The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1906, Image 1

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Journal Circulation
- -J a -e--v- v i -
vfwfSw tO I
..FJfJMLcoolec. tonight;. Thursday 4
fair; northwest winds. -.' ; ....,-...'
vol. v.Nor43r;
1 . I
I fill!
Cutting Off Provisions Force
a j"" ' N ai a r
rwen to .tuujor.- wearing
i House Bank Opened-Pair-
tial Payment of Deposits. .
Three - Per' Cent Bond Issue to Be
. , Guaranteed Loss of Chinese Trade
Feared to Northwest Cides-Trol-ley
Service Resumed on Market
street,A.;;:.;-iA A . v....;.
r- (Special Dispatch to TW iJonrkal.)
i San Francisco. Mar 2.-NO disorder
... baa SO far attended the opening of the
clearing-house bank for th limited pay-
.. want of bank depcaiton.. Every confi
dence la shown la the stability of the
, banks and Ultra la no Indication of a
. run when the individual banks raauma
uslheea. Depositors' checks will be
honored In auma of S00 to moot their
Immadlata needs.
... The plan bjr which the federal gov-
ernmeot may lend credit for the re-
. building of the city still has strong sup
portera. At a conference' last night
letweehn3eneraJ Qreely, Secretary ' Met-
cajr, Mayor gcnmia, ex-mayor- r-neran
. and Dr.-levTne a plan waa presenteauln
detail to Secretary Metcalf In order tha'
the aecretarr may lay It before the
preaident when be return to Washing
ton, on unaided credit, the letter stales.
It will take Man Francisco It or more
lysaxsto rebuild. . . With . government aid
if can be built In s Quarter of that
time. While there will probably be
" much opposition lA-Washlngton, aup-
porters of the plan are determined - to
secure a fair hearing before oongress
and are hopeful that- the desired add
, will be- secured. . r
'rorola Itam to trers.
lb, order, of Mayor Srhmlta permit-
tine the use of- uaadlea until the lee
trio -.ght Berries Is restored has added
greatly to the comfort of residents of
the un burned district and tent dwellers,
who have - been 'Obliged to extinguish
the light at IS o'clock. . . t
' The cutting- off of provisions from
able-bodied men has carried at leaat
, 3.S00 men to seek work In clearing the
-- streets, for which they will get 11 a
... eSjLy. Five thousand men are now at
. work In the- ruins, and tha . number Is
being augmented dally. The state labor
commissioner today began the .orgaal
, satigjirOf a labor bureau, which is ez
peeled to 'provide work for 10,000 men
,. Jo a short time. " -.'
Today the trolley ears started on Mar
' ket street, from' Valencia to- the ferry
district The - work, of . restoration of
, the Bryant street power-house Is pre-
ceedlng rapidly and In a few day a tneref
will be a general resumption of trolley
service on .the cleared atreeta. I ,
- There is considerable tear In business
quarter that valuable Chinese " trade
r will be lost by the removal of the Chi
nese population . to Seattle and ' other
coast cities. The Chinese are Indignant
at tha way in which they . are- .forced
from camp to camp by military authorl-
- ties. Vnleaa permitted to occupy the
, eld Chinatown they threaten to move
- the entire colony. ;
rakers SeQ onTsnln. '-r -''-
J2 -'Fakers ars getting In their work In
the burned section now that so many
sightseers and laborers pass -that way.
r Besides Innumerable soda water and
laandwJch stands, many jou postal
"' salesmen have sprung .wp during the
night, offering pictures of the Are and
"'"'Its afreets. c a-r.-mr- -r
. Ons pawnbroker, rather than have his
"... incoms out entirely, has opened a lera
onade stand on the top of his safe In
. Post street, pending the time when he
' may safely expose ths contents of his
safs to the sir. , '
Around ths mint and postofBcs there
'are scores of fakers selling souvenirs
of ths ruins for 16 cents and up The
articles offered consist of broken china
-. urns, flower pots, sto. These are abso
lutely worthless, but as long as they ars
charred tourists fall victims of the
game and carefully preaervs them as
-mementos of scorched Ban Francisco , '
.. .; . Session Called. . -
Two weeks ago today ths devastation
- of Ban Francisco began and in ths pe
! rW slnoe the great conflagration was
extinguished peacttpally little has been
done In the dlreotlon of reatoratlon be-
yobd th clearing away of street debris
' and the hauling of safes out of the rulna.
Hundreds of dangerous walls., remain
'" standing. - -' . . ...
J ' Ksnltsry eondltlone continue remark,
""""ably "" good, t Bd Crosa.- officials- have
" discovered evidences of grafting In ths
relief camps, and drastlo aotlon In Sev
ern I .canes, followed todays .
- - It "i unofficially announced that a
call fur an extra,, session of the legls-
. (Continued on Page Two.)
This afternoon at 1:10 o'clock d
the Portland Olants and Oakland
Commuters will open the base-' 4
ball season of lias In Portland
at Recreation park. Mayor Harry d
Uine will pitch the first ball e
over the plate and the Rev. BL U, s
House of ths First Cotigrega- e
tlonal church, a former catcher d
on the Harvard nine, will catch S
the ball. Phil Knell, an old-time e
pitcher. Is the umpire.
"" ve e e e
Psionifiilc View of ths Northeast
' T::-V-rL-L ':
Break in Stock Market Due to
-r-OarfteId, Aeportiof Standi
; ard Oil Inquiry. - ' .
Rebating Steadily by Railroads and
Octopus Publication WH1 Result
v in Remedial Legislation Panic in
rValTStreet. -
:'-'.i . . . ' .i :
. . -i, (Journal Special ServtaeJ - . :
Washington, a c. May X. (Bulletin)
Preaident Roosevelt on Friday 'will
end to congress Commissioner 0ar-
field's report on the oO. Industry with
spur liil message of comment. ,
(Jonrasl Special Service.) z
Washington. May 1. Htronr pressure
is being brought to bear-upon Preaident
Roosevelt to withhold the Oarfleld re
port on the Standard Oil Inquiry until
after the rate bill has been disposed of.
It is believed that the report . will be
sent to congress within" afew days. In
spits of the opposition... -. .
One of the most Interesting, features
of the Oarfleld report will be the evi
dence showing that rebating is practiced
steadily by the "Standard Oil and Its rail
road connections.-despite ths plea which
has been so persistently proclaimed that
the Elklnr act had put a stop to rebates.
The hollow mockery ofthe" Elklns set
Is thus shown, and It Is expected that de
mands will : be-made oa-eongreee -'Im
mediately for remedial legislation." -
Telegraphs-wires between this city" end
Wall street ' are kept -bosy with many
anxious inquiries from both ends as to
tha Standard Oil expose and Its probable
effect on the market. - Ths stock crash
yesterday was largely the result of tbaJ
meesage which Roosevelt will aend to
congress la reference to : the Btkndard
Oil company.-. ... .. rl -.. ....
..... . . N ' - -
.. . -. ' '.r
(Joeraal Special Service.) '
Ban Francisco, May J. Despondent
over the loss of bis business by fire,
John W. Ruggles, a prominent busi
ness man and member, of the commis
sion house of Dodge, Sweeney. Co
committed suicide at his home In Ross
Valley yesterday, shooting ' himself
through tha head. . Rugglea went to Ban
Jose after the- fire. He-returned and
viewed the ruins of his business house.
The sight waa too much for his over
wrought nerves. .
universal penny Lif
(Joeraal Bpeelal Service.)
Rome, May 1, The 'International
Postal union conference - Haa rejected
the ' proposal to establish . Universal
penny postage, .,
Panoramio View of ths Business Center w oan e rancisco, as aecr! from
' Church, r To th Left Are the Hills BuHfe lisxft' f
End of Ssji Francisco, es Seen From
.v 'JXL.:ilJ!:Xi tics on 'tlfe" Entreme Right. -.
First. Apostle Reported Dying
SlZDur ing 1-Night rophet,.
Nearly Penniless.
i ' (Joorail Special Retries.) '
Chicago, May . .I Jehrr-. Alexander
Catholio church, waa reported dying dur
ing the night. , Hla wife attempted to
enter his room In the Bhtloh house snd
when she: was oref used admittance ere
ated a scene. .; ,.. . ..
Iter Dowlefs " followers -. denied his
fatal -lllnesas but declined to - specify.
Residents Of Zlon City say that Dowle
is in air-almost destitute condition. -
. Ovsasese Vnlles tatew that he has TS
celved information that Dowie la dying
from dropsy. ; Hla. llmbe are reported
to be swollen enormously and bis heart
seriously- affected.
Vollva has postponed Sending the list
of .charges against Dowls, which Is to
be read before:' the governing, board, as
death may settle - the dispute. ;
. . -. i-,., i " ;
(Speelal DUpatch to The Journal)
Carley, Wash.. May 1. The earth
quake that shook J3an Francisco caused
the water In the large artesian wall at
thla place, owned by Carley -brothers,
to apvut vlgoiuosly-fur a short time
and has permanently Increased the
flow: ; r ". ' ' ""
' (Jbaraal Special Bmke.)
Brest, May 2. . A large number of
striking arsenal workmen resumed work
today. Several oolllsions occurred be'
tween-troops and strikers-thlssnom-
- (Jmu ual Bpedal Service.) -. -
Marseilles. May li There was rioting
hare today when the printer attempted
a ' demonstration. The police charged
and ' four . printers were seriously
wounded .and .several badly. Injured.
. -; QnleS at Moan Oarmel.-
(ioaaaal Spedal Serviee.)
Mount CarmeL Pa, May t. There la
no disorder hers this morning, i Troop
ers' paraded; the streets. ' The populace
la quiet.'' -.'-:' .' . ""':'
" 1 1 11 i . i, ,
Blgktees Overeoaae by Oaa.
r Jeraal BpecUl Service.) "
Jersey City, May 1. Carbon monoxide
gas ' laid out 1 ( workmen . In tha Mew
Jersey railroad tunnel this morning.
No fatalities resulted. , . .-
the Fairmount Hotel,' Nob Hill. Telegraph Hill Is lnthe Center, Powell Street to ths Left and the Hall ofjus-
Business7 Suspended in Oregon
HCity Out of Respect to Late
f , X y'i . Sheriff SKaverTTTn: 17 '";
Jury-Returns -Verdict-That- Officer
Shot Him in Performance of Duty
,Thres Men. 'Z LXLUZ.::::
(Special Diapatrh te Te Journal.) '..',
- Oregon Ctr. -rMp' Jafay t, Business
was auapended her today In respect to
the late Sheriff Shaver., who was mur
dered' by, Frank i&aUhtbsdesparado.
WKowetWa'iath'Tisa.T-Wewi Era yeirr
terday. The sheriff was shot and killed
by the bandit while attempting to cap
ture him. , J : " ' - ' '
', Funeral services over the dead officer
were held In the courthouae today and
out of respect to hla memory business
of all kinds wss-suapended here.' The
services were simple and Impressive.
Rev. ML 8. Bollinger paid a touching
tribute to the memory -of Clackamas
county's moat popular sheriff.
. At th eonclualoa or. ma aerviees tne
remains were conveyed on ' board the
steamer Undine and removed -to River.'
view cemetery, where they wer Interred
th ths family plot. At the grave Oregon
lodge No. . L a, CvF conducted 1m
oresslve ceremonlee. - The funeral was
jhe largest ever held In thla city. Mem
bers .of ths Odd Fellows, KnlghU of
Py thla a, woodman or tne world, untteo
Artisans, Knights of Maooabeea, Knights
and - Ldlea - of Security and grange
lodges, of which bs waa a member, par
ticipated In the services. ,., .
', apaay atorbldly- Ona-lous. j
During the whole of yesterday, when
the body of the late sheriff was lying
In state In the courthouse, there w a
constant stream of people to pay their
last respects, several thousand persona.
It Is estimated, visited the courthouae
yesterday to "view ths remains,
r-r-only : a - short - distance away on a
wooden slab in the morgue ..were the
remains of the outlaw, Frank Smith.
The body was brought . to this city
shortly after the affray near New Era
which ended .In the death of the bandit.
Hundreds of morbidly . curious persons
Visited the -morgue during the after
noon and today to view the body of the
bandit who caused such suffering .and
excitement during hla brief career- of
crime and murder.
8o excited waa the town of Wood burn
when the news of Ms death' was sent
abroad that a special train waa char
tered Immediately and several hundred
cltiaena of that place. Including many
women, came to Oregon City to see the
body. . ' - ' " "
1 . io Tear Are ghed. '. '
-"Out of all th hundred who looked
at tha body on the wooden slab there
was not one to shed a tear or to-utter
an expression of sympathy of sorrow
. (Continued on Page Two.)
:.; 'iiT. -. -
. evrmouni notet, a Continuation of tne Picture Above. Ia the Center Are
.cjans III, Kohl fiui,liing,' Tq the RigM Are tha New Chronicle, and Call
Los of. Fortune DowtNot: Dis
Jurb eace of MindJiLTJiosa.
T. in Hamilton, Camp.
(Special Diepatch te The Journal.)
-Oakland. . CaL, May ( 1. Hamilton
Biiuai, where Oieguulans nre eiioarnped.
has more th appeaxanoe of an1 outing
camp, than ths quarters of earthquake.
refugees.. Cheerfulness prevails through
out. In front of a tent with a sign
readin g "Cam p, : da Bum", were two
romping, curly headed mlsaes having
such a good time that they: would be
sorry to return home.- A destitute cou
pie, whose-sole posiwniston conslatbd of
a parrot, were apparefftry-satisfled and
even Polly saucily blinked and approved
the situation. Tha only complaint waa
made by the wife who was n need of
shoes, and that want will be supplied
today. ... ... ..... ..
The refugees .' apparently' have ' no
thought of th future er what will hap
pen when Uncle Sam's provisions gtvs
out. They ' smilingly tell you, "I lost
everything." . and then., follows an ex-1
presslon of confidence that somebody
Will car for them,.
Forty additional tents are occupied
onjhe aqnare. . Food supplies are given
at 11 and . i o'clock, and clothing be
tween I and .4 o'clock. -.- '
Dr. C Qosclnsky, in charge of Ham
ilton Bquare,has sent put th jfollow
lng report: ".
"I, the undersigned, -In charge of
Hamilton Square end vicinity, find the
sanitary conditions In good order, and
Improving In every way. No conta
gious dlseaaes or deaths or births are
reported - though ther are e00-emergency
. Joseph N. Teal of the Portland relief
committee will arrive tomorrow morn
ing. Florence Hays of - Portland, lo
cated at lit s Ellis, has been given as
slatanca by the OregpQ relief bureau.
! " tJoaraal Special Herrlre.)
Paris, May I The city la absolutely
quiet this morning. Only the crowded
meeting of worklngmen at -the labor
exchange attested the continuance In a
tranquil-form of the movement, for an
eight-hour day The . opinion of the
public generally Is that tb movement
ia abortive.
- f ' (Joemel Ipeelal Berviea.) .''.." '
New Tork. May t-Tbe anthracite
operators today Issued a statement to
oombat the-mineral-contention that they
are- underpaid, which quotes tha statis
tics of saloons In the mining region and
the reasons for workmen's poverty.
a v .
ManySuTYlYori -of Earthquake
. Register at "TheJournaPs"
ttreatt In- Oakland
Many Portlanders Reported as Miss
Ing Send News of Their, Safety to
' Family and Friends in the Beaver
"State. V.' ' ' ';-;:-;
i. By Max Balthasar. T
iXroin a Jonmal Staff QarrMDoadent)
OaklanU, CaL. May 1. The following
Oregon people have registered at the
Oregon Journal bureau as survivors of
the San Franoiee oleaster:
W. JL Thomas, Pendleton.
Mrs. M. Thomas, Pendleton.
I C.H, Haielrlg, Salem. v
Mra. C. Haseing. tjaiem.
Charles Moras, Portland.
rVllllam Moral, Portland.;
- George Morasv-Portland.
Mrs. Carrie Oeorge and three children.
Klamath Falls, v-
B. F. Teager Portland.. ,
Mrs. C Teager, POrthind. .
. Oeorge Schmidt, Astoria.' . .
A. Baselle.
O. Qrondona, Portland, ' ' ''
C. Roggi, Portland.
H. Paggl, Portland."
' Michael Hayes,- Portland. .
: P. OConnell, Portland. '
Frank Zelgler. Salem,
r Mrs. T augh, Astoria.
Mrs. O. Morris, Astoria.
XJ.. C JCrnier, Portland
B. F. Kruaer; iciamath Falls.
Bert Stanlels, Klamath Falls.
Frank Benches, Portland.
Eugene Benches, Salem.
r Christ DahU Salem. - - - t-;w ,
Mrs. Eugene A. Uhl. Salem. . - .
Charles Weiss, Salem. ?' t--;"
, Mary Weiss, Heppner. "'; . '
- Paul Weiss, Heppner. -
Frank Tledman, Salem..
.Manr J'ledman. Salem. ,
. A. B. Curtis, Balem.
C. A. Curtis, Balem, '
" Frank Drake, wife and child, Khmath
James Toung. Monmouth.
F.dna R. Cooley. Portland. ::-: '"r
- Katy Tnrney, Salem. .
Ixiretta B tod gill, Balem.
Mra. H. C, Relemeyer, Portlands-
3. crwatsonportland." ' '
Clyde Anderson and mother, Oregon
City. . . .. x '
Uustln Renon end daughter, Pendle
ton. ..-.' ....
Mrs. Norman Watklns, Astoria. '
D. H. Alloway and family, Pendleton.
John Bowen, Portland. . ,'
D. T. Welch. Oregon City. ,
Clara Dobaoa. Portland.-. - k. .i
Mrs. Annie King. Astoria. . . . ,'
Archie St. Clair, Astoria,
Willie Lyons and father, for Hand. r
Oeorge Varinson. Portland.
John. Allen and wife, Oregon CJty.- -
O. A. Bunch. Portland,
Mrs. P. Oreenbcrg and two children.
(Continued -on Page Three.)
.v,'''.r''!'T' i f''
the Ruins cf C..:e
Buil - '.' - ).
County Court'Lets Lafe .Penca
Build and Operate Doubles-Track
Railway on St. - v
, - " Helens Road "
Company Ia Given Strip Twenty Feet
"Wide and Agrees to Pave Sixty
Foot Roadway, and to Widen Road
When '"NecessarywNo
- or Switches Permitted.
lfe Pence this morning seoumd. s)
franchise to tAilld a double-track le
trio railway along th east aide or tb
Bt. Helena road from Portland to Linn
ton." Ths order granting this franchise),
waa signed by County;. Judge Lionel P..
Webster, County Commissioners W. L.
Llghtner and F. C Barnes, and Lafs
Peno, preaident of th Penoe company.
The company f"'rjrjrthefranch1s
agrees to furnish the county with auf
f lclenr crushed rock or gravel; or both.
to macadamise th full tQ faet.of th
road after ths appropriation of a' 20- foot ."
strip for th ,as of th carltne. Tb
county xourt retains the tight to saw
what 'sort and atse of paving material
shall used on tha road. Tb oori.
pany also agrees to keep - the road In
repair during the time th railway llnt: j.'
Is operated.' . .''. . . . - .
TlTbtyeei"Wldth-equlred- r "
In granting this brder," reads th In
strument signed thla morning, "it ia
contemplated that said electrlo rail war
shall be constructed, only along that
part or said rosd which is now eatab
UaheJ to the width of 10 feet, thereby
leaving SO-feet of unobstructed road-. -way
for said county to be macadam laed. -and
wherever on aaid road, along the
entire distance for which th right of
way Is granted, said road la not now
graded for the full 8 feet, the Peno -oompany
shall at its own expense and
In consideration of the rights herein ,
granted to it, open and grade aaid road
as directed by the county court to th
full width of to feet. ; ' '- T.
"The aaid Peno oompany shall begin
the construction of aaid road within
SS days andhall complete tb same
within II months from th granting of
thla franchlae, .-.
"In the operation of aaid road, tha
aaid Penes oompany shall not charge a '")
greater fare than oenta for each pas-,
senger for traveling 1 between Unnton .
and Portland. yr- .' ,.; .
nro kold 0brs7 7
Tf st sny time the aaid Peno com
pany shall faU to -refuse to'do anything
which it undertakes to do In thl. or
der, at the time and in tb manner
herein specified.' or, If It fall to begirt'
tha work ot constructing said railway,
line within the time above Speolfled.'
or - to - complete the- earn- within - th
tlms above provided, then. It. shall for
fait all of th rights herein granted, and"'
from the time olAuch failure or refusal
it anaii d neia i and deemed to hi a
treepoaaer and Vsi of Its prooertv of .
svery kind may be summarily removed -at
Its expense by th oounty oourt front
tn rigni or way Herein granted and all
rights herein granted shall b forfeited!
and bald for naught. .... ,
"Th rights herein granted shall tee.
minate absolutely at tb and of as years '
from: the date of the granting of thla "
If said Penes company shall fail ta
operaU cars upon its road for more than
a nays at any on time the county may
declare the franchise forfeited as to
such part of aaid road upon which earn
shall not have been- operated tor th -aaid
IS days. . .
-- JTo Bwitohe tUdetraoka..
Th rights, privileges And franchiMa
hereby granted to the Pence company, .
lta successors and assigns, shall at all
times be under the supervision of this
court and It shall at all times have th .
power and right to reasonably regulate,
in the Interest of the public, th. rights ..
and , prlvllegea herein granted."
No switches or sidetracks ars to b
made to ths road without special per
mission of the oourt. r The-, road must
be constructed In a modern manner, ami
Its rails must weigh at least SO pounds
per yard;-the Tar ara to be comfort.
able During th building of tb Una
th Pane company assumes all liabil
ity for damages on account of ths con
struction ot ths road. . No cars are to
he permitted to stand on th tracka.
At th Urn th request was made for
ths franchise Mr. Pence declared that'
the company was going to continue th. .
road Into Washington county through)
the Cornelius pass. He also aaid thet
la large-ausjbes-of-mUlswd- facuwlse ...
would soon be In operation at Linnton. "
It la thought by many that a trans.
continental railroad will rem Into Port-
land over this line .within a few years.'
(Joeraal SpeMal Wir1e.
, Athens. Msy . The Jury of e
Swards has lasued . the prtss f
awarded to date. America hae
captured tl. including 11 Hr
rrBws 3,- 10 Brstai inw'r 1 !
4 llrats; Orce 10, 9
Sweden 1, Itsly 1,
Hungary Tt l)nmrn t,
' land , Mtilan.l 4. '
trail J, l.trlglum 2,
: v