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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1906)
J OBJECTS TO CHURCH DANCE . ; SO NAILS UP THE DOORS POJITLAOD FACES JGIOIIIS CASE IS .-HOT CLD8ED" .;uiif OH OIG SCALE IS CLOSED Profoasor Mcliatgue object to pretty girl dancing the minuet at a public en tertainment. The professor reside-at Sylvan.' where there may be given an entertainment, tonight for 'the benefit of the -Han Franclaco- aufferer. - Hut-it la said that McHargue has declared that the entertainment cannot be given, and neighbors-reported to the district attor ney and the sheriff thl morning that the objector had nailed up the doors and windows of the Sylvan . church - and If UcHargu attempt to etopithe per formance tonight-Vtber . win b somer thing doing." . - n- have investigated the matter and find that here Is no cause for object ing to-to. ntrtaiomeut exoeptlng that McHargue has some spite to work out,'' said Mr. Moser thia morning. "While be may have been given -permission to nali tip the church. I am informed that the directors are In favor pf having the entertainment given in the school house, ntctlargue objects to a number of girls, who sing a . chorus. ' taking a few minuet steps while oalhe plalform.7 rn Relief CommltteeTKere Two Hundred Debris Bunkers to Park Board Lacks Funds : and jiWiHJotiSolicitlfromJ ,....- Cjtj2en8 ." ; - ; : Looal Spiritualist Declares City ; .. Will.. Be . Destroyed Lby ;: . T -. Shockand Fire. - "- ' Judge Sears Orders - Its Dis . v missal and Then Reverses 3..:-.-.:IlHi8'Edictr7 "'t; Has Concluded Work of . Assisting Refugee-. Be Erected in Various Parts: of San Francisco. i . CABLE TRAMS HAUL .'. - RUINS FOR DUMPING MAYOR FAVORS USING ' , - MONEY FOR PLAYGROUNDS WILL OCCUR BETWEEN SUNDAY AND TUESDAY CAPTAIN BRUIN SAYS v ; PROSECUTE ACCUSED ::3T0N GETS SUPPLIES1 schoolhous. : ' ' r $ENT JN THE, FUTURE Deputy JDuurlcl Attorney Moner nas taken the matter, up and declare that : Conference Held in Bay City It : Decided to Let Civic uid Mfl. i ry Authorities Deal With the -. nation Hereafter. .. . .. -. - BOY REFUGEE RUNS JilTO -I.10RE HARD IUCK '. -TIME CONES AT Charity Not Needed in 'Rebuilding the City Insurance 1 Money, Solvent Banks gnd - Cqod Crop in State -Tbrow City onlta Resourcet. Believe City's Children Need Breath ing Room More Thaflj. Their Elders ' Need Music and - Commisslontrs Agree VVitfi Him, ' Families Get i Excited by Prophecy and. Prepare for . Earth quakev-An- ' other Medium Declares ThatH)is aster WU Not Occur at Tfaat Time. In. Court That Officer la Quoted as Chief Authority . for Closing of Case, but Later He Brands Such; . Pleas as False. - : - - .r .-.. ERSITY-PARX ..: THE , OREGON DAILYJjOURNALf PORTLAND, :-SATURDAY ' EVENING, MAY 5, 1803. REnOVING DEBRIS IS PLAZA GOHCERTS ir.lPRODABLE - DESTRUCTIOr) V - Th. Orow-Jljat bureamt Oakland, Mllfornla. wa closed this afternoon, e committee -there, having completed its work. All additional relle. supplies r ont from here will go directfy to Gen ital Frederick Funston, who will, hate ; ersonal charge of lh distribution 1 6f ... hem., The Oregon bureau, according Ja xll reports from Oakland and Baa Fran ilo, -haa accompliahed a1 great work In providing far the sufferer. . The relief committee here worked through the bureau at Oakland, Bend lug many, carload of - provision . and thousanas of 'dollar in cash to the needyi i Tb " amount -of work don by the bureau cannot be .estimated until ihone in charge of it and the committees liere have an -opportunity to wind p tholr business affair and make, a re port showing in detail what has been awrompt hatted. The closing of the bureau at thta time was done upon the advice of Joseph N. ' Teal, after a nnnferencs betwenhunseif -ar-- 'iisMriwiignu mwigyi Mayor Bi'iinrmr irlrT"vf the Red Cross society and Chairman Phelan of the Ban Francisco relief committee. Mr. Teal sent a mes- .saire to ' Chairman tlogeOf the- local finance committee advising him of the result of the ; conference and recom- .mending that in the future all- supplies -want Uial IU Uvifc-wmt-amWary autWeW-' tlr of the city desired that this course be. purHued. and the local finance com- TTTtttw uVular-a " ltmnwrra the anggewtionavef MrTeat Pursuant to this decision the finance . com ml tee issued the following announce ment to the public: ' ; - "Announcement is- hereby made that 5n view of the changed condition, and jm: innwl tlwwuioai fei wMeh If was created." tfte Oregon, relief "bureau . Ml Oakland .wa dosed this afternoon, . May 5. . tL, .- Wo also bea to announce that all sup- "t.m-s arn'being consigned to "Oenerat 'fMiilck..Funnto, Ban Francisco. In cunsonanc. with the desirt. of th civil . - mi.l military authorities aud tinder tne " recommendation of Mr.. J. N. Teai,'ftor "" ""ion feience with Oensrai -Oreeleyr Masr Kclimlts, Dr. Devlneof th Red; Cross imrietv and Chairman;. Phelan of- the Kan Krsnrlsco. relief committee. zrr.X. nie-ubacrrptions to the-reHef fuiwf " o. date amount to S247,l l.ti. .fhiit amount waa subaueHied s--i"odayv-- Thi4ournal received $120.25 1- i.nd the general relief fund received I4T.2S. "The ubs'rlptlon follow Journal ncllcf-Fund- . , It., r. Ita-smussen -' - v'-C. Soung-, I 00 6. op 1.00 ' R. K. Cox. . . . ... ... 1. . Nelson -,.-, , , , - . -N. Newlln . .. . i. . ... Matshelke, Lodl. Or. . V . Moys"rlub. Highland Congr- - - gailpaal church .......... ' H.00 7 v 1.90 Cash , . .00 1.00 -;; -t.OO ' " Oltisens of Brrerweoff. . . .r.'- i.60 TV. W. ' - Amburn, Princetonj ; w tt. jr.: MiwcoVi,' ' Tygh :zz, Vallejc-Or t , .... ' -;. CunlDHland Pre.- church, . 1.00 .26 60.00 110.7S I.414.1 0 Totai ....7..," General Fundr M34.25 Third PreKl'ytcrlan chtrrch. .$ - . ,1.00 M. 1. Mnly I'.t --rt-w-i, S.OO Vjnploj eg. J.. N.. Matachek Co. 10.00 Employe Pacific Coast Bis- , cult company.'ii.. ... .-.-.5 .-.-- S00.0 T Emptoyea Kastern r W-esfern"' . ; - IaimbBjt J,' Inajglng plant: 141. JO PreVKiiiMy-rennrted . . , i .... i4s,4. Journal ,rcipLa. f or todav. . $ J prorom gecnrltie Wow BCUllBg. -- CotVige Qrove. Or., .May 6. The big . . 'Jramway s' jnow "in operation from the 7 Champion mill "to the Mustek mine, a dltanc of two mile, and the Mulck re Is " being Ton throtjgh.: ' the. - mill. Heavy development work 1 going on at TTtlie Mustek mine as Well a at - th ' rhampion. Development work; Is going on steadily on the Excelsior lead. A . Very satlsfact6ry cleanup has "recently been ma'd. . - ' ' : : r ( v-,itl. r.-.y- .r4yf-'i--''S-- Sr.'- w-iifc-,.rf . i'-ii , fi f t-w.- Looking North on Maeon Street, ; , -y Gets Position In Portland but Is foon Arrested for Disor- derly Conduct. ' Weeping bitterly because, of :th re- rVrtK '' li. In f.nniL htnmetf. George perljch. a Han Francisco refuge who ha secured employment In Port land aa a messenger, boy, appeared in the police "court this morning to answer a charge of disorderly conduct- lie wa accused by R. -M.- Wirbur. a reat estate agent, of, running .against hlra With a DlCMQie. . - - v Anorney Charle Petraln appeared a the boy' counsel. The boy's mother 1 dead and nl father was severely In jured in the disaster at Ban Francisco. The boy - wa..- given transportation to Portland and at' once asked for work and, waa given" Job-by--Uu messenger company, Wilbur swore that at Third and Wasti- ington troe the hov humnwl liilo hlmJ wiiii in wneri 'siui snoDx jiim up con siderably. . The wheel -felt on one side and the boy on the other. "The wltnes said he secured the boy's name and ad drear and iaXterward filed a complaint against him. . . The 'boy sld that "h : wss riding along Third street and. that Wilbur waa croaslng the- thoroughfarc.""H. was guicV.aWvaa,ic,'.,oC-fd:',Iili:k.,ycM3l easily -hav allowed.- Wilbur to get out of hi way. he said. He rang his hell MMddenly Wllbm sluiuwd fjid the wheel struck him t,.hiII u He stopped so quickly TcdOldnTBtop my wheel and couldn't turn to. ont side,!' the lad testified. ' . Wilbur was crossaamined-by'Attor-rey Petraln and -admitted "that the coV llalna,, might, have hern ilna to, sn arrt- 1 ire Cameron fc gutlty nitely. but continued sentence .ludeflr DRrZAN LOSES TWO : HUNDRED-DOLLAR DOG dan. is - Inconsolable he - ha lost : his 1 pel Boston terrler.r fhT'dog cost $200. 1 The terrier Is a blue-blooded creature, it pedlgre iij warranted of great length--tta ancestor being proud and liaughtly specimens of canine-eveetlence. The .animal itsetf wa a - finical- little creature. It - would not notice other doga.oD the street, but wa not unruly and trotted slong ; contentedly - at tr. Zun heel.- ., '. ',,.;.,, . 'I- went - Into- w store at- Third -a nd Washington streets." said the physician.. The terrier waa following me when I reached th corner. I missed it a I was leaving the store and have not seen It since." ,: . ' ; -.. .- . Dr. Zan went to nolle headquarters thl morning and gav. a -description -of the Jerrler.He offers a libcraLjreward for the return of bi pet. RUSSIAOrlrVIOCRATS ADOPT REFORM PLATFORM '"""(Journal RDeelsf BerTleefl St Petersburg. May 8. The Const! tutlonarDemocrata wiiu are-her to at tend the ilnumi bsv held a eaunu and - adopted -a -platform - andprogram advocating reform-measures. Among other thing legislative- guarantees of equality before the law. secret, direct and universal suffrage and agrarian i forms' are adv6eated.T- ; ' Th. new premier, M.x Voremykln. stateajilhathla.xabit rvtit'not be -one of -reactlonr but that he, will werlc .In harmony with the parliament. - '. CHAMBERLAINAGREES ' ; .WITH ; ROOSEVELT (pedal Dispatch te Tnt Jownal.) Salem. Or., May -fi. The-.'ew-Tork World ent the follow1 Governor Chamberlain: "plea wire th World at our expense If 'you agree with th president in his recommendation to curb the oil trust What would you suggest in th earns liner: : - Governor Chamberlain replied Ih us: . . t'l most heartily agree with th presi dent' effort to curb th oil trust and punish those connected with Jt who have violated th law." - ' - r ) i s. - WAV' yrr;.hs& pi -VS----: ' ' -- V; a - t i.. tj'.. Sen Frlncisco. The Fsmotjs "Poodle -Standing to the Left of Center. . Civic . Improvement Club Re- vived - and Campaign of -V Furbishing Inaugurated. A large crowd of persons who ar Iclerested iu th. movement-attended the meeting, last night of the University Park - Civlo . Improvement association. The' meeting Was held at the residence ot C L. McKenna and waa for the pur pose of eymulatlrtg 'interest in the gen eral cleaning up movement that will take place May U. y r Mrs. Athey presided at the meeting and U. W. Barnes, manager of the tenth ward for the committee of 100, acted a secretary. The meeting, resulted In the revival of th organisation and similar organisations -will be perfected In ' the vinous reeineta-vf -the ward. . - Among the pians thst went decided I trpomo create an interest In the move ment wa one to deliver addresses to the school. Children of the ward. Funds :h,VI lfcffl)r .rgl1flmTTTfM T-Ill b rt lered 10-the boy who pile UD the largest quantities of movable rubbish between thla time' and May U. '. The assistance of the, police depart ment - will be asked in finding, place which, are not properly kept . and in en forcing the ordinance. The street clean ing department will be requested to pro vide wsgonson MayJt for the general r!fAPlU-aAL La4attdanlilaii o iM4m the iocat press to publi(i thebrdriiahir Dertslnlna to the keenlnr ttf streila ahALT HK;.i.r-:r-; ,T.. . niu loin in iit,y ,-.,nii i,m ... Mr. Barnes desire that every one In The ftrdWhorTrar-roTmni1y connected with the asaociation or who is interested In the cleaning up movement to 'com municate with hlm.'- i r PERMIT ISSUED -FOR- SEVEN-STORY BUILDING A-bulWVng permit-was issnedMester day. by -the building inspectoor .the erection of the1 seven-story office build- he aontn!1 east corner of Fifth and Alder streets. KThe cost f h strueturewlli. be 160.- o.- jonn Bingham I the contractor Othr permit" Issued' follow: Jacob Deckenbach,- three-story brick store bu41dlhg,- Oran(T"a venue between East Morrison and -Belmont streets, cost IMOOi M. Rltter, repairs to residence, Helwood street between tetay' street and Mississippi avenue; Sunset Cream ery company, Icebox, corner . First and Jefferson streets, cost $100; F. C Illage, repairs to dwelling, '.corner ' Ellsworth and East Seventeenth streets, cost. 15- A. L. I.lnebaugh, cottag,-eorher East Salmon . and - East' Twenty-seventh streets, cost 11,100; Blaster brother, repair , to . saloon, Burnslde between Second nnd Third street r-CDst 12 00; Henry-Fries,' residence, , Flanders . be tween; Twenty-first ajd-Twenty second streets, cost $6,000; A. H. Johnson, re- ii(iir to dwelling; cornel- East "Ninth TihdTi East Ankeny streets, cost 1200; Alfred Weschery residence, Rodney avenue be tween Knott and Sellwood streets, cost $:,000; . George Zllllnger, repair to dwelling, corner East Twentieth and Division streets, cost 300;-Tttm Guar antee & Trust company, repairs to store. nerBeciuni aild'aahingUinalreMa4 cost ' Corner Florence street and Grand aye hue cost 40; O". Bleloh, four cot tagen, corner Michigan avenue and Skldmore street, ; cost fi.SOv. . .. - ' Caught Iflth tj6ood,;; . Ah Wh, a Chinese, was ajrrtwUd at Hi Second street last night by Acting Detectives Murphy and Smith and charged with having lottery tickets ih his possession. ' HI ball wa fixed at 20r- Whn"-he"appaared n court' thla morning he was identified a the per- hOTi- arrested irtr-a -similar charge- vlously by StatloriificerJi-BuTk. Judge Cameron thereupon Increased his beti to t&O. The trial of -he Chinese w"aa gettorMonda y. Oonsider XI Z Vear. It Is believed by' tha attendant at St. Vincent hospital that John W, Elliott, who waa Injured at th Port land Lumber company'a mill yesterday. cannot recover. He Is .hourly growing weaker, and his . death Is . expected by nightfall. , The teeth of a saw cut deep gashes In. the back of the man's neck and in one leg. His - home I at tlS Montana avenue. , 1 - A, - - frrj. Dog" Restaurant Is the Building f -sr- r ew " " 4av aj. i!- v T . -' "t .1- ... ... , -. I r. ::.. ' (Journal Boeetal Bsrvlce.V San- Francisco, May S-.-r-CaptalaF. -Bf Webster- of th Twentieth infantry at tempted to commit suicide this morning by Stabbing himself in the throat with a bayonet. He now lie In a dangerous condition at the Presidio ftrJBpital. Th cause of hi act 1 unknown. - Steps are being taken to -begin at once the work of removing the debris and sulned building on a, large scslo. C. E.. Loss, a railway contractor, has devised a plan, by which he gxpect to remove 11.000,000 cuble yards of brick, stone and steel wreckage in eight or ten. months. Two hundica tunger-wlll be erected at Central polnta among the ruin. By a edible tram system "the de bris will be carried to the bunkers, from which it will be dumped upon car on pur tracks... . , , , I " Caartty ir'ot . ; Several big steel men are her in a special car studying th situation. They giv assurance that San "Francisco" will be given preference and shall Tlav all tlie 4susfwea sieel heeded r rebuild ing aa soon a It I required. Railways and steamship llnea also promts a rapid handling of material. - . Th health . department has Issued a warning to boll all water, aa th aupply is , being contaminated from - broken ewer after It reaches th city. . -Th executive committee 'of th clealf- Ing house haa issaad a, statement jo the effect that tin bualii luteiesls uf th clty"a6oTiieedr-cWmr-lnne-Tbimd - : , i , M - , 1 " wl 'r, n wnu u,vvv,vm be received from the Insuraao ore- psnles. with bank.- solvent, and , the promise-Pf "good nous In the state. official aid -ahall be looked for. except on strictly business prlnclrle. Tl3 commltte opposes the Introduction of untried methnda nf finance, which lilnr rosy prove illegal pr impracticable. T A.pproplatlo Asaared. Goternor "Parde thla morning re ceived a telegram from Representative K no wiand. etat 1 n g that the committee on claim will make a favorabl report on the California land claim bill, aggre- will pas. Thl will go-to Vtoer state school fund. Jacob Btelnman. the .militiaman' who killed Joseph- Meyer during ' the fir excitement. appeared before Judge MuraakyittaMng.sxd he be reirreaented dv tn attornev-cen- he be represented by th attorney-gen eral-of the state In th legal proceed- Uug against him. ,ThlsJs hi right un der th stale law. E. H, Harnman Makes His Chauffeur a Present on His . Prpmise to Quit Smoking. - - Trtl IWMIinP-4-IP-4AACi USING TOO MANY CIGARS Bargain 4s Quickly Struck, and Mag- nate Draws Personal Check, Handi 1 It to F. A.. Lathe and Compact If - Sealed in San Francisco. ' ; - tJnaraak Speetsl Servie.) . . .. . rtirimr My I. "Y"u ar a good man and ym have- ateedy nerve, but you are amoklng too many cigars. I They will hurt you. If you will agree to refrain from the. noxious habit alto-,t $600," aald E. H. Harriman, th multi millionaire and railroad magnate,-to bia chauffeur, F. A. Lath, yesterday. Th bargain was quickly closed by the mor .than pleased Mr. Harriman, who drew his personal check for $t00 and handed It to Lathe and th compact was sealed.- Th - f ortunat automobil driver has been In th employ of th Harriman officea In San Francisco for the past, year and a half. Hia duties have been those of official photographer ofBunserrhaf JStne. "In" thatapactty he learned the art of chaflfftur. When the city waa ahattered by the earthquake and swept by the fire Mr. Lathe waa pressed into the service In charge of one of -uie company'a relief aucomoblles. When Harriman arrived In San Fran cisco . to take personal charge of ; the railroad's affairs her, he purchased three new Wlnton and two Peerless au tomobllea and added im. U- the -eonv- pany' relief equipment. Chauffeur Lathe was selected as Harriman'a pri vet chauffeur. ' - The wizard of finance noticed, on one of these trips about town that his guide wss smoKlng too many cigar and ap plied th: remedy. -. WARSHIPS MAY SOON : - . , VISLIJLQCALHABB QRl -.It Is reported today batniie or'ftior warship of th Paclf lo squadron may visit Portland in th near future and a request haa been telegraphed to Wash ington, to .nave .their-visit timed during the . manufaeturera: exhibition. A a result of th action of the committee O-.llhe commercial organisations of th city this morning Secretary Freeman, of the Made in Oregon exposition, was In structed to prcpar telegrams asking tho secretary of th navy to arrange If .pos sible io have th Chics go or other ves sels In th harbor th week of May it to , - . - - Senator Oearln and Senator Fulton have been requested to 'exert themselves toward securing a visit of th vessels. ,. Question Bog Tomorrow. ' Rev. Ann' Shaw will conduet a ques tion bo, snswerlng objections to the uf f ragivronediiment at the- Selllng-Hlrsch bulltyog tomorrow, evenla. . It will b IS PAID $500 FOR That, there will be no music'-this summer la .the city, parkg . U almost a eertalBty.-Antlther- long-distance c?is mission "was )hd by the park board thla morning regarding, th concert and -no declstrnr-war-reaohed. Mayor Lan did' not approve of any - member of the board going out .with a mutcal i director and eoHctting ubBCrptlons from th public to pay for. toe con, cert. H. thought it would not be rroper and would subject the board to criticism.-... . .-v. Instead h -thought -it a goods plan to follow out th. suggestions Judge Fraxer made yesterday, regarding pro viding, playground for boys and girl In various parts of the city- It was discovered that the city owned suffi cient property on both the easr and west side of th river which could, be turned Into playground to. prove ample place of recreHllon'vfoF-all. . If the money, in th.'orwert be devoted to playground for children the council will have to reapproprlata it and In. that- body the -city park.. board inayi' iicuuiitti a iicuuintr a unit let tu it urtarsT It waa also discovered that, the board haa no authority to expend any money for playground unless they are located on property devoted to park purposes. "I think thl f 1.500 In th park con cert fund could be spent to better -advantage in providing playgroundaTor boys than for music," aald Mayor Lan. "If th people want concerts, let them ln" iOn t J-1 I. " Meyer also said he thought play ground an excellent thing. - ; IT the citlsen of the community dealr m""Vi the park board decided to offer no ob jections. A special meeting will b held In th near future at which some de-. f iHlun limy VS srf IVeCH At mT"BTeeCr lng the bandmasters will be permitted t submit propositions for furnishing muslo. ' - BANKS OF RUIIIED CITY 10 REOPEN ON JUNE . 1 1 9 . I ness on Monday. Next For Rebuilding City, ' (Jearaal Special Servte.) San Francisco, . May. i.T The ; latest date . set for lh. Opening of the banks la June 1. gome are prepared to open now, but In most eases it la considered unsafe to open the vault - before- th date named. The savings bank will be opened for business - next Monday. , . Wholesale - merchant ar forming a 1lg community at a" temporary iocatl outn . or in uoutnern f acirio track, between Sixth and Seventh streets. The space allotted proved too small and th district 1 being extended, i The work of repairing the business block and churches in Oakland is pro ceeding rapidly. Within a' few weeks the city will show few, trace of th earthquake. The Oakland ohool r ume on Monday. a rnmmmen or to i organised for the purpose of directing th . work of rebuilding San Jfranclsco on , better line ar already making progr. Twenty-four ubcommitteea will handl various phase of the gen eraf plan.- These ubcommlttee were appointed - by the -mayor today.-- Th plan to limit the height of building to one and a half time the width of the street meets with much favor. -a "iJI - FEATHER RIVER ; PROJECT tTff'BElOimiiOEO Frank BrowniDeclarefs -That Earthquake Will Not De lay the Work. Frank L. Brown of San Francisco, representative of many eastern concern In California and promoter of the. mam moth Feather River project for carry- ling light and power through the-Oolden lacs, saia si in i oriiana noiei loaey that th fir In San Franclaco would not atop for on moment the work of con structing the power plant.. He say that the work will be- carried ort rfpidiy in spite of all reports to th contrary, and that he ha Just received order from th Vaatern capltaliats h represent to go ahead aa though Ban Francisco had not been devastated. The plant will be constructed on th Feather.' river, and the transmission line built a soon as possible, so a to get th Increased busi ness that 1 bound to com. . """ Muchof ; the speculation concerning the building plana of th Western Pa cific; th Oould line that I building across tho continent and is to. coast terminus at Ban Francisco, was set at rest today ty the receipt of a let ter by Mr. Brown telling him that the work would be pushed to rapid comple- - oifc t ne letter waa rrom rxiwm Haw- ley, formerly general traffic .manager of the Southern Pacific and now one of the New York directors of th Western Pacific. In this letter Hawley ex pressed the greatest confidence of hlmiJ en ana tne capitalistic woria in tne re building of Ban Francisco In greater proportions than before the disaster. VETERANS WILL HOLD . -- ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT ' Forest Grove, Or., May S. The Wash ington County .Veteran' association voted yesterday to hold It next annual encampment In this city, beginning Jun 10 and lasting over the Fourth. The asaociation haa Invited the citlsen to celebrate with U and it I expected to hold four or five days' grand celebra tion. It will practically be the only celebration In the county, ' Many b'r ness men of Forsst Grove are hlp?c"pHhe ask for' the-restoration Of . ber tbs veteran for this 'occaslos "l "That Portland will be destroyed by earthquake and fir Just as .Ban Fran else, was, i thai prediction , of a local spiritualist and medium '-living in th vicinity of Tenth and - Jackson -street. The medium warna the people that th predicted calamity -may; be looked for om time JpetWpen-JLnmorrow morning and Tuesday night.-r--.---"- v 'The prophetess, haa been careful to keep, her identity veiled, but the newa Of her prediction haa' spread over the entire southern section of the city and tn the- vicinity of her residence women and children; have been in a fever f ex citemenC for the past week. So terrible Is th picture of destruction that haa been presented to them that some of th nervous and excitable people In th neighborhood are ' frightened. ?- On family moved away after hearing bt the predicted disaster, and a spiritualist liv ing on Tenth street haa all her break able belonging pecked in protecting; case to guard against th shock. .- --- . It I declared by . residents, of the neighborhood that this medium predicted the Bun Franclaco disaster .four, or fve week before It occurred and told a local woman of th burning of her son, which Is alleged to have actually occurred. - From whom the prediction come, no on In th neighborhood : appears - to know; They say the prophecy has been handed from mouth to mouth around that portion -of the ity for. a week or more, but the -medium has taken car eonee a-1 at identity. Un - .In w14i.ll, xlnillll thlL aha has known of the nredlctlon. but de nies any knowledge of th medium mak lng It She aaya she-was told of an aw ful calamity that la to com between frlr,T t ana Mir ll -h1rhTT"i pe aa naa or worse--than th San Francisco afffas ter. The medium has given th people to under pected -which wilT'level th" city; arter which It Trill, be awept by" fire and pos sibly sink below the level or. uie ocean and be flooded wltb-water.- Mrs. Jacobs pretends that she put no faith ii th prediction, but admits that ane na pacaea ner nmuoie warw ana if hen other pr""""" t1"' .inni She how.ed a Journal man now she hsd packed her effects. " - - !. .Jin an effort to locate' the spiritualist makings the prediction a. Journal man called on Mrs. Beers, this nwnlng and asked her if ahe knew anything about uppoed Impending disaster. After ,.. ! i. . consulting the spirits sh denounced th prediction -of th other medium ss ut terly false.. ... v "You may-assure the people of" Fort- land." aaid she, "the there Is no danker. Nothing la going to happen her. Than will b some slight tremors felt in' Or gon, but not until fter My. and nothPtfatlsfactory to him if th eas wss not ,,3. T ' ... J - at. i a-.-a . Jt m m briilfi avi t Ana nf t hat . , lng will happen In PorilandvM EUGENE UNIVERSITY I'ILL HOLD For High School and Upper : Grade Teachers Who Wish Further Preparation. (BdmHsI DIsiwtcb to Ts Journal.) University of Oregon. May S. After th regular closing of th stat univer sity near the last of the month of June, there will b held a summer session of four week for the benefit, of-those who ar unable to , attend th university, at other times. The sesnion will begin on July 1 and continue until JuIylT. Wie work will be for high school and Upper grade teachera who wish further prep aration. Two library course will b given, one for high school teachers and the other for professional llbrarlanS-i-d There will b no formal entrance re quirements except in tb coursefor jror f esalonai librarians, for which th ap pllcanta must hold a library position or Th principal featur of th summer work will be a, cours in library train ing given by Miss Cornelia Marvin; aec retary of th Oregon library commis sion; Miss Harriet Haaaler, children a librarian of the Portland library, ' and Mlss Camlllla Laactw librarian at. the college in-thl oltyr---r Profasaor Mwaetaer wlU give a oursa In biology. Professor Stafford a course In general chemistry. Professor H. C. How a course in English UtsrafuT am Professor Da Con will hay chrg-nf the mathematlo branchea In tha lan guages. Dr. Schmidt will have oharg of classes, and in education and ethic or. BtMldon will hav charge,- - . MAY PUT IN SERVICE -NEW PASSENGER TRAIN 'Travelers ar discussing tha proba bility of another .dally passenger train on the O. R. 4 N.' railroad between Portland and tipper Columbia river points to "take care of the extra travel that acts In about th 1st of Jun and continue until fell. It I said there IS business to justify the company In mak Ing material addition to Its passenger service, and that the officials of th road hav under consideration a new train that would lav Portland la tbe mornlng and return In th evening. General Passenger Agent Craig, in re ply to an Inquiry, aald: Th matter I under consideration. There Is nothing yet to be said for'pube lloatlow," - -""'I Thif Was Vo Hog. Miss. Mary Kane, a school -teacher from Ia Canter, Washington, reported to the pollc this afternoon the larceny of $60 from her purse. She thinks th money waa : stolen at th St. Charles hotel. The. thief left certifies t of deposit for $160 and $3.S In sliver In the purse. Wif Seek rreedom. (Special Dlnvatrb te The Joanwl) " Albany. Or.. May 1,-,-Bllen Wright has sued .David Wright for divorce. She surges they were married In Linn county. October I. H$.aad that de fendant deserted heir February 17, 4J03. maiden nam, which was Ellen lilrons. ( Sm.lf.lE8 SESSION Presiding Judge - Sears this morning ordered dismissed the case of. the statsJ against B. P. McQinnls, a former police man, charged with contributing to the. , delinquency of Kitty Moore, a . li-y earm old girl. A abort time afterward; Judge Seara told. Deputy County Clerk Bush not to 1 nter-theordef " of dismissal In "; the court : racords, and It Is thought ' that' th cas will be tried. -' At .the opening of the circuit court ! thl ' morning, O. M. Idleman, attorney for McOlnnis, askd that th case be dismissed on the grounds that Captain -of Police Patrick Brain had Informed him yiat he .did not car to press the -suit owing to th fact that since the charge war filed th character of th ' complaining .witness hud bn Inveati -gated. . "" . : - . .- - "Captain "Bfuin la not in orfleryf thl court," suggested Judg Beara. - Chief Deputy District Attorney Ous CTr Moser then Informed the court that Cap tain Bruin had Informed IL B. Adam, :".: another deputy dlatrict -'attorney, that whll not willing to ask formally that TWTTlieTSraTkmlSseCo- b at- ... Isfled if It were. Mr. Moser then asked -that th cas be 'dtamlssed. -v. . Oaptata Brain's Venial. - ''" i Captain Bruin denies that' he ever'T suggested that, he was willing to -have -th suit withdrawn. r -"Captain Slover and t found McQinnls on Portland Height with this girl under r t com prom lain oircumatanega.'. aiL. Bruin.-' 'Wot fair do i-belleva-H guilty end thai h eheuld eeeelw vere punishment, but I hav always been eastfr ta prosecute ths . charge, j I also J wish t say- thst I ha vd never, ,li con versation with District Attorney Man- ' nlng or any of hi representative, es preasedrthe sIIghtetdoubtthar' Con vlcloijjiou lj Je jecu refl.oryenjiuiita n that X-dld not - wlh- tin eas j cuted. .'1,0114 up Judg Beare aa goon as l... waa acquainted with the fact that the cas had beers dismissed and told him -what I hav said for publication, lif informed m that he had no alternative . . but to act on the advice-of the dlwtriff attorney. ,J In view-. dfTdevelopmoiilC however, he said he would tak th ess -up again a noon as possible, wish a ; view of reinstating It on the calendar. -sbll' do everything I can to jgctthe.. Case reinstated and have this man tried -for what I believe to be a serious crime." ---V-r.. , Tig,,-aim ioooiil. j Mr. Adams said that -Bruin and Idle- ., man called at the dlatrict attorney's of- flee yesterday to tia-"Ovr ths-.tauw.u'.l1. "Whll. Contain Rruln did not reauert that tha charge agafhst MoOinni be dlva. missedt h did oectarw na wouia .wi bressed. and a Bruin waS one pf th complaining witnesses, and aa the moth? -er of the girl Is alaold to bar asked that th cas be dismissed, I simply sng -y gested to Mr. Moser Uiat this action be DerfectlT willing to leav th matter to the dlatrict attorney and th court.- T Motor declares that h I and always has been ready to try th cas. which was on .. the courtcalendar to appear next Monday..-",-.- - '- " 1 " V-i "I will -b ready Monday mornlnr If the witnesses sre," ho said. ' - The Information waa filed gainst Mei Ginni last March. - He -SW. released upon $1.600 bait OREGON GUARD WILU BE FURNISHED FUNDS 8neelal Dbcxtrk to The yJrsst.T i" 8slrm. Oe.t- May. t The governor is ; in receipt of - th- following telegraan from Jefferson Myera: . " - . . i l'Oregoo.' national . Onsrd - hospital corps Is without funds to return Bat-. urday. -Teal consider th tt should pay the expense., which. Is estimated .g $200, . See relief committee at Portland" nnTi6hrlsswhat''td do." - -. , , v :t y,: -Governor - Chamberlain" referred ther fntatUrto-JUUutani.CteneraLPinaer wlth Instructions to act and to see that tni corps is furnished -moheywlffi-wh Ictr- tJo return' home.. " Th Oregon reTlerroureaTi will cios - today on tha order of Mr. Teal, and b swallowed np In the general work CHINA WANTS AMERICAN I - -TEACHERS FOR PEKING,- ' Joarosl Bpeelal-rrlc I ' ; Chicago, May. . JJr. llai- Hung TChaun.Tenresentatlve of- th Chines -government. Is hra after a lour of tlut,. eaSt, selecting women among th gradu ates from th students of th UnlyeiV alty of Chicago who deslr to go to China nd teach -tir th new coeduca- '" tlonal college at Peking.. Hal selected twq at Wellesley and want 20 or It altogether. He thinks he will" select all tha remainder In th weat. ' , - Oottag Oro-r roreter WU.. ;. . (RperUI Mapatch to The Journal.) ' Cottage Orove, Or May $.--Lt Jan. uary the grand court of Oregon, Kor eeter of Americ offered . silk flsg fire feet by ten feet in else to the subor dinate :.eourt -that-gained --th-1 greatest r percentage In membership ' ending Aprir i. -: - .-y Bohemia camp, Na 13, located here. --; Just got word that itJuVJsTlnnerLhavingj secured a gain of 13$ per rent in mem-pet-thrtraqring tna umr Cf tna conTesx- 'A further Individual prls ot a gold -button wi offered to each member who secured five applications and over for..;, membership.. Eight gold buttons cam Jo this camp all these eight-Securing i; over flv member. ' . .. '!' W m 1 , ' Two Divoroes Oranted. Ifpeciel rnapatrh ta' Tk4 Jnaraal.l Albany, . Or., . May 6. Judge William Galloway held a abort term of court, here yesterday and maiDgijthr- things granted twoy-divorces. . Carrie ' Morm was granted a decree from -Claud Hj Moran and Albert-8ralth was freed from William Smith, the grounds for dlvorcs being cruel and Inhuman treat ment,. ... , . . .'.. -- t . Oaten Xlectsd Ohairmaa. a . : . tSpeplal plaiHiick to Tlia Jueraal.) " f 7 Salem. Or., May The Republican . congreiwforurl committee la irf esslon. today. It wa called to order bv W. L.-.- Tons and Claud Oaten was sleeted per- : v manent chairman. I i. i J '"