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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1906)
r- I 1 - - f HE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. .WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 2, 1SC3. MEW TODAY. Few Good Buy: '! - ':- Quarter block near Hawthorn .va rum 14 too. Hair Mock. Eaat Clay, iiaar Grand IVfnu, II 1.00. - full block, facing1 Grand avenue 10,000. ' ' ' ' v Ouarter block on Union a vs. 412.606, Uuarter block, K. Jth and Belmont $1,000. . , . Half block between Cnjon and Grand. clone in $17,506. ' Half block on railroad track, on in hrnvl rr(tlA AAA 60x100 nn Grand avenue, near' Mar ket 11 one. - 6 acres one mile weat of Clackamas Station, all In cultivation $1,000. I have It other 6-acre tract adjoin1 lna The above tract at from 1100 to $200 per ai', that I will either eell or ex rhnnere for rood residence property. For further particulars see . , t . BEVER. 404 East Aldci- r , Pbone East 4tu A ) We Ad vcrtise- : Purely as a Matter .. Of Business 5 Wo want yea t kaow that ear faanMnr facllltlee are tmllnl that yoa will Baa so mistake la afBllattnf with oar bank. "" Man; new frlei.da are opening accounts subject-to chsck-with oa. " , xsstnt peoiai. criTTTTOara or OSPOUI, Wd OK OTU. Payable aa abort ealL tbi Th.. mrm aaa-ntlaMaL PrOTlda tor a(4 ' per a We shall be (lad te explata or aand oa book et nXVaTaUXIOsTm. IcitbJ kf Gnnpanj of Orcson B. B. cor. M and Oak ate. ' Phone x. KltSJ. I. COHKM i Presldatlt H. U PITTOl K..... . Vloa-Praslilant M. USK PAGET Recrvtary J. a OOLTstA,...........AssUtaat Haesatary An Old Story The aiaa who para rent foe, taa-jssxa -pays nearly l us ta-iauai. eosxji ma btpi ipenr and la fiKt raaaa tna appraciauoa as sbots ibsb ua appraclattoa InvaatOMBt. -otcreat on the Tha Mat tUHK haa the most BOMKR. haa tha tfREATRS? aopolatloa, la erowlns - th moat -KAPinLT.' and the ' 6RBAXEB lOETLANP MUST aad WILL be there. -Uoltadadition fa the aoTBphlra! eratar ef the city, and .Ala tha most OE8IRABLI residence dlatri-t, and ma eh of thin wlU bscome BUSINESS property. ' De sot or r look theaa FACTd wbsa makbai amDaenanta. aad call aad la, t apget tha property, for aralnc la baUarlnt. - The Oregon SteaFEstate Company 88 14 Third eC Boota , Portland, Orrfoa. For Rent - Ptore. 16x50, - corner- Gntnd attex and : : E. Taylor at.; rent 130 a xnonth. -- - Store. HxBO: K. Taylor at., next Grand Ira r rent" 115 a 'month. Two floors above, 18 rooma each, arraaxad for flat or- tedglnavbouae. alectrlo llghtav- aaa, two toilet and one bath on each floor, ha tnwHitr jtaHoaary waahtuba, -atx wood lifts, rent 126A-jnonth. Tha atHava menlfoned property la all new and thor ousytiiy 'modern. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. - 240 Waahlnffton St., Corner Second. Brook -Nook Stock RanchMontana V If. v . ... ... , iWfllarH n BTKICTLT nBST-TLABS IROTTINO BBT-n K0AP8TBRS. ACTOKH. HITF.PY HOK8FJS. - CABRlAql TEAMS ANI BC8IKK88 HORSES, brokan alngls and double, by por forming and prododng alrsa - ont of soaroa hat era- esrinraitrs,. prodnaara, ate, at pubHc aala te the hlgbrat olddar at "' th Irrlaxtoa track. , reebmanrtne at IS o'clock today. . C. X. LAltEABEB., o56000:ilN- CASH- Will handle ena of tha beat bargains on tna Will market, balaaca king time. Interest a per cent. ltyoe are loosing tor somamiug rasi win na periaaBena inrsaunaBi aaa us aooai uia. 1200 m X0XTH. -Edwards, Oarris, Lamont Realty Co. t - ... , 10TM BUtfc at. --. New Modern Houses -.nd vacant lota: cemen walks, parked rt reta, sower and water, one block from Hawthorne are., oa Eaat Thirtieth; easy terms; lots $600 and up. Apply to owner, GEO. E. WAGGONER, lit Fall Ins; bids;. Phone Main (355. Portland Land Co. Jbeal Batata, oaaa. aVaataia, , 187 HOLLADAY AVE. ",; F. East End Steel Bridge. Fhono East T7It. Andy P. Gram , v Henry Hark son, i TH acres of level land, easy cleared, .'near electric line, east side.. Only $150 -. per acre. Owner In the east hard up and f compelled to sell. Inquire - ; (j Vcucrucrn Sooxa 914 Oozaxoaxolal Block, Beooad aad WMUagwJa sttreeta. ' aSINAPaS " Vln lot. with nice ffuit tree, full ce ment basement and S-room house, oa . two car lines, close In. for $1,$I0; very y terms. H. FUCHa 14 rlrst si 33QO , One of the kest bslldlng loU la the-e4te niih nvnt. 24tb and Marshsll sts. Edwards, Harris, Lsmont Realty Co.. 10TV Blxth at. FUNERAL NOTICES.: BaVhuM6 At his Ute resloeoee. ill Eaat 84th St.. May L UsaS. Wllilsm Uenrr Reynolds. ared U years. 4 months, 0 days. Tha remains will lie In state until Frldsy evening at F. 8, lnliig a a45 rbtner Jes Alder and Ksf nixm .to, r UHersi vmvM Beia et Denver. f benrer.. Onhsrade. sad Kaswuaaw t ennei'driit psawra please "opr. I DrABPOBlP At his lata residence kt the , Deardnrff eel lie an wt, April OA, itasj, J. Besv neii iwaronrTt, -agen ee yeara. I sannrh snd T daya. rnnrral wlU take place Thnredsr. .May 1. at 4 n. m. .. inm me acBsoiDoeaa Frleada Inelted. at the sen lament. BIRTHS. I so A nril T. Vw.laf Mra HaroM Wist, , ftx.M orlltniB atreet, a Boa W HIE Afril 21. Mr. and Mra.' Oewrta A. Wtiltev ,d Schuyler atreet, a daughter. Wnj.aAprll 28, to Mr. sad Mrs. E. B. Welt, of Arleta. a ana. TOIA -Arll 4, sv klr. snd Vra. mat F. W. Volt. T North Si, teeath street, a daeghter. 8W ANSON April I. te Mr. aad Mrs. -fan . waaausv 41 Masea atreet, a daoghter, - The Furnished Doom Has Been Called "llie FrqcUonpla Home." II Yours Is Ico Small a FracUon, less Than "Hall a Come," look for a Beller One Throuflh a JOUDiJAL Vant Ad WEATHER REPORT. high pressure area . overlies the ae Pacific slates and no rala haa fallea la t th dletrlct during tbm last 24 hours except a email shawra -ot-WeHe. Walla. Tarn will bt light trust tonight vast of tba Cascade rooun- tains. The barenietee la felling rapidly oft -tba California coast aad tba weather haa become liheettled la that elate. A dlstorbsaca ever tba laks region haa reaaed heavy rata la tba Mississippi sod tba Ohio vallere and tha lake region. Tho dteturbsuce yesterday over A 1 bwca la nut well deancd tbls morning. Us center having - moved eastward ' beyond tba region of obearvattoos. The barometer Is rala' tlvsly lower over w wster n Texsa, bat Be rala has yet fallen la tha suntbwsst. . Tha Indications are for fair waathar la thla district twuiaht and Tbaraday. Oleervatlon taken at a a m.. Paclte time:" 1 Stallone T-"Max. Win. fret'lp. Bsker CUT. Oregon. 40 .0 Boatos. Massachusetts.... 08 " 48-'- .A Cblesgo, Illinois. ............ TO t 1.28 Denver. Colorado.,....;... A3 - 42 .la Kansas City. Missouri. " ?" Ixie Angeles. Callfornls. ... 72 - M . .0 Nrw Orleens, Least I ana. . ,. Wl . . sx A New York.- New- York...,- 83-e-T-r M - ,i Portland. -Oregoe... HO tl .0 Roasbora. (irrioa 02 4. ' .0 .14 -.-. .0 T T ..Od .6 8t. Louis, Wloort..... S -r". Kolt Iks, -UMb. .. . r. r.i .r M a Haa tacU'o, O;irornla.. 2 4 Spokane, Waahlnatioa...... as . 44 Taroma, Wasblnatoa PA- ' . kd : Walla WsHs, Washlnftoa. W . 4(1 ' Washlnatoa. T. C.:. ...... 11 M MARRIAGE LICENSES. Charles J. Psrmenter. Moots rills. Ortcoa. 20: sewoi tisrnaaan, is. - . Jssdor- Uuramal.. zu: Maad noagh, . xs. Iwts Anderson. Rath Jobnstos, 24. ' Kdward I'nratb. M: Mar Walah. So. - -Arther R. Peanr. Ti: Annette M. KseheVi---James O. Rnasell. 20: Bertba Akin, 22. O. B. Barnea Bood Rlrer. OrsaTon. Tti Delink Chlnnard, 23, ' , K. tv naeiasnn. x; aopcit Mnnia, - O. o71(elso,' M Itesale B. OteyrUTT . Brroa r. Boooa. ti: Clara Oertrade Boasds. IS. . Albert J. Usvdttt. M; Addle Msralnger, xa, Jaxaea U Smith, to; Nellie Voaper, SO. Weddtmr Cards. - W.Nl. Smith Co., Waea. tngtoa bldg., cor. J"oartb aad WaahlBctoa ata Mlaa Bertba Martin, room SIS Allaky bid. Stamping aad One needlework lassnna fteae. DEATHS. -J BETTOABT April SO, rredertch- Sengaat. aged oa years, dhh loss atreet; cause, tuoermioaia. ' Horlal at Phil I Ids. Oreaon. KKL8ON April SO, Rtwer A. ' Nslaoa. axed 14 years, si tiona naaisritsB noapnsi; esase, street car accldenU Burial at Lone Fix Cess years, at St.- Vln-ant s I nema. . Burial at Hdo. Orecon. I LA RHOS April 8. Rssmns Larson, aged 5 years, enrnsc East 21st snd Dlrtsloa streets; ranee, , heart dlacass. Burial at Btrarrlaw cemeterr. - , - - KII.PACRIOK April 3. B. D. Kllpstrlck, srd Miyesra, at avsanington notei; cauaa, 01a sgs. Burial St Lltrhfleld. 111. U riB A IdA f Ceregnlno.- aged -IS mtnths, en4 East 30th atreet; canaa; sBeBlBaitla. cemetery. Borlal at Loae lr UNDERTAKERS. dward , Ilolmaa "A Co.. ths leading reneral directors. " hare the Bnest eatabllsbmeBt, the nest goods, tha Saeat rrblclaa and the swat ressoasbla prices. . fins! broadcloth covered easketa; 2B and 30.. The Bneat wood soodi made, from 1 to t20. Parlors 220 aad 222 Third Street, earner Balmoa. Portland, Orefoa . 1 - I.- P. flBlay sV Sob, funeral directors snd etnhalmere, eornsr Third and Msdlaos streets. OfSca of eoanty eoronsr. Tsisphona Mala . Dnnalng. McBntea 4k Gl lbs ago. aadertabers and. smbslmars; moderB Is erery detail, sseata aad PIbb. Mala 430. Lady aaalaUat. full tseutlr sad tJnatllla rs. Fbuna DeU- W II mA4-t.m mw.A , 1 weed TL A. BITIRTUW 0EMZTEBT. Single grsrea $10. Family lota 78 te si.OOO. Tha oaly cemetery la Portland which per. petqslly mslatalns snd cares tor lots. For full Information apply to W. B.- Mackenzie, War eater block, city. W. M. Lsdd. ureal dent. REAL ESTATE -.TRANSFERS. - Adnlnh Dlnnell snd wife to Hawkins, lots lh aad 11. bloch 1. Kdsndsls Frank A. Knspp aad wlfa to Oeorgs Good. la. TO arras , beginning west : aide line of rlgbt of way o. C. . Ry. Co., 11 chains 20 links north of , . south line ef Bdward Long donation land dlalm, section 14, towosblp 1 south, range 1 aaat InTsstmeat company to Cmma W, -CuohUb, let S, block 4. Bererly..,..T Inresturnt company to W. Layer, lot 0, 400 too -wo Mollis Stanford and husband to Frank" rieblger et si., lot L block IT, Ca ruthera' - sddltloa 8.5O0 Louts P. Beno to Renrletu B, Letter,' west as tact lot t, owes gos, couch a addition ...rr.. -.v. : Title Guarantee at Truat company to Boaa Whltaett, lota , 10, block 5, Soati St. Johns '. C. North et aU to H. A- Benneman. E2S west 8.08 acres of lot 8, section 3. townahln 1 north, ranes X esat Portlsnd Im Fir Cemetery association"', ' to josepn Jasioia, lots e aaa o, blocs a, ceojeiery 80 C L. McKeaaa aad wife te Augusta Jam, lots Mfc llr-saW. Burrage-, Tract .1,046 Jacob Plttengar and wife te B. T. Bsd-' rick, lot 14. block 1, Qreenrldga .... - 200 B. D. Winters to F. H. FrulhL lot 8. block T. Mount Tsbor Villa Annex.. . TOO.. viementine r. Lawia M uinmnia Keai Jiatate cojnnany. -lota. SB and. aO-hluck I. rrsncis sduition , . 70 William frost to W. O. Thomsoa. lot Id. block 102. Kellwood Elelnd Bovda to Joha Amsaea, sad1- aided H of eaat H lot (, block 14. Ceatral Alblna Mary Aacaata.RsoTala aad hnsband te . Theresa PSelderer. lot L block 8. . Smiths addltloB 8M Benry Pfleluersr and wife to Georre Boroa, lot 1, block 8, Smith's addi tion (04 Boman Catholte srchhlehon of diocasa of , . . - Oregon to Mrs. Jsmes O'Brtea. lot 41, i - aectlon 6, Monnt :aleary cemeteiy,, -81 F. M. Daaa et si. to Bridget O'Belea. lot S. block 8. Alblna Addition 1.6O0 Franda H. Orubba to F.thel W. drnhbs, esst 40 tret lot 7, blook 4, Bolladay - Park addition ...... I B. H. Parker and wife to A. B. Stain. bach, lot 8, Park block 8. city 183,1100 Caroline H. Crane te Ophelia Thompson, kit 4. block 210, Bnlladsy'a sddltloa. 4,000 Columbia Cemeterr assorlatloa to C. R, - A.- HfibfBBaa, 30s2 feet heglonlna 4 : . feet north of northwest eornsr -block .. . 24. resurrey Ke. 1. cemetery , .80 Bl.-k C, Fanton Bad wife to Allan ' FHUworth. lot lr block: IT, Klng d - -Second sddltloa . A. . .!S .: 8.008 Wilhelmlna Behrena to Jacob Oelrs et . sL. lot 8, block 84, Tlbbett's sddl- tins .. " Lit) Nancy E. Walah and busbsnd to FVirlsn Pncha. trn.tee. lot S, black 1, Eaat - Portlsnd Heights addition 1.880 Charles K. Fsy. to Max. isiewenaon, lot 1. DWCX "X. . JUHlia BOB'S addition v..-.r.i.rr,T.'.f.i'.:'.v.T 8,0)0 Jacob Hergrrt and wife to Frank SDerrer. Int 8. blork 1. North Irving- ton addition imhuihi vgr-l.fTO t. n. caTinas as una cuaipaji o u. " . Whiting et si., lots 1, 8, block 101, Ceruthers' elltlon ..........,...-,, fo W. U PowsU and wife to Ethel L. OrafV lot 4. hlock 104.-e4ty ll4j. 1(1 B. V; BVwmfleld and wife te A. AT f . Teycr, InU 11, IS, 15, block 8. Blch l;.erond w.. i . . . . i . . . . : . r v, ji . 10 TMJe -Guarantee A - Trnst ' company to htsTT M. achrosTter- south v. virg T' "end "IT Hock 04. Kunnyslde Third ad- dltlon SJji AInaworth National bank to F. . A. . fhogren. lota 2, 8. 2S, block 8, Oe-i - ' ebsrd Hosnea ...... rrrr-.v. Jgo Joba -BraBer -and ' wife te Onetsva Brsner, 10 acres beginning aontheaat corner of north esst V sect loa 8, town- ' snip j soiun. rsnge z east -a mo Osk park Ind romps nr to Chrlstofili oooervein. trustee . parrel land . he. ' ginning south corner, lot 1, block 8. - Oak Park addition - Title Guarantee A Truat etaipany te I-arle T ril-aden, lot 10 and eaat u . Vw II, blork TO. Snnnyalde Third ad- . dltlna - WT T. Una snd wife t Rstch Bundar ' lots 8 and 0, Work 8, Lisa's addition, ' , Oeorge W. HeVr yt si., ereatttnr, te W arren B. Noruisn, let 4, Peiry Pret- ' tjaasa s aurvaF ,a,M,,M, - ' - i ... ' " ' ' ' ITS w REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ceorge C (irahan aad wife te Jobs M. . Frsllogsr, lot 8, biuck 1, Ilume addl- tlon ; Timolhy 8. Hogaa sad wife , to Fled-. crick H. Brsndee. lot IT. block SI. (no sddltloa given) ' ' 500 Bernlcs O. Dlcsaon and hnsband to tacia M.. Addlton. loia A and 'a block 1. Mount tcot( Path ,880 Herman Klaetsch ami wlfs to rorfl L. Peterson, lot 4, block SO, Woodstock.. tjm WUllsw r. Msstara, trustse, to Alfred L. Saaooast at . sL. tot 4. block IDS. city : 8.500 Bugo A. Gorgena to Joseph Began, north 112 feet of lots 10 snd 20. block 4. Mldwsy Annex addition .' -T80 Enilowraaat Irust of Willamette Bolter - allv--ae B. R. Schonin.' kls a and ft. - - block 10. Strswberry !ele... ... - Laoaaed 4VV Thatcbar to It, 8. Oeertaon, . 0 acres ' be, toning 40 roils euuth of" ' Bortbwaat corner ef Archoa Kelly's donation land elans, section 18, town ship 1 south, range 3 eaat Portland Ixme Fir Cemeterr company te Jane Small wood, let 40, block 88." " cemetery - Jay 11. Upton to Henry J. Bald, lots 11. . and IX block 17, Piedmont Anns L. Chrlstophsr et al. to Horatio A. ' liarmna. weat 5 eerss ef 10-acre tract beglunlBg 1214 feet aaat of stake In . center of N. Hamlin's nation land M eoo Ship Met ; ship i south, range 8 eaat 1.800' tout Insurance and abatracta te real Batata ream tna Title uuaraaiae m rruss eassBaay. 240 Washington atreet, corner NOTICE. - NOT1CB of hearing and Battlement of Bnal as- coauu In the county court of tha slate of . Oregon, for tba couarty of Multnomah, la tha mailer of the aetata of Joba O'Uonnell, oa--.asssed . Motlue la .hereby . glyan that thaM- ileralvnsd. Msrtla Riley, executor of '.lie estate of John y Pormel I. dot eased .- nan filed his 1'isl account and report aa such exeeuusr 1 In tha Bounty ooort of tba auta of Oregon, for the county of Multnomah, and that aald court by order duly made haa appointed Frl - day, the eighth day of June. 1400, . st the . hour of :ao o'clock In tha forenoon of aald day, aad the courtroom of said court la tha -rite of Portlsnd. eountr of MnltnomsB and atate ef Oregon, aa tha time and place foe tbi bearing of objsctlona to aald anal aoeoont ann -' report. If any thara he. and the aettlameut thereof. MARTI! RILE I, Bxecutor. B. H. Cshalln, attorney. ; -: Dated and arat nukllsbed. If ay sscond. 1808. THB enderslgned will reealve sealed bids for a stock of niarchandlse, consisting srtnelpallr of furnishing goods and clothing,' of tba In voice price-of $8,878. together with ftMeree, - $72.80, located at Forest IJrore, Oftob. up - to IS e'cleeh noan ef Tuesrisy, May 8, InOh. A cash deposit of 10 per cant ef the amount bid maet accompany each offer. Tba right la reserved to reject any and all Bids. " Inventory nf -pniicriy iitay-he--eccn-at my I iTlh HT icTTtee- atty,TlieBaerrrnaj llie iBipartes) Btiin i Dated at PortUBd,- Oregoar-tuki SStk day of AprU. 1800. R AB lYoat sad Aakeny sts., Portland, Or.. TrTE kdjonfned aasual meeMng of the atockhold ara' of Columbia River A Northern Railway r pany, Btrertrx-X ammwrrwima, I , Blday. May 4. ISO, at the hour of JO o'rkirk a. m. at sucn. meeiws; a 1 directors te seres ror tne ensuing rser win be ehoasa end such other boalaess will be trsnsseted aa stay Uwrully come before such meeting- . , . . - B, Duninivva, ueuj imrj. THB adlonmad aannal meeting of tha gtockboldV -M'A Th. nalls. Portland A Astorts Nsvl- . gstlon company will be held at the office of the company, Biifrmri Dumiin., mrnMm, rt-mn na rridae. Mar 4. lSud. st ths hour of 10 o'clock a. m. At aucb meeting a board of - directors te serve for the ensuing -year will be chosen and auch other luslneee will be transacted as may lawfully come before - Bach meeting. - ft. B. - LINTHIOTJM, secratary. MEETING NOTICES. " iwuiwiu itwimm"w Something umi BETTERCOME I WASHINOTON Lodge, No. 48, A. F, a A. M. ota tea eommnnicanos thla ( Wedneadayl evening. 8 o'clock-. Burkhard tnilldlng. Work F. 0. degree. Visitors wslcome. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. . "LOST AND FOUND." LOST A Jersey cow. corner Eaat Ninth aad Park in. Phone Baat 8877. LOST Monday evenliur, ' Cotd-trlmaaed tortoiae ahell hairpla. Pbons i Esst7ao. j aewara.. LOST Small gold band clasp bracelet. Finder please pnoaa asst zoov. N ttawsra. LOST Fox terrier : Itlack - aprat and shoulder. black tall, ona macs ana Drowa eye; jost near 16th and Wsarjlngtoa sts. Return te ewBer and receive reward. 804 North 24th. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED For Vetted States srwr, able-bodied - anmarrted men between ages of tl and 80, Ctrl sera of I'nlted States, of - good ' ebsrarter and temperate habits, wbe- eaa apeak, read and write English. Apply to Recruiting Of ficer. Alnewerth blk.. Third aad Oak fta., Portland, Oregon. . MFN and women te tesrs barner trade la eight weeks; grsdnstee eera from 818 to 128 weekly: expert Instructors: catalogue tree. J Mohlor Byatem of Colleges, 88 Worth Fourth 1ALXSMEN WANTED For ens of tba largest nnrssriea n the wsstj cash advanced weekly; good territory open. Address Washington Nursery uo., Toppenian. ws-n. AGENTS WANTED te eell annerlor, hlgh-erada nursery stock; complete oatnt lurniaaee rree; raafa weekly; writs today for choice ef ter ritory'. Capital City Nursery Company, Saleai, . Oregon. STRONG able-bodied mes wanted at L. B. Kara brickyard. E. Forty-first and Dlvlaloa sts.; taka Richmond car. , -. WANTED i first -els ss solicitors who bars hsd experience la house-to-house eaavaealng; salary and commies loa to right psrtles. 200 Second St. BARB opportunity for a diss with soma capital; Invastigsts and you will aura Invest. 0 110, care Journal. HARNESS and vaddlemskers wanting good lobs In he country, addraaa fhsa, Mastics a Co., wholesale leather. Front and Oak strets, Portland, Oregon. . WANTED Boy; steady; factory work. 208 FN a. sates Answaxeeaaaa nrBMUa - ( Jt. , WANTED We want to contrsct for 800 te BOO good Chinese or Jspsnese te 1st we In turpen tine woods, snd at railroad aad sawmill work: - we would Ilka to correspond with reliable pa-. ties who ' will contract to lurman us wits such labor for s terra of yesra. ' Jackson I.nnv ixaiiuy, Aianama. LABORERS 1 for foundry i , permaaent employ ment. o30 Sherlock bldg. WANTED Reliable newsnspet esnvaseer; steady noeitloo for right party; city snd country workf-muet glvo vefereawsaH Address w J, Agent. VsBcouver, hud, '--we i MATTRESS-MABElle WAUjTED w2. Front, eer. ttsvls. ' . " - j: WANTED VsrnlsheVs, "mschlria and bench - ha tins. Oregon Furoltere ifg,-Oov, Macadam i-eaad-. --- - r- ION HOTEL, 81 North Sixth et. Rates: lonwia. Sl.xn no: roam with board. $4.00 not rooma tenors teJ; excellent tab is board. As- . detsea. WANTED Four men to-rwork la S brickyard. -Apply to Diamond Brick CO., foot et As- keny at. - ; t .WANTED Dalrvman to buy stock. Implements, crop' snd lease DO-ecre farm, or rails hie mas to taka charge of place ea shares. M. N. Willlsmsns, Walls, Or. - WANTED Boys te work In fsctory. Coast Biscuit Co., I"th sad Davis. Pacific WANTED One or two -men to straighten p (the ground sround a new house: should know something about gardening. Apply te Mr. Barusa, Journal efkoa, : f CAMP 4 HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Flrst-clsas atlrkermaa st once, and atrong hoy to learn sssn sna eoor . traae. rartland aaaa 4k uoor u., xw rroot at. 1'01'Nfl mis wanted for factory work. 888 Baat flat at., sorrier Ellsworth. , . Apply WANTED A tamer, berg. Or. Beaeock Sons, New WANTT: n Tailors. Apply Bueeh a Ostar, 282 xamblll St. DISSTBIJCTION OF SAN FRAN0I8CO'' Beat book; Isrgs profits; act quick; aampla free. . Globe Company. 728 Chestnut et, Phlla. WA NTED Good Bias te drive milk wagon. . carry areas., butter, ergs, ate. I must ha a hustler: rood wages sad eommlaaloa, Pbone Mala fxiSB. . WANTED Mandolin, guitar aad vloHo teacher) out of tows; permanent position; fsre paid. Addraaa Lock Boa 1J, Aatorla, Oregon. - - WANTKD -Elderly mas te milk . B cews and. m coorea in ooaroing-neuss; sBus, aa peat; . wages $20 and' cost. Addraaa Nel B, Nel- aoa. Dee, Oregon. : I WANT a stsady, rellsbls sua of Isrgs bust . aaaa oaporaenoe.- ' ChsBaa for - advancement to right party. Boom SOT Oolumhla Bids;., . 10 to 11:80 a. m. WANTED Pattern makers, Aaak msksrs. and . mm makers. Apply office Pscine Iron Steel jrka., Fremont. Seattle, Wash. . ' WANTED Joy. that .worked on bread. Apply ixg t.Din naxery t o., lie Knassu at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Capable srosnaa night Bursa for Institution; siae gin ever zo ror aay auras. J0V Yamhill. Mala ftdlo. , WANTFP Oood reaeeetsble woman Under 85 ss Bo use see per ror widower wits ramuy: city; good home. 23(tt laml.lll. Mala 0418. HANSEN'S LADIES' AQENCT, S43W Washing ton SL, cor. Beveath. upstairs, psoas Mais SeuS. Female help wasted. ... THB BOMB LADIES' AGENCX Orvea Sub ; days snd svenlugs. 105 H Fourth st. Pbons EXPERIENCED OIBL wanted at SOS Everett to attend store. Call 10 a. aa. COMPETENT girl for housework aad cooking; emau family; gooa wages, em aaat imvis. WANTED Uood girl a general - housework. iza lets at., net ween wasuingtoa-end AMer. MACHINE-OPERATORS oa ahlru sad white gooua, i oa Bpeacer uo., us lutn St. WANTED Wemaa t aad de general Apply 107 N. housework. tioad wages. WANTED Udlea. . PertU telegraph elation, telegraphy adapted to ladles. , being light and agreeable. Taught ouickly. Cell Pscine 'leegreph Bboruiaad InatltsU. Grand Theatre Bldg. FIRST elsse home enok. Wagae $35. Call 80S Bslmon. Phons M sin tare. . ACTIVE, healthy girls for calicoes, ginghams. lawns and general ory goods. Apply to sic Alien A McDonnell, lnurauay morning Sam, WANTED Tonng girl or middle-aged woman to sea let with light housework. 808 San Bafaal St. Pbone Eaat 1544.- v iiN'lTlVExperienced dining room girl; apply ai-oBce, utile-raiaee Hotel, laQepenoeoee, Or. - ENERGBTIO Isdy. with business ability: abort boars, piesssnt work, gooa ssisry; give tele- poone Biimoar or ancioaa aiamp- Addraaa "B. A. Erlck,-reireraT aellvery, city. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Boya aad fb-la,..- factory work. Americas Csa Co., foot 14th at. HELP wanted snd supplied, male or female.- B. G. Drake. 2d64 Waahingloa st. Partse 170, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED A strong oldish man wants work s round hotel or any place where experience - In laundry work would be ueefnl. Addraaa B 118, care Journal. MAN, SA, good health, anWeesltv snd - cal education, -wants sltuatloB where anilities will be appreciated. Address B 120, JoarnaL ENGINEER dealrss position; understsnds- Oor 11 as snd high-speed engines; flret-clasa me- cbsnle; do mechsnlrsl and electrical re pairing. Addraaa D 120, care Journal. XOCNG mas with 2t4 yesra' machine shop ex . per te nee la the east la the cream separator line waata work. Address B 124, care Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED Br fully experienced vomit, wssbing and heaaseleanlng. eott 1785. WANTED Day work. fioosecieaniKi I'aeUflc 1. STENOGRAPHER,' six years mperlenre.'' de sires permanent poaltton. D 127, care Journal. WANTED By experienced lady, boneeeleantng or swseptnr-by the day; reference. Phone . Pactfto 1006. - ' - LADY would ilka position as compsnloa or mur- aanrjaovjrnaaa AOdresa u 14 cars jonrnsl, WANTED AGENTS. AGKVNTB - WANTED Official - Baa rrandaco aarthouaka book; large sag -a, stsrtllna pie -torea, elegant binding; bonks free; freight 'psio. She BiDie House, 128 Dearbera st. . Chlcage, - AGENTS i WANTED BVERYWHER sconle vlawa ef Bas Frsadaco eartbquske .aarlea;. regular prices. ;. Addrasa A. 1L Mayer. gansrai usuvery, x-oriisnu, tr. WANTED Agents; something new; goad sellsr; nig -wages, jmw meaay Blag. - ,; - - AGENTS- WANTED to eell ear high-grade aur- aery atosk: eass advanced weekly; pig c , missions and premiums; write today.-Add en i co nursery ua.. sawm. uragos. WANTED -Energetic and competent s gents to repressor us is an pane ox tne aortnwaat; caaa weesiy. .apusi city nursery go. - . - , s r-. . :' THAT hr IS A . MAKE OT ' GREAT "WISDOM TO TAKE PRECATJTIONS AGAINST RE- VERSES Or FORTUNE" SUCH ; PRECAUTIONS, , FOR .': INSTANCE, AS BUYING A- '. ;- BIT OF REAL ESTATE NOW AND THEN! WI1TLE Able TO 2 DO ' ' A . - .ff- - , . - v:-: t ;Bbtft'ietyouf- elfovertoot .TAC'Qnrii'ss-. ' real estate ads, , "and 'tbe fcif nesschaice i -- - EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THB Portland Employment Co.. 800)4 Morrises lst,.- pbotia pactae avis. -. - - -- ; . BAN85N 5 EMPLOTMENT O.TICB.. IVB MEN. K. Seceod St. . Phone Mais 1BS8. BIG FOI'R BMP. AGENCY Help aappHed free. 18 North Beaoad at. Psoas Mala 1815. ABI.M EUPLOYMEN'f' AGENCY, 184 Bumalde at. Pkone Main TOlfj. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOt'SBS. CO--eAOES. FLATS, BOOMING-HOISKS, STOKES. ETC, Our rental department baa been enlarged nd provided with sddlttonal staff. Wa Invite listing frosa. LANDLORDS, ""offer personal sttrntloa to aad -ntlaaona aupsrvlsloa ever all property Intrusted aBr " PORTLAND TBtfBT COMPANT OF OBBOON, B. ear. 84 aad Oak sts. Phta Bx. T, - WANTED Room- and board .by rsspsctable geatleman aad daughter or not too ter 'out; atate price. Addraaa D 125, JournsL A FAMILY . dealrtng a asodara Mount -Tabor home aud will board owner and wife. Call lu McKay bldg.. Third and Stark ata WANTED REAL ESTATE. "WANTED REAL ESTATE - . - " wa wai aoma uuvu tha WEST BIDE. If you have something NEW AND MODERN at ita ACTUAL VALlat thai voa want to aell yon eaa Aud buyers . by listing with ua. WE DO NOT WANT a fctef ,TOU) BHACK8" we CAN'T SELL TllEX: But WS .UAAI Bt'Ma UUUII KOI SES It waU looated and the price la rlsht. ..EDWARDS, HARRIS. LAMONT REALTY CO. roona-aaaia nuow. . itre .t. WANTED Lot or fraction of a lot between East Eighth snd East 14th; Schiller Thomp son. WlU pay 8180 cash and $25 per Stonth. D 128, care Jourssl. WANTED Lot la exchange for equity la 8 ar T-room bouse. Phone Baat 8541. WANTED At once from owner, vacaat lot. walking distanoe. weat aide; have casn buyer. B. J. Gelsar, J2114 Morriaoa Be Phone PaciSe 644. y WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED 87,800 at 8 per cent for 8 years. oood tarn property aa security, -bish wbsb- tngtoa st-r room is. T s a 1 ssja. WANTED $1,000 far 8 year an aereeeTr improved anburnas property. Adaress u 12a, cere journal. .- ... WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, apraylni and whlteweahlng trees, s'ka. etcriargsat gganttni spraying ontnr on the coast. M. 0. Moraaa -Oa.. 822 Dans are. Phone Baat 517. HIGHEST CASH PRICB PAID for fumttt.s ta any quaatlty; also take same on eommlaaloa and guarantee beat res u lta. -. xka Portland Auction Rooms A. Bcbabaeb psaevr-811 First at. rhnnn M,ln BdUft, HIGHEST cash price nstd for second-haad Pbons East aoTT. ; 120 tTBloa are. WB WILL Bt'T, SKLL-OR TRAPS ANY OLD THING. WEKTKKH lALtAUR CO., SXJ. 2 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC T98. -r JOHN HABLB, manufacturer of Improved .cat menr poata, waterproor, lasting, atrong, enasp; plessa Inveatlgate; a specialty of fence poata. Soothes at corner Baat Madleoa aad 'Lnioa sva., Portland, Or. . . WHO 18 M. G. MORGAN A CO. 7 B.- N.- MORGAN, pioneer sprayer sad white-4- waahar, Csll Esst 6348.- Remember the r. aat oa Is Portlsnd. SPOT CASH. , For furalmra and household ae , I'HONB MAIN V86. dSl r ANTED To bur 800 feat of aeoond-hand gal. I vanixed wster pipe, either 1 or lft-lnch, D 114, ears Journal. WANTED A second hsnd peanut roaster; must no la perrect conauion ann reasons me --in price. Addraaa T. A. R.. care JouruaL WANTED lor' IV, hurssuowsr motor, with or without shsftlng and pulleya. Address .tin, care Jonrnsl. WANTED Good second.hswd orgaw; twnat by cheap. Address u 117, ears Joumsl. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB KING. 808 Jefferson at. Nicely furntahe.1 rooma, witn gaa or electric light. Best sad w ouiMBig. sw.nn sbo-810 ner mooth. . FOR RENT At $14 Madison St.. a very ales front room,- ground Boor, to. let, $10 per . month. h - - - THB RICHELIEU, 88H NORTH SIXTH ST.- Elegsstly furBisBso. steam Seat gentlemen $1.20 par weak aad as. PTRNrSHBD nanus. In sew. niiHlera house. 44 per month. 840 Madleoa. Phone Main ,8846. 1 THE GRAND, ".67 Yamhill at. neatly, fur lahed rooms, single or en aulte, 82.00 per - wees eaa ep; electric ngnt, rree oatB aaa Jtree phone. ) FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING THB ' MITCH BIX. - Flanders and - Seeesth--Booma booseket'plng ' snd transieat; eoa vealant; prleaa reaaooabla, - - , $1.88 WEEK ss, clean, furnished boasekeeptng . rooms, with yard, parlor, laundry, bath, far - Baca seat, 203S4 Btaatsa at. U ear. $1.50 PER WEEK Large. clean. furnished boasekseplng-roosu; laundry sad bsth, lot ' Sbermaa, . South Portland. THB BALL; 414 Fifth Rooma. etngle or aulte, furnished for light heusekeeplng. 171 ALDER Nice housekeeping-rooms; gse stove, " bath,' phone, close te business; resaoaahla. BLEEPING and housekeeping-rooms for rent. Bee B. a Hlg ley. room 80, 227H Wssbing. -toB St. . LARGB elegantly furnished housekeeping rooms; gaa range, bath, running water; $3 weak. OoStA Alder sL , t FURNISHED bnasekeaptng-rnnma; rsaaoaable to right partlaa. Call 880 Wllllaaa ava. THB GRAHAM, 545H Wash. Rooma $1.75 per week; housekeeping. $$.50 per week snd up. THB BUTLER, 400 14 - Washington at. Well, fttralshed honsekeeplng-eooais, moderate prices. Phons Pacifie 034. ' . DESIRABLE I resaonshls anfnrnlahed suites; brick baHding, csntrsUy located; ssvalnis v and money, ; 5llH Second aad Salmon.. . . $ PLEASANT sjnfurnjahed rooms, bath and gaa; resaonable rest. 807 Sixth at. THREE house keeping reams for rent, (te Tenth st. i ...... Call LARGB kitchen, '8 bedrooms, psrtor, pis no, rsnge, gas range; cheap. Msln 2238. 312 Bsventb at. ' , - " ' '- LARGB kltrbea, bedrooms, psrlor." piano, range, gaa range cheai. Mala 2238. , 1U2 Seventh at. , " " ROOMS AND BOARD.; 471 ALDEB-Large front parlor, bath, phons, board If desired, walking dlstsacs, rsaaoaal PrV-'e- - ' - . ,-. " 805 12TH Lsrse front ronms; gas. bath, pbone, wslklng dlauncs; 'priests family aad home eomforta 1 WKLL-Ft'RNISHED rooms with board; "tea reasonable; modern. 448 J ef (arson. Phons Mais 6420. ' 5I2t4 BAVIER srr-Board aad 84 .50 aaak; sing a $1.20 week. WANTED A ehlld to tmerti;. reasonable; good hema Fhooe aeoti sw. . i FOR RENT HOUSES. HOL'SB LIST ' PORTt.ANn thi Mr i'iimhinv OF OREGON 10 ronia house. 2d and Hall.. 4iiV?. -' tionrnt, (Hid MIU JT.40 y bouaa. KJ2 Montgomery 25 0" 10 " .bouaa, -lwth and Northrnp. ,. r. . 36.00 S ' Jotanxe miA -all 88 00 6 Sat. 18th aad GUaas 2n,00 JO bouse. Lnwnsdsle snd Alder fn 00 M hmiu. 1 . .,.1- .na Alder 12S.OI 6" Bat, Iftth andFlanders ...... -.vj 87.60 v . ' a., K,k Hoi') Small storeroom. N. 14th , Tv .TJ Store and bakery, first elsse even..,,.,, ysojj 5 room house, E. ltith aad Taagert. . .... 1 J po bouse. WITllama sea. A railing., xu.uv K. kith aad Masoa ... V'JSS 831 Boss .........". 2000 bouse, IHT BUadena 14.00 bouse, 420 Rodney ..... t"'T,'5X 2W2 Haseork; beautiful yard.... W.W Sat MlMfa.lnnl sva 18.00 housa.. ana Tlllsmosk 80.00- hnnaa, a(Mt Vsnconver are ....... 12.00 houssv 84.1 Cook ava ' iS house. 440 B. 8th, N. JJ-0" Sst. B. Tsvlof and Grand Ave... 18.00 uore, Grand ava.. 92V,x30 feet) h. . .i .n mm. wu-n r cement walaa haa-mnt 83.00 PORTT.AND TRI ST COMPANY OF ORBGO.t, S. E. cot. 8d and Oak ata. Phone Bx. 72.. FINE large bouss of 10 rooma ISfb aud North - rupt housa la excellent repair, good yard front and rear, aa mar-cared-for without ax- - pensa to tenant; to per mourn. - PORTLAND TBl'BT COMPANY OF OREGON, 4 . a. a. cor. so ana oas fta.. v "bone Exchange tz. -. A 6 ROOM new modem cottage aewlth large corner kit, 430 Eaato4tb at.; Hawthorne car: reason able rent. Apply 402 Commercial Bldg. KADDERI.Y TRANSFER CO., aresset aad ee- llahle piano and furnltara esovsrs; saw ernr - sg Pben Mala ISlti Offtee 110 M. Third. BOCSB for rent $5 per month, 7th St., near Lincoln. Csll 5o0 Soath FOB RENT Modern 8 room bouse, ldth'and Irving ata .V). . Phose Mais 701. . THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY . -248 STARK ST. ' INSUsTANCB. RENTALS. BBB LIST. M'FARI.AND'S new cottage, Myrtle Park. - Mount Scott csrllne. completed. 8 rooms, $18; electric wired, bath, ate; bargain. Pbone - Main 4488. FOR RENT houae 11 roorAS. modern Improve ments, 825 i2tb at.' Apply at 827 12th at. FURNISHED 8-room bouee; one fsmlly. $25; two, $); east aide. Phone Baat 8082. FOR ' RENT 12 room house and T blocks of ground, hearing rruit treea: gooa piece xor chicken ranch: alao cows snd chickens aad facin PUCMntrf forsia. Adoreaa or can at nldence. A. f- Miner, nr. jonua, NEW modern room bouse, ppef AThtnar-j - between 3 carlinea; no chlldras. . Monroe at. - , Inquire 806 6. ROOM -new modern cottsgs. with Urge ea. mmar 7-ROOM houae, modern, 807 Sixth at. Apply n. 8j 'lniro st. NEW modern 8-room -cottage, 448 XJntoa sva., - north., 820. - Pbone Baat 402. . . 8-H'tOM ewuaga. Elgbtts "end Tan $15; 6-room house. Esat Ismhlll Jjetwsen Seventh and Eighth, $1A- . A 10-ROOM bnardlng honae sear the 8. P car shops. 21th snd Powell ata. Phone Baat 003. FOR RENT FLATS.. FOR RENT T-room anodern saw flat, 847 V4 Blxth at., Bear jacxaon. rnone racme ana, OlSld St., ims .a.-Hwii. . A. H. Msegly. 210 Feurtk St. MODERN. B-room flat. Including gag sad steel range; ehadee on winoewa. sta nstssy. FOR RENT New S-i flat. ,186 Cnloa see.. 5-ROOM Bat. including iMsement. telephone, wster. - $18.50; ae small chlldrea. 525 MIU at, 7' MODERN 8-room flat. Including fas snd steel range; ah a dee on windows. 206 Balaey. 5 - ". 4 M 8 44 T M 6 6 ' 8 " 6 u m tt 8 '"" 4 ' " New .. .- ..- ---LMW F0RRENT STORES-OFFICES. GFFICB rooma. an furnished rooma and sample rooma for rest. Gosdnoagh bldg. Apply sle , rator. PART ef shop for rent. looulre 908 Fourth, ROOMS and offices. Lew la bldg., Morrison and Park sta. Isquire I. L. Wulte, 804 ,Dekum BIOS : 3.rt HOUSES ; FOR RENT FURNIe TURE FOR SALE. AT HALF PRICB Furniture ef IS rooma; good , business; reason alcknesa. ' Call 76 W. Park. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BENT la city. 8A seres Vjtttble fur gardening, laqulrs 806 Fourth, at aad .JaUyvJciQ AR BTAjtD. fine locattoa. close to theatre. ml I t nou Irs Park eaioou, 16th and Waahlngton ata. BUSINESS CHANCES.- BEAL ESTATE and labor agency tor sale; rant . only $10; .labor list of nearly 1.800 samee and addressee, over 100 ef the beat bargains la real estate and personal property la tba .city oa our hooka, for aala ar trade; all sta ttoBsry and equlpment-ef highest grave aad everything to do with. Thla office cleared over $4,000 la 4 mouths, sad la oa a flrat- - class footing. AH goes -for 8180 cash only. LZ Addreea.ll X. Fourth st- ' DON'T come here flret, hut dos't bay roue elty property, fruit and gardes land, wheat, sleek . or dalrx. ranches ant 11 you see as. North. Wast Land Co.. 206 Good Dough bldg. P. B. . Ws also hsvs business chsncee of all kinds, and caa locate yoa right. N. W. L. Ce. CENTRAL caah grocery for $000; thla Is s cnanre neinom oiiereu. csll xsatk stars at. RESTAURANT. 2f Btark. $800; lunch counter. 10 stools. 8 tahlee. 6 chairs; doing a flrst clsas business; mast sell: called east ea baet Besa; good leaae. - Call 81 Fifth at. FOR SALE fleet -elsss sslona 1s Pendletnsi Or.; sew fixtures, every thing la first-class condition no better local loa Is the city. Apply -Bus- 258. i. . , r: WHO IB M. G. MORGAN CO. I PORTLAND suburban d ruga tore far sale, dress B 4, cars Journal. Ad- LARGB jk small roocntng-honees for sale ea , terms . by-ii,- II U ig lay, soaax -80,-- 827 ni Washington, st, GOOD rastaarant. fine location, good business; in-icv ciw. tee nurusiaa sc. . aiain tuio, FOR SALE Olgsr and canfectlonery store very eoeap; low rent, inquire 042 Waahlpgtoa-et, OPPORTUNITY of lifetime for Investment In excellent nrsi-mortgsge a per -cent bonda; . 2.000 shares stock that will nav divM..i stills yesr free with each $100 worth bonda: don't "pass" thla Lock Box 81. , WANTED Man with $.VH); good salary, paable . v. ira i $.too RRLIARI.B partner wanted: will pay yoa . w"-it, t,ni iiul, soneeessary. tall 248t4 Stark St. , . SPOT CASH. Far 'fnraltnrs and household goods, i. Pilot B MAIN ottM- frti- HAVE yoa $100 or $200 to Invest Is guaranteed aivioeao-payuig stoca t ji so, oon t fall te communicate with ma. ' Lock Box 81, city. viREAtERA Opening for a reliable man aa partner; fsou securea win msie yoa $120 a mouth. Csll 248 Blark at. $,"nO STAG E business for aala, doing good; 4 nurses, naca. aieus anyi gooa trsae Htioipter to.Rourne aad the big mines. .Address Warren J. Fergason, Bourne. - Baker county. Or, FOR BALB 84.000 stock ef aierrhandlae ta heat Willamette valley rows; good business: beet-' of reasons for aalllnf. Addraaa F 123, rare Journal. , - f'ftVrt't IT'rV eonr-tiala hartMS atn a tl- Kv-itK.n; leaae, reasnushie rant; Bow dolngT 8.1M) per month; werklog twe chairs. (t 116, I BUSINESS CHANCES.. $2,000 -BUYS boslBeee on Washlngtoa at., bow doing better than $1,600 per uioiitb; lavolce. " about $3,8U0; parly retiring. F H7. Journal ' --" H INTEREST In good ground floor real eatalH , office; $200 required. Call 107 Third at. WRITS aa quick aNstt recent Important da velopmenla of tl Hurst Automatic Switch A Signal Co. I buy stock before big advance. J, F.Hret Ce., -Jut Mohay bldg IF YOlI want a bualneas doing from $28 to $5.1 ' caah per day fw $o-0, answet Oils ad. Ad dress F 116, care Journal..... . ,.- SAWMILL Here's s mill bow running Willi plenty of timber, and everything ues for 14.000. CaU 44 Burk at. FURNITURE and hardware store for aala. Call at JH7 Flret at., or at Cons Bros., 182 Flrat at., Portland. GOOD opportunity for a family; I will aell ar rent my reetsuront and lodging-house ea ttie east 'side ea easy terms. Fur particulars see M. Heller. 80S Burns Ids St., or New York lodging -koose, Front aad Bumalde. BOOMING-HOUSB of 116 rooma with reetan-' rant In eonnectloa. for salo at a bargain: long lease; chesp rent, Inquire st 54 North Second at. . Phoue Pscine 1047 . GROCERY, well located.. Increasing business, - Bt lBTolre prtce.-- ISSMr First at., room 8. A SNAP la s rooming -bouss; brick balldlng. 50 -rooms well fumiabed, full of roomers, clnaa In; $1,100 will buy it. Call at room 12. 846 hi Morriaoa at. T- FOB SALE , Blackamlth shop; good eatahllghed hualnees -aad location v Pbone Eaat 5040. $y-RestsursBt. - wsH equipped la- fine loca tion ea Stark- al. Hagamaaa A Blancbsrd. 81 6th st. -' $500 TAKES s good paying drag a tors; balance ' easy terma; lust the thing for a doctor; . , growing location few days only. . Ad- eea D 116. cere Journal. -- - FOJt SALE REAL ESTATE. $1,750 Vslusble 6 room modern' house In 8ne condition; 2 nice lots corner Best 28th; terms, Uagemana A Blanctiard. 81 8th St. BALL STREET BUY $4.500 - '-'-V Would you Inrsatlgats a proposition If you thought It would set you IS per cent. We , . hsts a 14-mom housa oa a valuable lot that will netvoa that and all we ask la that yon ... , Invaatlgsta It. ood terms. Bagemana. A . Blaarhard. 61 Ath at CITY PROPERTY . - FINE boms, large hoeee, bam,' abwadsBcs of ' fruit. 1 errs of ground, choloe locatiua west -ape of Mt. Tabor. . (t roors new taodent bouee, porcelain plumh-rn- piped for gas, 88x115 feet ground. Pay-', meats $200 down, balance monthly pay mem t or will tude. ' 8-room new cottage, nice Iocs t km. west h-glnne Mt. Tabor: aell on eaay terms. A-room house ao in good order oa weat bus B'lroenTnesr? modern cuttsfe. weat all --BENKLB A HARRISON, r. -2H-Ablngtua bug. ' i wlik matoa astalim hot and cold water, beth. etc.: good bsmr-4 80a 100 lots Into XrnlU good Isrma. Hagemsna A Blsncbard. 81 6tk at. FAXON PARK ... Ia bow on the market; lets st acreage prices. I according to ltnpr.,.-Bn-nt ArfltB noawii -a HMt IttV-St-ffH Lota 100J2D0 $lo, $210. 8228 Lota 200x200 $:i80, $420. $480 -. Me Ms are mostly In cultivation, level and alghtly. en a good graded atreet, close te ' good 10-room school st Lents, 6c fare te any part of Portland: water free; terms. o. B, aiiuiton, owner, Lenta. Oregon. lase sxuuui scull tel. 11 K ACRES, H mile from depot, u mile from church and erhool; plenty running water; price $180. R. F. D. Route 8, box 6. Sher- - - wood. or. - William Rife. . - NEW up-to-date 0-room bouss, $2,880; - $noo .down, $25 monthly. Owser. Phone Baat 678. MODERN a room house. 82.060; monthly. Pbone Baat 675. . $300 dowa. $18 $1,800 NEW cottage, bath, gaa and eleetrls tights,- 4 TortmeT oner hsvk " from school and" car,-Booth Portland;- terms, 208 Fourth C Telephone Pactfle 2125. - - : M.900 HANDSOME , j rartlcalar. beautiful corner, Bolladay'a sddl- Ion, close to school and car. Inquire owner,- . 208 Fourth St.. TsOepsone Main 8WM. ... - DO YOU want to buy city lots or acreage 1 If so. see- aaaa awe Heal Estate lie. Kaat awe -property a eperlalty. 407 Hawthorne are., . Bear Grand. Phone Eaat 1067. onaeaaL-Baat--15th and llanoockr-tUe-: I ""t choice ha-atlos In Hollsilsy and Irving. ton auuiiNjets: oiuit wits ine nest ar matarisi. artlatically deslgaedr-doable-llned hoases. ce. numt cellar floors, fumscee. moderB bath rooma, plumbing, etei selected wood for1 ell Inside work with fine esg-saell ataln ftntskr slx seven and eight rooma; can ase mooee to aovnataga ane -wui mase retraction . giou ea ins rrrat ooaaa eold. - : . . CHAS. L. BOSS- Office pbone Best 82. Home phone TSS. st 82. e. eTegs new cottage drawing IS per cent on money; your own price; leaving city In two weeks. : Esat Ankeny and 28th at. car. Call Sa5 Bandy road. POSITIVELY do not buy a place for a home tlll yoa aSa Piedmont ; aa honr'a time and carfare will be repaid you s hUBdredfolil whether yos buy or not: St. . Johns.- Wood ; lsnn or V car every 8 to 4 minutes. . oecona aaa wesaingToa- sts. FOB BALB Modera 6 -room cottage, large lot, -8 blocks from O. R. A N. carsbopa; part caah. Owner, 1T1 Stanton at. . . - ACBB TRACTSt- PSPBAXTY-lBtTBB-TBiCIsT: tsM-elsed- Itrseta. wstef Wltacksarar TERMS $10 PER ACBB CASH Yes ge to these seres sa the easts pay the earns Be fare the lot mas psys. kt wn , - yiwf neighbor, but ha la ear, , The strict ed In majority at features that Bake s tree eumrbsn home. " Opsa "Wednesday and Saturday avsnlnger A.'5,, CHURCHlLL sT CfJTlNa , ', I0 Bseend Sti- .. MUST sacrifice 6-room cottage. 6 lots; no res. enviable offer refused; la auburba. Addree P 6, rare JoarnaL ... -, YOU should see the atlr tn Pled moor lota. wonder wbr. S- piedmont and von wl know, lota $300,' $400 and $.VM: taka St. Johna, WoodlawB or U car, corner Wash ington snd Beoond sts. ' St. Johns Property - 5. FOB BALB CHEAP. ' 16 lota. 1V4 Morka from poatofflce, ovef lenklng rlrer. $.ino par 1st. -21 lots, SMblocka from carlms, $250 pvf lot. One acre, 200 feet from csrllne. $av). 83 acres Bear packing plant alta, $700 par , acre. . :- - Lota $2T down and 870" per month. HAMPTON A Hl'RLRBRT m.r- "TtAo'm 8 Breed ea blk., Third and Washington. $860-r-6-ROOM cottage la Moutavlllar $160 cash, balance $10 per month. Call 10H4 Third al, 8-ROOM HOVSB AND 2 LOTS. 16 fruit treea. - $600. Terms. Phone Baat 4816. , FOR SALE Suburban cnttsge. 4 .moms, Vt . 80x100 i growing locality, sightly A mtnatee- . ta cariina; ssio; fevw caan, (una a S 77, cars Jonrnsl. e i FOR SALBV-4 besattTnl lota. SOatdO. Columbia Heights; fine erehsrd, M en tsnk-hotise, weil 'and windmill, newly Tee-ted; Ideal euhnrban ' home; excellent car service; $1,800; mortgace $oO0, 8 yesrs; $l,OQ net i ewaef leaving city. HOYEP& p Mver frem fVrtlaad. Located an. ... der N. P. Irrigating ditch and on new north wi . " bank railroad; fruit goes on the market three" r'-i weeke earlier thaa la any other aectlon. com- -amending highest prices; dstly a tea mere feata .- Portland. Sals by tha ewuere. Hover Lead ( Co.. Hover. Washlngtoat ' ; - FOR Piedmont Iota call Bp Msln ST1, or Unloe -V " 2205. Lots $300. $400 aad $800. We will , help tea build; eeay terms. Investment Co., ' 244-Stark. . , - ... . TODAY Is the time to eelect your Iota la Ple.1 ksaat; tomorrow yen may find them taken. INVESTMENT CO., ' 244 Stark at. Mam- 871.- v " PIEDMONT office, corner KllUngswnrlh aad ,Wllllama avaa. TJnlpa VSii. Rome efflca, 244 Stark it. Mala 871. - ARB yoa trltnklng of hut id In g a home? The heat feature, are none too send, are they Then ase Piedmont, the choicest residence trset la the cliyj take the St. Johns. Wood. ; lawn or JJ csr. Lots $800, $400, $000; cask eg Installment. . - ; . ,. x .. .. T'