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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1906)
THEORgCON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 3. KtZ. . - IV.'". SHOOTS fJEGRO Woundd Man; Appears at Po - - lie Headquarters andAsks- forHeip-,;-";;:-: SHOWS BULLET. WOUNDS- IN SHOULDER AN D.ARM AUeget Party of Armed Men Chased 'I Him Along Railroad Track," Firing at HiroTook,Him , for Outlaw . Smith." v J . 5. ;-.;,y ajr, v" 1 .,. - - "LeetaUersdiCeTriegro;"cameheaf losing his life at the bands of excited member- of the poss. -. searching - for frank Snjlttdb" outlaw. In the vicinity of Woodourn.- He . appa'arod "ai'TOltW - headquarters ttrra morning with a bullce, wound In hi left shoulder .and hi rlgnt arm arfrat doaoa-pelletaroni . a shotgun. '- . -.,- h doea not know th namea of any , of the persona who . took part In tlx atUck on htm. Captain Moor sent him .,to.DJ Weeler, tha ctty health orfloor, aa the- aegro wilt bav. to be plaoad In a hospital, - r i-l waa working my way to Portland," aald Pattereon, "end whan tha train ar- .; TirrA at stationa got out and helped tha - trainman throw wood on tha tender. V When we got t Woodourn. about o'clock Saturday morning. I waa walk ing up and down alongside tha care to keep-warm.1 and auddenly heard vo; A half mlnut afterward the light of a ' bullaeye lantern waa thrown on me , , from tha top of a far. I glanced up - -io-Ter my-ahouWerr wherr tha crack Of a pistol sounded. "At nrst I did not think I waa shot, because tha fading waa. aa If a man had struck- me '-e-heavy, blow-with : a "TTiammer OB tn ahoulder- blade. Then y ' I felt tha blood trickling down my side . ...AnLkntfw I had been .hit ' aUrted to . . - f run, when a doaen men began shouting: Catch, tha nigger! Don't let him get aaftiaMrJMft - m -ui. j.. - snaa srseesnd mh,.-u--j 1 Then -came another repornihff " I felt a atlnging tatn 'in my- right arm. JKnojjflgJLwasaur itoJi killed If I u.r. .i-n; t h.u, and" soon was surrounded T a nuiuWer ef man, wanted to know why I ran, and I told : them' I didn't want to be killed.- They aid they thought I waa Smith. I asked them why .they ahouted "Catch the nig ger,' then, because they must - have known' Bmlth wasn't a colored man. ; - "Nobody ana wared ' that One , man finally remarked that they ' had. better take Toe to, a" doctor.- vy-'- 1 guess we acted too hastily, boys," J!eddek "They took ni to a doctor and my - wounds were dressed. Then- T eama down here. . I. bar no money and my arm la paining ma a great deal.'" Sympathetic persons at the ' police station, gave .tha negro some money be- t JiftWBA-MlPPed.wtth- letter-ol explanation and eent to Dr. Wheeler. .- ' Balioa &afl kr anmltk. . . k 2- Whan Frank Smith escaped from 4h city prlaon1iw-iaft-t.:H. a gold watch chain and a flint arrowhead charm with the police. There la no provision ' In Jaw for disposing f this property sndJ rHhoreUcaUy-it-wlU hava to be held .. forever unless a relative appears and 7"laya "claim "to" lt."Xroieag-Buch ahonld be . the case, however, Jthe money will : be turned over to jome city fund. Ed McQuIra, a prisoner . now at tha y-telt.a believed to ktiaw-alItwUHwer.le Smith.-, He steadfastly denies Such to .be the case, however, and will furnish 'the police no Information. He took a ikeen Interest In the, hunt, frequently asked questions and when Informed that tha fugitive outlaw had been killed aat down on the 'edge' of his bunk and placedTHa-ZacaTn" hlsHFiahdC ' - , A negro who was also held at tha city prison for a few days aald Bmlth told hint he had deserted from the army. It la not believed that he waa at the. "Tahcouvar . barracks. A letter of ln . qulry has been sent ta tha first aergeant - of company . G. Seventeenth , infantry, ' stationed at Atlanta, Georgia, to. which , tha dead outlaw ia thought t&.Jiava be- FfRE-fiAG ES - AT- HOSPITAL (Continued from" Page T)ne.F ' will be claased aa apeelal, and are sub ject to .withdrawal by check of any amount Thla plan - will . be followed tne -vaults are -cpened'ajid tsgu- iai' ' bu4nee r resnmed. - - n Owinr-TTjnnaxrnaraaiafda from Oakland, where - aaloona have "MADE 'IN OREGON" . May 19th to 26th Exploiting Oregon-Made Goods The Pleasures of a Watch Thia la aomethinir that "one really ajKpreciatea -not one that fails iw iti wne Tequirrmrntt or it not modern in it mechanism, -. . But the timepieca that it lected. afur lonf axpericnee, ,'. and gold - upon its merits, with an absolute -guarantee. Our stock oficrg gtl this and mora. Very interesting- prices "for. the best of value-giving. Cor. Third and Washington Sts. ?ev.elr Silversmiths, ; " Msnufacturing Opticians. Have your cake, cuit h6me-made. : They will be fresher, decaier, more taslyand wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the house ,m 1 " ef - e to produce at home, quickly and eco nomically, lme and taslyjre, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the ttosted layei ixaldfisp:coo!aes,Ii muffins, with which the ready-made food 7foudlF iiot ccnparer Royal is the greatest of Bakenday helps; OVAL SAKINfl aoWOM CO NIW VOmX. NAVAL TUG IS HARD RAMMED J BY SUBMARINE : (Journal Special Service.) Newport, May 3.-The United States naval tug Nina is on a a. BaaJSiT r ir-.Tl i- r " ' 'T .'J "I"7. - I'.'-- rammed by the submarine torpedo aside from a Ymaftl iured.' Little official information k 'iThis rnorningr the submarines - - . - - I tfaAnf " - . - .. - ii i I wtUVUM ... . s. - . - i n sVa. 1 1 TW TTT voyed by the Nina to Cbddingtoii cove for submerged practice. It is sald that in coming'to the surface after a run below the Porpoise struck the Nina a glancing tbwl r ' ' 'i ; ' . ' . . -, 's : YTournal Soecial 'Service.) Shanghaf, May3. The ; Cheese? regimenratrWet-Hit-Wet; which was organized 1y therttihr'bovernhient-and officered by the British, has been disbanded there now and it is'reported that By an agreement with China, to hold Wei Hai Wei as long as .. The Chinese regiment did belhon. opened, police authorltlea are . giving speedy trial -to offenders, putting .them to work on the ruins Under ball and chain, there being no prison available. Tracks am Streete. , Streets of th. burned district north and south of Market street are rapidly belng.pccnpIedbXJernporarT' tracks toy the oteam-rallroad for -use In carrying .way- debris nd.r bringing Tlnbulldlng materials. With engines puffing through the streets thousands of men are at tacking the debris in "ttitT eeettonand soon out of the present animated acene wiir gro "ih"Tew city, r careru-ati-matea show that 1200.000,000 will be available within the next yearjorthla great work of reconstruction. JtealtnCOmmiseioner narner i ar- e n n urr, haT2.. .. h..tth .111 ing is causing the fear that health will be endangered. Thua far - only - two laundries Jave opened. -- ..... SHEEPMEN MUST SECURE PERMIT TO CROSS LAND BdmII IMiDatvk te Tk Joerael.) Pendleton, Or., May 1 Superintendent P. B. Sheller, ef the Blue mountain for est reserve, who - la,' bow 1n the elty. sutes that Umatilla eounty sheepmen who secore range allotmenta in th. We naha reserve wlU be compelled to cross a portion of the Blue mountain reserve at a point In the vicinity Of the Mad of MeKay-ereekv tn driving t. the We- nahaange ana oerore noingjpw tney must secure a permit from the supei-ln; tendent . " '."" "' As it haa been etrlctly prohibited to cross th. -reservation with stock or sheep, it is necessary to cross a portion of the Blue mountain reserve. - r-.r- NEWJELEPHONEXIN 4NT0 BOHEMIA DISTRICT (SaMltl Dleeeteb te The Soarm,!. ' Cottage Orove, Or. May I. The Min ers' and Farmers'- Telephone company put men to work today- digging holas and getting out poles for th. construc tion of th. line and work will be pushed as rapidly aa possible. - Bids were Invited,- but ss none were made, th. com pany decided to put It in themselves. Thla will make the eeooad line Into Bohemia. ... ADVENTISTS TO PITCH T7 THEIR TENTS AT MILTON ' - , ii i ! ii --. . ,-.J (Special Vlspetch te Th Joernel.) Milton, Or.; May I. The annual en campment of tha Seventh Day Advent lets will be held rMittdn this year from May I t. JT. A village of tenia will be pltohed in the grove near this elty and a large number of Adventlsts from all over the northwest will be In attendance.- Milton la an -Ideal place for thla meeting, having an abundance Pt water and auade for the campers ; muffins, and tea bis- - boat PorpoiseiItjbstatcd that bow she is not badly in- - can brliad in rcgaTdothc-acvi JPorpoife and Shark were: con on her. starboard .bow.- and itfeommanding officer, Major Jt will return the port to China. made April 2, 1898, England was the Russians held Port Arthur. goodiservice during the BoJcef-re- SPOKANE-CAR BARNS BURH DOWN IN 30 MIKUIES FiftyZThoy isand-Dollar Losa - to Traction Company by Early Morning Blaza. BlCial T'ltSStek ta rkl'Imrnal 1 ' -Spokane, Wash May JV The Spar kan. Traction company's Tar barns at B'ntO avenue were totally deatroyed by a 150.000 and the cost of repairing the nxtures .wlll be 130.000. Two new cara were In the barn which coat 15.000 each and -one -old one costing - IM00. - Th. fixtures In tha building cost 110,000. i The building waa a wooden structure and was entirely consumed In half an hour. The records and books, ia tha vault of the company'a office were saved. New car barns are In course of con struction and will be ready for use in July.- ,,".'' ,.' EUGENE ASKING FOR - BETTER 'PHONE SERVICE - ' (Special Ditpitrs te The Jearasl.) . Eugene. Or.. May Ir-Tba EXigene Mer chants' Protective association haa . ap. petr tedA" commlllee to 'eonf e? with J. H. Thatoher, superintendent of the north- Hrest lines of the Pad do Statea Tele phone company - and demand a better telephone eyatam for thla c4ty4 Several mnnlha itn an Imnrflrai mtam m hi stalled, and It was expected that theM service would be better, -but Instead. 4t lsallesedatattai.graduaUz grown worse, - - ..: 11 1 1 " '' J . I WE'LUVATCfl OVER TEtE A ttrti ef ear people are elf sf . mnnnism, j,v And filled wilt) eeaiBesslea right as t" 1 " ... the brim. .. ... . L And goodneM (lows out ef thesi Just es e f oantatn Oiraa fnrth ef the aeetar that sparkles ..,,.. .wlthla. .,.!,.:..,,.,.. , ... . ,,,, Ob, fair Haa rreaclsre, we'll am thee, -with beauty. Where now dVestatlea has sareed Ms " dark pell; ' tike a eoMlar se brave we will esO thee , te eiilr , Tay aTirador'SBd srtadeer ef eld U - recall. . -... Like Ptosis yea'll rise frtna the rami y thoat yoM A lnt eupreme la the west yea' tl ! ahnnnd Aed.Portlam will sea that the werl4 - eoee eat aut roe. . Aa4 we'll do roor waselag at SU eeata a poind. , llNIONLAllHDaY jr KCOrD AITO OOtVKBlA, . ; 7, Tel, Mam saa, . FRANCHISES ' IE UP TO riAYOR Council Votes Prhiieget to Mt Hood and Cascada Com- : V - '; v paniea. ORDINANCES OPPOSED - BY THREE COUNCILMEN irilajrorUgayftoCouncirMayBi Unable to Orant Franchiaaa Over I: Hia Head Council Crcat'Aaka' Ad mission to City.' ; ':. ,' -r-By vta of 1- tor-1 1 the franchises granting ta 'tha Cascade Light- and Power company and tha Mt Hood Light and Power company, the right and priv ilege of installing distributing planta for oleotrlo light and power In. this City war. . paaaed hy ' tha elty ' council laat night -ThoM.jwaav favored tba- Caaoada Light and .Power company'a franchise were Councllmea Annand Bennett, Dun ning, Oray, Kellaher,-Masters, Preston, Shepherd, . Vaughn and Wills. Thoee opposed war Councilman v Balding, Sharkey and Wallace. Tha vote on the Mt Hood Light and Power company'a franchise was tha aame with tha excep tion that Councilman Wallace favored it and Councilman-Sunning opposed it Tha ordinance, will go to-Lthe mayor and it la expected that he will reto them In which case his Veto may' be euetained. aa it takaa a three fourthe vote of the council to paaa a franchise ordinance over the mayor's veto. - Tha MoCusker and Pagna gaa fran chises on which valuatlona were fixed by the city executive board Monday, were returned to the eouncU and . re ferred to the street committee. It Is expected that tha council will modify tha aaiuationa. - --: t---:-;:;--, ' Xayw'a Tatw. OTerrlddaa. - T Tha veto of tha mayor to the ordin ance creating tha office of bailiff and janitor of. cha municipal court waa wverrtdden by a rota of II to J,.Trh f ranchHaa of the Oregon Traction com pany to the United Railways company waa passed aver the mayo, veto.- - The ' council - sustained tha 'mayor's tora6rdrhaacV.Tmp6slng',aTir cense of 1190 a quarter on merchants aa-tlTfy- Itiadliig st em ps, Residents oi war. !n:: atrumental In securing a vote from the eonncll favoring tha annexation of that community to tha 'city. 'Tha propoal tlonj will be preeented to the voters in the .territory propoeed to be annexed at tha June election. Councilman - Sharkers ordinance ap propriating 110.000. from tha ' general fund Jor the relief of San Pranclaoo sufferers waa referred to tba waya, and means committee. , Remonstrances against the 'vacation of Northrup atraet for railway terminal fdcllltlea were referred to - th. afreet 1 committee. Attorney-R R. . Dunlway 1 (I At ifie Sign of the UNITED Shield mm j E E arc. to you tories that 7 We buy Our" systemr better clfars way. :. By our - savin, into To lest w - ' PI '. :-' V mm 4-'." II" !$ 11 rzm'-- n-r- 11 - . Oregon" : ' To those wfc -lore tha Beaver . Btata . ; UAY 19 to 26 For a. or new paian aomm os eoaalaur this and hop. tha old ataad, Ws have seleeted tw. peolala, which ar. bomnd to ataad with tha approval of disoeralag ahoppera. , Credit . For . You and Your jPrtends - Too as - ir - a: aid that thla waa the only thoroughfare by which . the. residents In tha vicinity of the land, to be vacated could reach tha river front -' . . . BAKER PtANNING F0R ?RAIEtRRATmNltiENROOLllUUlUl - ' - (Upsets! Dlapeteb te The Joeraat )wr" Bakey City, Or;May1. The busl naaa men of Baker City and the ment bere of the Baker Speed and Fair aa soclatton are' making preparationa for a grand Fourth of July celebration her. thla year. Tba Speed and Fair associa tion la arranging for the threeday a race meet to be held July'"l,"e and E. and the business men will work In con junction with them and arrange for the ether portion of the celebration. Thar.; wlli-b.- a-grand ' STOKE. No. 40S Openinajyaturday-iMay..5th bringlnf you sometliin? new a system, SometlUnj: ofjtclvaiitage quality. We stand for . direct buying direct selling and " clirar quality that excels. Compared with ordinary; methods of djar retalllnf, bur system wUl ' yield you bettef cigars -for the same moneymore cigars for equal money and equal cigars for less money. - We secure all this by taking the entire output of a dozen treat modern fac raise their Havana tobacco on enormously;. Inspect rigidly and condition our clears sclentlflcally, L BrBirs 7the f smoker 'dbserlite iur .of production, and assures and more 'dependable . quality than l can be obtained system we cut out flve distinct "In-between. profits; tne quality n our clears. tissKfoiCAmM UMITIEID) C1GAK Development akJa aaaabliahaaamt a ad meohanloB are still with tha remodeling of our showrooms. ust at thla tint, the health, arurdy growth of tlQa store manifeata tttwlf 4av ta haayy AaliTertea de daily to tha many mew komas which w are privileged to fnrnUb com rStXm. Best of aU. we are glad to ha able to say that none of oar ens- ; JT k fa aomniainaat af. hut seem rather gratified to aotloe tba lmDrovet&eate whloh we as saaking, evea though whloh we are snaking, even uonira ai aa wm eaaae a alight inoonvealeaoe. We are rapidly over p. to have everything la ooSnperettvely axoeUeat shape no snoath. Sa the meant!, w. era doing baalses. at better equipped thaa evax to saeet tha wants of tba public HridayiandlSaturaay Metal Bed With 14-inch itead, and measuring el Inches at tha foot; full slie, well finished, in tha following oolora: Maroon and gold,' light or dark green and gold,--blue and gold, and cream, and gold. All high-class beda selling readily at the regular prlc. of 111 y- - A 600 D PLACE TO TRADE ie - iai riltST btwcct. powtlan d. morning followed by the . usual ad dressee and program. Vandevllle per formers will be engaged and many other features are being arranged -which will make It one of the-teadtng-ceisbratlons ever held In the slty. y , sX ... iiii I ' TTi'te-ay -- . - . - . . . CROSSES GRATP)VIDEtS5a """,- 'Milton, Or., May I. Henry Wood, one of the pioneers of Oregon, died at his home " in ' this city Tuesday after a brief illness, from pneumonia. The de ceased waa born in Tenneaaee, Kovem ber it,- ItSt, jutd ha eroaaed the plains withhla parenta when ha waa-t years of age.- They settled in the Wlllamett. valley near Sheridan. Mr. Wood.. waa IS years of age when he flrst came to ateraa-of Third iStireei their own plantations. - STOEffiS Oreflon Po the, who eaght to know of the predaots of thla state - -MAY " 19 to 25 busily engaresl at tlmee the tonoh Wash-Boiler- 'Heavy,' re-ttnned. with ' copper -bottom, No. I, regular $1.26 -Friday smd atrdayonlyv--r - Prices ; " Aro 7; Right Payments v: Arer:1 ught ;4 owcqo :t3 r aaa a. the Indian war. In that early daya be' hom.ateaded 100 acres of land on Cor tonwocd, whloh is one of the finest" places In thla section todav. Tor tha . past IS'yeaxs "he haa been making hia I home tn Milton, .. '- : ''rmf- I - -He laavea. baaldaa i vlHnw. ha fnt- Stepchildren: Mra. Muir, Mrs. WU1 Bal ing, Tom Saitnr and Martin Baling. ; i Th fUneral waa held yeaterday frdm' the family residence and Interment .waa : mad. in th. 1. p. O- F. cemetery. --1 - The Original Laxative Cough Syrup ia Xennedy'a Laxative Honey and1 Tar. It expele-eU-eold-from-the eyrtem by acting as : a cathartlo on the bowels. Kennedy'a Laxative Honey and Tar - Is a certain, aafe and harmless cure for aolda,troaip end whoopiag a D: 11" D In any other v We put the -0- - t i n -- Eilllii '. .J-at3t. it. . s - mm" r 'J: LIa-A - -- 'I - "k" ":. t. ' . ...n ill.;. i '''..'.'-" ' . f