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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1906)
w 4 THE OREGON - DAILY jOUnrJAL. fCIiTLAND, THURSDAY. -EVENING, MAY J. KCV iy.-u.m-! ..J' ; Meier Ci-Frcn-i " C4Sth. Friday Surprho-Solo The Meier Q Frank Sterol C49th Friday S'jrr.ri:o Ci!o - Parasols VaMes S3 -1 Bttw arrange- the housework to you on come down early m the morning if yog went to share in this very unutaal Surprise Sale offering of pretty, r- new parasols tomorrow A Special purchase of - 303 from the largest and best maker in the coun try, enables us to place them on sale at less than T;'half regular value Up-to-date styles, every one them and a very pleasing assortment to select from-Fine linen embroidered novelties, plain ""linen and all-silk with colored borders or ruffles; ; also hemstitched Pongee Parasols-r-22 and 24-in. frames Straight - and " novelty handlesValuei. ". Vry twnpting that we doubt very much if - fcfogk one of them remains after noon Values up to $3.00 each Your chbiceto- ffr q morrow only at Each .---aX-l See Fifth Street Window Display1. No Mail or Phone Orders Filled. Meier (& Frank's 849th Friday Surprise Salo 25cEmbrokkredGingh ams For tomorrow's 849th Friday- Surprise': Sale .wt offer a very : unusual bargain in -fin a Ti.... 7T. J .i,. ... :. i : i ' " -suppty-jOOO yards of fine .rabroidered. ginghams in Jan.lblue'.andlgray grounds; alL ""this season's very best styles; fast colors and 32 inches wide; every yard regular e 1 25e value ; your, choice tomorrow only at this low price,, varrt rfr.. '.777, T" ' '"u r ,, ,i ,, - -J-r- See Fifth Street Window iDispIay.T-" -" :-,zr -- 1 1 1 Ml S. t A " : I LlLIlJUlMllMV S Jev SB V M 1 SB V Meicirs&? Frank's" S3 ggi-ethLAVindowPbpl $4-50 Vol. $ 2.89-$ 2.75 Vol. $1 .69 , , 7 Great Friday Surprise Sale offering of 1000 high-grade AxminsterRqgs tatwones Every homeinthety can ' make , good use of at least two of them Parties furnishing up are particularly interested in these splcn- did bargains. - ,;,v::. ; 1 1 lr lYX- Men's $!0.5S$I$ 'Suite $ Sfie5thSt.windowiispIay5i 00 fine quality Axmlnster Rugs in Oriental and floral ',..! n . l' I - A S i . ' t B " qengns dbiuuiui colorings ie jdidj incnes very large assortment to select from-Regular $4.50 valuer on sole tomorrow at this low price, . O Q O LOT 2500 fine quality Axmlnster Rugs in Oriental .-rand floral designs-and beantiful color combinatlons Site 27x54 Inches-Regular $2.75 values on sale to morrow only at a special low price of. f 1 -1 - Q V . W .T JhereTl be great excitement in the Waist Section bright and early-tomorrow morning Our Annual Summer Surprise Sale cf Japanese Silk Waists will, as usual, attract an unusual throng of buyers The woman who wants to share in this extraordi nary bargain shouM plan to be here promptly when the doors open at fl o'clock The offering it equal to. last year's, wticli statement alone is sufficient to draw e crowd 600 of them in the lot-Made with fancy yokes, front end back trimmed with lKTval.-tacei; iTl-Tnd-ltnrcTTttroTTyt IHtn crochet' and b&by TrTsh laces, me dallions, shirred and tucked novelties Long -or short sleeves White and black Sixes In : whit34 36 anda - Sixes Jn blaclJj436. 3a. 40 and 43 -WalsU selling regularly at $ 7. 50) to $12.00 each Your choice tomorrow only at the phenomenally low price of, each ay No MaH or Phone Orders Filled Doors Open at ft o'clock Not a Single Waist Sold until that hour Meier-Frank's 649th Friday Surprise Sale --. Sbc-LSO lelts, 25c Each Grand Friday Surprise Sale. of Women's 3cl.t5 and Girds, comprising a complete line of trplaited shirred and stitchred-novelties in':blackrwhiter4)rownr tanr gn"een-Wue-ind red,: itJLsUtuometaLar3xidiscdJiuc - variety.u r 0 values ranging from." 50c up -to $1.50, each; oii sale tomorrow at this low price. The Meier (S2 Frank Store's 849th Friday Surprise Sale A phenomenal bargain in Men's Spring and Scmmer&rlts annonnccd for ;TTl7 tomoiTOw's fl49th Friday Surprise Sale 500 sniU nude np to onrspe instrnctions by three of the leading manufacturers In Rochester, New York, and New York Clty-40 patterns Every garment 1906 ttyle Single and donble-breasted sack and straight-front sacks In all sixes Regular and stout Materials include handsome silk mixtures in light and dark shade New grays in large variety- Invisible plaids, ; check and, stripe end fancy worsteds Suit that are beantif ally tailored thronghoqt Hand felled collar, hand-padded ahonldert Best Italian terge linings, etc.- Per fect fit guaranteed in every instance Suits that we have sold hundreds of at $16.5o and $18.00 eachOn sale tomorrow only at this special low price SMMtAWirtfrtir The economical man wQI give immediate attention to his Summer Cioth- tog Needs and Profit Jy the Lig Saving Offered. See Morrison Street Window Display Today. Mall Order Will Be Promptly end Caref ally Filled and Be Explicit In Giv ing Details of Measurements Write Today. 1 -1-- I I "l I Toivn Topics j H.lllf..... Bak.r Kmptrt.i.. J.rrle . ftar.t;y TOMIOHT S UtUSIMlMTt, PolUroT,' A KmMir Olrt" "ni siitw ihiih ' "Her rtbr' Crlm." r. V.d.lll. .iuUtI 1 Th LdlM'. Aid society of th Firnt - - Congraffitlonal churoh cava tli . la it of this oaon'g literary meet Ins; at Tth church yetrday afternoon. Bcotflh . broom, snowballs and Iris mada tha par lor attractive, Mrs. Fletaher IJnn sans . two numbers with anooras; Miss Con stance MaoCorkla read several negro ' - dialect stories and tha -Webber banjo . -nulntet played. - Tha . . .hostesses wers Mrs. A. atalter. Jars. A., N. Smith. Mrs. ' H. JS. Smith. Mrs. B. Vf. Slgler, Mrs. '. Rtnkes, Mrs. James ateeie. Airs. D..U. .Hmlth, Mrs. Newton Smith, Mrs. Sharp Showers. A large tea Js contemplated later in the season. , , Guy I Anderson, who was secretary . to W- K. Comarv when tha latter had charge fit Southern pacific freight and passenger business In Oregon, has . been appointed chief clerk to tha nrwly ap pointed district freight agent. Harvey Lounsbury, In charge - of tha Southern Psclflo district from Portland to Ash land.' r, H. Hocken, secretary, to W. K. Bklnner. baa been appointed secretary to R. B. Miller, general freight agent 11. Q. Hlnshaw. agent at Hlllsboro. has been mada a traveling passenger agent for tha O.R. N. compsny. , : r Penny Bros.' Friday Special rina brg bargains In wlna: tl.fO grade of white or rad port, Angelica, Madiera and To kay at II per gallon. Friday onlr. Phone Bast Ilr Frefdellvery. I7I-IM East Morrison street. . ' . ' At ( .meeting f the Women's Union bsl league ret.rilv tha members lndorsyt the coming Wade Tn -Or.snti Talr and pledged themselves 10 purctias nothing but Oregon-made" goods when they can be secured, jprovlded they bear the-1 union tebelr-The woman pledged themaelves to give support In every way possible, to tha Mada In "Oregon movement, but they Insist that those products bearing tha union label receive tha preference.- F. d." Buchtel has been appointed sec retary of tha county board of relief, the office from which Dudley Kvsns re signed several months ago. All applloa- ona that are made to tha county for relief of' the. poor 1 and 'sick -will ba looked after by Mr. Buchtel. Scores of needy apply to tha county for aid each week, and, while tha most of those who seek help are deserving,- there are many cases of imposltors. - "; ' ;; - ' A special train carrying Ouy W. Tal bot, the newly appointed -general man ager of tha Astoria tc Columbia River railroad arid tha Corvallls A Kastern, was in Portland this morning an route to Corvallts. Mr. 'Talbot Is aceompaa ted by j. C. Mayo, general freight and passengelL. axent. and- McOulra.. gen, rral auperintandent- of tha Hammond Unas, and yieparty Is making a general Inspection. ... , , "Pretty atea aather for photograph! wjrk, and we are running on full time. Our gallery Is open Sundays, too, from 10 till 1. fend at all times wo guarantee our wo qtial to any produced by any studio la v tha world. There ara none anywhere that surpass us. B. W. Moore, Elks' building. Seventh and Stark. The -IMS. annual convention or the Shrlnera will be held in Chicago on June 11 and Hi The moving ef oon ventlon headquarters from Los Angeles Is' made, because of tha San Francisco dlsastar. ' The stork appeared at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whiting. 170 North Nineteenth atreat. April it, and left a bouncing f-pound baby gtrl. Tha proud father was formerly city building Inspector. : C.'A. Ra'retta 'has beerTm"sda tha'da f.ntljvnt 1n a damage suit' filed by John M. iBendroth, president .of Local No. 74, . . " - - Journeymen TafldrsVX'nlon of .. America. The ' plaintiff , who Is a tailor; 1r sued for-$t,oordamagssorthTinlawrul una of the union's label. Several weeks ago Barette pleaded guilty to an infor mation filed against him by District At tomey John Manning and Judge Fraser imposed fine of 120. The Toung Men's Democratic club will hold a meeting at Unity hall. Second end " Morrison streets, . tomorrow . even ing at o'clock, for tha purpose of eri doming the Democratic primary' nom inations. '. It Is expected that Governor Chamberlain and other Democratlo can didates will be present and address the club. t. A.. M. Zlnn. managed of- Zlnn'a Traves ty company, has written The Journal that tha members of his company who were in San Francisco escaped Injury and saved nearly all their possessions. Tha company opens May 20 at Utahna Park, Salt Ika City. ;.- Those Awful Slags. They sat up the sweet pa. -smalt plants. -etc Thsy ara easily exterminated by using Blue taibal Slug Destroyer, Bo and too packages at Portland Seed . Co., Front and, Yamhill street. . ' S Sunday iKtottrslon.- May ( ---Cascade Locks and return,- steamer Charles B, Spencer, leaving Oak street dock at t a. nv, returning st . m., May . Round trlp.ll. :; i"-"! ' ' , 'The grand encampment -and Rebekah assemblage of tha Order Of Oild Fellows will meet tn Portland May tl," and the gran lodge of Odd Fellows on May. it. - Butser's lawn fertiliser rejuvenates ths shabby lawn: his sweat peas and Iswn grass got gold medal at the fair. Ill Front, between Tamhtl) and Taylor, Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on say payments. 1 down and 10 cents psr week.. AH -mainsprings II; all watches cleaned IL Mettger Co., lit Sixth st . . . Miss Kats Gordon.. lntrnatlonatai8-. fctary of thai Suffrage asaorlatlnn, dr frM April heM Tt parlor meetings, the hostess la each cast inviting a numby IVilore Wew Millinery ::'",.'; . , jusx,.R?ceived. , ;; . , . NEW SAILORS-Ali the wanCed shapes and colon. f X to f5 . NEW LEGHORN FLATS Fof ladies, girls and little tots. Stock ' now complete wih bleached and natural Leghorns l 'V "30 styles at..... r.,.'.r.....50f to '." NEW HATS FOR OLD LADI&S-Xarge, comfortable head crowns . one of our specialties. Always a good., a jortmsnt;. to select from at popular prices.... ...4................f i.Oi to fS.OO- ' x. - - X . . . . . '..';'.' ;' I m as' a v 1- AUfc, Y WOMAN'S HATTER FORMERLY BECKER'S. THIRD AND SALMON STS. of her friends to hear tha causa of vroman's suffrage explained. At Mt Tabor Mrs. W.i- ML Potter opened her home April 14, and Mrsv W. Ar Graves April 11... There was a meeting In aea. slon this afternoon at the borne of Mrs. P. P. - Bodlsy, East Vley avenue and Bans Ltne road.--- ; . Concrete' Construction CO.. 9 Cham ber of Commerce, manufacturers of eonereta stone blocks. - Contractors for all kinds of cement work. Tpl Main 110. - - j. ' assaBrjis-aaais W , A - C. 1. Ireland, publisher of tha Moro Observsr, Is in tha city for a few dayst 11a will vlalt jha ooast before his re turn to Moro. Wanted Boys and girls for both our randy and ' cracker factories. Paelfte Coast Biscuit Co., Eleventh and Davis. C. B. Warhorn, furniture repairing, pol .Islylny, packing, shipping. Tel. Best till. Mrs. Anna M. Towns, president of tha Political Equality club of New -fork, has! written to friends In this etty with the request that her name ba laoed on tha subscription list of Tha Journal. She deelre Toe Journal, she says. In order that aha may keep, posted on the equal suflrsge movement In this state. -Wf are atm Belling eye glasses at SV.1 perfect fit .guaranteed .or money re funded. Metsger Co., Ill Sixth street ) '. " " Removed to 104 'Second, betweeW Washington and Stark. Donald O. Woodward, agent. Telephone Main 1410. Dr. ftawkehas returned, Ora gontan tjuildlng. -Telephone Mala 1111. Dancing. Tabor Heights , pavilion, every ..Thursday and Saturday .eve. ' . , , f ., ' Dnstlees Rnads.1 Portland Road Oil ing, Co 44S Sherlock building.. Officer of orgsnlsatlons In the Ore gon Development! lesgde will meet In lortland May II. to ( elect f fleers of f: ' ; ' W.H 121-123 GRAND AVENUE Exfraordinary Values in Little Doys' Suits t'ery swell new styles for little boys from 3 - to 10 years .... at very special prices. - Special - Price $2.38, $2.88, -$3.38 ..v....rrr:r;. $3.78 iThfee pood new styles, in Two-Piece Wash Suits for Boy, -J:to 8 years.--' See-window. ' 1 " r;:' "-i Women's Rubber Heel Oxtbrds & Jcliets : Friday and Saturday only. Brand new : lot,- with j good comfortable lasts, patent leather tips and, best, rubber " heels. Always sell at $1.75 and $2.00. . j 20c Silk Wash Rltions at lCc Ycrd : Pretty assortment of fancy white and colors in 4-inch Wash Ribbons, at, special. ..... ..i";r. .v. 7.v. .;10 New 25c Shopping Baskets at ISc A bg new lot of good, convenienr Shopping Baskets! at, special ... ..................... .i M .......... . . .lf)t? tha league and transact -general, buai neaa of an annual meeting. There ara SI commercial organisations .represent ing nearly every town of Importance in tha state.. free present, with hove' .ha prices. Marks Sho eompany. MiKi-uklt Country CLb. Memphis and Louisville rsoes. T' Sellwood snd Oregon City cars it; and Alder, Preferred aHoflk - t C Allen A Lewis' Bast 4-