The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Toun Topics
H4Uf.,..,,.,..l,-lp1lM la '-"The elha"
Baker ..... .Rtfiea Vaudeville
fcmptr. ........... ...7.... 'Tha Silrw Dsxr"
f''r,; v "llw r.fiera Crime"
wand , i Vauile.tlle
. ...... ,
Attorney John F. Logan this morning
flld a ulV In th circuit court in be
half of Carl Amona, who 1 suing Brown
McCabe, stevedores, for 126.000 dam
ages for Injuries received while assist
ing in loading the British steamer Tot.
' tenhara on January 10. Amona allege
. that one of the steam winches was de
fective, that the company bad been notl
- , fled of this, and because of the non
repairing of the machinery, a allng- of
lumber fell into the hold of the vessel
and he wee injured, - V . : . . ,
-A- fancy work-fair wil heldlftt
night at All BftlnU" mission by the girls'
sewing class of the mission,, for Uie
- purpose .of raising the nucleus of - a
- fund to endow a child's bed at the Good
; t Samaritan hospital. - By . the sal of
fanoy work about flB was raised. It is
expected that the fund will be Increased
' by the Sunday school children of other
Kplscopal churches of the city.' The
" bed is to be-endowed in honoi of the late
Bishop Morris. ,
To be safe getting - value - received
trade with a legitimate store. We do
.business with the, same people for .4 1
"years. You are much better off as to
look for-fire or humbug sales. We al
, way have a fresh,: new stock' of men's
and youths' suits, pants, , shirts, hats,
underwear and a general line, of shoes.
Uood selection of trunks and suit cases.
- John Dollar, 181-18 First street,- and
jjNorta Third street. .
Thomas? Westwick of Ottawa, Canada,'
' has ordered filed in the loca county
court an objection to the claims of
Charlotte K. Tork against his brother's
estate. The brother was the late Bur
bery. Westwick. Charlotte Tork - de
clares that she is entitled to 8400 for
caring for him and that there la due
her $200 for expenses ln settling the
" estate. Weatwlok left $300 to pay his
. funeral xpense. . . , , ; ,
The Phi Delta Phi fi raternlty ofth
tw department nftha University of
-Oregon held a banquet In the grill oi
the Commercial club last night In cele-
bratloniof. Its , nf teealh anniversary J
t.EBMcawdaon aelaapreslde4 s toaat-
master and toasts appropriate to tne
occasion were responded to by various
members of the fraternity. - Orchestra
muslo and college -songs enlivened the
4s hava
""been claying Hivoo with a number "Of
the lawns In the northwest part of the
:: city. - Mrs. T. QUlnean, says that the
'- S youngsters have nearly ruined her lawn
at JM North Nineteenth street. They
- have stripped it of the eholoest flowers
and in many places killed the grass
by running bicycles over it. A fine
hawthorn bush has been' robbed Of its
"T? folia. - , - T.'r-T;.--
" Mr. 13 mora Rica -tha well-known viol
tnlst. returned yesterday from a year's
1 absence In New Tork and Boston where
he has been studying slnee leaving
' Portland." Mr. Bice has" been play In
. with great success throughout New
; England in concert, and alaa.tbrough
"' the middle and western- states, and will
shortly be heard In Portland In recital.
also Seattle, and at Taeoma. ; .. f
- 7,Tha. Weekly Examiner of Ban Fran
cisco, California, - is being published
temporarily in Los- Angeles, and is go
. Ing ahead as . though there had been
neither earthquake, nor fire. They re
quest that each and all of their sub
scribers send bid wrapper showing
hame and address or copy of receipt.
- string number, date and nam of person
who signed It. t, -
J. Bennett Deardorff died at his home
tn Deardorff valley last Monday at the
sge jof 40 years, - Ha was born In Ore-T
gon ana naa always uvea in tne vaiiey
named after his parents, who were plo
, nee re. His wife died last Ocotber. The
, time of the funeral wlU not be decided
upon until his brother, who Is at. pres-
rnt In California, has been heard from.
"Tha Portland Dally Abstract? was
again awarded the - contract for ' the
T . city advertising yesterday for a term
. ot on- year- by the council -ways and
means committee. The bids follow:
i , , Portland Dally Abstract, 1 absents
line; Oregon Daily Journal, S cents a
line; Daily Recorder, t cents a Una, and
. J , Evening Telegram, IH cents a Una. -
Complaint haa been mad by several
women that it la unpleasant to paaa lha
; corner of Fourth and Stark streets on
account of the number of persona stand
ing in front of Pantages theatre.' It is
-claimed that personal -remarks are- mad
by these men as women-paas and that
-the sidewalk; is rendered exceedingly
.. filthy by tobacco juice.
William Henry Reynold.
a .commer
cial', traveler, died - yeaterday at his
home- lit East -Thirty-fourth street
north., He was IS years old and was
In the employ of a Ban Francisco firm.
The funeral arrangements will not be
made until a sister, who lives In Los
"Angeles, has been heard from. -
- Th TJnlted State civil service eom
:. -mission announce that on May 10 there
' will be an examination In this city fori
the position of englneer-flreman for
the custodian service. Persons desiring
to compete are asked to call on Z. A.
Leigh at th local poetomce.
Fruit and Shade Trees. We ha v a
"-fine lot of all kind of trees, shrub and
bushes, roses, tc at- bur tree yard.
r foot of TamhlU street.- Call and sea our
stock or phone Main 473 and ask our
- tree man about- them. Portland Seed
Co.,Front and Tamhlll streets.
The Home Brokerag " company ' hi
absorbed the, Hampton ac.Hurlbert Co.
real estate business. They have offloea
In the Broaden ..building.-Third and
: Washington, and are handling especially
St. Johns property. ;
Butter's lawn fertiliser rejuvenates
the shabby lawn; hi sweet peas and
lawn grass got gold medal at the fair.
, Front.- between -Tamhlll and Tayleev
' Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on
, " ' caay paymenta. 11 down and 60 cents per
week. AH mainsprings fl; sll watchas
cleaned 31.'Metsger Co, 111 Sixth st
'Z..'ThfT wili'b a meeting of tha Dem
-ocratlo county eommlttee at Unity hall,
' . .. southeast corner of Morrison and Sec
ond streets, tonight.
-"- ' Wedding invitations, elasa announce
ments, calling cards, etc Proper forms
end latest styles. Alvln tj. 'Hawk Co.,
, MSH Third street. .
Wanted Boys and girls for both our
candy and cracker factories. Paclflo
Coast Biscuit Co, Eleventh and Davis.
Dr Hawke has returned. 0l-t Ore
gonlaa building. Telephone Main 1111.
German Consul Bott of San Fran
- Cisco - has sent word to th Portland
Almost any person at work can
afford to save (2 each week, and,
though ' it does not -.look like
tnuch, it soon grows in ja good
bank, . ;-v' r
ln few jreaf ?ou will have a
neat sum to your credit.' . , ;
7-.. : " we pay '; :
Basiaess Tiaasaetse..
Drafts lama ea All Part ef the Werld.
VI. H..MOORE, President - '--A -JA:
.. E. B. LTTLF, Vice-President '
- W. COOPER MORRIS, Cashier.
W. H.
Moore., j . " R.--
B. Lytl.
Leo Friede. H. A. Moore.
W. cooper Morris..
consulate that the employes of the Ban
Francisco offloe suffered no injuries
during the earthquake and Are and the
temporary consulate haa been eatab
llahed at t Clay street, Oakland. .
- Friday evening the Bellwood Republi
can club will have a rally at Firemen'
hall, which wiU take the form of a rati
fication meeting and at which Judge
Lionel R. Webster will be ihe principal
speaker. . There will be a musical pro
gram and the wemen suffragists will
be granted the privilege of the floor for
the purpose of speaking In favor of the
suffrage amendment. r .
unyTfc8ursr&ii, ""May!. Caacati
Locks and return, steamer Charles R.
Spacer leaving Oek street dock at
Iook for the "Little Optical Parlor"
If you want the beat eye glasses at little
pricee. ' We guarantee satisfaction. . 183
FourTBTsTjeeTBeaFT" amfailE
a perfect fit guaranteed or money re
funded. Metager Co, 111 Sixth treet
Removed to 104 Second, between
Washington and Stark., Donald Q.
Woodward, agent. Telephone Main. 1434,
Coal oil and gasoline tot stoves and
automobuea. Phon Main 1383, . . Bad
Tank Oil Co141 First atrea s, -
jTTRCallahan'i "tarbefh6pThoYd
from Sixth near Morrison to Hotel
" C. E. Walborn; furnlture repslring, pol
ishing, packing, shipping. Tel. East 41IL
Dustleee Roads."1 Portland Road OH
fhg Co 44( Shejrloclc"Tullding.j . -1 v
, Free presents with1 boys shoes, out
prices. Marks Shoo companyi,--.rir.:.
r. J.R.VWetherbe haa rurnedi4" thought that Spreckela wlll pUce
Offlca BIT Marquam building. .
Th" first public entertainment' of th
McLoughlln cadets will be given next
Wednesday evening at the Heillg thea
tr. Th cadeta : have been . organised
after th fashion of the League of the
Cross cadets Of San Francisco, -which
is on of th largest boys' organisations
in th country. It was named for Dr.
John McLoughlln, the ' ftmoui pioneer.
Th -organisation of the cadets is un
der the patronage of Rev. Father Edwin
B. CHara. " It Includes over 70 boys st
th present time, whoa ages range frpm
11 to 18 years. One of the principal
features -of th organisation la Its so
cial element The' members will be uni
formed. The society has library and reading-
room at Holy Nam hall and Its literary
society meets once a week. - During the
coming year it will study the history
of Oregon, following -the life of Mc
Loughlln by Frederick -'. V: . - Holman.
Colonel Oantenbeln haa detailed an of
ficer of the Third regiment, Oregon
National Guard, to drill the cadets. -
The following program haa been ar
ranged for the entertainment at the
HeUlg Tiext "Wedneadays Selection,-Bf,
Mary's orchestra; address by , Judge
Fraser, "Boys' Clubs'; address -by
Archbishop Christie; . address . of - th
evenlng-by Frederick-- VrHolmaironDf.
John McLoughlln drill of uniformed
cadeU; cantata, "A Merry Company,"
by 30 boys and girls under th direction
of Mrs. O. Q. Llvesley. ... .. ..
" If You Have a Home - -
J have your home paper.'- Papers from
all parte of the United Statea. Periodi
cals and magaslne. Carl - Jonea, the
cigar man, 378 Washington, corner of
Fourth.- ..' ..U ---'
:r Milwaukle Country Club.
Memphis and I-oulsville raoea.' Tak
Bellwood and Oregon City -cars at First
and Alder . ' , - .
To Our Bau Fraaoisoo Patroas. ..
As many of our old San Francisco
patrons and their friends ar now lo
cated In Portland and perhaps expert
ftnclng difficulties tn establishing their
new homes, we beg to call their at
tention to th tact that th local East
ern Outfitting company will do every
thing In Ha newer to- extend to them
every possible aooommooTaUtfh regarding
furnishing their' homes or personal
wearing apparel Just aa our late store
In San Francisco haa been doingftn the
past- We cordially Itrvtts thsm to -call
at -our-atora, get-acqualnted.. and. open
their accounts with us. Should It be
furniture, carpets, crockery, household
goods, men's . or women's apparel, we
shall be pleased to charge the sam to
them and extend a liberal easy term
as our store In San Francisco used to
do." Slrcerely, Eastern Outfitting com
pany, Washington and Tenth streets..
Having te lay unon my bed for 14
days from a severely bruised leg, 1 only
round reuer wnnn I usea bottle or
Ballard's Snow Liniment. I can cheer
fully recommend It aa th beat medi
cine for bruises ever sent to th afflict
ed, - It haa now become a positive neces
sity upon myself. D. R. Byrnes, mer
chant, Doversvllle, Texas, 30. 60o anil
ll.oo. hohi ny womwrn, 1'iarae t'o.
Steamer Breakwater Engaged
. to Run Out of Portland Reg
ularly From Now On.'
Marshfleld, It I Argued. Should
Nturilly Bo'Tributary to Willam
ette River, and Present Opportunity
Excellent One to GetFootinv
Captain iJ. W.' Scencer has been not!
fled that the, steamer Breakwater, one
of the finest and speediest craft of her
also on the coast, will-be placed in
service .. out of Portland : , until - San
Francisco partially recovers, from "the
earthquake and fire. Concerning ber
he hss received the following telegram
"Will yeu act as sgent for the Break'
water? She will sail from San Fran-
clsoo for Portland Wedneeday venlng.
Th captain telegraphed afone tha4
he would look after her Interests at
this end of the line, and the vessel will
leave' fbr th north, tonight. On th
return trip she will -stop at Coos Bay,
Eureka and possibly several other small
ports.- This Is the first additional eraft
to be placed la service out of Portland
alnoa th disaster, but there. 1 said to
a no' doubt that a number o other
vessels will be secured for the route.
The Breakwater belong to J. D.
Spreckel 4c Co., on of the millionaire
firms -of California. She haa space for
th accommodation of 110 passenger
and is of about -800 tons eapaolty. Her
speed is about 14 knota an hour. For
a number of years sbs has been tri
regular commission, between Marahfield
and San Franolsco. She la 301 feet
long, 80 feet across th beam- and; 13.1
feet depth of hold.
Many other steamers prior to 'the
arUuiuake-were-kept -plying regularly
between Coos Bay and San Francisco,
stopping in at numerous porta on .the
FranoiacomcrcEanls . aupptled ":.nlne
tenthe of the trade along th coast. It
is probably therefore that a number of
other steamers - will ' have to be run
out of Portland to look after th busl
ness fot several months. " 1 1
"Portland merchants now stand an
excellent, show to obtain a footing in
those fownajuwu.thecuast," says-Cap.
tain Spencer. ."They oughr6ir-to--f
gether and exert every effort to keep
th Breakwater on thla route even after
San Fraactsoo geta-4a position to doi
business on an extensive scale. The
trad In th Coo Bay country particu
larly ought to be taken' ear of by the
Portland merchant at all timea. The
geographical position of the country
ought to insure that. ' It is in Oregon
and naturally. la tributary to. Portland.
There Is also an Immense trade" to "b1
had at the coast towns between Coos
Bay and Baa Francisco, which It would
b well to try to secure."
With th Breakwater placed" on .this
rout there win be four steamers run
ning out of Portland and atopplng at
way ports down -the coast. - Th others
are th Alliance, F. A. Kilbum and
Roanoke. The latter, however, does not
call at Coos Bay. Should th venture
with the Breakwater prove profitable
other steamers on th sam route.
Whea OfftsMre of Oosta aUoa Took Away
two Xega, They Walked Asorau
' Because ther officers of the Costa
Rica took a coupls of kegs .. of beer
which had been stowed away In th angina-room
away from the firemen, the
latter considered themselves insulted
and walked ashore, and the vessel was
detained at the Bay City nearly a day
before a crew could be employed to take
their , places. Desolated San- Francisco
was searched from one end to th other.
Finally the -vacancies were filled by
two or three experienced ' firemen and
several sailors and roustabouts. . - -
Th Costa Rica was four days sad
nights arriving at th mouth of th Co
lumbia river. Her. long passag Is said
to have been partly due to the Inexperi
ence of th new nremen. - Hut.. strong
headwinds war encountered all th way
up th coast and It Is said that th trip
would have been an unusually long on
anyway. . :
' - Heavy seas swept th deck and a por
tion of th starboard railing was car
ried away. For th greater part of on
day Jhe vessel did not cover more than
five mile an hour. Th officer, aay
that it waa one of the most severe
storms thsy ever encountered so late in
r ThaCosta Rleabrought . BOIL tons of
freight -and 36 passengers, some of
whom, were refugees. Only two day
after the earthquake and fire, the
steamer arrived at Ban Francisco -from
Portland. - Like all other new- arrivals,'
she was taken charge of by the authori
ties and ber cargo confiscated. Her
passengers- were not .permitted to go
ashore for several daya During this
Interval many refugees boarded the
craft and were afforded accommoda
tions. It waa not long until her supply
of stores was exhausted. When th im
prisoned paasengera were finally re
leased, they left for Lo Angeles and
other points, none of them stopping at
Ban Frandaco. - -
Another Steamer to Be u la Oona
aalssloa ea Bus to Baa Fraactsoo.
As soon as th necessary arrange
ments can be-completed, the Ban Fran
cisco at Portland Steamship company
will place th third -vessel in commis
sion between her and th Bay City.
The matter of lncreaalnglhe service
Is being taken up today. wltB-R.-P.
Schwann, vice-president and general
manager of the Harriman steamship
tine. Local officials of th company
say they t"lrt noed Of another; big
steamer able tak care of more p8 -sengers
and freight traffic than any
other vessel now on the router
As many of th steamers which war
operating couth from Ban Francisco
ar now without, full employment, , It
la believed , that the company will ex.
perience no difficulty In securing ade
quate fac llttlee for handling the trade
from Portland which Is expected to
reach far greater proportion shortly
than vtr before In the history of local
Shipping. ' ; ...
Ooloasl Boesaler WIU Tladt Twelve
, , Ughthousee U Alaska."
Colonel a W. Boessler wiliboard th
tender. Columbine Sunday and leav for
th north to Inspect 13 lighthouse sta
tions In southeastern Alaska. Material
will also be taken for the equipment ot
the new stauoa at Kldrd rook, . The
Meier (Di Franli
50c Ribbons 23c
l..tOjBaayardaolhishrada Rib
bons at a wonderfully low price
.' Dresden. Persians and Bui
! gartan Ribbons Tab and Collar
Rlbbona, ribbons for trimming
.... purposeshundreds of styles
ell th newest and prettiest ool
orlngs and effeota Width, t
and 13 Values ranging from
jo to lOo yard. Your choice
for a few days only at s. s '
1 this unusually low y 23C
1,000, yards of l-lnch all-silk satin
Taffeta Rlbbona In a very wide
Tango of colors; regu- .
', lar 8(o values on sal 1 7
today, only at, yard. ...
- Baby Carriages and Go-Carts on
the third floor 60 new models, all
slses. Prices to fit every purse.
--The new- Hammocks-are ready'
for your choosing 40 styles, all
th new designs and colorings
Third floor. . ' - '
Frisco Pictures
Photographs of th San Franolsco
ruins on sale In . th
'' plctur department,'
each - ...i....,
BpeelaX lot of - Pyrographlo- out-
flt; great value at $1.98
Odd lot of framed Pictures; values
up to 11.60, for.......... 2f
Matted Pictures, 16x30 Inches and
30x30 Inches; lto values.. ..e
; - Artlstlo Picture Framing1 Seo-
ond floor. : ' i .
Shee t Music
5c a Copy
1.000 copies ef Sheet Muslo; great
odd lot of popular piece, lnclud
"ing "Arabian Nights,"- waits;
Just for Fun," awaits song;
". "Mid the, Orange "free in Bios
- iom hra Waiting," ''Because
He Loves His Mother." and
manr-other Whtlo-they- 1
.. copy I
"Mrs.'OTlaraluuV-ntbw'd You
-I I-lka ta fipoon With MeT
"Nut " Deeause Your Hair if
Curly," "Can't Tou See I'm
Lonely!" "Will th Angels Let
M Plsy rnd maay-a.
othera at 17o a copy; Stli
1 copies JVv
Muslo, Department Balcony
-r- Mala floor.-.
- .
100' eosen ' women's Sn Swiss
Handkerchiefs in a variety of
10 patterns. Hemstitched: or
embroldeVed edces, handsome
styles; regular 40o an
COo value on -. -
Special lot . ef Japanese hand
drawn work Handkerchiefs, as
, sorted . patterns, tto ; m
and S6o yalues . I at C
Wemen's . unlaundered.
broldered. Initialed
L chiefs, very iheeril
10 .a,
rvalues on aale
All work guaranteed for ten year.
Lady attendant always present. All
work don absolutely without pain by
specialist offrom II to yearsx-
perlenc. .
Gold Filling. Brldg Work,
Crowns, . Artificial Teeth.
SSIH Morrison flt, Opp. Meier Flack
. and Poatofflc.
eolonel axpeots-to b ahnt thro
week. It will be his first trip to that
part of his district. .-.4- '
- While Colonel Roessler is up north,
the work of extending th government
Jetty at th mouth of the ' Columbia
will be started. Operations there will
be conducted under the supervision of
United' States Engineer BagnalL It Is
planned to make the first delivery of
rock th lattar part of thla week. Tha
ton will be secured at th Fisher
quarry and th tub goats which will tow
th barge ar getting ready Tor aarly
service. . L . " "" ' V ' '
"along the waterfront.
Th steamer Kedondo. which sailed
from San Francisco for Portland yes
terday, will load a full cargo of lumbar
for th return trip. ' ' . .
i Slno a new boiler waa Installed in
th steamer Jessie Harklna, Captain
Hoaford aay 'that th vessel consumes
less fuel oil and runs much .mors
amonthlv than she did. ' r '
IZ-Balfour, Outhrle h. Co. have chartered
the French para tornu jtsarc ioa
a cargo of cement 'at Antwerp for Port
land. '
Th Charles F.- Beeb company has
been notified that the American-Hawaiian
liners are receiving and discharg
ing freight at the Greenwich dock, pier
21, 3an Francisco, and will be in po
sition to maintain their schedule. '",
' F. P. Baumgartntr received a message
this morning that th steamer Alliance
weg barbound all day yeaterday at
Marahfield. If th weather IS favorable
sh will sail this afternoon for Port
land. - - ,
At. S o'clock this afternoon th steam
er Barracouta, sailed with a. full cargo
of general merchandise and building
material for Ban Francisco. The Costa
Hca of th same line will sail tomor
row night.' -
. Carrying a big passenger list and
having h full cargo of freight, the
steamer F. A. Kllbura sailed last night
for Kureka and way ports. Her freight
waa mad up of e.oSS packages of mer
chandise. 1.0QA sacks of rolled barley.
74 aacka of flour and 100 buhdie of
hides. .. -
puty collected on Imports at -the eus-
"Vndor" Porch Shades tn
Sola Portland Agcnta for
1000 Pairs
Austrian Oriental Hall Runners great values esthete gpeciaL priced. " ;
63 x 1 20 Inches, $ 1 2.50 values $ 1 0. 1 0 ea. 36 x 99 inches. $ 1 0.00 values StL 1 0 ea.
New Lawns and Batistes 1 2'Ac Ycsrd
. s . I- v . - .... -t -
25,000 yards" of beautiful new Lawnrind Batistes for making new- summer apparel. Printed dots and
tioral designs in a very extensive assortment, sneer ana wasnaDie; ju
values at the, popular price
Jar price
Drape de Linde, a very'stylish wash material, new gray effects in mercerized wash material, silk
.. styles 27mches wiQe; exceptional vahte at the popular price of 25 cents the yard.......i.....aVjC
Our showing. oL white materials is second. to none in the, landevery
In all grades is represented Let us show you the grand assortment.
r- " -r
4-1-- -- v- y v
. L
In By Express op
Friday Lasts I
- Many new pattern n '
Such beauties yon never saw bet
fore In all your-life. And jroa
ought to see them. It would do
you good. ." ' ' '
TL Main tOBO. Brt 10th aad 11th,
tom-hous In April netted the govern
ment I14S.TSS, as against $1S8,S84 real
ised from the sama source In Marcb.,v
United States Inspectors Edwards .and
Fuller isspected th steamers America
and Agnea today and tomorrow they
will look over th steamer MetlakvOn
Friday they will go to The Dalleavand
stearoera. - ,
Thla atierhfton'th British steauinhlo
for Tslngtau, China. Bh wlll;hve on
board -loa-to-4,000,000 feet, of flr.
which I being shipped by the Paclflo
Export Lumber company-. ' v
Balfour, Guthrie Co. hava charter.!
th British - ateamahlp ' Norman Isle
and Forerlc to load cement at Antwerp
for Portland. They ar expected Ao
reach here early in th fall.
i- Astoria, Or., May J. alld at I a.
m. teamer Despatch, for Ban Fran
cisco. Arrived down aCT:0 and sailed
at 1.40 a, m. Steamer F. A. K 11 burn,
for Bureka-'Snd-WBy ports. Sailed at
8:10 a. n. -Steamer 1L Lessett with
log faft for Ban Francisco. Outside at
7 a. m. A three-masted schooner.
Astoria, Or., May 1. Arrived down
St s: p. m.Lo raft , i, .
' Astoria, Or., May I. Condition of the
bar at 8 a. m.. amooth; wind northwest;
weather eloydr- r
' ' "' '.- )
AU Siie-Best Porch Shade on tha Market"TTJrd TIztt
the Celebrated "Ostcrmoor" Patent Oastlc Tclt I t:rt-i
Madras Curtains $1.15 Pr.
two days sale of 1000 pairs
' phenomenally low price Usht
stripes Very neat, serviceable
Coast or country cottage Buy all yon f 1 1 C
f them at this very low price, the pair v 1 1
or toem at tuts very
5000 yards of Striped Madras to match the above curtains
Good materials for a great many purposes Values 1 O
reitrerdinary at this special low price, the yard rvvr 7 Vf
:fsmmmms.mLiLm. CmmJtm.m. '23,000 yards of new Curtain Swisyots, '
Vliriulll OWISS. fisuret and street in very large ariety; lip
"' rtgular 15ryalueon sale t, ya.. .,....
Austrian Oriental PLug Salo
Exact reproduction of the genuine, new designe and eoloringi. Bit Rug
i- for the money we ever offered Third Floor. .
. 16x32 ln..$1.23 val. $1.09ea.-2454ln.. $3.50 val. $2.63 ea
36x63 In $6.50 val. $4.95ea.-3779 ln $13.50 vaL $0.1Qea.
Men'sOufingSffite SIOTo $25 1
high tide. Fancy worsteds, fancy, tweeds and cheviots, homespuns,
" blue sergefancy flannels made-up in : single or double-breasted
sacks. Coats are quarter lined; trousers made with loops and
. turn-up bottom; every new design. Our prices the lowest in the
city, quality considered suit., flO.OO to S25.00
Men's Outing Trousers in new homespuns and. fancy tweeds; all- the
best patterns prices range from, pair ...f3.00 to fS.OO
Men's White Duck Trousers, a pair........... . .Ji.od and f l.BO
Full line of Linen and Mohair Dusters, each....... .aji.&u to sJT.DO
Cravenett Automobile Dusters, for rain or dust, each.. ...,ai3.50
Boys-ClotMiag SpecialsiL:
Boys'Fme Percale Blouses,, laundered, neat figure-and "atnpeslinadelwitli or
without collar and attached, culls, an sices; Dest sac value ' on sale flQ
r for a few days at......... .-v.. .....,....UyC
' ' Boys' all-wool Russian Blouse Suits, made with the new Eton collar navy blue
serge and fancy mixed cheviots; ages 2 to5 years r regular fi. TiQ
- $6.00 and $6.50 values lor the low price of.. i.n-...r,....',..y.4f07
Boys' Wash Suits, largest and bet stock in the city; all the new materials and
styles as well as all grades from, suit.... .j. . ..$ 1 25-tO-$ 1 0.OO
V Young Men's Outing -Suits in grays and fancy mixtures; coats-quarter lined;
trousers made with belt loops and turn-up bottoms; ages 14 to f
20 years; regular $15.50 values on sale for the low price of...... ap 1 vUJ
' Cra Twalfth 'a-elosv-
. .' -. ... ; . ...I'
". ' Wednesday Night '
May 2, 1906, 8 o'Clock
Illustrated Lecture
on San Francisco
Showing th rain by Are and earthquake.
Thea view were taken by Mr. A.
Mayer of Ban Francisco and comprise
one of th finest aet of lantern alldes to
b had. . .
so svmricTS) STBjaors
14tfe see Ik. U.III.C Tt.
W.sMnstAg nC-ttll58 IIWUI'T., ,
Every Might This Week, lfatlase Satsrdiy.
Pollard's UllipatUn Opera Company
ToolsM. ttlS,
Klfht, A Baasway Otrl."
Pepnlar evenlne prleee Joe, SBe, Soe. T8e.
' Bersel biUdm trices Betarssj Adults OOe.
eklldree SBe. .. .. . v -;
Empire Theatre
lit asd Maitssa
Pbeae Mela UT,
Tealfht. ell week, atennee aetarasy,
VtTieTetery ef lif le iaM Sbeat Few Tork
City by- Mark V S8. " A plsy e UirllUiig
. art hit treat. . Speelsl seaaery
' t carried complete.
Bveaiag srlces ISe. Sne. We, SOc. KaUBee
lue, loe, sdc.
-Tke betd Tmek.'
... . 1 ' .. t . .
Onlh a the White Temple Plus
tisUa Xeetav of tJam Fisaulsi.
Mr. Mayer,, a noted photorrapher of
Ben Francisco, having th only store
opttcon machine after the terrible quake
that laid Portland tatr elty In
ruin, obtained, after four- sleepleeer
nights and daya, th finest views of the
ruins be for and after th fire which
followed tha quake.
- Tha opportunity should not be missed
by the people of Portland of seeing the
only views .taken Immediately after the
que , they containing many of th
but. that have be i blown up dr
ui t lire ana ai.?a
Striped Madras Certains at
groqnds with green, red and
curtains: fast the thins
incnes wide; spien- , 1 "Jl
. ' . .
gsMM iTr-iiifisB i J!ii!i,sMssasMs
- 0e 1 Saker. X.I
TssthULaad Sd Ufa : -. Pheaa Mala ISOf
Vadsr the dtreetfaa l U X Kestssg.
B. Krrlcssea sad Ceetse L. Bekar.
"Of efugees the Oreat Baa FrsaekM ....
-.-V- '--.-4 IMoaeter. - -"v
m r"-,M Acrrs-ie.
sedeeTby the 1bh p. Ln Osssedy Skeerk
Coasteay, Ooaeiatlns ef Clgkt Arttots.
hUUne Satardar-
Fight M lues Lower floor, froat ef lages, l
fmw. www now, sees oi iowe. lor;
wuiw vmmr, aacf esiiary, ue;
U and SBe. - -
Heat Week "CUlfarmte QMm"
" Svary Afterseea aad leeliif Fsraaad
Pewmlas Bteoh Keeee.
' ' The kntloMl aIkdrasM
i! focr Arrn...
srrohT or a crilb'i tov.
AOhassiOM lo axasavBD sbats sne
Weew ef AprU SS
Frealae feet stsser BaraU Xeff.
. Poelna, .A 4wllml,
SUsfBlBB PBICBS Xvealnss, Ssndara sed
haUdeye, toe, SOe sad oc; SMilsees, tue
te any seat, ewseot sesas. - " '
---- J, i-riiiir ue- -
TT " . W. OUff esd
jwi l !.nh - r t ' Firii
isMrisa'a Tasst - . Bsres .
- lOsi b mar mmt nayt am t -
Veeska aad TwWak
y-r I. I, , I, , T,
W B. Si, I
)-T Frtaoy,
Formerly at lovsil t"-
ban Fr ,
fT- W"- '
CMMjur 1
. - I- :' .