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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1906)
:uz onnGON - daily : joueijaivportland; Thursday evening, may 5, lsoa. 7 II v. rr 2 ,1 ODAY'S MARKETS - - - - ,, , . , . HOPS TOUCH IIIG III e-txiTl. OUOTATIO ej . g,. .-. ' tfcKlntey rMitpheir Sells ; Forty; Vi'": : FW? BalestTwefv andfe-i s:;r. "- . - a Half Cents':;:iK MEDIUM TO PRIME i-T lC: IyAWITY: HAS.BQQM " .Seller Offered u Same Hops a ' Few . Weeks Ago at Seven and a Half but JTheyWere Rejected -Eggs Touch Nineteen Cents. , .-' Frnt Street,. May 8. Th prtctpal feature al the Portland wholesale markets today irel Hums advance e a nouns. , -' !. Medium bop at 12fce, r' Egg iMBeh' lo .along etreet.v ' ,-Sjrotlare ' xuoro liberal apply."' " ' . ba era men to aalmon upplylng "'markt, 1 " Oregon hcrrte In heavier receipt. - - -: -iinnei goood till advancing. " , i Fener veal Milt at rirS. - ...-7 .e - kM - ' - Blp banana scare agsln. .-Wloa Bop rt Iwln ui One-Half Otats, Wonderful Indeed la th .trengtb dlsplsyed 1r the hoe "market In this city. Tho,u , f. kopa la now so great that price er Mac , forced up a cent at a time. eWeryoo. awma ; to waat kocav and all ar bidding against each ' other la order- ta get . tha few auppUaa re---.mslnlug aasold In this Mate. It la. M l , oiwstlon" o quality at all let us have the pops, being tba cry of the xrd. Lata yee--- uwday afternoon MtKlnley Mitchell eold4a hale 6f medium to prima 'to I. J. Metaler at 12He, tba highest price paid slnne tb -Say of opening value. . A few weeks ago tbe m Bops wara aol by Mr. Mitchell u a dealer at T a pound, hot they wara rejected em account of tba oaallty not bln( suitable. Br tbla rejeotroa aad tba boldlDg BLAta atorka a lit Fkl Ifr. MttcbnU fln fx- pound, or $4oe. it la aald tba t tba partr ww ni.ijw inn rvjrriKm waa TrrT win nr latasiairioriwiria Tya ifihfllaaaa at. bob? waiting for the jSMkajja mark lac. , Sees Taaah Khveteaa Ceata. I long the Jtrgef .tpflxx-tac. tAA-JiCketwia very arm ana as nigb aa le a Ouaea waa recelred. . Ftem tale figure there wae beet. ----Jllixx-lauasutul. duwiL. ta lU'itin natalk lt are quliit fair; But Chef 4 II S much heavier demaad for cold storage purposes, both from tba north ana Tram the local trad. .. - SaoramaaU Supplies BaimVn t rortlaaa. .. With, the beet aalinon stream In- the United Statee, tqoat of the (nnpllea-of the fresh 8ah -need In the market today are being recelred -from tb sacramento river la California. The disappointing--catch tn fbo . Calumhla ha ceased the packer to bid un ta tbelr valnea and this la keeping the flsb out' of the local r market. Price ef Sacrameate fish thai same ea local. Oree-ea SUeefkexilee tn Slaevlee Beeerp. Receipt "of trawberrlee frora -aoetbeva Oregon were vary liberal ta this market to-, day. considering - tba opening of - the- eeaxon. Some 80 crates were received by various deal- '- ers aad the price' dropped Bat' to TSe a box er $8.80 a crate. CaUforata berrlee ere also coming much faster .and -the .price I slowly ' droriplnc. Quality 'lm pro vine all aroend. Se reral ear of produce cabbage, orange and lemon which were due -to arrive yea- r r- trrlar. eeroe- In thu morning, j - - Bananas are rather acafc andTber vnlle. Bo now arrival here antll the coming week. ' The first eunraser aqnaeh wee received here v. sttt ywterday afternoon from Coacbella by the - Pearaoa-Pag company. - Price .obtained. $1.78 . crate. . Aaparari supplies from local point are now o liberal thxt anrMee -rem -CeUrornla -r- wilt noon, etop -coming in tbla direction, Some . crop u the pne. toot J Canned Sooda Still Advancing, ' ; tii r moat very.. line of-canned good th bortkg I getting very etrlngent. Tematoe. 'aeparagne, pte-'fitilla and vecetablee are all In abort supply. , Today there waa aa advance of a bent 10 per cent In llet price on tndrd canned -peal fr spot delivery. Tb bnralng er the eaa-maklnc boueee la the eoeth win ' reuse a scarcity la the product agsln tbla "Jtmteadj Trf therramlllxi' Square cana the peekera will be forced toje lefrToTao-eJdTrTiaTnmr. tun three-pound round tin. " Fanoy TaaTwella'arMo. .11 Although the market la la a bad cendltioa aa regarde veal ant ap re the notch, fancy euallty Is still elllng -afTe.'eed THc e pound. ... The trade' la titled op, however, and if tba ; present rate of arrival Toortneee - short tlme It will not be long before the market goes to "pUcea. Irreaeed bogs ere aot coming . as fast a the trad warrants. jaiprisfur seat sola p to. top notch. t . . Oreamary Butter Moving Steady. ' - While tha nrodactloa ef ereamerv hntfe I Inrreaalcg, the low price new ruling ta ttavrng C a very good effect neon the commmptloe, and jhhv-VljUi the heavy cold atorage operallona. I - kerning th market ontta well -cleaned.-"Omm. - try store product contlnoee ae bed 'feature 1st bateer-altuatle). Seme at -the Urgee handlers are etorlng a conddetabla amount of f::: rfTT ,hl" 'rvad,' but -they will aoon reach their . limit Jn this direction. ; .... - -, The trade ' par the following - pricee ' te -JVeht jtxaet.wVrrkfT.pWjrodneTS ar Ten aiajuxat . wteliu ABxgfkvaiay . Oreia. Slear Bag faad ' , ""'WlfflXTrora;.. BuaeUal,3c bloa- etem, toe; velley, SSe. . BARI.KY reed, $38,801 rolled. $34.80; brew ing. $28.80. ' 00BN Wbote. $JT.00i ' erseked, $38.08 pet .vtou. - ... , ? BTB 81 SS tsf'tet . ' . v . V '- OATS Prodacara' nrlee Be. 1 white, $38,001, igrsy, jzi.oo. r LUL K new eeT.rn irregnv! parwir5 n.w 8S: etralxbte. 83.40ffl.1JW: export. valley,. $.1.86; graham, Us. $.rV); wool wheat, . 8.1 TR ere. nns. an OO: be lee. S3.TD. ' MTLLBTTJFFS Braa, $17.60 per ton; mld dllnxa. $25.00: aborts, eouuy. $20.00; ally, ' $1B 00: chop, $18.00. M A T Producers' price Tlmotby. Wltlsmette valley, fency, $10 00012 00: ordinary, $7,004) eon; eaaters trregon. i.oojio.ou mixeo, $AMe0; clover. as.0Oe8.00; grain. $8,800 00 cheat $8.00. , , , Batter, Eggs aal FeuHry, BUTTE H FAT r. e. b. Portland Sweet cream. l4ei sour, ISHe. UUTTEB iatr creamery. 20c; entatdg fansy". foe: orlleary, 17He; a I ore, 18H4tl4c. " . KOOB We. 1, UeeAUirgosi'iniieajasiia 18c. . . . Maw Pen cream. Sat. - I8ei - frst.' Teang America. 1 8c ) i. Cheddar, IBer Call for la liar. 18 "c. - . . POTJLTBT Mixed rhtcken,- 14H - per lh; faacy ben. IBs lb; rooster, old, . IK per lb; tg. - 1 per lb; fry , Jnc per Tb: benders, 28 per lb; docks, loe HITr per Tin rvesv. 1 te- pei Mi. tmksy lifllfe Mty per lb; dressed. 81c per lh armba, 82.TBQ3.WI ear -dos; plareoos. IX. ou per eon. . ' Haps, Weel aad BUea. V noPa-Oontrscta, MOB erep, Ut rrBj 106 Oregon, 12'al0. . womiamt eiin vsllev. coarse- l asedlaa. ,T S3C1.- flee, 20c; etern Or eon, 18tJ20c. ,- MOHAIR New, 8030e. J J " HEKPSRINB Sbeerlns. IBC80C eeeh; enoet , wool, snqeoe eecb; medium won, oj76 eel " I " long Wo.iT, TBcell.OO ach. " " " . Mm. aeJMUMase T A UyO W Priaae, par lev V,0l - i rRITTlM BARK S Pr Ba. "m. , ' HIDEB Dir. Ko. LJ " per Thj-drr 81X0. 17 re 18 m. ll e- -L drj Teaif. Wo, J BBdMt B lbs. Ikel aa ted ry atra, oB4. io lb and evw. lOOMei eewe. VnO'l sh.bibIb siaw sums ' . . . , 18 S 80 ft. 8c; self, eo4, , enH 16 lba. lie lZ.T"-" rsi:ia Tarr. eace. W-san 1 Qrw, Mliswsa. wsix as, w s y - - - . . SI.OOOIJSO; eelt hides. TC8o goat eklne. . com moo, each. lOCJlBct Vacore, aer. ssesy . $1 OO. . - v . . . - , -Fruits sad T.cxbhJS. . POTATOES Beet sorted. ve$t per eees; rlurVPrlc. for ear lo.aTOe K' sary. ThiTwici producers' prio. 86e aaw P- U00Nf-JolngHei- - t,0O; prodncera' price. Ho. 1. ' $2: garlic, Sno per lb; enlen erie, . rrtEKH FBI'ITS-Apple. JVIrTn. fincy navel. $.1.ft0: eeedlles, im cen.' Hi: 'bsninae. a Sluice. $3.00 per boi; faaey, $4.004J par JUURNAL'S DAILY i l : . TIPS OM MARKETS Every ena Ja ittfUr bopa Ihess Jay, and. tbo rirloa haa already ban foroad up to 1H centa tor atock that crude from medium to prime.. The heavy advancee In : , the market durlnc the past fe auaeaw-a. open thelr-eyaa ar4- " ucuia ta now aaia to Da me a next atoppin point of the price. 4 In any. event, practically all the e remalnlnc holdlnga are beinf .,eld toiuihat flcure. - --, --r Zf - 4, boxi llnw, Mexican. par 100; tancarlaaa, .' M plneapplaa kletlcaa.. $4.60; liawalUa. l?'LYLP,,un atrawberrle. 2io lb; CallfuraU. SO pr cral. VKGSTABUK Tarnlpa, aaw, T6e par aaeki aarrou, ml7ot uit: baata, K ttil.00 M aack: Orecun radUbaa. 20c dua: cabbala. Callio" Jila. f 2.74 par . cwt : 1U Boe fur lb: California Wmatooa, .2&a2.90; para, ulpe, ttocfell.00; atrloc baana, lftc) fa ll (lower, , cjj.s -. par erata; craea - pan, "WOo Par, lb) nonaradtob. 4t7. tfar ,1b; artlcbokea, ' 76e p ..; bothouee let tupa, ll oOSLTB box: clary, SI dnaeo; eranbarrlea, Jereera, f 14 UU par bbl; bay and Tillamook. $10.00; aaparaxua, Cal ifornia. Se per lb; On ton. IW75c - per doa hunchoa; Walla Walla, $1.25 pier boi; aqnaab, IHe; aplnacb, 7&c1.00 per box) craaa on lone, Oreiton, V UHe doare btucbae; California eneamhera, $1.752-00 doeen. , ,.tBIID rBUlTS-Applea. aTDoratt. T8 18c lb; aprlcata, lglSo par lb: paacboa, 1h3 IV llL aacka. He par lb la: mm Mf to 0, THc; He drop on each etxteenth aui'.ar alaa; tea Call Coral Mack. OT par lh; California wblte. He par lb: datea, foWea. U par lb; farda, $1.85 bar UVlb bos. - eiweerlaa, tluta, Kta. . VnOAR Sack baa la Cobe. $7 05; powdarad. H.mtntt crane la ted. $n.80: dry raaelanl, $S.80 roof. A, $.M; beet sranalated. AS .60; extra 0, $8.80; (olden C, $5e: D rellow. $S.10; bbb. 10c; bbla, 2Sc; ma. 'Bo ad vance ea aack baata. lea J5e oervrwt tot eaaa, IS dara: atapla, U4tMr mf 'tbT - v (Above, arleae apply ta ealea'of lea tbaa ear lota. Car ,lot. at, apMUl prtcaa aabjaat ta toeroarlona.i - lr - COrFB Packate kranda. 1 aC . BAIT Coane Halt a-roanat. oa. pa teai Uble. dairy, Bua. Ill On; 10a. $10.Tn; Im ported Liverpool, 50aJ $17.00; 100a. $18 Mj rum, $l 00t extra aaahhbi. x. Ka. 10.' HUo doix. aju iDa, f4.ovaio.oo;' aaeaa, eoaggc; Liverpool lamp re-k, $l$.b a teal O0-lb roek. $7.00; 100a, an. To. . rJAe ratratta. THa. x BIOS Imperial Japan. Mo. 1. Set We. fl. I . w kiaaj fat AJaa. eel $1.00: pink, ta.00; luyo9V.$6.00; Liuiaa, $.; Mailcsa red. 4e. . . . . -. . , rt rTn- Peanats Inmboe. Be eev- Tht WtretBia. S1tltejerKitxaafteflV 8g8H per lb eocoanota, ioOOOr per doe; wallera.-TBaiBHe' per id; ptnenuia, wpriane par H: airaory eats. Praatlnatx. SrifKt-f! i;- iibaritLZJtUllW pn lb fancy perana, loHtJlHi almoaca, 14K0 I1H& - - -" Taint. Oeal'Ofls. Ste. : BOPS Pure kUnlla. 14 sUsdard, 18H; sue I, 11c. v : COAL OIL Pearl or, Astral Caaea, IBtt per gel; wter white. . Iron bbm,. 14a pet gal; wooden, 17e ear aal: haadliaht 170-dea. ease. iUHe per get. , uamuun) ee-ecg, case st par gii, xrgai bbia le par raL benzine 83-dec, eaaes sae per gu, xrea, bbl lHc per gaL . TUB Part TIN B u a u Se -per gaL w8a bbla BSo per sL. WHITC LEAD Ton lot. TVe Der lb: 800-lk lots, 8c per lb; lea lots, 814 per ft. ' wikbi pi ails rreeonx eaaia ex en.ra. - 'LINREED OIL Par raw. In 8-bbl lots, aoC 1-hhl lot, Mel caaea. 58c per gal; renalna hettlo- remain, get tn .... bolled. eases, ooe per gel; B-bhl lot. Sue per gal: ground cake, car Iota, $80,90 per to; leee than car lota. 80.00 per tea. hTaats. risk aad Frorlsleaav -. rSCSH MSATfcV JTroat atreex Beet steer. 4oe per lb; cows, 8t4c per lb: ho, fancy. Sic:- ordinary, .Jlc; .pour. 7 per ibj bulla, $8lte per- lbr-veai. 17(870 per lb; ordinary, avie. per lb; poor, 6ittSHe per lb; mutton, fancy, 84J1K: per lb; Ism be, SxllOc, -HAMS, BACON, ETC Portland pact (local, haaia, 10 to 14 lbs. 14e per lb; 14 to IS lbs. 14 tic per lb; breekfaat bacon.. 10 ma 2 per lb: picnic, lOtte per lb; cottaira, 10e per lb; regulsr abort eleera, anenwked, 10e 9er lb; oasekeeV- 11 a pee lb; clear back, enamoked. lOe per lb; smoked. 1144e per lb; Ualoa butt. 10' to 18 lb, nnemoked. 8e per Ike snsoked. 8 per lb clear belli, nasmoked, 11 per tht amoked. Uc per lb: shoulder, lOHc per lb. LOCAL LABO Kettle leaf, 10a, 18 per lb: oe, 13H Per lb: 60 lb tlna.' lavia per lb; ateem ro!eW. lOe. J3o par lb; 8a, ,18.0 per Jh; compound. 10a. 814c. canftKU ba lndi cjorumois nvar, i-id is us, 81.80; 8-lb tells, $3.78: fancy. 1-lb flit. $1.80; V4-b fancy Bate,; raney i-io ovaia, lh f.nrv Cat. 81.18: fancy l ib oval. Alaak una. na, sofjwc; rea, ai.ou; noi 8S, UIV- 83. FlSH i Bock cod, Te per Tb; flounder. Be per striDed bass. 1XU per lb: eatflah, Te per Ibi salmon,- oonmma rrrer-rntnoon. tt vteeiheede, To per lb; hrrlneve-t lb; eoUa, So per lb; eanmpe, toe per in; percn, oo per lb; black cod, Te per U1 tomeod. To per lb allrer emelt. To per lb; labetere, ISe per tb fresh mackerel, 8c par Tb; crewrish. 25c par dual shad. 4 per lb; etnxgeon, 10c per lb. OTBTEHs Hhoalwatar any, per . gat, aua 88.78.- CLAMS HardabeTL per box," emaaa, 33.00 per bee. . eXWHf BRIGHT PROSPECTS - TF0R THITVV00171VIEN f8peei Ptxpatch to Tb Journal.) '. - Baker City. Oregon, May a Sheepmen Ut that there la a bright prospect for the com ing aeaaoo In tha wool market, and It le be lieved that thle year'e clip will slightly .ex ceed that of laat year, which amounted to 1.000,000 peeBde-at-title point Ko -contracts hare-bean made a yet. o far aa ran ha learned and both buyer and- grower ar b0Orowers are holding their wool at s higher price then , the buyer rare to meet. . Let yeer the price ringed from 18 to 20 cent nd will probably b In th same, scale this FREEWATER BERRIES : : TO COME NEXT WEEK - fRperlal Tnkpatcb t The Journal. ) Preewater, Or.. May $. Strewberrlrs will be ehlpped out from the Free water and Mlltoa country within two week. Box ar now peine made t handle the crop la thle sec tion, wblrh will be a i good a the eecrag yeer. A few rip berries bv already been found and shipping will be on In full blast by tb middle of the -month. . Two thousand crate le the seual akimint shipped out-' from tha Preewater end Miltnn country, end 8X I pld out annually -tor help durlnc ths berry season.- . - . B08T0H COsnpgr"" IjABCTTr- - Boston. May d.-iff1cll -wpr'etoiinir! ' " Bld.l' ' .. ... Wd, Bingham ,r.....$0.R0l North Bntt....$a4.on Copper Banc... TI.IK Ner.d Oon.... 17. M Daly West-.... 1B50Shsnnoa TH7H Franklin ' IB.onU'lan nr an urcva POartAMO BAM STATEMtllT, Clesrlngt r". e ei . iee . . i ' .$01 4, 4Seph A, ai'otiOJM Balance Z - - NEWMINITERS NAMEDt-t1 BY CZAR OF RUSSIA ' (Journal Bpecial Serrlce.l - I St. Petereburg, May . Following th rests-nation of Count Witts from the premiership, which 'appeared In th offi cial messenger today, the appointment of M. Ooremykln I announced as premier, M. Stolypln to be minister of the Interior and M. Sahsglovouloft to be minister of justice Ooremykln wss minister of the .Interior from !& to 1198. His administration was mild. ,' - Keybura Agala. X1L " ' ' (Journal Special Bervtce.l Washington. May $. Senator Hey- burn- is ' threatened with a renewed at tack ef- appendicitis. . He refuses -to obey doctors' Instructions snd In con equeno his condition Is sarlous. i .y, : : ... AY-ISHElDinGA GOOD PACE Chiuige of Character, of Wheat Market Finds Favorite Still : Doin; Business . ; GAINS FIVE EIGHTHS V -" CENT DURING SESSION July , Quite Active With Gain of 7: Three Eighthc -September Opens - With a Loss but Makes Good a Better Showing by ths Othertv EBLATIVB WUIAT TALL'ES. Oloee Wed. " m Clone " Gala ItKiS. " Tbur. I .M I .OiH . . . 00 .M , .. There. May.'..,.....!. Jfuly.i. ,7 .. Bautaoiber.,,., ,78 Clcaco- wheat market- -eonttBaaa to f hc- tnaie wun a wide aw mi owvoc to tee eaany conflictlnc re porta received aa regard tba grow ing crop. Weather rood! t ton, while eomewbat warm, are nerertheleea quite goo Tba main report of damage continue to com from the far euatkweet. Theee report are catting aery peraiatent, and although the trada la trying to dlabelleve them there ar eoma who bare coma to the eoncluloB. . that Uiert la certainly earn fire where a great deal of a moke come from. May tetalne the etage aa tba center of ex traction. While a -few day ago It waa being outatrlpped by the July, it la again recovering Ita ueual tone, la the trading today the pit crowd waa a fairly good buyer of tba May, and tbla la a meaaure accounted for tha greater gain ah own to that option. The market opened Hi higher than reatardayg cloetng and continued, to abow improvement through moat of the eea elon. . Short covering contributed to tba better feeling, the rla In price atlmalatlng the trada. At the-ckMlac May waa e big her tbaa yta terday. . . Jury option waa quite active, bat not ao muck' ao tba May." It opened e blgber than yea terday and moved ateadlly until the eloalng with bat little preaeure. Tba opening of tlte September waa weak with quotation H latter nn the liette ahnnUna by tha other on- of Sc ora yeeterday. The com market did Bot follow la tb lead ef the wheat. It waa weak right from the start and both the May and July dosed with say eieeiag Oat were actlra with eeltlng pressure through the market. May closed ie off,-white-the UTTWII "uunlhjiie . ,WHAT. ' Opu Blah. Low.- Close. .78 :' Mav... .$ '.TV, S .784 ' $ .TS4 July 78 .7iJ . .7Z Sept...... .77 : .784 .. . .T7VJ C0BN. . I. My...e - .47- July-.... ,4oV4 .47W -AK . .46 - .4SlI , .40 i OATS. Msy.., - .JIB, -J8U MU July-. - .81 H - . . JOV - Si Mey.. 1R.8T 18.87 July...... 10.70 "1 5. TO- 15.8ar-t15.40- ; L1TZEP00L eXAIX ltAJUUT. --tJverpoot laky S. flfflelal prlca: ' """ vraiAT. : - .,. ..yptn Close t no. 'Loa . ' ' Tbur. Tbur. Wed. Thur. May 8e 8d Se 4d t-9 , d Jul ,.Umil' oa 7lid 6 7Hd id STOCK f.!ARKET HIT A VERY SEVERE BLOW Liquidation Just Previous to the Close'Causes General Decline " Coppery Stocks" Hurt. : HIT L088SS. ; ... 8 ILoulavIll Anaconda alaSKL'?..!::: 8tt rar ......... 1ta:Loi lssouri Peclflo T Tsnrtrat, Sugar ...., LocomotlT Bsltlmore Cotton Oil National "Lead, Norfolk ' Pennsylvania... urookiyn ... Canadian ... .. a Rt. rul..., UieaepeaKe ...... Colorado Fuel Erie Tennessee Coal.... KesuHig .... rVirk Island.... rout nam ity.-...... Konthern Psctnc t'nkm Pctflo.. P. 8. Steel., ..... do preferred..... tThsr'stoer market "was bnder of today's nee. Ion and lost heavily In pete. The Investigation of the Standard OIT company by the' United State government was at h bottoot tedey' iiuiarkabtr drop m price. By the trader it Is believed that Lawaon la the aonrcr- from which tb governuieut secured It Inform twa which, it lo alleged, will be able to trip ap the big oil eeaapeny.-- The S Isadora OU hetac th owner of a lsrg amount of atock ceased th selling preeeure. Tha San Francisco dkt- tr at 111 reflect. It be.rlab tone en the marl ket and the atternpta to booet the list or get thr pnbrlc Interested in the market have proven e flat failure. ...The principal break; today wss In th Copper. Anecoou lost . 8 polnta -and Amalgamted SK point. .The dosing wae gea erally at the bottom . .. . . , ., . ..... . Official quota tlooe: DESCXIPTldlf." Anaconda; Mining Co. .. Auial. Copper Oo Atchison, com.' Am. Cer a Fonndd com Am. Sugar, com ,. 23T sSIt 144 , 78 1K8 1M $3 44 8044 22T 227 T 87 87 H 1284. 1404, 10 n 74V, 188, 16T4, 84V, 41 80 KM. 138 110A 14T tH 1814 $44 "TA 87 128(4 1404 ior2 AW. KVIUVIl. cilia. , . , . , , Baltimore A- Ohle earn. , Brooklyn Bapld Vranalt. Canadian Psoi'le, eora,. 78w. loo thl., mil a at. I'sui.. Chesapeake Ohio..,, f'olo. Fuel 4 Iron, com. Erie, com Illinois Central Loutavlll a Nashville. Metropolitan Rt. By... 187 S3 LlAV - . 1SN 188 110 14i M i 183 U 8.1 Hi 2V SOU -eOjl 8Vk 110V Manhattan rtaiiwax Missouri Pacific..... 148 Ml New i ork usntral..... Wook-a Cotton OU..........., I locomotive Centrsl Leather....... National Lead..";....., Norfolk a Weat.. coat. lam 84 21 2HH an 80 88 88 14 K5 rt. T., Out. a West 40 4. ycrillt) ItSS f4S4B4i People G., L40, Ce. Beading, com Rock Island, com. do proferra.....A rfou,'r .es "Hou thsrn Psclftc. Texas A Paritler.-.-.- TeSneeeee foal a Iron l nlou T-xfrrrf. 4nm.-K-r. in B. Steel to., com. do preferred. ...... Wabash, com.. ..,.. Federal Smelter T Creat yortbern City Labor W1U Build Barn. - Authority baa been given th city ex. ecutlv board by th council to build tha new municipal barn, on th eaat Bide with th labor of city employes. It Is said that the barn can be erected at nearly on third less cost than If ths work should be let out by contract. The barn will be built under th direction of the atreet cleaning and sprinkling .de partment. - .. -.. i... - . Oraad triak Vawtfl Lays Steel. ' (Special Dlepstrh to Tb Journal.) Vnncou.var, B. C, May J. The first stwl of the Orand Trunk .Paclflo wag laid yesterday at Portag La, Prairla. I SI VIM IKIU imu hoc U21 24V 24k 841. t2 42 2Z n 1 8S 8nu 88 MS 2U -2M 2Z i )XM4 IMtZ 183 141 143V 140t- 1S 8TU 104I 108 im 1C leu ia fto 8 W I'"' I 'f in" Visits of Market Inspector AreCncouraged by. the TradeNone Care to , Handle Poor Quality If They Can Help It Helps Prices. LOOK OUTFORTIIE LAMBS, IS GRY Secretary Plummer Gives Sortie Advice on This -Score and - " He's Likely to Know. H' VALUES DROP TWENTY-' -4FIVE CENTS IN YARDS Better Arrivals of Hogs -Shown but - Demand - Is; Great : and Former Prices A Fully" Maintained Cat tle Continue Good Feeling. Portland Union Stockyard, May $. live (tock receipt; .Hog. Cattle.. Sheep. Today. ..t..'..,..w... loo . M v' X.ll Week ago ...e.,.,M..... " 8.1 ' ' Month ago ....... eo ed' lk4 Year ago S08 5M ' ' 60O - ."Look mt for. ttia tame.-Tbafa the. tip atratght from neeretary plqmmer. The lamb market ' le , crowded with aupnlle and tba. trade bj not looking epon the value with much ktndneaa. Today'e lamb price are 23c lower. The abeep market to general 1 rather dull, with aome anew of weak nee again. Shorn aheap are tba only, one that find any favor at all. . 1 The cattle " market remain with ita Im- of ion, hot valuta are about tha Today receipt consisted of 83 bead. - Hoc-are In a very -etronf poaltlon," with reeelpte fah-ly liberal today.. Prleaa ar held closer to the lop, however. Today-SO bores arrived In the yarda. Teal calvea In general are not finding nrneb favor at tbla time oa account of tba heery receipt lnth dreaaed meat; market ; alonj front atreet ana the lower price were. Ofoctal Uvaatock prleaa: HogaBeat, aaatern Oregon, - $T.zOT : Meeker end China fate, $.t toeker end feeder, $4.80. Cattle Beat aaatern Oregon (rear. $4.509 $4.75; beet cow and heifer. $3.7iS: light , and medium steer. $3.76; llgbt eow. 13.7b; Hockey- and feeder, $3.25: bull, $XTS. AT THE THEATRES. A Runaway Girl" Tonight.1- - Tb Pollard LllUpntlin Upefl' umyuy "are preealng their old and many new friends at tb Helllg theatre. Fourteenth and - Waahlnctoa. street, every night tbla week, where .they ar presenting a repertoire ef their auuleal -comedy euceeaaea. Tonight th bill will be -A Runaway OlrL" la which tbey opened their engagement, laat. Bunday night and delighted s big audience. Tomorrow night "The Bella of kiaer York'1- wilt- be given. Saturday alsbt "An American Uillloosirs' aad at the ladieo' and children a bargain price . matinee Batur- A.T .nn. "tt M. a plnaor'JwllLJtrt the offering, fopnlar pricee win prevau in tba avenlnga. , Beat are now eelllng for tb entire engagement -at the HetUg theatre box office. - . j .i.. .. V .. 'At the Baker. . This week the Beker 1 -devoted ta vend. vllle and a pleasing bill la offered by the San Fraeclsco artist the Portland managers have assembled for tbaorrlost-aHcf whom are rafneeea. -The Jsmea P. Laa farce. com. ady company, with Maxla Mitchell and. other favorite, la- a whole ahow In Itself. ' The vaadevlll blU will be at the Bahar all the f-raat ef the week, with Saturday matinee. - "Ths Silver Dagger.-"1 "i" "There win he's special matinee at the" Em pire Saturday of Mary B. 8waa' srsat melo dramatic uccaa. "The Silver Dagger." Thl production of New. lork. lit, .with Its. nu meroaa thrilling scenes aad aitnatlona, ha been drawing large audiences all week to tba popular up town theatre and there win be 4 performance every -evening at 8:18. - California Girls. Th last burlesque of tha . eoa - at tb who Baker will be the' Tiltrbrnla Girl." open for wccT nII Sunday malluee. TUre organisation boast ot th prettieet ana neat trained - ehuaae of -all the eompaalae that have appeared here thle season. Tha production remind on of the" big musical farce com edies, and though laat la far from being- leeat of aU the popular, burleeque attractlona that have visited Portland thl season. NeatTWeek st thsT-mpire." Meat wec at the Empire, -starting Bondsx matinaa. another thrilling melodrama will be offered tba patronae of that .popular theatre. This t. Olives Brron'a 'Tha ImMi "-Teach f Which has not Seen eren In Portland tor some time. Tba una is weu anowa to an inmna- and wktle maay . hae perhapeaaaa the play, before. it made euch . t decided preealoa. en them that almost without . ex. caption everyone win want to e it agslu. ' "'. ' Praises John Sainpolis. ' ' - " Aeher crMldhirry-6rToBB Balnpoll rendering of tha- great- part ef John Storm la "The Chrlatlan" company,, which pena at the Bailie Sunday. May 8: "John Salnpolla gave portrayal which was thoroughly ertlstlc and delightful la avery wey, nd tb entlr audience anltad . la crediting him with V a genuine snd pronounced success. Mies Lawrence plays the beautiful role ef Glory Quayle. Th play win rue Sunday, Mon day aad Tuesday, May S, T aad A sale -of eat open tomorrow morning et the Helllg theatre box fflc.--'"- - -, - VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. -.;: -X'-.: ATthe Staf r-.rr- This I th last week of vaadevlll st tbe Star. Beginning nest week the house will be devoted to musical comedy for s season. Will and (Ml ins are th two gre teet tra .eery start on the Americas atag. Other on tb bill ar Wallace sad Beach, entertainers ef rar merit; the three Kobare, athletee and gerlallati; Mis MlMres-Sddy,-singer and comedienne: J. W. Clifford, the Oermee comedian. . The Illustrated song and -the moving plcturee round out th exoellehrbill. At the Grand. If yea have sever seen foot potnrr there tt s novelty In store for yon st tb Orand thl ti.1. . i. yi... t.f ih. gi.i.r. .- It I the enlr act of Ita kind la -tha world Ralph Camming and eompeay preeeni "A Rest' ekln Saoque." "Tke Oeod Ship Nancy Lee" I a eomlcal skatch by UUnucav Hayae and Montgomary. Van and Declah-vllle-are human file In eamethtng unique. Mark, end Tata ar Jokers nd id ItowelLUg j-ccmeHlsnn-ml slnrer. The lllaetreled song and the moving pictures sdd to th .verlety of . the program.- "Her Fsthet"s Ctim" st the -Lyric. , Th popularity of the enmtlonal drama. "Ut Father' Crime," ' I Tkienced by the lare attendance which this production le attrarllngj to tba lrrie tnm weea. mere le just ennngu eerloiisnees Intermingled with a ellght sprinkling of comedy te make the play very tnteraetlng. The llloilrated eong and moving picturea are well ap te tbe expectation ef tbe patron, ct the Lyric. -3 ; , a F-osmrs noxssxrtT Having to lay upon my bed for 14 daye from a severely bruised leg, I only found relief when I used a bottle of Ballard'a Snow Liniment. . 1 tan cheer fully recommend It as th best medi cine for brulees aver eent to th afflicted.-: It haa now become a positive neoee-slty-upnn myself. . r. rt Byrnes, mer- l..-l Imver.ullle 1' . v m. ..A f 1.00.' Sold, by Woodard, aark 4V Co. 1 BLAL1ES FAL1ILIES :F0R DISEASE Carelessness of Portsmouth Peo : pie Deplored by Health Officer Wheeler. f, : PROPER PRECAUTIONS :-i-.;V. , USUALLY NOT TAKEN Diphtheria Epidemic Continues Be - cause Families Which Havs Dis . ease Are Careless and Do Not Ob serve 'Quarantine as They Sh6uld7 "There will be diphtheria In Porta mouth to a $-reat er or a leaa extent ao lone aa the people there maintain an opaa eloeet eytera.hay will -not aet rid of the- dlaeaae until they have ln atalled a cood modern yatem of cower ae." . ; r- . , ... . , Thlg waa the atatement made by Health Xf fleer Wheeler tMu 1 morning- in reply to the erltlclam of the attitude of the health department In dealing with the contagion 1n the Portemoutbr dla trlct durlnc the paat winter, by Philip 8. Bate. T. A. Ketchum and Dr. A. W. Moore, committee from the Initiative one hundred appplnted to Inaaatlgate conditlona. ' ) - The contagios of jJtphtherta, in Porte mouth atarted laat October while Dr. Ray Mataon waa city health Officer. He experienced conaldorable difficulty In getting phyalciana to report the caaea and In aeverai lnatancea the re porta were ao delinquent that the patient wee fully recovered before the city health department knew anything about It - - According to the city ordlnancea, the attending phyalciana ohould - Imme diately notify the health officer of any case of . contagious dlaeaae and cause fthe-pToperflag of warning to -be dls played and . inatruct the family of the patient to' observe the proper quaran tine. If the regulatlona are not observed- property the' physician should then notify the "city health atrthorltlr when proper - steps, can bo t aken, to on force rjuarantlhfc .. ... . Dr-Whsf lnt-jnok xhArce jt the. office etpsnsiaej suuic uiffiuuitf mm 1 1 diphtheria cases, in Portsmouth. He has visited that "district a number of times and given. Instructions to the phy alelana and to the, teachers tn the schools how to combat the spread of tha dlssse. "Qui artal'j'Ht Irauble hae been," oon.i Unued Or. Wheelerv -'WitH' 'tB P'OTHS who have had tha disease In their fam ilies. They have wanted to gejt permlta for their children to retumio school before the. disease has entirely .disap. rjeared.- I have refused a great many permits for this reakon." , i . SUNDAY- SCHOOL. WORKERS IN R. R. Steele Is Unanimously 4Choswn4o-r5erveinother Term as President.' Today la the laat day . of the state Sunday school convention and the meet ing have been more enthusiastic and better attended than on any preceding day. Of fleers were elected thle morn ing for the naulng year. R. It. Steele was unanimously reelected as president. The other officer are: First vloe-presl-dent, A. F.'Flegel; second vice-president. Mrs. B. A. Lowell; secretary, Df. Theodore Feasler;. treasurer, B. Fr All shaw; primary superintendent, Mre. Lo re na A. T. Hodaon;. home department secretary, Mrs. fiamuel Connell; teach ers' training departmentK. N. Smith; Moras; executive committee, class 1907, Merwin Pugh t-elasw J08, J. O. Melons ; class 10, F. 8. West. Mrs. J. E. Ferguson,- Rtvi: C Ci'Potlrif." -- r Rev. J Monlnger talked on "Rally Day" this morning, giving suggestions for " making It a success Rev. Paul Rader emphastced tn a brief address the Importance of Ineulceting the prlrrclplee of tamperanoe in children as early ss possible and he waa supplemented In his talk by Mrs. Lucia Faxon : .Adiilton, state president T3f tha-WrC.-f.- V.; who told at -length of pledge cards, leaflets. charts aod book helpful-oa thla aubjacC re, Mary Foater Bryoer-spoke-asaJn on .'Lon Construction," snd KVi John M. ppsn gave smother of his aerie on "Christ, the Master Teacher. ' This evening there will be a tras servtr-e and -Mr Cbettn wilt preach on 'TeAhlng43lft Of-trto Holy Ohoex."" Mrs.-Bryner will make th - farewell speech. .-;-. . DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE - MEETING IS CALLED A special meeting of th Oregon De velopment 'league has been called for 2:30 p. m. Tuesday, May 2l, rooms of the Portland Commercial club, now located at the northeast cor ner ot Sixth and Alder atresia. One of th chief reasons Is the selec tion Of a' president and a plan for general-organised : work. Every poaalbl effort will be made to have present th presidents and secretaries of th $0 or ganisations , composing, th league or some ' representative cltlseo to apeak for bis community. - ' . - A majority-of th local org$olsat1ons throughout tha state are not-only well organised, but -they are busily engaged In advertising their resources, securing new cltlsens and establishing new In dustries. . Delegates to this meeting will be ex- pected id rifciipy cnairc on tn Btags at mrbttr""Ms in Dregnrr" gathering Tn th .Armory at" p. m. . Tuesday evening. WILLIAM MARKS GOES TO BED WITH HIS BOOTS ON William MnrkJ f Prlnevill hss tabliiihed a reputation -as an unwilling witness that caueed lendlee speculation ss to whether he Is 111 or merely feign ing , Illness. Wh-tr a - deputy United States marshal called at his reside to serve a subpoena upon Mm th offi cer found him In bed with his boots and all his olothlng on. The marshal s appearance was rather, eudrfn snd Msrbs Is ssld to have been triable, because of lack of time,, to re move his clothing or to draw the covers over him. When found he wss lying on the bed, but claimed tip be 111 aa the result of an attack of spotted fsver. la support of his claim h showed a physlelsSs wrlttsn statement verifying his ssscrtlons. Rut the federsl officer wss not satis fied and applied to Judge . Wolverton TRANSPORTATION. liiiifi: S. S. SENATOR June I Secure Tickets Sew. rtTTB. i oirnxAATTamaT a lass: a bouts. TTom Seattle at p. m. for KeteM kan, Juneau. Bkagway. White Horse, Dawson and Fairbanks. 8. a City of Seattle. May 1, 11. SI. SU B. B. Humboldt. May 8. 1$. 18. 8. 8. CotUge City (via Sitka). May 4; 18. iT.4118 jaZOTjmaiOltaV. 8. 8. Spokane, June 7-11; July -!; August I. . ros ja rSasTOTsco XBaoT.rt Prom Seattle at I a. m. . , . , 8. 8. Umatilla. May I, IS. 10. -. v .. 8. 8. Queen. May t. 1$; June f. . , . & a City of Topeka. Bay II. rortlaaa Offloa, S4S Waehlngtom . MaU S3S. -- O. SC. UL rm. TV Art, - 10 Market fit-. Ban Francisco. ALASKA r-TAST AKa FOPULAS STCAMSBirS " Leeve Seettl "rfmiiOH," April ST, S 1. at. . "DIBIOO," April S. . - AjLUM-A'C Ketchikan, Jeasae. Beagle. Halnee. Bkag tray, Connerte with W. P. T. font for . . Atlla. Dawaoav. Tanana. Kome, ate. . rot AU Soutbeaatara Alaak Porta. " Call er eand fee "Trip xe Wenaerfut Alaahe," "India Basketry." Totem Poise.' ;y TJtS ALASKA B. ' S. - 00, : Frank Weoleey Co., Afeata SJsOakat,. Portlaad, Or. "REGULATOR LINE" The Dalles, Portland wi Astoria Navigation Co. Boats leave Portland and The .Dalles dally, except Sunday, at 7 a. m., arriv ing about i p. m., carrying freight and rassengers. Splendid aocommodAtlona for-enjtflts and livestock. Soekjroot of AlAx b yortlaad root , of Ooxurt at. The SaUes. , . ---hone 1CAU -Sldw. yortlaaA,, ; S. S. F. A. Kilburn " For Coosi BJr, lartatsi Sa XTn.mcmem.- cxt sailing hem PerlUnd. Birardir. April . Kext talllDC from San Francisco, Moo., April tk. - P. k OBBBNOUOH.-Agt reaawloh Sack - UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS' OP C. The Great Chinese At No. 162$ First St.. Cor. Morrison Be mlalaauiug' eiutementa ta th sffUcted. goaraatee a compleie. safe sad lasting cure a -the ooKkeot ulbie time . aad at the lowest cost possible tor honest and saceeee fnl xraatmsat. I enr catarrh, aathaxa. mag, throat, rbeaaxatlam. nrvouanaaa, ateeuea. kldaey end kuet manhood. ySMALS faOUBLIS AMD ALL 7aMVATI - - DISEASEa - roots' barbs, bed aad berke"espewtlly 'eesd and Imparted direct by as from the later ko at China. - - -- - nr Ton Ass ArrxicTTD mm bilat. BIXATS A BZ DAHOEBOUB. It yea eeuaot cell, write for symptom bleak ana eircaiar. mciose cent in in ooaauLXAXiox-yasav, Tke 0. Oee We Ohlnaee Medioiae 0,, 18814 First St., Corner Merrtaen, Fertlsaa. Oa. tr lease saoaoon xam Basex. - LAVENTHAL BROS. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALEK&- Formerly at ioi-iir Sacramento Street, . - San Franciaco.- CaL -1 SOT-SOS Washlnrton StOaklaad, OeX customers iiemuung eena -uoin er vur reney by Express. " . TOO LATE-TO CLASSIFY; WANTED Becorid hand roolette wheal; also, 8 - aecond-haad aafe. H 108, car Journal. yesterday for a bench warrant. Marks had finally erJnsntdtO appearln"the federal court her, though h lnslstg that h Is too 111 to do so. CIRCUS WILL INVADE PORTLAND NEXT WEEK nfarrls A Rowe'a -elreuak-eeid to -b many times larger and' better than It . k.fn,. I. n m In. .rt Pnrll.nil and will exhibit at the regular circus grounds. Twenty-fifth and Raleigh streets. May 10 and 11.- Ed C. Warner, th advance agent, has arrived In Port land and h says that the combination the popular showmen will preaent to the people of this city will be a pleasant surprise. - - - - - - i- - - , During- tha paat. year tha show haa added many new and costly f eaturea There are more anlmala, more acrobats and. aerial . performers and mora spe cial attractions than ever before. Where performances have " been - .given ' ths patrona have pronounced It aa great as Barnum 4k Bailey clrcua. . ' rZ RECORDErVCARTER-OF PENDLETOfOESTGNS ' (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) . Pendleton, Or., May Charlea It. Carter has resigned his position ss city recorder of Pendleton, and John IL Mo Court has been elected to fill the va cancy. Carter waa city attorney ot Pen dleton for. a number of year and haa riven- the best of satisfaction. 'The rea son given for - his resignation Is perl sonal business duties.- The resignation came as a surprise at th meeting of th city council laat night. No put Is e'e pleasant aad positive as DeWltt's Little Early Risers. These famous little ptlla are as mild and af fective that children, delicate ladles sod weak people enjoy their cleansing ef fect, whUe strong people say they ar the beat liver plhs sold. Nsver grip. 3 Doctor axt i j TRANSPORTAtlON. life -rV f f SiioijELua aWTraln? to-the East DaQy 3 Tbrough Pallaaa standard and toxuict a toe. , Ihg-cer dally to Omaha, Chicago, apokaue; , tourUt leeotng-en dell .to Kaaaae City. Tkrougk rerllalng ckelrcarf (aeaU tree) ta the Vast dallyvT- Union Depot j Leata Arrive. - "lai'lCo-Porttand Special ror the Eeet vie 11 anting too. dly. Sill am 8 88 sea Spokane rj for Eaeteea - - - . Waahtngtoe Walla" Walla, -,r nra -v. , Lealeton, fvienr d'Alane aad Great Northern point, dally. 8:18 pna 8 09 axa ' AtUntlo Expraa for the Kaat via Huatiiigton, dally 8:18 pin T:lSx COLUMBIA BIT I a DIJIS10JI. r for Aatorta aad way aoiata, eonaeetlac with , steamer for Ilwaeo aad North beac. ateamer Ukseelo, Aebt, 4oeh. leave 8 p. . dally. ... except Sunday; Saturday. 10 p. m.- Arrlvee bout S p. m.( except Sunday. .-A " lAiUULL BITS a SOCTS. 'T WfM i ... a. . . .... . - -' ' vrfra i.irr ana laaiBiii. n. se . - fMirrenrrexmerk Hutb audModoc. Aah-et. dock. ,. leave T a. m. dally, except Sunday (water par. oilttlng), Arrlvo, T:80 p. m. dally, except ctttllasijr'. SNAKS SITCB ROCTK. . - ; Por Lawletan, Ideho, and way patnte fiwxa Blparta, Wash., (teaman Spnkane aad Lewta ton leave 8:40 a. a., er apoa rrll Train No. 4, dally oxeept Saturday. Arrive 4 p. . lry except Prldev. . ; ' Ticket Offlea.- Thb-d nd Waehlactea at. . Telephone Main T1S. : ' C W. STINGER, Ctty Ticket Ageat. A. L. CBAIO, OeneraJ Paeaanger AgeaU . . ' EAST vu SOUTH Vnlon Tpot "XAave. Overland Eipreee Train r for Salem, Boeebnrg. Ash- 7T "r land,' Raorameata, Ogdea. 8s u Fraeclsco, Stock loa " . Los Aaa-ele. Kl pee: 1 I : New Orlesne and tba aaet 8:0 am S:SSsa g: aAap. atn- Mooat AnaeL hllrerton. Browneville. 8pringaelaV - -Weadllng and, Natron.... 8:4B pat , T:S8 eai Eugene passenger .eon. - ., necte at Woodbura with Mount Angrl- aad Bllier" '" ' ton local.. ,...m.. 4:18 pm e1n:e sw Onrvallla paaaenger. ,, .... I fin pm B:80 pa SherldsB psssepger.T.'. .T"4 -80 pa' f,:8 Dally. Daily except Bunday. , . .. -gFFEBBON-STBBKT' flTATIO!f " Tor Delia and Intermediate points ., dally 4:l p. m. Arrive Portland 10rlO-e. ni.- r Foe time and card ef Oswego nbarbaa tsala apply at City Ticket. Office, er otatloe). Ticket to Easter point nd Europe; else Japan, .China. Honolulu and, Auatrella. ( ty Ticket Office corner Third and Wash ington street. Phone Mala 711 0. W. BTINOEB. - A. L. CBAIO. - i City Ticket Agent.; -J Oea. Pas. Agent J TIMECARD TRAINS -PortlariC; TTnloa Depot Leave. Arrive. Tellowatone Park-rTanssa CltyJit. Lonls- Special - fee' .n..r.. Chehalla. CentrsUa. Olym- ,. t pla. Oray'a Harbor, South ,., , Bend, Tacom. Brattle, 8 no- ' ' , kin., Lswlstoa, Butte, Bll- . lines. Dearer. Omaha. Kan- -- A sae City, 8t. Louie ad Southeast, dally ........ - S:S0 am d:S0 px North (o. st umited. eiec- J,. trie lighted, tor Taeoeia Seettle, Spokane. Butt,.-' Mlaneapolla, St, Paul and-- the East, dally .77. . . :0O par Pugat Bound Limited," foe Claremont, Chehalla, Cen- ': trail, Tacoma aad Seattle ' only, dally 4:80 pat T OO ea 8:80 pa Twin City Eipra ror xe eoma. Seattle, Spokane, JetoaaJatte St. fagl. Mlnneapolla, Lincoln. 8U . Joaeph. Kanaaa City, Oma- ' ha, St." Loal, without -. change of car.: Direct con- nectloa - tir all . polnta - Eaat and Sootheaet. dally.. H:4Spm 10:88 p A. D. 'CHABLTOM, ' Assistant General P ernger Agent. 259 Morriaoa atreet, eoraer Thlr, Pertlasd, Ore go. ........ . , Astoria & Columbia " Rlver Railroad Co. fhlofi Depot-' ; " For Maygere, Balnlsr, Oats. XeaTe.- "arrive. keaie, Tvestpors, . jmT, - - Astorls. ' Warrentos, Fle-. rel, Hemmond, Fort Srev- - v ana, Osarhart Park, Seaside. MlB - 11:80 am I Astoria and Seashore, ex- - preee daily ........... .. , KHtul;N . II train dally. J. tl MA TO. O. F. snd P. A.. Astoria, 0r C. ' A. STBWABT, Commercial Ageat, 248 Alder street. Phone Mala BO. THE OOstfomAStC WAV. 2 Overland Trains Daily 7 'The Oriental Lfaalasd. the Fast Mad'"1' , VIA 8EATTXB AND SPOKAWS. . -j . Pally. - Dally.. Laar. '-. Arrive. ' Porting Urn ech adula te end from Bpekeee. . ... St. Peal, Mlnneapolla. . . Dulnth aad all point ' Xaat via Seattle...... 8:80 am - TS im UteAps 8 0 sat Te and from St. Paul, . .....we . Mlaaeapolla.. Daluth and all poists Saat via Spokane. 818 pm 8 -OS si "" ' " '' "OaSJB) Ws)WaiXxswaT ailing from Baattla for Japes aad -China port end Mssjta, earrlag pa aenger. ana rreignx. a. a. Mtnneaeta, July 1$. ; S. B. Daketa. Jnn T. , BIPPOB TU8IV XAIBHA ' (Japan MalP Steamship Co.) S. B. Shlnaao Mara wilt Sail fraa) Seattle aheat May 18 for Japes es4 China porta, (arrytng Bengers aad mighL . ; For tlrkt, "rstse. berth issii tlon. ate., cell o or edarees v . K. PICKSOH, 0. F. T. .V, IBS Third ex., rarxiaae. vressw. mym Steamzr Chas. R. - , FAST TIMS. - frp TBS COltfktBIA TBI mrv$t TBI I" " THS IhlTEO STAIaA. Leave 0k-eeet aoek I a. as. Md-. Wedaesday aad rriday. , arrivtag at a-. 6 LeTret T'h."hall T a. aa. Tv-edsre, Th--. dare sod Silurilsts, .rrlrlng PurlUed $ f ' Office aad wharf toot 4ak tre.t. " f. ""csAiLrS 1. BTin-r-it-. - r. Arrive. i-i -V