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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1906)
a- newsboys: pay one centra copy fo& :it:-',on"'te: streets ax two cents-one hundred per centxprofito theshould be enougi Journal Circulation" i. THE WEATHER. , ' Fair ind warmer tonight and Sun-; day; north toasst winds. - Yesterday 26,180 iWas - VOL.1 V. NO. 52. PORTLAND. " pREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 1906. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS , ow nam avo im i stavss. nvi csmts Si MSI 1 . MINERS W Miners Convention Votes , to Accept for the Three Ensuing Years Award Made by the Federal Commission Appoint cd by President Roosevelt Three Years Ago After a Speech by John Mitchell Urging Peaceable Action. ' . Workers Who Have Been Out Since April Second WilbahOnceReturni torWorh After Abandoning Claims for. Eight Hnr pay Siifress Nn T..l iarimA nitMi, Pa.. May t Tk . anthraa clU mtnera' convention tbia morning mAnntmA resolution accentlna th award a h.' .tHIr. Mimmiuiinn for another H3iurfttarasTHirxnan8 that tnere will '. DO HO Striae in (Of -- giona and that the men win return to work Monday. .'" .-- At ...tini.Ti. ton the convention. "which ha a been tn seeslon alnoa Thure 7t day. considering tha rafuaal of tha tttine- - wnn to grant the aemana ox me minw worker, referred tna -enure mr John Mitchell la the guiding aplrU. with "rt" Instructions to report with recommenda ' tlona to tha convention at la. o'clock to- day. The commits went into session at once land remained TU seaaion the greater Ttiart or the evening. T When- the-convention was preeented " .With the- .committee ncwamwoiuou, whleh wae that the findings - of - the strike commission of 10 be aooepted f . for. , another three years. . President " " Mitchell mad - a atrong anU-atrlke speech, ending with a motion to accept - -..ll.!....- MM,j In 1 till HJlff the UM UWUUJ HW'I. ' motion carried deeplta kttter opposition ob: the part of many deairoua of pre clpiUtins a atrike. ., - . 7 ' Hltosaa Wlma lay. p-,- 1 ' When the convention went Into-etar v chamber - aeaalon - the scale committee presented a report recommending that the miners return to work under preaent conditions, j 7 - Mitchell made a, atrong antl-etrtke .. apeaoa, in which he said that .he would never consent to the proposlUon of the v.. m limltiul arhltratlnn. r Ha . kuiu.iwi. 1 fleclaredthat what tha mlnara.hajl ae. Mitchell eald in part: t "Rather than accept restricted arbitra tion. It la far better that we continue at r work under the award of the commia - ' alon. I am afraid the commission would reduce the wages of. Jhe.hlgheat paid ' men. and give it to the loweet paid. That might aeem fairrta the oommla elon. but it would not fee fair to ua. ; "ffki t w e muat-do . Is . to raise . tha lower paid' men to the standard of the highest That there ehould be an in ertan fr wagea there is uol question. :,. Afraid, of JOaerK "If I were aura that tha strike would be successful, that , you would. sUnd Y. M. C. A. Secretary Will Wed Miss Sehlbrede of Coos, Bay ; and Take Her Seven Thou- " -iL-sand Miles In Launch," ' ' V- mmm iiili , . A little trip along tha crystal watera y " t the Yukon, little exploration voyages -Vp the tiny trlbutaHea '. of the f rosea " river of the north, delightful climbs to 'the snow-capped peaks- of, - Interior, AlesltaTair this te tie dune from a ape -i.iiv deelaned gasoline launch of goodly nronortlona and furnished with quarters of dainty comfort--wouW-not-thhT be-a .trtin- tour fit to make tha blood rush toyully through the veina of any ro mantically Inclined 'maldeuf"i - -- This Is the bridal pouraey that awaits Miss BWk4hede,the daughter of C. A. Behlbrede of Ooos county, late a can.dl 4ate for the gubernatorial nomination at tha Bepubllcan prlmariea. Bhe Is to Le - married Bt week to W.nA. Rel4 of rort Beward, Alaska. Directly after the wedding ceremony the couple will leave for Portland. Then will coma a quick trip by rail to the boat house at White Horse, on the Takon. where the launch . aweita them, and the T.OOO-mtle Journey up the great river will be begun. - Mr. Held arrived In . Portland today from Alaska and la at the Perkins. Me Is the field secretary In Alaska for the Young Mea'e Christian association and '- he is an ardent worker la the northern country. " Kacn summer no carries nis work farther, and farther into the heart of Alaska. . Tha trip vp tha Yutroa In a gasoline Continued on T.e Two. ,t .-.v.- ; . .... .. roMfdr. firm and long, enough, I should advise information which we have 1 am fearful that - our people are . not inclined to atrike. 1 - . 3nnt Twould be av-atflka whleh many of our people are not in . sympathy witn.- . v i. : "v Tha apeech waa received with cheer. Mitchell waa followed by W. B. Wilson, secretary-treasurer of the union. The convention - at- lli' cloak - adopted the revolution accepting; the award of the atrike commission for another term, of The subscale committee wlU. aalc.tha operators to have the award of the com mission continued for a period of two years. The operators, however, atated earlier In the -negotiations that - they would never consent to an agreement expiree during a presidential - election year. , An agreement for three years wiu tnerexor tuteiy reauic . . . , JTO SasaAsT SuzlnaT Caatdowa.- - The anthracite minora have been, out from the mines -- since : April I upon Orders Issued by tha scale oommlttee suspending mining: pending an agree; mem witn nm- operscors. cnougn men were left to man ,the engines and "keep the mines clear of water, so that no damage to property has occurred during- the shutdown. ' Technically there was no strike and there has . been but little Moleno. ' At .Mount. Carmel and Wilkeabarra clashes have occurred be tween the constabulary and', the work men and several other riot were re ported, most of them, however, 'due to local disturbances rather than to a con flict between -ih employ ere and em ployes. The peaceful eonditionwaadue chiefly to the fact that .the. men did not consider themselves- on a strike.' ? - Practicallw .no . hardship has been worked to tha publlo because' there was an Immense surplus of coal on hand and prices for the hard coal product have not increased. More than 1(0.000 men wero -Involved -in -the settlement means . practically - that employes re ceive la per oent increase in wagea over the ' scale of 1(01, -but the same rhey-Uartr received; for 1 fnaTaafthree years. All the coal carrying roads are Involved and a great sigh of relief Is felt-over today's decision throughout! ttweountry." The prlnolpar demand In-' (Continued .on. Page Two.) no USETO CRY, IJttle , Newsboy, After ; Patient Search of Two Weeks, Learns That Parents Lie in Un-: '. marked Crave. (Jeorasl Speelsl Hervleei) "' Oakland, - May .Willie - Kohler, a newsboy IS years old, has searched pa tiently for two weeka for news of hla parents, whom he lost on the day of the earthquake disaster at ISIS California street, flan Francisco. Willie, 'during hla spare momenta, has searched about the streets of San Francisco, walked Khrdugh; -attrtha Tltf -eamprend trues- tiened every passerby for whereabouta or hla parents. He saw them last on the fatal morning when their home was shaken Into rulna and the occupants all fled In fear. . , For two weeks no one waa able to give the faflhful little chap any news of the father and mother for whom he aought Wherever he aearched the only reply to queatlona waa a shake of the heaoTsOmetlmes a kind word and occa sionally a amall coin. TeeterdAy Willie In hie dally tramp through the streets of Ban Francisco met a guard of one of the Ran Fran cisco companies. The guard had kn6wn Willie's parents and from him the boy heard that both hla parent' were killed nn the second day of the fire by a blast Of dynamite. The- remains of the elder Kohlers lie in" Some unmarked grave In one of. tha squares of the city. - "It ain't no nee to cry now," said Willie, stoically. '1 fcot to rustle for a living for Bister and myself." Ills slater ia 10 yeara of age. . ' . . J . . - ..... , . SAB CHILD . . tr t r w r i w At w - .arz sivaam r mjr-i n s -ml v w i TTirough . !ta "ImmetiaV stores of coal hold for use' in , case of a walkout, the anthracite - coal trust has , escaped W: strike. President John" Mitchell's like ness appears in the upper corner "'''"''M.. MM Bfi BY Kf iV GRRQ 4Ia thet) Park - w - ktle be imagined. - Very few persons the-father kangaroo wants a name miUget-.nameKed:inThe Sunday Journal, this enUrtaining animal storyRead itto the children -""and you will enjoy it- yotirselfr--'yyf' x-k-Uj-.,-. .. au.'-.ijw-.,--.- ..-.r - This isTbnly one of 'lhe"great' feafuresof Orego'sZgfMteat-JSiinday paperGet .The.Journalrand enjoy them all. vTtie women should read The Sunday Journal,. as they have departments for themselves, and the business men and thrworkef will find t(ie things iff irto intifenafldtnstruct them." ! - . TToht forget the colored tomteryictorea for the children: AI"TairNnAYrJUURNAL.-vORDER:lY.K"6W.. I Corps of Experts In State to In vestigate' Sufficiency , of ..' State's Limestone De- V lii-i'JlB. Tposits. V - Within the neat year Oregon is likely to boast the possession of one of -the largest cement worksIn the . world. A corps of experts are . busy In different parts of the state Investigating the suf ficiency . the limestone-beds ., They have orders from New York capitalists to determine the location of two im mense planta on the Psclflo coast, and they believe that Oregon will be able to furnish the limestone for one of them. ' The plant will be operated on a large scale. It will furnish employment for thousands of men, both In .the kilns and In the manufacturing of the cement. The whole northwest wm be tapped by tha agents of the new company. It will be possible for contractor to obtain a first-class cement at a' prtfte Tar below that of the Imported brands. : It Is the intention ef the experts to locate the plant near -water. If possible, in order to make shipments to the Orient. 1 Under ordinary eondltlona th plant la expected to be able to fill or dera both from the United Btatee and from China and the east ' ' . f The plana tor' the' location' of these' .Continued on Page Three.) MltiHSJ 0 TO BE NAMED BY JHE CHILDREN - abr kang-a have seen it but in a month it will he foThebabTjntt he hatla&kc4 thg buy HtmemiM ee.esMMMe.M.SM leeel Application : Is Made for a Re ceiver for - the : Traders In " surance Company Suf ; ' fe'red From Disaster, !- Jourul Spesiat Hervie. - Chicago, May i -Application-for -re? cl.yattorthe.7radersIi?sursjacaacorai pany was filed In the circuit court to day. The company" suffered heavily iti the Ban Francisco dlsaater. ' tf- la esti mated the total loss Is $1,000,000. The eompshy had 'risks of IliO.OO 0,000 and assots of 1600. OOw. Byron I.: Smith, president of ""the Northern Truat company, waa appointed receiver and hla bond fixed at 11,000,- 00. . i - ; . TWENTY MEN FROZEN ON. BLOCKADE RUNNER Vladivostok, May I. The 'Russian blockade - running steamer Soarabaya, which " disappeared last, year while awaiting instructions' -. regarding . tha landing of a cargo' of arras here, ha been .found' Jn. the ice-near the Amur river. Twenty members of the crew were fro sen to death. It waa supposed she lost bar beariof s and tha oraw per- PT ... .. Jj hnonincr around "the cape. MiVe. I and giriyff TlirSnhdaYornaTX FATHER KILLS An Suit.' for" Divorce Mother Makes , Startlihg Charge ; - Against Man Who Is Be- ' lleved to Be Insane. Mearsat Bpertal Brvle4 aeTmente, Ma jr t. A young Aus- trJanjmniad.Xoula.ermsAjaPpeard.. court upon the charge, of being insane today. Herman was married ln.1906 and his "wife has lately sued him tor divorce, Herman opposed the divorce and threatened her friend, who. finally had. Herman placed under bonda to keen the peace, Ua Is now charged with In sanity. , x Mrs. Marie Herman during her ex amination -in court thla morning de clared upon oath that her husband had murdered their month-old babe--before her eyes and in aplta of her protesta tions. . , . - Bne thought the death of the child. . -H ., might' lead him to repentance and a happier life and did not tell of th murder until two montha later, when she brought suit for divorce,- She de clared that her husband had deliberately mixed, poison constating of disinfect ing, tablets of corrosive sublimate and poured it down the babys throat and that the child was dead In half an hour. The doctor gave a certificate that death waa due -to stomaoli trouble. o nnnr- lllu DHDL O D HosrimportanrYetReturnedbrGrani Jury Names Withheld for Present Jurynd.. MemberswAre-DismisseoV armors fornitdabte 'Indictment" for land fraud In Oregon, the most im portant of all that have been returned by i the federal- grand Jury, waa pre- sented at I o'clock this afternoon and the jurors were thereupon discharged. The names of tha indicted persona were not disclosed, but it is known that among them 'are nan prominent- resi dents of "Oregon ahd California, Among the Oregoniana Sre several cltiaena .of Portland. -The frauds charged were committed in the acquisition of huge. iractSL Ot valu able Umber-landa. :The- indictment- a one mure Important atep- -in carrying out the sovernment's determination" to reh taad punish' th 'wealthy--timber kings who have reapeU the great pronia out of, the latwuirauos. - - . TTnite fltatea . District "Attorney W. C Brlsiol and Inspector T. B. Neu hauSenr were at 'work for hour con tinuously in the preparation of the final papers, and wnen mwr """"i hrtiv bafars 1 o'clock this afternoon both were almost exhausted. - Mr. Brs- tol declined to make puono xne namea of the defendants In this last indict ment. . and It , Is understood that some fears were entertained that immediate publicity might . result- in tneir mgni before .bench warranta could b served nnnn them. t-- " -. In the aoqulsltloa of-the Umber-landa Involved in the case me same meinoas were employed that have been, made familiar in previous prosecutions.- jsd- trvmen were induced to taae up aumi, falsely swearing that they were doing so for their own use and benefit,, while they were in fact under contract, to sell to the defendants or their agents. --' -The ranort of the grand Jury made no apeclflo rererenoe to me that have been returned, but dealt with a number. Of rolnor mattera. tl.-. ..r- in nart atatesf - -- - "We have been In session 4t. days nd during - perln1- " tn couraa of eur. investlaTstton, have returned ii Indictments.' . V sTWe have eiamlned Into the means" ef; nmiiMtlon ' ana care umruto w tuu- able documentary evidence and govern- Heaviest Shake Since the Disas trous One of the Eighteenth " ; Many7 WaIl8Ar.e 'v, . Tumbled In. " '. .': - (Jeornal Ipeeisl Sorrlce.) . ' Ran lPranclflco. Mav 1 The moat se veral earthouaka shock ' felt here since the main shock on April II occurred thla meenlag at t0;10 aaloaa.,, causing con. slderabl damair. The interior wail of 4he Mutual Utm buiiaU)g.felU.Wprk- meain many place were endangered by the-falling brick.. but- noeaauaiuea are reported. Minor shock are ao frequent that theyLftttract no mora than a pass ing Interest' ' The ahnclc waa felt to a considerable extent in 0!arTd and Berkeley, In the rubber 'factory located ' at Twenty-second street and Broadway, Oakland, the building was, so badly shaken as to. almost stampede the em ployee, ---. . ..v ,,.-- - In many cases pantos eecarred - among shoppers. Two ladles having their feet fitted for ahoes rushed into Broadway. In Oakland, stocking footed and refused to reenter the bslldlng. The clerk-was obliged to carry their, hoes out to them. Masses Cause lg Dim. . ' IJooraal Special' Sri.) Xeivr, 'May t. The warehouse of the Lienver Transit A V'arortouse com pany waa destroyed, with its contents, thla mornlnt. The loss caused- by the fira. U 383,t: . . j im. tinenr "papers in the offices of tha attor key for .the United. States and find that there is at present absolutely,, no protection - whatever for . such Bocu- . mentary evidence and papers, and JL ' respectfully recommend the construction, of a proper fireproof vault - rwe have', further lnvesthrated and -Inquired into the matter of ventilation T of the, third' floor ot-the'fidana,. court--home building, ..and-we respectfully recommend that means be provided for the proper ventilation , of the - grand Jury ' room cf "thla -court and AirTjt,.'' fliaU- leading-"thwefrom-aini for tha- of- ncea of the United fitatsa attorney in. . - - - w ivrmer q reeperciuiiy reo ejnmend to your honor that in view of the - important government cases now pending in this court a- full and proper protection -of the. government Interests -requires the employment and stationing a watchmsn during tha night time on the third floorof the Federal bulldlitg. -to remain on duty from the time the " government .offices . are vacated th evening until reopened tn the morning, to provide against loss and- destruction by fire pr from other causes or the acta of persons. - -. - . ;. , - '"Wa further . respectfully represent that If It be found that the construction of -the federal building Is such that properVentriaUoh cannofbe practically" ana errectiveiy provided, that electrlo fans be lAaUlled. sufficient In number. capacityand amount to provide a free) and wholesome circulation of air In tha government offlcea on tha third floor of the building." " , PIPE LINES WITHIN 'I;. . TERMS OF RATE BILC - . ; '"" "peclsl aervlee.) l ' '. T ashlngton. May C In the senate yesterday the Loise provlaiow brtnein m lper llnes-wrthln the" terms of the rate ill was unanimously agreed to. This. make the Standard Oil company sub ject" to-theeintroTbf 'the interstate Commerce commission- - - : Youthful Girl Refugee. Travelog From San r Francisco to - Olympla Without Adult t , y ' ' .Protection ' , Tagged , like, so much' freight two little girts wearing long blue coats will arrive in Portland from "Ban Francisco Monday morning. They have been con 1.1!5d,toxM rsjUjaIadghton nf oiym. pla, WahlngtoB.: and Chief of J'fllc paVe-ar poTtcemaff meet them' w hen the v i uwrev nav. mir trunks-rhectte,t - L , ln"r. ny T Placed Mb the train for tfeelr destination. -The letter to tha chl.r ... by Jamee fctuesy of f IT Octavla st'rt. . iKwcw. iu two little girl he say, are rootherleas. their moth-r having-lost . her life in the great dla aater. Mrs. Lelahton ta ih.,.ki t . a relative. .It Is probable that a ro.- w'u oe sani ner, so that she can have somebody meet the children hrni end escort them to Ol vmni .. .. . dren are- Neva and Orvl atuasy, ( j reapeciivviy- i and is years. - The communication tn I- -ki.a & date of May . It text la sa f " "You would Confer a r -t i . - . myself by dtaMir r . . . the Bonthe'n I ; meet the f .TV, rlsco fiatur v p. m., an t s. mo'-iir t, 1 . ' h i a l one a t .-i" i