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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1906)
TIIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 3, UZ3. COUOCIL EIDERS 1 i imnnnr i mi ; rilLTOH, OREGON, ' YOUKG LADY SHOWS JPer ' a- 3.1 . Ws.Jb APPRECIATION I I Artistic Picture " I. . . -t; - r- . . ' : f . r r X '- Robert HARRIF.1AH WILL INVOKE LAW (Continued from Psg Ona.V XT riave served notlc on the Columbia Val ley's attorneys. A date haa been fixed 1or a hearing of argument before'Judge JUCradln.nif. Vnimmnf, The Columbia. Yalley company' attor-J t m me section an -tt raShlhrton wws ToinJRBiBeifraSoti" fectlve against the charter at nJl ttarte .of -Hie lillLroad. running: east and veal through fhe mate of Washington. Aiiullier law, mora sweeping ana ex plicit. It ia said, will furnish the Colum ' : bla Valley company with a sufficient de f against --tit iua warranto proceed. ' lug already Instituted against them. . -- Attorney o. W. Btapleton, of the Ti, " the following provision of Ba lunger's ----.... Code and Statutes Of the ataU'of "WaSH " r ' ingten.-section 4307: - i. .. , "Any railroad corporation - chartered tinder -the laws of the United 8tatts or , --rot any a to to or " territory, whose con-'-'-'."srmoted railroad shall- reach or inter- i,jtecMhe.bQundsxy line of th- state, at cj any- point, may extend Ha railroad Tntd - thisrtate from any sueb point or points, to any plac of plaoes within the.atat! VOTED ON BY MINERS 4 lDstrictConventionzMeets: Scranton to Take DefiV ,.jir pfte Action ScrantonJPa.rSlay l.-VThe trl-dlstrlct i . i. ri- i - convention of the United Mine Worker of America met thl morning to decide whether -a-strike should be declared throughout -the anthracite -Goal regions. .The day was occupied with the formall ' . ties of organisation. The situation Is uncertain, although members of the lI I tlon will vote for a atrlke. Unless the mine worker back down, which aeema very Improbable at present, there la no way6ui of a nrm." r17 Many of th delegate who are ar riving are In anything but aa amieabl tate of mind,, notably in this and th Mount Carmel district. "-There are' loo delegates In attendano -and - the- sessions will probably con rilnu un01aturday. It rths strlkr la -ordered'ltTwlltTirobabry-go tnto: effect Monday next.- - -- ; : . - BANKER WALSmS HELD-"-T0 FEDERAL GRAND JURY rr-r ailCAgOrJltr-Majr! .-iJoliiCa. " Walsh, president of the defunct Chl- - cago National and Home Savings banks, """waived -preliminary examination before -Commissioner Foote this morning and was Mid to the federal grand Jury in . U0, 000 bnnda, which he furnished. He la. charged with aeveral violations of .'the national banking lawa, .notably loan ing himself the deposits on Insufficient .' security. '- . ' -SENATE TO ACT UPON RAT BILL AMENDMENTS ' Washington. May I. Consideration of the amendment of the rat bill In - the enate - underv th rul limiting vpeeohe to IS minutes each, begin to- morrow. Sixty-two amendment are ---ffredr r The - amenttment Intended) to bring under the supervision of the I .Interstate Commerce committee .the op- - erstlons of the Standard OH Co. will be i first to be voted upon. , '., . v Veil to Tnrkish nnu Is Dead. T. ' (Jonrasl BpecUl Setrlce.) : t tiondon. May 3. If 1 reported that : the heir-apparent to the throne of Turkey Is dead. - -, TOT POLICYHOLDERS' :;?v;6iC0MPANY-;;'-t PERFECTION IN LIFE INSURANCE : HOME OFFICE, PORTLAND, OREGON - 'vArL. MfLLS, - PrtsidenU X. SAMUEL,1 t General JianagerA W. Brown." RULER OF ElKS (Continued from Pace One.) world. . The spirit which manlfeated everywhere Is grand: 1 found even among the sufferers a .prevailing desire ;tn.-;hein nthart mum fliairnnrvn .man themselves. They forgot their own n l-4n- 4halr:-tlat-therl,r,, ..nrf inr.rr. TtTi t. gnnHtTTjj WW? aMTW. -Mr. Brown "says that th Oakland lodge had . a - tenwd relief .clty.capabl of acoonimodating 1.600 persons In shape Tomsiln leslTtban 1 J hours after tfio first shock.- Teh doctors and 200 trained nurses wer provided 'for the hospital department and brother Elk from th Oakland club went. Into the commtasary department and helped prepare food for be sia Us, Elk. relleA-camps were estabMagaThar theregui't will b to rake the Hshed-and th" members- of th order went out and did' their best work to re liev every one in aeed.; , "In every -'olty we workeJ"hnd in hand with' th civic "and military au thorities,- said MrV Brownr "and there k was perfect harmony; consequently the greatet acaompllshmant of yoodyre;ufatlga pQevoklng thejlcense. ' Coun suits. It la lmposslbl to make an estl mat now . of th amount of material and money distributed by the' Elk In their relief wdrfi. W distributed- $2t.-Tth 00 UI'lll Of -food-wtufrs- through th tOaTfUhdafiip lloBenaildrThere-Were many more thousand of dollar worth or material and cash distributed In Ban Francisco and other titles suffering from the calamity," . - - -' .-- Before- leaving, Mr.- Brown "organised a state eBttimlsaton to take-charge of tha further relief workef tb Kilt.-The f commission la composed pf Judge Henry A. Melvln of Oakland aa chairman and Percy V. Ixng of Ban Francisco and Ralph- Harea-4f-ioa A.ngelea Thl com m las loo. will be assisted by -rpaclaqf. committees of three appointed by each lodge In the state. "X)ur--oric has been done without re gard tq whether the sufferers were Elks or not, and we will continue to gle re lief wherever w can, bu . of course from now on we will make a more spe cial wffort to care for .our own people. Much work remains to bedone ij thl line, There are many famines'. lert h'llH" erfil hr 'H- fr they are abl to car for themselves. Much work that the world wilt never heax. of .wlll yet be don by our order, Our resources ar unlimited and they wilt be drawn upon accordingly if neces sary. -'--:T ; T. Befor leaving San Franclaco. Gover nor Parde bf California - requested th grand axalted ruler or deliver a mes sage to the ElkS-cf th country for-him thanking thera for himself and the peo ple of California for their great relief work. " Th governor declared that he and th people of California ' would al ways have . Ui .very wannest spot In their heart for the Elks, -fl-desire- to express my appreciation oteTbeiWork or tn Portland loda- while 1-hara.-lald .Mr- Hrown, ."It re- soona. o - liberals and eomln promptly, was Ilk manna from Heaven td the... anffferlng.7; -. -.- " -- Governor -Chamberlain called Mr. Brown up from Salem this morning and expressed his regrets at not being able to mecLhlm here.. a . APPROPRIATE MONEY : . FOR MISSIONARY WORK y ' fHneelst IMnMtrh to Th Jooraal.l Pendleton, Or., May 3. At the meet ing of the Pendleton Presbytery held at Freewater th sum of It.OOO wa ap propriated ror nom . mission - work In the. Pendleton Presbytery district, em bracing, the counties between the Blue and the Cascade mountains, two new churches were , established and - the services of Miss Kuia- Van Vranken . of MUtosw were, accepted tn . the - foreign mission Hold and ah will leave for. the Lakawn region In Laos, Slam, this spring to take up her .work among h native - . .- The churches petitioned for and which will be established In June were in Val ley precinct, near Hudson Bay, In Uma tilla county, and one at Redmond, in crook county, i - CLARENCE S. SAMUEL, t i , Assisunt Manager. Nine Member Refuse to Revoke ' ' License of Saloon Near j C'K School. ' VAUGHN SCORES TH0SEi - WHO FAVOR DRAM SHOP Declarei L'quot Interesta Point-Out the Way for Soma Council. Mem- bert to v Vote Willi Ooe on Red ord for Rcvocaticn. , Nine members of the city council Ig nored the provision of th city charter last' night by refusing to revoke." the liquor license of August Kschle, who conduct a saloon within 400 feet of the block on which . th Jlolman public school I loe44-rJhosk-whO-yotdiO deflanc of th -charter were Councllmeo Annand, Beldlng, Dunning, Gray, Kella her, ' Preston,' 8harkyr" Shepherd - and Wallace. Those who favored the revo cation of the license wer , Councllmen Bennett, Masters, Vaughn and Wills. The city' charter,' In article section 72, under the heading of ''Powers -of the Council." reads: v ' . "No license shall b granted to any person or persona, to vend, deal or dis pose of any vinous, spirituous, ferment ed or malt liquors (except to regularly licensed druggists or to grocers. Who inay-t be authorised, to sell such liquor not , to be drunk upon the premises) within. 400 feet, measured on street lines, of any block on which a public school building Is- situated within th elty of Portland." ' . . , -rElcble'a saloon is at 1070 Corbett sire V and is said to be within 490 feet of th block on which th. Holman public-- school -1 situated. - For several weeks paat resident In the vicinity of the school hav ' been petitioning the council to revoke the license. . They con teeded tha bees"esa was te b run in connection with the saloon and morals of the community, a th school children had to pass th place going to and from school. " ; - XldflrTnieirtsAVcOv. : Th liquor- Interests, repreaentedvy f Attorney Dan J.. Malarkey, have been leaving no tone unturned to prevent the revocation of th 1iofns-witB-hr-nir"Jtiag Arthur"L. Traser-.ret result nown last nignu x n umjr psw cedure left for-, thn remnnst,rttpra f matter, intauMw bare an injunction proceeding may p instituted againe tn proprietor of th. saloon and the city council to restrain further opera tlonTrf the resort. -i !-- - A heated argument took' place in the council meeting last nlg"ht - over ' .the cllnaan Vaughn vrIy arraigradaHMir-of-pollw uu Noember-ltt HQS. colleague -who opposed the revocation, while Councilman Shepherd championed salnanman's Interests. , Tnn rrmur In-ners -smil sar that thla saloon-keeper cannot have his day In court unless you vlolat th law," said Vaughn, "and you propose to violet rtha law. - I'd honestly b aahaoied Xa stand In this council chamber and vote to permit ihls man to retain his linens. Itjsjjts glalnaa daX-to. maand-aalposltlon. and it is held t doubt to the other members of ; turn council, -what- thl city charter means when it says that no saloon a hail be located within 400 feet, street measure ments -of a block on which a school building Is located. : v - - "If Dan Malarkey. came tn here and Mold aome of you how to vote on this question you would do it. There Is no doubt of It. He haa come before the liquor license commute and argued against taking away thl llcene,- when -V he knows what the law. means.", -- Wills Tavors Kevooation. 'rt "I want to go down on record.' aald rniinfillmBn-y.V'iJ!!; favoring th r. vocation of this license'; TH city ai- torney ha told . ua that there Is no question, that thl saloon ia being con- ducted contrary to tne city cnarter. i m not going to vote against the law, and anybody who vots to permit this sa loon t remain ia voting agalnat the law.-- If we do not abut thla resort the mayor -will- do so with pollc aid;- but thla. eouncllahould dltlldutyandnot givhlm. 1chanc..'!'- Councilman Bhepherd ridiculed th at titude of thos who opposed th saloon. He -said that tty take mwaythTHcenae would .not be giving Esc hi a- square deal. If the license wa revoked be would have recourse to th courts, and he desired to hav th question decided tnth twortsv "It was amusing to me," said he, "to hear from Councilman Vaughn what a hold Mr. Malarkey haa on Mia council men. Thla 1 the' flrat . lime. T have voted aa he haa asked meJbut I Intgnd to do ao thla tlm." ,;', Unless th mayor proceeds immedi ately to clos th saloon tha citlsens of South Portland will atart proceedings In the court to have the resort re moved. . 'ry' ' USE COMPRESSED AIR v : ; TO DISINFECT CARS (SpeHil Dispatch te Tk journalT?" njmatllhv,. Or, May I. Th O. B,., tc K. company haa th moat perfect dis infecting plant for disinfecting stock oars . at :. Umatilla to b found In th country. It Is tn Invention of Fore man J. H. Watson of th mechanical de partment of th O. R. N. at this plac. and It is a cheap. Simple and ef fective method. -' h Compressed air Is Used to scatter the 11m whitewash over the wall or cars and th prsssur of air is sufficient to drlv tL Um Into all the crack and In this way - disinfect thoroughly every I part of th car. Irv-watson -designed th plant. and Installed It, and It has been highly com plimented by all .stat and federal ln eptr. - A large number of stock cars 1 are bow being disinfected at Umatilla In thl wy- NEW NATIONAL HYMN IS SUNGJN NEWJORK :." t (Jearaal Special Serrlee.r New fork, -May - A new American national hymn, adapted to th words of. "My- Country 'Ti of The" by It com poser, Professor Oiacomo Qulntano, and sung by a chorua of children, will be the feature of a muslcale which Profes sor Qulntano, will glv at tha" Waldorf Astoria thla evening. , The melody of 'he hymn, as composed by the profes sor. Is said to b worthy of th stirring words of th national anthem. Thl will oe the first tlm that this com position has been publicly performed. The composer. Professor Qulntano, la a violin - virtuoso, -v He wis- born, en j Washington's .birthday, . February 3 J, i 171, In Sari Maria Cpua Yetere, whers Unltd Italy waa proclaimed. Very Bad Ctse oi.Iyt Strain Rt lievcdby Classes Properly Fitted. .- On of. many voluntary ..testimonials from the collection In the office of D. Chambers th optometriti; eVenth street, haa beet) aelected by Th Journal representative ror publication thts week. Th writer Is a most highly respeoted young lady, residing at Milton, Or. Her experiences sre those of hundreds!, who have sought' and found relief-and-pald th moat reasonable charges for'- the services of the ref racttonlst. Head what ah had to swy! . V -r -r T . MILTON, Or., .Feb, it. 10A - Dr. 15, Chambers, Poj-tl&nd, Or. Dear Sir: ' I wish to express to you my sip Cere thanks for the great relief I have experienced from th glasses you fitted me wltH." T had been suffering wtth-y train ail my life, and so great was the strain- that I became - eroee-eyed. My eyes since-' 'wearing your glass' hav become 'straight, and my headaches, -which had been severe, have )ef t me. I will surely . recommend you to my t clanda , EDNA FULTON. . Hie Right tqPosition of Captain of Police Being Hotly Conte3ted.r - CHARGE AGAINST HIM 1S ' BROUGHT BY PATROLMAN Not Citizen of Portland When He- -Took Civil Sarvica Eaaminatiog4 and Was Appointed, th fat of Captain of . Pollc Patrick "-"'"I wt"v" right tn tha p.ltl.. man Oacar F. Isakaon. Th case,: which has. baen before circuit court Judges in the form of objections 'and demurrers for many months, waa called this morn ing. - Itls -expected - that - if wilL.con cluded today. ,. . ." -v-.'. .. Th contention of Mr. Isaksoh is that Patrick Bruin usurped the office of cap- Iaakson's attorneys. Newton MqCoy and H. B. Nicholas, declare that Bruin wa not a cltlxen of Portland at th tlm he i V-kl esamliiaateB fee the position he how holds; that the -civil service commission violated the section of the city charter regarding the pro motion of. policemen by, making Bruin a captain over numerous kstrolmen who had taken the examination lor th same tlm that Bruin took th examination for captain five others appeared before! me, examiners ana inai amereni ques tions wer asked th various appllca tionsr whereas - it is clstmed that the sajne tnterrogatOries should hwve been asked.. 'The civil service examination that Is questioned was conducted by two as competent men as could newfound ou the Pacific coast," said Thomas O. Greene, who- with JtYf. Montague, is-counsel for Bruln,T'the"etamtner -having been Captain James Nevlns of the Plnkerton force snd John W. Mlnto, formerly local chief of police. They seryed without pay. In grading the papers, they took notrcnrxn quickness w; EnjojT the :uiyxi,.;yttli ALL GAS RANGES AND BRUIN CASE HOW BEFORE JUpr Hi Come Early 3000' PAIRS WOMEN'S HOSIERY 75c to $1.25 Values, Pair. .... Magnificent bargains in fine Hosiery 'for everybody. 3000 pairs of fine hosiery the prime product of world-famous man ufacturers Hosiery of high standard and grade. Hermsdorf dye. Big variety of plain and fancy weaves in lisle thread and cotton. .. Black, tan, champagne, biscuit, sage, Alice blue, gray, navy, brown, JJresflen, green, oronze, tancy stripes, plaids, lace boot, lace allover, aVopstitch, polka dots, embroid ered figures solid colors, etc.7 in marvelous variety,- f Again we say, come early;, you will have your , JU choice of best 75c, 85c, $1 and $1.29 hosiery at.,, . JF V NO PHONE ORDERS. . ' 'Ms; . .. .... -wrI..... . Trr... -The above news hardly seems possible, yet it is so our TmceTorceTtairr unes of-Trnnmed'Hatsrlerynenhii-eeasons-Tnaiie.- Jacn nat' is new. I I elaairandTupoTlthwmtttlw the Ubles a week. r Small, medium and large hats, trlmmea rihhnn "-mills .- tr: Varietw 1ara rnntivh lA silit mnst TulTTange of colors . r V -t aunnaff of the men befor thenv -Out of the six examined three were accepted, two of them having been Captains Brain and SlOTer:1 - .... - '- -- . - The civil servlc examination Jn ques tion waa held-October 10. 1905. Enoch A. Slover and Thomas W. Taylor, then seraeants of -police: J. .A. L, G. J. gglglan, and p. T. Isaksonthep prol men. and Fairies: Bruin, - an ouiwioervr took the exsmlnatlfHU All of thm were witnesses in today trtafc - - ASKS RECEIVER FOR liRESERyU BOND' COMPANY (Journal ".Dedal Srv1"e. lea go. May- I. -The Unite tea district ' attorney Is msklng an inea- ligation into the American Reaerve Bond company with-a view of present ing the facts to the grand Jury. Two hundred thousand small Investments are affected, according to the poatofflc officials, who have closed the malls to th company pending an Investigation, "To draw the fir ouTTiraroufiSriieaf a eut- without leaving a scar, or to cur bolls, sores, tetter,, ccxem and ail skin and scalp diseases, use DeWltt's Witch Hasel Ralv. - A speclflo for piles, Oet the gehuln. No remedy cause uch apeedy relief. Ask for' DeWItt' th Summer You ' Can With a 1 I "a - ' -tmer joys. With old-time fuels ypuVe pver- Cheated before the fire begins to burn'. -r .: .... ... - - - '- .- '- -. -r. . -- :. 1 With GAS yotf have heat only where.-when and as long as yoiii want it,---? VV'-'T (ax : You've a cool .) ; With a GAS J: - cation it home, - per 1,000 cubic v; household, for-fuel GAS WATER HEATERS PURCHASED OF US DELIVER- -.--.ED AND CONNECTED FREE OF.CHARGE. . ; ; - te mi Telephone Privclcfec!::i::: Tomorrow! - -- 'p mmmea Real Values $.50, $6.00, $7.00 SPECIAL TOMORROW "style, shape, trimming, etei i In SEE DISPLAY IN WINDOWS.1 yf. Watson of tmulavllle ask for a -receiver, declaring-thai an Investi gation In Chicago will show ths com pany to be Insolvent to the extent .of a million dollar. NEW TURBINE LINER IS- ! CROSSING THE PACIFIC .. :' (Jaoraal Speelal Service.) .' . Victoria, , B. C. May-. Marin mn and -ohra-arawaitlng-wlth-muehln-tr"at th arrlvaF6f"rh"Mahend Of the Canadian-Australian line.- now- n her maiden voyage from Sydney, Australia, to this p.rt.. .She Is the first turbine liner to cross th Pacific, and further more, 'is one of themotjnagnlflcent ! .vessels fo engage in the Pacific trade. She is elaborately, fitted out for pas sengers, of whom She carries S23 first class,-lit second and (0 third. jOn her official trial trip the Mehenc attained a mean speed of 17-S knot. y MAILERS GIVE BENEFIT v FOR 'FRISCQ VICTIMS The - paper mailers ef TheJournal, Telegram-end-Oregonlan-wlll glr their benefit dnc at th- Armory tonight. Th fund raised will b sent to the newspaper mailers of San Francisco, whtf suffered as a result of th earth- 1 . -mm-.-. ,. , . . ujvo M.riq in.. - , . TO k I0T The GAS RANGE irives you tilW for sum- kitchen and a cool house. RANGE you can enjoy r : j : , , - ,: ; ' With the: price of GAS NOW 05V NET r feet, it should be used in every-1- purposes. y'.V"' i: Dress Hats aim being to make quick' c-ear'fl - faet many have only baenven witn now- rm f" verVlllie: -M KV- WEDNESDAY,lVaAYX .lilOOT"5Q"J. An- aUiBJng laatrnotlTr xagtaxioat Szpoaltlam ( Or goa-nade (foods, aad of wttal imtrest o every eltlsea f tk rTT7-'aiT and stat. - .- Sal-of Adams Hair Brushes " Non better made moat eeonom leal in tne long run oecauae they outwear many other, y '.'" , --( Reg.- SolaI. -row, long, tin- J S -- - bleached brlatle. .11.1 .. T6 11-row. long, un- - bleached brlatlerl? ; 91.25 -l-row-Kusslanl ..... -i bleaxhali briatrt.J i.9b$ 1.8S. lS-row Rasalan' -nlAAhA brtatlaw ' extra loo ,-rrrr:i-f2.30- 13-row iassutn bleachedtjmedlum brurtl . ....... tt.W ;2.4K T Tout choice -of Ikbeny. Mpl oc - Fdz wood back all solid backs yfi-.-p-.r- gnaraatd. rr;" -StationerySpecialsz Prices - slashed ' on high-grad Stationery to make room for new 'shipments. Take advantage ef . this sale and buy two boxes for . the regular price of one. ' -, . '. Reg.' Only-. -Crane's Dotted Swiss.. .70 51 ; Eaton-Hurlbut's Flemish Art Linen.;. 750 - 39 Eaton-Hurlbut's Mull Chiffon . 2T Eaton-Hurlbut'a Papeterlee . '.V..:...lo S3e Hurd's Toll Demassee.40o 36v . Foulard Linen 6o 36 Old BnglUh Bond ; Tablet . ..Jo '.-... Kmpress Plate-11nlsh..l So ; ' 9 Victor Tablet ..ISO 13t ' W Two Tablet ,k...,.lo H4 W Two Table-rr....I6 13- : ; San Francisco : ; Pictures r , Taken , Immediately ... after - th -eartliquake and itre-r-snow ine terrible- destruction ef property and' the bodies of some ef the tw ' fortunat - souls that perished, prints, mounted.-20e each,,. rT;i.,. $2.00 per dossn. x SEE PliROSO (?) . THE WONDER OV THB AOB. - IS IT HITMAN ' ' OR MECHANICAL T ': Tk Most XxpeaslT WtaoW A traotloa Brr Brcnght Sertla4. BATXT 8 TO 4 T. SC. Waahlagton IWn WtMow. V.'codfjd, Fourth a JtiVr i w m i a a)aC.4rTI mm