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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1906)
I v 13 j THE OREGON JOURNAL." PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, "MAY. 3, 1808. If You Have Never Been a Careful Reader of JOURNAL ill A NT. ADS, to Form, the NEW TODAY. Habit' Now Is Equivalent to an Increase of Salary -J few Good ') " u ' anhnrna ,i4 iiuf-1 4 toe. ' ' Half block. East-Clay, near Grand VIMI 4 1 1,094. A full block, faclnf Grand avenue 9U.009. Quarter Work en Vnlon aVe 911.009. ynnrter block, Ith and Belmont 7.ruo. , - .. - . Half block between Cnlon and Grand. Clo in 917.603. . . Half block on railroad track, on Im proved street 19,000. 60x100- on Grand arenue,"-near 'MT kot 13.000. - - -7 , i acre one mile wt or Clackamas edition, all In cultivation 91.000. I have IS other -re .trnrte .adjoining- ttid above tract at from $100 to IJ00 per acre, that r wL'l either aell or exw ha nice for ood realUence property. For further particular see . , :EVER,404 East Alder Phone East 491. Northwestern Mutual Life OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. r ' twenty-five years ago. - New insurance-written In . April, 1906, larger . than 'during any. other Bjonth in the history of the agency. OTT& TOIJCT-ROLSZKa r. satistixd r S. T. Lockwocd & Son General Agents, " .. ? , Concord Blag., Portland, Or. . CS.50O I modern Houses on Korth Jlgb.teentlr- street; lot, tOiiOfli, beat buy In North Portland. " " . 92.50O S-room modern -House, 1 block off Hawthorne avenue car line; ' lot 100x100; fine plumbing, cement baaement- terma -ie- eult.--Why- not atop paying; rentT.-.- 92,650 4-rootn modern Houae; lot - 4ixll; TtUee yard; on . Marguerite .- avemiej terms to suit. -? ' C3,T60 Strictly' modern Cottage In Hawthorne avenue addition; an Ideal home. This might suit you, Have you seen the lota T am jus TKurne avenue car ine for 1260 each; 10 per cent cash, balance J 10' per month,. " - E. LEE, 93 Sixth St akeal astase, fcoaai Uia. i - 187 HOLLA DAY AVE." ,V....-."..-...Eit . End Bteel Brldf e. " " . Phone East 1723. Andy K Grant I -:-' Henry Harkaon. . . TH arrea of level land, eaay cleared. Ttear electiio line, east aide. Only J$160 ' per-acie. Owiier tottis eaatBSfd up and f tompcuea to ecu. inquire Cederbergh , Jkoom ! Ooaunerolal Block, aaooad aad ' . . WaablBnom HUeeU. . "WEATHER REPORT. The piaaauia eontlaaea hick la the aertbwaat, and, ta eooaajnenoa, fair weather cenllaMea ta tula dletrict. The falling barometer feetarday eft the California coast failed to rauae any rain la that state.- The Alberta disturbance baa aaoeed eeath and Is now central erer Nortk Ixkota. It baa united with the ahallow low presaura area yeaterday ever weatara Texas, and unsettled conditions prevail generally tlironghoiit toe middle west. Heary ralna bare fallen la aortbeaatera Texas and la Arkanaaa, and linear amount are . reported la Kansas, Missouri, Worth Dakota, Minnesota and upper Mlctiiaan. . The disturbance yeaterday ewer the lake regloa la adranclna te sea eft the New koglaad roast, and noderately heavy rains hare ccurred la New RngUsd, the middle Atlantic en tea aad the lower lake region. The tudlcattoua axe for fair weather ta thle district tonight and Friday, ft will be cooler teatsrn Or, a aw. eastern Washington sad Idaho, mad light frost may he expected la that aeetloa aad alae ta Nevada. The tempera tnrra will rise la the mtarmeaatala aactloa rrMey. . Observe tiona takea at 9 a. ., Paetfle time: Stations --Mat. F.krr tlfy. Oreeoe. ....... in Bnetoa, Manaachaaetta. - thteage, llllnom lieaeee. Colorado, . .... r r Los Aaaelea. California. r-ew Lon tslane.Trt- Kew Tork. new Xork.... rtmaha. Nebraska........ rortlana. oregcei. Hoeetmrg. Oregon Kt.- Umls, Mtseoi Kelt Ika. t tab. Fpokane.Waahlngton.. alla SYalla, Washington.. T Wsshfngtoa, D. C. -. . . . . r SO MARRIAGE LICENSES. T Guy It. Wilson. 35; Christina Anlslo. IS. Jijtin lsrP. SltHrrtettna ScneMematt. IT. 7.. O. L. rurguaoa, St. Johns, Oregon, 23; Ethel Horemaa. IT. ' - . Robert A. Kewrebasor, SO; Sadie Bmsart, 19. Char lea H. It arch, 24; Ollle Abbate. 33. Arthur J. Van oolah, Lisa ton, Oragoa, 35; t.nil.n Treber. IS. . , t. C. Cronaa, 3t Oarrl Bocbe. SO. Wedding Cards, W. O. Smith St Oa.. Waab. Ingtea bldg one Pearth aad Wash lag tea sta. - Mlaa Bertha Martin, roam 313 Attaky hldg. Stamping aad See needlework; lessons given. BIRTHS. ' vrrxnEI.tV April S3, te Mr. and Mrs. John WemV-ll. Sag North Twenty-Bret St., a son. PI XDRBRO April 22, te Mr. aad Mrs. August ' Hundberg, S70 Vsnghn St., a daughter, IMlNOH April 12. ta Mr. and Mrs. farter V. Kdrltng. 037 Thtrty-eeoaud St.. a daughter. ftHRPHCKD April 27. to Mr. and Mra. -A. ' Nhepberd. tog, ETIswerth St.. a daughter. LINN April S, te Mr. and Mra. W. E. Linn, 73B Bush St., a son and daughter (twine. n'M'KKNRKRKT April 2S, to Mr. and Mrs. atammad B. Hock an berry, SW3S OlUaa St., DEATHS. JXDLyGTOX-r-sllJ Wa 1 14 months, at Belllnghaei hotel; ess it Belllnghaei hotel: eaaee. en. Bnrtal at tone ftr cemetery. tree calltla., Edward Polaue Co.. the leedlng funeral directors, nsvs the Sneet setabllahmeat, the Saeet gonda, the unset vehicle aad the exoet reasonable arlcee. Pine .. hreaeelotb eeeand easketa, S3 -end S3tC The Sneat wood geedx nada, from $1$ te 930. ' Parlors 230 aad 223 Third street, corner Saiaraa. Pertlaad, i. P. yialey aj Son, funeral dtreetaes and emhalaiera, eoraar Third and Madlssa streets. tMSesbaf eenaty eneaeer. Telapaeaa Mala S. rtaamtag. MrCetee St Otlaesgh. aaderuaaee cad embalmere; ajonere ta every eWtsu. Seventh end Plae. Mala 4WK Lady sestet a at A. ft. R.atsterk. adertaker and embalmer. East Tblrtesntk and L, mat Ilia era. I'hoaa Sail. . Wond tt. - - Ctaeh IVee for Sew era. tm Miattsia etreea 9UT33TUW CZM3H.3T. ,t. SlaaS geavea Pamlly Va 9TS e 91 .000. The eelr swrneterr ta Porrixnd wbl'" per. K'Wal'y Vetntalne 44 reree for lota, gar full WBMtta err'ff' W. B. Markeaeie. Wee eeetae hM. ally, w", at. UOd, president. Cxrl t-'"-1' - en . m .u L as ; ' r 60 ; rr .o I S4-- 44 -.-4- ns 62 -. .0 1 -0-f en- : mi r f .. 04 ' . . 60 ' . t ,1 Am - - 1 " -4S -- .0 ...... M 64 T. ax aa .O 73 64 ;0 an aa t. - .30 1 : REAL' ESTATE TRANSFERS." Jrxnk t Ma slJ IT. Huntiuel un.tivl.U-d u( M 1, block TO. city 9. . 10 rtank riebiae aad wife to Karl Schmidt et el.. wl 4 feet of lot L block 77. 'Carutliera addition (I 1,000 E. T. L'Urt and wife ta Jacob UIW. lot 4, block 1, Loeeu'a sddlitoa. 1,200 Hattle A. Dove ami bneband to F. U. Arata. lot T. block lju. city...... 2. W. Brleiow and Kir to Pal lip . ' 100 a. 300 Slocam, lot 15. block 22, Willamette.. William Hull and wife to Hedley Davla, lot 4 block leu, Csruthere addition.. . John hlernan ami wife to T. D. I'ollork. eVeml -H -Work t. Mehelvtllei--10 Ana B. Jit-Call to Herman H. Hleredorf, barrel of laud Mr-elnnlna la block of ' larre block C. terter'e addition ISO Mrs. A. K, MrCsll to same. oO-.TDiUOxSl feet beginning US feat eeat of xatereec- , tarn of eaat line of chenniaa an-eat ' ami eontb line of Mill atreet. ... ."1,330 O. 1.. lirKcnna and wife to Eatelle till- cher. lota I. S aad . block IB. Burrace ta.t , ' SO0 1-eordelta lteett tTTtJ. J.-rttjeriM.- Tnxr .. a. 4, ana ev block 20H. uoiiadax a addition ; 3.900 noopri (k-Baiaa ana wire to. i'anl waeaia . ftr, truatre. lota 1 aad 3, block 14, reurer'a addllloa Mnort . Inreatnient comuanr ta Ida aL bnndaa, lot S, block 2H. Vernon ..1,400 . n. ' rniiuna ana wire to ueerge Blaaebard. lot 3. black 8. Strawbarrr Dale .addition vi. - 1 150 aeai Katate lareatorr aaaoclatloa to .ttobert Bmlth. Iota a. I. a, a Bd 10. J. a. aepfl and wife to riorence H. , acboTea. lot .11), tOgck 31. Mount Tabor 'i Villa Paul Sboaa and wife to F. C. Perrlaa. lota 1 nd a, block M, Eaat Portland. . 3,000 eoaaa A. Htlmaoa to F. O. AraU. lot S. block I.Vi, city.'.. ....,...., VW '1 m. a., locxer ana auanana to Mary J . - Aadaewa, tots 15. IS and IT. block 2S. I'ortamouth 600 Ida M. caplea and bnahaad to M. I,. J Ralney, 43.6x38 1-3 feet beflnbtoic 41 - -feet nortk ef aoathweat corner of Wit " A. aiibdlrialoa at aowlh H of klork 18, MrMtllen'a addition Char lea A. Cofewell aad wife To Louisa atettleton, eaat H of lota and 4, block. 93. ltolladaj a addition.. Caroline 1L Uraaa to Jaapar Crane.- lot 3, block 310. Ilolladay'a addition; lot ' 4. block 3. Brraee' addition; lot 14. section 3, Greenwood ceaieterr.,,u..i Caeper J. . Braaack and wUa.- to 1. C. llulbert at. tW kH 14. block ' 3, Braaack'a addition , v.'.... Title' Guarantee ai Tnut compear to W Il ia rd A. Itoberta and wife, north ' ef ' lota T aad S. block 64. Hunnjrilde third 490 9,000 .400 -audition ............ ....... .,,., D. T. Browa ta Jennie Llndell, 10 acre bektnntnt at- aontbweat corner ef nertb ' weal V of aactloa X-towsabla 1 eoutn. ranee 3 eeat. SOO William Berc to AoftaU Berg, lot 3. park - Work li cltr ' Berg, lot 3. park 'block 1. cltr. P' 1 V. n. Aaattoa and wile to wuiiaia -v. Vlllweck. Iota 13 and IS, bjockj refoo- eootfany'TS' l'nfledBtaUiJlf i'Vlrii VIIW I 111 a Loaa company, lou 1. and S, block iui, varntnera aaottiowrrrTY....' laraee 0. Roan tree at eL te . Clot 1. r Doyle, aame property........... A inert nerni ana wire to Jonn ri uaaeae, telaJL-a. 4A..a. aad a. blank l tela 3 to 41 block 3. Denrke. fl.eraagchafee and wife tw Conrad Air bright, lot 9, block 1, North Irrlactoa. 1,800 Cora Olaon to ar H. Sharer, lot 14. block la. tvmiii Aitiim Lets M. E. J'hdW6BT6angTreto'- PsMsrson. lot IS. block 14. CloTerdala Extension No. . 160 WslUre W. PettSrson and wife t F. T.. Ostchet. lot IS. block 14. as me. add I Man - 300 Lonts liOTinger ana wire io mra. Emma Hart. Iota and S, block 3. Leah's ad- ' ' dtttrm . . .-. s-.'. . '. . i .. ,.v.-i . ; n .-r. . Title Guarantee at Tmst company to Men. - IM, tahm. lot 14. block a RoUadav Perk sdilltloa . S90 Monterey Beekm to Mra. Oeorglana King. lot JA. Uoek .jVHollsdav Perk addition Ereeae KlUe and wife to Llllle Cacbraaw lot 4, block 63, Jamea Joha'a addition. 3.300 Reel Kstefe Investors aaaoclatkm to c. - Y IS, Buckbee, lot 16. block 91. Sellwnod 194 P, C. Goodla to Nellie I Palmer, lots 1 -- aad 8, block 34, frUmtr, n m.-vtm i 3 Sheriff to H. E. Noble, lot 4. block 14. - Itenilworth addition . . . e.,.. .. I, W. -Whiting et a I, tw I'irttad-Statee-. - ftirtim A Ismm eomnanv. lota 1 and I block 101. tarn there addition 2.150 Title Gnsrantee Trust, compear to n. II. Wabher. kit . block 14. Waet Pled- Arleta Land corona nr to Etta Weolery. lot 1 aad 3, block 3, Arleta Park "No. 3 Same to Sidney Rollins et at, lot 9. block 11. Arleta Park No. 3 Corinne C. Hares and husband te Lewis A. Chtrk. part e( lot T. block 204. Uy. Joha I. Murray snd wife to Charles G. .trial eod wlfa. lot IS- block 12. ;S50 : 120 Williams Avenue addition 3,009 M. C Burpee aad wife to Georgia Ollles- ale. lot . Piedmont Park 1 Oeoraia Gllleeple te U. a. Burpee aad wife, asnie property .... .... . . . . . , u..w te ri.ri to Mra. A. P. CamnbelL part of lot 20. Gaston tract 1ST Rsm to aame. setoe property ........ . . . , 1ST Otto Ilsrtmsn and wlfa to Charles rraak, northwest 1 of north. at 14 and north' ' lc At Mrtheait - u vaf aeotlsai 26. townahlrJ 3 north, rsnge 3 west I Oet your tnsuiaaee aad abstracts ta real estate tae Title waaraaxee m iiwi 340 Weehlngtoa street. NOTICED THE njidaretgaed will receive sealed hM far a stock of merctkanaiaa, eoasistiag principally of furnishing goods and clothing, of the la- - e,iM m-tea nf X3 8Ta toeether with fixturee. T 973.90, located at Poreet Grove. Oregon, tip te 12 o'clock nooa of Tuesday, May S, ISOa. . a cash danoslt of 10' Bar cent of the ameunt - tld must accompany each offer. The right m reserved ta reject any aad au mas. lMBtw, 0 nrooertv nit he Been at my -office -and -the property .atay he lnapactad at gnreat urov. - . -.zr-mm. latet et Keetusa, waatm, xnsx aoia nay ef April. J900. . tSABIK, Pront n-nd Ankeny sta., Portland. Or. THE W. a. Ladd canyon ranch. 3 mile west HI r IW W ..., wm , - . . --- 'writ J. A. Putney, aupermtenaent, .avavaa. Or. Rates S cents per usy. MEETINQ NOTICES. WHIST snd a eeod time. Webfoot Camp, Ne. 88 xy. O. W., In CO. W, hall, - Tenth and Washington at., 4 Friday . evening. May 4. 11 M90U. .All friend Invited. I will regret It If you do not attend. -W. B. OAXLORD. 0. a -e COI.UMBIA LODGE NO. 114. A. P. A A.' M.-Ststed eommuBlcatloa thle tThursday) evening, 8 e clock. Masonic temple. Work ht E. A. degree. All E. .A. six sons invited. xt. B. rxut aiA-asti stsry, MABTHA-WTAflHINOTON CHAPTER, NO.-tH. O. E. fl. Special communication this (Thnrs- day), S P. m., Burkhard bUlg; work; refreah- - meets. Br order w. M. ' ..-v BKLLB RICHMOND, necratary. MACCABEES Portland Tent. - Na. 1. meet . every Thursday night In K. of P. hall. Mar- aqam Plug. tisiuhts are wvicaawe. .- E. M. LANCE. 1 IIlOSV AND FOUND. LOST Fox len'lef; Mxi'k uput ma iwoniasf. . black . ttlL ene black and browa eye; lost Seer ISth and Waaklagtoa eta. - Return te owner and receive reword. 804 North 34th HELP WANTED MALE. MEN and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from 816 to ttt weekly; expert Instructors; eats logs free. , Mohler System ef CotlegmwSS North Peurtk at.. Pertlaad. ,r SALESMEN WANTfiwToe awe ef the UrgMt nureerlee la the west; cash advanced wsehly; food territory open. Address Waahlagtoa Nursery O., To pen Ink. Waah. - AGENTS WANTED te netl eeperW. high-grade eurasry aterk; cemplete outfit furnlebed freei - cash weekly; write today for choir ef ter ritory. Capital Cety Nursery Company, Salem, . Oregon. x '. STRONO able-bodied men waated - at L. E. - Kara brickyard, E. Forty-first aad Dlvanoa ate.; take Richmond car. ( WANTF.OS flrst-elaas eollHtsre whe have had etaerleace la heuae-te-houae esavsestng: sslsry snd eonwitaslm te right parties. 209 Second at. 11 A R N RSS snd rsM)euisker wanting good toe In the country, address Chss, L. Maitkx 4 -xi. "how. jla Tsaikar, itsat aai Oak lnts, goruasu, vrefon. HELP WANTEDMALE. A Ttiitwftpportonliy for a nun -with noma capital; Investigate akd poa will (jve laxeat, C 110, cars Journal, . WANTED Boy) steaery; factory work, iJarla, eoruai .FrjuU. . , " .208 WAKTKlv W want te contract for 2W) to 600 good Chinese or Jspsneae to labor In turpen tine sronda. and at railroad and aewniiu work; we would like to carreeuond with reliable pae tlee whofwlll eontrart to furnish ns with such labor for a terra of years. Jackson Leat her Ce.. I,arkbert, Covington county. Alabaras. LABORERS for foundry; permanent employ ment. 8.19 Mherlork hldg. WANTKD Reliable newspaper esnvssser; stesdy position for right party; city snd country .work: must give reference. Address O, J. Agent. VeneouTer, Wash. i ... . . MATTRESS MAKER WANTED 49 Fruot, cor. WANTED Varnlahera. machine and bench haada. Oregon Fumltur Mtg. Co.. Macadam road. v - UNION HOTEL. . Rooma, 91.26 up -- ennnia reooratedi deissn.. 81 North Sixth at. Rates: ; room with board. 94.60 api ;- aaeallent Ubl board. - Ae- WANTKD Dah-ymaa to boy stock, Implemente, ' crop , and lease 90-acr farm, or reliable ra to take chsrys of place oa share. . R. Williamson. Wells, Or. WANTED Boys to work In factory, : Ceaat Blarult Co.. 12th and Daxls. Pacific "DKSTRIICTION OF BAN FRANCISCO" Fleet book; large profits: art quick: aaniple free, . jkbe Cooipany, 723 Chestnut St., Pbila. WANTED Mandolin, guitar ahd violin teacher; - put of town; permanent position; fare paid. - Address Lock Bos 129, Astoria, Oregon. WANTED Elderly" man te milk S cows and do choree in hoarding -house; must be nest; wages $20 sad cost. Address Nela H. Nel aoa, Pee, Oregon, --.-n; I WANT steady, reliable man ef Urge bual . esse experience. Chance for advancement - 10 rigut . 10 to 11: WANTED Pattern maker, flask makers, and oar makers, r Apply office Pacific Iron at Steal whs.. Fremont; Brattle, Wash. , - WANTED Boy that worked on bread. Apply Log Cabin Bakery Co.. 114 Russell tf. WANTED Nailers " and " hoy gt Multnomah . Lumber 4V Box Co., foot pf Bancroft are. WANTED Good, faithful driver, not under 19, for meat market, n luo, ear JooruaL KEN AND WOMEN A OK NTS wanted: ran . make iron 83 to 96 per day. Paadox Novel . ty Caw 683 L'aloa ... k.ik, tALO0JL-tng.Aala-al.-ahai-saJn:. okslos la.sllse Sixth at. - CARPENTERS WANTED 8 good finishers; si net be -eaecbantca. Apply Oordua A Daue, Vnloa are. and East Msdlenn. help wanted Female. HANSEN'S LADIES "AOBNCT. S4SW Washing. h tu. vol. Bstetiifl. umtxux luuus npna lil'g'smsl IsIiT'wsnUd;- - . THE BOMB LADIES' AGENCY Open - thtu- daya and ereulnffc InSH Fourth St. raona " Main 6A2S. - - - ; - -.'u-... . EXPERIENCED .GIRL-wanted- at SCS Ersrett to attend store. Call lu a. m. COMPETENT girl for housework and cooking; imall family; good wsgra. 4W Eaat. Davia. "WANtkii Good girl for gttiera housework. - 128 14th at., between Waablngton and Alder. MACHINE-OPERATORS on . btrta and white The Bpeacer Co., 126 10th St. - "WANTED Ladles. Portland to have wlrele -telegraph station. Telegraphy adapted to ladle, being llabt and aireeahte. Taught quickly. Cart PsrrHe Teegrarrh 4t Sharthaud institute, urana inearre Blag. - WANTED Experienced dining room girl; apply at once, i-itti f aiaee notei. iaoepenaenc, -Or. --'-- -- -- - - IP fax need of auras, ea shier. hook keeper. hotsl, restsursnt or colored neip, them. . The Bom Ladles' Agency. w hare BED VENTILATORS Let fresh sir ..lnsid 3 uuf beds,' makes large puff pi ! Vi e s ; cost 12ir; laau 12 years, ror aaie, ze Main Ht. WANTED Housekeeper for rooming-boose; sleo stenographer to travel. Mr. Wilson Ladles' Agsncy, 291X Morrison at. Pacific U0. WANTED 1 mmedletel.VT women under-- 60 houeekeener, widower a family; another town; wase 91S. 230 Vh XamhlU at. - Phone Main 6414. . WANTED Christian airl tvnewrltcr and ate- nographer; steady place; prefer on little "eareJournaL - - , MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Boy and girls. factory . work. Amscloaa Can Oe Snot 14th at. BELP wanted and supplied, male or femsla. R, S. Desks. aH w asm agios at. racia 1X7. SITUATIONS " WANTED MALE. WANTED A strong eldlsk. saa vast work around hotel or any place wnere experience la laundry -xrors wouid E tig, ear rfoeraei. - MAN, 60, good health, uslverslty esd eheml- cal educatloa, want altustlon where abilities will be appreciated. Addreaa E 129. Journal ENGINEER deatra wall understand Cor- Ilea and hlgh-apeed engines ehsnle: do mechanical and electrical re pairing. ' Address ,D 129, car Journal. , TOT-NO mas with 3H year machine shop ex perience in xne nssr in tns cresnr sepsracor line wants work. Address B 124, car Journal. BTTTJATION WANTED Mother and bob. flret- elaaa cooks, wlah peeltlooa In camn, hotel or restaurant first and second eooke, or cook snd dishwasher. Addrees W. M. Lacs. Pbons Esat 8628. ' SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB WANTED Dsy work, ' sweep big, dtartlag and - beesecleenlngr 111 Ninth et, N. Phonr raeirie eis. - - STENOGRAPHER, six years" experience, io- SB permsnent post 1 10a. u 127, car journal-. COMPETENT woman, good worker, wants day work; experienced troner nooa . i-aeuic 1738." ; .t ; " XOfNG lady-wonld Ilk position aa compsntoa: would -not onieci 10 xrareung. . .Aoare E 127, car Journal. WANTED Day 'svork, washing end Ironing . - , ,1 v... a.Hief. . Room 1 ' , ELDERLY "WIDOW, good ront, wanhj pise. wor k 1 ng bouse k ecper "r Cook ror t lew mn: country preferred! 161 '4 North Sixth BtT Room 8S.- Mrs. H, fllndcr. .- - STRONO. canabl Swls girt deetree eltuatto, - piam cooxing; wages rrom hi up. 230 VsmhIU et. Phone Main e-Hor- MIDDI.R-AOED woman fleetree situation, light housework.' small rsrally: plain place pre ferred. 280H Vsmhfll. Phone Main 6413. xsesxssnasssssessssssjssseBaiiimi satasaanxsnaBsn WANTED AGENTS. t.ei,,e -f. ewe. jeyi'.e AGENTS WANTED Of aclsl Saa Pranclac- aarthuak book; large pages, startling pic tures, elegant blading; bonks free: freight Kid. The Bible House. 823 Dear bora St., leage, ....... AGENTS WANTED EVERY WHE RSI Bteree- aeoBle news r nan rrancisca esnnunske series: regulsr prlree. Addrees A. H. Aisyer. I gsnersi aeiirery, renisBU, w. WA NTsTO Agnte: eomethlng newt good eelksri big wages. Sod McKay hldg. AGENTS WANTED te ssU our nlgh-grad setr- aery atncai cs.n advaarea weekly 1 Dig mnx mlestons snd premiums; write today. Address Chlce Nnreery c.. Salem. Oregoa. I WANTED Energetic 'and competent agent to represent ta u parts et me normwsri : Saab pMkJjj CsplUl City, tfaresgr Out -EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. TtTE pnrtUhd Emrldymeut C.. 306 M Morrkwa at. ' i'koee. Paclne SoS, BANBEN'S EMPLOYMENT OrriCB. - -FOR MEN. SS M. Second St. , Phend Mala IBS. BIG FOUR EM P. AOCNCT Beln auBDlled IS North Seeood at, Pbon Mala 191. ABLE EMPLOYMENT AUENCY, 184 Bumald et. Phone Mala 7014. WANTED TO R2NT, WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COT-caoES, f'LATB, HOOMING-ROI.'SES. STORES.- ETC Our rental departaxent ha heea enlarged sad provided with additional staff. We iavlt listing from' LANDLORDS, - offer pereonsl attention to aad entlnuoua uperviaipa crar all property Intrusted eaat PORTLAND TRTST COMPANT OP OREOOK, -. B. E. ear, 3d aad Oak abx, Phone Ex. TS. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT aom UOUU RESIDENCE) oa the WEST HIDE. If you have something new and Modern at Its actual vaLcA tbst yon want-to aell you can Snd buyer by listing with us. WE DO NOT WANT a lot of -OLD SHACKS" we CAN'T SELL THEM: hot we CAN SELL SOME GOOD HOfuBa lf-v.all lucxted aud the prKe lei. right. " EDWARDS, tf ARRIS, LAJdONT REALTY CO, Phone Main IHXA . lOTm Blath- at. WANTED Lot In exchange foe equity la S er T-reem houae. Pbou Eaat 8841. ' . .'. 1 OR 3 scree near Mt. Scott cerllne; state particular and- lowsst rsah pries; owners v. only. - M US, esr Journal. -' - WANTKD To-hny house and lot. south of . Madison, north of Lincoln St.: will pay cash. ' ' Address, ststlng prlc and location, II 103, ear Journal. . . . 1 WANTED 97.800 at S per cent for S years; good farm property as security. 31314 Wash- . Ington et .. room 18. : : . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS : PAINTING, eprsrtsg and whltewsshlng tree, bssemeata. barna. docka. etc.; largest gssollae spraying outfit oa tbs coast. M. G. Morgsn Co., 323 Colon are. Pbon Eaat '417., BIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID tor faraltx e In aay qnanttty; also take ssm on commlsstoa and gutrantee best reeulte. The Portland Auction Room. A. Nchabaca prop., all Firs - st. Phone Mslh 8466. - HIGHEST cesh price paid for second-hand - goods. Jboae Eaat 4VW7. 13S Union eve. AJDE.ANt OLD ,1 1 r 111 1 gT Jir W ABlfiNUTON. PACIFIC Teg. JOHN HABLB. manafadurer of lnnroed ce ment posts, wsterpreof. testing, strong, cheap; pleaae invsattgate; a eneclalty of fenc posts. Foutheaat corner Bast Madisoa aad Union WHO 18 M. 0. MORGAN CO.t B. N. MORGAN, pioneer sprayer and white washer. Call East 6243. Remember tbe r.. "t. -ttrpdrtlanor' : SPOT CAST.- For furniture and household roods. PHONE MAIN OOia. WANTED To buy 600 feet of aeonad-band gal vantaed water pipe, either 1 or H-lncli. D 114, care Journal. WANTED A second hand peennt roaster: must bs to -perfect - condition and reaeoes hie la price. Aaaresa x. a., u.. car journal. - . WANTED 1 or 1 horse power motor, with or - without shafting and .pullei- Aildieaa- auv, rare journal. - WANTED Good - aeeend-band orgsa; muat b cheap. Addreaa x x IT. car Journal. WANTKD To buy lft-horsepower stfam boll- - er. bvo Vancouver av cirv. WAJfTsTDMamJoiLjerrler puppy; pedigreed do not necessary. , Addre 1 J. a. Edwards, Mtlwaukle, Oregon. - Stat price. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE KING. 309 Jefferson st Nicely rornhvhodJ rooms, with gas or lee trie light, beat aad hatha, la new building, 89.60 and 919 par TBE RICHELIEU, 38 NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly fur sis bed. steam bsat aad hatha THE GRAND, 464 l brth Third st Rooms for gentlemen si Ja par week ana up. - - - THE GRAND. . 8ST Yamhill t, neatly fur. nlshed rooms, single or en suits, 92.00 per week and op; electric light, free bath aad tree paone 1 .. . , -- - , t - - - A NEWLY furnished room In private family; free use of piano; bath. 696 Jefferson at.. corner ntouc , FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING TBS : MITCHELL. Flanders had Booms, housekeeping sua - tl vssleni; prices ressoaahls. ij 91 S6 WEEK an, elaaa, furnished housekseptsg room, wita yara, psrior, iannary. eata, xa aush ataatoa ex, u ear. -- 11.60 PER WEEK Large, - sleaa, furaUbsd bouaekeepmg-rooma; lsuadry aad bath. 164 aantn sorxlana. THE HALL, 414 Fifth Room, etsfle er a - aulte, ruralahoa for - light bousakssptng.- 171 ALDER NIC houeekeeplng-reotaa; gaa stovs, hath, phoae. close te basin; reaaonable. BLEEPING nnd hoaeekeeoln e-rooms for rent. See H. H.Ulgly, 0, 227 M Washing. tea et, LA RGB elegantly furnished housekeeping room; - gas runs, - bath, runalng water; S3 week. dob 14 Alder st. 3 FURNISHED housekesntng-rooms; reasonable . to right parties. Call 8R0 Williams see. TOU CAN HARDLT EXPECT ; ,TO FIND '' . J v' . ,A SlIABLE BOAEDINGPLACE until you Vtatre read the RCxAfS AND BOARD ADS. . - - . In ttir-Tv-ant pares" of, THB JOVRNAU -' r BOARD. - HrJ. was not very well sat larted witb his room, and the , table was not' the very beet, eo be began reading dally the little -"Boardlns and Lodging's ad. ImllieJoiuirail- 1. . . . . , . . . -e-i'ns any re ionna juut. wnxt ne Vtenlred. He liaa chanced hie -btihrdlnc place. "Sore Board, lodging and Room advertise- ' wept can bw fevnd in the YANT-PAGES rV.A- FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING THE GRAHAM. 646 Whsh.K00ma 9i.T6 par - week; nouseaeeping. .do per wees ana up. THE BUTLER. . ecu, WMlngton et. Well furalehed houaekeepu-foexaa, moderate price. rnoae raeiae ne. - .. -v . n 3 PLEASANT unfurnished rooms, hath aad. gaa; reasouaoie rout. .. mof oixtu at. . THREE honaekeepltig room far rest. Call Sad neventn at. - - , hl'ITK of furnlebed housekeeping rooms or tee sleeplng-rooma, wslklng dlsisnr. 6HS Tsm- 'hill st. - ' ROOMS AND BOARD. 471 ALDER Lsres front parlor, hath. Phone. board tf desired, walking distance, reuaaL,.e . price. - 1 i 3U6 liTH Lsfae front rooms: ass. bath, nhene. walking distance; private family aad horn eomforla. -- WELL-FI'RNIBHED roonw with hoard; rata reaaable; modern. 442 Jetfereon. Phone - Main 42S. . . WANTED A child to hoard; home. Phone Scott 1240, able;, good FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR KENT BY THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY - IS acre with small house, good hern, big cherry orchard and other fruit. Sua Seal of clover, splendid place for poultry; sit uated nest Anabel sistloo. Mt. Scott car ,, line oa Ptowell Nt.--82u0 pet1 tun. Nice 7 -room cottags, modern convenlenee, connected with sewer, high and alghtly - nlace.- with aeveraHaiae fruit tree loaded wltb charrle. prune and plume. 16 East niriy-sevenin sirvec. Nice T-room house. -very cosv piece, bei tlful lawn, sever si lsrgs fruit tree. 164 East Twehtx-acventh street. Only 812.60. - Htylish T-room bouse, large grounds with bare, beautiful lawn and shrubbery. . US fcaat Morrison street. , slslsu. . , Apply st 1404 First St. rtNE lares house of 10 rooma 19th aad Korth run:' houae In excellent renalr. good yard - front and rear, aame cared for without ex- - nenae to tenant: S.1A ner'month." P0RTLA"ND TRCST COMPANY or OREGON, 8. E. cor, Sd and Oak its., - phonn Exchange T3. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. prompt and v. liable plan snd furniture movers; alee star age. raoae Mam lonn. urnc xiv n. xairsv FOR RENT Modern S-room hone. 16tb Ji3nf.JiJtai-Bisi THaTM'NTiSlK A CCo'mpa n Y . t4l flTARK SXe INBURANCE. 1 RENTALS. ' SEE LIST. FOR RENT-JIona-H rooens,- modern tmpeov. 32a 12th su Apply at I2T 12th st. FCRX18IIED S-room house: ana fsmllr. 826: two, 330: east side. Pbon Et 3963. NEW modern S-room house. In Upper Alb 1.. loeutre Albtn. , between S csr lines; do children 808 T-ROOM hones, modern. SOT Sixth at, - room 8, SS4 , Third at. Apply NEW modern S-room eottaga, 44S Ualoa ., north.. -420. ' Phoao Eaat .462. . 8-KOOM cottage. Eaat Eighth an d. Yamhill. Ill btwa 916; S-room house. Rest . Yamhl 8eventh aad Eighth. 91S. A ' 10-ROOM- hoatdlng-hnus near the a. P. car shops. 20th aad Powell sta. Phone Beat 8068. FOR RENT Fine modern S-ronrn house, with gaa and 'electric hghte. Including, fine fix- - lures, gsa stove and ranawt beet locstlon In Hawthexce I'ark. Telephone SellsiutsTTWr- BOCBES snd flat for sunt la sll part ef the city. . Phone Pacific 69. . M. li. . Ie, 9.1 -8lxth et -'-T, r-, FRF.SHLY cleaned 8-rohm eattace. .Telephone Ksstti94. orsppiy wi kssw 2t st TfOlTlNTnPtATSr FOR RENT T-room flat. B47U Sixth at., near Jack sort. Phone Pacific A. H. Maegly, 310 fourth st, - - - 866. - Monr.RN 6 room flat. Indodlng gaa and. steel range; shades on window. 90S Betsey. FOR RENT New 8-moa flat.- 198 Union av:, north, near Bolladay. 6-BOOM9xt. lnciudfng bsseaieit. telephone, -. water, 913.60 - no 7 small - children. 626 . Mill at. MODERN 6-room flat, rncmdlhg ga audi atael rang; ehadee on window; 209 Balsey. MOB flat cheap. ' rooma all tinted, furnace and Kit: -Pit' land Trust Co. 3-ROOM fist, newly furnished; ntsrw, bath; 916. G96 Jefferson sc., corner Stout. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PART of ehoa for rent. Inaubt .306 .Tosrth, BOOMS and offlcea, Lewis hldg.. Morrison and Park sts. Inqutrs I. L.' White, 304 Dekum hldg. s FOR RENT Half of brick warehpns. 60x200, ground floor, 18th sad Lovejof Trf. privau - awltehea. Brunswick at BaUte, 49 Third st. UNFURNISHED-ROOMS. ONE large nnfurnlahad room with closet for light housekeeping. Call after 4 p. m., 303 - eionc ntcomery at. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. " TURE FOR SALE. THE FURNITURE of dining room snd kitchen et tbe Sellwood Botel for sale at a bargain. rtot.i ror ranx. - jut aasx niaienta at., Sellwood. FOR RENT Modern cottage of B room, 914. furnltur for sal. Phone East 1713, 919 Eaat Everett St. POR - RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT la city,- 8U scree soluble gardening. Inquire SOS Fourth. CIOAR STAND, fine Iocs t km. cine to thestr. Inquire Park saloon, mtb and. Waahtngto ate. BUSINESS CHANCES. - REAL ESTATE and labor sgeney for ssls; rent only 910; labor hrt ef neerly 1.300 aasaea ' and addre; ever 100 of the beet bargains ' In rsal setats end personel property In the city ea ear books, for sal or trade; all sta tionery end equipment ot highest grade sad everything to ao-wttn. Thin on te eleered over II lii If) In fi mnntha, snd Is an a fltsl, clsss footing. All goee for 9169 Cash only. 1 Aonress 11, tx, roans ex. - - t our von property, fruit aad garden land, wheat, etoek or d try - f snrbes until yon see us. North. West Land Co.. 3S Goodnough hldg. P. 6. We also hsv bust nees chance, ef all klada, aad Can locat pea right. N. W. L. Oa. CENTRAL cash grocery 4 for 9000; this fcs s enenee nioon oxiwrsov xaii 4 niarx ax. RESTAURANT, 9SS Stark. 3600; lunch eonntw, ju atooia. s table. eaalra; dele - nret rlsss business: must sell: celled east a hurt see; good lease. Call SI Fifth .' FOR SALB Ftrst-clsa Bel 00a I Pendlstna. Or.! saw fixtures, everything In flret-elsas coedlttov; no better locetioa la the city. Apply Bog B68. ' - ' . WHO IS M. O. MORGAN CO.t LARGE e -mil eonmlng-honse for, ml on xevm y rt If. Ulgl, room SO, 32TH Wsahlagbaa at. . . OPPORTUNITY of llfetlm for is rest ment In e reel lest . nvet-mortgage per-ceat bonds! 9 000 share stock that will pay dividend rhla year tree with eerh (100 worth bonds; don't "pass" this.' loch. Box 81. . iSno.-RP'.UABI.E partner wanted; erlll'pall you 819 weekll! i .vKwe , uaasaixasJjj- t.tii M Stflk St.. BUSINESS CHANCES. PORTLAND Buburbaw arugatbre for eahv drees S 4, care Joorsal. - Ad- WANTED Man with .v0; good salary, psysble wsexiy. f. U. Box 1W. ' ' ' SPOT CASH. ' For furnltur end bonsehord gned. - rilONS MAIN 6056. HAVE you 9100 or 920 to Invest In guaranteed dlvldend-psylag stock T If so, don't fsll to - communicate with me. Lock Bog 91, rltft CREAMERY Opening for reliable men as partner; 9V) secured will laeke ton . 9126 a mouth. Call 24M4 . . FOR BALE 94.000 stock of merchsndisa In beet Wlllsmett valhrT tnwn good business; . beet ef re. sons for selling. Address P 126, csr journal. COMPLETE) four-chslr barber shop,"xcellnt location; lesse, reasnnabl rent; now doing ; g'l.V) per month; working two chalra , F llu, car Journal. 93.400 BUYS business on Wsshlngton at. - d,lne bettee then 61.600-ner monthr li -' about 9e.2U0i 4iarty retiring. F 117, Journal WRITS) ne quick ahnut recent Important de , velopmenta at th4 Hurst Automstle Switch A Signal Co.; buy stork be tors big advance. J. P. Runt 4s Co., 206 McKey hldg. . W'orrwkut s huslrtes aotng -from 328 te 8M resh per day for Aft-v). answer this ad. Ad dress F 116, cere Journal. - SAWMILL Here'a a mill now running with plenty of timber, and every thing goes for 94.000. . Call 24XU Starh at. FURNITURE end hardware store fee aale.t "all at 27 First t ot at deb Bri roe., 13 sunt . at4 Portland. - 'T GOOD opportunity for a family; I will sell or rent my reetsnrsut and hxlaing-hous on tl cut aid oa easy teraia. For psrtlrulars see n. nailer. 206 Burustd st.. or New York lodgiug-Uouas. Front and Burnslds, - - ROOMING-HOUSE of 116 rooma, with reatau- rnt In .connection, for sale at a harssia; Inug lease; cheep real. Inqulr at C4 .North Second st. J'bon Pnvlfle 104T . . . GROCERY, well located, tnereaaing bnslneaa, - at tnvalc price. 16 4 First St., room 1. FOR SALE- - , .- , - -v Blscksmlth shop; good eetshllshed bnslnsex aad Incatloe, Phone Eaat 6040.- $660 RastanTant, well equipped in Sn lora tlou on Stark at. Hagamans St Blancbard. 91 6tb at..- . - 9300 TAKES a goo paying drug store; balance ease urai mat the tame rne e ewtari .growing loratwa; a few . dajl .only. Ads 1 16. cere Journal. ariwrxY" wftl be E 111. neea. In tVIIIemette valley town, exchanged for acreage near Portland, care Journal. RESTAURANT and lunch ,Wsshlng- ton et. foe esle: 3 rears mrwwi rare eournsi. W A NT ED Manarer for enffse hotie st sets re end eleadr boa It km: muat hsvs 3100. Addreee or cell, be twee 3 and 9 p. St., rooux 1 ft . urn ex. - - lag bakery and eonfortlonery. In one of the best towns In state; i opposltieni railroad hullrUng within two mile of tows. Lock ; Bog 144 Ceva, Or. FOR SALE CHEAP On of the beet black- aunts and wagon- ahop m the Willamette valley; stock and tools worth all we ssk for .the ssme: ether hustneea ' resson foe selling. - For particulars addreaa P.-O. Box za. t orrellls, or. : . 9AIION for sal f baegsmt cheer loeatkm: term to suit. Forprtlculars see Lee, pi TTrRS'ltURE of 9 room hone for esle: n' sew; run or roomers, rurwitnr st s-room houss: price ,20. Furniture of 4n roure houes, hesp. - Furniture -of 29-room bonne: rw-e f otw: ran or roomerx. rum truce of 9-rnom. houae. 8760: full of mnniesa. rnrni. tnr ef -12 room house: cheen vent: nrk-e tM. The ere np end close In. Two fornlalied cor tares fee rent. See H. Tf. Hlalev. roam au- 34 xx ssning' WANT a lsdy with 8.V0 tn-tske I charge of a rooming houee. Se H. H. Hlgley, room au. aTvs naaaragion St. .- I WANT to buy a small or Urge room tnr nonae; rnoer ee sv- H. wee. P. Or Box 47- FOR SALE REAL.JESTATE. lltA APBES, U mil from depot. XI mile froui ennna snu--scnooir - peenty -e-rnning water; price 6660, R. F.'D. Route' 3,-eoa S,' 6bK vr. wiinam Hire. - ..... NEW ap-to-flate a-room hoose, 1 ga.seo; f ve) oowa. 920 monthly, owner. Phone East 878. MODERN e-rnom bouse. 82,000; 3300 down. 918 nweiiiiiy, rmsm r.aei wia. 91,300 NEW cottag. bath, gaa nnd slectrle iignxa. e rooens; one niocn - rreea acnool and car. South Portland: term. 90S Fourth it. Tslephoo Pacific 3136. '- - - , 94.900 HANDSOME home, new, modern in every KmrucsHu-.-Dtssiinii exjrxtev, xxoiiaaey addi tion, erne 10 ecu 001 an car. inquire owner. evw rvurui sfc.4- asiepaone sxsxn TODAY is the time to (elect your lot m Pfed- BDOBX, XOnXDTTOW TOU flllT rUXd xrisnnxsiSjAr ijij,, - . ..344. Stark at-Main 871 DO TOD want to buy city lot or acreagel If so, se xa bios xsj aistace ua. - East Sid property specialty. 407 Hawthorn av., near Orasd, Phen Bast- -1087. NEW houee st Esat 16th and Hancock, the moan cnoic locstlon m Hoiisday and Irving ton additions: built with the beet of material, artlsUcallr dnlcnadV Sooble-lined nooees. c. ment osller floors, mi... tu.,1.. room, plumbing, te; elcted wood for sli "w .-.iieii in nnisn; six, seven aad. eight rooma: can ne money to dvntg and wlH make redaction- of 9160 en the first hone enid. - CHAS. I - BOSN.- ' Office pbon Eaat 93. Horn phone 731 T-ROOM new bonse. elegsotly furnlebed; 6-roma www l . s ,11 . -, 1 ,1. 1 . per cenx on money; your own nrltw: leavine etrv l . . East Ankeny and 28th at, car. Call 863 naaay roea. - FOR SALB Modern 6-roora oottege, Isrs lot. uwh "m r. . n, n. cxrsaops; ssrt cash. Owner, 1T1 Stanton- et - 1;X i, ,.' . -ACBE TBACTSt ...f...-". -Cm SPEOIAXTT IS ACRE TEACTSt fan-exeed streets, water to each acre. TERMS 919 PER ACRE CASH 919 PER ACRE PER MONTH. Yea so to the ere en the aame car. y the Hat 8 far the lot man pare. The w rem-neighs?, but he ht r. trleted In majority f a tree eeburbea hem. fee tare that axak Open Wednesday and Saturday vig. A. 0. CHTTRCHILL CO., INtt 110 sc MUST aacrlflr 8-mnm cottage. 9 bits; so raa- soBsbW offer refused! la suburbs. Addre P 9, ear J sear a I. . , 9-ROOM HOUSE AND S LOTS. IS fruit tree. 8600. Tsrms. " Phono Eeat. 491S. - POR S 4 LE Suburban ' cettaae. 4 60x100: growing lonellty. sightly, 8 m Inn tea t carl In : 9470: 3260 cash, time oa balance. S TT, ears Journal. - - ' . FOR SALB 4 beautiful lots. 6Or100. Columbia - Heights: fine orrhepd, 4-room tank-house, well - aad windmill, newly fenced; tdesl moorhen home-excellent esr serrtoet 91. S0O; mortgsg 6H00. 3 years: 31. too nst; owner leaving city. Add res B 180, ear Journal, BOVER, -ap river from Portland. Looatsd n : der N. P. trrtgatlng ditch and e-new north hank railroad; fruit goe en the market three weeks earlier than In any efher section, com. mending highest price i dally a(es mere from Portland. Bsle hr. lb ewaers, .Bover Lsad ' Co.. Hover. Washington. . FOR Piedmont lot call np Main STl, or Cat on 3303. Lot 9A00. 900 and 8A00, We will , help oahaUd ; eaay tarns., luveaemeat O. , PIEDMONT -fflc. nrner Rtlllneewnrth and Wllllsina gees. Union 3216. Horn offli. 144 Stark at, vMaln STl. rt'LL lot on TIIImok'wllk . tMO. rhoa AUla xVQk V9-S tUf :eaiTej SBhsaP isaseisXkeii STATE. ONE acre. nisrnlfVcnt V""stlon: nsw S-rooi house, all plastered, cement cellar and out buildings: clue to 10-ruuia school st lnts. 6c far fd say part of Portland: price onlr -61.076. en tarmi; axtra bargain. 0. B. Addi-', tos, Lenta: Or. 9 ACRKR.aad email houee. 1 arr small fruit; good loratkia; MontarlUa,, Frank A. WlUard. Phone East 4122. ' 94,000 llsndsoms home, brand new, well as . ranged, all modern Imnrvvemrnts, flue cor ner. Ninth and Schuyler, liolladey addl. Ctloi; beat buy ea niaiket at price. 2uS Vaurth,' Phone I'aclMe 2126. or Main 8WMI. .. 81.260 Nice new 4-room cottage; bath, - gss and electric lights. Msbls street be. ,-teeea Hamilton are. and Seymour. 1 block -from 0 car and school. South Portland; . terms. Inquire 20S Fourth. . Pbon , Padfl 2124.- Beelience. Mala 6M0. , 9-ROOM house, near cerllne, 81.330; very easy J teraia Alt Cosimerolsl blk. 94.200 6-room bouse, attic, fun cement baee - meet, bel h. ' pantry; aink, atatlouary tulie. water' holler, 3 6 replaces, furnace, gas and -. electricity, lighting fixtures, fly screens snd lot' 100x100 feet, on southeast corner Han cock and Eaat Hth sta.; easy terms, , R. .M. LOMBAHD. " 814 Chamber of Comnxcrca, ' I ' I r I , ' YOU should see the stir la Piedmont lota I, wonder why. See Piedmont aad you will 'know. T.ots 9nno, 1 100 sad 4-vx: tske St. . W eodle er-ee - Hcar.-- corner --WkrB . lug ton and Second- ata. MODERN -room houae; fruit, - garden and chicken-yard; can't be best .for the price; Pacific 1843. . . .'-. HOUSE of T room, lot 60x100, lust eaat of : Sttnmyalde; must aell st once: a rsssonabls . cask offer le fused. Address D 118, journal. FOR SALB CHEAP 4) esd T-room bones t mod. ern;' pert cesh. 879 - Garfield ae. - Take Woedlawa car. Phone East 8641. POR Piedmont lots cell up stain ST!.' or Vnlo , 220a. lorr 3ua.- 3100 snd 35r).- We will help yen build; easy terms. luTeatment Co., 344 Stark. ' " POR BAl.E Oa Harjieon ar..' between Sixth and Seventh ata.. lot 36x60; price $2,200, eeeh. Apply at S3 front r- ' , . 810.00 PER ACRE 910.09 . IRRIGATED LAND Crook coanty. Oragoa. - DEED direct Yn tat. WRITE tor pamphlet sad map. n- n. vtr a tu..- flt Alder at., Portland. Oregon. ' 300 FARMS, smsll trscts snd lots hereetne m - O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addttoa. Lenta, uTegoa. lake Mount Boot I cay, ae. .- DAIRY ranch. Tlu scree, well storked, st Scan- - -res. wen siocsea. et ncsp- -g pHTlltjree j( this place tjt yo-ff Tint') if1 -oV'onmier e. vonse: uucs-wiooTinc r Terj TBiusnie; price 1 SOC'TH HUNh'YSIDB. on Hsw thorn .,- t building up with ehok-e . homes; get a kt, while you can; easy terms. Hartmaa-Jt Thompson. . Chamber of Commerce, NEW CJLrooi ie local and 'l la Sunnysiiie,- km: will sell for XLTrfl balauce - in moataiy psynients. er big discount for hslf cesli: It will pay you to look this up. Address 1)1 10. care Journal. AX FOR RENT 3 ecre. S-room house,'- harn," fruit, spring water; Cornell ..mad It. F. II. ee -KewC. TOt: should se tl stir tn Piedmont Vita I wonder why. Hee Piedmont snd you will know.' lots innii. S40O , 5(o; take St. .-Joline. Weodlawn or U csr, corner Washington snd Second sts. '' WE HAVE about 23 ale vscant lota on East Twenty-Brat St., which we can sell yon foe 30 eech; f20 cash, balance 910 per month. Several ne lota In lllfhland Park from 986 and Upward. Terms can he bed. V. . Beveial .ilea lots In St Johns,-9174 snd np. -on smsll Inatallmente. -OTTO A CK0CKKTT, 24S'i Wsshlngton St. REAL ESTATE. -house on - Esst Tsrhir St.r close n fnll lot 1 -ierge eemeiit be ee meet; FOR SALE RE narn; eemeni ariveways. . l.w; terms. ' 6-room modern- house In South Portlssdr " lot SKUxVlO. 4.000 terms, .. . , - ---OTTO A CROCKETT, -8461. Washington -str- -" r- B.tRGAIX. fi-rocni plastered house. S nice lots. 14 .- besrlng fruit trees; 6 blocks from Hsw- - thorue Axe. Price 91,000. Cell 221 4 MoT--rlson St.. , Room 9. . . ' . 8-ROOM PLASTERED COTTAGE; lot 80x100; t near . Highland. 3 block from Union Ave. - ess line, . Price -Sl.l6r-3SotT-s;-htnoir-llke rent. Call 221 H Morrison St.. Hooui It.- 920.000 14 BLOCK, rloaa ta M. E. Lee. 93 Sixth St. on Flsndcrg et. 1, O.VLB TC DOWSUND DOI.AHS. .Qule - 11-reiae, 2 e htore bouse, mil gnu . hick lot. some blck drse whet hsf gat gevrlee. peers aad blunuv It bin a gut place, glose In. CHARS GOWLISIIMAN. ' 149 on Tint achtret, next by der Dun unt der iJirTsnce. L . -t. .-. Three Special Bargains 93800110X100, S-room houee," with lv. ewlng-room poreelsln beth. gss and all . Bnodera Improvements: 3 blocks from car, 3 llpce; Irvlngtoa. between Thompsoa nd Tillamook; terms If sold this week. ' A 91. SOO 34 acre, all tn cultivation, new 5 T-room house, good barn, chicken-house and corral, t hit grain.-1 set strswberrle. acre of fruit trees, jersey cow, n mires from co'irthouse, fare on commutation tlcketa about Scr most be aotd this week: your own terms. 9800 acre In cultivation. 6-room houae. .J gio hsrn and woodshed, garden and variety of berrlca, email orchard with cherries, t plum,' pear and grape, finely locatoil for chicken ranch; other acreage adjacent for - - Watch then ' column 'every week for our three enecial harealna: thev will incrnrle Pall klnda and classes of property-- HQtchldw& Wood 313 Allaky hldg., Third and Morrison. St, Johns Property ;..:;. ' ' POR SALE CHEAP. -1S lota.-lH blocks from postofnes, oxer, looking river: 8:160 per lot. 21 lots, 24 block from rsrline; '9260 per lot. 1 set. 300 feet from cerllne; 960. M acre nesr. peeking plent alte; 9700 per -sere. lot 930 down snd 10 per nxonth. 1 TUB HOME -BROKERAGE COMPANY, Room 9 Breed, hlk.. Third end Washlngtoa ' POSITIVELY do not buy a plsc for bom till you see Piedmont: an hour' tint and carter will he repaid yon a hundredfold whether yon buy or not; St. John. Wood Iswn or V csr every 3 t 4 minutes, Second and Washington ata.- . . ForfPfUl. E 4-room bouse on Shermsn St.. on block from Unkm are., price 4760 9260 down .' nd 810 nee month.. . - . 6-room houae at Lenta, modern, on block from .. 1 car line, price atou u down and 310 per , month: thle la the beet buy In Portland today. Call. and se ue at once tar thle snsp wilt not " last. s THB HOME BROKERAGE CO. -Room 9. Breeder! bid-. '3d A'Wash Ington sl. j seaside irrs--' Choice lots for snmmer home tf See side. 5 WESTERN OREGON TRUST (U 301 Slsrk t. BOUSES ON. PORTLAND liEIUHTS T-room houae almoat enmnlered - l.rir. arounds, within X blocks of cer llne. 98.000. m itww n 1 w . . a nxw, .sen pseemenr. an eer line, eeeh, or 96.T60 tngethsr; r rented for 826.00 eech. .1 - - New eettsge, 4 roomr bath lad pantry 1 South Portland. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO ' Phoh Mats 163. 863 Sherlock bldg. 9' ACRES No. 1 lahd. 1 mil from electric line,.. iu mile easT 01 rortisnn; tnis is No. 1 lend. lys wsll end y to clear; there ta an rock. . or gravel. I will aell 6. 10 or 30 seres st 66 per sere oa very easy terms. D 100, - car Journal. . 30 ACRES, 9A mil nurh of Oreshsm: IS acres. in nut etste er cuitivattn. balaacS sen be cleared ready for tbe plow for 910 per acre: there are 600 pear trees. T year old: this Is very Mn fruit or potato land .' Will sell ' for 4I.200 "on easy terms, er wtTU etching for elty property. -D 10a, ear J suras I. 8-ROOM hone and lot 80x100, oa fleet tetu st , m ".' eooo. 11 yon wanx a snap, look this np elck. D 144, csr Jo reel. MODERN 9 room house, well situated on Rs.t ewrsi sr.. wivwB nvimnii.stHi xsmhlll. , D. W, Walker, texsr, on premise. SELLWOOD I.OTS. 9S.dowe and 96 a months to 9300? Sellwood Townelte Ceji . Pslkai. BMaagmr, Psea t I diOi , 1 '