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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1906)
i--v v-., ... "'-i': j' a -. ... j '-' "' - - -....v. - ,...i -t -t : ,7Ti.;,,:;i:.,r!;THE oregon daily journal,, Portland. Thursday evening, may - a. .ucx u. "-1 '-' i-U.,..-lLj.'.,jU-rij.j i : . i . . J '-U-J.UL i ,,1,. i ill, , ii -L l . . ,i . ' ........ ' KOSTHIVEST LEAGUE TO : qetjhis tvti:i::s: Hant "for ReorganliatiogLJrVill OF THE DAY if ;jp . , , .. t--- 1 i ' im -1 1 ;0SIUI1D LOSES OPENIHG GAME Errors and Poor , Generalship : In 7 Fifth Irtning Cost the ; -: Match. . FANS TURN OUT TO SEE GIANTS AND COMMUTERS Mayor Lane and DrJ-House Partici pate ini the Opening Cerernoniee Garvin, . Toren and Graham" Pitch Brilliant Ban. ' ' ' Oakland 4. Portland 1..- ' "Retteries Oraham and Hackett; Oar. tin. Toren-and Donahue. It la difficult tq say whether It M the sllrtit invocation rendered by Rev. 10. L. House or the high ball pitched by Mayor Harry Lane, or the greet" iwoep- un,- that.-wastBdered 4o' the Portland lall players yesterday, that caused the Giants to loss their nsrve at the' serious stages of the contest, and thus present the Oakland Commuters with the open-Ina- game of the season In Portland. T The locals lost, howevery. 4 to 1, and vhe S,60 fane that set for nine -Ion g-in-n1nga. pullinr and tugging for the Giant,, left' for their homes wondering what would , have happened had -Moore . not mad a bungle on the -flrst-Tnarrrup in the fifth Inning end .McLean had ;not dropped ah easy, chance In the same in ning. . :..:: -.,- . ... j-.-."' . :. -' ;' " ' ' Fornn -opening game the -crowd did not measure up to the throngs of other leaia. nor waa the enthualasm ao wild and noisy as in other days. -There was anmerhtna-ia thr atmospherethat-ea' haps every-onn .was-sq. anxious .la get 1 a TlneoTrTReTrww--meii tliat' yelHegvwaa forgotten. The scene resembled the, pic ture drawn: by a famoua historian, who told"Pf in ouLurrence years ago; about the proposition made that on. a certain day. at a;.ixrlalntlmeTreverybody in the world waa to -ell aa loudly aa hla I'.iuaw wuuia p'limlt,. lu ajeiideajuiuj "aee if tKe nolae might be heard by the ' men In the moon. - On the day set aside . Tor this glgantla teat, when the signal war sounded for the veil' to- go upJ 'T everybody was so intent upon hearing , tlie great iMle" that no one yelled.. but an.old deaf woman In China and a one ' legged man lrirlreland. And so it was ,' yesterday. . " Every, fan. 'wag getting the dope on the players and -forgot to yell : The only -real demonstration of noise - -eceentuated by- the customary aplthets r wss manifested In the fifth inning, when I mp! re Knell -declared Van Haltren safe I at the plate when it appeared-that Don- J e hues, had tnuohed nlm. Van, however. . dropping away from the catcher and at . ,tTe same time touching the plate witn hlrffooU, Tben it was when Mr. Knell . by . the cromd, but, in fairneaa .to Knell. ,lc must be xatd that his work was good. .-The opening Cereenoniea were simple. Dr. House gathered the: players about htm at the home plate and read -a short aermon to them, while the players stood bareheaded. ' Dr. House waa the only one to .keep his hat on. - After his re s marks. Mayor Lane was banded a new ' ball and amid true democratic applause his honor stepped into the box and, after spitting oh the ball, threw a vicious spit ball at Dr. House,-who was In the Tsatr-rierg botflThough one-time Har vard ball player. Dr. House dropped the ball. ' The crowd cheered, Phil Knell said --r-jpiay-fcstlh"- and the game waa on. - The first inning went pf quickly with- '" out any results. - .-" -.-?t' v; - In: the second, after --McLean threat, ened te do things to Crnplre Knell for Jcallln a" strike onim, "Bcotty" drove out m pretty double. "Charles Moore, the Columbia lad and a clever young per f former, took a crack at the rirst bail ' and aent it In the direction of the gov oaowiio aohi aito waews." -Mr; Jole Bumner. -BwrnonA Tex., "Ballard's Know Liniment in "my family :fa4ho years, I aunta notDi out it In the house. I have used It on my little -girl for growing 'pains and -ba in her knees. It cured her right away. ' I have aim -used it for froat bit ten feet, witn gooo success; ii is ne st liniment I ever usea. itc. bvc and .00. Hold by Woodard, Clarke er Co. CDICAGO PAMESS ; DENTISTS j V i03i .Wash. St, Cor Fifth St 22-K Gold Crowng, .$3.00, $5.00 Bridge Teeth........ $3.00, $5.00 ' Gold Fillingg. .., . . .... MM op Silver Filltngt,.i. ..,;.,50c Omt prartlrw la limited te dlirk araiW work. . Nothing sot toe beet. Kxanlaa. "ilea" free, 10-year aearaatee. Bank jreferenee. ' Opee eveaiasa aad Sundays, Auction dale IRVINQTON RACE -TRACK: 150 head of -drivrra, earriagtv saddler, brood mare and stallion. . Sal commence at 10 a. m. dsily. - - I I Portland Horse Office Room t Hamilton Building- COl ;L.i-ri AftRlMAN, ' AuctlonWar imliftHrHvfHvTTHfMHMMM eminent building. Moore was accused of cutting- second' and after reechln third in safety -was called out.- McLean scored, however, and the score was 1 to v. in Portland's favor., ' In the third Van Haltren tied the score- by clever" baeerunnlng. -'-Nothin more was' dolus- until the fifth, when Oakland began, dumping bunts into the Infield. . Moore 'Juggled a rather hard one, Garvin did something else and Mc Lean dropped an eaay throw. With the bases filled, a lightning double by Lis ter to Donahue made t hinge look bet1- ter. A second . later Donahue dldn cover the plate and a Commuter sneaked in. A wild pitch, scored another oar lander . and ' Van Haltren didn't stea Kome while. Garvin waa unwinding him self. Van falling under Donahue; After this frightful" liming, "Toren , suooeeded Garvin and thla-clever chap didn't a I low another hit.- After the third Inning neither Portland nor Oakland made The Infield playing of Portland was hot' Of a high grade, but a oef of it rtme la one lnnlpg it Is impossible to tell what ... would havrJhapparied, and Just as impossible to form an opinion of the playing prowess of the team. --' - Oakland players displayed -their eus- tOtnary gnap. The score follows:. . POKTLJtND. ARR.H. PO.A.K McHale. cf. . McCredle,' r& 1 . . t . t. 0 .1 weeney, es. Mitchell, If. , Lister, lb. .... McLean, . 2b. moon, o. . . . . ... . Donahue, .',. : , Garvinu.p..... ,,', .. a urcn, Calirl xpren,: p. J, i Total OAKLAND. AB. R. H. pa A. JC Van Haitian, ef- rtv.. I - a a - 1 Kruger, r 1.1 1 g Hmith, Tf. . . iV ....... 4 r 1 ; 1 T. Hackett, e. t 0 0 1,1 Devereaux.. lli.w.l.i.tU-0-J. Hackett. ib. ...... 4. ea 7 1 Francks, bb.."i . . . i . . . 40" 1 2 Markley, 2b. t 1 ,0 - I I -Totals--. ,. i,, U -41 J7 Jl T CalllT batted for Garvin in tlfth. nd . w.,1.0 lit M i I I. -ti - Struck out By Garvin. 4: by Toren, I: by (iraham. I. Left on bases Port land. : Oakland. - 4 Bases on .balls Oft iarvln. 2; oft Toreiu 1; off Graham, . Stolen bewe tt H tt(. TatPIiiute hiiaA Double laye uranam - to MarKiey re Devereauz-Liateato Donahue:-Sweeney te Lister to Donahue. - 8acr1flc( hit a uevereaux, Mltcneu, uranam, van nai tren. Kruger. ' silt by pitched ban By Garvin. 1, Wild pitch Garvin. Paaaed ball Donahue. . Inninrs pitched Oar vln, S. base hits Off Garvin, Runs scored by opponents at time Pitcher Garvin waa taken out, 4. Time of game One hour and 40 minutes; Urn plre - Knell . : ) PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. I P.O. . ; : ..'.jl Won..- Ias San Francisco ,..,...l 1.4 Loa Angeles ...... I Portland", , ; 7 , " .750 .448 421 Fresno . . a. 11 Oakland Jill svSi7 enttle . 1. Seattle Badly Beatea. - (Racial PUjateb te The JoaroaH .Seattle.. Waalw May ,8. Hltt held the RLvtjhH down to a hyank score vaater. day, while the Seals-pounded the local pitchers all over creation. Score: r.-i...-, ';. R. H. E. Seattle . ...... V 0 0 0 0 0 7 3 San Francisco. .1 0 2 0 t 0 0 11 IB 1 Batteries Belt. Vlckers. Hall , and Blankenehlp; Hltt and Wilson. Um pire Perrloe. , . . :. NORTHWEST" LEAGUE. Won. r ,- X ...... t t ....... 2 Lost. t - " 1 ii' P.C. Tacoma Butte . .609 .500 .600 Grays Harbor Spokane . . . .600 Steaer XltUag Oaata. -"---x-. -Speriel- ntaeeteh te-Tae Soaraal.) Spokane. Wash., May I. In a hard hitting conteat yesterdar Spokane man aged to corral li runs to 11 for the vis itors. . score: HrSi. sitieoon-ii 1214 104(0342 S 1 4 4 mldtt'rable and8wirr. dells; Simons and Suess. ' - Vl. an... '.-51. 'fc-'l ntapateh teXlieJiirBil4 , i Tacoma, Wash., May I. Grays Har bor ' managed to. win from the locals yesterday in' the eleventh inning. The core j : --r R H.K. Tacoma . . ..0 40010J001 04 11 1 G. Harbor . .0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 J 4 t 2 Wnrterles" Ftaney-and Shoe 5 Teasnll and Boettlger. Umpire Huston.. The Aagels Wla. (loaml Rnerial Berrlce.) Fresno, Cel., May 3. Los Angeles de- feated Fresno yesterday by a bunching of -hue in the seventh inning. Scores V ', t ; .. R H. l si Angeiea t . .. .i t Fresno. w .... 1 t Batteries Gray anrtEegerr Wolter anuijii.- u wiHrwaivLiuDaia. ; SEATTLE WANTS TO JOIN , NORTHWEST LEAGUE n- ffic .yrtrf ; . V - Becreta.aigoew of the Seattle'Ball club wired The Journal this morning that Seattle is heartily in favor of join ing the Northwest league. Judge Ale Cradle - stated .this : morning . that . he would stand by Portland and the Coast league until, the very last. i Sale Company Fine Horses ....... . , ...v. .... s . BLOODED STOCK AT AUCTIOIJ SALE Large Crowd of BuyerAttenda Z- Opening Salt at Irvington '' . ', Race Track. . PRICES OBTAINED WEE CONSIDERED AS FAIR Try! Morning a Parade of StaJUona Waa Melrt Inr Hnia(i of SwtiluM sale Continue - Today and Tomorrow. - A large' crowd of prospective and real buyers assemotea ,, at Irvington racs track 'yesterday morning, the occasion being the opening of the Portland Horse Salt, company's auction sale. The auc tioneering was done by Colonel R. L. Harrlman of Missouri.. .The prices ob- talned -wara considered rir. r - - This - morning at : o clock there wets a parade of atalllena la front' of the "grand stand. -The: sale will -Wwi-tlnue -today and tomorrow. -The sales yesterday were aa follows, the horse. color, sire. . purchaser, residence and prloe being given tm order i . ' Sulma and Silence, b. m.. by lAmbert Boy Fteldmontj.E. 8. MoCord. Seattle, Wash, SS00 ,:-,."'":Sri Antlnnnn It m. a hv V 4 a. m t t Xlcone; T. T. Suain, Portland, Or.. $l6r Token, b. " g., by Lambert Boy Com- modore Belmontj Bert Strahaa, Hood River, Or., .,.. , High Cloud, b. g. 4. by Lambert Boy Badger Boy I J. Murchle, Hood River, Or.. 31 00. Peart-Opai-, eh.-m; - by Alf onsH Comomodore, Belmfint .tl!il'heTi?i!!.vWaata Goldfinch, b. m., 4,' by Alcone Lam- VAnoouveri wash., troo. Lotus, b. g. 4. by Alcone Denanea; Ed Hoi man. Portland,. 310. , Copper . Finch, b. . 4. by . Alfonso . rrammnor. FlmCnti R'Ph V'ar, Till. Anodymon,,. br. g. I. by Nocturne ilalcolra ; H. Jdelater, Portland. 1100. Violtn,- nr. sTr." -Jvocturno Mal colms J, Bailey, Portland, 3360. Florence, ch. m; f, by Kalltan Gold- creat; J. A. Scannon, Wenatchee,' Wash., - Elder, br. m. 4, by Gyr Faloon Fleld- mont,;; Henry .. Rogers, . Tillamook Or t- ;.-.--.- V!'--. t ; Bkylark.- b.' m. I,'-' byLyfin-Boyd Peavlne; ft. L. Rice, Sheridan, Or., 146, Poet, b. g., by Lambert Boy Malcolm; K. C. Allen, Portland, JI6. ., - BonifaeeT b. g. t. by Lambert Boy- Allen; H. Falrfowl, Portland. 316S. Bank Clerk, b. g. B, by Lambert Boy- Commodore Belmont; A...1 Farkhurst, Portland, 103." ahkrat. b. W 1, Tr Vice-Regent Rockwood ; J A... Mundr, Vancouver", Wash.. 3135. Opoponaz. b. m. 4, by Alcone Alaska: Hv Squires, Portland, flit.. .':J. .. Robin Hood, blk. g. 4, by, vice-Regent Alramont; J. iAMurchla, North Yaki ma, Wash.,- 35.' ' . v-v Chief Clerk,- br. f. 4, by Lambert Boy Commodore Belmont; A. W. Nichol son, Portland, 190. - . r Sonny,, br. g; 3, by Iambert Boy- Commodore ..Belmont; W. Holies, Port land, 31S. ' t . ' ' "Black Coffee, blk. VTrby-ambert Boy Commodore Belmont; J. M. Mur chle, North Yakima, Wash., 310. MlhhlVet, P. m. 4 by Alcone Field mon.; H. squires,, rortiana tins - ' , AlmoU.U.Tn,r 4r by Vtce-RegenlM- Klectloneer; O. C. Pendleton, WoodbuSn, Or., 3100. r. . i Part, b.-g. 4 by Alcone .y. Lambert Boy;. J. J. Xtrsen, Belllngham, Wash Mime,' b. g. 4, by Alcone Commodore Belmont; J. W Bailey, Portland, 310. Neophyte, b. g. 4, by Lambert Boy- Badger Boy; XIRHey,-Portland, $170. "." h, m, t by Kalltan Kantryij Lr-Ei-oore,--oOel -River 17fti Soplon, ch. g." 4, by Alfonso commo- aora Belmogt; lj- E. Morse, Hod River, 312. .1.:... ... . ' " Foxy Finch, by g. 4, by Alcone com- thodore Belmont; Ed-Holmanr;Por(land, Bonio, b. r- by - Alfonso Special Telegram; - J- A. Murchle,,. Wash.T31i'-: : Vassel. blk7"g.-4.- by-Aloone Fleld- montr Bert Btranahan, Hood River, l IS. Krihna; br. g. 4. by Vlee-Regentv- Com modore. Belmont;. L.-IL-Taxpley, Portland. 3210. '? ."r r- - Vavasor and Bird Cherry, b. g. 4, by Malcolm; - A. Johnson, Corvallls, Or., tito.- .... . LARGE CROWD ENJOYS TURN VEREIN EXHIBITION "The annual gymnastic exhibition of the Portland Turn Vereln was held last evening In the presence of S50 epeota tors. The program was of aJilgh grade of Oxcellenca . Here U is: , : r -Overture, brpheaars! .exercises on three parallel bars, girls'- claas; ngure niarob- lng, 24 girls and .Joys; exercises on the- ellmblngpoles:boys' class, second division; game;, relay race, boys' class; Inrllan rlub drill. .11 . ladies: ' lumnlne. high Jump with flnt 'rings, boys' claaa. first division; ,nlgH;ive, seniors; renc- ing with tbe""fpn;'" fencing ., class, (a) class fencing, (b) .-assault;., wand drtU, seniors. ''' 1 j ,. 'aei laities -ea a. er7 sasa aa asea. v.aasBa sVi SL , HILtiMlLtTABYTEA T0l LAY COLUMBIA S3" TM aftei-eion thr;fttH. Military lads will cross bats witla4eCol.ub)a'fwrr- versity nine on Multnomah field. This lama was scheduled for Wedneaday but w a -postponed. The lineup will be: Columbia. Hill Military. .'.p..V. 'Sttelt teepi.) ,...,, . .v. .Taylor ;',, , Fotherlngham Hayes Huggina . .Jh.. , Houghton ..rf..,. ........ Moore .cf. ....... Hendflcks .If....... J. Merchant f . . Looney O. Moore leapt.) C. Moore ...... McKay ........ Harry Ford .......... Porter ...... Welsgerber i... Albright ........ MINOR LEAGUERS START BALL ROLLING TODAr The 'Three 17, league open Ms keaon tooay witn npringneia piaymg ar im- i nuque, t edar Kaptos Hioomington, i Rock JiUnd at feerla and Decatur at Will not leave omehnp. tVe'd rather , miae the . sale. .. ,-. r -r , t -, wg waaT MISSION : SHOES $3.50 Xlhej wear QUALITY HAT $2.50 ' "joe .'. Sava4 - Top 4 CcJJoa Shop 30. Ws jhlngton - Direct Open for the Season FAMILY 8UMMER GARDEN Waihington Street, Near City Park l "i Entrance. Strictly f irst-claaa management Fine .line f Liquora, JPeert, ..Sand wiches and Cigars. P CHASPILTZ.Prfiprietor.': Dr.William SIS Xsperl Orewa aad Briage Work a . ' gl1",, ' " "; Davenport, games, the 1 ; - . - Tbl schedule calls for It season to 'close September The "Kitty" league begins its seaaea today. . UanvlUe opens at VIncennes, Mattoon at Paducah - and : Jacksonville at Cairo. One hundred and thirty games .will ha played and the .season, will elea September .-.: . :TThe new-Wisconsin Baseball aaaocia tlon,-with- circuit including some of the beat- townaaf the- Badger. Btate. la scheduled to start on Its career today. The opening games are seheduled aa follows: r Green Bay at La Crosse, Osh kosh at Eau Claire . and Wauaau at Freeport ' The sesson will oontlnue tilt September It - Accordlng"tan4lsrTporl the Kan sas state; league gets ' on today witn Pittsburg, playing at Fort Soott, : In dependence at jCoffeyvllla-and,. Paraona at Iola. The schedule ealla.-for 124 games, ' the season te wind up Septem ber' .' . ' . v i,5,.i' t: ..; J... it'i a The Georgia State league Is scheduled to begin its season today with,, Amerlcus at Albany, Oordele At Columbus .and Valdosta at" Way cross. The season is booked to close August 3. . ... - NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won.- LosU-T.C. New Tork . ........ ...I .321 Chicago . . .,..1. Pittsburg .,.1 Philadelphia . ........ Boston . . ............. T St-Louls ,, - 2 , t , .620 10 .41? r .400 Cincinnati T 14 14 .3X3 Brooklyn V .285 A OlaeiaaatL',- R. H. H. Clnclnnaa .-.-ll - Batteriea r Dornar and-Bhle4rWllMa and PeUsCmplre-rr-Johaaton At Xoston. R.-H. B. New Tort r. 4 - Boeton .3 11 tteriee MeOrrrnity. Amea and" Mar- shall;,-Msroney and Needham. A St. Zioalal ' rrr::; . R. H. K. Ot j9Vkl3 ... , i-k . 1 .- Chicago 11 .Batteries Kgan and Holmes; Lnd gren and Kllng. - ... - - -AMERICAN LEAGUE.- . Wen. Philadelphia . . Cleveland . , ..7 Washington ; . ......... New Tork f I Timnnrr 7- Lost. '. . , io : p.c. .41 .131 .323 -.0 Chloago . Detroit . St. Louis Boston . . . . . . .600 .too .44 .367 A Cleveland- R. H. E. Cleveland . . St, Louie . , Batteriea Bernard . and . . . a Clarke; Olade and Rickey. . At Boatoa, ', ' ' '" R..H.E. Washington .3 Boston . . Batteriea Patten and Heydon; Young, w inter ana uranam. ........ ,, . v, , ,- ....... . .. a,wwa. .. .... , , . t, Xt v Detroit . . ....... .V';iT,..w,aT; it 4 Chicago . . -j-.-. ,. . ....... . I f -V At Betrelt. - h t WKKvaa- ana aonmrd t ; SuUivn.;.U;.. .4". ... Bog "Shaw Saarlea. Reeelxad at Hudson's Gun Stdra, 110 Tmrdtreei. uei mrormaiion tntre ana Bisks your, entries. iBtersoholastle Xeagrrie. Played. Won. Av'ge. ............. 2 . 1 . , 1.000 P. A.. P. H. 8. I 1 100 C. V. ' 1- 0 .00 ....... 1 ' .000 ,.,.-.....'..-.. 2 . ' .00 H. M. A. rot Bobbed. Q. W. Fouts. Dostmaeter at Rivertnn. la, nearly lost tils life and wss robbed of all comfort, according to hie Istter. which says: "For 10 veara t hmA chronic liver complaint, which led to such a severe ease of jaundice that even my-flnger nolle turned yellow: when mv doctor prescribed Electric Bitters, which cured me end have keot me well for eleven yeare." - Rure cure for Billoue- rieas, r)eura,lgia, Weakneas and all 8tnm- ech. I.feer. Kldnev and RiaddaTr rieran ments:" A wonderful Tonic. At Skid- mors Drug Co., 10 canta, , lMr;MiTii r - Beoaa T, Zaafayatt aidg,'-- WAXaTOTOTT. - Be Discussed by Lucas ani His Directors."" - t - The Tacoma , News of yesterday has the following ito say regarding the plans for "the reorganisation, of the Northwest league; .. ' .. piang for the Northwestern Baseball league will be decided upon at a meet ing of magnates tomorrow night. The session will be held at the Butler hotel. Seattle Tacoma will be -represented by George M. Shreeder and President W. H. Lucas will arrive from Spokane in time to attend. It is expected that Portland will alao have a rapreaentatlva present and that a new schedule will be drawn Up. According' to advices Trora Gray Harbor laat night, the . fans of Aber deen, Hoqulajn and' Cosmopolla are la favor of a six-team league and they be lieve they eaa stand the salary limit, whtoh wHl probably be . IJ.flOO per month. - --. '., "After two weeks of play at Seattle and Portland with the Oakland and San Franelseo teams, it. is .expected that the Paclflo . Coast league will be", formally declared defunct. When this oeoure the clubs of the Northwestern circuit will take their plolc from . the disbanding oluba and strengthen materially.' . KENTUCkY DERBY GOES 1 :.-.,.,,y,- jYT'ilmA LoulervUle. Ky., May I. Favorite Sir Huon captured the-thdrty-seoond Ken-, twoky Derby yesterday in the presence of aa immense throng of spectators. , The guaranteed value of the purse was 3f .00, "-Summary: , . - Inaugural daah, five and one half fur Ion ge Robin Hood won. Con vo to see end. Lady Esther third; time. l:03 1-. . r. One mile and one quarter, the Ken tucky Derby Sir Huon. Ill (Troajer). to I. won.- Lay Navarre,7:tn - T, j urns. to a, aeoona; j saves Heaaica. 11T (Dominlck). to t, third; time, 2:0 1-8. Velours, Hyperion II and Da bar also ran. :.,V --.- - r .- Four furlongs Wing Ting won, Ltllle Turner second, Lady Arlon. third; time, 0:80...... . :.,.....'.:js-:.:.-r-- Six fnrlongrs. . sentng Husted won. colonel ., J1ro , TioagUa -lecopdBradan. Four furlongs Seal won. Warner Qrlswold second, Boasrian third; time. 0:4 -. . "" "' One mile, selling Bell, Indian won. Chamblee second, Careless third; time. liil , .T W1LLAMETTET0 TRY- OUT MEN TOMORROW - (apedal Dtopatck te The JoeraaL) Salem, Or- May . After many days of hard and faithful training the track men are nearlng the day on which they ill know who will represent W 111am- ette in her field-meets. Thriocar try out win occur on Friday. May 4.' and each class Is striving t win the most points at the meet, with the best out look for- -the- Juniors and -freshman. Trainer Heater has not apared time err care in preparing his men for the try out, and therefore he axpecta some good results from hla work. Willamette will meet O. A, C on the 12th and P. V. on the lth: Manager Hewitt Is well pleaaed with 'the showing the men are making and la confident that the cham pions of the cardinal and gold will ao fquit themeelves creditably Jn -thsr-flnat eventa LEADERS IN LOCAL RACE TO PLAY TOMORROW Tomorrow afternoon" on Multnomah field the Portland- academy and -High sehool nines., oth -tled for ilrt -place in the "Interscholastlo aeries, will meet for the first time. Thgemo will be --"- t "-' H'" will be: Portland Academy.. High-ScHdoTr Higgins .......-..c... . . ... ieweii Reed .-.vVvi-r.-. . .p .. Jones ...........,1b... Word Thaysr ...... Oanong ......... Oakss Reed Tansoher Brownlie ...2b... P. Myers . . , ;. eat , , Houston . , . . , ' . 3b . . .rf .". . . . . ." Waaness N. Myei a ,. ... McPherson. , . ,. tcf .T. i , Vernon .m.M ...if . . ..llrlggs HARVARD COACH WANTS - SOMESPRING.PRACTICE rfeta-aargDeelal Kerviee.l . Cambridge, Maas May .--Hsad Cosch-W, T. Reid Informed the candl dates for the Harvard football team at the. first meeting that scrimmage work will be taken up In-the spring practice this year for the first time in the unl- vereUy-Tha.eandldatee will aasemble this week.. .. -'.' .;yr.y,-..,. The first week there. wiU. be light wc-rkDu ring the second weekthere will be a series of' scrimmages, The practice will serve to show how much the game has benefited by the changes in the new rulee. . . - SPRING TOURNAMENT AT ATLANTIC CITY tJoereal Speeial flarvica) - - - - - Atlantic City, N. J., May 3. A large and representative field and some bril liant play marked the qualifying rounds' today of the first spring golf . tourna ment under the auspices of the Country club of Atlantto City. The tournament continues through the remainder of this week.- The president's cup, Atlantic City cup, Northflsld cup and a number of other handsome trophies will be awarded the winners. . -. " ' A . . . A. U. WRESTLING BEE vrV nnriip tiiio r-tiraniii- v i nio tvciiiinu (Joaraal Special Bervke.V Chicago. I1U May (.All folio were of the wrestling game are displaying keen lnteresUin tlie national championships of the A. A. which begin tenighf at the Central T. M. C A. in this city, to continue over Friday and Saturday. The entry Hat Is large and -some splendid contests are expected te result.' Classes have been arranged for lot. 11,,. 123, 13. 14 end 16 pounds and heavy weights. , . ..j--'.. . :.,.A i CANADIAN TOURNEY' ON FOR THREE DAYS V' ' ' 11 , - - . ' (Joaraal ipecUl BemJ V ' Toronto. Ont., May 3. The' Canadian boxing and . wrestling championships open in this city tonight under the aus pices of the Argonaut Rowing club. The tournament laata three days. Pre liminary arrangements' ef a perfect character and a Jsrge and highrctass entry Hat combine to give promise of one of' the moat successful meets, of the kin ever pulled oiX In the dominion. J ' n -'.. . - . - thaa HAY1IER, no natter how mucJtyou pay or, get it.- We have been dlatming whiskey (or 39 year. ' We have onaol the most modern ad best equipped distilleries In the world. We kpqwott othing that would improve our product. - Perfection la the distiller' -art has bees reached In HAYNER WHISKE V, which goes direct from our distillery to . YOU, with all of its original parity', pasatnrougn tnonanaa 01 any dealer or. miaaiemaa tOi sauneratexorL thng gave the dealars' big proEt Yoa buy at the distiller's price, at first cost, . Don't yoa ee the economy In baying HAYNERWHISKE Y, a well as the certainty of getting' absolutely pure whiskey? . v .' United State Senate, Weahlngtea, TJ. C. ; - "I have need H AVlfBB WHISKEY far medicinal eurpoeee in my family and have found it very eetiaiactery. I believe it te be "W niunker-eue medicinal whiskey." . , " , . , , : , . lkmu J. MmrfiH, U. S. Sanator from Virginia. Ki3 m - FULL 0 (I QUAnTO J U ' Bead as the above amount and we will a plain sealed esse, with a marka to show content. Try the whiskey, have yoar doctor teat it every bottle If you wiih.. If yea deal flad it all right, ahlp It back te aa at OUR KXHSNsa sad year money will be aremptly refoaded. How oonld any oflar be fairer? , Yoa v moiier br ordrtag 20 cmartaey freight. If yea caa't aae ao taaeh, get a friend te Jeia yon. Yoa eaa have either Jlye er Bourbea. Beaismbsr we pay the eapreas or freight caarges. ' - :. ' ..-- V ' . Write ear aearest oSteskad SL Petit, Mia. - St,Uale,He.j PlstlTlery. Trer, O. Csfttsl, tSQO.909.6ai W MEN: for AND WE TUAT MIN Bsteablished 35 : Come Cure! .We It iw kve vlOiatad ta law at health anaarnUBing yvnr ayaTam. earn te a befwr If yea are weak, glenmy and deepoaeeat, nargj, unapia ve oseiiTraw .yoar isousbc. aaaa: see tieataieet will stoe all drain atsre yea to atrengtk and kaalrk. W have '"..-V t' ' ' t. Vfy i'm,mlmliwi mm,, m mm ,' .'sm nu. .,' THOSB WHO HATS BIEBr-lrrBAFFerMw T UWIKILLED SPe-CTALlSTS A XAJLJIilXLT aKCTJESTXO 10 IMVITIOTg OU aTETHOS AFD TERMS WITtlOTT DEtAT, WKIOH HAD THET DOME IK IHX SEOWKIMa V0UXD HATS - SAVES same xiaia w awasx.. .-. - . - A LelFE UOINQ CURE FOR VfAAft VMTSAt- enr fiTerVlIM Mm Ve asewwar eT WBVai onia liqaitavSb VgeeL VVnt aw A AVAV A W CVAfe, T Agt.3V7EAJb Jl I dbocile, aiivous pgcmiB,-' vxAHaasg, yixis oa chaomiq disease or the aTEOIAL - DISEASES WewBr contract nanl tnOtBioiatlo a topped la 94 hoar: iitihi tuu or srtuiAi, abb oaaomo. ant in alaia wrleee. Ne aaaM, letter er . photographs at patient pnkllak expoww VTt 0KAEOI 0 OT7XE OKLT. Wa patiaat seiukl aa U, ae teat he wlU have te treated far the earn trrakl. ! WORD IS eoon as ova sond. . our ora loko xxrERiivcx ra treati Of JrOPERK, CHEXXiriO IREAratEKt HOt'R4 a. , sw a. ai. EalBa, ST.LOUKSrDKPreMY couni vxooaro aht tasdkzxa vrmnTu.-rom.rLxn, omaoosT.' " ' BIvASDHB A3TO XXDmTST symptoms of which are pains in ' the wwi and iom, frequent and Scald! urination, pufllneas of the eyes and swelling of the feet, And a thouaand other aymptoms, betterknown-e the sufferer, We "treat and permanently cure all such conditions. ' - irmaTaTaVAi. oasTmroTzoir the symptoms of which are nartlal do. ure of - the canal, frequent and painful scalding, . proslatlo Irritation and - In- nammation or the bladder. .. We treat and. permanently cure, even caae that we ucept, without cutting or dilating., ,. - .-; avtooii ronovnra .JL . . of a'speclHo nature la a condition that the innocent as well aa the guilty mav acquire.-inasmuch as It Is very Often ceielltary. . The Arat - syoiDtom da nlgiirjiWijhn . pains la IhSL bunaa and joints, ulceration of - the mouth, throat and togue. falling -out of the hair and eyebrows and a copper -colored rash over the body.- ir you have anr of the above symptoms ws ask you to Consult us at once, as we treat and nermenentlv cure every caae that we accept, without ine use oi mereury, inereoy imtnring you, when cured, that your bones and your tlssusa are not destroyed. . - . ' . ' TABZOOOSU ' . V . Is a 'condition that men suffer from more than all other conditions com bined, and Is the direct cause of ner- Office houre a. m. DR. W. NORTON Oflioes la Tea or XoAeL Thlti aX, Corner yime, rerilaad, Or. - Bandlaer atranita. milldla serailta kara beea hmed fnl. low : . .- Mrs. MT,a. eot. enreer Hanrntft aiul CnrtM-lt ttreai. it fl.aoo; b. K. iMTie, ham, Nhii, bten Raat. FUventh and --T;at Tnlrteentn atraeta. mtt i;n Wahliree. reeiaae, east irvu, ajrvf aaat - .- i. a., , f-iut trength, richness and: flavor, It doesn't r7nn ulUUU PnSPAIDi Fns TOE FREIGHT PREPAID do tt NOW. ' Daytee O. AUanta, 0 said tanul. ' Established 16. ONLY Years In Portland fA I -'-- ' CONSULTATION FREE WE WlLLw-TREATr ANY SINGLE, UNCOM , v PLICATED AILMENT FOR $12.31 l.j.:.v..:..FOMHE FEE. .;, ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED Tedar to" the SUCCESSFUL Soedal 1st who! number their PERFECT Cures by the THOUSAND I You want a PERMANENT can ACCOMPLISH IT. - and ar eoaeno- if nulinl VlraTif W t -yoe tieeem a neraeus and physical wreek have bad ereasu. deareiaed lark ambition aae wcb visa, visor aae viunty. eeaae ro na at eenmaie all wekaaia aad poaltl,!, ra eared taaaaaaaa of weak smb.. t - - eaa . aMMw -" fMueae . Sad ehreele ram Cured. -ATI tnrrnlne. Itch Carte (feetid Id T. day. VI COVER TKE sur-iuno, comtuoated diseases. rull ia er J aa aanaaa m, ttm i,tni, V antiraly aatUaad, sad U1 nTr again raanuaTS aaju LU11 THAT OUR rrxAaciAX staxoiko if solid and BriOIAL DISEASES OE MX ntSUREg TOD ZKAX WILL AOCOHPLIBH A CUBA, -f f te ) Bdr, a. am. te U vous prostration and sarly less of nan tel. physical and all powers, which In turn unfits one for ordinary duties of lifew We- accomplish a permanent ours In all such conditions ae-varicocalj without a cutting or tying operation," or loss of time to the patient. -,'.saa or any swelling, tenderne; as- or.lmtred ments are restored to tTielr Aormal else without a cutting operation. pimples, blackheads eryslpelalT or any - - eruptive disease of the skin, by our system Of treatment, ere permanently cured and the skin left - a'mooth and :""r velvety in appearance. -- We Onarantea a Core la Hvery Oaae We . Undertake or Charge Jto Fee, cOYifldentiaL All correspondence in plain - ' "i envelope. -, inetrdntlve - book for men -mailed free, in plain wrapper. - J r"y If you canhot call at office, write for queatlon blask.-i Home treatment sue- cessful, . . . te I p. m.; Sundays and holidays, 1 s. m.' to )1 im DAVIS & CO. and East Third isi loivm. u.. ai VTJ'i ,",B,n wr' Waablngfee led , r, -vvnit, re Irk treet, mat, -a. enrm-r " .a-e atreeU. cat 6lH pair t llln. MID Horthw i0: . B. eri.-k.rn, Mur jwaamin ana Bllaworth A. rnlllna. kara i Pr, . I -- V 3 , ..I 'tii "If MUajeerl trta, otet IJU0, . . . , ' -i i - -;'- 'T.: ; :; :' y i ..."