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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY: .JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING' MAY-t 2, 1808. 11 ft FOR SALE.REAL ESTATE. 1. Beautiful Lets at Reservoir .- Park For $130 to $150, wild water t erery lot; -. elao (raw ami fruit txcee all orer plat. LOTS AT nr. JOHNS 96x100 Beet.. 1113.00. W also bare lots "- near dryduck, very easy (pram. Thai ' are food Inreetrarnte end will double re mrnnr-ar-nort-tlm."" ; T-- 20 minutes' ride front kcart el 'eltr te iKKAun Ai'iiiinrt; non to union ova. -and along Alberts rarllnr; we bare lots for $tu0 to 200; city wslejL. Bua Tlew, fur $6 eseh aod $6 tar mouth. Bargain 100 acrea, relinquishment. . ta Hoed stiver valley; Una timber,, uiUe-tu sua sewuMii snu raiuvau. COVER BUN, loTVi nrat L Three Special Bargains ;. . ,t " $3,800 60x100,. 8-room house, with sicovs, . u sewing-room, porei'tnin bath, fas and all . modern improvements; I blocks from ear, 2 lines; ' Irvlngioo, . between Thompson and Tillamook; terma If aold this week. Bl.BuO 3 acree, . all If cultivation, new ' ' T T-room house, good barn, caJcken-bouee and . corral, 1 aera (rain, 1 acre strswberrlss, hi v arre of fruit treea, Jersey cow, 8 ml lea from v courthouse, fare on commutstioa llckals about be; must be aold tbla week; Tour own ternni. ;- $800 H sere lu cultivation, a-room bouae, good barn-and wadehed, gsrden and variety " of berrlca, amall orchard with eberrlee, plums, pear and rrapeav finely located Jut eh liken ranch; other acreage adjaoeal tor !;.- sale. -. - Watch theae eolantna avergf vrerk for ear three epaclal bargains; tbey will Include J all kinds and elaaaaa at property, Hotchkiss & Wood 319 AUsky bldg.. Third and Morrison. -'-.4 . . StaJolnis Property FOR BALI CHEAP. 1 lots. 1 Mi block from aostofflce. Tlooklaf river; $360 ver lot. -. 21 lota, 2Va blucka from car line; $250 pat lot. - 1 acre, 900 feat from csrllns; I860. ' . at acrea Bear packing -plant site, $700 per era. s . lota $20 down and $10 per month. - THE HOMB BK0KERAUB WMPiST,- Boom Breedan blx-. Third sad Wathlnftnn. $3.400 Oood S-atory T-room houea, lot tOxlCM reet, eeei race, ciuee ntvunrH vn.t aeveral baarlBC fruit treea; flaw Belfhborhaod; $1.10U caeh. $M00 Good room honaa end BOilOO lot at ' Btewart'a atattou,, Mt. Boott Una; $200 caah. balanca $10 per month. 1 - lota with food a-room honaa, M bearbig fruit treea, nice fardea and lota small fruit; - - f aclnf on a full Improved street aod adjotn r InfHolladay Fark addition; plica $,fiOU; aaey terma; food speculation. Lots en Kaat teth. near llavthena, $8TI aaea, oa Inelallments. B. t. COWUSHAW. -"' -.--- 401 Commercial bMf. BAt-B t raeea aoaee ea Sherman at, ana v block from Union ava, prion $160 4M down . and $10 per month. t-room bouse at Lenta, modern, an Mock from ai Hue, $70 and 110 montli: thk la the beet bay la Portland today. ' Call and aea aa at once for thle anap will not "lent. TUB HOMB BROKRRAOB CO. -Iloorrr-tr Breed" bWC. d at Weeblnftnsi aty, BBABIDB LOTS Cholos lots for summer homes at Beaaifla. KJSglBBN UmUUS.TKI.Ff w. BOUBBS 0!f P0BTLAND HBIOHTB , 7-room houea almost completed, larjrs - grenade, within I blocks of ear line, sa.ow. 1 new boueea. B rooms and beeement, oa ear lloa. $1,000 saeh. at 5.7SO tofethar; ' rented for $116.00 each. ' New cottar. 4 rooms, bath and pantry; South ' Portland. $1,800. - - AMERICAH.JTICSTMBT -TO. PhoM Main 133. .Ki Sherlock" bid. C1TT PBOPBBTT ' $900 New houea SOxSO, S lots BOalM beck. 1 block freaa statloa, on Uount Scott, second tatlon from lent. sua a-nmn heuee an I TofTlXJ "bToVxr Twsro TJnkm see. ear.; will sell an Installments, $10 per month. TUB WASHINGTON ft OREGON BEALTT tt afPANr Sti -Waahlngtea et-r-Boomil PortUndjOr, WBBT BIDB COTTA0B wa sva nne jnui nome a rooms. saay walkinga'ietnnee; modern eonvenlaacee, each aa fas, nof ana coin wnier, seia, okf.; that raa be beafbt fot $B,000uM very easy terms. BAOBafANH ai H LA f CHARD, Bl Plfth St. ACRES No. 1 hud. 1 mtlf from electric line, 10 mllee aaat of Portland! this M No. 1 land. ys- well and eear to iieari mere la no rock or freval. 1 wiu aeiip. iv or w acree at Son per acre car Journal. aawatl eeiy tenne. 108. 0 ACRRS. ez mile aonth of Oreehim: 1J In fins state of cultivation, balanca caa be cleared feedy tor the plow for $10 per acre; lliete are euo pear treea, i years oit; mia Is very fins fruit er potato lead. -Will aell for $1,900 oa easy terma, or will exchange for city property. D Ms, ears . Journal. - s-HOOM bonaa and lot iOilOO. on Hart Hth sW -tat only $8MK It yea want a euap, look this up quick. D ISO, care JournaL WODF.R B-mm bones, well situated on Beat - 4Wk et., between Belmont and Yamhill. l. W. Walker, owner, oa preaileea Income $9,100 per year: paya per cent on $.'lo000; this property should treble in value . In the next 10 years, belna better security than -any bank, and three times better than . loanlna roooey on reel eatate. ' ' Mrs: ' Bounds, StiilH Stanton, aorner Oooameretal, Alblaa. I BOILD honaes, eaey paymente; lota fnrnlahed If desired. Miller, BIS Commercial bldg. ' --16 ACRBS near slectrlc 'csrllns 'snd station; -' H fenced, county road on- S sides; can he swa m Trman irectaTgTewaoii. tnr aravei; will divide; this sereage Is finely locaiea end very cneap; ii.imj: verms. W. J. DAT at CO., - 10BH Fourth St., Room M. POft BALB Along the north hank retimed, a lares Hat of farms, orchards, sawmills snd bualneaa property. Inqnlre of D. W. Hutch Srlnaou Co . Wssbongsl. Vaah. IT TOO -want to build, buy- sB your materials at the" Amerlran InnF you will save TS per cnt: " fine doors.- windows, - plaster hoaMa, - rustic or siding, flooring, stairs, ttsabar aad lamber. - Phone awner. Padfle 107s. . I HATi r few B-eera traeta of very fins land, very eeey to clear; '0 mllee east of Portland, snd only ons mils from O. W. P. electric linn that 1 will sell st from' I W) to $75 per sera, oa very saay terms.; Addreee V 14, . cars Journal. - . FOB SALB A A BARGAIN ' A flne atocK retire, containing about ! 0 seres; sll under fence; situated neer Roee. berg, Oregon,! on S. P. R. R.I this Is one at the beet stork ranees In the county I slee bare another good stock rsngs containing 1.490 acres, which will be sold at a very low prices Pot srirtlctilars address J. B. Bather lin, owner.' Roeebarg, Oregoa. tOH BALB At a bargain, by the owner, B-room cottare, with all modern ImprovementOr with or without furniture) fmlt and flowers; be tween S eer llnee; corner B. Thlrtg-slxth and - Tjlor. Phone Bast 61 Tl. t IKOM modern residence, Bast Ash, In walking - distance, largs lot) 10-room very modern reel ' ' " ' dence. North Ninth snd Hsleey, HoUaday's f s.l.lltloo. ftl.OOO; terme.C. W. PaUstt, $04 ronton bldg. ;NTIL May 1, fins full S-story T-room bones, good barn. 9 lots, with fruit. .$1,800; well worth $1,800. Owner, $9 Hart are., hi on ta villa. BKI.LWOOD LBrn. $S down and IS a month! from- $7 -to- $900. Bellwnod -Townelte Co, H. P. Palmer, menager. Phena Beet 4704. $ ROOM modern houea. Beat Sixth St., close In, . eaey walking dlstaue. Inqulra 407 Haw , tboras ava. .. .. . $1,6001)4 ACRRB near Piedmont, cleared aad . elgbtly. Call 107 H Third st. .JO ACRBS, H clesred. neaf f).""W. p. earltne, : only T miles out; good laud; only $150 sore. Call lOT Third at. ;HAVB you hones for rsntT If so, Ust It with na. we ess rent It st ones. Kaat Bids Real Batata Co., 407 Hawthorne) ava. BOB SAI.B No. $21, cor. of Clay and 19th ate., Portland, Oregon: no agents. Daniel Qgby, '.. Vascouver, Wsahlhgtoa. TODAT Is the time to select your lots la Pied mont; tomorrow you may find them taken, . IXVKSTJtEHT CO;, . -914 Htsrk st. . Main BT1. 00 toda and sea that kMutlful B-rnom hones on L'nsm are. moaern re every wey, tnc lad ing fireplace. Sad rrcblf tinted: aaay terma. Sea owner today. B63 Oalou ava, N. Phoa Bast 946S. , v , - - -" . FOR SALB Painted beaee,' 9 lota. $460; terms. fractional lota. hiHiae fem, ni, . . ?: j sere, good houea, et.Huu; terms. J. Mm from $16 nn: terma. ,W. t, PaUCB, lffjpi rirst Bt, eUerd U jFOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOB SALB. , B-room .houss ait feuriaaa St., ene block , from i, Union are., nearly new; price $76u, Jh dawu Sbd $10 per awuih; best buy lu dt, ' . HAMPTON. HtiBLUKRT CO., ' . Roon V, Breedcn bldg., Third sad Oak sts., Purllaiiu. Oregua. NET 4-raom honse on the O. W. P, A Ry. vea aw a V 1 TfJ AUUU sa ARB Jem thinking of building a homsf The . beet feeturea ere none too good, are tlieyl Then eea Piedmont, the choloest realdenea tract In the city; take the Bt. Jobna. Wood lawn or U car. . Lorn $3u0, $oo, $M0; sash or Installmaat. SB o $3X)00 MODERN snd flrst-elass S-rnom bones on Bast Morraaoa et full lot. Call 101 a 'lhlrd at. . ' ONE acre, magnificent loeatloa; new t-romn boom, al plaeured, cement eellar end out bullillnca: eioee to 10-room school at Lenta. t' be fere to any part of fort land; price only f 1,076, on terma; extra bargain. 0. R. Adul- POSITIVELY do not bay a place for a borne till you aea Piedmont; an hour's time and -carfare will ha repaid -you -a hundred fold ' whether you buy or not; St. Jrihaa, Wood Jaws ,.or . U car every B to 4 minutes. Second and Wasblngtoa sts. MIX lot on Tillamook with cement walk for $N30. Phone Main 40. Sty -ACRES an small honse, 1 arre email fruit; good loeatloa; Montavllla. frank A. . WlUsrd. rbona Best 4124 v $ Hsndasms bogle, brand new,, well, ar ranged, all modern. Improvements, Bns cor- ' ner. -Ninth snd Schuyler, Hoiladny's addt--tloef-eeat bny en market st price. 9ug Fourth, PbonV Pari no S196, .or Mala HMO. . . $1,960 Nice sew 4-roum eottsgst hath, fas and electric lights, Mable street be weea Hamilton ava. and cVymour, 1 block . 'from 8 ear aad school. South Portland; terms. Inquire 30B fourth, phone) Paclas 9124.. Beeldence, Mala 8MM. S-ROOM borne, near cerltne, $1,290; vary saay terms. $19 - Commercial bik. $6.t0(W$-room houee. attic full cement baee- meet, bath, pantry, sink, etatlonary tubs, water boiler. 9 Breplaeee, furaeoe, ge and electricity, lighting Dxtures. By aoreena and tot 100x100 feet, oa sootbesst aorner Baa cock aad Bast 24tb sts. : eaar terms. . . -- - B. Mi. liOUBARD, ' :J-r- 814 Chamber of Commares. H0DEBN S-roam bouse; 'fruit, gsrdeu sad chicken-yard; can't he beat tor the price. 7 Peclfle 1349. ' . CORNER lot oa East Btark, With rood T-roora houss. 111 be sold for $2,100 U Uk Uksu this week. Pattsrsoo, meat St. , - Stewart, . lOuO, Bel- PINB farm af B ecreet Bua hteetlon. near ear, fur platting or home; good soil, 6 -room bonaa and barn, some fruit: can be bad for $6,000, Pattereoa - Stewart, 1000 Belmont St. HOCSB of T rooms, lot 60x100, Just east ti Bnnnrstdei caah offer lefuasd. Address D 119, Journal. OOOD room bonaa and 100x128 feet at rreuBd, . well retired uuxjruL-A -fornsr close . In 1 i . siett-M... j.jine tx jiua. .tooa.jxiiUMfani' 15 seres land on the O.'-W. P. railway, station on the land: $100 per sera. mt peer peyirte cnicaen ranea in ine cwidtj "Tor the right party J-weir-lmprovedy-' CltX-llHUll ea waatto buraTaoosriehUnt aonahla ptlta ros ossa, or on -assy lnsiau- mente, come and aea our ust; wa nave sous bargains. " OBDNDT-MBLBATH CO. -A- , 9464 Morrlsou St. P0R SALB Sti lots In Richmond. S blocks from car, email bouse af S rooms, city water, gtrd4, young fruit trees; price reasonable; terme easy. B Mjerer 1164 Ellsworth st. aad SBta. - Phone Union TIT. NEW 4-room house,- 1H blocks ' rarllne;u food atone foundation, sidewalks laid, street mads; ' for $060. $200 down, balance easy terms, Z ' w. J. DAT C0 185 fourth St., Room M. " rom BAt.n rRUAP a sad Toom bane est era; pert cash. $70 OarflVld ava. Take Woodlawa car. Phone Bsst B64L It Piedmont rnts cell an- aleln RTV or Enron ksb. Lots tsoo. mm -saw wnm. wo-wi, heln von balld: eaar terms.- tavestment Co. U Btarfc. ' BOB SALB 0a Hsrrlsoa at., between Sixth and Seventh sts.. lor 28x60; price $3,200, ' cash. Apply at B3 Front St. TOH should aea the etlr ta Piedmont Iota. I wonder why. Bra Piedmont and yon will know. ' Lota tiu, seuu ana fouu; use nt. jonns. wooaiswn or u car J Waahlngtou and Second stSiJl,, FOR SALE FARMS.- CUOICB BUYS . $7,000 84 acrea, 10 miles east of Ttn couver, 1 mils from Columbls rrver: 60. seres cleared, 40 seres slashed, ssltly cleared; sH T level, sll fenced, amall creek. R- P. D.. H. mile to school, 9 miles to boatlandlng. new B-room bouse, new bsrn BOxHO, 3 seres vs- " Tlety orchard, on good graveled road, -19 cowsrwlll glv tertaa. '" sz.auu u scree, is mties soninweat ox Portlands B miles from Beavertont In Ana etate of rultlratlon. balance eaally -cleared; all level, fenced and cross-fsnced, new bones 16x30, good barn Soxaft, ether outbuildings; $ eows. 1 hog, -40 sacks spoils, soms shlrhens, some farm ImpUmanta, line Sowing crop, beet of soil, family orchard; is Is a Bns place; the best buy In Oregon) Will give terme; guaranteed as advertleed. ' $.1,200 46 scree, B miles north of Vsn tourer ; 80 acres cleared; sums' timber balance pasture; all fenced and cross-fsnced, 1-ecory hoosa la good shsps, good barn, S seres first-class orchard, mostly - spples. S years old, full bearing;' 1 team, weighs f.400 lbs. 1 pony, new wsgon and harness, new mower mnA rata, new dlae olowa. harrows, cultl- vstor, sll new; 4 hogs, chickens, S cows. S -earvaa-. soms lewsehuld fwrnltnrei Hi K , D. tollirto echoot. l4-nrllee to rsllrosd ate. tlon; thle-ta a beautiful boms; Investigate this; terms. $1.600 160 acres, U miles north of Ysu couver, .miles from good country town, m miles from rsllrosd station, Va mile to good school; 13 acres clesred, 1 acre orchard, 25 seres elssbed snd, aeedrd. 00 seres level, good black soil, aih sad viae- aw pie, easily clesred, so big stnmpa, 80 scree good ssw timber., near sawmill, county road on 9 sides place; 1$ caah. iialance 8 years at per cent, or will trsds for city pmperty. 1M scree, 16 miles from Vancouver, tnlles from rsllrosd; best at black loam soil. kcreea inn . Htua., w ,, snap; 16 acres cleared, 40 acres saally cleared, TUB WASHINGTON OREGON" RBALTT COMPANT. B$U Washington st.. Room 19, Portland, Oregon," snd $00 Matn st., Tsncoaver, Washington. TO H0MESKBKBB8 ' - For sale, aa ileal name,' wirn a u-scrs prune orchard, at Myrtle Creek, Donglae county; fire mlnutea' walk from poatofflce school and ehurchee. 8. P. R. B. Address B. C Myrtle Creek, Of. . .. - 110 ACBES, 99 Cleared, soma beaverdam, bonaa. barn, orchard, 9 ereeke; 10 mllee west- af. ' Portland. Wlngreu, Beavertou, routs 9. PA RMS 300 farms for sale, fmm 1 acre up. Bee us before buying. Bsst Bids Real Batata Co., 407 Hawthorne ava. STAMP brings Btt-nage catalogue ' of eon n try . lands. Burr-Paddnn Co., 860 Broadway, Oak land. Cel. - B0T1CB to Hotneseekert snd Investors I bars Choice wneat farms, in targe or email tracts, In ths now famous Eight-Mile country, In Morrow county, a district where failure wss never knesrn, where you esn bny a home at a reasonable price, oa eesv terms, which will -Isnaks you fromlM-to 25 per cent ou your ' lnveetment. ' . I have also some, vary choice stock farma, rbsap. You will do yoareelvee an Injoatlca If you -buy elaewbers without Investigating this section of Oregon. Addreaa - - " M0SB AKfTBAUUU. ' i ' Real Betate. ' .. Blght-Mlla, Morrow County, Oregon. $40 PER ACRE 126 seres, fins fruit farm, lu xsmnui county, wsu lmrtrovra; nnuae, para - and fruit dryer; good place tor stock; run ning water; 9S ucree cleared, BO In various : kinds of fruit; plenty of wood: rural, malt er ohone. A bsrgala If sold aoou. . PhoM' awner. East 1787, OOOD elesa stork of general merchsndlea, will Invoice about Irt.OOO. for aale; or will trade for good tillable land; make us sn offer. - Addreee Lock Bos No. 80, Bllverton, Or. 1BH ACRES IN PAST1TRB Johnanu creek runs through It. At Sycamore St., an O. W. P. car Hue.. $100 par acre. -211 Allaky-Bldg. Hebaa Taggsrt.- ...... A BARGAIN 80 scree, well Improved, $2,6O0; 94 mllea from Kstaeada. Sea ewaer, 98i Columbia St. . " , $40 PfH ACRE 126 acres, Bns fruit farm. In , Yamhltl county, well Improved; bouae, bsrn snd frulldryer: good place for stock; run. '.ltliig water;. $o seres cleared. SO In various kinds of fruit; plenty of wood; rural mall or phone; a bargain If aold aeon. Call TO Jexst aistft st strife, FOR SALE FARMS. T - 7 A. PINB 100-ecrs ranch oa the Tualatin river. 18 miles from the slty of Portland; a good I n-rooui house, pores, snd pantry, eiuokeuouae, wtxKlhouae, $ larga barns, erchsrd. Bv', acres ander cultlvsthm, belauca nearly all cleared, $ ecrea beaterdsm lend; lays oa good county . rosdr-R. '. U. st the door. IS mllee trout good sturs, 24 miles to rsllmsdl good teaut - sf aorsee. bsrnsss snd wagons snd hack, goats, cows, hoes snd sll farming luipiev ; tuauta; pries $.000; oa tsrms It needed. . A rood boalnasa and bal1dlnea In a rood buelueee locality, T miles from ths city, on fine road and crossroad, eonaletlng Of combi nation atorshouea and residence, B llvlul ruoma and closets, large perchea Bront and - bark, good wall of water sn bark porch, fuod brick caller, good barn, chlckea-beusa and corral. $ full kite all In good bearing fruit, . oilhouse sod tank, and good stock of goods snd groceries; reasoa for selling, not sble ' to sttend to ths business; If sold at saos . price $a.aOA, . - ' A good B-room modern house sis full lot 60x100, nlcs set ta rosebnahee In the froul. ww. i neat I IV J v .. v.wv." 93d and 23d; pries $000; tsrms If sold UUU.B. . BO acres, flrst-clsas lsnd, 23 to 8.1' acrea under cult Ira I loo, 9 good orcbards, acre - la. flua gudea with pltket fence... agoud B-raoia huuee, 9 porcfaea, fireplace, a fair bam, machinery shed, small sliop, wood bouse, milk bouae, cblrkeu-bouaa with 1 sere of chlekea corral, ever-running. water through It, place fenced aad cross-fsnced, good spring st houss with pump la It, running water at . bsrn, span horses, harness and new Mitchell wagon, g head cows. 9 betters, , chickens,' snd sll Beoesasry tools suck as .-.' vh www Ul.'uaa ."., vh milk route; R. P, P. mall snd phone fat tb . nouss; H mus to school,: XVk mllee rrsta tus beat store In ths county and 81 miles from " Portland; $3,000, terms J "r " 40 acres, 20. acres creek bottom, 10 acres cleared, a fair 4 mom bouse, bara and other buildings, small family orchard, good well 'water st bouse snd fins creek through tus place, 600,000 feet yellow pins en the north aids creek; on s good county road, V, mils to good school,' elose to sawmill. B mllea from good store snd creamery; price $1,000. eO acres sdjoinlng this pases, 17 seres la eulttve- - tlon. a good frame houss snd barn and other buildings, good bearing orchard; , mfls to school, lt miles to Lewis rivers price $1,300) would take city property In- part. ... -..- 9 lots and bolldlnga fronting Water St.) er exUnds ta First st.) $10,000) terms. A full Hot 100 corner lot with a modem up-to-date B-room house, cement sidewalk a, .'an Hawthorns ava. Prtca $3,000. -' 9 MclOO lot an Water gad Pront sts., with buildings; greet future. $16,000, -.. .T ay BSPBT " Hamilton bldg.. Third St., 'bst. Alder sad Washington.- z-l)aiy'-and.-Fam - 100 acres, B miles north f Newberg) BB . aryea under culUvetlou, 26 acres pasturs, red ehot loam soil, smsll creek beads on the place; 1,800 fruit treea, ouO In full bear- Into the bouse, snout S scree la creek bot- " torn; houee, barn and other outbuildings! uis place la a monsy-msasr. rrm ae. ivu. L IMjso 2 LOcATlcvtiinfT?" "acrea under cultivation. U6 llfni umoer, spnna; on place ana wiw pttpw to the houee. email orchard In fair condition. good outrangs tor cattle, new houee and barn, team, 6 cows, 10 bogs snd all farm lmpla- toata- ge with ut Blase, jruca $ : I BBT tt, liuuili Uudi miles aonth from Clatakanls, Columbia county) SO acree hBdert fence end IB acrea In cultivation, hi oesr- - Ing fruit tress, good we tar, on eouaty road, good outrange for cattle, near transportstlou snd onlya., short dletaace frosa Portland. -.rlce $ par acrs. - 8U acres. In Clarke eounty,. T mllea front Camss; BO seres under fence and IB acrea ander cultivation, creek eroseee the place, spring st ths bouse, soma fruit In full bear- - Ing. smsll bouse and bsrn and outbuildings. ' teem, wsgon, hsrasas, 14 heed cattle (6 cows and $ young), separator and all farm Imple ments sad tools go with the place. Price " $3 ooo. ' " ' r 1 . 89 acres. In- Marlon county, T miles from I Salem; SO scree under cultivation, 11 acrea orchard from 1 to 4 yssrs old. sll lu rood ' condition, B-room honse. barn 40x7A,- fruit. - dryer and other outbuildings. Psiee 4,800. - 1 seres In Clarke conn if, 1 mile north of LaOnter; 20 scree under culUrarlon. JDO acres tninis,T-aera In bearing orchard.-15 seres pasturs land, well and spring on 'blscs, smsll houee, good bsrn aad outbuildings, "'"lAWOILLB RAND. -T - T8 Sixth at . Land ' For..Salc - IN CLACKAMAS CO U NTT. . 828 Aerss 140 cultivated, all fenced: 4 " teres in food orchard, good hone and hern, aa county road; $117.80 per acre; ana balf cash, balance 6 per cent, v 41tt -Acree l'i mllee seat ef Canby, oa county road; 2 " acres cultivated, B acres - slssbed. - 80 fruit Uses, living water, fair buildings: $8,000. . iSTmm 40, Acres S miles from Oregoa City; 98 acrea cultivated and la grain, 10 seres slashed, 6 scree la good timber, fslr build ings, living wstsr, 9 eowe, 1 horse, small Iwagon snd sll fsrmlng Implements; $3,600. a., a .... 9Q gcres cultivated, 4 gtles from Oregon City, living water, no bultdlngsr $2,400; $1,000 down, balanca. S per ccnL . 81 Acree St miles from Oregoa City, S acres cultivated; 90 acrea slashed, smsll - houee and bam, good orchard; $2,000; ons v half down, balance B per cent. - 88 Acree g mllea from Oregon City, 12 4CT"rn" Cls8rJ(" "0" "tVCT'Juf' lnushslaa---Jf0ne4--snHI BnBsl bsrn. Uvlog water; $9,400. l(4 Acree 6 scree - cultivated. 10 ores slssbed. bslancs brush snd timber, all ..feared, no buildings; price $1,860. ' Also a large number ef Improved farms, ' located In various parts of ths county. : Other farm and timber lend for sale, t. 0BEGON CITY TBI 'ST CO.. Gsrds Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon. 1 house and all necesssry buildings, - well scrus uregg rsspbef flegrB seres sirs w bet Mas. ISO prune treea, appiea, no tsrtiei pearei every thing nicely srranged; fine home very cbcapi terms can ba had. - OTTO CROCK BTT, 946H Waahlngten at. . , ACBBAOB PQB 6 A IB 6 acres, 1 -mtW from Isntat good sort aad - on county road, close ta school and csrllns; -$160-per acra terma. . - . . .. csrllns runs through place end station on .tract; sultabls for poultry; $200 per sors; - part essh. ,t . '.m 11,310 S acres, t miles east of Lee tat good 4-room bonaa and bara, good well and pump la name; no rock or gravvl; creek runs " through piece; terme, ' , uirouga g pJM KTT.B0BN, ; Lenta, Oregon. st ssrss. s nuia. uoia mho, vh m- FARM TOR BALB 10 acre, good building. go acrea under cultivation, fruit and berries, splendid wster, neer town, dally mall; 1.000.. 000 feet of floe pine saw timber, lots wood; a lovely borne In the most delightful clime te - On the Taclflc enait. Addrsss Q. B bog 11T. Woodvills. Or. ' -, FOR SALE TIMBER. Ws bsve caah buyers for Tsrgs sad eiasTI traeta of good timber In Oregon Washington Phone Main 8308.. S1T-18 Fenton bldg. IS SECTIONS of good timber lend, nearly alt . In oue body,' cruise about 8,000.000 feet per utTter, Besf tiuewstst, a im uiisstmsnt, in M.ea Xnaraal ! M HOMBSTBAD snd timber elslm rsllnqril aV1!' IS atOl nWJg dlSulS Ift -awrsaaT4a4sWBjV-ssWas lab- toiev -- FOB WAI.B " - 320- seres timber lend. 10,000.000 feet e ou doellng ITfesmrT STISPT-Baoo. Must tw sold tbla week. Call 816 Marquam bulMlng. Ie- TetiLOiii CBRT1FISD scrip, sny slss " bleceSJ- lowest prices. W. . Howell, $88 Chamber eg fissa. merce. - TO EXCHANQE. FOR TRADE Good hotel In smsll towut good 'tent -and buggy; bit for bathtub snd tank; 10 seres unimproved lend: wbst bars fsu4 W. i. Pries. IdHs first st room 19. SPOT CASH. v Pot furniture end bouasliold jrwda. pnONB MAIN MM. 14 INCH STBF.I. BEAM PLOW, with -wheel and colter; never bee seed: worth $1$; will sell for $10. Good single asrness, $8. 10 acres with 2.60V,iv feet yellow pine, la " good locality; 1 mil from good tonai will exchange for veetdeuee in Portland. Pfeaa - ataat Silt, Bl$ JUst Magrtaon, SJs . ,TO EXCHANGE. FOR BXCUANGB Modern nousa for acreage. Cell 107 s Third at. BAVB you any reel eetsta to exchange for flrat-cUa Interest hearing ascurlllesT If so $8.000 Equity In farm that will double In value la two years. To sichaiixa for Port land property,, Room 18 Lafayette bldg. LAl'NOH to eaehengo for hrt,-varna $800. qulre at 613 McKay bldg. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. BBOoE-VooBf siwi Branch, Montana. will sell TB atrlctly uret-elaea trultlng bred roadstsrs, actors, speedy borsss. car riers teems snd business borstal, broken . slnsler and double, by per for ml ug end. pro ducing sires our ef mares that ere per- ., t omwrs, producers, etc., st public aale te tee mgnesx Didder . st ths irviugton rrsca. eommeseiagst 10 o'clock today. 0. X. V- BAT boras, weighs L400 ths.-; sound.' good worksr; prfcu $Ho. Tf brown mare, weighs 1.2011 lbs., price $00. 1 farm team, neer har ness, price $126. 1 brows farm boras, price $40. CsU 24 North; Uth. st ' 836 BOAD wsjroa, elinoat new. Inquire gro cery. corner Beet Ankeny at. snd Ursnd sre. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. DO YOU WANT TO BUT A PlANOt All I bars ssved out of ths Baa Francisco Brs Is . a fine aprlght piano; will sell ressonabls and will take pert caah, part trsds for household foods In good sondltlon. Addrsss D 110, cars JournaL .... .:....'.' BILLlARir AND POOL Ublas for- sent .or for sals sn ssay payments. ' TUB BBUNBWICK-BALRB COLLENDEB CO. . 4 Third st,. PortUnd. ; . FOR SALB OR RENT NEW AND BKCOND HAND BBWINO MACHINES. STANDARD SBWINO MACHINE A.0KN0I. B. O. JON KB, 980 YAMHILL ST. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged at ths Old Book Store, 228 Yamhill eC. WB need furniture and will pay foH value. Phone Pecltte 70S. Western Salvags Co., " 827 WsshlngtoB St. " ' " WESTERN OREGON MINING MILLING CO. beedqusrtere; etork for ssls ssd Information at .908 First sc. Phono MalnJdSB. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES msds- ts order! second-bend goods -tor ssls. Carlson e K all Strom, 2H Couch St. Phone Clay ST1. SHOW essss, counters, fixtures bought, sold or sxchsnged. Weatera Sslvag Co-. B2T Wash ington St. PaolBe 79S. WB print your nsms aa 80 celling cards, proper alas sod style, 86c 2A0 buslnsse cards. 1 1. A. W. Sehmsla Co., 93B Flret, Portlead. Or. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB- -Bur curs teg - rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. ... FOR BALK. Second-band uprlrht boiler, salt. sbls foe woodaaw. Boater at niriasr. , gma aod Everett eta. FOB SALE Port able SB. P- "It1" ' rott, Iswyerrd-Mulker trtdr- CNCBUAL opportunity to eecure dividend-paying stock worth $460 for $10u) If taken at once; investigate. Lecu box si, city. - PBBB 3, QUO shares stockQlst pay dtvldeadaj kle n,, wllk .w.r. Sinn, worth ffttaraHTSedl B per emt gis( metfge bonrls hniightfjgm us oeiure aaay iu. iw. itt FOB SALB New 6x7 pool tsbla for $1301 bara to aeU at one. 308 Alder St. - 4 EILEQS PIANO eertlflcste 366: ' will sell at a bargain. Inquire at 408) Ciay et. - . . MOVINB-PICTURB machlaea. films, gaa -ufc4r fits, pnonogrspbs, soof siiaes, eoia. oougnt. rentea ana exchanged. - Hws Blxth at. FOB SALE No. I freah Jersey milch cow, with er without calf. 1004 Mllwaukla 'ava. Sell wood car to Grafton Grove. tL'RiELKa for sale, elnthlnn- and ihoea. Front St., between Morrison and TamhllL 1,100 FBET No. B standard pipe, practically new; will sail for 80c per foot If caeh propo- altloo. H. Bards A Bon. wnoleeaie junk dealer,' Eighth and OHsan wta. 800 FEET No. 8 stsndsrd f1n.-aood aa aew. M. Barde A Bon, wholasal junk dealers, fight h rid fillisn sta. ' - BAILING ysrht for sale, cheep; complete. Ad dress B 123, care Journal. '.; or phone Main $800 BUYS food little dairy! 99 cows, food lo cation, cioaa to city; goon reasons I or eeu Ing. Pnona Main' CdhS. SEVERAL dosen kens for sale. D. H. Watson, msln station, . Woodstock. 40 POt NHS alfalfa seed for ssls st 884 - Cornett-ut. HOUSEHOLD goods and bed.! Ing fof sale ebsap at 200 Russell st, upstairs. , - 7 PERSONAL. TPS WADS COBSBT, 08tt Uorrlaon; best - made. - , TBS, Palm Tablet mek yea sleep perfectly! - they cure nervoueneee ssd raaks you strong; . pries 80s a box, 8 boxes $2.60; guaranteed. - All drvnrgletsv er address Brews Drug Co, B7 North Third St.. Portland. Oregon. MMB ANNA LCCKET AJtD MRS.' bTwOLFB, sols sgents for Mme. Grahams Hydrs-Vsc treatment snd bust developer. This Is ths most scientific treatment for removing , wrinkles snd facial blemishes: alas for bast development. No need of bevlng wrinkles sny more. Patients received, with board and treatment. Full 11ns of baths. Satisfaction - guaranteed. Testimonials from - leading tihysleisns. IS Xsngs Hotel, Sixth aad Washington BtJhTbon Jsin2ylL BALM OF FIGS for all female dlnasss. , B98 Beat Belmont. Phone Beat 408. CITS pressed while yon - wait. 80c. Ladles' skirts pressed. 60c. Gilbert, 10814 Blxth it, asxt ta Quells. Phnse paeifla aosS. DR. WORl.Et BENJAMIN, the Poot Spedallet. MOV, Washington at. Hoou 804. Sore feet mad sound.- , . . BINO CHOONO. Importer of Cllness root medl. clnee; sella Chinees tea tost la certs In cure - for ell dleeaaea. 101 Second bet, Ygmhlll and Taylor, DBTCCTTFB AGENCY Confidential tnveetl. fettonsi reports made on sny Individual bart. gees or property: missing relatlvee located; bed debts collected; charges reaeonehle:' env. reepondence solicited. Oregon Detective Service, offices 814-818 Columbia bldg., 80S Wsahlngtos st. . Phone Mala 8818. . BACKACTIB end kidney, er Madder dlaeaaes r cured with Oregon herbs; trial sis for 10s la stamp. Plommsr. 90 Third at. WBT FRET ars dsngemus., Wsbfoot blacking la absolutely waterproof. MANLT vigor lestuiod by Dr. Roberts Nsrv Olobules. Oae month's trestment. $9: $ asoethe, $S sent eeenrely eesled by msIL Ageata, Woods rd, Clarke A C. Portland. Or. ANT man or vnais run ba strong and happy : bv aslne flevln PMla the eeeaC tonic: Dries L $T s bog. f boxes $5. with full gsersstes. aoorees or can . j. a- iiemeneon. uruss1". asr.. Besond aad Yamhill sta.. Portland. Or. BTOff-OBADB portraits: epeclal offer for few - days; cabinet else, cards or folders, 18 for $8; duality and work the beet. D- M. , itevens, 80S Ooodnesgbr bldg Fifth-' aad TamhllL . HOLDEN'S RHEI'MATIO CURB Burs curs for - rbeomstutn.- Bold if '"str druggists. 1 LADIES' Turkish baths, maaaaga, - bydrlstrt parlors: strletlr flrst-class Place for ladtea '"'"j iota aad iTt sta.- TURKISH BATHS, soft Oregnntaa bMg.j Isdles dsys. gentlemen nights. Mais 18-TH. DR. O. KRTCHUM cures promptly privets Siessss, kldnsy, nervous, akin snd . special nals troubles. Call or write. Office 170t ltd at., eor. Tsmhlll. Pitop Psclflc 2220. DR. M. T. COLB, 848 Bast 82d st.t maternity easee; dlae a aea of woman, i'hos Tabor 111, THB BTEWABT LINDELL PARLORS, room in, Iinga hotel, Blxth snd Wsahtaatoaremovs all facial blemlshee; expert electrolyele, maulcor Ing, ahampoong. glectre face end scalp -mast's 1 moles ami warts removed. Tel. Mala BUT. . - . FORBIDDEN. FRUIT, "A.Oey Lotharto." "Story of a Blsve," Psnsy 'Bill."' "Agnes, " "WomJo of Fir," 80c each: lists free. A. W. Schmala C.'92B First st. OJSBABEB OP WOMEN sswesasfully tree red) maternity eassg esred for, private koapltall trained nnrsss! eonsaltstlou rrea. l)r. At wood. SAOVt ' Morrison St. room S. Phou Hood $36. . MABBT If suited: join aur aocletyi w ha s hundreds of msmhers whs wish to marrrl niany atllfe. M BosagLblQaV , .... PERSONALV- SCHOOL, book a and all klnda ef books hougM. soia sna Skene og e. jooes Boon store. sv A1" 1 GENTLEMAN wishes .snalntsnes reepsctstt working iirt or liux widow isuy msur munlslly inclined.' Address boa 61. city. DOLL'S MOHPITAL Uvpalrlug' aod dressing. SSI Tsmbtn St. IWO aeus tadiea. alie.eclentiftc massage, jnanl rurlng and pel 1 cur lug. 144Va Sixth bet. Uur rlson snd Alder. LUL0 ENGLISH, meaaetlr healer sad fradusts Aawrlceu Institute. - Anyone euffer. "g . with rbruuiatlaiu E,i-voiie or etomach tmiablea may. be cured. The Klectro-Radlator glvee electric treatment without a shock. Tha Bennett, SolVk Morrison-atr- TWO young lsdlee deal re to make tha aeqsalnt . anee of two respect a Me gentlcmenr' Address mil 11 j 1 mii".1 Vf,T a!Ia 1 ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, BOB Commerctel blk., - Seeoad end Wasblngtoa Ms. Phuas Msln 849. I.'S. WINCHESTER, attnrueymt-law, notary, wn veeaiegtoa aiag. -nua a'seina zazr. ART EMPORIUM.- PROPFSSOB R. MAX MEYER, 848 Aider. Portrait ead Mudarope artlet snd sesrhar. ARCHITECTS. H. H. MIC NOES. arcniteev.-tia ASSAYERS.- OARTIN . CYANIDB EXTRACTION CO.. m Montana Amsf Offlcs. SJS8 Morrlaon St. AUTOMOBILES. C0YBY A COOK Motor Csr Co.," F""enth aad Hier aaa lor t'auiuee, rTeece. ureal Arrow snd . Stsvsns-Durysa motor-carai asa. . ehlnea rented, repaired and stared. : BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES., a BIRKENWALD Car 804-aod . Bverett et, Larseet butchers' supply bones sn ths sesst BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWB, DAVIS BILHAM. 108-111 Sseaad et. Blank book manufacturers; ageata for Jones Improved Looee-Leef ledgers; ses ths aea -Bnreks leaf, tha best ee the market. BATHS-MASSAGE. TWO young ladles g Its maaaaga, tub and vapor bathe. IlOH fourth at, eor. Waahlaf ton. YOUNO lady fives -sapor, alcohol snd medicated nettio, I'orsae mi, wtHs mars at, MISS BAYMOND gives baths snd mssssga ktmitnlg. Tha f'oamns 'tint Mnsslsua TW-ffNOWPEN BATHROOMS. tHTd, Ahter etu 4tU0d rm--Tnb-an vunor aaga. electricity. Phone Msln 68U5. EXPERIENCED bdy, magnetig heeling, vapef and tub baths. The loan ha, iulVk Third. HTUTTgT .MEDIESL MRS. DR. 8. K. CHAN cures pnvsts snd female dlsesses with herbs and roots; remedies hsnn. Issa; no operetiona. 963 Clay at,, sor. Third. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. PROF-K88OU PYO.'th Hindoo clairvoyant, tell your nsms sna names or mesas, givee id sotutrly reliable Information on all mattere, business cbenges, Investments, trsvela, health, laweult, eetato, eourtshlu, lnarrlags, divorce, mining, burled treasures. In fsct everything; sstisfsction guaranteed. Hours 10 s. m. to 8 p. in. Realdeaca 33T Sixth St., t blocks from postorscs. . GRANT CHSSTERPIKLD, peychls - palmlat. . clairvoyant rsvssls the past, predicts ths letry-taaght; - medlumletl per- future;- palm la try taught eoae developed; oalmlatry readlnae and deed T trsncaTlslrvoysTrt sttttsfs 60c.-. Hotel Ooaasos, xosvi atomsoa st. PROP. RAPHAEL MORELLO. spiritualist. m- T aiuiu aim tisirvsysiit, is jocaten st iw Rev cnlh St.; pnvsts resamgs flalty; trar am Message . circle every Tuesday and - Friday, 8 p. m-i also mental treatments. MRS. STEVENS, Portland's leading aalmlatf. astrologer snd rlslrvoysat. lav Seventh St., app. note porriano. - r. - COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES shy ana owe you money 1 Ws eetk.t bed debta tt all klnda. Nortbweatera Lsw Cnllertloa Co., 122 Grand sva., rooms 14 ssd in,-Clllseas' - Rash bldg. , Cat tbla ant. - Phone Beet 8046. . CIGARS AND TOBACCO. U. A. GUNST 4V CO. Distributors of .- FINE CIOABS. Portlsnd. Oregon. COALANDJWOOD. CHURCULBY BROS, have removed from foot Da via st. to .420 Kearney st., nesr lltbi Is now. ths ISrgest woodysrd tn the etty, carry. lna all Blade af wood aad coal. Mala SSL AyLBINA FUEL CO. Dealer tn euidnuud. seal Tssd green and dry eiahwood. B. R. end Al blaa are.. 9 blocke east of ferry. Bsst 674. WESTERN Peed A Fuel Co., aw Frost, between G Ilea a and Hoyt, dealers la all klade sf houee roaia ana. niaccsmra lew -Main 1018, ' . STEEL BR1DGB FUEL CO. Ieslees In coal, eurdwood aad dry aUbwood, - Phone Beat 484. OREGON FUEL CO All klnda of coal and BOB Alder ex. raoae main OA. BOX aad planer wood. Standard Wood Co. Phone Esst 3816. - - - - -CARPEif-CLE AN ING.- STANDABD Csrpet Cleaning Co. ' largeet plsat " on the coeat. Ixirlng aad Harding am., tele, i phone Bsst 9S0 Carpets e leaned, refitted. sewed Snd Isld: both steem snd latent soen. - pressed sir process; r svstlag Baa t trasses aad feathers 8 speclslty. a BANITABY carpet cleaning, snctloa sad ease. pressed sir combined ; earnte cleaned e Bee without removal. . Mela 6634. Mala 8900. HUNTER, steam carpet snd mattress leaner. - Jef feesen, - PBona. Msln 914. CLEANING AND DYEINO. Portlsnd Stesm Cleaning A Dyeing Worke: proa, tlcal hatter In connection. 911 4th. Pselfle 80T. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co.. 84T Waehtngtea st, - I. W. 'TURNER, pmfeaslonal ver sad cleaner. -80S Jefferson et- Pboa Mela 3SI8. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLES ALE crockery and g1snwersr--JfTeet, Hegele A Co.. 100 to l"d Fffth. eor. Stark at. -CAFES. TUB OrriCE pes" Wsahlogton St.. pbon Mali T71. Samuel Ylgneenx. COMMISSION' MERCHAftTS. EVBRDINO FARHBLL, produea snd commie. sins merchants. 140 trust aa Portland, Or. Ban. mj m BB - . . . 1 . - 1 BUBJlur WrTTn TlxBt 1 CHIROPRACTIC CVRRB appendicitis; no drugs er knit. Dr. Bva - I1ire.-Oil Union eve. Teh Woodlewn BT. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBI'BN A rLOYO--CrpenUra, Joiners snd .- earrings work. 88 6tk St. Phoas Paclge 9108. E. HENDERSON Carpentering ' and jobbing Cmuiptly stteii'tei jti. tteeiaence ou muweu le st. Eat 2f."S. INSURANCE.- ISAAC t. WHITS, lira Insursnes. BOB Dsksa bldg. JAST MrL WOOD,' employ era' Bablllty aad In. dividual aactdent surety bonds t 0 klndn, Paean T. $0$ JUXaa.kldgV . . .FINANCIAL TE STATES XATIOBAtV BABX OP f Morlhwret tr. Trsnssets a wsasral Banking Bualneaa. ths Halted Btatea and knuono. HousVone S.'",,:v., J. C. A1N8WOKTH I,T:",,1", -....B, LEA BARNES A?-! Ceshler j. M- WRIGHT fTKX BABX OP CAUrOBBIABatshlished 1864. Bead OfBea, San Praastssa, California, I Capital paid up 4,oo0,rtiw 0O harptna ssd antllvtded rrotlta $ ,T7" t -:A Oeneral Banking and Exchange Bualneaa Trsnaacted. SAVINGS PHrAUtXtM.. Istaeaal an -tlms Seuostts.- Aceetmts-oaewed 4ee anas t $10 aad. npursrd... Portlssd Braara ' Chmter of Commerce building. Wf. A. MACRAE :.A...M ensger. J. T. BIJRTCHAEIX..,....Asslstsnt Manager FIBST BATIONAL B1HX OF P0BTXABS, 0BIOOV. . .- - Designated Depository and Financial Agent sf ths Felted B'-'-e. " . 'Preeldeat X u mills Cesbler." J. W. Aeelstsnt Caahler .'......V. C. ALVORD Second AaalaUnt Caahler B. P. STBSB UttIlw' I'r1l, Imue Available ta Europe aad the Eastern Stetee.' : ' !,h.' E,ehange aag Telegrapble Transfers sold ee New York. BostnaT Cnlcego, St, Leal. Bt, Psiil, Omaha.. San Fuscier and the principal polnte la the Nortbweet - . -7-"'n " time bills drawa la sums to suit sn London. Parte, Berlin. Frank foev-e- he-Mate. Hooskeng, Yokohama.-Copaahagasv ihilananla. Stockholm. St, Petersburg, Moscev. Eurlch, Honolulu. - - . . LADO TILTOB, BABXEBS (Establlshsd tn 1868.) ' Tranaacta a Oeaeral Banking Bueiaeas. Collactton made at alt aetata ea voe . ble terma. Letters of credit leaned available la Europe and all polnte In the reMeel 5' . ' . BljT,,, Bxehseas snd TeWgrsphle Transfers sold on New York. Waeblagton. Chicago, BUaLools, Denver, Omaha, Baa 'rnnetaco and Montane end Britten Columbia. Excbeags okg oa .London. Parts. Berlin. Prank fort. Hongkong. Yekohema, Mentis snd Honolnla. M BBCHAKTB'liATI0ytI. BABB, POBILABP. 0R00. ruann. n A ISUn ....... .PreaMent B. W, HOYT...... Csahler . -.Tr"u Oeneral Banking Bualneaa. Draft aad Letters af Credit Isscsd Avsllsbl to All Psrts of ths World. Collections a Bpectalty. - - J' TRUST COMPANIES. 8" "A.-"" oT CVMTIHT 0Z 0BBOOB r u 1.-KIM-urva gwwu a. aaa S , 1 RESOURCES OVER $1,&00.000. General SAYINGS ACCOUNTS. Time eartlflcateev ONaflw. IU ,A A Me : 1, . - Kb . $600 BENjt rnnrv T : v-.i Pbona B. LEB PAGET... Secretory SBOVBITT 8AVMO8 TBU8T COMTABT Tranaacta a Oeaeral nklng Buslneea. - wm ama am.uiaa ,a.,am as iratuv or 1 ,.-.. v.. w - v - - -Available la All Perm. e-"tbe World. J. -,a.a - a F. ADAMS Preeldeat- L. A. LEWIS Ptrst Yisa-Preeldeet A. Ly MILLS.... , Second Jflce-Pi-eetdcat B, O. JUBITB " : . , 0E0.,f: KUSaHLL...."7;.;:Asa1atsnt Cecretary . KB M0BTOAOB OUABABTXX TBTJBT OOntPAXTT BABX. ' ' '.. , Stocks, bonds and Mortgages Bonaht snd Sold. Intereet PsM a Ttssa Deaeana. L - wriixi,-,,,,,., WATBHBtTBT...............Preatdeat ; W, B. IXMJAN HAi8........AasUUnt Beoraury e Bike" Temple, Seventh and Stark Streeta. Phone Msln 184. BONDS AND M 0BBM BB0S. 18B rtret Street, Portland. Oregon. Offer OUt-Edge Investments In Municipal ITXB OTf ABABTBX Bt TBTJBT O0MPABT M0BTGAQB LOANS ea Portlaad Real 'VtTntCtS $T pvOWBIjrO. XOPXISrS CO. Wheat aad Stock Brehera, (EsUbUshed 1803.) " . " Boom d. Ground Floor. Cbamha. of Commerce. Overbed, Starr & Cocke Co. 0BAIW. PB0YI8I0N8. COTTOsT. bTOCXB ABB B0BHB Contlnneas Markets by Privets Wire, avur-aud-r ulted Bister 'Wsttenst-Buinr- EOUIS'Jf-WIHE: wViticiPAt : SCHOOL AND- COBPOBATOB- Hlghsst Returns to Investor POUTLABU ft MOBTUWBBTBBW HOMBlIhiLEf g UN B at TBLrWRAPH BFCnRITIE ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNOINBEBINO) . Company. B4 Seveath at., Portlaad. O. K. for . -every thing la tha electrical Use. Psoas Mala 1888. - - PACIFI0 ELECTBIO.CO Bnglneera, eoutree- ters, repalrsra. - aleetrh rl -wiring, euppitss. os girst. eor. ntern. Msln 668. B. H. Tate. FURNACES. BOY N TON warm-ahr furnaces cava fuel. . 0. Bayer Furnece Co.. 968 Beeood. Mel 41. , FURNITURE FACTORIES. 0BEOON Furniture Manufacturing Cesupa ny Msnufseturers ef furaitura for the trsds. rtTSNfTTTRni n.annfartttrlnr end anectal L. Ravenaky'e furniture factory. 8TO Pront et. "FENCE AND WIRE, WORKS PORTLAND WIIIK . IRON WORKS 98$ Flendera St.. eor. frL Vhona Mela 0O. GRINDING. V K 1 III n V a. cn unwt arrlndnra. keny, corner Eighth. Pbone Psdflo 798, GROCERS. WADHAMS ft TO.. umseasH founts, tscturere end aommlsslon msrrhsats. -aad Oak ata. ' FoortB ALLEN ft LRW!S.-emnilsstan and produce anee. cheata. Front aad Davie etc.. Portland. Or. GASOLINE ENGINES. Btatloaary sad merlnat "Little Speetal" gasoline launch. $188; seenad-haad alsotrls aaaachea and bulla. BBIBRSON M ACH INERT .C0.i . . 189-4-4 Morrleea st. HAY AND GRAIN. B. L. COOPER ft CO. Pots toes, feed SDd tvmrr Ittr VrOrm a,Tbuna East "16IT. . HOTELS. HOTEL pustJsad, America a plan; $3. 86 per day. BBLYBDBBB; Europaaa plaa; 4th aad Alder sta, THB BROWN Grand and Hawthorne eves. DRESSMAKING. PRICES wsy low, guarantee ssrtlsfestio. Madame An re lee. Phone PeHflc 883. 243 Fifth at. Store open eveolugs aad Sundays. EATON suits $.1. shirtwaists $8; ehlldrea's clothe speclslty. S24 Bsst Momson at. FOR stylleh dressmaking and lsdlee' tailoring cell on stme. naidwin; eatisiecuoa gaaraa teed. 968 Sixth St., etty. - t HARDWARE. Portland Hardware re. solicits o poor ts nit y ta quote prices. 183 let at. .cot. Alder. Msln 1884. LOCKSMITH. t, H. RICHARDSON, tocknnltr aad repel ring. 887 Bamalde. Paclge 1068. M0NUMENT8. i NEU ft BING8LEY.. 28 First at.. PertUndS leading marble snd grsnlta works. machinery:- tB H. O, ALBBB tt. taecnofl band mechussry. HIPPEI.Y ft MYERS, machinists snd ale. trtctare: electric elevators, sleetrlcsl machla erv aad gssellna engirds s specialty. 834 ' Oak St. Phone Msln 120. --i.. yr;;4Jir, eligi: N. BANKS. OBTLABD, OBEO0H. " In Ira and Oak Sts DKAFTB IHMI ED Available Is AH fi"e et ikong end Manila. Osllsetlesw BUas) aa reversals Vlce-Preeldeat . W. B. 41.4 Caahler Aa.l.Uet Ceehlee ...B. W. S4 H." t W. A. Lvif at. U. PtllllAn - a n BPsl nl I itaa Bl a w Tw ssnsrTVT I v ni GEORGE W. HOYT. ... eelstsnt Csahler banking. Exchange oa alt parte of e world. . 8 to 4 per cent: short a II epeclal swrtlBcetee. IT.f t'HTR iTIONR " a.rt kMlt MTMI Third) "Tha Oldest Truss OS" ay . . li - M.fca ef ea world. rrlvau Pbsng TB. v-lwtdent J. O. QOLTBA issistsat BVeeotary 88 Merrlasa 8 treat Portland, ir";,, . SAYINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest AlbrweB .aui,vwiw, 'a W. MILLER ::f.;:.Tinsisait INVESTMENTS. aad Rsllrosd Bonds. Writ ag OaB. 940 Wsahrngteu Street, Comer Beeood. . Eatate at Lowsst Bate. TUlea Insured. Ah- W m tasta f?4. ,0. Ck1! Zrr.: Qnlck Bervtea. BEPXBBTfCES Lsdd TtTton. Bsak- sf-Buglsud. ' 1,1 ' " ' "BootBg $7 -wnarrXB Pgyattg btdr L gut. 1 inussaItgTPoraanuOregoaw DIYIDEND - r BANK AND - - ronpoBATioig Coasts teat With Absoluts Safety. . ; MAGNETIC HEALING. NERVOUSNESS and functional troubles post-. tlvsly cured; consnltatlon free. . L. H. Hart, th SL Msla 4173, MUSICAL.: EMIL THIELHOBK. pnntl af SBTCIX. vfotln teacher. Btsdl 18B Hlatk. Tel. Mala aaaa. MANDOLIN,- guitar, banlo leasone.. Prof. B. Av Smith. 264 12th St. Msln 4703. MONEY TOTOAN. . , MONET TO LOAN ' " On tm proved city property er . for auMdlsg irposee, ror rrom a so iu yen pa iinss, lib pMetlea to repay all ar part ef loea efter two yrnre: Loan approved free plane aM money advanced as huiiaing j mortvaees taken no snd renlaeed. FKED -H. STRONG, Financial Agent. : , 343 Stark St. THB STAB LOAM CO. - Any salaried employe, 'rege-eeraer, ana get an his acta, without . movtgege , Month. H Month. Week. fltO.BO Repay te as $13.88 or 88.86 or $26.00 (repay to as 8 6.88 or $3.38 or 81.6.J l,!0!eI.t-' B 4.00 or sx-uo ar ax-uu . xi u mcnay otcg. CONFIDENTIAL loans an aalarie. tnearaaca polldea. pianos, furaltnra. ware bouae re ceipts, etc.! say deserving person msy secure a liberal advaace. repaying by saay weekly. -er . lnetallmenta. NEW Erfr-T.OW-A, TTtrST COMPANY. 908 Ahlngton bldg. MONBY -ADVANCED BALAB1ED PEOPLB . . And others noon taetr ewa names without . Security, ehenpest rates, eaalcet paymente: emcee in as principal ettiee; eere jiewneia money by getting our terma Brat. TOLMAN. 223 Ablngtoa bldg. , 100! Third st.- HBADQUARTER8 FOB SALARY LOANS. '; Money ssa- a aorroweu on eew pnynaepv plsn. lowet tstea: strictly confidential. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. i 42S Mohawk bldg-. cor. Third aad Morrbua. . MONEY to loan on reel, personal snd collateral eeeurtty; special attsntlon to ehettet f ageet- note-bought.' - C. TT. PaleB04HU- Fantonv bldaw-tvt Blxth H1GHLT 1LT reanecteble piece where ife caa borrow mosey' ea dls rewy. Collstsrsl Loon Bask, ladle asa gsnfs te.t JlimnnlU ni Beak. Baa Waaa- Ingtoa-. St. fbon nines ti. MONET ta loan Clschamas eouaty htada. m. a., nvnm a. a. m,,,j. rJ. v... LOWEST rates on, fumlter end pianos. Efirt- v umiu Co., 44 xaeriocH mag. rectue sue. MONJT TO LOAM ee all klnda ef eeeurtty. William Hon. room S. wasaing-ioa bio. SEVERAL thousand dollars i toe a at B par I 8, JournaL" sent, city property; privet. TO LOAN Suma to suit en chattel ascarlty. A. rnna. 114 ths MsrOUSSS. . .. WILL loan $6,000 or leas on reel estate security at 8 per cent. Farrington, am t-ssmoer ox Oofti itiwrpi OSTEOPATHS. DR9. ADIX ft NORTHRUP.' 418-14-tT Deka bldg.. Third snd Washington sts. Phe, Msla 840. Examlnattoae free. THB very beet lady oat no path In Sows. Dr. L. a. Jobneen. suits 18. Belllng-Hnrseh bldg. DR. PIERCE, osteopath, vibration and the new llgatr- ai ilea es. - a-uww .bviiw - . DRS. OTIB ft MABEL AKIN. 408-4 Maeleay bfdg. rhoae. jsotflc rnuBv- 'T"' " ""' ,., PAINTSTOIL AND GLASST F. B. BEACH ft CO. The Ptreheer Pslnt C-1 window alias sad glaalog. IBS Flral at, Phone J334. , E R N EST MILLER ft CO., Seeoad sad Taylor - Wen paper , pa ret, ell et asaraai. arasss4, fra . Bli t'BJCJFs PRINTING. TUB MODERN PRINTER YArt let le artatlsg. 98 Russet bldg.. Fourth sad Meevsse. Pboa - Pad fie ttav - ANDERSON dt DCNIWAT COMPiNT. petetlae. lithographing, slash noeke, Pnona Mae ii. 908 Alder st j. WELCH. DAVIS ft CARSON Prletjae thef- peva the payee. i .7 , bldg.. Sltth snd Slorrleoo, Phewe Heln 4if. anil i. au-i-iiijj j .i." . PHOTOGRAPHS. CI.OS1NO sals efSHsl photoreaphle vtswe eg SSPeSltie. eourenir piein,.. - etc.. freetly reduced prlea. Bsp. e S4 sinrrisua er. PLUM3ER3. DONNRHSIBO ft BARBhlArHg. . . alambsre. 84 Fsurth st. ftor. FOX A CO.. ssHtar (hiethera lit 8 -Msla aad Sslmee.' Orerea Phoas , FIvtlOtN BROS, ft IO.--J t 4 r Msla KuO. riuabsta tad Bss j -."