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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1906)
1 ... ..' V'1X'.. . ' ' ii.J- OalZCON DAILY JOUKIML, FORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENINO. MAY 3, ' UCX ' t i , - f . . SOUIIDJIGDEDGEO UP . l!l SIB Nsw lumbsr Tariff Promulgated -by Tranicontinental Lines r ; Causss Stdrm. U I FftP IT IAII I IAODIT ' UlVftP UflTU euiBarne : 4 j t , Concerted Acjjioh to Be Taken by All , Interested Manufacturers. In an Endeavor to. Hare Railroads An tml the New Rate Schedule.- - -: (Special Dispatch to The Jeuraaly f acoina. May l.-The lumbermen of Puget sound arc i making a storm of prgtests against the new lumbar tariff - promulgated by-the - transcontinental line and whloh becomes effective Juno 1. ' They aaeert that the wood-working plants of the northwest will be practi cally wiped out If the tariff la enforced; ' and within a few, daye lumber tnanufac- - turera here will make concerted aotloo eea -if-e railroads-will not annul the tariff. . Yesterday and today the .Taooma chamber of commerce has re , petvsd numerous appeals from lumber . men to us Its influence to have the reads rescind the tariff, and the cham , ber will endeavor to have the eommer clsl bodies of Portland, Seattle and " other northwest cities take eonperted action. Ths new schedule affeots .especially ths producta manufactured from the .better gradea of fir, hemlock, spruce and larch lumber, areet quantities of - -which is put out by the mills of tha northwest. On ftr gutters, for Instance, an enormous quantity of which are j- PRIZE CREDIT CERTIFICATES I . . EILERS PIANO HOUSE ANOTHER Demonstration Sale Alsb G)titihued ; t r-Prlces Greatly Reduced : T When Eilers- Piano House launched the great PubIiclty"Vord; Contest, not the remotest idea was entertained that "so many people would, participate. - After ihe contest' was "ended,-?n March 15, the enormous total of 3,000 lists had been submitted.7" For this reason itjwas Hnpssible for. the judges to check oyer and award prizes on Ithe date, anticipated, G)risegjientlyvmany tesUntsfesidrng in reTraterdisfricts did not ireceiv April, practically, affording them ncCopportunity f-taking advan- age of them before the expiration date. Many , contestants went to '. quite'Tin expense in preparing their list, but circumstances would " " not permit their availin g , themselves "of the fine " prizes that they wonj in the short time allotted.-c Many requests have been received , for more time in order Jo avail themselves of the privileges to be derived under their Prize Credit CextificateZ Inforder to treat one and all alike, iur Board of Directors decided to extend all certificates - one more month, making, them applicable on-anjr new-high -grade :!t;t piario", until May 1906. r.?' - - -? . i Remember, Credit Certificates represent-just' that jnuch in rZand they .will .be accepted on any new high grade piano, even down il.tOthe plainest-cased, instruments; the regular: retail price of which is. $375,- but -which -are being sold during the DemoristrationTSale for $265. TT"r'","r': " ' . ' - -;- . . PricesiQreatlyziReduced -rr-Here only-are-iound the lime-honored Chickering, oldest in America, and best in the world ; the world-famous Weber; the popu lar Kimball,-Hobart' M.Cable, Schumann,5 Steck, Hazelton,' Pease: :Bush & Uertz, and over thirty other standard .makes. Remember,-new- pianos 4hat - $265, payable at $6.00 a month; the elaborate cased, beautiful $47ff styles, now $322, at $7.00. a month; the fanciest $485 styles, now $335, at $8.00, a month ; the strictly highest-grade and costly $650 styles, ' now $485- at1 $12,00 -a -monthv-JEilers Piano House, the Largest and Most Reliable Piano and Organ Dealers, 351 Vash - in gton Street. -' ' -r - -r----- - "The Surrendering and Chang- tag of Bad f-' I topic which i given consideration in the April number of The World's Work. Thia number ii called a Life Insurance Manual and among other subjects treated are "The Deception of 'Priee' Policies"-' and "The Kind of Policy to Buy.'' We recommend, that every person interested in life insurance read this number; if unable to secure one elsewhere we will gladly loan you a copy. Every person should be able to analvie their life insurance nolicies and know what they arc paying for; they will then appreciate more fully the value of our pure I :Tifc "policy which providerbsoloerptecrtgrr-for life at a low co. ine tOIIOWing IS tng annual premium cnargcq vy ui ior i,vw m insurance at tKe ages noted: . r Age 7r:.";.$io.oo:rrrAge 32L1iLJ$i3.5j Age 23....... 10.50 Age 35....... 15.00 Am 25. ..... 11.00 Ae 38....... 16.50 An 2 . 11.7S An 40.V.;... 100 Age 30.. ..i..- 12J0 ;; Age 43... , As our "rates are'Tow our loading for expenses Ta slight." We charge ri(mium nt SIOOO. which aroes toward defravmr the initial cost ofthe business. It is all ages and for any amount of Reliable mehTonly desired as Columbia Life & An Oregon Incorporation Head . . ' -Portland, W. M. tADD.Irresiden't. manufactured in the Paclflo northwest and shipped to all parts of the United States, the. new schedule means aa in-, areas of Mfr .for shipping a carload from " coast --terminals to Mississippi river points. On porch columns, which are mora bulky, the effect is even more disastrous, snd unless the schedule I withdrawn the ' manufacture of these on the coast will be cut down, from SO to. 15 per. ctali.The new schedule Taiaes the tariff from 20 -to TO per cent, and raises fhe minimum chart on a M-foot oar to 17.600 pounds, aa aralnst 10.000 pounds at present, and the minimum on a tl-foot car front 40,090 to (0.000 pounds. . It' "This la the greatest blow aver struck at the, manufactures Industries of the northwest," said Secretary Pratt of th chamber of commerce today.. 'On of th greatest alma eommerclal bodies of our northwestern cities has been to locate faotoriea that will use the product of th lumber industry, ro put a shipping- rate on th ftnishd product that-ia prohibitive -will hart nov other result than to make these factories seek other locations. . All w will be able to do here will b to cut and ship the rough lumber. " - - v. P.Hr- John, a heavy- manufacturer here, said: 1 'Th new. tariff will warli havoe with the lumber shippers of the coeat. It will necessitate th removal of fao toriea In this section of the nation-t points east of the Mississippi river, aa th ears of tha older equipment of any Of th roads positively cannot be loaded to ssceed a pqlnt within 10 to 10 per cent less than the minimum weight presort bed by th new tariff. '- It will also mesn aa advance of from .10 to 26 per cent on. all kiln-dried flooring, celling. ' aiding - and finishing ' lumber, and will make all th mills f th north west unable to compete with th south' ern mills In th production of higher grades of lumber, th pew tariff being a handicap of from $1 to 12.60 a 1.000 et agalnat ua.V - f A MoaaaaU f moU could not bring; aa much- happiness ; to Mr. Lucia .Wllk of Caroline, Wis., as did on lie box of Bueklen'a Arnica Salve, when It completely cured a runr atng sore on her leg. which had tor tured her 21 Jong years. Greatest anti septic healer of Piles, Wounds and Sores. 26o at Bkldmor Drug Co. EXTENDS TIME ttlMIT MONTH their prizes until the latter part of heretpfore - rjetailed:fori$ PoUcies'L . Age 45 :Age U 26.00 v -Age 50....... 29.00 Age 53. 33.50 .v, 21.00 TAge 3S..,.v 37 JO payable but once and is the aame'at insurance. representatives. Trust Company Office Lumber Exchange Bldg., Oregon. - . T. B. WILCOX; Vice-President. wor.'iEN's Woes rUaa4'- Women Are. riadiag Belief at Last, r' , t Ones' seem that woman have more than a fair share of th achea and pains thatmffltert-huroanityr.they-wust-TaP up," must attend to duties In spit of constantly aching back,' or headachaaT dlssy spells, bearing down "pains; they must stoop over, when to "stoop mean torture. - They 'must walk and bend and work with racking pains and many ichea from kidney Ills. ' Kldteys .caus more suffering than any other organ Of the body. Keep th kidneys well and health la easily maintained. Bead of a remedy lr kidneys -only that helps and cures th Kidneya and is endorsed by people you know. . . , '.j,., - Mrs. A. M. Hollabaugh of SIS Grant street, Portland, Or., say: ' "In Feb ruary If 01, I gave for publication a statement endorsing - .Doan's Kidney Pills. I am Just aa firm a friend of thia remedy today, and am pleased, to.. con firm my - former testimony. For two or three year i-had suffered with kid ney complaint and inflammation of the bladder. There waa eome backacha and a dragging downsenaatlorv. but j. th worst .symptoms were In .connection with the kidney secretions, th passages being" too frequent and 'accompanied with pain. - Dean's Kidney Pills prompt ly relieved this condition, banlahed the backache, . corrected the action of the kidneya and benefited m In . many way For sal by alt dealer. Price to oents. Foeter-Mtlburn Co., Buffalo. N. T- sol tagent for th Ijnlted Btata. - - . . Bern ember the aam DOAN't and take no. other. .- ki;;gdon goulo injured an auto accident: Motors-Car Turna - Complet Somrtt VVitK Eldtt Son of Millionaire Magnate. r (,Jtn SpaeUl Barries.) ' - - -Lake wood. . N. J., May King don mium K-11u .ittlf an ' im tn SUtO SCCl' daot T at rManasquan. K ;f rata " last nlght. a si"-t vr "t was a allcbt eurva where a hasp of sand bad -bean dumped. Tha front wheels struck ths sand pile and tha bit car skidded -to tha aide of tha road and turned : a eomplata somersault. . Klna- don Gould waa hurled IQ .feet. butt lanaea in a soit spoi ai ma Bias or ins Touiii Qould tuiiiulalnaa-oTirvsrsTba pain In his rlfht aid. Ha was oper ated on for appendtoltla about two waaka aaro and thiaka tha- ahaklna; up today has affected tha wound left by tha operation. - -it-, . SOUTHERN METHODISTS MAY CHANGE RITUAL . .Wooraal Ipaeial Si !) - i . Blrmiii(haror Ala., May 1. Ths tn ral conference of the Methodist Episco pal Church South opened hers this morning- with . a large attendanea of delegates from all jar ftheJOutht i nis conrerencs is or unusual - imoor- tance, aa aoma Important ehangea in thai qhurch ritual will bo proposed and thor oughly diaoussod. Among these changes are tha following;- To confer "upon un- ordalned ministers, who may have pas toral charges, ' the right to administer sacraments and to perform the marriage ceremony; to establish a department of homo missions under tha auspices qf the general board of missions, with an assistant aeoratary-ln -charge ' to be elected by the board; to aaoura a unl- form system of. lay .rapreaentation la- district - conferences throughout the state; to ask that the general conference apend more money, upon the Christian Advocate and to enlarge and Improve that organ of tha church-; and, finally, to extend the pastors' time limit from four to eight yesrs.v : . . JTARTAGJTATIONTTf REDUCE FREIGHT RATES (Jofaraal Ipedal Itrrlet l " Chicago, III., May S. Considerable In- tareat-la oetng displayed in the conven tion t be held In Chicago, t comraenoe an agitation for a general, re duction In freight ratea The gathering la to meet in reponsa to a call Issued two weeks ago by W. B. Conkey. presi dent of tha. American Shippers' assocta' tlon. - The association was organised primarily to fight the' uniform bill of lading, -the recent attack on some of the snippers for underbilllng prac tices im said to have prompted tha move ment for general agitation of tha rate question: DAUGHTER OF BISCUIT " v MAGNATE IS MARRIED (JwmI Special Berries.) -Greenwich. Conn., May a. A special train brought a large party of New York society folk here today for tha wedding of Mlaa Jane Green, daughter of A. W. Green, the millfbnalre president of the National . Biacutt eompany, and Orvllle Browning Carroll - of t Qumry, - Illinois. Tha wedding took place at Bella Haven, the summer home of the brlde'a parents. For Sale-Bargains ... 1SS tons hop wire, til ton. - IS tona "Remnant" plow steel . cables. ' -1, loO.OOO feet different alses pip ing. - - . lflfl tnna niillaya. ahafilni g, sto. " Metals, serap Iron and Junk of all descriptions bought. J : M. BARDE & SON Ajrp muMAM. ; SAVE MONEY AH work guaranteed . tor ten years. Lady-Attendant aiwars present " All work done absolutely without pain by specialists af from li t 19 yeare' aa perlenoe. Oold nillnrs. Bridge Work, Oold Crowna," Artificial Teeth." C0ST0N PAIMtSS DENTISTS 1H Morrtaoa t.'.' Opp. Meier riank - 44 roaietaee, - IB REALM FEMININE day by day.. " " ' V: I heard a voice at evening softly say! "Bear not thy yesterday tomorrow. Nor load thia week with last week's . load Of sorrow.; 'Lift all thy burdens as they come, nor- try ' , - To weigh the .present with the by and by. . . One aep and then ; another, . take . toy way; -. .: . -jLlya day' by day. i r' '' . Live day by' day. f" ' Though, .autumn leaves ars withering - round thy way, Walk In tha sunshine. . It la all for . - thee. ' - ,,- Push straight ahead aa lone aa thou .-, .canst see; ' Dreiid not the winter, whither thou - mayst go. - - But when It eofnea be thankful for . tha 'anowr " " ; Onward and upward. - Look; and emtio -err -and pray; --' : ;.-.. -y- t-r 14va. day by day." ..'. . .... - v JuHa Harris May. - T SSLF-SACRIRCE One hears' a, great deal about aelf aaorlflca and the necessity of doing for others,' and ''sometimes. 'unbidden, tha question arises, where does ditty to one'a self end and duty to others begin T There are women In the world, ao sympathetic, so ever : . ready to help othera that""theynea1ect : themaetvea, beoome nervous and ill and are apt to think they deserve credit for that kind of self-sacrlflce. - ' -. Now tha Inevitable and of such aelf aaorlflce ia that aoma one will need to be sacrificed to this self-sacrlflcor after Tier reckleea gtvlng of herself and . neg lect of. self haa rendered her Incapable of being self-sustaining and aa. instead of her-aelf -sacrifice being a help It has really proved !tJe -merely a transfer of a "burden from one to another. , Despite all. .the tslk about unselfish ness, ihere Is a j wise self tshnaes that Is truly the wisest unsslfishneea also. You are- your own nearest neigh bor-andr you are commanded to lova your neigh- BrKmy " ameani7T5iir7rF gut-time-life, la wet werta- It do Ja. inch a. way as not to brteg-ywr aelf down to tha condition of being' a burden to aome one else, Generally, speaking (of course there are' audden emergencies . and catsstro phtes to which this does not apply it la safe to say that a woman's first duty is to ksep herself in good physical, con dition. . In that way ahe Is able to of use to othera. Don't-make-the-in is take of thinking that you are under no obllgatlona. to yourself. If yon fall to meet your "ob ligations to yourself, you will be eom pelled to auffer the penalty for so do ing knd - In many Instances theaa pen alties are exceedingly severe. xryou are a wita ana mother, da not obliterate your-own personality and- uttsrly neglect to meet your own per sonal neelaand development lest you fall- la -your, duty intheee two capac'l-' ilea.'' Only-by a just consideration of yourself will you be fitted for. tha re sponsibilities these In vol vs. If yon are a self-supporting woman, all tha mere de you. need to keep yourr aelf In good,' eound mental and physics! condition and you can serve the world no better than by taking auca. care of yourseir bo as not to peoomo a burden to your relativee or to society. Take good care of yourself so that no one need be burdened with the care of you and over and above that rive of your eubetance .and your eurplus vitality xreeiy ana joyously. V If you -observe your acquaintances with this theory In view, you wtll no-, tlce that those .who leaet mi tha v- h0rta.tlon-1to seir-earlf Ice are Ihe f iraf onea to heed It, while the woman en cased In an Impenetrable armor of aelf lahneas la deaf t6 1t - l- But when once you havalald yourself on the altaryior another,' forget It aa speedily aa possible and In your own mind release the beneficiary f rom sny tp. jr.r.Tiin. - "y TOT ITlH save yourself possibly acuta dlsao polntment. 7 In the majority of caees the recipients ef genuine self-sacrifice are strangely obtuse regarding it, which In one of the penal t lee suffered by those Who defraud themselves for othera Mora than one woman with a loving heart and helpful nana has reached m tutity only to find herself hampered by that' Isck of development, shs .might have had but roa her early years sacri ficed forr the comfort of her relatlvoe who took tha offering of ber young Irfe aa a matter of course with never thought of gratitude er appreciation. . Such a woman awakens to tha folly nf her course only when ahe ta Buffering tha penalty that 1s heavy snd can never, be aeeaped. of aeir-robbery. ' 'One of the first things for any woman to do who. would live a Ufa of approxi mate aytnmetry and nsefullness Is to learn to discriminate between useless self-sacrlflce and sclf-robbsry and the proper doing and being for those around bar. -. ., ' - ' ' FOR JHE BUSY-GIRL. . A writer In a woman s magaalna tails sn . entertaining "story ef two girl a who devoted every Saturday afternoon they could spare during the aummer to phys ical culture in the open air. After leaving their offices and lunch ing, thsy .took a trolley car ride which brought them out Into the country near a river bank. They wore abort skirts snd Trhlrt waists, alt their clothing being loosely arranged ao aa to allow free dom of movement.- . ' . One . had had aoma few - lessons In physical culture and rssd even more about 1U so she knew enough to help hes. friend. . ... . . Together they went- through various exercises for a half' hour -at - a time., then rested and began again.'' One exer else which we all know was to touch' tha" ground with - the fingers without bending fhe knee a Beginning at th hips. . bend slowly forward and down, so that avsry Inch of ths spina la grad ually exercised until tha head. Is reached and it In turn droops limply down, per fectly relaxed aa the fingers meet tha ground. Then rise in the same way and bring the hands up over' the head, turn the-wrists -and - bring the arms outstretched as far aa possible down to tha sides. This is a perfect ecerclsa for staking one . Umber- and supple and - reduces superfluous fleoh about the hlpa and waist. When taken with t deep breath ing. Inhaling going d6wn and asthallng coming up, It Is wonderfully beneficial. Theea girls were well repaid for their devotion ta health, and physloal devel opment by a gain In 'grace and supple ness and In brighter ayea and pinker cheeks. Verily they had thslr reward. : ,Th Heaviest Inheritance Tax." tommy What ia an Inherttanea laxT Pa It la whan your mother blame 11 your aaUg oa ma, t a . ! The greet eflklescv and rellabimy of Dane 1 - - niNDIKiNK tnekee the ecaloheaMhy I OTMtMthair-prodaelng remedy the world has erer known, f 1 fl?i!!, k... . asa tottl ef I will mere genu! ever made. It shews results fvoajna very atari. wriw at all fln,ygua InTHPffg RT7FS, 7Sr, S(c -J- a-v . snase-ana gax To ihm how tlckly Dederine sets we wilt eead a large ssai ., - - . M lt&Tmi - lUnia fa P'e 'ree by retora mall to asyoae who sends taiseeriiaeseeat -p..--. . IT -, V 1 fi I to the knowlten Iaaderlae Co., Chleagw, with their name VaV a If -JejIpjJaJ laswlal MO addrces and tea cents ia silver or stamps to pay postage. FOR 8 ALE! AX6 This Kind You Have lway In me for over 36 yean and ' i '-.-...... I. : .I-. saaBSsMaWBMwlleM sMsiweMaassTaWaaaas , y, - ya sons! saperrislon since Its Infancy. &C4 ATlmgno one to deceive yon In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jt-as-good" are bat EzpeiimentL, that trifle wlth-end endangrer the health of Infants and CliJUdr:iir Experience against liqerlmente AVhat JoiCASTQRIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare-, -goricy -Drops and Sootbingr Syrups. It Is Pleasant.- Ife contalns neither Opium,' Morphine nor other Narcotlo abstance-Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worma nd allays Forerlshness.-It-cures Dlanrhosa. end Wind 'Tollc. It relieves Teething .and Flatulency IC- asiilmHBtes the Food, regulates the -: Stomach and Bowels, -fifing healthy and natural sleep. -The Children a PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. . . ccn ui n c CASTO R IA ALVAYQ Bears the The Kind You Have Always In Use For. Over 30 Years. C COMMENCE WORK UPON - RAILROAD TO JOSEPH fSpertaTT-tolipltn to T Jnsrnal.J Or. Joseph, Or.. Msy I. Word hss been received here that the O. R. at N. con- c The Best Seeding Soap Mada A Scoaring Sosp A Metal Poliah V A GUss Cleaner mm llfe la yes hale thm GTJ AR ANTEElD BT7 0 0 D A R D CLARKE& C0. Boagbt and which has been ; has borne th slgnatixre of " has been made under his per- Troublesreures Constlpatie Signature of tractora-will be In the field -thia week and work will , be commenced on the grade front ths . canyon to Joseph at once. A large number of camp outfits, camp supplies and grading tools have been leaving Elgin dally for' tha head quarters commissary, which la estab lished at ths bridge. , wV. BHt AND WE CAN 4 a gallon ( any thr hair aeala Tir! ft ftf) per bottle, L " BABY'S TFNT.Fnr.lIMS JPond's. Extract; keepi bsfcrf tender gums In perfect health and cornfort during the painful teething period, quickly sooth ing and subduing the1 inflamed condition. - J - -. - Hardens the gums, prevents their bleeding, cures ..canker spots and sore mouth, removes, bid-taste-ind-makes n' excels lent moutlt,wash ior-old or young. Removes inflamma tion, internal and external. , -On mmalytit 0 ttvtuly ""tu Witch Hlfi trdms th: 19 ftmat W mivnvi ww tm,-wm-wm- ' tf sett--Ta aeyeiaf dtugtr r " ' m lHe ote tauiLv oocTO Carsful Attention mm Wmm 701TXS laXXJb Phone Paolfto SI4." ; '- Prices for the Next 30 Days Per Load. Oreen Slab Wood . d.. m, .a x.i a ........ Jl. BO as 35 Dry Slab Wood Inside Slab Wood Mixed Slab Wood T5 CURE CAUSED BY CURING CAU52 - CHASES DTSPEPSTA CURB goea t tha root of the evil and cure the caoae of dyspepsia.' If la a marvelous too to for the stomach, and dlgssttoo. and tta good affecta are felt Immediately. One chronic eases can be cared permanently if the medicine la taken according ta directions. . CHA8B S ' DTSPEPSIA CURB ia a real cure, not a temporary relief. It la not a i "oure-aU." but liquid remedy whlA we guarantee will benefit any sufferer from dyspepsia, indigestion, heartburn, gastritis or any other atoraah trouble,- or refund tha money paid for tha medicine. --' - - . starHi la, itat. Chaee Mfg.-Ce'.. letmr. N. t.: - .aire RnrloMd M X tw tke ewehaes ef four sottlM e lenr .rteM nmf. imm s DnDDia Care. Whll I Ue4 la r"wWB . r I,, vr wife aits eliHoVea were alwajs airt trltfc .drPia awl t..acS trouble. aa other nediTln see tkm rH.f. I rnnr Srpi "tr n alee your tahieta. end iftrr two rfk they pmfrrtiT -" New I rer-vm ! rnur rawr W sir tr. tl ta tse bt grmMlo!. 1 rea S re tswar iea. - rBlLB.. ' . II Sereata S. VewatS, M. I. ' sit eents and It. a bote.- rar sale by ail reliable ruggiee, er sent direct, chargrs prepaid, kf THJ C'HASB MFO. CQm. Srooklya. If T. ror .ssi U,PrtUa4 tJZ I ttiz'j Parks e C , . SPECIAL SPECIAL j I '-la Assure Prompt and I iVl"