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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1906)
.TIIH OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, 1AY 2. 1S03. rw4efwwe ! Auction Sale -Fine Horses I HERE IS THE LATEST IN SPORTDOM . I"3- ' ' "EDITED BY J; A. HORAN' " ' '' -s ' 1 ' " -4 SEATTLE SPORTS DOUBT HORLEY Puget Sound Fant Advised by Lot Angl Manager That . Ha Wishes to Disband. . WILL PLAY IN FRESNO ; ' - v BUT A BRIEF TIME Manager-Morley It- Anxious That , secretary Afnew pi ecame Assist - Him in Transferring His Players to : . "Cities in tb Northwest League.! Tinins with" r- statement -In- yeeter - 'day's Journal that Morley of Lot An ' geles was only Muffin when ha stated that ha would not disband his team. In--. -tending' te continue In Freano, tha fol- lowing from - the - Seattle Poet-Intelll--""atenoer of yeaterday further eats forth , tha plans end Intentions of James V. ' Morley . and thoa wbo axe trying to : break up tha Coast league: The Paollo Coaat Baseball 'league 1 daed. For this r seaeon, at Jeat that ia theeltuatlo with which tha followara of tha game ara far to face, Tha Northweat league, with Portland and Seattle aa mambars tharaof, la tha dopa from now on. . .- Manager Jamas Morley. of Los An ' gelea yeaterday sounded tha death-knell 1 tjf tha old league, at iaaat aa far aa thle yaar Is concerned, whan ha -announced his Intention of disbanding- his -team and releasing as many as posaible of his playara to tha Butte and Spokane taama. ; in tha Paomo Northweetjwague. sllte- ssBjsasysajBBsasy'ssrBBBa" of a teles-ram to Jamaa P.- Agnew, buhl ness manager of the Seattle club, last "..-substance, that he would not play ball under the conditions now exlatlng in - California, and that ha had determined v to quit for the season.- Ha requeeta Mr. Agnew to use his .beat - artdeavors-la " place tha mambars of tha Los Angeles . team with Butte ana Bposane. 'tie win games in Fresno until the ether teams pick up hla players. Under tha terms t)f i special arrangement made by thi national board afUr tha- anFranclaco - catatrophe.-the -Coast league has the "bright to reserve Us players svsn though -- It lets them go to other organisations jv. for this season, and would hare the call on themet tha beginning of next year. Followers of baseball In tne - Northwet,toweyerrnava cbmetotdoK on the Northwest league es-thcmori TfeasIbleor'thertwo, and doubt la as pressed that the Coast league, once dU- -t: banded, will ever be reorganised. - - Mr. Agnew haa been anticipating U something of this kind ever since the Han Franclac'o. dlaaster, "and while al ways willing te sund by Ban Franolaco ahould tha backers of that team decldJ r A-mnttnua-the aeaeon. tie nas aammsa - that ha preferred tne wonnwiii iaui under tha exlatlng .circumstance!. He. has. therefore been negotiating with V. H. Lucas, Frank J. Dorset, Bchroeder cf Tacoma. and 'bther magnates of tha Northweat league, for the formation f a league conalating of Butte, Spokane, Gray Harbor,Tacom, - Portland -nd 'Seattle. - - rfr?Thee men ire'air-rlghrift-ror thr greater Northwest league, said Mr. Ag new laat night. "On receipt of tM pneeaaga from Mr- Morlay I wired the - managera- of the varloua teama In tn . Northwest league, apprising thain of hla cljonJJLjtxpectj;ohearJXrom tnsm tomorrow morning, when I will lmml - lately communlcata-wlth -Judga-Mo-' Credle. at Portland, telling him of their poBltlon. Pereonally I have no doubt- inai ine league win om nrnw, Any m.i we will be playing ball In Seattle within a rery short tlme While wa regret the Inability of tha California towns to con tlnue, we are compelled to face the alt- ' tiation, and tha Northwest league offers the solution of tha baseball problem now." The dissolution--ofta CoaaFTeagu for this Season means an Influx Into the orthwest-f-tha members of at- least raworsidTssiBiyjsaiJoueitrTBaTaarr - fornla teams.. This will put Jobs la the Northwest league at a premium, partlc- - ulsrly In vlew of tha fact that the majors are by this time well aupplled with players. This will probably drive rmany a r. falr"averag ; player In - the -Northwest back to the bushes," but It wlll certalnlyresult In soma fast; teams. - una some gooa dsji in- mis section mis season. -- Mr. Agnew - expects that ' a meetlnc . will be called hero soon to organise the new league . and arrange the playing schedule. . . - ABSOLUTE 7 liflleEiyerPais". . Must BeJr Slgnaturw of 5es FacSladle Wrapper Betow. Tary sasaU am aa siaksaf miCABACRL l. TBI DIZZIRUS. T CARTER'S FtlllUOUSKEU. v FOlTOXriBLIYU. r rsinxsTiPATiei. ni tiuowtni. roi TMCCOMPUXIOI ,ltIejlgHrretyTatMaMevCi SECURITY. Garter's .CURE SICK HIADACHC; SPORTinGTGOSSip OF THE DAY Manager McCradla Criticised for Running Off. the Field In..'.' j ' Loa Angeles. PRESIDENT BERT RULED IN FAVOR OF MORLEY Umpiro McDonald Was Within Hia ' Rights When Hs Declared Game Forfeited Other - Brief Items r of Sport Arranged for Readers. There has . been considerable, dlsoua slon regarding - tha right of Manager MoCredle in calling his team off tlie field In Loa Angelea on Bundajr, before the game was finished, but President -Bart's ruling last year, la wbioh he stated that the Los fans ware entitled to nine - Innings of baseball aa their share of a contest, vindicates Manager Morley and Umpire McDonald ' In the former's refusal to" turn over Portland's share of tha gate ecelpta and tha tat ter's action. In declaring the game for feited. . There la plenty of time for a visiting taam to etoh the train after a Sunday game In Los Angeles, after completing a nlne-lnnlng match. -The teama iln other years have caught the trains, ;and why not Portland this sea sont : ' X report comes from Bait Imora that Harden. OHf f In and Wlltsa, tha three men that deserted that olub laat year for the outlaw organisation, are hanging around. Hugh-Jannlng's hack yaxiL Tha. three wnuld Jump al the uliame lu Ue reinstated, but Jennlnssis firm and 4f he has his way they will never play or- DBseoaii again. Terry McOovern Is getting turned down cold In his aspirations to be a ball player He hung around the Brooklyn clubhouse until President Eb bets told him that -the place waa for IbaH nliyersi apt ar pi utiHalitersr -.TespoTiaedrerryrif Its for ball players, why don't you get some"T C. - Matthewson. ' Cy Toung and J. Chesbro can all get under-ths table xmd make a noise like a rug, Atlanta has produced "Rube- Zeller. a southpaw, who pitches a new ball that makes the batter cross-eyed after two Innings. He is ix feet three inches tila-h and in on game with- Montgomery gtruc out IS men In a lnninge and 1 In 13 Innings: pitched J10 strikes In succes sion: didn't give a base on balls In IS Innings; made one of tha two Atlanta runs: never kicked on a decision, and let put., tlve blf bajlla ge 9 the eutmidy. v-" -. 4- - New York university Is tojlayfoofc. baH-th(a-ralt,rthersanouhcement to that effect having been made this week by Chancellor MacCracken. The game la oh trial under, the new rules, however, for the permission is for -one year only, and two games have already been ssne tloned. It la expected that rules of eligibility will be msds which will for bid freshmen and graduates playing, but this decision is not officially an- r m - a. . i , A tlirea Amvm' mHnAt J I..... under the auspices ofthe Oklahoma and Indian Territory Sportsmen's assocla- uwn virnn iouii at Diacsweii, okia- . 4 a w- t" The- tourist trophy - trials under the auspices of the Automobile Club of Great Britain 4nd Ireland are. scheduled .v I.A. yAmiw AVUIVirvw ga 'lat ASiCp Man. . .- : . .. . ' i. ... A Urge-and high class entry list Is reported for tha Csnadlan boxing and wrestling championships to be held un der the auspices of tha Argonaut Row ing-club in Toronto, beginning tomor row ana continuing till the end bribe week. -Tr-"-. - ; - - - e.. a .... . f Thla-ls a great week for baaeban. especially In the middle . weaUThe Western league opens its season today and several of -the minor-organisations are achsduleo to get off for tha pennant taca tomorrow, among them the "Kitty" league, Tnree-i league.rWIsconsln State and Kansaa state leagues. In the south tha Georgia state Jeague Is scheduled fto open 1U season -at the same tlraa- a e - ' . Birmingham1 has made' a great start In -the race for the Southern league pennant, with Shraveport a close sec ond,, .... ." ... . . . . - ' - The ball clubs of Wichita snd Pitts burg, Kansaa. played an lt-innlng game recently, Plttaburg winning by a score of S to 1. Wlllett. the Wichita pitcher, struck out tS men. . i . , .. e o J. . , The Ran FranctSflo catastrophe was a hard blow for professional baseball eh the coast. Four teama ware maintained In San Francleco : and : vicinity, repre senting three different leagues. . 7 --.. . . . a e . '..'...,, . It begins to look as though Jake Stahl meant It when he said the Wash ington club would make a whole lot of trouble for some of the star teams of the American league. .-. It Is hard for Manager Qrlfflfh of the Highlanders to pick a guardian of the -third bag; Morlarty Is a guud B elder; but weak with the stick, while Laporte Is a heavy batter, but not a sure fielder. The Washington American league club haa released four pitchers and still lass eight on the-PaT-JQU- - . - - AMERICANS CAPTURE MAJORITY OF POINTS (Jevraal Sperlal Servlee. Athena, May . Tha American Ath. mtes again carried oft honors at the Olymplo games. 1 gherrlng of Hamilton, Canada, won the Marathon race In splendid stylev-playlng out all of. his competitors. Yesterday's results were: . Running high Jump O. Leahy. Ena- land, first, with 1 meter 77 H. centime ters feet MS. inches); Qoency, Hun gary, was second. 1 meter TS centimeters t ii m.w inL'iiBt-n. w. . Kerrigan, Portland, Oregon, and Dlakldes. Oreere, uea ror inira piece witn l meter 7tVk ceniimeiera te reet 7.f l incnea). Final hurdles R. a. LeavltL WH. Ilamstown eollega, WUllsmstewn. Masa tlm H 1-1 seconds. A. jf, Healey, Kngland, waa second, and Xwngker, Oar many, third. SOO-meter race Won by Paul Pilgrim, New Tork a. C: time I minutes ih seconds. Jamaa IX Llghtbody. Chicago university, was second, and Lieutenant W. HallawaU. England, third. ' Standing high lump Won by Ray C Bwry. New York A. C; height, t feet I -Inches. - -- -- - .. i : . . - Greek style dlecus-throwing contest Won by tha Finn, Jarvlneau, with it maters; Georgandes. Greek, seoond. with II meters 10 eentlraeters; and Mudln. Hungarian, third, - with SI meters 71 oentlmetera The-Amertcahs--aJt-won-4-eltav Great Britain 4. Greece and Sweden 1 FREEWATER TEAM NOT IN IT WITH THE ECHO BOYS . (Soeclal DliBitsfc-to The. JooraaLV. Echo. Or.. May t. the -Kcho ball team yesterday defeated the Freewater boys by a score of li to S on the local dlemond, msktng two' victories In as msny days. The features "of the game were, the batting of Bland and ' fielding of Bulger and Geyer. who pulled oft two pretty double playa Kennedy-was in the bos for the locals again and was In fine form, striking out eight men snd allowing only four hlta The Free- water twlrler was easy for the locals. who -found Mm- for II - safe Mtsy twe being three-baggers and three twobaaa hlta I( Is expected that Heppaer will come here to play Sunday next, and a close game Is expected . . WESTERN LEAGUE STARTS BUSINESS TODAY ' (Jearael Bpeetal gerrlee.) ' J - Denver. Colo., May I. The Western league begins ths saaaon of 1I0S today with the eastern clubs playing In the west. Ifjthe rose-colored propheclea of the "ball magnates and managers "count for- anything- this - wilt be the banner year for the organisation. According to their statements every club of the league stsrts the race-in good eondi-tloa-aseV-wttav a ehanee at tha pennant. 7ti-rBmin g gumertwrsy-mre' -oti eduled pmahaat LJasqla-ad..Ieg-Jlolnss at pueblo. The season will close Sep tember 10. SANDY ROAD BALL NINE SEEK DIAMOND MATCHES To the Sporting Editor.-We wish to state that the Sandy Road baseball club has reorganised and desires a game for Sunday, May I, and also other be: Locke, catcher: Probst and Jen sen," pitchers; A. Glablsh, shortstop; Brlggs,- first base: Ellott, second base; Butler, third base: - - Murnane, center field; Probst and Jenaen, left field,- 3, Qlebish, rtrht field and manager. Teams wanting games - snouia cau up East ftSO at 7 p. m" or address W. Probst, Twenty-eighth-and-Sandy Road. ECHO PLAYERS DOWN ; , , THE PENDLETON NINE Echo. Or May I. -The Echo base ball team .Monday defeated the Pen dleton club on the local diamond by the aoore of to 1. The features were the pitching of Jlnt Kennedy and the field ing of Bulger-and McCooL The . um piring- was satisfactory to both sldea A return gams will bs played at Pen dleton next Sunday. 7URNVEREW GYMNASTS ,T0 PERFORM TONIGHT The annual gymnsatle exhibition of the Portland aonlal Turn Varein wilt be held this evening In the Turn Vereln gymnasium. Fourth and Tamhtlt streets. A splendid program has been arranged for the evening, ..- . . .... NATIONAL LEAGUE. :z At 9. Znls. ' - R. W. SI Chicago . I 0 Bt. l.ouis . .. . . ; ............. .1 t 4 Batteries -Taylor and OradrK Bee- be-aadKllng. Umpires Carpenter and Klem. At vonom. R. H. B. .S If 1 .7 II I INew TfA-k . . . , Batteries Toung snd Needham: Taylor, Wlltse and Bresnahan and Mar- shaii. , umpires ttmeiie ana Conway. AS Brooklyn. -R.-.-m Philadelphia .V -....... ..S 11 1 Brooklyn S S I Batteries Lush and Dooln; Eaaon, Knolls snd Bergen.. - Umpire O'Day. .' At Olnelnnati. ... .- . r.h. n. Cincinnati.. 11 1 Pltsburg . .... .1 l I Batteries Druhot and Livingston; L.yncn. weaver, ana . run . vimpi Johnstona AMERICAN LEAGUE. - ... '.. At IT ewe Toe. " - , - R. New Tork . . . I Boston s - Batteries Hogg and Kleinow:- H. E. - e- n 1 :Gb- son and Grsham,. At FhUadelpmla.- : , : , R. Philadelphia - ............ .1 Washington . . . ...... i .1 Batterlea Flank.- Bartley - and -era; Hughes, Smith, Sudhofl and radge and Wakefield.1 " - . At Cleveland, R. H. B. IS 7 1 I H. S. Cleveland -T-wrmrrmrr) t 1 t." UOUia ... rer. . . . . . J -. . r ; i . . - Batterlea Heee and Bemls; ' sndSpencer. lr-l Smith --' .i i-.. ' KcZatyve Sits -the Ben. fSaMUl DtsMtefe te'Tke 2onra.1V Spokane, Waah., May I. Butte won out-in... the. ninth, inning yesterday through Mclntyre's heavy hitting. The ..Ar. . : . ------R.H. E. Butte . . ..v.. i.l I 4 II Spokane . . . .". . 1 1 -1 e't 01 : I Batteries Howard and Swindells; Rush snd Stanley. Umpire Bettley. . ' Bntla Xs Bnmpsd. .. . rRnMH.l niaesteh to Tke Jeerael.V sTicomi, Wash., May I. Ike Butler waa" driven "from the box yesterday h four innlngr. Tha score: R.H. E Tacoma . ....... 10SSS 1 IS 4 7 S Grays Harbor . .1 I 0 10 0 1 1 I 11 ' Itatterlea BuMer, Finney snd Shea; Law snd Boetttger. - umpire ttusion. of Show Satrlea). ' - s' iterafveil at Hudson's Bun Store. -110 Third street .Get Information there and make your entries. THE LOCAL SEASON - OPENS TODAY Portland Olantt VVIII Begin J!roub!ei;th Oakland at Recreation Park. - MAYOR LANE WILL TOSS " FIRST BALL OVER PLATE City Executive Will Show the Fans 2 How Ht Tossed. Curves Way Back - in the Seventies PhU Knell Wffl Handle the Umpire Side- of Oeme The Portland baseball club. Includ ing Manager UeCredle and Business Manager Jontle Hlgglns, arrived home this morning from Lo Angeiee after a long and tiresome journey. Some of the players, look like refugees, having lost most of their wardrobe in the earthquake la SsnFranclsce. The ma Joritjr. however, look In fairly good con dittos-JenM-Hlggln looked - proa parous snd happy and his rosy cheeks showed that the earthquake did not en tertain any terrors for htm. This afternoon at 1:10 o'clock the lo cal saaaon wU be opened at- Recrea tion park.. Mayor Harry Lane has- sig nified his Intention to "toss ths drat ball over the plate" and thus sat the ha hasn't -thrown a- ball- since about 1ST; and he Is not certain whether he will pitch a high er a low balL The opposing team today will be the Oakland Commutera, under the leader- shin r Vanirnr van IialtrtiU-OCA quarter century fame In baseball. Van bandTbnossers, and while his men have had no practice of any account since the earthquake) yet he feels that they are swift enough to taks a fall out of ths Giants. - The Giants are not In the beat con dition. - They were detained In Loa An lag. rvsrzBiinratghtri lev refused to turn over - roruena s share of the gate receipts on sccount of MoCredle' s team leaving- the field, and were compelled to borrow money In order to make tha homeward trip. Tf "wajTstated "thae"TJarvln."wne haa not yet Joined tne uianta, wouia pitcn today's game, but aa he has not shown un it Is likely that- BUI Esslck will go against Oscar Graham-of the Oakland bunch- ' - ifttwajfans sre very anxious to sss what the much-touted Giants can do In the national game, and if, the weather continues fair a large crowd of the old guard Imay turn out to see the fun. PhU .Knell will umpire.' wmm Many people who. are neglecting ivmotomi of k i d n e v trouble. hoping . J Tit. will wear away are drifting towards mignt jjiseaie, which is ViHnry trouble In one of Its worst forms. itoprirregularities, strengthen the urinary organs and builds' up the worn-out tissues of the kid neys so they will perform their functions oroDerlv. Heaitny kidJ neys strain out .the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. 'Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing dizziness, backache, s t o m a c h trouble, sluggish: lyerjrrego1ar heart action, etc. y - If you hare any signs of Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUKE at once, as it will cure a slight dis order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady.- It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Out. Yon can easily determine it your kid aeye are out ot order by setting? atide fur 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon artsirjgv If -upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles float about in it. vour kidnevs are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be taken at once . , . . .' , fL . BerMeee Teetlflee Arte ' ". FeestTeara. - 0. a IsrasM ef eeriWe Cetter. . Y. erKeiJ "About four rears age I wrote roe stating that I bad been entirely cured ot a severe klanef trouble by taking leea Kan-two bottles of Fo1eyl tcidna Cur. Ik entirelv stODDed the brlek- Snst sediment and vala andsmRlomsof kldne eiseeee disappeared. I am glad to say that I have never bad a retaam ol any of those symp toms Sarins the four years that neve elapsed, aad : La art Amur eured to etay eared, sad heartily reoommeed Foley's KMoey Cure to asj eae sudertag tram kidney or bladder rootle. : Twe aiass, SO and, 100. t:u ira tice:is:Ea by Weedara, Clark at Co.- aad kldaaeie . BintT Oev... . '. mmm mmm DALY VASrnOTED OH THE TURF Demlsa of tH Famous Race track Man Raoalla Many ' 4 Hia CharrtJas.-, STARTED LIFE A3 PROTEGE , 0F JOHN M0RRISSEY PrUeflghter Gave Him a Start and Hir Success loBl the Track Was r Phenomenal He Was Devoted to His Family. - r ,' John' Daly, the Well.knoatn turfman who died at hie home In New Terk last weaav waa aTamarkable character. Daly was (I years old end came to Naw Tark C1U .from-Troy- aame- tears ag.- He n nu( mm ..t.kll.L . . . -" m vwv.iimu& .u waai rvin-ty-nlnth street, near Broadway, and had an interest In a resort In Barclay street, which. It Is said, waa known in every section of the globe. It was luxuriously- furnished. Daljr-auula fortune at tne race track and owned several win era ills s-ysar-old Jean Bersud brought him thouaanda of dollars, w a Whitney paid tST.toe for Jean Beraud in isn. Daly conducted an establish ment at Long Branch. Thia was closed aeverai yaara ago. Daly had been Ul for about two years. tnough . he lttu directed hie several ciuDe. - Daly in early" life earned the friend ship ef John Morrtssey, the prtseflghter, who served New Tork ss a congressman in tne nays snortly following the civil war.. Daly came te Kew-Y ork .as a piutsge ut stuitissey gna estaWishfed himself here.- est operators t 'the'race trsekaIIefor many years - raced horses In., his own name, and later raced In partnership with David Oldeon, In the name of Gideon Daly, which was established In lttl. In that year they won the fo- ls-tgliiiesa, and-TH-tftt succeeding -.four years won the same famous fixture twlos - more with The Butterflies and Requital, in the mean time winning a Suburban handicap with Remapo In addition Jo a great list of other staked, The firm established the breeding farm near Red Bank, "New Jersey, known as the Holmdell stud, - but after Mr. Daly retired from racing this was leased and now Is occupied with E. R. Thomas aa tenant., ., . . u. Daly was a man of quiet, engaging manners, and was a generous employer. tits-enan ties were-widespread. Mrs., Daly died In Saratoga last July. Daly and Us wife were most devoted to each other and her death was a great blow lo him. " They had no children. WILtJRY-T0rMAK& LINN A DRY COUNTY (Joarsal Special Service.) " Albany, Or., May J.-Last evening there was filed In ths offics of ths county clerk a petition signed by about too electors or Linn county asking that a local option liquor election be held In this county June 4,neit. This is for the purpoes of voting out saloons alto gether and, making-Linn a" dry county. The law requires lhat these petitions be filed not more than SO nor less than I da ye before the general election to be held In Juna The 'clerk must eora- pare these signatures .with those on the register Tor the election now pending, attach his signature and certificate showing the number valid and If they have 10 per cant of the vote as cast for supreme Judge In the laat. election the court must make an order that this be submitted ta a vote of the people June neXt.-- . Thle no doubt will develop Into the blttereat fight : ever waged In Una over temperance or no temperance.- And the election In June will be the final teat as te which- oftbe two is the strongest. COUNTrEDUCATDRS OFJVASHINGTON MEET (iMdil DUmOH I Tm l,t - Walla Walla, Waah, Way S. The an nual convention df county school super tntendente ef the etate opened at Vhlt- msn college yesterdsy with every super' intenaenc in tne etate except two In at tendance. . Btate Superintendent R." Bl Bryan and Assistant Superintendent F. M. UeCully have arrived from Olympla and are taking an active part In the work of the convention.'- Sessions will continue over tomorrow.. . .. , LATE M. STERNBERG ; BURIED AT ALBANY ' rSueetal rHepetch te Tke JooraaLt - Albany. Or May S. The funeral of M. Btemberg was held In this city this Rich in Nntriliion, Easy to Dipt Mains-Vita Is tha Perfect Pood for Cb41dreasnjrLOrown.Fol - We know- of no-other food s rlcJTIn nutrition snd so eaay to dlgeat as Melta Ylta, the perfeot whole-wheat food. - On4 of the foremost educators in Onto V .. .. 'v. . . . v. . H y .UU.nHJ almost everything In -the way of pain ana misery ana waa unni roa'Duslness from the worst form of indigestion and constipation. I Buffered agony -from sick hesdache. lasting sometimes two or three days. There were but few weeks during the ten tears past that I did not have an attack of sick headache. A year ago I tried Malta-Vita and have eaten it almost every day since eome times three tlmee a day. My conatlpa. tlon is almost wholly removed. - If I have a light attack of alck headache once in two montns i count n frequent. I am constrained to give my diet the credit." . i . . . . Multa-Vlta la anpetlslnr in the morn ing, at noon and at night. It puts the tingle ef new life Into sluggish blood, builds up bone . and muscle, refreshes ths brain sno. nerves, in4 Malta-Vtta Is so cood a eat! One dish of It, with a little milk, cream or fruit, atarta the day Just right. All grocers - sell MaltajVlta so delldlo'us it melts In tne. mouth, so crisp, so refreshing, era satisfying that no Otner rooa ran tie pute. Ji ays ready to eat. IRV4NQTON - ... v Mav 2. ji 1J0 head o?rd?ersrcerrisfe,-saddlers,-brood marcs and stallions. isdof' fiale commencee Portland Horse Offks Room I -TtCOL. 1 tHARRIMAISp Au3tlorsp f ! wwa4waaaaaaa I gw.Weatherly. iJ.GPECK 1 ' ' ' tit v CqalanoCoke WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION KEGARD LESS OF -COMBINE" OR, COMPETITION T have dlrtv walls when for a email X r rrnr wfT), rAPt nd make nawhelp you to beautify It -We.aell J - rAXSTT "TMAI WOTT OOHS OFT" Portland Paint & f l70 Second SL I Tvmn.ooumj rowT phone Main 1871 " " BBS jBsay w aeBBj..ieay snfsys..,.BHe 1F5 Hint CHILD' PLAY - ' . To apply our paints snd make your houee look snick. SDan. new and clean. and there is nothing ss clean as new paint, 'i ney come; reaay o put on, around and mlsed In ours Unseed oil. all shades, all colors, au tints.. Bay tltats saints,. Fisher, Thorsen Co. WOSTT A1TDHC lot trsr afternoon. The funeral sermon was preached by Rabbi . Wise of Portlsnd. The business houses of the eity were oloaed out of respect for the deceased, and a large concourse of f rlende fol lowed the body to its laat resting place, Ball bearers, honorary, - Q. r. Simpson. J. tv; Cuslck, Conrad Meyer. Mayor J. P. Wallace and Dr. J. U Hill; active. M. Senders. A. S. Hart, Leo Cohen, . J. Otto Lee, Kola Nela. - j . The funeral took place from the fam ily residence and the burial was in the Jewish cemetery near this city, MARION PROHIBITIONISTS - PflEPAREFOR CAMPAIGN (Soeel.1 Dlepeteh te The JeeraaM Salem. Or. MayJ.-r-Marlon -county Prohibitionists are preparing- for the .coming campaign and have filed with h0TntCTn?r'" .-M" Jolat senator tor Marion and t.inn. i Ji-White. Salemt stata-saatera,-Verry Burcn, Sllverton; Sylvanua Preanall, 8alara; representatlva, E. A. Newby, Tprner C. - Pogua, Belem: KRoy Browne, . Sllverton;- Cnerles Wilkinson, Mehama; C. P. Gates, Brooks; commls- ertff, E. North Coulsnn. Scott Mills; clerk, W. . Cro ser, - Salem; recorder, - C-V-Crandall; coroner, W. C Webb, Marlon; treasurer, 11 V. Pamhertnn. Hnntt Mill. - SEASIDE MAN BADLY -' HURT BY FAILING LIMB (Spectarstpatcb te T JearaaD 8aaalde, Or.. May t; Peter Langhart, Who waa employed by tha Seaatde Mill company, was serloualy Injured yester day. He was working in what -Is known ss .the Moore logging camp, which Is only a Short distance from the Seaatde house. A falling limb atruck him )utt above tha. right eye and fractured tha skull. Ha waa "taken lo, A "tor la to the horpltai a the afternoon train. Lang hart haa a family ef email children de penw t won him. . ; I Treatnerit " J "-v lf you have any Blood" 1 C. J How. Klaaear. ttesl I JwaKt or ftor avuxo. Rkmm- I f Vm, CeaatlsalM.- StASSaTT S I I I NAfrvg MXbS ma sure m. m m I I mxM. maa. TMimra. 1. ( I X. .,7 ckaaaaiBBav Qalij. ear S w RACE - TRACK 3 and 4 '" : '. at 10 a. tn. daily. Sale Company f Hamilton Building" HHCARLOCfC 7- . Phone East 244. T e sum you" can purchase" a f ew rolls T the home bright and cheery. - ' e tnaf -sranrj youra;-rtnea eeme-ae and. TASUTZSnS fee IfaST VMM. v-w- Vall Paper Co. jr - r:-, You Must Make An Opportunity If one has not been made for you, to eea-what-we are- aelllng today- In-the -line of tools. Such chances don't hap-, pen often, and they're enapped up vary Quickly. Juat think of auch. gooda at Buch prices!.. Look out that you don't get left. .. . Avery a Co. i ntiBs t, bbt. runs ajto ass. CDICAGO PAL'ilESS DetSTISTS : 3031, Wash. . St. Cor Fifth . St. S5 22-K Gold Crowns.. $3.XJT &0X Bridge Teeth.; .....$3.00, $5.00 I Gold Fillings. ,.1 $1X0 tip I Silver FUUnfs.... ....... ...50c Oar ereetlce Is Hmlted te blsb-griSe work. Nethtng bat the beet. Kumloe tlon free. lo-yer stersalee. Beak -refereace. Opea eeaJnce es4 Suadsft. EUROPE'S HEAVIEST MAN CROSSES GREAT DIVIDE ' (Jaaraal SpeHil Service.) I., nriin. Mav 2. The death - Is anv nouneed of Herr Hans Froram, a hotel eaVSBBBJW who enjoyed the reputation of being Ue---j neavtent mn in a-urope. n.rr innn turned tha Bcale -at- nearly- sos pounoa. a at a at l JoW. H klaa awutlrsl tie atooa e xe. --.""- - and meaaurea mJ"Z:' . y iw enon .;.T.' ways enjoy.a 7"ew..j.. a lhou.7. owing to hi. v..t bulk, loco- ., -mtM, y. rroubtsaoma -tw motion soon became mrubleaome to him. He seldom left his house. The last time ha showed himself la the pub lie streets waa els yaara ago, when he went to Inspeot a new railway station, and this was rmtte an event for tha In- . habitants er . W Hlenoerg. ai one lima there was some talk of HevMTromnt ac cepting an engagement on the musle hall atage In Parla. but the project fell through aa there waa noi a ranway rr rtage that- would aixommodafe him, and he refused te trsVVl In a frelshtrsr. siowTjre Aon asrst Anra Mra ' Joele Sumner, Bremond, Ti riiL inrtl li. 103: "I have laee. I Ballara B BiNW'uniniiiii in ror ti"ir for three yeara I would not be arltii out It In the hooae.- I., have ueed It e my little "elrt for grhwtng pains sn , achea In her knees. It cured hr rl- 4 away I have also used It for frost .r. ten feet, with good aufcees. It la t best liniment 1 ever aeed. lie, ' . 1 eS Hold by Wooderd. Clerse A " " . j ,, . , . m- ... V -1 I- i.i