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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1906)
5 n THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; WEDNESDAY EVENING, UMt.-iL.ltZ3.. - i, CREFFIELD POSES AS JEREMIAH -4 GOV 'HT : Hnlv Hollar. Claims to ; Brought on tht Earthquaka V w Con CVn-irft I ftp WUII I P i w w w CONDEMNS CORVALUS TO A SIMILAR FATE 1 P DUcipIea Testify That hisr Obeyed the Order of the Lord In Flocking thXit Lekr Claims to Bo the Holy Ghost. .' ' ; IJourn! RivrHal Service.) Corvallia. Or.. May . "Creffleld ia r Jesus Christ: he condemn! the city HavT te - " - of Baa Francisco end brought the earth. quake; he has condemned the city of A -Corrallls and an earthquake - will de- ' - strov thia dace, . - Such. In aubatance. la .what . Mrs. Lewl Hartley and her daughter, Miss Sonhia. declared to Pre. Farra . and Permit and - J udxe Walters In (.' ' animation' held f or-tho- purpoaeot de termlalng whether the females are ease or -Insane. Complaints wero-lodged with the clerk, charging - mental de rangement of both Mra. Hartley and - her daughter," ty Wr C Swann." '.'""-V' . The Ird Ordered It. r -."-When Questioned by the court -air to - why the .Old-time followers Of Joanna Cref field assembled togetner at tno coast a week ago, the witnesses stoutly declared that they had held no munlcatlon ' whatever with the fallen apostle, but that , "Ood told them to ' board the train that day and go," and "' they simply obeyed the command, '.as - ' - did all the other members of -the faith who happened tTgo to the eoaat that .... day, when Mr. and Mrs. Creffleld- went .." to Taqulna, - ' - -Corvallia Condemned. : - ' - - i - Whentraestlonea "why "Joshua "Cref ; field hired a team at Alrlle and drove . through to Wrenn station. Instead - of , (- passing through Corvallia on the train .1 en route to the coast. - the .witnesses stated that "Creffleld. who Is the Holy '.; "Ghost ' has condemnedCorvsJlls, and ---"coMemneL,!,-.'-: "r11 -v: "" "yo " Perhaps the memory -of a warm coat of tar and feathers applied by Corvallia citiaens one fins night something over two yeara ago may have dflclilnl Jntli ; "tr travel "by private conveyance. -r:-- - .v Awaiting- Commands. Jt wag stated by the wltnesaea er- . amlned that the Holy Roller In camp 4 on Ten Mile creek, below Waldport, are t'-TrTrntlV awaiting lheTco"mminds "of Woo. - and that they will be governed accord- lnrly. . When asked If they obeyed Creffleld in all things, they replied that they ' first took the matter to Ood In prayer. and that Cref field's, orders had always proven to be the deetrs of Gcxl ell of which is sufficient jroof to thentuat no-ta- tno cattstr Aside from this mania Mrs.: -Hartley and daughter answer all questions with perfect Intelligence, They were brought pcrieuv luisuigvoc. imr wr horns from the coast by the JbLUSlin -HHsterr-trwis-Hartley. who Is k J highly respected. -resident J thle city. ; WALLA WALLA HAS CASH -a BALANCE TO FORWARD (SpeoGl IKtpstck to The JosraaL)---i-Walla Walla, Wash, May I. The Baa Fraociseo relief .committee will for ward to J; U. Phelan. chairman of tha finance committee In' charge of relief -work at Baa -Francisco, i ,tho sum of U.m.t remaining in the Walla Walla fund.-,MayorchmiU la a telegram to H. H. Turner, treasurer of -the local oommlttea, .states that cash would tee more acceptable than, supplies and tha balancs of tha fund will be forwarded in a day or so. Walla Walla's contribu tions amounted to six carloads of flour, on of bread, S.000 places of clothing and tha Muanca on -hand. RED MEN OF ILLINOIS EET-AT-JACKSONVlLLEj Jacksonville, af May I. All tralla - - led Into - Jacksonville today and the city is ablase. with Indian -emblems in ' honor of the -Improved Order of - Rad r Men. whose annual state convention is ' . in progress. Nearly ovary large city of the state is represented among the vls ""Itors." ,A costume parade, an outing" at " i - Nichols park, concerts, receptions and j, drives. ..about .the city are features of ..1L the program, in addition to the ezempll-- ftcatioaof degree work and t he trans action of the usual smount of buslnsss relating to tho affairs of-ttie order. ; T'- THIS IS MAYX.C May we show you-the - styles - that r- May has ; . . brought in? .lJ-, ..... ..- In one of these new ' gray -solta.ja .man. wilLieel'l Jt Chipper al he ihbuld at',; this season. . .. . i No back' numbers here"" no old jtocks to work off.'. Everything is clean and crisp as the season, i .j See our window display : of Shuts and .Top Coats flO to 823. ; ; ,-T ? LION ClothinoCo Go KuhnPron' . Men'g and Boys' Outfitters. 16o and 168 Third Streets, . . " Mchawk Building.' ... . HOCH NAMED FOR ERUOR Republican Convention'of - r nsas to Unanimously. Rs-. nominate Executive. LIVELY CONTEST OVER OTHER STATE OFFICES Platform to Deal .With State Issues Roosevelt . and His " Admlnistra--tioir-te - Be Heartily-Indorted te Sunflower State. ; i ' ' (Journal Special Serflce.) ' Topeka, Kan., May I. Outward and visible signs of lively contests to coma were abundant at tha opening of the Re publican stats nominating convention today. The convention was called to order In the Auditorium at 10 o'clock this - morning by Chairman Stubbs of the state committee. More than 1,000 delegates and ah equal number of alter, nates wars in attendance, together with S number ofyialtors from-all over the state.. Tho opening hours of the con vention were taken up with the work of organlsatlon,-roll call, tho opening ad dresses and the -appointment- of ths nee I oaaary committees. '.Frequent ovations were gives, in support, of the various candidates . for . places - on the state ticket - ' The convention wilt nam candidates for ail state off leas from governor down and including four justices of the su preme court Ther is no opposition to Governor Hoeh and his- renomlnaUon to head tha ticket will ba made by accla mation. But for each of the - other places there are from two to half a doseh aaplranta and the outlook is bright for soma spirited contests before the ticket. The platform will deal chiefly with state- issues. A hearty indorsement, however, will be given President Roose velt and his administration and the resolutions also will coma out strongly In favor .of iederaHeglalatton to curb the alleged, ahimfap.L lhtt.rftH; STEILACOOM ASYLUM - 1 EMPLOYES ARE OUT (8mcU1 rtioatch te-The JouraiL) Tacoma, May i An "official ahakeup has taken place - at the stats Insane asylum at Fort Stallaooom; sight miles MrsT--Bergranr-an-TittendantrFr'S.I)o- Long, nlghtwatchman, and Thomas Oad dis, stenographer, have been asked to resign by the state board of audit and control. Mrs. Herman -will retain "her office until May IS,: but the others have already quit Mrs. Herman has been at I the asylum iot a. Jong Jime andjhe an-1 nouncement of her removal has caused much surprise. The changes were de cided on at a conference between Gover nor Mead and Superintendent Van Zandt of tha Institution 10 davs in x,.Zr l k- .i..Z, 7A. nor Mead, is reported to be slated for the position of steward and accountant of the asylum, which' place was made recently, and Mrs. Beals, accord ing to ths sams report," will be made matron of "the institution. . There haVs been frequent -changes at ths asylum recently, without any explanations mads of the causes. MAY DAY FESTIVAL IS EVENT AT M'MINNVILLE ; KleelBl Dltpetrh to The Jonraal.) McMlnnvllle College, Or.. May 1. The, May day., festival here yesterday began at 10:S0 a, m. with -the -jvy,'march. headed by PrOaldent Riley and Queen Beaa and her . pages. They proceeded to tha throne on the campus, where Preaident Riley crowned Queen . Bess . I, Th following jrrm wa rendered! "The Flying Arrow." orchestra; Queen Beaa' proclamation, W P. Elmore; piano duet, Mlsaes Pengra and Kenner; "juar board Watch" (cornets), Messrs.- Corp ron and Olds; "Mr. Bullfrog," orchestra and Glee club; violin solo, Corpron. - At tho close of the program 10 girls gavs the May-pole dance, music, being furnished bjr the oollege band. - In tho afernoon a field. meet Jvaa held between the D. D.'s and college. There were eight events, the resulting score being X. D. 4S .and college. II The oroaram of the day waa closed with an Italian recital by tho Conserva tory of Music- . - - ANNUAL-CONVENTION 0F ALPHA-DELTA PHI4 -. " (Journal gpeelil Service.) . Portland, Me., May, 2. EUaborate preparations have been concluded or the entertainment of the delegates to the national convention of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, which will be In session hero during the next three days. An Informal reception at the Falmouth hotel ushers In the gathering this 'even-4 log. The business sessions will begin tomorrow morning and In the afternoon the delegates will visit Bowdoln college at Brunswick. Hamilton W. Mabio la the president of the fraternity and will preside over the convention. ; The fra ternity is the fourth oldest of tho Greek brtter societies in America and Is one of tho largest in point of membership. TO HASTEN END OF : SWEAT SHOP WORK (Journal Rpeclat HervkeJ London. Mar . Prlnoesa Henrr of 1-BaHenbergwho is famous, for her -char- lUble work, officiated , today at tho openlrg of an eahjblrton jt the ate" IniiatriAa.'n HrMt Rrltaln i-and Ireland. T ho-4m-oft ho promote of the exhlbttltfa are to expose tho evils of the-Hweatlng system and to quicken a public opinion which will insptrarler- IftlatlooJagainat tho eviL A feature of the KhfhlUon la a demonstration of the acruttt-- process of the manufacture of sweated articles" by the workers them selves. . TORPEDOES EXPLODE -J L iSETTIIMG CAR ON FIRE PrUI PUpatrt te Tse 7araeL) Junction City. -Or May I. A South ern Pacific company caboose caught fire here yesterday, it Is supposed, from torpedoes Igniting caused by .-concussAe In switching. The trainmen entered ths car from each end simultaneously, which caused air to rush through tho csr, sddlng fuel to the flameo.t Hot withstanding tlie car being all sblsse a wltih engine crew took It out, run It to a water tank and with the assist ance of the city - hosecatt soon m RE ALM FEMININE ITOMOftftOWr 'Tts kinder to laugh than to ery,- To let a song live than a sign, .. ' To shelter no sorrow '- '-r For -day has 16s sorrow - A voice might cheer those passing byt The dusk holds a promise of morn. And hid by tts husks I life's corn.,- Pools mirror skies blue .-'" Though shadows look through. " ' """ A ioy of a grief may be bornl .Li Bld tender sleep fold them awayr The worries that fret for their prey a-morrow , . WUb-sunshlno to borrow And braver the heart that la gayt . -Edlth Livingston Smith.' FOR THE DOMESTIC GIRL Despite the allurements of social life and the abaorblng Interest of colleges and clubs, . there is In many a girl's heart - a . hunger . for tha domsstia side of Ufa . .,.,...: ......... p' She finds in the new and conveni ent devices constantly being added to' tha stock of kitchen. goods la tho groat department stores an irresistible fasci nation, and though she may . not admit lt,-ven-tO her dearest -friend,- oho oees vl stons of a happy homo In which she reigns as (jueen. and If the prlnoe eon. sort" who' la to share her reign has not actually appeared In the flesh, there is a pretty well defined picture of hint In the art gallery of her ideals. - Bo after- you- have slipped in all by yourself to . admire, tho latest thing in kitchen ranges o gas stoves,, tho. new est and best vin cooking utensils - and the sedflotivo array of rolling pins, each with, its separate design and use, yon will 'be Interested to learn that the old bridal chest of colonial times is the fsshlon again and you can 1st your do mestio Inclinations have full play In filling one of these chests in -anticipation of the wedding day. ' ".If tlio "engagement is not ""yet n coanced, or even. If tho prince has not yet appeared, that need make jio differ ence; he Is sura to come, bat yon can if you Uks under those clrcuraitancaa. keep- your chest and tts contents a se-u crec.f yOur"''slor,eroomJ-holda-a"cedar..or camphor-wood braaa-bound chest, such aa the sea captalna vied to bring home from India, appropriate it and begin, to uy yuur vvu nmxias. If you haven't one of""theo. sub stantial u receptacles of a by-gone day. why any box of tho proper slxe on casters and attraotlvely covered with denim and neatly lined la ewy-way-that f suits -tho.7.fancy--of tho : oa-bef wilt answer. . Bed linen is a good foundation, for tho contents of this chest Mske your own sheets -and pillow slips and have the sheets 0( generous length" so there will be a good - margin to tuckin at ths foot and to turn well over blankets or Tff rnt TheTTdB sk eepThem"cles nT Don't bo,cunteut wUh machlne-made bed linen. Tho finest machine stitching can never compare with a hand hem. and some or your sheets should bo hem stitched and bear your monogram han aomely embroidered Just above tho hsm at tha middle. With thlo substantial foundation well laid, you can elaborate with Battenberg centerpieces, embroidered domes, bureau scarrs and the luce and in all your em broidering it Is better to keep to white floss that launders safsly and will cauaa you no apprehension when It goes to the wash. - Of course you esn buy very handsome ready made towels but you will want to get- some fins damaak and good hucka- buok. and make them yourself, either with plain hemstitching or fagoting ai you may prefer, and on these triumphs of your handiwork your monogram should aiao appear. But when at last the engagement is announced and your friends have gased admiringly at the evidences of your In dustry and tho beauty of your needle work in the chest which you will ox- hlblt-so proudly,-they -will begin- to-i mane additions to your stock or all things useful or beautiful, including bath towels, wssh cloths, and ovsn holders. 1 . It is also appropriate to leave room at tho top of this chest for dosens of delicate, lace-trimmed, embroidered and ruffled garments of tho bridal trousseau. so that by ths wedding day It Is flUed to the brim with things of use and beauty,-a Joy to the bride and a source of delight to her frlende. And it would not be at all strange If the- frlrl - who begins to fill one - of these treasure-boxes, without tho ghost of. a lover in sight, would find a very V; Cocoa beans grow to 1 toda on tho trunIc v 1111(1 IImb ' deI1", ) iiWv cats tropical tree til They contain a Ix t HJ timet more food ral- 1 UV ue than beef. I J Wt ttS h,Khet 'If m tiaana that mrm III - - - II I I I .rnnin nA v thera " la II hln nothing In our cocoa II That Is why It ft I Korvi. j PAY A 1 1. GE.VURT-2 SONS' 5 LU LU 01 J a i z 0 Q CD J I: LET US SHOW a t PAY - A substantial real one appear on her bo: son before it is oven half fulL -.- It Is,, of course, a mistake for A girl to . grow' stoop-shouldered and flat cheated over her sewing; but to he swift and aert with tno-neeaio is agraoerui and useful accomplishment ana tho girl who possesses it -Is Just truly an artist as if .she used palette and brush, ENCLTSrTHOUSEKEEPERST Awrjter In an. English, -magaslno-Is quoted as say)ng: 'VWomen have Just enough education to despise domestic work. ThKgTaterpart of. their food as well as Okalr clothes is bought ready. s. and their one Idea with their chil dren lfi-tol get them off their hands as soon as pOalble. "Tha average mother has absolutely no knowledge of discipline and shs cannot teach her 'children tho simplest lsssons of cleanliness and hygiene" because aho does not know them herself. - Thlawrlter. Mrs. Jackson, adds: "Tho really good woman -who attends philan- tbtoplo .meetings .or . studios- and con certs when she ought to bo minding her own domestic duties Is doing lust as much mischief aa tho woman who plays bridga all-tho evening and hair tho aft ernoon. " j "What, then. Is tho solution of this problem T7 asks this English writer. "It Is - surely thisrr.Teach tue women, of gaglaad-that to look after their houses and their children is not bourgeois, is not a sign of mental Inferiority, but tho fulfillment of their destiny, and that until this end la accomplished they-have no right to devote themselves to society, or philanthropy, or athletics., or sport, or literature, or art. "It la quite possible to bo pretty and charming and well-informed without In tho least neglecting home duties. French women manage to combine tho two roles; they are tho moot attractive women In the world and they are excel lent housekeepers. ' German women. though they sin against tho srtlstlo side of Ufa. are extraordinarily wall Informed, and yet they, too, are good housekeepers.- -;. . : .: ' - si Upslloa Convention. Hartford. Conn.. May 1. Delegates representing leading colleges throughout the country are nere ior me seventy third annual eonventlon of the PsI Up- silon fraternity, which will bo in ses sion during the next few days as the guest of Beta Beta ohaptar of Trinity college. Ths gathering opens with a 'smoker' this evening and will eonclude with a banquet at tho Allyn house Frl day night. The fraternity ia one of ths oldest In tho . country, having been foOnded at Union college In 1811. Still a few High-Crade Pianos left, but in order to set one at tha low prices wo have ; been making you will have to call at once. - S1TINWAY A. B. CHASE. ESTEY EMERSON and all the other beet makes for you to select from. All on tht easiest terms. ...-,. .rr" '., ' - - . DundorePianbCo. 134. SIXTH STREET - . Opposite Oregonian Building. Sheet Maaic, Victor Talking Ma chioea Records. Etc . : i . LITTLE DOWN - FIRST AND YAMHILL STREETS IS A PRONOUNCED We sell an extra superior quality of superbly tailored men's clothing at regular cash prices and ' th ' patxlusec, may ' C '". :: r;-'v ;''.". ' .V T' "'. ';"'r ')?..-: f l .: . ...... . .. - . .. ... : .- . . .- -. ,- , -. :r - -" : ' Until the debt ii ctinguished.It U an easy jway ot . clothing the body at small cost, and paying so that one hats, caps and shoes, all Help You "And Fefore you know it luxury while doing so. . People H There Js now no reason why any gentleman of Portland should appear slovenly in his wajdrobeWeJiave established plan that-removes-the . " " . 1 - 7":: YOU OUR QOODSt LET-US SURB-THAJ HEREAFTER, CLOTHINO PEPT. SizBRQAlBERGERati - ;LITTLE ' DO WIN CONTINUOUS BANK 18 SUCCESS Day and Night FlnfifelaJ Concern in New York City Makes - - - - - . a a J . : uooa upening. OVER HALF MILLION IN 1, DEPOSITS FIRST NIGHT Sixty AccountsjOpKHwd in First Five ,Minutes of Bank'g Existence Lo cated Near Delmonico's . and sJShaciy'a. (Joerael Sptclil Service.) New Tork. May JTrThoNlghL And Day bank,--ooatlnoou-ilnanolaI--con- eern, as lte namsulndicates, opened yes terday. In a new $2,000,000 building on Fifth, avenue - at Forty-fourth street. near-Bhewrr-and"-Delmonleo's.TiXhe" scheme is brand new. In Mtrlrtit. at Itsst. - en xiomton voutt a in tne titrand has been open day and night for a cer tain class of customers for something like ISO years, but this New Tork bank will be open to all depositors at any hour, aiy or night. Within flvs minutes after buslneeahad begun 00 acoounts had"beea opened rep reeentlng deposits of about $100,000. Whan the clock marked midnight the deposits had run up to $600,000. The bank was keeping open-house and had received 8,000 visitors. - Ths first de positor, approprlataly enough, was tha Brook olub, an exclusive social organisa tion, so' named beoause It runs on for ever and does not close day or night Tho new oonoern ia Incorporated with $$,000,000 capital stock, $100,000 sur plo4 and- $100,000 - reserve.... Oaklelgh Thorne is president . and Harrison K. Bird- csahler. Among the directors are Or H.' Pr Belmont, J. Borden -Harriman, Charles T. Barney. Led yard Cogswell and B. H. Karrtman. PACIFIC-CHRISTIAN ""ASSOCIATIONS ELECT - 8pedt DUpeteb t The leareel.) ' FOrest Grove, Or Msy J. The Christian-associations of Paclflo univscslty have elected the following officers-: . Toung Men's Christian Association President, H. Marks! ; vice-president. H. JD. Wltham; secretary,. 10. B. layne; treasurer, H. H. Amston. , Toung Women's Christian Association -i-Presldent. W Pearl Chandler; vice president, . Franees B. Clipp; secretary, Ruth Fitch; treasurer, Jessie Hogs. - The sssoclatlons published this week's Issus of the Weekly Indax, the college weekly. Tho entire paper was given to association work, which proved to be a very interesting number, giving an idea of the work to bo carried on by the new officers during the coming year. Many reports also appeared -of different con vention!, as well as tho lino of work to bo studied and the list of speakers for the young man's (convention at Hear hart froni Junt 11 to $4, and .the woman's at , the same , place during sVuantat, PAY A LITTLE will scarcely feel it. We als6 sell at a figure that enables us to' '. vr " . ' to Dress Like a Gentleman you hate paid for your garments and have enjoyed ' ..-'Vr" -''"''''jA 7 --L' ave Shabby Opinions of a : Shabby Person ; " - - ;....... - . ... .,,.rr QIJOTIYOtUOIJPPICPNnPFr- YOU WILL BUY.FROM'US. PAY-A- LITTLE-. RAILROAD TO BUILD. DEPOT AT WALLA WALLA j' - ' -0 v".Spee1l Dlspafek te The Jonraal.) Walla Walla. Waah., May 1. The O. R. A N. officials atXhls place wars -notified, by Superintendent Buckley yester day that plans have boon perfected for PRIZE CREDIT CERTIFICATES GOOD UNTIL EILERS PIANOZPQUSEIEXTENDS-TIMErUMir: TZ - ANftTHFP MfiNTH : : Demonstration Sale Also Continued Prices Grelatly Reduced 3VhcnEiJersPjaridLlIotise CSntest; not the remotest idea was entertained that so many people would participate. After the contest was ended, on March 15, the enormous total of 23,000 lists had been submitted. For this reason it-was impossible for the judges to check overland award prizeTorT the date anticipated.; Consequerrtty many contestants residing in remote districts did not receive their prizes until the latter, part of April, practically affording them no opportunityjif Jaking advan age of them before the expiration dajeany contestants went to quite an expense in preparinghelr Jistr but circumstances woujd not; permit their availing themselves of the fine prize's that they won, in the short time allotted. Many requests have been received for more time, in order .to avail themselves 'loLthe privileges td be . derived under their Prize Credit and all ajikerour Board of Difectdrs decided to extend all certificates one more month making them pianoi until May 31, 1906. raemlSWdlCXinifrcales represent - just' that-much in - actual cash when purchasing an and they will be accepted on any new high grade piano? even&wit td the plainest-cased instruments, the regular retail price of wnicb " is $375, but which are being sold during the Demonstration Sale enr ' ' . ' , 1 ' ' i T r Prices Greatly Reduced Here only , are found the time-honored Chickerinc. oldest In" America? and best in the world ; the world-famous Weberthe popu lar Kimball, Hobart. M. Cable, Schumann. Steck. HazfcltdVi. Pease: Bush & Gertz, and over thirty otbcr standard makes. ' Remember, new pianos that $265, payable at $6.00 a month the elaborate cased, beautiful $47ff styles, now $322, at $7.00 a month ; the fanciest $485 styles, now $335, at $3.00 a month; the strictly highest-grade and costly $650 styles, now $485, at i $12. 00 a month. Eilers. PJano House, the LarcCSt and Most Reliable Piano and Ortran Dealers. 351 Wash ington Strest- . ' , ; WEEKLY r H p 0 0 t r p mm H H P n rn 5 SUCCESS men's furnishing goods. their necesaity. - WEEKLY . , , , iorootliig a new 6. ft. N. depot at the . -T n . -m . . n.k . ... i . . . foot of Main street. Tha Elm street ' depot that has done service for SO yesrs will, bo turned into a freight house. The new., depot will b a stons and brick atrueturo and will cost. In tho neighbor hood of f 40,000. Tha (company is pre paring to spend 111,000 more In fitting up tho new yards. The depot groends wlll bo parked and otherwise beautified. Jannched the great Publicity Word- Certificate. In order to treat unc applicable on any new high grader - . - - , ' instrument at Eilers Piano House. heretofore retailed for $375. now .'.- ' .. - '; r 1 1 'f