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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1906)
. . THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, - PORTLAND." THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 3, 1. TEAL TO IHELP .-,':' LiflRiJIJTERESTS WIir VICTORY BY y DECISIOJI OF SUPREME COURT , - - ' - - - - - - .... .. .. . - , - " j , EXCITED DAY IN WALL STREET MANY ASPIRANTS FOR : STOP, VOXlAt4I : QUEEN AND COLUMBIA AKD CONSISZX " ' THE ALL ; IMPORTANT PAT . Ths- competition of -photographs, for RELIEF IV ths positions of queen and Alias Coluru big In ths industrial parade to take place In connection with ths Mads In. Oregon exposition, the week of May 11. to tt is mm RELIEF DEARLY OVER" V.'omen'i ""T Committee' Makes OK Y. .Hn at Report and . I Dis-J ' banded." '-"'rT TheTroroen's relief committee, which .las been In charge of the relief work at. the Armory, sine the refugees be gun to arrive in the city, met thia morn ing, listened to reports from the' cbnlr men of the various subcommittee, dis banded and left the further work of sc f la th hand of upeclal oommHtat Which will act. under the direction of ths executive board of the original or. gantsstlon. A large part of the cloth tng now on hand will be shipped 1mm-. diately to San Franclaca The remain der wUl be kept on hand for arriving refugees and .will be-distributed by-the special relief commutes. - Tbe women, nearly .20 ' In number, 'who. have been devoting their time and attention o ths work of relieving the "needa'of sufferers from the tan Frau- claoo disaster, gathered In . the .officers' Quarters Armory at -ia.-e'oio.ter of- property-and - the maintenance Mrs. Wilson reported for' the committee at the depot, atatlng that "about MOO persons lmd bsaa rarsd-for In one way! vi luviuv ujf viivi vumw 1 V station. About were f urnished with transportation to other point's, all were . supplied, with -meals -while they- were fn ths city and.thoae who remained hero -. . 1 . . I I . , 4X. were sent for permanent relief to either 1 IM People'aInstitutor the -woman a committee at the Armory..' Cot a were -suppOed for tlioas who would not leave the a tat Ion. . - ' v -. ' . ' Miss Fanning reported the institute Work. Five hundred and fifty-eight per oona were cared for there. Of this num ber 1 were children and (72 . were adults, ... ..Miss Sibson reported that 5S oases - eif relief goods hud been khlpped to Ban Francisco, all" of which -were Invoiced and sorted so that- they could b easily tfittrtbuteeV Miss Psmuel mad the report for ths. ' " work at the Armory. . She bad no record "-of the-flrsr- four-oay. ibut-after-thiit time 1.180 persons wers supplied Ukiila and Tacojna. "The Manganese steel - nothing. 16 with car fare. S7 twlth meal tickets and 0 with bath and , ahavs tlrlrettr Mis, Tatpiey uf una naniU'ii'miufi committee ststed that 1.00 calls were - made for donations, 750 of which on this side of ths river cost nothing.. The B. - a Trco. donated the servlqes of Its wagons fite. 1 '. " ' " ' ' 1 Mrs. Honeyman gave a ' statement showing that $75 had bsen donated from, "various sources" to provide berths for --' those in need of them who were travel ing to other points. V May Case ss Osysi T Miss FiTtcnard suxgeiitsdrthat ' the ex ecutive boartl might taka-atepa toward having orphan babies of Ban fraJlcisoe ,- .brought to the local home -and cared for. Her suggestion wss approved and a com " 'inlttee will see wbst can be done. Tbe general committee then dissolved. ' ' The SKecutJveboa;rdilmmedlatelycon vriaandio6k up. the"matter "of dla- poalng of the supplies still on hand. it was the; opinion or the ladles present Hand snouia be .Kept to supply ins neeas of those who may come in later and of thorn who are bers and struggling t wflraTtwk themselves , permanently. ll was -decide to-- ey-thl-SBdshlp i-ihex -rttmftlnri.i-.ln San ITranclaCA. ' -Xha sun-'t piles kept hare' will be stored at the fIic-ILthe city board or chanties. A special relief committee composea or Mrs. Ous Simon, chairman, Mrs. JohajThey have secured -far this uiincert eome Cran, Mrs, Charles Kamm, Mrs. Wax j of the beat-known talent In town to as- : lilrsch and Miss Henrietta Failing was sist the chorns. -Mrs.- Anne Beatrice appointed to take charge of these things Sheldon. Ss soprano soloist, will be-one and attend to the further work of glv- of the attracting numbers, and Graham -Jng relief. whers lt Is-rteededr-":- J Hodaon will be the tenor soloist Louts It wss 'further decided to "maintain bammaaeh Is the Chorus director. -ths sseeutlvs board -and give 11 autliuiliy j TnepfoiTa"m to be len. fullos to call upon any members of the former "Das Balladert vom Rltterleln" -(Adolf general oommltlee to do such rork asj Klrchl). Arlon society; "Thsma und " fpy 1m ' n"e"fTry -fittmia. . i Vai latluriBn" C fur Quar'MtJrttgyo'nyr The finance committee In charge of ' Philharmonic quartet; "Die' Malnacht'" the relief fund Is still receiving scatter - ... ing donations, though prictlcally all the largo ones expected havs been record , - ed. The total up to date is 24.t01.12. i r. Information has been received by tas TifirTffmiiil1litT 'ir-H- t ,y1 hl - carbonate of-soda and -aulphurlo acid sesree in an Francisco that It Is , Impossible to -operate the chemical -engines -of the-fire department. The - committee will send out all 'this ma-i terial that can be spared. -' - - .TILLMAN GOES AFTER POLICE MD COURTS I ... .V ' . (Jwirasl flpwIU 8erTlee. , .... ,Whlngton, May . Senator Tillman The DLllea. jJr My-2, gondemna ; ii attacked, the pollceforce of t he lt y-' torr proceedings: wVre . f lied it the JTr'toJr-?, Itscoitnectldn with the Barrrea Morris incident; lie inuticneo into reiteration of the statement that - the people distrusted the courts and pro daced what -he-calleds- record of the misdeeds and mistakes of "certain Judgei. "" ind sdvT3cati-o-plBrrrigTestr1rt1oTis -upon 'the courts t prevent- triable de- I lu m'A, I, tit fi.Mtln Hm . t tacked Judge McPherson, who was de fended by Clark of Montana,-and told how other Judges took pleasure trips with railroad attorney a .. . .1," -SEEK FRANCHISE FOR -CZI ; " i . H" PLANT AT 0LYMPIA i - r.,," ; ' .-. ' ' ,'' arlal Tntvatck te. Tbe Jearhal.) . ,', .... v Olympla. Waab. May . Seattle parr, ... ties represented by A. P. Klncsld. sec 1 - retary of tbe state board of control, and .1 "" C W. Schaffer; deputy sUte librarian, u v will ask the city council for a franchise - , ' tar the Immediate Installation of an 1 J i f electrio lighting and heating plant in . thU olty. . - -., ' -- I " RECEIVER APPOINTED ' I rPTZBY: MISSOURI COURT '-V-H"- -" ' ''- V'- '1' 'J": Ceerssl tpeelat gerrke t . A" P;' St Louis, May -S. A receiver lias " ' besn sppwlnted fnr the Amerkan R- servo Bond company In Missouri. The Mississippi Valley Trust company was "appointed with bond at II, 200,000. It i f t is oecisreo tne iiaouities are .uti,soo t , . In excess of th asseta, . . -j... ' FOREST HRES.ARErr:;: ITr...-: RAGING IN WISCONSIN J --je-jjj.-1';' ii f- (Jearssl Bnselal aerrlea.) -f-- - Pestigo,. - Wls.r- Msy - . Hundreds Of .' men are fighting In ths forests at Jer r ld and Boose. -Vast stores .of 'cord f wood are doomed and -It la feared the yrest lire of 1171 will be repeated. - - - Oeed Brornusi Arras red. :---'The Ladles' Homo Training associa tion will have a meeting at th Sunny side eehool house T rlday J.f t ernooa . at L 7:20 o clock. Mar . A good program imm been arranged. Rev. -George B. Van ' Maters will deliver' an address. ChlU dc- .yaiii be uken car of la th nwr- (Advocates of local Option Defeated In 'Efforts toEnjoin Secre-! tary of State From Printing Caption on Ballot on Ground That It (RpseUrpUBitrk to Tbe Jouraal.) -Salem, Or, May 2.- In the cas of the state bf Oregon' ex ret. - the Attorney Oencrel against -Secretary of State Dun )Tar to enjoin 'the stcretary of state from having printed upon the ballot the 114 1j Tl -- ! gai4saWa.l AHIMlMMa.l lea ! 1r,..f " ' i.i. tHm -i . ntl-ProMbltlonUU and Prohibitionists rtjueti jiriviifgv. . in supreme coen in a., per curiam opinion todny holds tlut Ljri""inesflon Involved la "purely a'pollt- icai one and artects no. property or olvQ rights and the court Is therefore with out jurisdiction In the matter, and In the opinion cltea Chief Justice Fuller in the case, of Mills against Green. 1 1 Fed.. SSI: - v ' tt la well settled that .a court' of chancery Is conversant only -with mat- of civil rights. The court has no juris diction In mattenr-Df : polttlcsl nature. nor to . Interfere with, duties M. any -H ASKS COURT TO APPOINT -V A RECEIVER - Manganese 'Steel Company Al leges Breach of Contract orrH Part of Morris Company. I '"lgi tctal Dtspst-s te The 'josraal.) ':'- eeatite, wean mT Application was. made to. the federal, court- this a --w--rn-r-pi-ornrmeirr-inra - . . ' celver for. the Norrls Safe ti Lock com pany. The Norrls - Safs .. Ixckcom- pnny .has salesrooms at Portland, Beat turers of safes and vaults In ths United afgX TcTTToTfipriyTailed .to account for and unlawfully . retains possession of til,' 027.60 due for th. sale, f safes-. and vaults while aotlng ea Its agents and i. is aiso cnargea tnat.tne locax com- TiHtfy soldtho sares and vaults at a greater-price' than agreed upon In the contract, and; retained . ths.: excessob-. talned In this way. . Ths court Is also asked to Issue an inlunctlon to nravent the comoanv from puasssslon " for less than the euwiraet price-In October, II OS, ths Manganese Steel company appointed the Norrls Safe sV Lock company-its -sales agent i for Washington. Oregon ana laano. The complaint sets up that the agent made 125:000 by selling safes at exor bitant prices. , , , . " ARIOOOCIEIVilOCIVE .v. BENEFIT CONCERT . ; j . "The Arton Singing society wllTglve a- benefit, concert for-the-Ban. rranctsco ; suTfurcrs Tuesday. H: NBrahma) - ; "Wldmung" (Schumann), Anne Beatrice Sheldon;. "Huettchen So Trsut" (Johannes Pscha); "Mondscheln- ldylle" (K. Steinwdner,- Arlon society; a rla, -"MarMana'J Wallaeeh- Graham 'H"Tl - "r ; "When the ' Rivers Airs Blue" 4 - 44, Paulaeui, Ulutwulan Slwnlng an clety; - VI' Think" (D -iardelot), Anne Beatrice Sheldon:! ""The Watch of the t Angel Ousrdlan" tOabrlel Plernel, Phil harmonic quartet; "Am Woerther See" (Thomas Koschstji Arlon society." j liTQ CONDEMN RIGHT OF WAY UP DESCHUTES iSneelsl IHsratch te Ths JosnuL) - TclerlTautifflco -today or right otway of the Oregon Trunk line up the Dei chutes river. - Whether this meatis that a railroad will be built up that stream or simply av -maneuver Immense water power In the Deschutes is ' not known, out It Is Tneveff flie Trunk .liner is rOlmply- a blind -undffr which es stern capital Is using Its en deavors to control the rivet', wnich bas a rapid current for 30 miles from Its mouth. SHOT WHILE WALKING 7 WITH ANOTHER'S WIFE lApectal Ptpe(0S to Tbe Jnarsal.) Grants Pass, Or, May S. In a qusr rcl here last -night - EM Williams shot John, Herrlngton, dangerously wounding hhr. ..The troutus was causeo oy jeal ousy, Williams finding , Herrlngton walking with his wife. He immedi ately - drew a- revolver and. fired -three shots, only one taking effect.. - INDIANA AND ILLINOIS i -MAY JUMP STANDARD (Joursal flpsdsl gerrlce.) Lima, Ohio, May I. Ths ouster pros ceedlnrs sgsinst the Standard Oil com- pany and Its affiliated companies an now likely to spread to Indlana and watching the - operations of the -company s connections that ars . being tin earthedby ths Ohio; officials In their inquiries. " .'. ; .. i PRESIDENT THANKS-: m FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS tjoarssl Speeutl Bervl-s.) ' . - Washlpgton, Msy . The president this afternoon sehf "a' special meases to congress recommending an eiprssslon of gratitude of th" nation for the condolences extended by foreign govern ments, municipalities and Individuals upon th occasion of th Ban Francisco disaster. .r 11 " I Xck Canal Almost Certala. I JVmm-mI Speelnl S-ttI-s. I -Washington. May I.The senate com mittee' has practically decided on a lock canal. ; , .. . . ' . t V. ... t - -- Is Misleading. t department of the . government unless under special clrcumajancea when It is necessary to the protection of the rights of property." The opinion, therefore, affirms the "decree of ths lower... court, dtxmtasliig ths stilt.-'--- ' -: .. vr. -Thespf'eal wss from the circuit court of Marlon oojjnty, "William Giijlo way, judge. 1 v.',".-' ; f liquor Interests, by whom the propoaei The -"decision : IS a victory ,.-4ori the ameudnient was framed; The meanre- mukes radical " chartges"1rlthe present locaL opium iaw. adopted by the people In June it wm tto away ,airu gether-' with local option by counties or' groups of precincts. Each-precinct will determine for Itself whether liquor Is to be sold within Its boundaries. Advocates Of ths present local option law- objected to the - projwse -cftntlon of the admendment on the ground-that if It Is planed on the ballot many voters wiir tTB.dfcetyed -s -to -the- real char acter of ths. amendment." EVIDENCE SHOWS LADD - . . - -- -DID GOOD WORK Made Reedvllle Farm More Val uable by Making Many -Improvements. : - Evidence was offered before' County Judge It- BrWebMerhls-afternooit to. show - that WlUlain M . 1 jild.admlnla. - - .. . . . itrator or ins n. jonn.on dn. managed ths Reedvllle farm, a part of the estate, lit the best possible manner. Witnesses reettAed that at- the time Mr. Ladd assumed the management of the fmm It was -raw dowl be h built It up andmads a good place out fences, e grubbing up . many acres of brush and transforming that-part of the property Into tillable land; fertil ising the old land, and in many-other yaya making the raiirh a-far mitrs vaj uable piece of property than ' It wai at the time of the death of Mr, Johnson. - Witnesses were.- also .Introduced . to' prove that Portland property during the time of depression was very low. and almost unsalable at any price. -It was alan ahnwn ,thnt thn nrlrm ,rj'elvgdbx Mli. &add fur ilie purtlons -ef - the ss tats sold by iiltn wers as high a could bo obtained. ' v - - ------ The heirs of A. H. Johnson are suing to have Mr. Ladd removed - from the position of administrator,, alleging mls management. DECLARES. HUSBAND MADE AlSfACCOSATIONS" r-Jt' Alleging that her husband bas often falsely accused her of many misdeeds in spita of the fact that physicians and d - hlnt.thei cjiaiije- ytvrmr groTTTjmss, uiuan non- man has sued William Hoffman for' a divorce-and for alimony,- and-asks, the court to award her the cars of the cou ple's three ' children. The Hoffmsns were married at As toria, July 35. 1R?7.-Mrs Hoffman de trea.JtuiIBe4rli'pybiid treated -their children cruelly, often whipping "them Uh a easor strapi simply because It pained her to havs them injured. .'Hoff man Is said to have once kicked a young daughter off a step, thus Injuring her para. Hoffman, who for many years wss chief-engineer of -th- river steamer' T. J. Potter, haa entered a general denial to his wife's complaint. He declares that he Intends to content the suit, hav ing engaged J. B.J Hosford and J- E. Magera as his attorneys , Claude 8tra ban and H. G. Lake are attorneys for Mrs. Hoffman. - Both sides have sum moned many witnesses - and -tt i ex- Pficjfd t hstejLtriglwULconjUnue. for lieatJlwojjayg, IhBtaaalaJlng heard by . Presiding Judge Seara - THIS MORNINGS SALES AT IRVINGTONTRACIC The- sacojid-y-o--tlis -tiorse sal af t-lrvtngton track attracted a' good-slxed crowd and while bidding was not very brisk it waa. rat her spirited, and a. num ber or good, bargains -were made. The following were sold up until 12 o'clock 1 Oom-Stone. b. g4,-by Jk.lcone-Jrr JA Schannan, Wenatohle, Wash., f L25. - Alam. b. g. 4, by Alcone; J. A. Murchle, North xaklma, ls. . Kraka and Dorothea. 4. b. f. and b. m.. by Malcolm; J. H. Scannan. 1305. Cantata, b. m. 4, by Alcone; Charles F. Brown, Wsnataaee. Wash., IJ6. Seaman, kv g. 4. try-Alcon; J. A. Jones, Eprlngbrook. 1200. Mancus. ch. g. 4, by Alcondra; J H. Scannan, $105. r Coly and Viol, b. ., by Oyr... Falcon; G C. Ferguson, Newberg, 225. - -, - Phoebe, b.. m. 0, by Special Telegram ; JJ.-Larien, Belllpgham, tl0. , Maharajah, h. s. 2, by Alcone; A. Mo Dougal, Tacoma. tlftO.. ' . Golden. Jubilee. 'cs 3,- hy -Jubilee de Jarnetta; A, J. Johnson, CorvlHs, $125. MRS. TElTZIi OF BERRY : . DRINKS-DEADLY POISON v, -r:,,: ' : . -j -( , ISpwisI Dlspstch U Tbe JournaL) - r Albany, ' Or., May 2. Mrs. Tel it' Of Berry, Oregon, committed ulclde Tues day. . Bhe was attending to the duties of her home when a h e remarked-ta. "- - litei mat jafl was through with such work, and calmly taking a glass from the - table drank ths contents. . Imme- dlata death was the result. . Investiga tion demonstrated that shs had drank on Of the most desdly of poisons. She had been In poor health -and despondent. She leave a husband and three small children.; - " " - , Mrs. -Teltx wss held In high regard by those forming her circle of acquaint ances and friends. They attribute her deplorable action to a temporary aber ration of th mind. . 1 . BURNS TO DEATH IN ' -: JAIL.ON.SUTTER REEK n ' " - '-'''.' T (JoiimI fpeclsl asrvtce.l ' .' . Stockton May 2. An unknown tramp was burned to death last night In 1th branch of th county Jail on Sutter creek, M.i"dnr county."- ft -Is believed h s-t th Xlr In an effort to escape,. Hejtvy&umpOccurs I n. Stock Market Anaconda" LTSsea" Eight Dollars a .Share; w-- (Journal Special !. I New 'York, May . Values In thesH Stock market received a very hard set back just previous to the closing of ths session today. The heaviest loss wss hiade by Anaconda mining stock, which loot J J a share from the price at ths clostng of yestordays session. :- -The .excitement durlns tortar'a trad ing waa terrific. The report that , ths 'f'"l,a U? .,er,In w" p6" sltlou to lnoh - the, Ktandard Oil eom- PMyrated--nvoe-wUh--prles. If the government haa any real news of the oil trust th traders bellovs- tt-was fur nished by Thomas Iawson, ths Boston msgnute, .who has been keeping rather quiet during the past few. weeks. ' . The market opeiHMl under heavy pres sure due to the continued liquidation of the (jisqrancA companies" on account Of the California disaster, but by profes sional treatment it was boosted up about a point. The pool Issues were the only Ones affected by the early "upward movemo6tr"thBs-enerat marketlaying low, hardly changing an ti ghth-polnt. f - Monday Tates went over I per cent and thla caused further liquidation all around the room-, -There was selling on every hand-. Kvery one wanted to let go. Prices ' melted awav In almost every H tMnje,,-Vlit the coppers were' ths " ones that received th worst drubbing., TiHs is believed to be caused by the attitude of Lawson. The closing of the market today finds Amalgamated Copper stock with a "net loss of IS.6S on evers share. American Sugar Refining was lilt for nearly t wo points and Colorado Fuel 1U points.. . American i-oeomotlve lost 11.60 a -share end National -Lead was very weak at -the -close- with its price just 12 a' share under the closing f yesterday. The United: States Steel stocks and TTnlon Psciflo wers In the hllaaua I .biiiu. anu -- I .hn,., . f.nlnt . The. rln.ln. r th. m.r- ket today showed the weakest tons for. many, a day----,r , ., IN CHINESE CASE Dsvelopments In ths case of Tee Chow rajatlve to the obUlnlng fbail money by - Moy - If antr- the. Chinese employed -as Interpreter In ' ths police .court, havs practically assumed the. proportions of a scandal. - It Is alleged that the 1n tnrprntar, working In ths Iwtsrsst ef TiTTfl grrf TTTBd SIEe fa... playedrupoa Zee Chow s . ignorance of. law and the Eng lish tongue and caused him to bo sepa rated from a part of his coiiw . .It now appears, according to the State ment of a police court official, that At torney W. B. Makellm played the role of "silent adviser.f, He was not--re- tained, according to -statement, until fi5U JtLte !'- LJ)'?-CJ? .lnee hadbeerj conctuaea. f or sitting in court ana heartn sryewClm-s' seuteiiccidtno - facts show, be received 150. - . It further appesrs - that -the Chinese Six companies were Interested in the I trial of Tee Chow. - By-.the statomsate or ponce court omciais and others, - it .seems that-everybody - but- Yee - Chow himself -had something to do with the - Tfilfr was then, taken to Attorney Makellnris office by Moy Ham. the Interpreter; where he turned 'over th receipt for his ball to the Interpreter, who secured ths money from Clerkr-Hsnnesy -after aiaseiim nao inaorsco- ma aocument. w - ' ' - ......... - (' ' 1 . . J 1 . - T -L 1 - I I .' -' " . , h if w madeS-Wjhlm by Moy Ham in order to secure the receipt for th ball. That the interpreters motive was not dlsiri- terested is shown by his retaining 1150 of Yea Chow's money- until last night, V. am ksi -11 tt f niinil anil Trtsaj4 tA . esk when he was found and forced, to .r turn it, " . ''.-- . When Ye C4iw was eonvleted At J torney tMark O'Neill, counsel for th Chtnesi pntesa-wwitr,a Hn - nessys office' and of the fee paid another lawyer. AUTO; ORDINANCE club of this city may test th validity of the ordinance passed by the city council last night, regulating the speed rf etttomoblles-to 1ft mile an hour in the business dlatricts of tbe city and 15 miles in ths . residence seotlotis, on ths ground that ths- measure conflicts wltb th stats laws regulating the speed of-auro-nnblles. A. H. Tanner,' representing the driv ing club, filed a remonstrance with th council against tb passage of ths br- rOlhanee, but It was Ignored, as the or dlnance -passett tmanlmously. Th measure was Instigated by th Portland Automobile club. In his communica tion to th council th ramanttrator said: "This law was passed subsequent to the present city chartsr and It Is doubte I ul whether the council has power or authority to authorise anyone to drive or; run an- automobile at a greater rat of speed than Is allowed by fnla law. and we respectfully submit, that as this law- covers -the- - whole subject - th -only effect of -a -city-ordinance would be to cause a conflict of jurisdiction - and authority in the premises and serve no useful purpose. ---. "It la. further respectfully' submitted that the speed allowed by this law In the- business part - of the -city,- to-wit, eight miles an hour. Is aa high a rat nfTiiseii gg gnmiin'HB allowed inen va- hlcles. REDUCED' RATES MADE " - FOR COLLEGE EVENTS -.TUe. O. . R, ... . N. company has an nounced reduced - rates for the annual students' conference of Y. M. C. A. as sociations for colleges of the Psclfle northwest, at Gearhart 'park, June If. to 25; the lnterscholastld athletic meet ofl V MHinan vuutii muuvw - si ; - itim, Washington, Msy 5, and summer excur sion rates from all points-to seaside fo sorts. June 15 ta August 25, Inclusive. Th rates apply, tOi North -'Beach points, Ila-seo' tb Nnhdotta. Innltialve. anit to Seaside and Clatsop beach. ' Bev. Montager-cto Speak. Rev. H. H. Monlnger a national Sun- flay school wVwker, now attending (the Oregon state convention, will spesk'thJ evening at th Central Christlan.'chilrcn, tsst Salmon and Twtntiaia streets. afralr. Tho Chinese .cannot speak Kn- "r "" 7.: - - -r. 1 Btaptemn. ms gusroian. is suing to naveTheins- closed this afternoon, transferrins TTi.i-?i. I...5i .v.- ..rriteoW.ISM Will IW ereciCU. ine AWU .lrail.jlMd hM thn entnnsn-r n. I ..T. -..'.. ' . . T j.A.i.n.e v"iii-iuivii u. 111, "' 1 -hi m. -ni..l . . . . . i .0 u rsiunsuia uimmr company aoeni 2100 was deducted ss a flne from the . . . .V iTJ 7 " 1 ceiea. - x ne aeea was given, in oraer . - ,mna altll , lot rut j ': I In 1 1 1 1 o a -mM ii -Tifi istT - 1 i m r t ' An Aspirant for Miss Columbia. growing more. interesting every day. A stream of pictures of Oregon beauties Is pouring Into headquarters and friends are pressing the clsims of new asplranta. A board of Judges of five people will pass upon the merits of the pictures and will announce their choice of two about MarkeVStreet Will Quicklj vRef .7" cover Its Preemtnenctf is "T Business Artery. i; By Msg "Balthaaar. ."- " (Fton a Jooraal Staff CorresDOBdeBt.1 San Francisco, May 2. -Th removal of the restriction upon ths sals of -realty haa given a basis for new valuation of lands snd prices-are now determined by the necessities of the holders, and the personal judgment of purchasers. There seems no doubt that Market street will fntrtckiy reeoyerltg preeminencr as a Lmidn , business artery..;,... AJao thatl Kearny and Grant avenues and streets crossing them, south of Bush will hold their Importance as a retail center.' . Among the building projects now practically- -assured - are - the - following on the site of the burned Union Square Market building: A seven-story hotel and store of steel construction, to cost 000. enator Perkins will duplicate the Alto, at the southeast corner of .Kearny and Bush . streets at an outlay of 190,- 1 000-TZJt-iaeven-storT I-fireproof - building wilt be- erected by ths Levi Strauss Liininn,n mt tK. -.., . t w ,. a , t 50,000. 0tt Kearny street L.H,lnln thm hpn., h,.iMm. 3 nrt. man wllt1ptnA ,150,000 on a six-story ,tructu.,-whll9 B . WUI Invest a like amout , ft buiiding of the same else the . northessr corner- or Kearny an . . Post streets, On theeit wltte j "' street h,e construction 'of a class A bulldlitg. p - Bahr Sheldman will dupllcat the Cen n the southeast corner of Sutter and Stockton streets at an outlay of 1176,000, and will . put . up a six-story store and rooming-house building at the northwest corner if sum anor Howard streets,' to cost nearly 2200,000.' Th Meyer estate company will rs-J Hd-tht-eiess- B building at th north- eaat comer of flixth and.Mlsslon. atreeta ax s. cusi gi iov,vuu. . i . t . . - The Kell Estat company will rebuild Its slz-story class B structure on Third I street, - sou in -of - eVtevenson, costing 2150,000. The same owners hav plans for a large brick building to eost 290.000 on Mission street, while a total of IHOO.OOff will b expended by tbe-Mnegsw, I oyster company, c. w., crellln and tbe Ruby Hill Vineyard - company In tbe eree t Ion - of six-story cl ass a structore on the three corners of Mission street, between New Montgomery and Second streets and on Howsrd street, at th foot of New Montgomery street. VOTE OF THANKS FOR THE HEROIC FIREMEN . " In bis monthly report to be submitted, to the fir commissioners this after, noon. Chief Campbell will reoommeml that a vot of thanks be tendered Fire men J. T. Perkins and C. E. Huston of truck company No, and Lieutenant S. F, Steven snd Fireman Ed Huston of truck company-No. 1, for brsvery " In rescuing lives in the recent .fir n th Chamber 'of Commerce building, Sid that their names be placed on th roll Of honor of th department. 1 These four, men were the ones who rtseued - SjjvtnyPOOPle TfonTTnTTedg of Ihe c jghih aory aXttr1 ,alt enrafi had been cut off.' and also Manager . Tom Ktchardson . or tn commercial, club. from the top of th structure by means of ' scallnr ladders.- Perkins was (he man to whose cool ntrve and presence of mind Is dus the rescue of Richardson. Th chief will -also calUths attention of tha board to.. the heed of a .water tower lit Portland. He feels', that no other piece of apparatus Is so nscensarr at the present tim as a water tower. A large amount of hot burst at, thia fir and he wilt also mak a. full rtport ss-to th brand and . amount which, wit found, defective,-- ;, T SHOOTS HIMSELF IN r . PRESENCE OF WIFE MIlwaukeeT May S. Frank Fowler, tb supervisor. Indicted six times on charges ot graft, committed suiclds by shooting himself In th oresencs of h la . wife to-j day. : : ; v-... " ' .1 i MATJY STRUCTURES ' "--t-n-nnt--tlni- jrtvvtMijT dihbi w vut vtititv for inn nrAmsi iTiAfnnriai r 11 tiff i " ' PortlandMah I Arivjit; San franclsco and IsWelc'omed -" by Jeff Myers. T (rrom s Jourasl Btsff trrsspendsnt.) Ran Francisco; May I. Joseph N. Teal of Portland' srrtved this morning to assist In thesrellet work conducted by th Oregon, bureau ' He was met jy Jefferson Myers and taken on a tour of the Oregon rellet etatlono and hospitals. Today wltnsMMd. the inauguration of military law by-Cantaln W. W. Harts, who la in charge et, Hamilton square. Oregon headquarter-. I O. Burnett of the Red Cross eeulety. in charge of food supplies, andMrIurtan . are houalng the' homeless and clothes are being pro vldtd by tbe com m I tteer- . - - - . j ., Ctfptaln Peckham i of th National Guard, In command of; th Oregon hos pital.' has retired and Is succeeded by Captain Oliver-of the Twelfth cavalry.. The. National Guard , member ar anxious to b.rllsvd nd will return to Portland nt week 'by boat. Oregon has th best equipped emergency hos- i- 1 - - A nathetlc Beans' was" witnessed in the hospital yesterdsv hen Mrs. Donaldson rlh'uaband to find that he had been burled for two day a Th couple wer separated th morning St the arthaualta..Mf,, Donaldson. of ptomaine poisoning, caused by eat ing from a ran found in the burned dls. triot It was the only 4eath that haa occurred :la-t he. Oregon hospitallS'-w cases of ptomaine .polaonlng - war treated. 1 :- - - t,--'- '' Captain Bmltlv of the Third regiment of Portland, who was here looking after relatives, returned boms last night. - E. E. O'Neill 4s reported safe and out of the city, though h lost bis -prot By a trot r. t t, th Rsv. irather Peter C-Yorkes pastor of St,-Anthony's Catholic church, was last night removed from Ih Dakland- relief committee in active sine the fire. It . was openly charged in the committee that Father Tork permitted members of - hit-ten faith -to mak Improper uss - of relief supplies. Fslher York vigorously de- :tr H haa JhaaavJ coast and thl expulsion bas created a sensation, Capt W.: .Tiarts Is In command of section 4. including - Hamilton square.! - ' ' - ' ' X It ,WV1 , WjW J LWII.I... 1 1 1 VDlllllll. i worn 1 statrbns. Supplies being - Issued are somewhst reduced ' but--art-sufficient and those on the square who can obtain water ar spreading their washing . on the grounds, FOR HIS CLIENT 4- William - M. Cake, principal eoussel tor ths plaintiff, was a witness fort his client ..this -morning in the case of D. K. Abrams against ths Psciflo university and ther-Tltl-t3uarante tt Trust com-. pany- Mr. Cake told of his having 4rt vestlgated many of the, business trans actions of Mr. Abrams, who is Tt years, old. and having .found that the old Vnan waa totally unable to conduct affairs Involving money or property. ?. Mr. , Abrams, ;; through Oeori verslty for the Abrams memorial fund might ba mad secura The deed is for .iiiv v"w Hwi inwraii w si acres ot i ' land near th Portland Flouring mills. I It la th contention LAimifefiOESfuMAKlMl of .th -plaintiff -thatf "-deration -for-somt- times It transfers used to secure ths!'"1 M. I Hoi brook to President C undue influenoe was glft lRHaseMlns-an -J: A.-fTsseltlnerf' .f Peninsula Lumber company, eft members of ths firm of Haseltln tt -M were also witnesses for the plaintiff tnia morning. They told of th interest Mr. Abrams had in ths firm and also regarding the aged man being, security for a hot Of" the firm worth . many inousanas ol aouars. ..- s. . ... j The witnesses for th defendants will sfternoon. T Th case Is being tried In Judge Cleland's department of the cir cuit court, and It is expected thst It fwlll not. b-concluded until tomorrow. f RAILROAD-MAN-DIES; 4-- t -e - N -.... - s a i ArGOOirSAMARITAN t-rntanv- ir- kelly. - of tha-rortland freight agenoy of th Uew York Central lines, died today at Oood Samaritan hos pita! of dropsical complications result ing rrom a jong-enaureo uver complaint. He was 4 years of age and one of th best known freight agents in th Paclf lo northwest. - m Kelly: bative-ot-Waukon, Iowa, and began -railroading-. 20 years' ago, After some years In tha service 'tt thRtn Orands-Western -and "th Union Pacific at Salt Lake, b cam to Portland about 10 years ago as travel ing freight agent for the Union Pacific, and continued with that company until th consolidation of th Harrlman lines in- 1001. -Us then went to Seattle as traveling passenger sgent' of the' Harrl man lines, and two and a half years ago accepted a similar position with th Lake Shore at Portland. - HI services were with this company th remainder of his life, lie was a capabl and popu lar man. . r--- ,. MORE 'FRISCO VICTIMS ; LOCATED BY JOURNAL j Th following person hav been lo cated In San Francisco by the Journal and ars reported as tafa from Injury: ) Mr. and Mrs. A. H.'Cady ar at 2731 Greenwich atreet, San Francisco. Mr. C. M. Oaray Is safe In Los 1 An gelas. In the neighborhood where Mr. l"'t0ln 'W. rnrarsr Tir a&v ar n in l.of water pr day are allotted to eacB residence.- They report ths. many' sons have gone to the hospitals In ths hope of obtaining water, but found th supply exhausted there also. - WELLS;FARGO PRESIDENT .VISITING JN..EORTUND Dudley Evans of New York, presl dent of Wells, Fargo tt Co., Is a guest at . th Portland hotel. With Bugen Shelby he visited several places in the city today. Mr. Evans' trip to Port land at this tlms la said to be for th purpose of acquainting himself with -the progress of ths work on . the Wells, Fargo A Co. -building that - la being erected at Sixth andr-Oak streets. "T" . Court Oonvsae at Ben. The DalleC'Tir., Msy l.--Th regular Mas, term of th county court convened yeaterdny, Th prlnclpsi business don rt.i, M-en appointing Judges and clerk o Mf cieckiua ui un. . - .. That in addrtaa Jnsr Mrs.. Plak-- bamyoaaro con-dinayo-ir prlfate - ilia to a woman- a wornu whoa ei expert- net with women's -11s- easea oovsrs - a frcat many years. ' ' ' 1 Mrs. PinVham la tha daughter, in -law of. Lydla . 12. Wakham, uaiornu-;;"1 underherdlrectioaf ana sinos ner at cease. she has been -adytglngr alch wo -inen free of eh ars-. Mint woman. guffer In sllepoo and drift alonff from bad to worst,' knowing1 fall well that they oufht to hav immcdiata assist " anoe, but a natural modesty Imatlg " them to shrink from exposing; tbtis' selves to tha questions and probable examinations of oven thlr family '' ," physician. . It Is anneeesaaryr Without i -noney ot prlc yon oan oonsnll a wo man whoso knowjedg from actual ax; perlenot la (rtat. .- Mra. Plakhara'f SUadlaf larltatleti. .: Women snfferinf from any form of female weakness ar Invited to promptly communicate with Mr. Pinkham, at Lynn, MassAH letter ar racelTad,;-: opened, read and answered by womea ' only. A woman can freely talk of htr Sriraie illaesa to a woman ; thua haa ' eon established th eternal confldenet -between Mrs. Plnkbam and th women of 'America which haa never been Z broken.-t Out of the vast volnms of ? experience whleh ah haa to draw from, -.-It la more than possible that aha haa rained tha vary knowledge that will - -Eelp youfeaaa. She ab nothtna 1b return except your rood-will, and ner ' advioe haa relieved thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, la very foolish If aha doa not take advantage of thia groexnni fiffrr of aftsjgtaoc. If yeti in til, don - bottle of Lydia K. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound at once, ana write Mrs. Plnk bam. Lynn. Mass., for special aavic. wyr t,mm MMvam , .w... In restoring to health so many' women,' you eaanot well say, without trying IV ' I do not belle it wUl help . -- FOR PENINSULA Deal Just Closed .Whereby Ltnd for the Structure It c- . quired. " .'(7- - - - . . . . - - - , - . . , Another great 'lumbar mill for th -- penlnsu J''j-LMrtrt hy 4mr tM , , new-mill will Je built. , Th prlc Is said to be ttO.000. ' TT-J ; Th transaction has ' bean under ' con- nmiir ma vica-j-resiaem shwitl . of the , best sawmill sites on ths east side of the Willamette river. The around lies between ths Portland Woolen mills and the VFeyerheurer -Timber company's tract below 8t Johns. r Th unusual Instance of on lumber company ; building- and operating ; two iarg sawmill plants .within a . stone's -each utlisr will b' witnessed In this -cata -Tba company- new -owns"-- -a largs mill on th WUlamstta rlvr bank near 8L Johna Th sit has been ' -regarded as an Ideal bna-JJor local bual- -inass and - rail transportation, but wss not suitaois Tor a mill nnnraHn. for ocean shlnmenta Tfts pr...n ni is running to its capacity for -rail ship ments, and there Is a demand for ooean-tl-cargoes sufficient to attract th mOlmen Into further investment .They hav bought th new sit, it la said. wKh a- view to building a mill that will cater especially to cargo buslnessr The mlll- will- be -modern In avery respect an.l employ several hundred man, . Th loca-. -, tlon furnishes deep water for docks, where- the-largest vessels-can load. -;- Th men behind th Peninsula Lum. ber company ar tald to be among th heaviest owners of timber in Oregon. They ar th principal - stockholders In ' the West Coast Timber eompany, with ... holdings ot standing tie and pint timber that ar said to be second In extent only to the timber properties of ths Wsyer- hauser company. Thsy were formerly Mtehtgarr-nen. operating largely" oil th " Saginaw river, and having exhausted the timber supply there they hav moved to Portland and Invested their -capital In th Pacific northwest. DOWIE PREPARED t?7 TO COMBAT VOLIVA ' tJesnwl Speetsl Servlee.t Zion City, 111., Mar 2. Dowl this morning read Vollva's assertion that the best thing that could hannen to ISlon would b Dowle's Immediate death. Im mediately he took steps to counteract th excitable effect th statement had on members of the community, bowls' " follower surrounded ths "apostl." - f ho' noVrd of "ara-r v vonva a direction, th absent mm-' rylng horn to try Dowl with a view t excommunication. Vollva My tnit'ss" soon as ha Is assured that Dowl Is sen and capabl of considering charge a specification will b presented, v DUKE DIVORCE SUIT CONTINUES AT NEWARK iJoaraal KpeHal Berries.) - . m Nwark. N. J., May 2. Th Duk divorce cast continues today, witness testifying that It- wss lmpotslbl ta see anybody aacsnd th stairs to Mrs. Tm from ths point . whsr a nald ssfd she saw Huntoon accompany th woman to her Chamber. i ' aMola An as a m. Jl-A.-. Th ' TMllna. I.e. ,w.- ... ' i , sag inn iifjirnnnii-. ray. ,7 that th .41-callber Colt " V whkh Trtm ". btndit, carried wss not purchased in rortlssd. ' tVi!,-!! "t0Jn ,rom n stor Irf hi?.cHH hwnr Vfor Bmith hi activ carter of orlm. A ' 4; a