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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1906)
X THE OREGON DAILY "JOURNAL,1- PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 1803. V mi 1 an-" . . ' ' J mi GREEN; CASH DISCOUNT With Svery Fnrohase IVATCQ :. IS.- 4 iv. ";r"TfrIt I, J j i r 1 OURPEClALPOSPrHURSDAY OUR SPECIALS POR THURSDAY ; Important reductions will prevail tomorrow and all week.' Keep, postad look through our A advertisements and displays In ourshow windows. And don't forget to investigate our greenldls- count system. It Is used widely all over the United States. Why shouldn't you get the benefit of It? TTtX m TTVfTTlIT A n f T7X tl ttTlt ilk fTV TT ITV k trsTrriri n rr n m m i'l n ii ii ii ii i t i n a hi u i n ii ii 1 1 ii u i i i ii l u si mi i Ltmm iicw .. PcrAK i mm i m 7" i&M4 . JP''&1 Refugees in Columbia Square. fJOT AS PAINTED AT STANFORD Thomas 'T. iBe'nnett, Student Says SpWtpjTert.Yri ; " -: Ago Is Revived. NEARLY ALL OF OLD STUDENTS TO RETURN in Comma- of . Construction - and " Those Not Actually in Um by Unl- Tcraity Memorial Arch. -Wrecked. '-' (Special tbMteh to Tse-Jesrnal.1 Tacomt, Wash., May I. A bin black and whit dog, .belonging - to Ik EL Landers; by" awakening his master pr vented the destruction by Hr of tha Waldorf hotel, and probably tha crema-tlon-ef eeverel lodgarsv early yaterday morning. There are ii rooms In tha -bttltatwr-'aBrt aeasly all b . ttiara '.ware - Thomas T. Bennett, a atudant at Le- - land-Stanford Jr. unlveralty. who rs- . ouad hla alater from JIan Francisco : at tha Um of tha earthquake, and la cow with her at th Hotel Portland In thla eityy aays that t he-report a concerning th total destruction of th famous tyit- r-r-rttr ar exaggerated. . "Th report that th university Js no more im not oniy rats say a air. uen nett, "but It la damaging- and harmful ii:to that great Institution of Jearnlnavl' That anlrlt that ao noblv stemmed tha I hi tid during th great lawautt that en- - angered th Stanford millions In UM -". is again at work, and BtanfoTd far-today and will eonttnna to b.jonof th tnaraataat rnlYeralU. Ja tha x United -. Btatea. . , , - "Tha reports ooncemlng th deatrue . tlon of th nnlTorslty ar greatly majr rlfled. Th loas Is Indeed great, yet It - 4a not aa bad as painted, -which Is shown by th fact that th school will open as .' usual next August and that nearly all of the old students bar signified thtir intention . of returning. The greatest harm was suffered by buildings in th courie or oonstruotlon and thoee which not at preeent 4n aotual uee by- th unlveralty. . The new library, which was In process "Of building and within a : year's work of completion, was almost entirely . destroyed, as was tha . new (Vmnaalum. which had luat been nam plated but walr'not yet in use. "Th beautiful -memorial chapal was severely Injured, perhaps beyond renalr. as the great tower of the , magnlflceniJ struciura craanad Into the building be low, carrying with it moat tof tha mosaic - work and th expensive ornaments. Th museum was partially destroyed, but can be repaired. Enclna hall. In which on student was killed and six lnjure.1 by th falling of th hug chimney, can be repaired without large expenditure. "Th Inner quadrangle of th unlver alty, which ..consists of II one-story building and th memorial church, con nected by a continuous open arcade, aur- - rounding a court 68x24 feet, is absol utely unharmed with th exception of th memorial chapel. - Th 14 buildings of the outer Cuadraofleoonetruoted ttt th aam material, are somewhat daru aged. Th great - memorial arch ' Is ruined and - muat be . torn down. Th 7 wrecked buildings of th outer quad 'rangle can be repaired In a few months. rheohemiatry buildlnir and. Robl hall. . th glrra dormitory and th engineering department war only slightly damaged. "Til strength of - th "University is such that in a few yeara It will recover from Its 15,000,000 loas and continue Us rapid steps of advancement as before. X bellev that when Stanford opens Us gates In August it will weloom not only nearly all of . th old students, but a large number of new onsa as well." FAITFUL V DOG PREVENTS TDEAIiriirFlllES Action of Animal Saves Lives o r T Lodgers in Hotel - at - ' -r - Tacoma. - oeeupled. The t third floor. Across th hall and aV' era! doors away was th room In which Landers sleDt, Landers had but lust arrived from Alaaka, and h explained to th landlady that th dog had been with him for years and was so attached to-tam-.tnat-tt would lavrTKShareTJiis room.-. About 4 o'clock in th morning he was awakened by the dog whining and Licking hla fac-- - He pushed It away . and commanded It -to. lie down and tried to go back to Bleep, -but th th dog whined louder and ran about th - room- and-- from Um - to - time scratched at th door. Landers became Tearful L that some thing was wrong and getting up-, went to th door. He found tha-hallway full of j smoka -and could hear th crackling ofth flames.- Crossing the all he opened the door of a vacant room and found it all ablase. - Th .fir department . was Immediately notified and the house awakened. Th fir re sulted from th j. overheated chimney of a laundry on r tha flrt floor, .-rTh flames were soon subdued. TROLLEY FROM SPOKANE TO THE PE0NE PRAIRIE (Speelal Dispatch' te Te JooraaLy L Spokane, May J. An electrio railway la now being planned to run from Spo kane to Peon-Pralri, Intersecting th rich landa of that region and through a"fitgrowlhglerrTl6ry forO'reinBruff7 Th line 1 said to be backed by auf- Sclent capital, to lnaur Its building and Is a farmers' and fruitgrowers" enter prlee. The farmers on tha pralrla have been quietly working on tha project for several weeks - securing I right-of-way options on over three fourths of ths pro posed rout. Many farmers have donated land for th rlght-of way besides sul-1 scribing liberally for stock. An effort has been made to secure a part of ths old Spokane rails North ern Tight of way, which was abandoned when J. J. Hill' acquired that. Una. DWilJ tkla II.. h. m mil 41ia n w Mui would run from Hlllyard to Mead and then northeasterly to ureen murr. DEPUTY SHERIFFS-ARE- ?T00 THICK IN PIERCE (Special Dapatch to The JoamaL) 1, Tacoma, Wash., May I. Sheriff Den- holm today Issued a call for the return of over 1,000 deputy aheriff badges. which ar . being worn by peopl In Pierce county . who he says have ho longer any- right to them. These badges wers issued by formeT sheriff s to time of need and have never bean returned. Complaints have been coming In - thick and - f aat - from - railroad, -companies -of ths large 1 number of deputy sheriffs that have been trying to "deadhead" their way on their stars Many of tha deputlea declare they , will not return their stars, but th aheriff declarca that unless they do so promptly, he will prosecute , the wearers. TRUSTED EMPLOYE ROBS TIFFAHY : - V : One of the . Head Men in the t Manufacturing End Steals : Ten Thousand Dollars. PAYROLLS ARE PADDED. BY PERSON IN CHARGE . - - TSS -V- - J SI... t 'I'l t ..." ' 1 I 1 - . - - A - J 7 ci tea oi. i licita x uxaxty xscicccco i Duilty Party Relieved of Position and Now' Under, Surveillance To Determine Extent of Theft. (Joorsil Spwial Serriee.). " ' Nw Tork. May,J. For. soveral days rumora .have - boen r:currnt thatrth Jewelry trad her and ' elsewhere . of Tiffany aV Co. had Buffered heavily ra- cently through def aloatlonv-;." Som of theaa rumors ant-lhArnhrTVniOin who had victimised th- firm-was a man occupying a place of great, Jruet and high In th company's councils. In these reports th amount of th de falcation, baa bn variously stated, sometimes as high as f 1(0,000.1 Inquiry disclosed these to b th real facta in the rase: - - ., r Tiffany, V Co. have been robbed by a trusted - employ but th amount of , th def ales tlon - a declared by- persons In , authority to "be leas than tl 0,000. Th person alleged guUtji.Ot the thefts, for there has -been a series r them. was on of the head men in th manu facturing and of th establishment. For long time tius - man naa cnarg oi tn-payrolls In on branch or th busi ness and complete trust was reposed In him. He has been relieved of bis duties and la now "under, aurvelllanc pending th . discovery of the exact, extent . of The company .'was . robbed by- th familiar method . of padding- th pay- roUs. '-. : - LINN DEMOCRATS PLAN FOR ACTIVE CAMPAIGN "(Special Msptteta to TBe Jeornal.) -- ' Albany, Or- May J. Th Democrats of Linn oounty yesterday, afternoon met in 'session and planned tha cam paign to be waged in Linn for state, dlstriot and oounty offloea Out- of . a ' membership of -. St th coramltU had , 14 ln attendance. Great enthusiasm was - manifest and eomplet harmony existed anong thoss present. An . active campaign was planned and every effort put forth to elect the tick t for atata, dlstriot and county offices. - r - T. J. Stltes of this city was lectd chairman.- P. C.-Stellmacher,- secretary ; 8. M. Oarland of Lebanon, member of stats committee; W. R. Bllyeu, member of the state congressional committee. An advisory commute was selected and consists of Ed Meeker. Henry Blakalv and KI-Devaneyr : Linn oounty Democrats ar enthusi astic oyer th prospects of being able to carry the war right inta the camp of the' enemy and reelect Governor Cham berlain, and onus Senator Geaiin to re ceive th popular indorsement for United States senator. , ' Fref erred Stock Canned woods,. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. .;v-r- . a -'e r tl ' " St. Francis Hour end lu Occupants, In Columbia Square. Underwear DepL Special uanaed ; ouc anywaex Notion Depart m1 Fsticy cckwiit. iijorie third less than regular : pricey Fancy l Lace Stocks, in Point Venice, Applique and Baby Irish, fancy trimmed washable Stocks and handsome embroidered Turnovers,all beauties, all perfect. . ": : .at Special price for Thursday ."7. . , . . Mlt w " Beautiful Back CombsT Shell and Amber, plain and gold mdunt ed. also jeweled, at One -Half the price they can be bought for elsewhere. -.y - v Exceptionally Fine Brooches Sunbursts of Rhinestones, Garnets. Tur quoise, Emeralds, Sapphires, and Pearls l never.sold. f or; less than . Wcv. :; Q L " Special price for Thursdayr. . T.r. OjL never sold at less. Special price for Thursday. , i r ' -' 25c All Silk-Ribbon 12k For Thursday's' buyers' we offer 4-inch Tirrsnillrr hantiful Rihriona. all 'cnlnr' suitable for millinery, girdles, sashes and - hair ribbons.- Special price . . f n orThursday . .... .TZTTTt. YLnf Special in Women's Shoes Is the-celbratedVioIet" brand" hand) turned .Shoe, made with -Cuban or mili tary heel, vici kid, Bluchers or & 5 Q Bals. Special Thursday. .;.;Tsfci0( MEN'S SHOES Special -fw?TJiutsday only, the famed $3.50 Imperial Shoe, vici kid, box calf or velour, solid sole leather counter and insole. - Special ; DO price Thursday ..T7v .TrTy. L s OQ SHOES FOR LITTLE MEN Box calf, lace; made to wear.z:SpeciaLj: Jj f". Thursday.... . .rr.T.-. . . .. M1 Lu Our Double Day Uouble ureen Cash Discount With Every Purchase mi I s t. c f I s t l . l. un 1 m -sivea ... M I'JW - a Suits All - wool,' single and -double breasted, in Eng lish " tweeds; gray worsteds and cas simeres of the lat est cuts 4 and de signs 4- with - con cave shoulders of the leading makes. These suits are serge Tallorecl?ExcTtPT eaTeTsfice $25. .SpediaU . anursaay . Dotnestic DepL Specials PILLOW CASES Dublin - linen, hem stitched, extra good quality, 42x36 1 1 n inches. Special Thursday, each.,. 1 1C Full sized white crochet extra large' Bed spreads, ' Marseilles patterns, . Utopia "brand rsoldeworldrover" for A C , ;$1.25. Special Thursday. . . . ; . . VOC PLACE CURTAINS Ecru or white,- about 20 beautiful designs and effects -threa and one half yards longr CT3ft reg. $1.75. Special Thursday .. 41 aO" BRUSSELS PATTERNS Ten differ ent. styles; regular $2.00. iA Special Thursdarri .T; . 77 . . : ; i) I aTt" -ARABIAN-and tRISH POINTof uh usual merits regular price $2.501 A Special Thursday.. ... . . . ,...,tl7 MEN'S TROUSERS--New . patterns. In cassimeres, cheviots and fancy striped worsteds, latest cuts. 1 Special-Thursday.. . .t, .... ) 1 0 O , BOYS' SUITS 3 to d years. .These are fine wool worsteds and ca8simeres"r5iu tary stylesrj-Special : g CIQ' Thursday. . . r. .!.'. . . .DlaCiy BOYS KNEE PANTS All ages, nfi Special-Thursday . . . CaWVL , Men's Uridenvear ; light Summer UrHlerwear, ribbed or bal- briggan, . natural, brown, blue and Sal omon; unusual value at65c A Xn "Special -Thursday .ttt; . .'. . tOW " irt' -gi L i. j un r n n a I tneviots, ranamas, uroaaciotn, serge. Tile CCICDratCd F.Ut." tOrSCt! Cassimeres. all sixes and lengths; un- rrk-Wueilr-sJHlUckT-trimm with laca ; anar'rtppogon-DreaxaMe--r1-'tt v-vmy -steels; never sold for less than 75cO - Special Thursday; -. ... .. ... i..... LOi Dress Shirts 'Stiff Tbosom 4-pfyTS'u7 backs ; Jl.OQ and $1.50 values. Special r Thursday, each. ... .... . . Ladies' Dress Skirts $8.50, $9.00 and $10.00 Skirts.- CfA'Q Special -Thursday . 7, ; ; i 1 O Basemen t Specials for-Thursday, W Bound7 to Draw Good Clothes Pins Special Thursday, pec: dozen . Good Soft Lead Pencils, American com- TTancy Glass Berry Sets, Bowl and Six pany's No. 2 Special; sold elsewhere: Dishes xegulax price 75c. . Special 2Qr for 5c. - Special Thursday. . 1 C Thursday. ... .. . .7 . . V. . Os Lemonade Sets Bohemian cut, pitcher and six glasses. Special , dZQn .VUW -4JThursday,7 i.s.,a ai sv.av av a, a a a. av a a All Mail Ordersjbfearing post mark of day of sale will be filled at the prices quoted In the ad. Be ure and mail orders within Jo hours -after ; the edition of the paper. We. give all out-of-town : : . J. ' 'v-----""-; ;- orders the most-careful attention. v----y -j-: .i:: E EN-T-1 THIRD AND YAMHICirSTREETS 7 ; ACCUSED MAN GETS JUSTICE AFTER .43 YEARS - r Italian Officer Who; Was Con '. victed on Testimony of For- ger Gets Rstri ' (Josraal Spertal Ssrrlee.V- Rome, May IJl (roup of deputies 1 liave ' lntrtxtucad -a-mothm in th eham- country owlnc to various forgeries he had committed. - ' Lieutenant Pasqutnl aerVed ' his sentence,- and oti his relesss was abl to earn a humble Uvlns;. He never relaxed his efforts to procure a revision of his case, but without result Now, however, th -news has arrived from a Bpanlah town that the fusltlv captain ha died there, after having made a - death-bed confeaalon that It waa h who .com mined th theft for ' which' Lieutenant Pasqulnl suffered th penalty. The 34aae will h reopsned and th lieutenant may look forward to hla complete re habilitation aa soon aa - certain lesal formalUlee hare been complied with. - br with thobJect of brlnilns; about a revision of ths Paaqulnl trtal, which cauaed such a great ssnsatlon in lt. llautenant Ig-naslo Paaqulnl of , ths Turin aarrlaon waa charged with era bessltnf l,40fr-blonalng to 'the irerl mental funds. The accused strongly protested his Innocence, but being, pro nounced guilty, waa publicly degraded, deprived of two-medals h had received for valor and sentenced ta even years penal servitude -Some year sfterwsrd a captain of th same regiment, who had been one of Lieutenant raaqulnl's most fiery .accusers, waa obliged to leave the CASTOR I A ' , Tor Infants and Children. Tki thi Yea Kits Alvajs tzift Bars tha Bignators of FIREOESTROYSADKINS SAWMILL NEAR CANBY " ISrerlal Plat! Ts enraal. Canby, ,Or May i. Adklna' sawmill, Situated about two miles eaat of Canby. was burned to th ground night before laat. James Adklns s severely burned about the face" and hands jwhlls lighting ths Are. There wss no Insurance and the loas waa about 18.000. , Th cause of the flrs Is not known. v , DRY CREEK FARMER IS ' INJUREDJN RUNAWAY ' (Sperl.1 nispetck fs Th. Joorstl.) Walla Walla, Wash.. Msy 1. Jasper Wills, a well-known Dry Creek farm.r.i- waa aertously Injured In a runaway ao iildent. whila. driving to the city from hla ranch north of .Walla Walla. His team became arared at an ngtn being used on street, work and dashed out Eighth street-toward Main at a terrific gait. Wills made an attempt to con trol the frightened animals, but aa ths team rounded Into Cherry street,- h was sent flying through ths sir, alight ing on his head. H was plclfed up by an expressman and taken to' th Walla Walla hospital, where his injuries wer attended to. Besides an ugly afcalp wound and a wrenched ahoulder, WIUs la suf ferine severely from th shock. SmJ postal for "Book of trtstnts ?., Vthc secret oP SI- . StT i . .v i 1 f y--aena, VV'V'AV X-ine-WAVC I I rlCtl Circle? V -Lj l way. if Vyi5vr Wonderful! j J Y purer"d VDon't delay I I more efficient 'yyj ' ir than any BakAVHppt V V noth5r int Powder that wVi J J j costs three UmesV J,,: V f V. as much. T . t. M - ' X n "f0wUf!- J h j.