows so well.
The Praying Skipper
ZUastraUeae ' by - Blameasoheta, Zyem.
. decker, Walter Appleton Clark, AyW
wara ana ayaaey aaaaaseaw vnee,
If you have read Ralph Paine's
stories in the magazines you will
buy this volume just for the pleas
ure r of preserving - and reading
them again. - If you have
them, you will thank us for intro
ducing to you one of the most tal
ented writers Of today. The book
contains the following - stories :
"The Praying Skipper, "A Vic
toiyr Unforeseen." "The Las
Pilot Schooner."."Surfman Brain'
ard's Day Off,' "The Jade Tea
pot," "Captain Arehdt's Choice
and "Corporal Sweeney, Deserter.
The Outing Publishing Company
M ana j7 West 31 rt Street. 1 . - NEW VOIX
oI3rtA7tJ S A VE !
; All work guaranteed for ten yeere.
Lady-attendant-alwaya '.present - .All
work-done absolutely without paln by
specialists el-arom-11 tor 10 years' ex
perienca. ... . i - ... : .
' Oold Fllllnge. . Bridge Work. Gold
Crowns, Artificial Teeth. ;
' .- , ' ...j -r-'-y
181H Morrison St., Opp. Meier a Frank
- , and Peetoffloe ---.
eight jnllee from Chehalls.' ' Mr. BsrtM
son stepped on a. timber which he
thought wae eecure en top of the struc
ture end fell ebout tt feet. Ae be fell
he grabbed onto a lOitll-lnch timber
about 1 feet long and thla went to the
bottom iwlth him. The timber etruca
hie left hand and crushed the bones
of about half of i Jnto Jelly. - He lost
two fingers and a, part of the hand an.1
was alio cut about the head, where -ie
struck oo rae rovks. .
all this to be facts, so
take advantage ofthii
Think of gecunnsr a lot 50xlC3 ia
beautiful WOODMEREJor $15 J, at
iuc a day I uur values are roatchlens.
Cff-tirtoniorrovr and ' iee. ' Do.i't
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on tne Mount bcott electric rail w y,
25 minute from city, 5c fare.
every convenience. -. Don't hesitate;
act quick. .- '
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Waahincton Streets.
ArcM atwavs on - arround. " Tal'
Mount, Scgtt car, Firat and Alder gtx
.y .; i" PORTLAND, OP.r
AKD Ct- "
-'. , TRAY.
Kverythtng te eat 1
It costs no more In t:
Porrlana Us 1 r
than elsewhere In ('
weekday night f . n