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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1906)
t::i: onzcou daily . journal. Portland. Tuesday -evening, may ir itz3. naeaiBgBnsjBj awe LL- V . "eaasa. i s m - a V ' Va, , jr i ' a a : jsbw ew-- .Aaew ' " - x - 111 7vCSiriL ' Hi . " watch us growi , : ; i : r5 WITH EVERY- PURCHASE. , Look for this space in the Daily Papers. Every item is a moneyaverr Keep yourself posted on our Money-Saving ZSpecialsr Mail Ordefis promptly filled. Special bargains i will be ad vcrtisin this space each day, while our show windows wiU always be filjed with choice regular goods at lowest possible pricesr We place of Portland. THESE SPECIALS FCR WEDNESDAY ONLY Boys Suits, $1.49 K i. Age 3 to 9 years. Regular $3.50 per Suit. These are fine Wool Worsteds and Cassimeres in the new" popular shadel.r'r'Trt"''-;'--r-j- -rJe patterns in Cajimetcs Cheviots and Wor steds; regular $175 a pair. - . . ? - Men's SnttsT $9J5 Suit These are the newest patterns and shades of Cassimeres, Cheviots," Worsteds, - Blue Serges, Black Clays and Thibet. These Suits sell always for $15.00 and $18.00. Remember, Wednesday only they go for $9.95. ' " , t '- .. , I'- Men's Oats. $1.98 colors trf-Soft and Stiff Hats; always sell' for $2.5P. Tljese are all new up-to-date shapes. Men'sUndemear, 43cGarment Lighi-SunmerUnderwar;' blua and brownf cotton ribbed; a splendid value at 65c a garment.. TEESE SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY - These are the celebrated Royal Brand and sell the world over for $3.50 a pair.- These can be hatt either in vicl kid or box calf leather. These are splendid wearers and the newest shaped toes. Men's WHtrSMrls 68cEacfi" Stiff. bosom." 4-ply linen, "with muslin" backs; regular $1.00 each. - ' Boys' KneeTantsl 2te ': All ages these sell regular for 50c per pair. Men's 25 c Suspenders, 10c Pair Towels, 23 Each Thesc'JTQwels arc 2445 .inches, and icITrcgul larly at'3-for $1.00, and a splendid value at that THESE SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY These Specials Will Induce You to Visit Our Basement 2,000 SCRUB BRUSHES, worth from 25c to 35c; : for house cleaning time. Your choice of--.. Jlthis lot ...... .......... . Heavy Cord Net Shopping - 'e--ee- Hi i n, I, n :-i ; vBags Regular price 25c for.rjiv.. ....... .i. ..lie CUDAHY'S DIAMOND CSoaplU - 17 bars for.,, . .ITT,. X7?.ZS DOVER ECO BEATERS Regular 10c for.?6 THESE SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY Ladie's Shoes $1.4S Pair These are the World: Famed ' ULUAN SHOES, noble in appearance, comfortable and wear like iron, wifh Military or Cuban heels, fin est vid kid uppers, lace or Blucher cut, newest shape toes, and a better Shoe for $2.50 cannot be found in the city. . , , ;. 7 Women's Corsets 28c ,..THit- e'ebratd'-EC- jEc.H ;hades' in white, pink, gray and blue; regular 50c quality. : :. Children's Muslin Drawers ; These Drawers are of splendid, material, eitheV lace trimmed" ohemstkehed ruffles, and always sell at 20c per pair. , r . V"" : '..v..I ' All Mail Orders bearing post mark of day of sale will be. filled at. the prices quoted in the ad. Be sure and mail orders within 30 hours after, the edition of the paper. -We give all out-of-town orders the. most careful attention. - - - :mz2z."1S 1 ; " ; - - - w-.,-- TBESE SPECIAIS FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY E Ladles Stock Collars, 18c -These "Collars are an unusually fine value, silk embroidered, in all the new late patterns, and al ways retail at'-35c each.. . . . Womratosto Best quality "BIackTaffeta" Silk; ; one : deep ruffle with mercerized dust rufflerall lengths and finest-workmanship."- The regular price of these Skirtt.'ia $4.50 eac..-i-i3-i-.-rrr.?rr.f---xr Women's Dose, 21c Pair f Consisting of fourarieties7 Lace Hose, plain black, fine ribbed or fancy embroidered, and sell regularly for 35c a pair. - 1 Announcement Our entire stock of Straw"Hats has arrived; newest shapes and patterns. See Window -4 X SUICIDES CEASEIH STRICKEfl CITY, Favorite ' Resource- of ' Thoee : ; Eliminated In 'Frisco. "" N0CAS"8UPPLYANDN0- i DRUGS OR FIRE ARMS Many Oregon People Report at .. Journal Headquarters to Notify Friend of Their - Escape From Y- ' Disaster. .. i 6y Mat Balthararr "rrm . JmitbiI Staff OorrMixadrat.) ULL muMMMrMtriA fwaatiM r- -tur. ioc1td wlUi th. dlaajur la th. absence of auioldc ThlrtMn days hav. now elapsed ana no suicide la y.t r .ported al th. morsu. Offlclal rMorda ntrew an crvrag of 1 S rutctd iJailr fn Ban frandaoo undar normal conditions. i Sixty - pr -cnt- eommlttd . aulcldfc by iim of sas, 11 by m of druta, It by ; ua. of flrrma and 10 by drownlaa. Tb. farorlt. resource fth. sutcld. lv. practically bn eliminated. Thar. Ttu no sas eupply; th. Rd Cross socl.tjr baa chars, of th. drugs; no man Is per- mltt.d to handl. tnimi - without - a permit and th Ursa amount of trav.l . across tb. bay makca It n.xt to lm posalbl. to Jump overboard nd not b. reeoued. l f- Major - 8t.rnb.rrr In eharg. of th. Orecon hospital, returned to Portland laat nlsht on aocount of th. deathji( his father. H. Lk Mann, who has ben actively .nsed In- relief work, . re turned to Portland yesterday. : Th. , name a of E. B. McClur. and, C H. Fleher of Portland appear on th. Ma aonlo Vestater and X U Mitchell and C t Flaher, both of Portland, are reals- " tered at Elks' headquarters. - -v- T-' Th. followlns Oreaon people bav re ported at Th. Journal bureau, 41 Tenth street. Oakland, as tiTffisWccnnirf earthquake - and fir. In Baa Franoiaco: F. .W. Tltua, Monmouth; O. T. HayM, Pendleton; Mrs; T; Jt Hayes;; Peudle ton; Charlea Klrkpatrtck, Balem; Mra. M. Klrkpatriek. Sal.ra; Mra. Nual. Murray, Portlaa1: Charlea Redmond, Klamath Fells; Hre. R. Redmond, Klamath ralla; A. Harris, Portland; Mra. Clara Herrte, Portland; C P. Hunt, Pendleton: Mrs. Walts, Pendleton;' r. O. Wakefleld, Salem; Frank Sullivan, Portland; Edgar Place, Bel em'; M. Wank, Klamath Pal la; Frank Hutb, Monmouth: Mra. 8. Huttv Monmouthi Walter Klnge ley, Portland; Mra. W. Klussl.r. Port land; Frank McKay, Balem 1 Mra. F. McKay, Salem: F. D. O'Hare, Portland; C, Fla-el, Pendleton; Mra. M. Flfel, Pen dleton; Oeor. Wise, Pendleton f Mrs. F. Wise, Pendleton; Walter Wolfe, Port land; P. Fanning. Klamath' Falla; C. T. Olsen. Portland; Mra. M Olaen, Portlands-Frank Allen. Salem. - . - P. OeorsU F. Bellantl, P. Canape, O. Olovanl. A. Baclgalupl. P. Valente. F, Valente. K. Baaalllo, F. Mariano, Vi Rossi. J. Cagalarla, 8. Basaecl, Astoria; A. MorUmer, Mra. M. Mortimer, Klam ath Falls: Mra. Rose Clark. Balem; Henrr.iMarkv Max-Werner, Portland; Jak. Warner, Mrs. R. Warn.r," Kat.;1 P. Vendetta, F. - Vewr delta, R.venaetta, Astoria; John Uf fen, Mra. Mary Uffen. Klamath Falla; MrerF. Tr Joneay EugenefJMr.nnd Mrs. B, JTKarker. Balem; -Mra. John Work- Rueaell, Roaeburg; Mra. P. R. Hoaer, husband and one child, Ashland; L E. Chaptn, Klamath Falla; WUllam B. Mc- Oerryr-PenAletonfeter and Cinder Luhr, Monmouth: Tony Ransalo and wife, Mra Buja and Mabel Buja, Port land: : Ooldatona and wife, Salem; B. Btlverberg, Portland; Mra. H. B. Kline, Ashland. , - , ' . ' . t Many From Portlaad. .. Mrs. Abe Levy-and family," Mrs. S. 8. Hanson, Rfigene; Mra. Bertha Bum mers, Pendleton; Mr., and Mra H. K. Bveraon, Portland; Mrs. Robert Murray, Portland; Albert- Thomaa Lege., Th. Dalles; Mr. and Mra E. P. Leech, Port land; M. Cary Adams, Ashland; Mra Frank Roberta, Portland; John N. Reed, Ashland; Mra Alice Mour, Klamath Falls; C. W. Mageaon, Portland ? Ctoorg. Bunch and family, Portland; Mr. and MtV-L. M. Norman, Portland; Louis D. Hedlon and wife, Aahland; Mra J. Frankenstein and child, Roaeburg; J. 8. tlanaonv MAnmouth. Mra. -Mary Lynn and tworhlldren, Mra Charles Mcln tyre,' Portland: M fa M. M. Dodge and twe children, Portland; Fred J. Clancey, Roaeburg: J. C. Olds, Mra Mathews and famllyK Portlahd; Harry Mitchell,' Flor- . ............. r.-;, . : Uv . Z ' Tte Bext Scocrtag Soap Marie ' A Scourinf SoafT' r ' A Metal Polish i - A Gttss Cleaner - l; , -f - Sncei William Naaon, Marahfleld; Mra. Asmea Shenard. Mra " J. Isaacs, T. W. Mellla and family,, Portland; Mr. and Mra. H. A. Brooks and Child. Ontario: J. Woodcock, Portland. COLORADO EMPLOYES . GET AN EIGHT-HOUR DAY (Joomal SpecUl Berries.) " . Denver, May 1. Practically .vary mploy. Irp'.the great plants of th. AmaricarrettmsrSrtsfmrnr eonpany want to work today undar a n.w atsht hour scbedula -- Heretofor. -they have been working from 10 to 11 hours a day.,. Th. reduction In houra waa vol untary on" thTart of the company and oarrle. with It no reduotlon tn waarea Between 1,000 and 1,000 mm are af fected, distributed among the -company's smelters in thlaNClty, Purango, Pueblo and Lead villa Concert for Sufferers. I tA. conc.rt to bs glv.n at th. Helllg on Thursday evening., May 10, for the benefit of the! Ban Francisco sufferers is- arousing general interest. Already a larser-numbe t- ticket, have been aold and requests for more ar. coming Jn' rapldiy.T Th. concert la to b. given by- planiete of Marie fjwule'e-claaa - aa aisled TrThrButterworth Concert com pany ot Chloago, th. members .f which are Harry T. Butterworth, basso; Mabel Wallace Butterworth, dramatlo reader; Mart - Francta.- Whitney,- viollnlete, and by . Mr John. Clalrs Montelth, baritone, and ' other prominent local mualoiana Everything will be donated. A unique feature' of the evening will b. th. sal. of home-made candles made and donated by .the young ladles. The patroness -of .Ithe evening , wllf be: Mrs. J. R MonCsDmery. Mrs. J Wesley Ladd. Mra. T. B. Wiloolt, Mra. C. F. Adams, Mrs.C. A.-Dolph, Mrs. H. L. Corbeti, Mra. Walter :Burrelt, Mrs. U. W. Ooode, Mra Robert Lewla Mra, L Flelaohner, Mra. H. W. Corbett, Mra Frederick . Page, ' Mra Slgmund Frank, Mra.. Edward Falling. Mra. Bol Hlrach. Mra A. . E. Rockay, Mra Fletcher Linn, Mra C J. Reed and Mra H. 8. Butter- tleld Souvenir programs will b. on aal. during th avtnlng. advertisements for Jrhlch maybe aent to Mlaa Soul, or any f th. patroneaaea- . -r SUNDAY SCHOOLS OF KANSAS IN CONVENTION ' (Joorntl Spertal Servlee.) 1 .Lawrence, Kan- May 1. The Sunday schools of Kansas) have- sent a host of delegates to The rorty-flrst annual con vention of their atat. organisation, which will be in aessloh her. during th. next few days. A session In th. state uiiHeislly iliap.1 anda visit to Haskell institute are features of th. program In addition to tha usual amount of reports, papers and routm. bualnesa COTTON CONFERENCE " OPENS IN WASHINGTON (Jnnrasl IpecUr Sarrlee.) Washington, May 1. Cotton growers, manufacturers and traders thronged th. assembly room of th. N.w Wlllard ho tel today at tha opening of what la nrohably th. most important cotton conference aver, held In thla country. Thoa. In attandaac. represented th. cot ton growers of th. south, th. manu facturers of thla country and Europe and, th. coit?n. eachangea of New York, New Orleans and Liverpool. - Represen tatives f the department ot agricul ture also wars present n. purpose of the' conference, which, will be In ses sion two daya, la to bring about .closer relatione between-tha producers - and spinners and at th. aama time to con- fer on roattera of mutual Interest cover ing .very department of cotton growing and marketing and manufacturing. Cotton- production was- th. gen.ra! top!, of consideration at -th. Initial a as alon thia morning. . Under thla bead th. conference discussed Improved methods of cultivation, eoat of production, pos albllltiea of acreage and future yield and th. world'a conaumptlon and needs, Qlnnlng, haling, tara tranaportstinn snd other matters relating to th. handling of cotton ware discussed at th. after noon ewssion. s. . -' - - j - - OredlSors Orow Zaatateat. SeerttnmptWS to Tw fnnniat.T- Eugene, Or- May L The creditors of M. Goldblatt. who conducted a cloth ing atora In Eugene until three months ago, have taken atepa to fore, him Into Involuntary bankruptcy. HI. HbaUttes ar. aald to b. between $7,000 and 1 1,000 and hla aaaeta $4,800. In the Laundry In the Kitchen In tho ToIlot -5andr---?-,7 In tho Nurocry a-w., BiDlflpiDAL AT STANFORD Dilapidated Condition of Ruins -Reveals-Poor-Metho " " Construction. PRETENTIOUS BUT CHEAF- AND SHOWY STRUCTURES Six Millions Supposed to Have" Been Spent When Indications Are That - Not Over Half the Amount Waa -Actually Uaed.": : a. Cleanser ami Piirifior is Effcctiyo Absolutely MarmlcsG Clesms the moat OeUeatc fcbri. wfch Mt enjury, said tear, the bands soS and vAits, All oVeaaera. Fsae earn pea sod UMsited booUstibt 9k tn mamam AddreM Factfte Coaf issa Ocx (Jaurnal 8peeU! SVrvtce.T JraW-ZAlto.-Mar- lIhe -rtllnldatd condition or the one-tima splendid build Inga of Leland Stanford Jr university aB-srTeauttfSearthuakribckrra" the subject of uncomplimentary dlwcus alon by members of tha faculty. Borne or tha professors hint that tha earth auake haa ahowa that tha buildings war. inadequately constructed and aiva weight . to th. . rumor currant at Palo Alto during tha paat three years that th. apecincatlona for th. proposed. mg nlflcnt bulldtnga and arches 'were Ignore livaa effort to erect pretentloua but cheapo ana gingerbread ateuttureev Six million dollars) wer. aet aside to conatruct th. library, gymnasium and memorial chapel; Experta who viewed th. rulna of th. buildings declare they could not have coat more than t3.000.000. But ao far aa th. faculty ia concerned th. entire t. 000,000 waa expended by Architect. Hodges. Contractor J. D. Mc- Qllvrsy arid C O. Lathrop, bfother of th. lata Mra. - Stanford and treasurer of the university. President Jordan la quoted aa eaylng that th. rulna -of. tha library building Indicate that tha atructurS. might have fallen of Its own weight at any mo ment... He, Is .also quoted aa having stated that tb. n.w gymnaslnm waa constructed in a flimsy, haphazard faah- lon. .-. . " - - - : - Professor Wing of ths department of stmoturaUanglneerlng at the unlverstty ha. made a thorough scientific examina tion of tha rulna and la now. preparing a complete r.port. --------j. - - r ---- COLORED REFUGEE IS SENT TO SALEM ASYLUM (SpecUl Dlfpstrh ie The Joarsal.1 Albany. Or.. ' May k Luia Phillips, colored, -of -Bww-Xranclsco, waa yester day adjudged Insane by tha authoiitlea and committed to ths Insane asylaro at Salenu She and her husband enter tained the cltlsenrer-Atbany- Saturday avenlns with " muslo and songs, claim ing t be refugee, from th. unfortunate city recently deetroyed. - ----: - That aam. evening after they had gona to their hotel aha became violent ly lnaan. and bad to ba restrained. She labors under all aorta of , 6hiaiona among -here being the thought that some one la endeavoring to destroy her by Are; aleo that aha eeea flamea and imaalnea that tha walla of th. sur- Koundlng buildings ar. about to col lapse and bury her in ineir ruins. Dr. Hill, the attending physician, ears that 'Afetabk Prtparalbrifof As similating (hefoodanflBetfula-uuStDoiarJisaialBcaAQlaor AxSmmm XT Promotes DigestionJChterru nessandRest.Contains neither Opiumlofphine norMlncxal ot HAac otio, - r' ; -- A perfect Remedy forConsBpa tlon, Spur StOTnach.Diacrlioea and Loss OF SHIP. TacSiirals Signarure of XEWYDHK. 11 -P1 mm -aFor infants and Children. Tho Kind You llavo m Always Dpught Bears the Signature of U" For Over tXABtccerarwikuaL i Thirty Years: fcf uifl II Uliiil with, proper care and -treatment aha will Soon recover. Her husband says that he -will stay In Salem until aha recov ers. He alleges that-they were well to do and, hav. lost everything In the iw cent holocaust. sg. ENGLISH OPERATIVES - . GET WAGE INCREASE .:r"Jrr tJsonsal Speelal Servlee.r7" London. Mar L-r-Thar. la creat re- ililna la thr--northw rt counties, wlieie tha waa. increase for eottnti dneratlvee went Into effect today. Tha advance amounta to.3fe.per cent, and affects 160,000 employe, of the cotton mills. It la tha first time In 10 veara thai tkv hav. been placed on the full wage etanaara adopted-is yaare ago. a . ays Xatereat ' U eVoara. . ttpeelal Daestoh te TB imreaL ITllVfinA n, V4u 1 t'U m ,1.. XI Bnlae trtahn CimuI W -n4 , .e years .wnlng an interest la ths Rosa- berg Review,' has purchased a half Interest ,Jn . lhe Eugene s. Dally , . Guard" from iL Ryiitl.VL., Campbell and will hereafter be., associated" with them la the publication of Ths paper. ' What .They're DigKing. ., rrom the Houston Poet. -Prom the way the administration pee pl. are still digging Poult ney Blgelow. on. may ale. believe they taS. him for tha lathmua of .Panama. . . in i . - - - I- J. ... -l -Hl-l M rertaaate SUaaearlaaa. "When 1 waa a druggist, at Livenla. Mo," writes T. J. Dwyer, now nf Uraye vllle. Me., "three el my customers wer. permanently eared of roaaumptlon bv Dr. King's JVew Discovery, and are we, I and ron today. On. was trying it sell hia piererty and move to Arlxma, bat after using New Discovery a short time he found It unneceeeery lnn I regard Dr. Klng'e New Discovery as I" e most wonderful medicine In elr're. Suiest Cough and-eold cure an4 If- and L'ing healer. Gunieed bv I more Drug Co. 0 and li- TrUl k. " Ua tr. V"