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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1906)
-v 77--,- . . ..: r .,:;- , - . -. THE ORECOR DAILY JOURNAL. -PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY. 2. 1SC3. IS i H' r- t -; 5 ' 4 k'- ' i t ,' i ILL L1UST GO on, SAYS CLUB Any Attempt to " Delay Grand Jl Avenue Work Will Be Stout- ' ; ' ly Opposed. - ; ASSOCIATION TO TAKE FIGHT JO THEjCOUNCIL Suggestion That Work End When - .Estimated Amount of Dirt It De livered MeeU With Strong Pro ' testa From East Side Men. - : Bast Sid Department. ' A vlgoroua protest will be made at this evening- meeting of tha Council by. ' the Gut Side Improvement association against the proposed delay in completing Ilia Grand, avenue OIL .. At the meeting "of the association last night the sub " Jcct -was thoroughly considered and H -was nnsnlrnously decided Thar -tmaer-nol clrcumstancAshould the partially com pleted street be left in the present con- dlttoa. It -sae-tte4 4hm- the -mayor wt of the "opinion that-when " yirda.of dirt bad been delivered to the Jill no- more work could be done under the -contract, as that amount was the total apeclfled In the engineer's estimate. i Contractor George Simons was present and said that he utffersd with tha mayor on thiar point, as tha contract he held did not specify the amount of yardage . .. to be placed In tha Ml .but, - merely stated that ha was to receive 10 cents a yard for the earth - delivered. Thare was no other specification than that the ... a treat should ba ruled, r . r- It was suggested that a mistake had been made In assessing merely the abutting property for an Improvement as costly as this one ana that should 190,000 cublo yards of dirt ba put In It would practically amount to a conn sea -' tlon of tha property. On tha other hand ' . It was urged that tha property-owners - adjoining the J1U would have their cheap holdings made valuable and that as they would secure tha chief benefit they one block of land, eight lots, assessed . for tha flu on tha basis of 100.000 aublc jards tha cost of tha fill would not " equal the value of tha lota, which would '. have a market value of 15.000 each whan tha fill was completed, and aa the . ,- streetcar company paid a fourth of the total itwn""r''". i "Tlrr"1"1 r-nwrid be far fioui coiiflacallun." " Committee to Xbor. , ' . -' . It was finally decided to appoint a -committee of three,, headed by H.-H. .Newhall.. to labor .wjth ;tha council and the executive board "and it was also - agreed by tha members that aa many of them as could would attend the ses sions of the municipal -bodleslajnake lr claims Tiatrd. - President Boise or the association sug gested that the property-owners might .pay for the il.000 yards' and that tha remainder needed to complete tha till -might be- paid for by the city from the repair fund. He said that this had been done in . tha South .Portland contracts : and that as the aaat side .had started extensive street Improvements that r saved the-city thousands of dollarsdur. n In keeping up old ele vated roadways and planked streets the executive' board owed tha east side something.' " ; President Boise reported that tha peti tion for tha widening of Eaat Morrison . street from the. river to- Grand! avenue had been signed by all? bus-three of the . property-owners on the street affected .. .. and. that the matter would go to the - 'council tonight and would probably be approved by that body. Mr. Boise also reported "That thf"property-6wners had ? agreed to Improve Hawthorns avenue T from East Third to East Fortieth street wlth bltultthlo pavement This will ba "one of the most Important betterments on the east side this year. - It will give ( the district three miles of the best of San Francisco, Cal. The Weekly Examiner i Lot Angeles, California, and is bad been neither earthquake JV respectf uUwask-ach r send us either an old wrapper showing their name and ad- -dress or a copy of their receipt, giving the number, date and name of person who signed it Address ; The WccKI v Ex . u . . 204 Mercantile Place, Los Angeles, Cal. New'Yort:! Assets $18,061,926.87 i 64JTritli-Street, MANN All losses iiTcurred by the wiirie"nohbfably adjusted -and -rstablished at Chicago, Boston and i." ?'.".' i1.. ' ' " ' '. I'. '.' ' .x ';''". ,. ...... .. " ' f: OakUatOaL . . : : ..." ,-:JZ? . . vary UgltlmaU elaisa agklns the nw TOmX Xmnwnmtm' AOIaTCT f. win be aU yrompUy aa U fail as at Salclators aa Ohloago. ' -" ' (Signed) I OBOMS IV. OKASa, Pres.' ' Parrjsh. Watkins & Co., Agents. Jama I-aidlaw. & Co, Inc, Agents, pavement on a thoroughfare that is one of the knoat Important business arteries leading- from the central section. - ., - , . 1. SEEK CHEAPER FILLS. Property-Owners May Seel "Directly tk Contractor to Bars Bzpease. ' It Is probable that unless the' Pacific Construction 1 company adheres' to Its plan of charging but 15 cents a cubic yard for dirt fills many of tha planned Improvements In tha central eaat. side district win not be Tnade this season. A private arrangement- w made be- tween the property-owners and ha com pany early In tha year to the affect that If no protests were mada the- company would charge -but li cents a yard for dirt (Ills made on streets in the central business dlstrlot. Recently the com pany bid JO and 11 cents on. fills description and It la probable that sev eral of the streets that were to have been" improved- will- be left la their presents state,, the ' property-owneri'TWN fusing to meet the raise. ' - ., v ; Manager Simons of the construction company gives aa his reason for the In crease that vexatious delay Is expert need In securing his money., from, tha city, and that the only , way In which the, lower figure can ba given by his company Is to. have tha property-owners contract directly .with him ror .the im provement and have the money for the flir when tha work Is completed. - lead ing property-owners yesterday offered to see that such contracts were' made for half a doxen east aide streets if tho pries of - 26. cents a, yrd--wa -given- and Mr. Simons will return a definite an swer within a week. .. MORE GARDEN CLUBS.-1 South Mount Tabor PapUs Organise Xf- x... , fort fo Agricultural Prises. - The pupils of the South Mount Tabor schools have entered the garden and flower - contest arranged by the super intendents of the county, and after a year devoted to the study of elementary agrloulture will -endeavor to put Into practice soma of tha things they ha v been learning. The Boys," club -will devote -tts ener gies to the raising or prise potatoes and will sndeavor to show the award com mlttee tuners larger than - tha famed Colorado hills product. Offloera of tha Bovs club are?- President. Ernest Way- gandt: vice-president,-George Metcalf; secretary, Charles Sample; treasurer, IJMdleOsborSi Tha Girls' club will devote ltselfto the ralaing of asters and' sweet, peas, U.dy, Of .thendorn- . tha home wltat.ndeturssj flowers. and mural, decorations of . othar. sorts. Tha o Hirers of this club aret- President, O race Falllng:,vloe-presldent, Dorothy Lewis; ,.' secretary, Genevieve Boltano; treasurer, Hasel Winchell, Miss Martha Sturchen. teacher of the fourth grade classes, has charge of the clubs and will icsct toe garden operations of tint pupils on Saturdays. PLENTY OF ARTESIAN ; WATER UNDER CITY -r??r,!rS2r artesian water talned in Portland and vicinity at depths ' ranging from 100 to 175 feet Extraordinary Interest la being mani fested In the discovery, and three wells are now in process of completion At the new apartment-houses built by Edward Holman at the corner of Third and Mill ''streets, and at hlauplae of business. Third and Salmon streets, ar tesian wells are being bored by the ! drilling outfit. It la Mr. Holman purpose to secure water for Irrigating and. washing the streets in the vicinity of i tho premises. At - the Welnhard brewery an artesian well Is being drilled to secure water for the loe-making ma chines. "It Is said that In-plants using large quantities of water, the cost under the meter system la heavy, and tho Investment In artesian wells Is ex pected to yield good dividend... The Hasel wood creamery at tha corner of Fifth and Oak streets has just cotn- pletetfthe-drilHnir of a well in whtclrt an Inexhaustible-supply -was found at a depth of 177 feet. The water will ba used in lea making.---.-': rr.-.---r-r'--" 1 ,. a - -.rf. Preferred Btoek Oamaad Ooods. ' Allen A .Lewis' Best Brand. being published temporarily in" going ahead as though there: nor fire,Vl and all or our subscribers to- aminer -OaklandCaff New York Underwriters - A promptly vpaid, and the' record Baltimore will remain unbroken. . " ' ' . , a. r i?50 ' AldeTSt; ;' Portland. Or. Ainswoxth JSldg, Portland, Or.. Judflc Beer by ; Its True Worth ProgreMtVee Men' and Women" Con- aider It a Means to National .. - Temperance. . Wa have recently published a num ber of articles on tha food value of beer, tha Importance of-tha brewing lndus- tries aa a factor In Jtaz .national wealth. our national revenues, ana the use or beer Itvlf as a means to temperance and sobriety. . We believe that sooner or later, beer will be recognised at Its true worth, ss a food beverage of splendid tonlo effect and high nourishing value. Noted men and women of this countiy aie already alive to the situation and besides Mlsa Phoebe Cousins and Dr. Joseph Felsler of Northwestern University many others of note give their endorsement to- beer as a means to national temperance. -JHlas Cousins, . for a quarter of a cen tury the most eminent woman Suffrage advocate in lhtWest. said Irt a recent interview: "There never will be a la that will compel . prohibition, and' the sensible thing for ths "Women's Chris-tuin.Tempesa-ncerrUnlon to do Is to. aid in tha substitution of mild, nourishing drinks like beer, .which seldom produce drunkenness. A prominent army officer who served in the southwest, operated canteens at three different posts.'' He (-made the canteens; so accept abtertor the soldiers, . who ; found beer satisfying their demands, that he actually ran all the low dives of the surrounding neigh- borhood.out-.Qf. business.'! L. Pabnt Beer meets ail the demand for a mild, healthful, refreshing beverage such as Miss CouslnS suggests. It Is mads of tha exclusive Pabst eight-day malt, choicest hope and pure water. Eight-day malt, which Is the only per fect malt, gives Pabst Beer its superior food value and richness. Strong In nourishment the body requires. It Is re freshing and Tsatisfylng.---- ' - Perfect In age, purity andtrengthr absolutely clean and containing only three and one half per cent of alcohol, Pabst tha Ideal temperance bev erage. .Ne other Is so healthful. . CIABUI XOKM St CO. - ' Maim 460. i- --" - comer Third aad pine. Pabst Blue Rihhon Beer. Order a Oass for Toar Kome Today. IN JUSTICE COURT Beast Bit Richard Cately, Who --Sues for Uost -Time and ' vli" Doctor's Bills. r at" each other and opposing attorneys are spouting, eloquence in tha court-of Justice Reld today. A pet monkey Is the cause of It all. Richard Oately. a stevedore, who brings suit for damages, alleges that tha monkey- Is an Immoral and vicious beast, while -Au,gust Lam bert, against whom the suit war tiled, contends that the samCnonkey la inno cent and harmless as a kitten, .t. Lambert has a saloon at B54 Jefferson street and In the saloon he keeps a monkey for the amusement of custom ers. - Formerly Oately was a -customer, but - never again.- Some . time ago . be entered the place and In a moment of playfulness grasped ..UiejnnkebjMlhe hind leg, . then cuffed it gently on the' ear. .-The monkey, resenting familiarity thus expressed, bit Oately, it is alleged; on tha right hand, causing a painful and dangerous wound.' -.-?-; - Oately called In a physician and had the wound dressed. Ha alleges in -his complaint that he was unable to work at hia trade for a period of 14 fitiyt and ask damages of JLambert in an amount equal to the lost salary and the physi cian's bill. The case waa opened at IV o'clock this morning . with exhaustive lgnl argument. tn rhathas m mnnlreo could bring ' on hydrophobia. Counsel for defendant said he would show that It could.- Counsel for plaintiff declared a pet monkey was g domesticated animal and Oately would not have been bitten had ha not, attempted to. cultivate the monkey's acquaintance. - The question- at Issue resolved itself .Into whether the monkey bit for fun or with malice afore thought. The ' casewa gtlU on ata tats nour. MAYOR WANTS BEST " Li-.- MAN TO GET JOB - Tha commission recently appointed by Mayor Lane to have charge of the city. free employment btrreati. consisting -of Councilman- Rushlight, Harry Ourr and R. J. Holmes, met and organised yes terday af ternoo -Councilman . Ruen Ught waa elected chairman and R. J. Holmes secretary. Headquarters will be fitted up on the tlflrd floor, of tho city hall and a seers tary will be ap pointed soon. . . ' - -. . Mayor Lane must appoint a secretary for tho board and while In conference with the members yesterday he sug gested 'ithat tha civil service commis sion be asked to call an examination for-thslositlon and certify a list . of ellglbles. He thought that would be the only proper method to pursue and Ruahllght and Holmes agreed with him, but Ourr wanted to think over tha mat ter. .... H . - . ,- Meetings of thd commission will be held at 7 o'clock on the aama evening tba council meets.- .' SAN FRANCISCO LOSSES ' WIUBsPald. ..''.. ' The resident sgents of the St. Paul Firs A .Marina- Insurance Company and the American Central Insurance Com pan have received a wire from the cuaut managers of these companies' as follows: -,..,.' ' "To alley sny possible doubt or mis apprehension In : tha minds of tha In suring public,, wo take pleasure In an nouncing thatrhw American Central sursnce Company, of St. Ixuia; the. Bb Paul Firs A Marine Insurance Company, of St. Pstri. and tho Mercantile Fire A Marine company, of Boston, will pay. their Ban 'Francisco lossea upon adjust ment, and will continue business as hitherto .without regard . to the . Saq Francisco Incident." CI1RI8TENBEN, KDWARD8 A GOOD WIN, : Paclfio Coast Managers.' . : As resident agents for the St." Paul Firs Marine Insurance Company, we solicit new patronage and renewal , of old policies for thia company. , - 1 MORGAN (U(,UMK. Suite IIS Ablngton Building. Constipation causes headache, nausea. Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken I the bowels and don t cure.',. Doan s Keg diets act gently and cure constipation; ti eats. Ask your druggist. , . , U Mill DODGE SAn.FRANCISCO ; Francis G. Bradshaw Says Town Wa Not Good for Small '-' ,r "', "Factories. .'.' TRANSPORTATION AND UNIONS INTERFERED Mr. Bradshaw- . Says . Enormous , Amount of Eastern Capital WU1 Pull Out Now That Chance Is Pre sented, i .:-.': ' . - '.''.' ' '.Francis O. Bradshaw of Chicago, who was In 'San Francisco when the earth quake took place7arrIVed ln Portland last night from the destroyed city And win leave for his home within a few days: Mr. Bradshaw la ' vice-president of the -Allison-Jones Manufacturing fcompany - , - which had-a plant In tfee- m.y City for the manufacture of novelUes " "We were burned out along with all of our competitors, ss I guess we have an even start again," said, he. '"But we do not propose to start Tn Ban" Fran cisco. - Wa have had bad -luck- in the Bay City. - We Were burned out once before.: For the present we will serve the Pacific coast trade territory from our f Chicago- factory and wholeaale "house. Trr the near future, however, wa must have a plant on the coast, our trade here demands It ' I do not knew where this new plant will be lo cated, but It will not be In San Fran cisco. , . ' .. . r. . "It Is my honest belief that an enor mous amount of eastern capital will pull out of - flan Francisco now that tho chanoe has presented Itself. . For several reasons It is a bad town for tha small manufacturer and even, soma of tba large manufacturers wero com plaining of conditions before the earth quake came. It is one of the strongest union towns in the country and there Us no end of trouble with transportation m ui"ihel'r- own -wayTEere.- l anow"'6T several concerns which wilt not build ta San Francisco again, and In fact there are many which have already . placed their property on tha market. "Tha earthquake Itself was - terrible. The fire hid the mnt Hl.n..ln .lTht. and kept the people from roaMatng the havoc worked by the shock. It Is al most a miracle that more .people were not killed. If the shock -had corns dur ing (business hours: when ' the down town buildings were filled with people, I believe the death roll would have been appalllntt" .. - - ..... ..j. . Crippled but Not Dead. . - F. J. Cooper-Advertising Agency,, one of tha prominent advertising agencies Of Ban Francisco, have a temporary office In the Tribune building, Oakland. Cali fornia. Their plant aas - entirely de stroyed but theyv are .completing new files and are, ready for business. - This firm Is most optimistic -as regards the rebuilding of San Francisco, whloh they jjrediet will be grander and more beau tif uFthanbef ore.-. .ye , j ,. . --.. - fOn AUimu, eeretaxy. ' . S0 Morrison, Merchant. JOim T. miT, Ti aaaarer. n j . rm r. JLSBJ.X, x i aaearer. 0oter-KsUF. . - T - T - T - I(The Guarantee'Fund ISystem" of The Commonwealth Life-Atsociation of Portland, Oregon, duly organized and formed----for benevolent purposes, under-and pursuant-to-thelaws-of the state jqI -Oregon on-the-12th -dayotApril, A. D. 1906. 1 Operates :nderwhat is known is the "puarantee Fund System" and issues the model contractor Certificate of Membership uuuer uiiii sjreiciii. wiuvir 13 liic iicicsv tu Kiicvuun -w..-.-.-- "ililT "irr.."A i ' ii i. l " The Commonwealth Life their own judgment, and will thus secure the "safest," the "most ; economical" and the "most liberal"'' contract issued in the United States. -There is no stock andftherefore we do not have a Carload of fatstock" holders to place -on exhibition or a string of names long enough to make a parade for a ,"circus," which may, of course, serve to datzle the ignorart nothing more. Napolton , said "The Austrians lost the battle of Austerlit because they did not understand the value of five minutes." - The King . Remember -The Weasel -!ls nsver as when ba appears to bo apptng The King ..... . . - - - M leitner is uio 11 on ever so oangvrous. ur so oeaoiy ss wnen ne appears, to be perfectly qulsocent, silent and motionless; It Is then as, poised for ', ths spring, svery muscle Is as tense as 41fe Itself, and each particular ! . slaw, although enclosed and sheathed within a velvet paw. is ready to -' "'fresp- and crush Its prey and ytettanv--s - - Nor Is the King Of Blrdsthe bold Eagle the courageous Sagie" that -' magnificent bird that without a glint of tho aye can face tho sun as she soars upward to the realms far above tha usual haunts of birds, as, she ; - royally mounts to heights unrraveled by birds of less dauntless courage, nor is ths Figlo ever so keenly alive so vividly and so intensely alive 'to tha situation as when on those- magnificent pinions she is borne aloft - - apparently. without tha slightest effort, and to the dulled brain and sys of 1 humanity she appears to be asleep, silently floating along oblivions to " bar surroundings until ."Paugh," llko a eannoa ball, aha drops for her ; prey. Decision perspicacity and perspicuity are 'her forte. And action comes as' a matter of course. ' Aad results follgirsuch action ta-J - variably.'- '-'--- - ' ' : -- y r v ":' Mr. Kremlin Is distinguished for bis Ignorance for he has but one idea, aad that is wrong," said tha great English Jew and Statesman, -'DlsraellMn a speech before ths House. , ""T.'- Z--- t A Challenge "-"Put Up" or "Shut Up" ' There appeared In last evening's Telegram an-advt signed by A. I 1 Mills, Pres.; I Samuels. General Manager, and Clarence 8. Ham u els. Assist. ' Manager. . The. advt. mads, "Only one perfect XUfe Insurance Company has its home on tba Paclfio Coast, according to the recommendations mads by ths Armstrong Investigating Committeethat Is 'Oregon Xdfo,' ' ths policyholders' company. JTher saa be nothing better," etc., etc. As ths President of tho "Commonwealth Ufe Assoc is tlon" of Portland, t resort, I a not propose to allow that miserable screed of aa advertise ment to go mnehalleaged. 1 When men writs anything, It Is supposed to be dons with premeditation, that it' ll aot doas thoughtlessly or la gross Ignorance, bat that it la ths Depository w 'v. .i.h ' i r i ' i . 1 : f" ':'- - - - -J - f .,?v 1 1 . ,j i - Mi ' '' .' ..: i.V, ' . " - 9. BSOAJI X. TSOmsTTOsT, - - --Marqwun- Building, - Medioal PlreototV- ; - - : -- ' , -..?-T-r -' - - JJ OF PORTL ANDrOREGON- ThelMost-Perfect:SystemThc Association is here, and it is her of Cunning so thoroughly so truly wide awake ; , fr-.: : ... ; of Beasts T ' , A .. I The United States National Bank of ',--'-" -- ' .-; ; " 9 - j--. . ' ,, J .' '., - .' ; - - : a- ' r-mmm - s-s . ' -' rV ' ressssi - A I SI I II - k r I . v t i i erv ii ii i i t vi i i MrCliiiiiit You will find them equal to ' the $1 5 suits ." of ; up-town Y stores some stores ask $ 1 8.- SUITS WHEN r - - ..... I . '- ;. iu lax- cvuivcu or UCVISCO. '.."i'r . ' '' r "" " -n e to stay -wisemen-will investigate this rand then act upon work of deliberation before ooas-ummatioa. And I wish o call attention to tha supposed reoommeBdatloa of tha "Armstrong Investigating Cem : mlttee." Bring- on your proof, Kr. Samuel, tba that committee ever ' . heard of either yon or tba "Oregon IAX a. - . . The Armstrong Committee waa not antkorlsed to even investigate the ' v "Oregon Ufe," and certainly did not go out of its way to recommend a oonoern that Is still "mewling aad puking la the nurse's anas." ., Tou say "there oaa ba nothing better" How do- you knowT For you V remind saa so sanch of str. .Kremlin, of whom yonr great and noted Jewish brother,' the great "D Israeli, said ta pnblio "Hi. Kremlin Is dlstla- ' gnlsked for bl Igmoraaoe, for he has but .one Idea, aad that to wrong." - And If .It is a publlo matter and concerns the public, why should dt not ' 'be said In public T - - , T ' the Oonuaonwealth' Xaf e Association, as V system, aa to eontraot, as - , to management, as to safety, as to srorytamg that enters Into a Ufa - mswaaoo protective doenmeat. Is so much superior to the "Oregon Life" - that there can ba M teal basis of comparison. If yours Is so "Good." why ' In tho world was It possible for me in Plve Minutes to knock ant a 6,000 7 " r Oontraet yea were selling ba Dr. Trommald of the Marquam Building - - even when you wero to make him an examlnsrf - Why did ha refuse to buy - it from you after X showed him. the "innards" of tha erlttext -And Xoho . ana were Why f And the real answer is that any man who has a grain of common sense" and is able M figure does not ears to maks aa ananal ; Investment with you at 4 per cent per annum for It, It or 10 years, aa the case may be every dollar of whiea -is to revert to and bo eonflaoted by the "Oregoa x,lfe" if -the dtath of ths insured should ooous prior to tho - maturity , of ths oontraet That X herewith issue a publlo challenge to you ' and to year long string of directors that are aa Ignorant of Ufa insuranso .. aa a slam la of astronomy, to meet me on tha public platform- In Portland 7'. and dlaones ths proposition before the shall pay an ths costs and "Pat up" or "Shut up" la my answer to that ' "kind of "tomfoolery" in advsrtislng. Any time suits the, and If yoa need kClp. yoa are. at liberty to get all tha "Actuaries" aad eoms fear of tho "Jaek-Aotaaries which are floating around woss to bslp yoa oat, . I don't .think you will need much help to get out you'll be glad enough to get sut, ' -..,... t . Wishing you to slimb Into the Band Wagoa aa quickly aa too like, X am. Sir, very respectfully. .- .. - ': .-."'"i - .,:., ' , :v i u A. R EXLEY, .rr-".' . President of the Commercial Life Association.' :"' ' "''" too tho Dekum Building, Portland, Oregon. , Hers Is a lltUe free advice V , y , "Man. a thlakiag being Is defined , : ..V- But how few use the grand prerogative of salad, ow few think Justly of the thlnklnr few) - ew many a ever think who think tney do." Jane Taylor. Of paying a fancyv j)rice for when you can procure such sterling values at our store for 3"PIECEand OUTING at the same price. YOU SEE IT IN OUR - AUl l-SO-- THIRD AND Dekum Bldg, Inauranos zpert. - ' x. m, srsiuiOsT, vtus jussiaema, '-liarqusm Bldg,- AUornay-at-Liaw,! . .: - public nd the one who- Is defseted Portland - . . - - - i ' . . k x