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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1906)
n PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Owwt bklgt Mala 1ST. RUBBER STAMPS, '. C. ITAMV WORKI. Be AMft Bt..paoa Mate O: rubber Unix, Mia, mania, limn teee ceecba; MM luf nUlofM He. a. , ROOFINQ. t"t nooriMO, guttartae. rapalrlBg aa4 gsaeral tobMaa. i. Loan, ill J.rr. SECOND-HAND GOODS. B.OODB rarattuce Hoai -Htahret arte pet foe eeeoa4-baa4 -fiaTBltl fura E33X re. II . Bseoa - . Feetfte SCALP TREATMENT. CBAT. falling kalr, dandruff treat! Bhampo. Inc. SMnlearln. chiropody, taca work. Wra - B. r. Kid., 1BH rosrth, ur. S3, raoae Pcine I0at SAW sad far ajessage. manicuring; agent for Ir. Chrlatloa'e Preach toilet erttclee. ' 11-1 Orao4 UaaUa bldg. Mala MTL Hour, B:S0 ta . -STREET pAVINO. , WABKEH Coastraetlea Ca. T1S Oeegoelea bats. TH Berber Aephsrt Pevtsg Ca. at PartUaa. orsce ana w or eve toe aia SIGN -PAStfTERS." SOLA? BIONS, wtoitow Vettertnc. etotb Beasara. ileal aleetrle alna and sign mi au , j rift kinds saaoa quickly.. Poster Kleles, aa varel rt. Pkoaa Esebaage So. 7. P. BEBOEB BOM. t4 Yaxahlll i of all ktada. PbossvPaelSe 22a. - SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES af aMry-AraartpMaai bank, bat aa atora Srtarea made to order. . Tbe Laxtse UaBafaetarlne Ca.. Portlaad. "V4- SAFES. PIBBOC-n BATES ALWATS BEMABUL Bot In TBUST. Norton and Buckeye Jacks. Metal . Office Fixture. Bepalr. Pkoaa Mala IV. J oka B. Pevla. Agent, a ibn-a at. PORTLAND RAPE CO., ante areata for HEB TUNO-HAtX-MARTP Bafa aa4 MANGA- KERB Steel Bafa Oo.' Bask Safe. M Ttk at TRAN3FER AND HAULING.' ATE, ready attaasx-. as faxnttara- reaa aor . aoippiiw ana aaippaat wara for shipping an aMpped; an wart ararrnoaaa ror aioraga. uniey airac wu i a M. Ola Mala aaAOB 4 BkmiBUB-jitAaiarBat.oa- ror. Blitk aa4 Oak au. s kaciaaa rbaekaj fraa kotal ar raalonwa 1raH to laatiaatlaai : paaaaakara tbarafora aaal- raak ana tmmty m at Bapata. PrlaaU Bxekaaca am. . , aa4 Otk-ata,. pkoaa BM; plaaoa aad faraltmr BOa4 aad parkad for aklpaladcoaiaMdlaaa aiAWaEB ; . JA4JSrtk, atrtk atala afi. tiaavr aaalloa aaonsnca. POBT BPRCIAL DELITEBT Ha. BOOtt Waak iartoa (t Pkoaa Mala Ml. -TOWELUPPM CLEAR TOWILB DAILY Ooarb. braah. Twial 41. I par aaoetb. Portuad LaaaoTT aad Bapplp Ca.. Ntatk aad Oooea. . Pkoaa TYPEWRITERS. MEW traawrltar. all BMkaa, raatad. aaM aad urad Caaal Acaaey. m SUfk. TaL laOT. TELEPHONES. . IBB oalp aaehjalT talapboa koaaa.- B.-B. . Elaetrle Talapboao MaaafartartaB a aaar. W Piftk at. . WIRE ANDIIRONIWORKS EAST PORTLAND FRNCB W1RB WORKS, 1M B. Wktar at. Phono Eaat Kit. VALIANT FARMERS WATCH ALLEGED HORSETHIEF Deputy-Shrifff - Find - Fred l A. -TTampbeH, AccutfMLofJSteaUiI tv ing Team,- Quite Secure. r Hora thltrea , Bra 'becomlns' o tra ; meroua in Multnomah county , - that . ' 48harlff. Word im kapt " buay uleht and -.:By trying locat tha robber and rooovor tha stolen property. Within tha ; paat a!x daya tha thaft of four teaina Bnd onf sin fl horaa hit bw reported. Frad A. Campbell was captured yea tarday by L. Hlckarta. farmer, llv- In 24 mllaa eaat of Portland. Cimp- ball was brouht to tha county jail last nlcht by Deputy Sheriff a Harvey Uorelaod and Doda Parrott. When the JoftlcUla reached the Rlckerte home they ' found Campbell racllnlna on a ' sofa - arhUafoua-annad -Marmara aat aear by. I 'It is allecM that Campbell went to -.. the Fashion stables lat Monday even- ,inr nd ordered a tun nd atif iiyi - Tha next heard from, him was when Rlck mTt9 . telephoned Sheriff -Word that a ' man bad stopped at the farm arid of fared to sell a team and burry for 1209. "Can you hold that man until I get deputy there T" aaked Sheriff Word.. "Ton bet I ean. cam the reply orer the wire. . .. .: Moreland brousrht Campbell into Port land while Parrott drove the team. , ;.. rJast Monday a atranBer appeared at ; , a livery atable at the corner of -Tront and j Columbia atreeta and aaked for a horse and burry in order .that he might ' so down to the depot for his wife. Th Branaar was in such a hurry that he forrot to leave bis nam. He is still looking for his wife the livery people . . . are looking for their Tig. . -EXALTED flUkER OF""" ii : ELKS IS COMING r obrt'W.-.Bnwn, grand exalted ruler T the Elba,- will arrive In Portland tomorrow on his way to tha east fmn U..yranclawowhere .halu chorea of tha Elka relief .aerk l. ..... i, w..iiv;m vi., , uuw ivuKlir, XJiOWTl 'Will remain In the city is not known now, though It Is hoped by the local Elks that be may be induced to remain over until Friday so that he may at- wwarwwBP-wef -vrBgr" 49f94mw lOtj morrow -ighr and an Informal banquet - In his hotter. . lr Prown. who la a resident oi tiinitsvflle, Kentucky, went to 8a n Fran elor Immediately after the disaster and auperlntended all the relief work dun by th Klk in that elty. s When It waa learned by Kxalted Ruler Ur. Jlarry McKay of th local Ihdg that the na tional offlner waa coming throurh'here rt his way home,' he Immediately 'tele sraphed him an Invitation ta make th Portland Jjodg a visit and Vemaln over o a barfqwet. A reply atated that Mr. Tlrow-n would be able to stay la Uvt city nnly a few houre. This morning Ir. McKay telearraphed to Hunamulr nrglng ' Wr. Krown to ' rlinrg his plana and stay longer In this city, ha received no reply to thla "" aa yet. If It latearned. that Mr. Iirown will eona nt Inrremalrr-overt' th-rntmber of tha loral lodge will make- prepare! hma Immediately for-a ' reuaing rtt-epUun tof TODAY'S OVER-11 CEHTS-IS -MOW OFFERED Hop Market Doing Better Under Better Demand and Short- age in Supplies 0REG0NS TWO CENTS ' HIGHER THAN STATES Market Inspector Gets BuayTand v ConfUcateB Large. Number of ' Strawberries Eggs ' Adyanca With Improved Cb1L rraat trt., Mar -JTb arlaclpal ' ft- araa jot Uia Portland wboloul mukaia tnuar Batter "tha a 'He forbooT' Potato aiarket 10c lower. fX. Market inapactor aata oumj. Klfta kicker wltk Utter call. lalle rwumnera com lot faatar. Cb-rr-aoppllee more re alar. "L , 11 Twa rare lamon end two ear cabbage. " Car erantoa anloadad tbls atora lor. - , Mlllfeed prlraa are etralnlnf. . c: . . ' Draaaed ataata boknus absat aae. . Better thaa Zlarea Oasts for Hop,-- -Dealer ar offerinf aa btsk aa MH-a poaatl for bop la tbbi market. -Tbere ar a sambar of order ta from tb eeit arsaad thla anr bat tk acarcltr of aupplle la eaualaf tb few remelatng aoldar ta keep their atorka ander cover la fear of aoca dealer eomlos akwr and Indncuss them to aell araaaa pr-aant nruree. With Ora-na bona aelllnf a bleb aa ioe a pound la tha New Tork aiarkat id pneaa i fereU here caa (tin be ralaad and tba bn-er Bake a rood proflt. Of tb aeoeral alroatkai th Uteet laaua af tb Now - Xork Producer' "Tlirtar of tb Now Tork aiarkat tha pt w. tMi tba krary aauiBC oi aat week baa beta th bear? aelllnc of lOJ DrtM. from inc. for hat would b.ia aoaaMarad low grade bop a few Weak a to. aa-ea-ibr. far a 4U0 bale lot of Oraaoua wbkli -ba tU eoa diet In rta a to th amount of bop bo- mtrwmA (m tk. Mtw Af aaa Fraaalaaa bat aaaairraUra aatimata would b of from (,(Xd to 6.000 balaa. Thla, wltk tba atranf tk that had-oaralopmt hi tba hop aiarkat Juat batora ariaaat -prtoaa auta. nopa ara roi pPrri.i7 blfhar aa tba (radaa laft In irrowara' banda ar of aarr Inferior qoaltty. Sorb aa ara Vaft aia brlnilnr from 8 to lOe par poaad ralllf. la He to 11 He. atork TB-iTa praetleall7 rlranad ap. Tb atnrka w attmaia' kaa mm Am im fmUlnrnlm. ara at 1 11 lotart aa It ha baaa Impoaalhla ta Ct lto eotnmanleatloB with tha wn BMtihna alnaa tba aartlmuaka. Lata laablaa froaa EMto4rPort : a , allKlitly flrmar atarkat tbara In aTatpatlir wit aor. Utata. chofra, par lb .....11 gtata, 1XV1, itniMl to prlDio...; 10 ntata. cooiBHtn to xair. . -a Btata. ' W04.. par lb PacllKi Poaat. 1005.. ghnlra, par In, j. . . ilt Partfle Pnaat, lAOIl. root to prima. ..... 12 Paotflc Coaat. 1905, rotamon to fair, par , ii. - . ParlBc Coaat.. 1904. par t 10 nacvipia mr wit. tUretpla froor Bept.- Receipt aam ttroa laat rear. ....l-.Va.Hi Kxporta TO Kurop lor wre . ""7 Ft port a from Kept. 1 41.21 f.1 porta aan time laat rear..,. B'?22 Import roc week ' Import froai H-ptemher 1.;:..-rr....-e. IT.lia Import aam time lt yr;.-. . . ,TM Tatota Karkat- Tea Cent lowar. , Ith th tott beaTT arrlral"o potatoeoTn tb CaHfornla market -aalaea here are pra tloally 10e per hundred pound lower all around today. OtTerlnr of potato- bar ar still varv liberal but aome of tb beat aeHlcaia ara nearly cleaned up. Br tb trad ta ceaenl It 1 believed that thla decline I only temporarr an8 that better Tlloea will prevail after the eaadltlBBa became more aett Ud. .atorka of onrona aro bow almost too nominal to quota. atarkat Jaapeotar Beta- Bw-V Mr. Sarah A." Evane. eltv market Inaneetor, I busy. At n tiacipaeced moment ah ell'htej alnor rront tret and eonnarated a tare nam- baa- of eratea af Calltorata trwbrrle. - Thee ar aaM to bar beea In a vary bad condition and th trade fully Justine tb action of th official. Of thla. Georre Davenport of Davn- pnrt Brn,. tJb"a houaoth Inapactor eoa- narareci bdoul il. crate - aaya i na ami a were tn very pad moape and th laapector jwat did bar duty.- I m In favor of thla at ail time only reculatloa ehould be even tH-ter. t anr-tba etlitnalor -of -the Mea -of eeeapelltin all Berry (rower to n eleaa boxe. Dirty boxes not- only leak but spoil the fruit and ease lower price to rule. They are a lee to, tb rrowar wao trie to aa them." - - T' Errs Eirbar With Batter Call. Tb f market re H- bibee today aad tb market ta very atlft at the new Urnre with aom dealer aakfant a-arlH -fhrtber1 advance of ' a.1 1 . a.. kmlraaai aBaaaaaaaa aaaaai eBBEfBcrTe SB t-Bfay BB1 a t erf mmmjmaymfmmmmmmmmmfmfifr. Raeatpt are aulta fab- but th boavy buvlnc from the north nd aootk 1 keeplnr atnrka bar vary" well cleaned up. One firm -alone. Mcvjrauoriai-- Hoover, ablpped a full -ar conatettaf of SMI caeca to tha aorth. The fuhire of prlraa look very food.. . Wkllo tbere baa been aome rear of an aval tnebe af barbuafroaa tba aoutb eomlns In tJla direct Ion. torkTr are not out of Una wt'h tb aamand aad all -daalera japoct tball ability to clean op varytmnc that come at Current firurea. Store batter la th only weak feature of the allnatluu -on sreaant of th rack of orrf Id demand, rnce aaKcjooted are therefore nominal. The rbat market retain It fbrmor ton with atork atlll equaling the demand. The protnmed heavy arrival bv sot yet appeared. mcea practically tn aanve. v Dallas Caeambar Coming Taster. Oucumbar from Tb Dalle ar fca better ana. 917 wuar aronna at a aoaea. - Two car of cabbage cam in from tba anotb this morning and found a demand at $..5i3H A car of orange and two ear of "lemons alo Sli wTb IB. Laeal trawhrr1e la better supply price dowa another Se a bos today. California applies tn better shape with price lower. Da me nn tnciaaaiiig on til Is ecouat. : "' Mlllfaeda are la a very firm condition ba count of the heavier call from California. . Bee. ley holder are at rang then In their Idea ! price re ma IB inactive, some advanr expected. rireesad masts are la good arrival today wl h th kccutloa boga. which ara tlU eomng very (lowly. Price . an through tb taarxrt aj asuiit, aa Hv II r kJ g) . . . . J - . la. . Th trad pay th following price ta Front tret. Price paid producer are lose - regular cots mi as Ions : t . SiaJa. near aa real . WHFIAT 'lnb. TOp; red Boaalaa ear; kw. tarn. TOc; valley, . BAKI.ET feed. 28.0i rolled, SS4.S0; botw tee llt n ' " - - - .per cwt. 0ATB Prodocera' price Ra 1 white, f3S.S0: arar. 127.00. FLOtB New as .tern Oreroa pateeita. It nl S i - atralrht. $M9M: asport, W )f? valley, 08: graham, be, (3.o0; whole wheat IS t: rve. line. H0ff be lee. t.T. MILLSTlirra Brea,- f IT 0 per ton; mid dllnra.' Iln.oot ehorta. aou.ry, 2Q.00; elty. ei""". ' n'l1, .1111. . HAT Producers' price Tlaiatbv. 'Willamette valley, faery, glO.OnalU OfM ordinary, T.00 a 00: eaatera Oregon. (14 oogis 06; mixed. i) onO.00: clover. SS.QpO9.00i sTala. tS.ava S.eOt ebeet, . S.eo, ... : Batter. Egg aaf Paoltry, ' BCTTEJl ... rAT r. a b. PoriUnd Sweat cream. lHc: aotir, ISHe. 1 UUTTKB tity creamerr. 9f)r; tmtmlAM-'r.- Snc; or Unary, -lTWe; etore. t8Hlc. . EOtlB N. -1. tmk Oregoa, xandled, la lSc. .. 1 IMBEoa new run ereaaa. Sate. IKri Toung America, lee: cbedilar. I6e: Callfae.1. flata. 13 He. , . . POULT ft TMItH rtlrkeae. mh ee. n fane bens, lac lb: ronatera. ehi iii per lb; etaga, . He per lb; freya, n ner lb: brotlera. 9He Bar tb: darke - tVlTe per H; geese, lie per lb; turkeys B917 perThtrdreed, tic per lb; aquaba, 12.7513 10 aer doe; plseon ' Bar doe. Bop. Weal sad Bid. HOPB Coatr.cta. ISOS araa. -in. . a. JW5 Oregon. 10WUW'. ' (MII. tone elln Vallev. eoaree a. ' .: 1 fine, B.V-; cftrn reo, lSQKie'. 1 eii.tiaiK r.ew. nuifwvif. SntUSBlbaSwaarlBS, ICQ SO eaeai sfeertl THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. -WEDNESDAY SVENING, TvfAY 8,- ISC 1 . : . .1 MARKETS JOURNAUS'DAILY. -TIPS ON MARKETS 4Frnrw Mm - 4 By Bherk, Oaae A Graham. 4 4 Th demand for dressed poul-' 4 try of all klnda oontinuea And 4 4 the supply doea not begin to meet.' e 4. the demand. Every alilpment la 4 picked up oa arrival at prevail - Ing prices and the trade la eon- 4) d tlnually calling f or ' more.- -d The arrivala of veal during the last few days . have been un usually heavy and it le moving slowly at lower prices. -Errs are In good demand and holder ara - asking 1 cent. Receipts are light. ... ' . Hogs. are firm at prices Quoted, snd the supply Js about equal to. ths demand, v- waoi. tBSoOe aarh; aaadltiBj wool, ao4)Ta oaekj bnc wool, tftcttll.OO each. . . TALLOW Prima, par la, IHOafl Me, 1 aea J creaae. 2tHe. r-..t. i. Lrtl l l in Btpk" aa. par ib . BIDES Dr, 1, Id IBa aadTpT ltH ITU par Tb: in kip. Ha. 1, ta It lb. lei drf calf. No. 1. an dec S Iba, lac: aalted bide, leera, aoood, w lb and orar. IOOI: cowa. lUaXOUcl ataea and bulla. auUBd.. Aotlet kP, I a SO Iba, lest ealf. aaaaa. ajaaa ia lba. list Sreea, uaaalted, 1 laaa: culls, lc aer la leaei oraehtdea. aalted. each, f 1 2ft)l.Tb: ry, each, l.OOfJl.SO; t calt blaea, , Xeooej Boat aklB. summon, each, 10fjle: .3or. aca.v Steal rrutts ana vagaaaaiaa.. POTATOES Beat aorted, 0ctlt ler aacki nroducara' price fur car lota, TOc per iwt; ordi nary. T6afcoc; producer' price, tiac ; new po Utoea, &o per lb. -- i .... - ONIONS JobWBg price OrtgaS, No. I, W-SO BS. 00; producers' price. No. 1, 2-60: ho. S, : garlic, 0e-par Ibooloo sere, Je. . FHKKH PKI'lTS Applaa, xx.OOiSi .oranrea, fancy navel, S3.b0; aeedllng. n.Tb; Medtterrso-ean,-S-0i bsnaaaa, be par lb; lemon a, choice. W W per box; fancy. 4.Q0a)4.2S per box; llmaa, Mexican. per 100;. taagerlna. tl.2S; pineapple. Mexican, $4.00f Hawallaa. id.OA; Oregon etrewberrtee, Iba-lb; 1 CaUioruU. ll.S0ttl.TS per crate. f 'l VKisxAnur.n -.urnipe, uvw, iec pw 1 -1 srreta. SdOTbe sack; bta.-socHl.0 pe ck: Oregon ndiabea, De doe; cabbage, CaUfor- aarrats. aack parai. IM1K1 per lb; California Wmatoea, fx.2&; nlpa.; string ttjsc per lb; boaaeradlah. rtlrhokee, - - Toe per rnce " XI WXT)1 1 Tft tail fra noeViel.,Tclleel.1'1 U SO 'r- MB; rsw bay. and Tillamook, 110.06: aeparagne. Cal tfornia, Be per lb! Oregon. b07o . par doa hunches; Walla Wall. fl.ZB per cox; aaiiaab, IHf; sp.nack, .acajei.uu per oox; rreen onion., Oregon IJHe --oases Duncnea; Canfornla cnTOrotH'ra.-JiJa&ljliO doaen. . DBIED rRL'ITn Applea, evaoorete. inn 16c lb; apricot. 13016c par lb: peacbe. 10HJ 13e per lb; aaeka. He per lb Ian: ornnee. SO to 40, THc; H drop .on each titeenrh emai'.cr alae; Ara. , CalUpenta buck. SeTc per rhr-1ell''-wMa aclpat lb: fltet golden. 1 1 1 r - -..L '. Ore earl ea. Bat. Eta. ' - BCOAR Sack baela Cub. $7.08; powderad. IB.P0; fruit granulated, tS.W: dry granulated. 16.80; eonf. A, S.K0; beet gran oU ted, SB.SO; xtra tr- SB bO; golden -Cp- t yeilow, S10; bhla. 10c; H bbla, 25c; axxea, SO d vaaeo oa aack beata, teee SBe aar awt tor ansa, IS daya; stapla, MtQlac par la.- Above nrlcea scutr to sales of leaa tbao tar lota Isxtt aXJasWlJt(cJWvctt I Suctuatton. I HONEY 00 par crate. COPTEB Paekara braada. SIS SB. Ilalt granne. - oa. fT.fle rz nm, mow, u 11 7 , w.w, m j. " , ,w sorted LIvaaoaoL BOB. glT.OOl dairy, boa. fll.Oo; ion. glO.TS: looe. - ais.noj 134. tie nor extra fine. bhla. Se. be. loe. S4.Bn' ft B.sti; aula, ozo ins, e.uueio.uo-, sbcbb, ouv, eoasoc; Liverpool lamp reek, SlB.ftft T ton; (v-Th rock. $7 00; 100a. aa.TS, GRAIN BADS Calcutta. TH. BICE Imperial Japan, No. . Set No. t, IQSHc: New Orleans bead. Tel AJax. Bel fjraota. SH e. ( ' BKAN8 Small -whit. $4.Mrr leeea -white. $4.00: pink. t3.OOt bajoa. sa.00; Lima. a.00; lletlran reda, 4e. - - KI'TB reanuta, xamnoa. se per oj virgiaie. SHtrbH per lb; reaated, RfjaHU per in; eooosButa, SBOaOc per do; waleata. lBtJIOHC par lb; plnanots. lOAlSHe per lh: hickory ante, lOe per lb; cbcatnnta, eastern. ISO He pat lb I Braafl ntk, 14e Per lb; lllbarta, MtllBc per Ibi fancy pecan, 13HJ18V4c; slmoaXs. I4H IBHe. . - Pstnrs, Ooal Otis, Eta. HOPE Pare hlaalla, 14e; etandar. 18H1 alsal, 11c COAI. OIL Teerl of Artrxt Oaeea, tHe par gal: water white. Iron bbm, 14c per sal; wooden. ITc per gal; headlight. ITOnlag. HI H per gai.- OABOLI N B SS-deg, caaea StHe per gal. tree bb'ta Iftc par gaL X. . dec, easaa xc per gaL lroa g. . . BENZI! bbls 1He per TCRP ENTIN la Csae rc per fa:, weooe WHITE LKAle TOB lora. Ta.u liei U naa lota, 8c per lh; waa lota. BHe per lb. ' W1RS NA-IIJx Preaeat baala at S2.flB. LINBKEfl Oily Pare rew, la S-bbl Iota. cl l-hbl lot, 83c; caaea. Be per cal; eenujne kettle, boiled, caeee. 60 per gal; S-bM lot. B4e; 1-hhl lot. SBe per gsl: ground cake, car lota, 130.00 per oa; leas than car Ma. S30.n per ton. - ataata. Thxh aad Prertaiao. ' PBESH MBATb r-ront etreet Beef ataera, 4iS5e per lb; cows,- SrMe per lb; bora,- fancy. Hc: ordinary, Scr poor. T per lb; bolls, t3H per fbivel. r, TJTHe per-lb; nrdlnkir. 4c per Ibr-pooTi-SwBHe-per Ibf mutton, fancy, StjPc par lb; umba, aOlOe. BAMS, BACON, ETC. Port la ad' pack- -tleeelt ha ma. 10 to 1 Iba, 14H per lb; 14 to la lha. 14c per Ibi breaktaat nacon, ln'rtlWHC par lb: n Ionic. 10e per lb: cottage, 10V4 per lh; nnamoxea, iov.e -90 10; amoked, 1 1 c per lb; clear be eke, unamoked. OH per in; mocaa. iic per in; union outte, 10 to IS Iba, aaamoked, Se per lb; amokee. a par lb; clear belllaa, aaaasokad. lie per Ukl smoke. "Iler per lb; eheoldcra, tOHe per . LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10e, 18c per lb; oa, l.IHe per lb: 60 lb tins, 12e per lb; steam icrulerefl. lOe. i3c pea lh; Bay, Hk per lh; comreiand. 10a. 8Hc. CANNED SALeiON Columbia river, 1-Ib tanai I1.S0; t-lb tells. 12.78: fancy; l ib Sate. tl.PO; H-ib fancy oats. rsncy 1-ID ovaas, J.J0 Alaska tell lis. , pink. B6lue: red. S1.S0: aoauaal la. tall, $2.00. FiSB Bock cod, Tc per lb; tonadenK Se per lh; ballbnt. Be per lh; crab. $1.00 awe: doe; trlped baaa, 13H Pr H: catfish, Te'pet lb; aalmon, Columbia river chlnook. Be per. lb; ateelbeade, Tc per lb; herring. Be er lb; aolea, c per lb; ehrlmpe, 10c per lb; perrb. Aa par lb 1 , black cod, Tc per lb; tomcod, To per lb; silver smelt, Tc per lb; lobsters. IB lb; Pr freak mackerel, Se per lb;, crawflab.. it&c do: ehed, 4c per lb; atargeoa, 10c per lb. u IM nam nnoaiwater say, per g.L $tJSi Bark. S8.TB. CLAMS Hardshell, flam, $3.00 ps box. $2,001 01XABT BAVX TATXKEBT. Clearing -Balance , . 1W, 403.07 LIVIEPO0L OBAIB BAXXIT. , - UverpMl, Kay J Official price: " ' . WHEAT.. , - ' ' -'-- - s---- t ie Clo-Oals 1 , - - . . . HVd. Tue Wed. Way v.BavHd SaSHdA Hd July ...... ea TH4 ? H4 BIG SLUMP IN STOCKS -ZTPANrCTuff wall: STREET . r- 44)4 ) '.-'' : J.'. " (Journal Special Service.) ', 4 . New York. May i. Confusion 4 4 reigned auprerae on the atock ' 4 4 exchange thla morning. Bundlea - 4 4 - of atocka war thrown over "Oura 4 Ing tha first few minutes. Ana- 4 4 conda,-teel,-Reading. ' Amalga- y4 mated and Union Pacific were 4 4 among- th most Bctlv. 1 Ana- 4 4 conda opened (S point below thb e 4 high price or the year., it looked 4 - llke an attempt to slash the mar- 4 4 ket, but banking support ap- , 4 pea red snd price rained anarpiy 4 until noon, wRen another brebk'4 4 came. Home issues declined 4 4 lower than at the opening and - 4 th street waa filled with rumors. 4 ',' . Bdward at rarlB. (Journal Special Service.) Paris, May I. King Edward has ar rived for a three days' visit, ' , Prs-1 company : beaua loc; can-1 wniaii ; MnAKEOAilfOODIDEfililllirnil Oil PURSUERS Chicago .Market Closes Rather -Mixed After a Dull Session- Damage Reports Coming. ALL ARE-: LOWER v " -EXCEPT MAY-OPTION July- b-Half to, Five Eighths, Wliil September Is Half Off at Close - Provisions "t Drop Coara .Grains - Slow -r BELATITB WHEAT VALUES. CI OS ' Cloe do I. Wed-Ine.. -1B"8 May $ .TH44 $ .TKI MfJT J .00 "uij .72., to2 ...5-:-.oos Septamber .TT -TSVi .00 Tod if Wheat market ta jOhlcege bad a mixed cone. .Damage reports front tha eeutbweat bad A stiffening effect upoa the May. wbU th fhara lost rapidly . during th aeealoa. At tb closing today there was ao change la tb May. July loot H to k While Beptember closed He under yesterday. The core aiarket was rather quiet and moved today within a-very narrow range. May opened unchanged at TH" nd cloeed anehanged 0 He -op. July opened He lower a...4He. " lost fraction during th trading. vlt closed x,f Oat opened a free tlos off for t July and He lower for th May. At th cloae May was nchuged and July th aame. - "7" - Provlalona bad a abort break. The eaenlug waa blgbar. but email baying forced May Vc Off July closed. Be down. ' nrnciei Quotation py uveroacK, sun e H MESS 'POKE. - ' . " JB.BTH 1B.BTH W.40 18.424 qt.ngn.TTvi i.a v ia.e7i. ll)BIBAIIflSSENT-SIOCK VALUES LOWER GeneralellingCMsesBad Break. In Values Anaconda .; Ten Points Lower. . NET LOSSES. . Amalgamated Erl ... rrt. .IB Metropolltaa , Manhattan ....... SH N. T Central .... H NatloaalJ-iead .... B Northers Paclfle... Southern ' Pacified Jt U. 8. Steel da preferred. .e-vfc Anaconda Loulavlll ...... .u a! H u Missouri Paclfle iMomotlv . .. Federal Smelters fteedlne' . . . .".S Southern Railway. Union Pacts .... 1H Wabash 4 Bmeltar : V . . NET QAISS. Atchlaoa 1 Brooklyn ......... 1 Baltimore lanadlaa St. Faul--.-.-.w-lVa. Woolen . . . . Hock Island Papaaylvaal ..... Ta Thla wis snother day of llqiridatloa tn th New Tork stork market. . Sal war very heavy dor Bur th day. Th oppressing feature eos ttnue t be th selling by tnenraaca oompantaa tntereated tn th Baa rrandaco die aster. Ann- coo (Is mining bsd th largest mm wltk a net decline of 10 points. Fsderal ameltar lost H and Beading common a point today, national Lead la B point under yeaterday. North, rn Pacific- was actively add -and 'dropped nearly B nointa of lta farmer orlc. The salsa war Tee aiKi generally llt'u Late atlvlaa aeat out IT Hiuj Clew from "The- eteeb-starket. beg lna to fael . the Sea Franeiaco die aster more keenly than St Brat anticipated. Following the 0ret ahock there waa natural bracing together for restating It eonaequencea, but th appalling extent of tb calumny became Dor generally know values la a highly Indated market gradually began to yield. It la now aett mi ted by good authorities that tba total destruction of property will sp-proxlmau- -about - $300000.000..- Probably not aor than belt- thla amount, or $100,000,000, will be covered by Insurance; and of tb loasea -whtcxw-wllt bava ta ba paid by tb lusurauce companies" mors tbsa half of tbat aum, aoout America a earn pan tee, tb balance being anatalned br-forelxa eoncerna. Added to the actual Aeetrnrtioa of Dronert wt 11 ba th dleoraanlsa tton and loaa of busln for week' and month to come; last it 1 yet lmpoaaini xa calcu late the reel damage to trade aad Industry resilfflnc- from thla eataatropha." , Official ouotation by Overbeck, Itarr at Cook DESCRIPTION. Ana roads kilning Co.,.. AmaL Copper Co Atchlaon. com... Am. Car St Found., com. Am. Sugar, oonx. Am. Smelter, com,...,. Baltimore ft Ohio, com.. Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, com.. Chi.. MIL' ft St. Paul... Chesapeake ft Ohlar, .. , r 68 H lion, ruei iron, com Erie, 'com , llllnol Central. Louiarille ft Nashville., Metropolitan Street Ry. Manhattan Ry,. . New Tork Ontral.Tr-. rT VtOOlCB ...,. ..m. Iicomotlv . . National Laad.. ....... Cotton Oil............... Pennsylvania Ry P. O., K ft C. Co...... Partlle Mall Steam. Co.. Reading, Com. Bock Island, com. . do preferred Iinutbeni Pact0Cji.A.j.j ?eia ft Pacific ran. foal ft Iron.,,.,, Union Pacific, com...... V. 3. Steel Co. conr. ' do preferred.... wabaab, com...... Frderal Smeltera. Northern Pacific. . - Total Bale f day, 2.4.Vh400 sharee. Call money closed 1404 per cent. MURDEROUS MANIAC AT-1ARGE IN CITY ... i ,f , , ,'-.; Dcclarrfig he has been told by God to slay every person .In the city, of Port land. Charles Goff Is roaming about .tha city this afternoon with Sheriff Word'a deputlea after him. ' A complulnt was aworn to thla morns Ing alleging that Goff waa a raving ma niao and hts liberty a .mnac,s to tha people of Portland. Me was heard from once on th east side, where he fright ened two worn e a Sheriff Word imme diately sent deputlea to look for him, but at a late .hour thla afternoon aia bad not been found. The man who made tha complaint said - that Goff a father. mother and slater are Inmates Of aa In sane- aayiura in th oast. wt (teea paaai , , Open: rllth Kiw. tioee. sh ee7e prlb; Kay...,.. .TSH" ,Tw f .T84 $ 1 .T4 diiothogaekt. T .twh- .ts .vj A'" -" fViRV "-' ' - " : - oats. ";- ' -a- V" i ; :- ;r ; ; ; ; 3M I. .... ...1238 00 H 101 (T4 lO.H j3 ... 87Vt 1! - nn'. 180H 142H 142 loa4 loai loa j.aitj T3 TB4 T 75 man 157 toe ibtu 1BBH ..... ..... 168 H l 43 H 40HI 41 H 30 UHJ UHI ftH lentk ies I38H 140 110 ..... ..... 110 148H BTH; 8S SBH S7H 18H4 W. , 132H 84 ..... ..... S4H BT 87H TS .1 TO tstf l.'Uj 186 00 0 34 117H 11TA 111 114H StHk::::::::: asH 1 asii 1.1ft 86 H 143 142 13SH'll' MH ..... SHH 1044, ..... ..... IMS 1H ..... 10 M . 1 188 lS4t When The Journal Started 7 Hs Campaign Against Ho Bears Prfces Were Nine Cents Under New York Now They Are Two Over LIIIES; Practically Ail Branches of Live -stock Show Good Tone To- .ri- day at the Yards. ! CATTLE IMPROVE. ON.-" ' LIGHTER ARRIVALS Hog Come More" Regiilar I bui th Trade Is Willing to Pay the PrlcA - Providing It Can Scur the Stocka Necessary. ' , '; --Wmtng-TjirtoB- Btectjaida, May ivnijiiei . ';. ... .Hog. ' Cattle. Sbeen. Today Hot ... M 1,002 Week-asw-tTrrv.'iiwuJvr-e.aO' e e a-rT mtm Mont ago S la. .... Tear ago ... -i. ,r r 1,$K0 The cattle market bar began tb show an Im- tronment in the ton. At the moment there 1 quite a fair, demand. Arrivals ar not near so heavy ss the trade bad been tad to expect, but the lower prteee which ruled after 4be an nouncement of. heavy, shipment In thla direc tion, will eftilaln thle Jolly, la tb baying to day th prteee quoted la tb market yea lards y were fully main Mined. , Hog arrivala are much' more liberal today. The tone of the market la very good; Is fact It Is stronger at tie blab price now ruling. Packer eetav willing to pay them provkliUH they eas sec ore a sufficient number. While the recelpu of aheep war very heavy today tha ton of th market waa good. Prlraa at preaeat oeem to meet tb view of tk buy. er and. today, tbere waa no real weakness ap parent 1a the quotation. Today 30 horse ar rrlved tn the yards. " . , Official livestock prteee; " . Hoce 'Bast, eaatera - Ore ana. - Brans BA. blockera and China fata, $446; ateckecs aad lerowre, ei w. Cattle Beat eeater. rireem etae.e as ansa $4 TB; best cowa and heifer. $3.76: light and medium ateer. $3 75; light cowe, S2.T6; stoek- rs and feeders, $3.28: bulla.$l.7a . p ' "f. Ixl'lHi law las $HQ0u. MRS. BONSER SCORES- 1 HER-ABSEMT BROTHER Mra. Mary A. Bonaer filed a rvartttlnn In th county court this afternoon ask ing for ths discharge of John MoQulnn as administrator of the estate of Mra. mrnqriann oeeeaaeo, wd eier-sppolnt- men i in nis steaa Tne poUUoner iF. leges that the administrator, who is her brother, alao a brother of - th . de ceased, went to Alaska soma time ago, leaving the estate in ft bad condition; that he has stored away 1400 worth of furniture; collected rent amounting to ouu ana ass money in Bis possession aaiouoUng-to-gOOTha eatata la aaJd to h. valtteA ae tl AAA - ft. .1 ,1 - 1 to be valued at $6,000. The petitioner further demands that McQulnn be sum moned to appear In court and make an accounting of his manipulations of ths estate flnce.h waia appointed adminis trator. Bd and A. R. Mondenhall ar attorneys for th petitioner. -r Coat BU lCIlloas. Th current number of the Railroad Gasette : contains an extended account of th !m mens : Wabash-Pittsburg tar--mlnal that is being completed under di rection of B. A. Worthlngton, formerly vice-president and general manager of the Harrlman lines In Oregon, now first vice-president and aeneral manarer of the Wabash-Pittsburg Terminal and" th Wheeling at Lake Erie, 'both -Oould properties. - Th total cost at Iba'-wrirk' completed, and under way la fS.05S.000. VARI OIJS -Wlhat Qani: oi!i Do ? Tq entertain your friends in your own home. Are you an accomplished pianist?. Are you a tal ented singer? Are you possessed of great reading or dramatic ability? Probably not. for theser are the exception, not the nile.- Do you erer run a little short of conversation and wish you had some little diversion for those friends you wish to entertain? No doubt you do,' and here is the very thing you have been looking for. . It is a want and a necessity aswelLas a luxury for every , Home and through this' . UNPARAULECED-FREE OFFER- L The Journal is now enabled to toned instruments Ar$7.50 Columbia Graphophone Absolutely FREE ' ' It brings to your home all of these accomplishments you would ao like 'to possess, and It is so simple in construction your little child can easily operate it, This is a reduced reproduction of the 7.50 COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE. ' It cannot be bought for less. MAIL THIS COUPON .TO, rTHE-JOURN AL 7 TODAY or inquire at Columbia Phonograph Co v 371 Washington Street and get in line for one of the graphophones. . , , ' - J, SAYS SIX DIED Of D1PIIUIERIA Committee "Top Initiative"": One '. Hundred"epo'rts on: Disease 7 In Portsmouth."' ' 1 CHARGES HEALTH BOARD V i- WITH RANK NEGLIGENCE ..,m..,---m - 1 , ay a m -try T 1 Assertion Is Made That Whole Faxn- illea Have Been Allowed to Ryn at Large While In Close Contact With Affected Persons ' - . " t The report of a commute of th Initiative On Hundred regarding the diphtheria epidemic in the Portsmouth school had been completed and presented to that body. '.The . committee ' reports that . six deaths bavs occurred in the school during th present epidemic the cases terminating fatally being Ten-year-old-soixot-JAj Fabric ul&30 Haven street; Helen Samuels, aged ; Jaok - McCarthy,- living , at 1619 Ports BMeuth avenues- Harbart .Vsadervall,.. years old, died March It; Rowland Jan son, aged ( years, -died -November 10; Percy. Monahan, aged years, died Da eember 32, after four day lllaeoa In all th commute found there were 2$ caaea of diphtheria -In Portamouthl from October to date. 'The committee found that all tha caaea were- in th - beet- homes of th suburb where sanitary conditions wore good. It also, found that there waa no danger from -the -disposal of the sub. urb'a sewage. - The charge is mad that th epidemic was caused by th neg lect' of the city health -board and the carelessness ' of '"the Portsmouth resi dehta. Th report aaya: - - i ' " ChargaB Wegllgeat Kethods. "No - more negligent methods of qnerentlrte COMlr1 e, itavlaeHl than those fathered by our city heaTthTboard. . In fact there has been . no quarantine and aliala famlllaa baaa ham allnwerl tn run at Igi go . wlills In uluss wutaut wui affected parties. , Th local physicians h'AVS tiad full charge or. tha quarantine and have, -under the circumstances, at tempted to dd the best they could, but wlthoutappoitTonroiBeaJthde partment," i In specifying aom ' of the causes of the spread of ths .contagion and Illus trating tb alleged lax methods of the quarantine officers,' t he eomrnjtta says: frf-lhe-e(llyl laur children wasTaken aTMf tr Tar rir rM. tober with - undoubted diphtheria and died.. Curing the funeral ' the other three children wer -taken -to another part of Portland, where they all Imme diately came down with diphtheria, The first ease in this family was not quar- ..iln.. a. Mnmtd aa. Inktharta "nnnthlrr-t'""r In which a death oo- . - curreo irom wnai was uiagnosea as dlphtbsrio sore- throat stated that a aon It years old was given antitoxin and allowed to continue in school. There waa no quarantine In -thla eas, or fumi gation. Tailed to TuxoJo-, . T "lit another case the mother of sav er -children played in the atreeta with others until complaint waa made. - "One case report that 'the health de partment waa 11 (phoned .aa rural, -times to call and fumigate and that no atten tion. wa paid to tba call for at laast a week. In closing th committee ostisurws th health department and city physician in strong terms: "Ws -tbsrefor censure your health department and through them your olty physicians, on ef whom had tha tamer- ' . ; ' ;v . v . : : - present to each of its readers; old ' "" ' ' - - - ' ' - - - . Witlra Subscription to Tl)is The COLUMBIA QKAPHOPHONE deceived" the ; Highest Award . at the St Louis-World's TC ;.Pair, 1904 Paris Exposition. 1900.. COUPON OF v V- - - s- -''a ...... a. . . . . , . .. , . ,e The Journal, , . . . . . " ; ; r Fifth and Yamhill Streets:V "rv i;- -,. Please send solicitor to my address to explain FREE ' GRAPHOPHONE OFFER. T " r y Name ..... v. .......... , . . . , . . , . . T. Address. . a. FAVORS GRADES IN III SCHOOL Rev.-R. HeMoninger -Talks -to . Convention on. a Composite ; . . . Sunday. School. HUNDRED FROM ALL OVER STATE ATTEND Rev. John M. "Dean,"' In Paper on Christ.-the Master Tetcher, CaUs li Old Prophets IRef oimerBSeverBl ; - Other Addresse.'-:--LlT- JLbout 100 Sunday . school woTker fronr-Bit-ever-the atat have com to . Portland to attend th state eoavantlon. at th first Congregational church. The convention was formerly opened laat night with' A. A. Moras, president of thp tnternationgl executive committee. In th -chair. Rev. R. H. Mohlnger of ClB oUuiatLddressed. the convention on "A Composite Sunday School," smphSlSlTiB-- I th necessity of, grading the .work In . t be Sabbath school for th lam ron , as In th day sohools. Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner 4f-Porla-- Illinois, on of th proralnent International field workers. then aooke witn mrosgn isia rlU.u.11 . . mmm V.1 At lvln. Oft 1 1 Mtfc The strensth -of the.Sundsy school In' Oregon, in th United BUU -and in foreign countries. '.-.. -The session this morning ws an in- -formal one, devotlonala being led by R. R. Steele, state president., Rsv W. C. Merrltt40f -Taooma, led round table conference' on "Ths Sunday School Superintendent.' He should avoid en tertainments, make th Sunday sobool - -grow and look .after atrangeraln th school' and In th ' home, aald Mr. Merrltt Mrs. Brynsr took up th buo Ject," "Lesson Construotlon,'- and said - tn nrst neoessity was material didis knuwlei tlon of maps, pictures and songs waa Important, Th teacher should be sup- tMi belli a gsnsrai ana .apfiririft,, knowlsdgs. of the Bible, be able to give . parallel incidents and passages, quota- , tlons and golden texts, she' asserted. : Rev. John M. Dean gave his first paper ertsa on 'CBTTBg TB Master Teacher," reviewing-tha . old tatamn T and speaking of th old prophets, aa re- . formers. '. . 1 ''ZlZ . Th oountlea Tepresented- atth oon- ; - ventloa ar: - - Muitnomaa, sjiaiaop. Clackmaa.TamhlU.. MarlonTJmBtllla. rPotw; Denten. waahmi Wasco, xajis ana niorrow. gew sOatintr Oompany. Articles of Incorporation of tha Wat -aon Mining company were filed with the county clerk this afternoon. The in- . . corporator are J. Frank Wstson. R. J. v . Jennings and W. T. Mulr. The capital atock ia fl.000.00o-. ity to'Btat that It was not ao bad as ; reported at Portsmouth, but simply a caa f Uad .care." The committee recommends th school children bT closely examined for two or three-weeks and isolated If" Bhowlng-suspldous symptoms; that th floors be swept with sawdust dampened . WltflJllilnfctant; thattheaehool be fumigated -thoroughly one a Weelc, and that th polio and board of health In other ways do their duty ia tb dlatrlot until th danger, la over.-'.- : . ' Though ,tha report la dated May 1, ; another case has been reported - from -Portsmouth .. alnc1 th investigation closed, that of faveter Schumann, who Is dangerously UK in a hospital." " -- and new, one of . these rich- - ' - '.' - - Paper ; ? INQUIRY ' ;t' . . ..... . , ' --rr A'. It . 'it -