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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1906)
.'V' r THE OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL; PORTLAND; THURSDAY EVENING; MAY - 3, r-WCJ. REFUGEES- DODGE -iOnly On ln-Tn Willinfcto Work - ' . Railroad Construction .:rULw-,;v.;.:. Camps, --fiA-- ! SCARCITY OF LABORERS , .t ; caUses wage increase v Fifteen Tbouaand Men Who Can Do Common Labor "An Needed at One by , Oregon ' Railroads, Millg ' V. and Lumber Camp. -.a--t: :-.i'.'..'.!.,. on"raJlroed oecrtohs and construction work and eleo In. th timber and saw mill districts. The scarcity of common labor ta one of the great -problems that confront the me who ere inniM In development of tha Pacific northwest, They, aaa no alternative excepting to pay mat bo high that men - will b .at tracted from tha . trade and from luch employment that of restaurant walt-tci-a and places hr women can fill the requirements. It ta aaid labor con- dillona .roust readjust themselves lntble aectlon of tha United States if tha country la' to g forward with any con' slderable degree or grewth, and that tha man muat coma forward and .do the heavy work and give tha women all tha Indoor work. . Theae .changes will, it 4a believed, coma to paaa only when wagea for outdoor labor reach a high water mark unparalleled In the hlatory of the country. ' No leaa than 15,000 men for commonJbor -are-needed at llieT" pree ent time In railroad, mill and timber employment- In tha Oregon country SICK REFUGEE BABY - . IS NOW RECOVERING . . . The addition of a ' large ' number of ' , 8an , Franclaco refugees td. the popula tion of the Paclfio northweat has not glvon any anaterial relief to-ho etralned . altuatlon regarding laborers fur railroad construction work and . other project. ... where large numbers of men are needed. J It iB 'estimated bv E. B. Coman. who - haa had 'charge of tha work of picking I our laborers . from the incoming calt . .fornla crowds that only one In tan was '' eecured for-constructlon work, and that tot mora than U0 or no men have been . engaged for ' common labor, while sev 2. eral thousands are urgently , needed. Mr. Coman aald: ' ...- J"Th bim who cam from California . did. not seem to be be fitted for com-'- -mon labor."- Many of them who came to . mc'wcro willing to take any work they , could get, but their hands were soft and ' their muscles undeveloped. -They '.would aar to an that if no other employment ". 1 were available-they, ware ready to go 1 Immediately to Join -tbe working camps ; on tha railroads. Then they would go '- away,- ead would (not -coma back. I 40 nof know where " tha 'found work, -but .- It seems they' got soma kind ' of em- ployment .that they believed waa easier - than working a tha grade or., tha aec tlon." ' - - --.-vVegeg-sat steadily going up- for men Teeeie" Oorsa, - the baby brou g ht up from Ban Francisco Buffering' from pneumonia and taken In charge by the relief committee or- tni.-. fcederateo Trades council of Portland, is . rapidly recovering according -to the ata ten) ent of tha Good Samaritan bosplUl authori ties. The baby waa accompanied by its mother, who is at tha hospital assisting In tha nuralng of tha little sutferer. The father whola-- -member Of ths Cooks - and Walters' alliance - In Ban FrmrfMaeo, loat everything during , the fire and waa burned out of house and home. Ha had to live with his wife and baby In tha park for several days, and tha exposure gave the baby an at tack of' pneumonia. -Tha mother ' and child were immediately sent to Portland o be cared for toy the relief committee. The' father remained In "Salt Francisco to work and assist In tha relief of the suf fering ones there, ' " V - - '. Sew Boat BleoaUm. '' Baker City, Or.-Mey-4, Some time Th the near future another school elec tion will be held In this city to vote 120,000 bondi for the building of the North- Baker school house and tha re funding of 110.000 bonda now outstand ing. This election will be necessary be- canaa an irregularity haa been f In the bonds voted at the election held recently for that purpose. of San Francisco, Cal. Los Angelea, California, and is going ahead as though there '. had been neither earthquake nor firerr : ; . . ; J ' Jj We respectfully ask each and all of our subscribers to send tis either an old wrapper showing their hame and d dress or a copy of their receipt, giving the number, date and name of person. who signed it." .Address -' fr::".J III1 "aj at . ' - . . '. 11 vini"." u if 'ara m - ss . ... 1 neweeiuy Examiner r 2 Los" Angeles, CaL; - u 1 ' 'J- 1 .John Sainpolia aa John Storm and Lillian Lawrence aa Glory Quayle , Tha-Cbfiatian" at tha Heilig Theatre Next Sunday, Monday FACTS IN-NATUIIE. Hot Only S9 Wt Oe. ZaapiraMea. :..,.' ' Hatore, Bat Health aa) Well. V- For people who are run-down and nartv out, who auRer urom lnaigeetion or ays pepsla. haadachev , bllloiiaoaas, or torpid liver, coated Ion sue wtta bitter taste la the morning and poor appetite, It be cornea necessary to tarn to aeme tonic or ttreng than ST-whisk will - asslai N stare and help taem to get oa taelr feet and ut the body Into tte proper eoadltlon. It U bnooailng mora ana mere apparent that Nature's mast valuable kealth giving agenta are to be found in forest plant nd roots. - - - - . Nearly forty years aao. Dr. R.V. Plerra. now consulting physician to tha Iavalidr Hotel and uurgiosi lasutute, a ounio, N. i.. discovered that by aclentlDoallf ectracttng and oomblaing certain medici nal principles from native roots, taken from oar American forests, ha could pro duce a medicine waleh waa marvelously efficient In curing easas of blood disorder and liver and stomach trouble aa well aa many other chronic, or Uncaring all menu. This concentrated extract of N store's vitality ha named "Golden Med' leal Discovery It nnrlnaa the blood by .putting the stomach .and . liver into healthy condition, inereoy neiping me digestion ana assimilation 01 rooa wnicn feeds the blood. Thereby it cares weak stomach, indigestion, torpta liver, or ou lousnesa. and kindred derangements. . If you have coated tongue, with bitter or bad taste in me morning,- irequem headaches, foel weak, entity tired, stitches or pain In side, hack gives out easily and aches, belching of gas. constipation, or Irregular bowels, feel nasnea 01 neat ai ternaUns? with chtlhr sensations or kin dred symptoms, they point to derange ment of your stomach, liver and -kidneys. which the -uoiaen oteaicai discovery will correct more speedily ana perma nently than anv other known agent. Con talna no alcohol or habtt-forminf dm si All Its ingredients printed in plain Eng lish on wrapper. The sola motlva for tnbstltntlon tl'to permit the dealer to make a little mora profit. Tic gains; you lose. Accept no sub stitute tor -uoiaen atevteai v'svoyery.- Constipation eausea and aggravate many serious diseases. It (a thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleaaant Pellet, One a laxative; two or three are cathaxtia I i - ssr w a a a w s bbbmswb w . i ' w s . sssBB aawBiaas 6weep Trash Int6 Cutters After "Street Department Has RUBBISH CANS NEEDED TO CATCH THE DEBRIS New Yorlt j Undenvritcrs ency : . Assets $18,061,926e87 464 Tenth Street Oakland. Cal. MATN-5rWIITS0NrManagers All Josses- incurred by the New York -Underwriters Agency will be honorably adjusted and promptly paid, and the record established at Chicago, Boston and Baltimore will remain unbroken. a&acmait noat soarornosr a wzlsov, .' ' r -asfoTVOOBUtTAprB fais lSOS. Oaklaaa, OaL 1 Srary lagltlittaas elaiaa araiaart the nw TOBX TwsnwmiTraavOXaTCT. wtn be paU peompCy aa4 to fan aa at Baatlaore sad Chtoago. Parrish, Watkina ft Co Agents, 250 Alder St, Portland, Or. " James' Laidlaw & Co Inc.. Agents, Ainsworth Bldg, Portland, Or. Citizens Demand That Police Enforce Health Ordinance and Prevent Lit tering of Streets by Those Who Sweep Refute Into, Them.. Clean streets are one of the first req ilal tea -of -a city-, beautiful -and r a city healthful. It ia an old earing that "Cleanliness la next' to Godliness," and this applies, to municipal ' thoroughfares aa well aa to personsX and everything else. .The thoroughfares of I a munlo Ipallty are the places where visitors gain their flrat Impression of the town. If the streets are dirty, covered with trash and litter of every description, the stranger is most likely to conclude that it Is a dirty, unhealthy, unkempt city. A. L 'LByy-JeclaratVolumef Alaskan Trade Is Greater . Than Men Think. - PORTLAND HAS SMALL . r CHANCE OF BENEFIT JElneJ)entaLWork cry Moderate Prlui Orowm and Bridge Work a SpcoUlty. ... AU yyorfi juxjy Guaranteed. Solid Gold Crowna Bridge Work . rult Bet Teeth i .,....J4.00 , .e w e a e S3eOO I t a) a aS--. 600 y I Ml a I .a AaT aSWaWT . Could' Not Secure Her. Share, of -Alaskan Commerce Without Mak- u Long- and Expensive Fight Againat Seattle. Those. versed In the science of medi cine say cleanatreata-aje not only Tm- an 1 aesthetic standpoint. but f rom-aatandpoint , 0 -health. Pirt la known to be the' home of disease germs. The filth and trash allowed, to accumulate and blow about the streeta Of a city is no exception to the ruli " The street cleaning department of the city of Portland sweeps and cleans the paved thoroughfares of the municipal' Ity every night . The big sweepera go from one and to the other of all auch streeta and they are followed by carts that pica up and carry away the trash and dirt that ls swept up, But, appar ently aU this iaboxcpzeaeattoa-jio of money on the part of the city. Is loot, for a caaual in spection of the streets any time during the Mturt afore Wtta a Bush. " "AIL our business has to be done" In the space of three or four months. aald he, "and It la done In tons at a time. Everything has Jo be dona In 'a ruah, and we, have prepared to atuind to 1 bualnese promptly when -the aeason Opena or- we cau du notnlng. 'The volume of -buslnesa done lnthe short- period of time known aa the "open season' is beyond estimation. There are six ves- ele nlvtnv tMitween Valde mrA flAattle. c day will show them to be fiUeLwUh land yet they nave aee enable to handle 1 - You - will : scarcely-believe a soda cracker can be8bperfect until - you - fi if a 4 Vt A fnt nrfof Qnr4 o ,MkJkV Maw VMW IWt tWVh WWUH Cracker . -,--r . heecirBiscuit So ' deliciously - baked so tender and flaky so woh- j v v : derfully preserved by a moisture prooi package. "It i3 the only real Soda uracixer. ' NATIOMAL BISCUIT COMPAKT if at av i ay " --w 1 VyxJ --rlJ dirt and trash of .all descriptions. Alter the streeta - have- been ' awept during the night, the janitora, of busi ness buildings come along In the early morning, sweep dirt out of the buildings upon the sidewalk, then sweep this dirt and all the - additional - trash gathered from the aide waiav into the gutter. There It . la left to be blowfl and scat tared about the street Apparently no pretense la made of gathering this dirt up and putting it In a trash receptacle. Everything la awept Into the street and there It Is left to be played with, by tne wind. Cuspidors are emptied Into the' gutter and washed out on the sidewalk. Trash boxes are emptied into the street; quan tities of paper, fruit peel, cigar stumps and such trash litter the business sec tion from morning until night. A stroll along Washington, Alder, ' Morrison, Stark and the other streets of the busi ness district will reveal a large quan tity of this trash blowing about the gutters, lying ' on 1 the eldewalk ' and littering the street - There is an ordinance giving the health department authority to prevent the littering of streets by sweeping the dirt from stores Into them. But the or dinance la not enforced.- The police ap parently make . no effort ' to stop -This practice, M,r r-r.x. r- r ; ,-r - 7, It la observed that at the aide and In the rear of many business houses, crst- lng -material and packing Ja pi; aiaonmlnateiy about on the- sidewalks. In the gutters and In the alleys. Piles of old -lumber, the remains of a cord of wood that has been sawed up, and quan tities of building material, obstruct and litter the atreets In many places. - In most eities where the "clean city" movement haa been started galvanised Iron rubbish cans have been - installed on all corners and at other convenient places, wherein all trash that Is usually thrown upon the street Is required to be depoalted. These citlee have ordin ances making - It a misdemeanor - to throw even a scrap of .paper- on the sidewalk or street , It has been sug gested, by local cltlsene that the In stallation of such csns on the streeta of Portland and the enforcement of a proper law requiring the .streets to. be kept free from filth, would be a valu able Improvement. -. .. v . ... Trsf erred Stock Ceased OoodJ. : eUlan aVXewla Beat Bread. 5 A, L. Levy, head of tha firm of A. I lievy- at - Co., . of V aides, - Alaska, la In Portland visiting his old home. , friends and relatives during the dull season tn the far north. He possesses a fund -of information about conditions in Alaska, especially lrf regard to-commercial af fairs, and talks Interestingly of - the country - where he has made his new home. Mr. Ieyy was raised In ' Port land. He went to school here 40 years ago,- when he -walked through a forest where now business houses stand. . While my home Is really In Alaska now," said he, 'PrUandJajnx.OlAJiQnie- and I Ukr to upend my time hare when I am away from Alaska." -- In relation to the commercial affairs of Alaska,-Mr. 'Levy -declares that the outalde world little realises the volume of business that Is transacted In that country during the few months when lt-4e-poaalble to haadlo-ou ppl lea, Booms a,' e, r, a wrtsa xneo ,tre SUSeT, Oirpoalte BUere Piano Hotel Eaton coxrvoiaisoK asi tin rAXxriTi. N EW 'ntBdeomJy farDlihwI, elegsatly eanlppeA, reproof, tre Binctes' walk fross heart at hopplnf end buiness district, sll larfe, slry, outside rooms. Mum bested, electric lights, telephone In each apartment, etc. Larse cfSces. lonnglcs. amoklns, wrtttus, hidloe' reeaetloa parlors. Booms IMWfil bj msD or talevoooa. Private eaulsas meats tiains aad atssaisss. ttooma $t.QO to $S.OO a Day tpcctal Bates tc Cammstnlsl Baa. xma. max lAioa; :. Turaierly of Hotel Blapath, Bpokaas.) " . be afforded by this number of . craft. DOW. THE FACT That we have In stock a great variety o f -Such as Linen " M csA, se thread,; extra : quality, cotton,' etc T Also a llneiof. Knee Length Drawers .and Short - Sleeve VndenhlrtsSpdCQoL comfortable Union Suits, For Utidenveair of the right sort cqme -to - us MM pi !0 '4 ZU MORRISON ST., 0pp. Postofflce AS TO VALUE NONS DO OR CAN GIVE BETTER aW-WEATKERLY. HHCMLOCrtl W snameaaauA aF Sal J 1 . at ta - BJ s II Ml 1 if s H 1 sT 1 1 nsaBv - 2 1 r-r-t ill ., 111 III ' Will -a ILLOAL Phone EasV244 on-iDrrison1 WE ASSURE"OUR CUSTOMERS'raOTECTION REGARD LESS OP "COMBINE" OR COMPETITION BANK7ANDTOFFICE RAILING z:-i WIRE AND IRON FENCING i Barbed Wife, Wire said Lawn Fencing, . , t - . Poultry Netting, Etc , T the first, supplied ample vessels and has corralled the business. Portland should have gone after Ita aharc of trade yeara ago.', " It la rather late now to try to break into the field, and any attempt would result In the, running of lines at a loss for a long time before any results could be obtained.". Portland should have awakened to Its opportunities long ago," There la no anguish quits so keen as that felt by a woman who gets a new dreae to wear to a party and then isn't invited. 1 -: --r1- Phone Main 2000 PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WOR 83 FLANDERS ST. Near Third An Unequalcd Offer 2 A 'sat of our famoua HI Falae'TttKTH for 10. Painless extracting free with, this offer. Exan- lnatlon and consultation free. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. , Extracting, 60 cents ... .. ' . WISE BROS., Dentists mas Ajn wabbtwotob-; Mala flags the goods and supplies we ordered. Boats reach us every few days,-how ever, , and we have , this advantage; .we can telegraph to Seattle on one day for a bill of goods and have It. shipped on the boat leaving the -next day. - - - - t. ' "The -time between Seattle and Valdes is from four and. a half, to eight and a half- days, according to whether the outalde or Inside passage Is taken. The outalde paasage Is the shorter, because the vessels' do not have to follow the wandering coast - line Wf Alaska, - but make a straight ocean path for Valdes." - Mr. Levy says- the thing that aston ishes him is the Ignorance of the extent of Alaska displayed by people of Port land and almost, every other place south of Seattle. They seem to have an Idea, She says, 'that It" is merely a small ppenlnaula. They do not stop to realise that. the distance around the coaat line la mora than twice that around the earth. , - I , . "I met a man in "Washington. District of Columbia,'' aald he, "who, upon learn ing that I was from Valdefc,-remarked that he had a friend living juat acroaa the bay from. me. ' I asked him what plsce and., he blandly -replied 'Nome.' When I told him Nome was t.000 miles from Valdes hs would hardly believe me." . . . - Portland Baa sjUm Chance. rTrrrrrarron re roriitmaTTpbseibiiities of securing some of the-Alaska ' trade Mr. Levy said: -- - . . ' ... - t would be foolhardy Tor business men here to put two or three veamele on the run and hope to get any business st -an. Business men could-not and would not patronise a line that didn't give better,-service than could possibly ----- - BBBBISr 1 -J ' Will Overcome, Indigestion and dyspep- ia. reruiaie ina dowvii ana mure liver and kidney complaints. It Is tha best blood enrlcher and Invlgorator in the world. It la purely vegetable, perfectly harmless and should you be a sufferer from disease you will uae it If you are wise, A. K. Andrews, editor and man a get Cocoa and Rockledge News, Cocoa, rla., wrtter "I have used your Hcrblne In my family and find It a -moat excel lent medicine. - Its effects upon myself have been a marked beneflLr' Sold by Woodard. Clarke Co. . ' i ,. -, - Vy- - - - , . r-' r" -' 't.- WELCH'S CLOTMi - It don't matter what price you pay. , With a $7.45, $9.75, $12.50, $15.00, $20.00 or $25.00 suit you get. the value with a saving of $2.50 to $5.00 to you. . Style, fit rics are right; if not Welch makes it rights, : IhlflJl PEAIN AND FANCY HOSE :-:..j. 2 .; pairs for! 25c'::', i-.-.l'.a-V't Watches. Rifles ' and Skates FRJ3B WIJIi Boys Sells MORRISON CQ&fitesrSr J - i- ; ' l: r.