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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1906)
v- I ;orjEN BUSY fJJ" " FOR Major. Oevof Telegraphs Chair ' ' " ' - k -"' man Hoge That This la Press " w ing Need at Present; C ' CONFLICTING REPORTS AS TO WHAT IS WANTED With Oregonian Fund Turned In Grind Total Now Reaches Two ' Hundred Forty .Thousand Dollars ' and Soon Will Pass QuartervMtIlion "In responM to at telegram received ihte morning by Chairman R.. B, Hog t. th flneno commute ot the Port End relief committee from Major C. A. Oevol, depot quartermaster - at . Ban Franclaco. that there la a pressing .de ; nand. at. present for underclothing for the Are and earthquake sufferers, the . toman of the 'Women's Relief corps are . Misylng. themselves at.Jle armory o ,'ay packing Quantities of these goods for Iramedlat shipment The telegram feoetved reads asrni;lQWr - r . There appears to still he a great Vmand for women's underclothes, shoes for women and children.-stockings, eta. Should b new. Men's underwear also acoeptsbl. Anything In '-the above line will bs appreciated." ' The committee has a; large quantity j1 underwear pri hand and more will be ' serured today that It may be prepared for shipment at the - earliest possible date. Owing to tha congestion of freight at Sen Francisco during the past day or two the local committee has not been able to ship material of this sort, but new regular shipments will be resumed. j Up to noon today no additional eub-4 acrlptlons - of cnstt" naa Been receivan by the finance committee. The total amount received up to the present time whiercmrtra which the Oregonlan turned over to the committee this morning, makes a grand total of . f J40.T7f.ST, Knough more Is -expected , from benefits -. and other nure ta swaU-the isiaiiahrfa . than 1160,000. , ".-''' Figuring Aosonnt. - - The - members of , the flnanee-em-. mttte and Chairman Hoge. are buay - today making out theif cash accounts ao that a detailed report of all receipt and expenditures can be made nubile as soon as possible. Several men. ax em ployed making out this report. At the present time the committee Is . facing question of whether supplies or money are most needed at -the pres- ent time In th-deXroyed tdty,- Con ", fllctlng statements - come r- from - Ban Francisco. Chairman Hoge says he has been Informed that the great need now is for cash.' He says bis Information ta to tha effect that there are snpplies enough on hand and on the way ta tnjs city to take car of all demands 'for the time being. T. . Mayor Schmlta, . . according . to ' dis patches, has announced that . the sup plies available will soon be exhausted CODY - OF LATE SHERIFF Remains of John R. Shaver to Be t Interred at Riverview . ' Cemetery.' . "'V - ..' (Special Diasslrbto The Jearaal.) . Oregon City,, Ot,' May L Th body f the 1st Sheriff John R. Shaver was brought U Qrn City -on .- the train - yestsrriay accompanied by . several meaa : bers of the stricken family. Funeral arrangements hav been completed and the- body -of the man who so ravely went to, his death while attempting to rapture, the desperate murderer of Po llcem&a Hanloo will be laid away in the family pint in Riverview cemetery, above 'Portland.'' ' " ., . ' -.. The-body la lying In state In the -county courthouse today and may there b viewed by the many friends of tha - murdered-111111-.;'' ' -- Toraoreow- at )0:tt -a.-m. the funeral services will be .conducted at the courtt lious ty-Rvr"E.:.S. "Bollinger" 6f ' the Congregational church, after which the "remains will b taken .lonboardjt. gpftj jjal .boat, and conveyed to the ceme " try, ; where TO final services will b held by Oregon lodge No. S, I. O. O. F., of jwhlch he waa an honored member. lie waa aixo a member of the Woodmen. .Artisan, Knlghta of- Pythias, Maecabe and Grange lodges - find - the various lodges, wlU -attend the services In a On palT"berer"wtll be selected from the membership ot each lodge of which Mr. Sha var-wasa.. membei . The steamboat Undln was chartered thla afternoon to bring the body of the ' late Sheriff Shaver of Oregon City from the Clackamas county capital to the Riverview cemetery. The - boat - will " leav Oreron City about 1 o'clock to morrow morning, and will. carry 300 of , tha lata sheriff" s relatives and friend. vri-:- jWben , SHIPr.lEHT TO SUFFERERS- .' a . ' - :- " ts: : : PREPARIfJG UTJDERUEAR - - 'and -more of this sort of relief .material la needed. . He indicates that the de mand ta not for mon;y. Endeavors are being made to ascertain -just what the sultatlon is. - ' But few refugees called at" tha Arm orythla morning (Of aid. - Most of .those who are In the city have been provided for. and as the ceneral free transports lion, has been suspended, only a few more are coining in and these sro all on regular trains. They are being cared for as fast as - they arrive, provided with such as they need in the line of clothing, food and places to live. ' Women trail working. Tha fact that the Influx of refugees has dwindled greatly has not caused the women's -relief headquarters at the Armory to lose -any -of Ha air of bunt nessllke activity.-One-hundred or more women have organised themselves intd a sewing and mending society and the hum of machines fills One section of the drlllroom. .. It Is here that clothes par tiallv worn are made as good as new. The "help wanted department ts nav Ing great difficulty In supplying the de mand. There are positions ror more nn 160 servant end house girls but there ere few applications for such positions.; The committee tn -charge of this department says It can furnish positions, and good ones, for almost any number of women and girls. There are also numerous calls for housekeepers Thai. Journal .this morning received a letter from Arnold TJnger, a cigar manufacturer of North Yamhill, asking If there -was a woman among tha refugees who would take the position of housekeeper for himself ana two sons. He says he will pay fair com pensation and furnish a suitable perso with a ood home.' - 7 r Other naoea la .- '--While the distress. In 8aa Francisco overshadows that In. other places that suffered from the earthquake, a tele gram from Major DevoL depot quarter master at San Francisco, to Chairman Hog of the flnano committee culls attention to the . fact thatther-r Pother places to be cared for. His mes sage atatea that tne army aumorjues at Oakland are looking after thla work and sendlng"subh relief aa"ca:n be af- forded. Hla telegram ; aays- that aub- etotenea stores wars sent to the follow ing plaoean yesterday: Berkeley, . three ! ears;;. Santa. Rosa. land, ten earsv - ' Mr. Hog' wired Major Devot thla morning thfct the local committee would ship 10 tons each of oata and - barley, by steamer tonight H aak'ed, for In formation as to whether or not needed wood supplies could be secured mora quickly - and satisfactorily from points on. the North Coast railway, v , ' Today the promiscuous carrying of refugeea free .of charge -was-stopped by the lines out of San Francisco running In this direction. Hereafter either passes or "special -rates-'Wlll -be given such as are recommended -by a committee appointed In San Francisco to attend to thla work. Assistant Gen eral 'passenger -A Snt - A. - D.--Charlton of .the Northern Pacific announce that passenger "Traffic-Manager Charlee S. Fee of -the Southern Pacific has been given authority' to- us The HIU 'road for handling refugeea as he does, hla own. ' '!-. BDDT DF mSFEtlM ; IS . SElllHOIIW Carious Crowds ' Besiege the ' ; Morgue at Oregon . City 1 .'. : This Afternoon'. - - 4?7 . - . (Special Joarnal.) .... Oregon City, Or, May 1. The body of Frank Smith, the desperado, who waa shot and killed, near New Era at 11:16 P'clock this . jnorntht r Harry Oraber now Ilea at the morgue In thla olty. The body will be Interred af this plare. Crowds -of morbidly curious are ba- sleging the "bunding 'wherein the body lies eager to get a gllmpee-of the man who killed three of tha prominent eltl sens of the valley and for wMom hun dreds of armed men scoured the woods In tha valley for several days before their efforts war rewarded by tha death of the fugitive. A reward of 11.608 waa' offered (or the death of tb nut- Among -th - residents -of Clackamas and Oregon City there Is a feeling of inthusiaam over th death of tha bandit. for It wasat this pine that two of hll!yfctlmiL:iJved,"Poll?.em.snIQjgt Hanlon and Sheriff John R. Shaver. DAYAND NIGHT BANK -1 -tl", 20PENS IN NEWVY0RK t, . f sMaXDell 0pSdsl Sttfl'YtOw'.t " ''New Tork, May 1. It Is now possible for a New Yorker to draw out hla money and spend It at any hour of the 14 (f ha.-have.-an .account, with -the Day and Night bank, which opened its doors for. business today. : The institution occu pies quartera at Fifth avenue and Forty-fourth street and la tb only on of Its kind in th world. Its projectors believe It will nil a long-felt want in th metropolis and ar of the opinion that It wUl be of substantial benefit to brok ers, business men and others. .. j 1 aj,aa,.ahuJJ.tgtJx:il tht Su Frtncbco Postoffi4 Optntd. THET OREGON 'DAILY JOtfRNAU PORTLAND; TUESDAY"" EVENING; MAY 1. 0 BY THE m The Federal Troops, the members 6f the Reg- -.ular Police Force and all Special ' Police; Officers i have been autnorlzed by me to KILL any and all "persons found engaged in Looting or in the Com- mission of Any Other Crime. " ' V liave directed 1 the Gas and Bectric Light-; ing-Co?s7hot to turn on Gm I order them tb'do so. You may therefore ex-, pect the city to remain in darkness for an indefinite I request all citizens" to remain at home f rom darkness until daylight every night until order is frestored 11::;V;-:LI..4;;; .- .I WARNj aU Qtheiis of rrom uamagea or Ucstroyed CJiimneysp oroken or Leakinjg GasPipes or Fixtures, or any like cause. "bateJ. Ajril 18, 1900. ' ' -: -inni mm.ur Mayor Schmitg Original "Sboot.Them . Down" Proclamation ' which re T suited In the Tctlling of at leatf a score and the wounding of many more responsible roilv FATHER OF CLARENCE T. IS DEAD IIJ Like His Son. He. Was a Leader Among the Methodist Clergy. . x' Rev. John A..B. Wilson, : D, father of Clarence TruaWllsonDi .I"r pastor of Orac Methodist Episcopal church In thla clty, died of typhoid fever yester day at - hla residence In Ori California '' ' " ValUy. . Clarence True Wilson received a tele- leal Illness of his father, and . left Port land for his father's bedside on Bun' day evenlnsi He failed to arrive In time to eee hla father before death. . Rela tive to "the career of th late Dr. Wil son,' Dr. F. Burgetts Short of this city aayaf , , - -- "I have known Dr. Wilson for ovr 10 years. My first acquaintance with him was - mad . la my lather's . horn , when he was presiding elder In i th Sails bury district of the Wilmington con ference. During hla term in this diS' trtct hrdld notabl work, and waa. than transferred to tha Dover district, with his home In Dover, whef I. met him again and frequently visited his home. I was then a atudent In th Wilmington Conference - Academy. "Dr. Wilson was a leader In hla con ference and was. twice sent aa a dele gate to the . general conference of th church. Th bishops who-- knew -hlra f'"r,r atateraenta that he was - tha -greatest- presiding .elder in Methodism during- his terra of servtc. : "From th- Wilmington conference he was " transferred rto .'-thsr. Eighteenth street Methodist - church, - New Tork City, --Ther - he again - dlsttnirulsned himself under stress of th hard times that afflicted The country. Th church of which h was Trnator berame the cen ter for .feeding hungry and a plao of rest for th weary and homeless. He became widely known as th poor man's frlenav "Leaving New Tork h became pastor of th First Methodist church of Los Angeles. Thence be went to Howard street, San Franqlsco, then to Trinity In tha same city. At th time of his death he waa pastor In Orsss Valley, California Dr. . Wilson wss a man of strong personality. At"tlme -h-would aweep hla audiences with his eloquence. As an administrator of church affairs he was accurate and alwayai. falthf uL" Dr. Wilson leaves to mourn hla lose a widow and four sons: Dr. Clarence True Wilson of this city, Drs. Hannon and Karl Wilson, prominent physicians of San Francisco, and Ralph Wilson, a well-known attorney of Oakland. ' i n '. if. yi..L-r SllPIIlltl: Wl AYOR - -Francisco- SEVERAL MEMBERS ADDED TO THE CHAMBER Trustees Decide - to Postpone Smoker oh Account of San vJErancisco Disaster, A suooessful campaign for member ship is being carried -on by-th Port land chamber of oommerc. .At today's meeting of the trustees, the following applicants were elected to merabershlDt Oregon Transfer oomnanv. Camnbell Sanford-Henley company, Central Door ar Mimner eompan7T-a.-afv Multnomah iumoer box company. Falling, Haines at Mcuaiman, B. A. Arata a- Co Jones Lumber company. Star Box comnanv. cnamDera eningie company. Art Furnl tur Manufacturing company, Brougb ton Wiggins. Oeora W. Bates A Co., Standard Oil. company, the Curtis Lumber company, S. Blrkenwald com pany, Patterson Lumber company, Ore gon box Manufacturing company, American Laundry company,-Georae E. Cramer, C. B. Borqulet, Bloomer Safe Lock 'company, Columbia Life Sk Trust company, M. I Kline, J. It Will man. C J. Cook company, DaVld M. Dunn A Co. ' Th tuurteea "decided." In view' of-the' San Franrtao disaster, to postpone th iiwiht! inai was co nave Deen neia Aiay 12. ' Tb smoker will probably be -com bined wltn th July meeting. . Indorse ment waa given tha position taken by the Qregon Lumber Manufacturers' as sociation in opposition to the Gaines bill In congrosa The chamber trus tees wired Senator Fulton as follows:- "We etrongly Indorse th position taken In th Oregon Lumber M an u fac tors rr - association a telegram to Vdd relatlv to tn Oalnes bill. - Would sug gest that th nur coast delegation act tn concert in opposition xo-tna bill.1 -Jf tha-Call-4 fornla members In congress will 'stand by tha Oregon and Washington members In opposing entry of .free lumbar for r building SanFranclsco.Concernlng th appropriation . that haa Juat paaaed the bouse and senate for continuing work on the Columbia jlver. Jetty and tha effort to establlshV boat . line on the upper Columbia river. Chairman T. E. Burton of th rivers and harbors com mittee wrote to. th chamber that he would rwatch-th steamboat .trial . with Interest and added: The month of th river will receive very careful attention when th next bill la framed.' , . MAYOR PREPARES TO FIGHT FRANCHISES Mayor Lane la preparing to make an onslaught upon th franchises of . the United Railways company and tb Willamette Valky Traction bompany for an electric railway- line on Front street He1 IS determined to acquaint tha people with the terms of th franchise and call upon them for -opinions on th- proper course of action to be pursued, providing th council passes th franchise ordi nances! -' . . ,". , 4 Iehaa- had printed -over 10 -copies of each franchise, which hs will distribute among th people of the city, especially business men and prominent attorneys, and ask them to criticise tha privileges granted under the ordinances and recomr mend whether th meaaurea can be changed to benefit th people. ' . - There Is no doubt In the minds of tha interested parties and th members of the city council that tha -mayor, will Veto the franchise, because ha has al ways disapproved . the Idea of granting a franchise to any private corporation for an electric railway on Front street. Ha haa-piaaafl Almeflf nil 'Iwoul favoring either municlDal control, or for a" belt Una owned . equally br alL cor. poraiiona who desire to come Into tha city over the road. It Is said, however. that th veto' will be overridden bv tha council. .. - - TUlmaa Deanaads lavestigatloa. . (Journal Sxelal Servlco ( , - Washington, May 1. Tillman today ntroduccd a resolution demanding an investigation of -th metropolitan police, the conduct of th superintendent shd efficiency, especially-In connection, with, th Barnes-Morris Incident, ' ". 1968. FAVOR OFFER OF Execatrve'Board Rxer Value "p -; ' Hie Franchise at Low : : Figure . ; BELIEVED CHEAP CAS v' IS MOST ESSENTIAL But One Per Cent of Gross Earning: During Life of Permit Is the Rate Fixed Proposal of 'Colsoo Com' psny Not So Sstisfactory'.'"'..' Om percent of tha gross earnings of the company during ' the life of - the franchise Is tb valuation fixed by th city -executive board on th proposed gas rrancnis or - Thomas McCusker. This is th lowest valuation! fixed-on any. franchls which lias been sent to the execuUv board by thaity council. but. tb board mad-the following ex. planation of - Ita - attitude - toward ! Mc Cusker proposition'. - ' ,- " ' - . - "W make -thla low estimate of 1n eompensatlort to be paid for tha fr.-ln chls In consideration of th low max imum rat to b -charged ennsnmers nt gas. W do not know whether the grant can manufacture and distribute a good quality of gas for 6S cents per 1,000 cubUv feet, but If he does so, sn cent of th .gross receipts appears ue-to"bampl Tconrpensntton for the Th special committee, consisting of Thomaa u. Greene, R. L. Sabln and C. A.- Cogawell, who Investigated tha fran chlses and compiled th report embody. Ing th valuation of tha MoCuaker f ran chis also reported on .the franchise for the manufacture and sale of gaa In this city by -R. W. Colson,. A. J. Farmer, Joseph Closset, Theodora Garbad and B. a. pagua Tha commute did not ap franchis and the valuations were fixed higher than on th former. Thd recom mendations wera that S rer cent of the gmmm nnf. nt fhji Mmp..f h acted for-tlie flist l jeais, g per-cen for the next 10 years and 4 per cent fo th last 6 yeara -- Th eommitte ' criticised - the f ran' chtae because It did not comply with section 97 of the city ..charter, which requires that all provisions as tcr rates. fare and charges shall be embodied In tha franchise ordinance. ' -This -franchis doe not limit th amount which tha grantees may charge, en id the - committee, "and tha -j city should therefor receive a larger com pensation than if the publio waa pro tec ted by a schedule of maximum rate. "W also not that there la no pro vision to the effect that maps, plana and specifications of proposed mains, pipes, conduits and tanka ahall be sub mitted to and approved hy tha city ex- fore commencing construction. Such. requirement la a proper, and necessary polio regulation. - '- Th report or tne :: committee . waa sopteAn Jrrr-marTfrntrhJC nances returned to the city council, to gether with the recoramendatlona. HIRES VALUABLE TEAM UXfAlLSJrRETURW v . ... . A stranger walked Into th Faahlon stables, at Twentieth and Washington streets, yesterday, afternoon,'' hired a 1600 team and buggy, drove away with out paying a cent and neither he nor the outfit haa been aeen or heard of alnce, . -:-- Th manager pf tha stable reported thajnatter-to Sherlft Word 'thla morn ing " and expressed hla suspicion that th stranger was Desperado Smith. Th description of the man securing the rig and that of Smith tallied In many prespecta and the manaa-er thought the man acted rather queerly when he se cured the rig. Th killing-of Smith this morning deatroyed . that theory, Tha stranger gave no explanation of what hewantd tha-rig-for nor said anything about where he was going. He almply got in -the buggy and drove toward Hillsboro. STANDING HIGH JUMP :-SW0NBYtEWREY X JournaT Spetat Serrtre.T-' Athens, May 1. Ewrey of New Tork won the standing high lump.- Robertson and" Sheriaanof New Tork tieoTwtth Bellglan for-the second of lit eentl- metrea MONTGOMERY WARD C0r FACING ANOTHER STRIKE (Journal Spaelal 8rlr.) ' ' ' Chicago, May L Montgomery. Ward A Co., th firm which precipitated , the teamsters' atrlka, la facing another.- The Qrtn haa refused tha demand of the teamsters that they be permitted to wear union buttona . Driver ar quitting,-and police-are guarding the arm, which la advartlatng for non-tinl8nmen. JUDGE PLATT'S HOME ? . WRECKED BY QUAKE ' (Jmraal Special Berrlee.) Oakland, . Cel., May 1. Mrs. L. S. Jenkins, located at the Kfng's Daugh ters' home, San Francisco, has gone to Tonopah to Join her aon. , lhe home of Judge W. H. Piatt of Santa Rosa was badly-' 'wrecked by earthquake and his office and library detroyd by fir.'' Dr. and Mrs. W. F.' B. Wakefield ar safe. The "new Democratic "atat central committee will meet for tha 'purpose of organisation at democratic head quarters inN Portland on Wednesday, May a.": i ... - PARIS POLICE STONED BY RIOTOUS STRIKERS f Journal Bpcls! Sorvlc. ) I "Tans, m y-r.A-n -wforFSr- 4 1 this. afternoon at tha Nue Vau- e berg templar The striker e toned th dragoon and police. . In- spector Nlcolal was " seriously e hurt by a stone. The , "troop charged the mob and cleared the street. A barricade waa erected ) 'thla afternoon In th Rue Con- drier. The troops demolished It ' and dispersed tha gathering. The ' a cavalry "Charged A number of ) place and soldtera-wer Injured V-ach tlma..l : - . -- r " . ' ' w CUSKER HERMANN CASE TO BE ' TRIED EARLY'IN JUNE a e ' a a a (Washington Bnreaa ef Ts JoursaJ.) ---. Washmgton. May 1. The trlct of Columbia oourt today ' eldd- that -thaHermnn cas A will . he trlut oarlV 111 J ujic . w -Hner w11t-1ar-clee-rm Man A Vrinnluvi tn ennduct tha trial.-' Senator Fulton today offered an amendment to the rat bill providing that whenever - fny court ahall-determlna the man mum . rata established 'by i the - commission doea not affora me nrriar iimt cnmnensatlon. It shall be the duty of th court to decide upon the maximum , rea d aonable rat and modify tha "order of "th commission accord-" - lngly, . '. . '-' -C "..' . SHARKEY LOSES APPEAL IN : LAKE COUriTY WINE GASF Supreme Court Sustains Lower t -4 Tribunal in Three Cases r; 5 . Before It. , "v. J (Special Itlspatch t Tht Joornil.) " . Salem, . Or., May 1. The atata eu brem -court todav decided these cases ' In tha suit of the Enterprise Hotel company aa-alnst Peter Book. H. Rsder and Charles Pallgarth, on appeal from Wallowa countv. Robert Eakln Judge, the Judsmont of the lower court ta af firmed. TH opinion waa given oy Judce Bean. ' ; . It Is on a.bullder's"boha?T'etrT50ok contracted to construct a hotel In Enter prise, but failed to complete the contract in-th specified time, causing the plain tiff 1300 damages, forcing him to pay tt.IO.Ot liens for material and labor. The' sureties attempted to Invsltdata the contract because th payments at times were mad In a manner other than ampu tated In th contract. - The court held that premature paymenta did not release the sureties or-reliev them -- from iia blHty; . . ' . . ; Ih -thea-.of tha-atat of Oregon against William Henry Watson.'' on ap peal from Douglas county. J. W. Ham- lltnn. tiidr. the ludsment nf thaUo :fflfined by Jndg Bean." The defendant waa charged with araon In burning tha houae of George H. Wfght after saturating it with kerosene. Th court hold that no error waa mad -In tha admissibility f Ovldenoa. in th ease of Fra Ov-Bharkey. Lauta Zimmerman, Fred E. Sharkey and N. B. Stand I sh. appellants, against C- r. Candlanl, Caesar Mare and J. J. Tylot, respondents, an appeal from Lane ooun ty. J. W. Hamilton, judge, th Judgment of th lower, court 'is affirmed in , an opinion by Judge Moor. This la a suit to determlna the right tajroaaesaton PI oertaln mineral lanaa - Tha complaint, alleges that - tha de fendants secured a survey In th Blue river mineral district of Lake county and applied . or Jffi, ftltged, an adverse claim to part of the premises. Th supreme court holds that The de cree heretofore rendered' will be changed to conform with th view now expressed and the defendants may recover costs and disbursements In b JAMES H0BBS KILLED IN KELS05AW MILL IftDeolal DteDatrB te The Joernal.) Kelso, Wash., May 1. While running an eager - in Hin a . sawmill, jamaa Hobba waa killed yesterday by a two-by-four piece of timber, which struck him. In tha groin. He leavaa a widow and tour children, who war dependent on 'hla wagea. Hobba waa a careful and Industrious workman and hla fellow workmen cannot acoount for tha acci dent which resulted in hla death. , - TO REPAIR BUILDINGS- . - I1IMCALIF0RNIA CITIES '(Journal Spertal Servleti.) - J Washington. - May L Senator Flint Introduced bllla In the aenate today pro viding for-the repair and restoration of public buildings In California, as fol lows: At San . Francisco, Postofftcd, 1560,000; mint, t0,000; appraisers' warehouse, f 10,000; sub-treasury. 114, 000. At Oakland. postof flee, flf.000. At San Jose, postoffloe, 140.000. - . MRSa STARR WALKS JOE, "rHOLY ROLLER CAMP f fpe7arTHapafcse"TseoB-l. : -eorvallta Oft; May - l, a- taieprtone message this morning from Alsea states that' Mrs.-Bert Starr, -who left her hus band and three children In Portland Sat urday nlshtrwar. mt-patng Aleea afoot today en rtfut to th Holy Roller cams, Sha waa In Corvallla Sunday. - ' FIVE SAILORS LOST ' ---CARGO IS DESTROYED ... i . i . . New Haven,. Bootland, May 1. As a rsault of a collision between freight steamers thia morning, a 1260,000 cargo of aodlum nltrat and five seamen were lost, ... -' . ..... . , . ' ' "-'.. ... ttaUaa Is Stabbed. ' J. Antonio, an Italian, was tabbed laat night by aom peraon unknown ' to tha police on Burnsld. between second and Third streeta. He was taken - to Good Samaritan hospital and his wound dressed by Dr S. C. Slocum. While tha Injury la serious, fatal consequence are not expected. Antonio and. two friends who were with him at the time refuse to say who did th atabblng. , . i ' A Tigoroos Collector. "'' . ' dam Cyncysski,. aPole,was flned $100 by Police Judge Cameron th'a morning for carrying a revolver. He accused of going to Upper Alblna, where a road gang la at work, and at tempting to , rorcaJonufe O NalUllis manager of the campahy ample-sing th men, to pay him money due a friend. On meeting with a refusal he purchased th revolver end a pair of steel knuuklec nd returned to the acene, threatening O'Neill. , - .. ' Monthly Session of Alllanoa " The Unitarian Wom'an'a alliance will row afternoon at I: 0 tn th chapel at Seventh and Tamhlll . streeta. Mlsa Jessie Ooddard of th Portland High school will speak en "Tha Charm ot Henry W. Longfellow a Poems.' - Jewish OomaoU Meet Jroerponed. Owing to tha members of tha Coun cil of Jewish Women being buay with the relief work for tha Ran Francisco people no meeting will be held tomorrow afternorm.-Tht ahould brthe time for tha annual election of officers, but th meeting will b .postponed for a week or ' two, . ..,,... ' THROUGH TJIIKJ TO FREEOOH H.-VV,- Miller Wantef-for For . gery Leaps From Rapidly. 7 Moving Trairir - DOORS HAD BEEN LOCKED ; TO PREVENT HIS ESCAPE As Train From Astoria -Drew Into Station, Prisoner Leaped From It Alighting Unhurt Though It Was' Traveling 25 Miles Per Hour. .' f-x Jumping from the window of a train w rolling Into tha Union depot at 11 o'clock -this morning after tha doors of a car -had bees locked up by th conductor to -deuln him, II. W. Miller escaped tha ' , ; police, who were at th depot awaiting his arrival to place him under arrest.' Tha fugitive waa not injured In leaving tha car, though It waa traveling ai th rata o( Z& mUaa an haur. Th polio have. put forth every effort,, but b baa not bean-. captured. 'j ' - ... . ..-. Miller Is charged with forgery' at' Aa torla. A warrant waa obtained for his " '. arrest by Sheriff Thomaa Llnnvllle, who -.- -notlfled Chief Orltsmaoher by wire thia morning that he was wanted and to apprehend him when tha train arrived In Portland: Detective Reslng waa sent , . to the depot by Captain Bruin to mak tha-arresu .. ...... A telegram was sent the conductor, s of the train at a way atatlon 'to look . out for: tha fugitive. - A' few mile out- . side the city the conductor locked both th front and rear doors of the ear la which Miller was sitting. Detective Reslng boarded tha train ' after' It began to alow down and waa Informed by the .conductor that hehad-. locked Miller in the rear car. Whea .t they, started ior- the -oar they met -th brakeman running through. th care to meet. them. . . ..."Yourma n ' opened . a window and . jumped out before we slowed down,' hi . exclaimed. - . . ' Miller aa far aa tha yards of the East ern V Western Lumber company, where ' , . all trace of him waa lost. Sheriff Word sent deputies to trac Miller and cap ture hlin if possible. Th fuglttv " formerly worked for th O. R. A N. Co. lo IWflHnd." '' - EAGLES' CARNIVAL 0N1: MAY DAY A SUCCESS ISiedal fHanatckte Tne Ioaraal.1 Echo, Or., May 1. The second day of tha big Eagles' carnival, which la. being held In Echo today, la aa successful aa ' was the picnic of yesterday. - Today the regular May day plrnlo la belna- held In eonneotlon with th carnival. " Th speech made by Governor Chamberlain ' yesterday '. waa fine of the -best aver- mad In Eastern Oregon and tha gover nor waa applauded by hundreda-of-peo-ple. On the subject of "The Stat"., ha : Ke or Urcaon a.noble. reaponaa to.. tha suffering people of San . Franetsco In . th late disaster, how sh was th first to come to th aid of th distressed. "Oregon is Just now reapma the hen fits ef th gieut Lew la and Clark fair." said Governor Chamberlain. hundreds try as a result of the advertisement of thla great fair,: Oregon -. hospital! tr-l, - dalng much for the country, and tha . time will coma when It will be thickly populated, aa It ahould be." i . . . The governor left for "Pendleton and " will thn return to Portland. , "" " FEDERAL OFFICIALS "TV -- REJECT BOND SCHEME (Jesrsal Sofelal SrTir.t - . Oakland, Cat., May 1. It Is announced nnorrtcialljM that- the plan -ef some ef - Ban Francisco a leading people to hav the federal government guarantee an Issue of bonds ror th rebuilding of San ' Francisco 1s. not meeting with approval among members -of congress. '- .Intlma "" tloa, ftaa been received from Washing ton liiat'-auch a proposition will not , meet with federal-approval. It will be . necessary for th business men oT San " Francisco at one to devise some- Other " plan of - handling th financial end of tn situation. - It la believed toy thosa familiar with the situation thalnti-rata bankers-In .the-east can be Induced to organize- a syndicate and underwrite the bonds and guarantee their payment, DR MARIE D. EQUI : . SEIZES A MOTOR CAR 'V I r Joarntr gowrtar rrlM 1 J : San Francisco, May 1. Dr.. Maria D. Equl of Portland, stationed at th gen eral hospital at tha Presidio, finding It necessary to get to th Presidio in a hurry. Impressed an automobile belong ing to TomNewhsll of San Franetsco. ' Taking possession of th machine tli doctor commanded th chauffeur to take her to tha hospital. -The chauffeur re-' f uaed to budge without order of th owner. Dr. Equl appealed to a soldier. ' who made the orders aa -effective that Newhall protested no further. . Seating herself In , the - cushioned - seats, ah -whlssed away waving her hand at New hall. ' ' ' , - THE MERIT OR nosfcTTCQ's' toaaaek BlMsire laaa never Veest ga. - tloaed. although th publio haa been Ita . ' Judg fo S3 yeara. Tou need not, there fore, healtat in giving it a fair, trial at one. Many doctors, too, prescribe Hosteler's tomach : Bitters I s. X t i. -TT-' - -. i r i SrXTjClJ weak stomach, dls . fVt-A.- ordar(l liver ir . . - kldneya or general ' J "ft 'CF" -waakn-1 with-1 rt aplendld raaulta jjl Then It also our) rooa (miiTit nrszaxfrriov, DTSFSrSIA, . " oosTTrBirasa, V MIOM XXADACaTB, . rsABTBtrmv or rXMALB XXiaC , Oet a bottle today. ; " Avoid nsseltataea I. I la .;':' -1 y . i . ...St.. 1 v.--r" ' V : ' .' ' ' V