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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1906)
1112 OREGON DAILY JOUIUJAL, , PORTLAND,' THURSDAY: EVENING. MAY . t, 1SC3. -..... . j - 1 - "t" 1 KANSAS YOUTH IS EIIK1D BARS CaifzM Trvine to' Sell Livery I WW I fcV W 1.4 VI IV J . w . Buy Food. -' :-: 77,7 - LEFT HOME TO MAKE - 7- FORTUN E IN OREGON Says Parents Are Wealthy and Re spected People in Kansas but De clines to Ask Them for Help in His -Trouble. - -- .- Hungry and penniless, Fred A. Camp bell, a farmer boy from Kansas, secured a, Jlvery jrlg f rom a. local stable and at tempted to sejl It fn order to set money for food and traveling expepaea.He Is now behind the bara at the county Jell r'walttng to7take.hls: me4iclne,-bea ezpreeaea It. ' T Th prlaoner la but It years old and wn reared on a farm In Oaborne coun- ty.-lnus-whare-hls parents now re alde. Havins heard of the rlchea of the northwest, be came to Oregon and after falling to aecure work tn. aeveral places he thought of the scheme to hire a livery, team mud then sell- it.-, : . ... "1 muat have been erasy at the time,'' he now declaree, i An uncle of the prlaoner, J. J. Doty, live hear Sverton. , With blm Camp bell stayed . the first few days ; after arriving tn Oregon. Then the young man went to Salem, but could find no work; be came on to thla city end waa unable to- aecure a position. The team and rig were aecured last Monday even ing. The boy telle tha atory: - "I love horses, and being hungry and without .sv-i cent : to . my 'name- I Just thought 1. could get a livery, outfit, sell it to- om-f armor return to my ancle" for a short visit and then sea aomo of the world..-' I drove all Monday night., going, through TroutdaJe. but was afraid to (ton there. 1 drove until A slnglo- jwok -wear- L. H.1- Klukerta' plane, 4 rnnut 1 m ' nor wnsnaarneeg-t for 1200. He said he did not need thefnTJ TTtavedThere awhile to reat and wi cauahC . "My parents are well-to-do. but I. will not-auk them for a cent. Thla la the first time I waa ever in trouble." . ' - , Another alleged.- horaethlefr Mel Rhodea. waa brought down from Oregon City yesterday by Chief .Deputy Sheriff -Oeorge MordeiwTh prisoner is charged team of., horses - upon which '- Peter Oolsjs had a Hen. 7 GolsJs alleges that -Rhodea purchased the team laat week, ..paying : 110 down and agreeing to pay $16 a week unfit tha .'purchase piioe had been1 paid in full. -GolsJs further says that one of the terms of the sale was that Rhodes was to leave tha team in Oolsjo' stable every night until ' it -was -pdKTTDr; in aald tnat no sooner had ' Rhodea ' secured control . of the raea than he drove to Clackamas .coun ty. When arreated, he Is aald to have hafl four ponies with htm as wall as the .farmer (iolajs m 21 LI L-.-H"L.'l-L. CHILDREN GIVf DRAMA . " -AT ST. LAWRENCE HALL At. St. Lawrence hall laat night the children of Mary's Sodality -entertained a large audience, with a three-act drama, entitled "The Heart of Franca" : Musle was furnished ; by the St. Lawrence MuslcaJ club, jj "V '.-"--- .' Among those who took -part in the performance were: Hedwig Kaaper, Mary Kennedy. TefSsaWebefr Marie Hohenleltner. Mary Babel. Kate Oaypor, Mabel Bummer, Mario Meagher. Fran res OaJlasher, . Magdeline Weber.- Cora Fleming, (Jenevlev Gallagher, Patience Whltaker, - Agnea Harwaev KllaSbeth Cola, Anna Twlss. Mary Barrett, Henri etta Paroutka and' Minnla-How. " Trewmuiil Stall Bent HBpectal Dlepatc to Ttie ioarnal.y- Milton, Or.. May I. The rural mall Iroute running froraMlUon to South' Fork and . back . to the Cottonwood country baa been established, the necessary 71 mailboxes having been subscribed br the residents of that section. Thla will be a distance of aver .25 mllea covered rr-T-ythe- - new-tout. - . .-m ; . . . . , , --1 ... ' .r.iiijiLETnHAr.i Iff THE WiS do more Oaaning, more Shtabki, do it Better, with lest Lsabor, end Wear oo the Hands than any o4hr arti de Coetase Dovrble he Prfce. haaaft "sa-Sfaia.T.aai Man'i. wae eajlMtaeaa. Wrtia as, aav liuaaiar I aaaa,gvias sill V aMnaa,ad we tl aaaH- r a sasl and ! S iiasai fceeata. Asin, PSCSnC Gjw&r oAt cm, sn mm i UCZSX SOAP orrorova cmozaxa ajcoa-a The Silhs You CTFTKr BTRBBT-'yrnSXrrf R8t FLOOR,-; Secure the needed .Silk . for ; that Shlrtwaiat Suit, tha 'Rainbow" Skirt or (Suit, the onto Eton Jacket, or sep arate Skirt, ' tomorrow while the prlcea are down.- Bilks have ascend ancy In Fashion's favor for Summer wear. Get the correct atylea from Portland'a foremost Silk Store. Spe cial Friday and Saturday. ' ' 1,700 yard New Suit Silks tn soft durable finish, in neat - navy and green checks; grand 11.00 value. -Special only. yard. ........... .49) MOO yarda ot the neweat Suit Silks in every new color, weave and etyle; both light and dark colora; unmatch able fl.IS values. - Special only, yard . , .........86 Royal WaW 'Taffeta the beat wear lng silk made and it waahes beautl--ftilly -in all-wanted color. Special for Friday and Saturday only, . ard, ...... .if.,... 50 35c Battenberg Pa1terns5cTr SPECIAL FRIDAY IN -THE NEEDLE-' r WORK SHOP ANNEX,-BEC-, -r 7- osn floor. ; -r' A large' asaortraent ' of ; Battenberg y Patterns; valuea to 35c. .Special Economy Sale. Price, each.. ...... B I'dmen's 52.50 ' Tape Girdles, 77c CORSET SALONS ANNEX, SECOND , FLOOR. Women's Tape Girdles of heavy bro cadesilk. In pink and blue only; the protfer corset for .riding or athletic exei-claea; alsea 21 and 21 only; our $150 value. Special .Economy Sale Flca, each ,XM ujj, .......... 774 ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. Women'sPettTcoate ofHrnVfceHiedTTatr een, black ground with fine lavender stripes or blue or brown ground with fancy stripes, made with. 17-Inch. ae vcordlon flounce wlth-deep ruffle; our -$2.50 values Special Economy Sale Price. Mchj...,. ........... f 1.67 Special: for Lasses BABY-TO-MISS SALONS-SECOND . " - v. FLOOR. - . , . ChUdrem' Wash DreMea, Worth fSJia ...v . WWW. log f 1 JST. : ;-c ... Children's Wash Dresses. tnade of blue cltambray, in regulation aT16r styl7 large square collar, neck and tie ends trimmed with white pique, white . silk embroidered anchor and' shield; "aizes 4 -to 14 "years;' our I1.Z5 and: 'tl.40 values. Special Economy: Sale HOSIERY Specialsl, ' amsrkabl Talae ' : "';;-TI' FIRST FLOOR. f Womea'a SS mow 5o.. Woraen'a' black fine ribbed seamless .ilal Ho; aplendld 35evalu..8p clal Economy Bale Price, pair. ,2B ...l-Woasem'i aoo mose Women's black- cotton Hose, wKh white linen mesh foot or with linen mesh sole; also a line of children's -bos with linen mesb. sole;-all are our -5o value. Special Eoonomy Sale - Price, the pair ............... .294 OUldrea'a - Pin Blaok Usl - Xeae fteamlesa: our J5civalue. Special "Economy Sale Price, the palri-.i 18e SIXTH 8TREET ANNEXE-FIRST- FLOOR. The "HOURLY Shoes Tomorrow - oomi aaa axAxa t . .. Nona-of th adv-rtiaed-itemg-at-leas than regular price except during the hour advertised.- Step . lively. Don't get left, - a to t a. it , fo for by aaoe Worth to irr-Baby Shoea made ot patent leather' -nd-kld-e'hsi in white and blue. white and, pink and also plain - black or -red. Button - and'' lace styles; sixes 2 to m; regular t - - values' to - 11.5. - Special at, the pair . , 49 ' TO 10 A. U. " - Women's B9.0O Oxfords for S1.4S Women's Oxfords In two styles - made with patent tlpa, medium - - - . high heels and nice flexible eolea; all slses and widths; our IJ.00 value. Special at,. the pair. .....fl.49 :."."":';. : io...toii:jl. m. hJL,,..::-yj . gS.SS for 4sa's Bhoes Worth to gi.00 Men's fin Shoes, In II different styles , -in dull And patent leathers; Blucher or regular cut; values' to 45.00. , Special at, the pair . 92.08 .r Womsa'a gl.SS SUppera f or ate Women' Boudoir Slipper In red,' blue or ... black: hand-turned sole; silk pom pom trimmed; our $1.25 value. ' Special at, the pair , 'V i ,' :"-'" lTO g4.St for Btea'a Xlgh Baoe Worth t t tton or mountain climbing; from - valuea to 57.00. - Special at,the pair Womea'a Oaxdeai ,Tla fee ts.4 Women's all patent Garden- Ties, with wide silk bow,-flttedwlth elastic to hold it tightly, on the foot; Cuban beel, hand- "Vr"" an't u slaw- . Bpeclal at- tha to a Wemex's HM Oxford for St. SS Women's patent colt, four-button Oxfords, -mat calf topa, turn laat. Blucher cut; a popular' and atyllsh shoe; our. regular 54.00 value. Special at, the pair ................... 2.08 ..... .. .. Z"'"Z''',a- . . r . Xf omea' gg00 Oxfords for glgg Women's new Blucher Oxfords, seamless , trimmed, mat kid tops, neat extension sola' It's a "dandy" and vary Stylish; any also; our 55.00 value. Special at, ihe pair. ...... ......$3.60 - -.A- TO . K. " ---- '" 7 1 . ; - - allssea' aa Ohildrea's.Blaek er (u III Bhoes jn four good style, all lac; with light or medium heavy soles.-These hoearenew and good - value at th. regular price, 51.00 , ;v " Alsea 11H to i. Bpeclal at, the pair.. ......VT..... ......... 40 Blses tol. Special at, the pair, ... .j, .fl.lO , '.-''":' "to r.M. -:y?ij-' '";";- 'Boys' Porpola Leather Bkaea Made with wide extension soles, "Tlock Oak," brass quilted buttone, "S" styis; our $1.00 value . Slses tVi to 44. Bpeclal at. the palr,..,, fl. TO Slses i. to 3. Special at, the palr. t.. .. ,i ...... .$1.40 Store Opens at 871. THE "DIFFERENT" STORE -C- V' - YOU CAN TAKE A STEP -N0THIMAXSHSCPPE FOR THE VALUES OFFERED THAT'S THE ECONOMY OF THE SALE. YOU CAN'T MAKE A MISTAKE IN. ANYTHING YOU BUY. NO "MATTER HOW SMALL ITS PRICE-THAT'S THE SAFETY OF THE SALE. SCOPE ECONOMY SAFETY THE THRE CARDINAL POINTS OF TOMORROWS ; 157TH FRIDAY "ECONOMY SALE."' NOTE PARTICULARLY , " . - rxAorzoAX. soovoatm n araoiAx. iau or Quality : : .. . 'Zu.. BPaozaxt . rwxt at. -THIRD FLOOR. 18R6aerliBr6s: ttA-1 Suvetware-- Teaspoons, pUIn haiesg-Special. set , er I . ...86et Teaspoons, fancy handleapclal, st .of I 1j05 Deasertspoone, plain handle, flpeelai, set.,of .".. .... ........ .-al.e)0 IrerTBpoons1"YsneJF-handle1,SpecIaT,, set of ............Bl.eO featCTHrffggBl. BIMn - BlffnlM. HpeZBTC - sat of 5 .f l.U Tablespoons, ' fa ncy handles. "Spebial. set of-Sr ..vj. . , , . ... , ..v,2,10 Forks, plain tandle. Bpeclal, est of ,.....;.. . . f 1.90 Forks, fancy handle. . Special, set of s,.5TT;v;-,.v.f2.lo loffeespoons, -In box, plain-handlsT Spealal, set t 9 . . . ... .... . .f l.OO Coffeeapoons,. In box, fancy, handles. Special,- set of f . . f 1.09 Jru.Jrk81j-iotfneEjiandleS.; Special, set of S ....... wflS Oyster Forks, in box,-fancy -handles. or s pieces, rancy nanoiea. Special, set v. .vt. ;-.... .90 Sugar Bpoons, fancy handles. Special, - each .,........... . . 7irv96s Butter Knives, fancy t handles. Spe cial, each 4Qf Cold -"MeaFForksr fancy " handles." Special, each ........... ... .BTel Berry; BpoonsT- f aneyandJIesV "9tal, each . .77. ......... Spe Oa Cream Lsdlea, - fancy' handles. ' Spe- clal.-aach ................... 64V Oravy Ladles, faney 'handles. Bpe- clal, each- .68 Cheese Bcoops, fancy handlea 8p cial, echJ .. riTtjU , .f . ... ?91iy SALE"; of Good .89 If.K :-;v''; " '. ' - fT.OO Men's high., cut Shoes, f or . -vaca- to 14-lnch tops; -either black onanr' .'..l, f. 4.60- pair ..'. f ....S2.4ft r. Silverware : - v V- H. ' : rl;- 9. . ' A SALE 0E THRO' THE- AISLES TOMORROW WITHOUT SEEING SMEumg. Suits for Dressy Women - Reduced FridayfandTSaiurday SECOND .----7 A -rThs most important sale of hlgh-clasa - Butt orrered Portland; buyer this year. perhaps , tha .. greatest valuea ever hen -wearing time Is alr-a.head.TA IT - tha - neweat and cleverest style of famous maater tailors employed In the foremost style house of tha cast. -They, are simply wonderful values, the styles, the tailoring and everything about them being th- hlsheet - class. ' At the regular' price hould we- make comparisons- with the general run. of Suita at earn figures wa would ha va license to add at-f nil fourth to th ' prlc wr - marked on them.' Some are from their makers leas than two weeks, a number cent to the a tor "laat Saturday; every new and wanted material 1 embraced, includtnar. etamlnea. - Panamaa hrnA. I -cloths' and" smart mannish mixtures and handsome tweed. Only about 300 in Oil ' collection. " every favored color tad dr- Air-efiarmTngly trimmed In all the neweat and daintlftst, effects. RE DUCTIONS AS NOTED 545.00 SUITS-rL tf X X 7JZ SakPrictirrT'400i O 5W.50 SUITS Sale Price S . ' . $5Q.oo surrs- Sale Price ., . . $3635 $37.50 -And Suit up to the value of ISS.60 .' -.-"-. -.. -' ' ' . : EXQUISITE SHIRTWAISTS IN THE SAU; -1 - " " EVENING AND - TAILORED STREET 8TTLES. ' J '-.' f7.S AJTS $3.50 TAXXTBB anOXaX AT HW-rlVSAT OBXt7'".' ''. a' moat charming convention of pretty and-stylish Shirtwaists for wear tt dressy femininity at evening functions, and also tailored street styles. -The evenlngalatsarlniiidallcatet lovely ahadea auited for party or" theatre Wear..1lght bruea, plnka, UvandisaVr etc Th tailored style sr .In swagger plaids of leading elans, -very ponular amont smart dressers. The evenlna watstg r trimmed prettily In lam and Insertion and hav 4 the moaian wowTneeveTWith lace cuffs.-. Chooa fxora 17.60 and $.S0 valuea. Friday only, for ;......-.',..V.,....rri'....f ..'...............$4.08 i r -WALKING, GOLF-OR-OUTM SKIRTS REDUCED rr .. 'mi nraTBAS oi ss.00 raj MmawtMM TAVU9..yziz- ' Tor ' Friday "only" w x shall place on sal ahou t 1 50 neat.: handsome Skirt eultabl -for- golfing, mountain, - shore, outing or shopping wear," made in -1 aaven-arored - flar; stylo, from- splendid wearing , mixturea , in .neat effect ranging from dark to light, soma blacka also Included, all severely tailored styles, trimmed with button and 'atrapplnga ef materials; beat regular . 55.00 value ever offered In the city of Portland. Special for one day only Friday, at v..... .-,.. ...$3.40 Knit Undergarments .7..:,, . irxftraviaJb' TAXVBS. IN THE' WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR ' . SHOPS FIRST FLOOR. 7 bTPBOXAX rXXDAT. Womm SO Twt for ate. Women's whit summer weight Swiss ' ribbed Vesta, high neck, long sleeves. ' very neatly trimmed; otir too value. r Special 'Economy Sal Price, e.20t .jt'i, Xor Oonet Cover for alf. Women' whit knit Korso Corset Cov ers; ean be used ma a vest or corset cover; neatly trimmed with lace; onr 500, 7 in and 51.00 values,- Special for Friday Economy Bal AT. TaVIOB. JJ- - Xatportad Xalt Oorayt Covers for XAXT -A line of fine imported knit Corset Covera, the famoua Zlmmerll make; ' they er 'pretty corset covers, elab- irately trimmed valuea j. to -51.75, Special for Friday Economy Bale at - - Women's fS.oo TTaiom Snrts tS.Tt. 7 Women's ."Dr. Delmel" linen mean Union Suita, . long; aleeves, . ankle length; our 55.00 value. Bpeclal . Soonoeny. Sale Price, th suit. $3.79 Better Buy That Belt yxTomorrow 4.i ',r .77- FIRST FLOOR. v.-s' ' " Woaaea's To Belts as. . A lot if women' pretty new Belts In' fin silk and silk trimmed, also em brotdered .designs, with black and gold or nickel buckle; regular value lie Special, each 2f C I II TT II S. - - ' - v.- GREAT GOOD a Fourth FLOOR.; - at proportionate reduction: . "d v. : , . , ' -' ' Sate lasts . . : : 1 ' anczAi. rmiDAT maxa or Housewares - - ji FOURTH FLOOR. " 7 No matter wher you roam or peep, ybull find and see something of In terest, to the housewife on the big fourth floor "Housekeeper's Ex change" w call It a place where yon exchange a little money for a lot of value. . For instance, Friday 5)4.78 bet Curtains $ias.7 A lin of Nottingham" Ica Curtalna. $H yards long. 40 Inches wide, 14 , different style to select from; regu lar $5.75. Special, th pair... $1.89 ST JO and ag.00 portiere for a.t5. Hlgh-grsd Tapestry PrSrtleres la new designs, red, green and rose; regular value $7.50 and $5. Bpeclal, pr.$5.6S 14.00 Peatter Pillows ftaa.---- Flne feather- PiUowa fit pretty fancy tiektng7-ie-ix5- Inches, weight-s- pounds; " regular $4.00 value, Bpe clal. pair .-92.89 Kerchiefs and - . Ribbons for Less :, ".. .first FLOORi. .. ' Womea's SM to 5 Xaa4krohlfg IM Rlchardaon'a pur linen hemstitched Initialed Handkerchief s.lmad ape- -clally for QiW. K.). soft finish; . worth fron7l5o to , 45c Special, each . ........ ...2fif y tSo, goo aad SS Blhboms IS. . Thpuaands of yards of beautiful Rib-, bons, flowered fancy silk. 5 and IH Inches wide; valuea at 26c, 10c and 1 5c. Bpeclal, yard -r-.j-r??; 13f Store Closes ai 6 P.. II. ; FIFTH, SIXTH AND ) WASHINGTON STREETS SOMETHING FOR ALMOST Trimmings Trimmed - Half in Price FLOOR. A lot of Olrripa and Persian Trim ming in solid and Persian afreets. Regular )5e value; special..... 12 W Regular 58a value; apodal . . , . ,. , I84V Regular 50o value; special.',. . 4 :-.25 Regular 75& valne; sperlal.. .. .. ,38g A lot of fancy colored Embroidery Trimmings in festoons. straight bands, - medalllona and - appljue; worth (up to 5 yard. Special. ..48e yomensilandbagsnII'S-SBEClALSz Reduced- . BIXTH ST. ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. aTsnasrs fee SSo Ladles' Handbag. ' mad of beat seal and walrua grain leathers, all leather - lined -and - fitted - with - eoin purse, gilt frame and leather handle, com " In - black, brown and " tan,' medium, slse; our 51-50 value.- Special-Economy Sal Prle, each ..... 1 4 . . . . 98a 4 xfaiidhags f or 40. A line of ladle' Handbags In . black ..and brown leather, nickel frame and round stitched handle, fitted with In side eoin purse; our (So value. Spe cial Economy Sale Price. each..40a Th ataxy of ft Triday Bal of . . Women's "Dog jCollars?m JEWELRT SHOPS ANNEXE SIXTH ; ST, FIRST FLOOR. , So for S5o Jeweled Bar Collars." Fancy Jeweled Collars In rose gold fin ish; our 45c value. - Bpeclal Economy Bale Price, each Tt9f ft fox 75o ad SI Jeweled Collar. Fancy head and Jeweled metal Collars; our 75o and 51.00 values. Special S8.1S fox aa.50 aad $3 Jeweled Oollass.' Fancy -Jeweled metal and- pearl bead Collars, set with Rhinestone bara; our 52-50 and 55.00 values Special .Economy Sal Price,' each.... $2. 19 ( for S440 amd $6.Vs Jeweled Collars All our fin gold-filled ' fancy stone ae7CoIlarB; our" regular - $4.50 and 55.71. value. ' Special Economy Sal Prlc,, each .......... . tfr. $3.08 All ef Oar Taaoy XOgh-eiraA JeweleA Oolaars Values from 55.50 to 515.00; substantially reduced for Friday ' Economy , Bal. '' - "" - ' ' A MILLINERY 500-Mew IMs-. th range of possibility so varied Is th variety of style In this style and beauty ahow of new and fashionable heaewear. 'All new, bright, aparkllng. erlap and bewitching style in smart tailored effects end trimmed models; creation ef the best art lei ea known to the Amerlcen millinery world. All colora; every fetching, wanted shape. Hata for old and young. Hats for every as and every boo v who wmm mllllnerv.. THE BIQOE4IT .VALIE3 EVER OFFERED BT ANT PORTLAND HOUSE. , 7 - , Any Hat in Section of tho pillir.zr; s Salons Friday for Uzlf l DRASTIC PulCE' FtTLV.: j Among tizvt sr.d A..":r:..'.; jDressiCoods yeeial-HedaXiea fog -TxUay- a4 Setarday. FIFTH STREET5 "ANNEX FIRST" ' - -, FLOOR. '- oo&oaaj BBaaa aoooa bbpabt- 4,500 yards new Check Sulttnsa In . tha. much-wanted Black and Whit .and Whltr and Black; also a large assortment f neat stripes, black and .white; our regular 50c grades. Spe cial for. Friday and Saturday, only, yard . .....V.v.. ..-..SO 51-Inch all pure Worsted Storm and Cheviot Serges in navies, greens. . browns, reds and grey; regular $1.55 grade. Special for Friday and Sat urday only, yard ......... .....03d BijAcx sbbbb Ooosa araciAX. FOR FRIDAT AND SATURDAY. 7. Imported English Moh&ir Sicilians 3egular55o grade. 'Special . yard . r2t Regular : 75c .grade.. Specials. . yard . ...'. ...Jl4 Regular $1.00 grade. '" Special. - .' yard . ...................... ..834 Rasular-41. 15-grade. Speeial, yard .98 Regular $1.50 grade;-Bpeolsl.'1":" yard . . ..... . ... . . .$1.21 . Above ar all pur Mohairs and ab solutely fast dye with rich silk finiah. BTBCXAXa - XKPOBTAJTT TO ; - XOUBBWlf BB. s'-j - r i-i Toweling and Bed spreads Reduced .' -DOMESTIC" AISLE FIRST 7 , , r. lg vfrrtUa aev'.T 5.000 yards Russia Crash Toweling, extra heavy, soft and absorbent. Bpeclal, yard ...Ser 5U Bedapreads 5U5. Honeycomb-Bedspreads, full slse, ex tra heavy designs; .regular value $1.50.7 Special, each .....i.fl.19 nw sou a: uoxt vav: . FIRST FLOOR W ANNEX SIXTH . STREET. . ; Kea's.sXeO Oolf ahlrt Stev Meu's new Spring Oolf Shirts-in" two styles, one in plain blue- Oxford cloth, with one pair detached cuffs; the other In blue and tan plaid, -with cuff a attached; our ' regular $1.50 value. - Special. each..,M......OOei lt-50 Taderwear Nw-8prihg-wight Caahmero Underc- wear, extra well mad and finished; regular value$2.$0. Special, suit A ..91.79 Mfgainmitissl A parcel of penny savers that esslJL run into aouars ana every jitu 01 ful in the list Is an everyday need. Special tomorrow In th Small Wares Shops First Floor. - j- Ti 6c card ' of 1 dosen Hump Hooks and Eyes with ' .1 doaen extra, invisible f eye-Special rciTX.ii a;,.2a Pair 40e Omo Zouave detachable Dress or Corset Bhleld., Special... . .40 Large loo cabinet box wire. Hairpins. .. Special .--. ...,. 6e Spool bast Darning " CottonJplacli. wiiu ana colors. epeciai.......2a 5 5c fancy gold trimmed mounted Back Combs. Special ,.,.....'.30 51.50 and 51.55 all-bristle , Hair Wrtisbes, solid b"p:i P"1 - 91 .OO 46o Imported French Nail Brnshe. Special ....... , ........ .......35 5-ounc bottl .pur Witch HaseL .Special SS;'v19. 10o cake White Tar Soap. Special.. 64 to roll Toilet Paper. Special..... 64) Crane's 55c Ja panes linen Writing Tablet. Special . . . , ...... ....29e 5c package white wove - Envelopes. Bpeclal ...... 1 -pound parkas French dlmfty Wrtt lng Paper. 7 Speolal.... .,..v...2S4t Roll of 74 sheets white waxed Pa : per. Bpeclal ........ ...T. . ......4 Framed Picture, round, black or gilt frame and square black .or gilt frames. Special, each ... . . .404) SEMSATIOIU "BlJOrJ SALONS" SECOND Z7:.. : FLOOR., A ' record-breaking banner sal I planned for " Friday" -,i .that muat elipe ererr for iner event of Its nature as' Mount. Hood towers above tho foothill that aklrt Its baa. " Th mer " announc- ment will crowd tha Salon to the limit on thla occasion. Brevity will serve th pur- p4)rlS Oaf ' "VVwBWt4flr1---hOtt- aandaatl - that's needed to bring you here to see th allies for yourselves. W ahail fllvlde th salesroom, into two sections for th day; all hats not in the aale will be moved to Section No. desisnated plainly with a card bearing the number 2. Section No. 1 Will bo filled with the special offering of over 500 Hats, all at ONE HALF PR1CB for th day. Description would' be out of I ) t'.