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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1906)
THE OREGOTDAlLYC JOURNAL PORTLAND. THURSDAY: ; EVEfrlHaJflAV .'; 18S3. -'i - II MUM .LL RAISE ELDER ::EXT TUESDAY Ctataln Baker" SaVa Ha Will Pump Out Vessel and Thinks She Will Float. CIMENT PATCHING HOLDS . AND THERE ARE NO LEAKS Three Larce Centrifugal Pumpa Will v Be Operated and Vessel Will Be Cleared In fan--Hourr-It I Es- V timated May Run Excursions.'- r That the at earner George' W. Elder, which baa been reslinc on the rocka neaf , Uoble for the past a inonthv-w"l .Ulwi4 TuKlr-ll Mten lo ne ary dck la tha firm conviction :of Captain W. H. Baker, tha contractor. pho cam v from tha scene of tha wreck this morning. Tha work of pumping out tha llht- Tuesday rooming, and an hour later lha captain is of ths cplnloij, that aha will f afloat -.-'--'- For tha past two weeks tha purapa . have- been, tested with "satisfactory re sults. Tha cement with which the hot ' torn of tha hull was patched held faat and far ti tan bean discovered here ia not a leak remaining in tha Elder. Sixteen Inches of water were taken out of her the other day and no other water . t has coma In i- alnoa then, conclusively ' showing that there are ao .leaks. T Three, large centrifugal pumpe-wm ,T: be operated -oil Tuesday and' a recent - test . made of them showed that they. . ware capable of throwing water out of i the boliat the rate ot four tnchee .a - naimital Figuring oa this basis, it is . estimated that an hour will be all tha time required to get the steamer afloat. - - A couple of tugboats wi,pe alongside of her in readiness to' Us ibaljveaael to tha drydock. Those who have watches - operations ray therela no doubt (that ; tha work of raising the craft this time wlll be attended With entire guecessfclt I e aamwed mai i sties sns Jiss tie raised ahe can be repaired and made ready for servlcs -In about - a - couple of muTittisv tng seriously" of - running excursions xjown-to-uowe-oa- xuesaajr. oey aei darw there Is no doubt . that hundred of people would maka -tha -trip,, aavthe " Klder has - been tha source of more speculation since she -was wrecked than any other steamer .that aer went through a similar mprrlfi ntM fttl rn that Pi. . praise, her before the contract waa given to?-Captaln Baker metvc10! failure, and r-ia shipping circles X had began to be feared that the E)der would never be re "'' - moved from her present poaltlon. r- - , .'SAIV-Eg ARE DENIED. :; ; XaspaoMo sf rood Prodneta la BaaT .. g'raMtsoe Ceases for Preseat, .v - . - -Collector of Customs Patterson is in receipt of Th following letter from CoK .lector dould-of San Franclaoo: "Until further, notice requests for saracles- of - food roduoU lsauad from --ithe- Baa Francisco laboratory are hera - with revoked. As soon as conditions 1 lwni normal tha inanactlon nf fnodl '. products will be resumed in Ban Fran. .Cisco, whereupon notice to that effect .. twiU be sent you In order that aamplea , . requeated and duo to arrive subsequent - to that time may be obtained.- It would be well to notify Importers that lnapeo-J!n-tl?n will be resumed and -all deolelons In effect now will be operative when i business Is resumed." 7 ; - ;' UYSSTORES HERE. TTnloa Oil - Company's Boat Crete Xar .Z:.' BnppUaa ia PorOaad. . . Nearly li.OOOworth f - stores were placed on board the steamer Argyll yes terday soon after ahe reached the har bor from Ban Francisco with a cargo of fuel olL U ia thought the supplies will- be suf f lctnt-r to-last -ar-couple of . months. Heretofore tha vessel has been fitting out with stores at San Francisco, ; but llks all other coasters having occa - slon'te come here-she, will be supplied by local merchants. ' The Argyll belongs to the Union " Oil V- company, Other -carrlara belonging -to theaam-4lna-and calling 4n hare pegu-4 , lariy are the steamer Whlttler, schooner . Santa Paula and barkentlne Fullerton, - whlchwillalso -get their supplies -at Portia ndr-Whi le-hese vessels also car- ry oil from California to the .Puget : sound porta," Captain "Crang," the local general manager for tha company, says I they will get their stores at Portland Instead-of in the north, as the local " prices are much more reasonable. It Tt I- - - '; --Bg-a (Oakland vs. Portland) If you litre to be part of the", audience, : dressthe part4e' a credit to your . tovyn. ,. . ' Here's a s6it-at 20 k,-4hat will just fit you. ere are Hats at . that ! will please "you. f3" iT.HereV everything that'a Hght and "new in the lincT of Men's arid Boys' wear. . ? LION. ClotliinqCo GoiltuhnPioD " Men'g and Boys' Oatfittera, ; ' ' 166 and 16 Third Streets, i ' Mohawk Building. ' la estimated that tha purchases of stores for all of the. coaster coming In here will approximate close to 1100,000 a month until Ban Francisco onoe more gets In position to supply them. As the majority of tha -craft are owned in that city and a big part of tha stock- In them is controlled by the merchants these, they naturally- receive the business ef fitting them out with stores. jCPtsln..Cranf j pays the JL'nlon Oil company .will have ..another mammoth can-tor here from tha Atlantic coast early In- Junt'.'. - This - ia the steamer Lanalng. which sailed from New York on, April 10 for San-Francisco. Hhe has capacity for hauling 47,000 barrels of fuel olL The company is running pips Una across tha Isthmus of Panama through. which Oil will be carried from tha Paclf lo to tha Atlantic side. - To keep the line in operation the Lsnslng will carry oil from the California fields and will., be assisted la. the work by other smaller craft of tha line. Vessel on the Atlantic, aids will take oil to domestic snd foreign markets. ,s WILL ARRIVE FRIDAY." teams Breakwater Coming Tronv San rraaclsoo. On Friday afternoon the steamer .Breakwater, belonging to J. D. Spreckel ACo- is eipsclsd JajeacJi-lhsJharftor rrom wmranciscak,kapiaiB' . Spencer haarecelved a message that She Jeft the Bay City at 11 o'clock yes terday morning for Portland direct.. BUS IS bringing both - freight and passen gers. rch-cannot hantfle All of .thefrelght being: offered them for shipment down the coast have expressed their willingness to-torn over a part of It to the Breakwater, r. Jt". Baumgartner of tha California , Oregon Coast Steamship company says he will be in a position to supply herewith- ef most half a cargo before she la ready to sail. So many orders are coming in from' Coos Bay and Eureka that he finds it impossible to attend to all of them with . the ' Alliance, the only steamer that bU company has available at' nre'eent for the coaat run out t PertUnd-Tba othsrs are, tlsd np to various mlllroen by charters. TM San Francisco at Portland Bteamshrbr com-' pany la trying to get another vessel. but so far. tha ameers say. tney navs not been able to find a .Suitable craft on the dtnenrased lint. T - xne aiiianca wui arrive lomani irora Eureka -and way ports with one of tha biggest csrgoes she ever carried. - The principal shipment oonsistad Of IS ears of shingles send doors- which will be terlor. 6he .'as barbound at Marsh- field a day, but got away from there at ga'cleek last evtnmg? pf CUSTOM HOUSE REPORT.' Taraa ef Bxporva BxeeSds Bevea i ared ThotuNuil Pollaxs Porlag AprU. . Tranaactlons at the custom houss la April, Just compiled by Collector of Ialreeni shew that the value rnhsxporta-J6f Ifia month reached IT "MM and tha duties on Imports to taled B.2I.S. The report in full is as iouows:. . Kntries of merchandise for duty.. 117 entries of merchandise free of duty, 10 entries for warehouse, 4; entries for ex port 'to adjacent" British province. 4; entries - from warehouse - for con sumption. Sf; . number of ' entries', for Immediate transportation without . ap praisement. Ill; total number of entriea of merchandise. SOI; number of Sntrles Toy- conrumptiointauidated. lllf hum-T bar or entries for warehouse liquidated. T; number of - certificates of registry granted,: I.rTiumber or, certtrieatea of enrollment granted, 1; -number of licen ses tot coasting trade granted, 4; num- lr nf llwnwi n wiMli imiWm JU tmu i granted, ,1; total number of documents to vessels Issued, t. -Value of exports Domestic, t74,6; foreign, 4 47. , " - meoelptg Prom aU Bonross. Duties on imports .54,S1S.5 Fines. -penalties and! forfeit ures st.os Miscellaneous custom -receipts : 111.00 Storage, labor and eartaga..,, , , 10.50 Official fees ....... ....... . St.tO ToUl . .....w...S4,T17.TS Amount.'of refunds and draw- loacks-pald .................. 006.11 ALONG THE waterfront. Beginning today a lower rate ef fire insurance- will be collected from the owners of Columbia dock No. 1, as ths structure has been thoroughly equipped with a Ore alarm System connecting witn tne city line. This la the only aoca in port naving such a system. - Above the Madison street bridge, on the east side of the river the Hammond Manufacturing company is building new dredge which will -be -operated this season in clearing out a channel lead lng . to - Tha OakswThS vessel . Is -400 feet long and II feet wide, v - Cerrylng a- full cargo- of general mer chandise . and soma passengers toe steamer -Costa ' Rica '-sailed - last - night tor nan Francisco. la tow of the tender Heather light ship No.. SO will start from the mouth of the Columbia this afternoon for Seat rfWrwhera stie-witt be repaired." The oriental liner N loomed la will finish the work of discharging her cargo this 'afternoon. ' when she will shift down to tha Albina dock to begin load ing for tha outward trip. Edward Short, a Baa Francisco refu gee, accepted a position this morning as freight clerk at the Couch street dock. For yeara Mr. Short waa purser on one of the oriental liners operating out of San Francisco. . Having saved up about 12,600 ha embarked In business for him self at tha Bay City about three months sgo and like thousands of others lost everything ha hsd through the earth quake and flrev -4, With ,89i,tl feet of lumber valued at $31,020 the British steamship Oceano left down this morning - bound for Talngtau. China. f - The - steamer Cascade ' arrived- from Ban Francisco last night. She came light , and is receiving a cargo of lum ber for tha return trip. MArTnE NOTES. - Aatnrta- May a Arrival at t a m ateamerAtlaSr from Ban . Franoiaco, Bailed at klS ; m., schooner Crescent, for Shanghai. Balled at -T a. m.. stesniei Argyll, for Port Harford. Arrived down at 8 -.10 a, m., steamer Barracouta. ' Astoria. May I. Arrived from Ban Francisco and lef Opthl jsf ternOon. steamer Cascade.'- - ; San FranclCo, "May I.--Salled yester day,, steamers Breakwater, Johan Poul sen and Cxsrlna, for Portland. Astoria. May 3. Arrived at 10:11 m., schooner Bailor Boy, from Ban Psdro. - Astoria.) May t, Condition of the bar at I a. m., smootl); wind northwest; weather cloudy, , , v , - saUea X. O. O. T. STamsg Bslagatss. tipHl Dwpatek te fht Seoraal.) ' Ths Ialles, Or., Mey S. Columbia Lodge, I. O. O. F has elected W. H. Bharp, F. M. Bexton, - Hostetler and J. 8. Fins dslsgatas to tha grand lodge, which -meets In Portland, Wsdnasday, gray zi. ., Good advice ia the kind that ia novsr given untu it la askad Xor. ' . ' EAST SIDE: LULLS Neuftadter Company PJansMO . ' :. Be Largest of Kind In ' . . . Northwest, kT". ST. JOHNS WOOLEN MILL WORKS NICHTAND AND Peninsula Lumber Company Hamp ; cred for Lack of Hands but Puts on Eighty for Night Shift Retail ' Business Also flourishing, ,. " ' vast- Bids Beparhnsat, atarintJlricreaSe jgr . hL JorcsJVf , several eastald mUls and factories has been made , and a number of Other im-' provementa of this sort are plannsd that will result In tha enlargement of the. output of goods and supplies. The Ban Francisco disaster with the sreatry increased demand In many llhei. Is responslbla Jn.part iot. this but t'ner- allr tha east side factories report a raddlv - srowlnr - demand - and several plants had arranged for a day and night shift before the earthquake. Noustadtsr Brothers' clothing factory at'Qrsnd avsnus and E. Stark atreet is ins largest- piant or ins son .in u northwest Ths management sustained a severe loss la tha Ban Francisco d!- It Is planned to .centralise , me work of lha factories at the 'Portland Tpii 4nd t0 double the number of em I nlovea If tha Ban Francisco operators can bs awcured. This rwonlj- grra'ths flatory S force ef.-l.tttS workmen, mak- tng if one of the- bier industrial con cerna in the city. ...The Portland. Woolen Mills .company haa been continually Improving its BU Johns, plant and Tscently lias been ad ding a large number of workmen. A few days ago ths mill management dis covered that a night and day program would-have to be-earried out it orders weft filled promptly and at present the lg all si wUsx US haaSfaSs il tsann' Is running every hou r day "and night- with the prorlhju.doubloscheda ule will have to be maintained. .rr. rrTT..!: w.- . The Peninsular Lumber company has one of ths largest mills in the city and has been Increasing its output weekly for the lst year to keep up with the de- jf-mand. - This spring ths demand became so urgent and so much above that of former - years thst - a night-shift wss started. At present nearly 100 men are. Hi'Pt bus? lluuugU thslxliLatAli mills. Ths management would hire . aa many men on the-night shift ag are employed by day, could workers be se cured, and It Is hoped that in the influx of 1014 men . from ths south thers will coma mill workers. - .. --?-. Trads conditions in tha retail quarter are generally reported good. Many east side merchants have - enlarged their Stores and stocks' and literally dossns of new: business places have been .opened. a score of one and two -story blocks being pnder construction in the various east side business-centers.-All orthshi are., being -occupied nearly , aa soon aa completed: Firms that for ten : years have held the field without Serious com petition .are bslng given, ' a battle for Vhelr trads by --new tlrnfs sWdJto addition seversijitw business centers are being built oj. thar-appear likely In a short time to via In Importance with older centers, like, -central Albina and East Burnslds street, .- -...v PUPILS WELL DRILLED. Bannyslds oys aad OtrUi sTos AJarssed , by Smoke aad Kosh of firemen. The argumsnt-that in 4lme of fire the school children, may forget all they ever learned about drills and an orderly sa cs pa -was disproved yesterday In the Sunnyslds- school, when a realistic firs teat was given that mads ths great "ma jority of the pupils think the building was really In flames. The pupils to tnT-sTna,nesTtsehavdaslh6ugfi Taclng fire was a . normal experience, and in three and a quarter minutes the big school with - Its - hundrsds of - children was as vacant aa on a Sunday after noon.' . v , (. - Principal Curtis has long ' mads ths military-drill - a- feature-of his school and in ths past has broken .several city records In ths management of his chil dren on Ore alarms. Believing the drill Hied been thorough enough to make ths children brave and self-reliant ' he started asmudgr -ta:ttr basemen rlRat was .driven through ths school by ths electric tans, -ana taen -tne Tire alarm sounded. Firemen pi Engine S had been called and as tha children marched .out the - firemen- rushed - Into - the - bulldlns with their hose and axes, and it any of tns pupils naa aoueteq, that there jras Are they had their . last - doubt - re- rmovad. 1,1 ... The drill, however, proceeded ss well as under less trying circumstances and the S00 pupils left the big building In a fraction over three minutes, no nervous ness being evinced by even the smallest BRIDGE vS-DANCEROUS. Koatgomarr Onlok : Straetore Being Fropped Tp te Keep ti la errloe. tTnlees some extensive repair work is done at once, a large portion of the east side -will be seriously hampered through the barricading .of trafflo and a- conitd erabls district will be so shut 'off so that "material bualness loss must i follow.- One of the serious aspects of the situation is that peesented by ' the wooden -,- Arestls - across Montgomery guicn in lower Albina. This Is ths only outlst for the big trade of lower Albina the wnolssale and warehouss dlstrlcrk along ths waterfront and even the ma jority of the Portland flour mills team trafflo and much of the peninsula team lng Being thla route aa the .only direct one. The bridge has long been, in poor re pair and only that portion used by the car line has besn Ojen -f or-a. yearor more. Recently this commenced to show serious signs of wsakness and this wsek workmen have been propping and pry- nif tne low places m an attempt to keep the bridge in commission;1 A sign warns motormen to proceed slowly across ths brldgs r and every . precaution is being tsken -to keep the sagging, trestle-car worthy.... Plans wers consldsred by some of the coundlmen looking to the. -building, of steel - bridge across this gulch, -but this Improvement wIlLJisrdly br strttior Ised this year on aooount "bf the mora urgent, nsed ot .the - Ballnrair gulch structure aqd by another year It will be too late." A1 temporary makeshift of frame 'will probably be made to serve until a substantial improvement ,, can bridge the gulch. : - - , v EAST SIDE NOTES. Fifty-two members were added to the MontavilJa board of trade last night aad the room waa filled, with, dtlaeaa who werb agnffo snroll in ths work of viyio uiprovement. Thf place of meet ing has been Changed to White's hall on the Base Una road and the sessions will hereafter be held on, Friday instead of Wednesday t evening. . XTnleas Union ' avenue is Improved be tween Belmont and ast Burnslds streets in tne near future the east sids will have no direct high wa.- throurh the eantral dtstrloo Yesterday a portion of the ele vated roadway near East Oak street col lapsed and the entire block between Oak and BUrk 'streets la' in danger of tol- iapse. y Bids are wanted by ths council of St. Johns on tha 110.000 bonds at per cent which were recently voted bv tha nit. liens for the purpose of erecting a city hall and -meeting some obligations In J curred a year or two ago. The sits .71 XtT recent i tawn swelling ths treasury to the point that renaereq tne prompt payment of the balance due nnuihi. - A quart sr block at East - Third ..and Wont stisetaha beea sold to J. C, Perrln by Paul Bhoup for f 8,000. As sus is vacant, the, price Is a record one for tr,ar. rtistrti-,, Tht rtw nwn,r vm improve the property by, tna-wctlot et av-goo' building.-. ' ' A-Tfstewl Teceptlotf-Vwss "venTat night to Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Aoyis by members of ths Central Runtlat -hni.n . J ai-nuyi. wiu soon lenTejorwawuifT ,viiy4H(vw-w w laae a piace in xne government printing departmental, iJrt " ' " 'essewawswBaasealawMBSBiBSasssBSB. . WORK ON TILLAHOOX ROAD ;irBlBiSED' Big Gangs of Men.Empl.oyed and Many New Towns Spring Up Along' line, .''TtlSPScUl. Dlapatck te The Jearaal.) Foreat Orovsror.rMay t -TheTdrfn land-Mehaiem-Tlllamook railroad is now within a short distance of the little , J town of Banks, sight miles north-'of Forest Urove. Large gangs of men are at work and the roadbed la being rushed aa fast as possible. The town of -Banks will have train connections with Port land via HUlsboro lnsjt very short time. - Another force of the same company Is now trading on the Tillamook division beyond Buxton. This company's line lfja,aBe&.inr.QatIU:nftjnftaI-tfirtlls pari .nf 4-iv, ashlngtpn county and already several UP' wn"e -pn on a ooom, The scene of the big gang now work ing Is at Roy, where a- town haa jdst sprung up with stores and many houses, one and one half miles east of Banks. Hilts, between Roy and Banks, on this line. Is also one of the new towns. Last , Sunday - -the Verboort brass .band celebrated the opening of the town of HUta an the ! nr...rl .llowayrtne Democ ratio candidate for congress. . GARLAND IS SELECTED r BY, LINN DEMOCRATS (Stteetal DUpsteh te The Yeeraal!) ' Albany, .jDr.; lay. S. At a meeting held in this city yesterday brlhe Demo- cratio - eouvity central eomml tee, - at- rf. Garland was sleeted the member for ths f county ot the Democratic, stats central committee. "... i'" ; '""i-;;"'.; Prefened Btock Oaaaed fiooda. v Allen Jk lyewla'-Baat Brand. T - EXTOAORDIWARV MOWNCTIilEOT Mill 11 Z OUR CLOSING SALES CARNIVAL HAS BEEN -A TREMENDOUS SUCCESS WITH BARGAINS ANNOUNCEMENT OF WHICH WILL NOT BE BELIEVED UN LESS SEEN ACTUALLY SEENBY THOSE INTERESTED IN THEIR PURCHASE fThe nt3 If .:' WE HAVE A LsIINH OF WOMEN'S vorth-75c1o-$l.00rhich"vvccloing Men'sJDurableSocka atfi jand We guarantee every statement in this jadvertisement.:. Find SEElOUR GaSmENTS. AND FURNISHING GOODS AND SHOES AND YOU'LL Something Outofhe Riit for h ClFL whlteetra fine if aC French ribbed lisle finish f " - ffV.Mij-, -Vtch nrlr. Innc sleeves. ' - pantsankle and knee length ; flQc.'- Friday and Saturday. aHREE GREAT: SPECIALS m LtdieslL ; White Lawn jVVaists. The most remark rmie barcains and sTeatestjance ot styles i ' ' in Thigh grad? waists i' values rangetrohi -4 ;iy $1.50 to $3M "'Triday;. and Saturday -Di-aU-setheJSpeda Muslin Gowns, Skirts, Drawers ana y or . set "Covers.;-' '":r:"'' - ' ,tf : .-..-..i.v.---. i..'v. DO NOT FAIL to secure a few of the Celebrated MT. HOOD : SHIRTS for U. r man, youttand boy, at.$25, 35,0, -' -: Just One Third the actUeAmltiew. -DO NOT FAIL tc-visit the Wash Goods - "- Section and see the new, styles and prices in lawns, chalHes- dimities, organdies: , gurghamsndeers , inspection wilT- convince I you that our-. . styles are he best and pricene-lowest DO NOT FAIIprovided "yo"uare inter-" ested-o examine the quahtyancTTincer-- "wtainSr - TabIeLinenst Towelingi r Hemmed Sheets.; and-sFiIIow -Cases, are a judge 'argument, neeueu gGornerirdrMd IF All Oddsand Ends $17.50 and S20.C0 fabrics are splendidJVorsteds, Vltra-fashionable, foreign rand domestic - cloths. They, are . stylish, enough f or any business man irr town. , rr ,. ' - ; : T -.- ...... T ' All $3.60, $100 and $4.50 Pants now 2.95 Piair - BOYS SUITS : We are selling the $2.50 and $3.00 handsomely" tailored garments at a$I.Q5 Stilt 50 iPortn " $1.00 : STffi BOSOM - SHIRTS' NQW : . jancLiv5f values at 17, Men's 50c Ties... . SELLS IT Northwest-Corner First and Taylor Streets Friday and i ill dren's Summer : r Vests, -no , ..yy, sreeves, pur4 -white;;, regular value 10c. In order : to distribute them ' around only jwo will be sold to each cus- standard value ' . . . .25f A I -71 H Friday an1 Saturday for your , LAW . LL P choice of the greatest range of'-;" Tft- tyleTtnhJRtebTatcdVar Oner's Rust-Proof Corsetsall new styles. . " Colors pink, blue, drab, white and black. 7 --, -.- .',',.--..'- - 'x-.- v-- r zlL 1 ' ... -1 ." . 95cPair 4e74Tenuine" -English-..":Derby-'";and "Real French P. K. ; standardyalue4l.50.' Fitted V andwart-anted- Friday' and Saturday, x. 03 fj. .? D"6'N0T FAIL; to secufe a few Suits' of Men'sBalbriggan Shirts and Drawers, - -"-Z double seated, at.,50 the suitnot 50c '-'r the garment make no mistake. - 5 Dp NOT FAIL to visit the Notiontounter - ' for the small things the good kinds, for" ' little moneyr': Prompt and polite aUenv D O NOT- FAIL to pay a visitlto tHow - Towels and lefy-Counter. oi.Vali ake pride in Clilltlren that THE in $15.C0, Sulls now Tweeds . and Cheviots, superbly J MEN S HATS All 50c and 75c hot weather Hats now . . .. ........ .. . , .... ..294 All $3.00 and $3.50 Men's Soft Felt Hats, now $6, $? and $8 magnificently ranamas, now r:"s.;;;Jpii.U5 $1 and. $1J25JTANDARD SHIRTS T-z-f- NOW, 'r o3c Jtsacn - v WRAPPERS- 3ee. ftsgsaaA, a word of it incorrect and your purchase shall cost you nothing CHEAPER Ordinary Saturday " ., T. ..---r- Tr- . . . 1 ne, Daiance 01 otir new -3 spring stock of -Toadies' real FrenchrKId-GIovesT We make a specialty and selling Hose to wear well. - SATURDAY ItafloredCC' stylish - r f s? t ' SAY 'ioOX Mm .. .- - - i av n evm l-JT a a; ' d - -.j, - v. , -t - , . 1 . 1