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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1906)
V .v.- TII2 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND; TUESDAY EVENING,; MAY I. 1CC3. 1 vrr-r- I . Tc;vn Topics , i , I ,11 .1 I Towosrs kvtzmm, Pollard's In A Oalely Girt" HAM. V'-MWw4t-' . ,.."n BiieiTaa-er'' .."Hir father's trim'' k,,viniTim ...Vaudeville I rrlc. (iraad. Star.,.. - . - v - . v . " Preparations for the- observance of Memorial day have been made by a "v"' memorial commute- representing C the v f our 0( -At It. posts of Portland. A ; - meeting of the committee waa held In ' the Morrison, atreet Grand Army halt, ', V. I. Wlegant waa, selected chairman and D, A Haynea secretary. Each O. A. R. poet wa-appointed a committee to prepare the craves of veterans for . decoration and a committee et three "v waa appointed to arrange a program me - for . the occasion. Another - committee was Appointed to . select speakers - to .-'address the-various schools on-Friday . i , before Decoration day. ,' -r ,? " Mrs. Carolina Rasmus, aged tl -years,' ...ft'dead at the residence of her daugh ter, Mrs. ' Lena Bradbury, $35 Third . ! atreet.. , Her .death waa due to Injuries received about four months ago when r .aho bad a bad falL Sine that time - -aha had been confined to her bed. llr ' ..death waa hastened by -a sever attack. . ' of pneumonia. .- Besides the .daughter 'xi;:wlth .whom aha lived. Mrs. Rasmus la survived by three children. Rev. Henry I. Rasmus, pastor, of Grsce Methodist Kplscopal chtirch of Spokane; William M. Rarmus of the Weatern Academy of Mutlc, and John Rasmus ol Heppner. s , 'Charles- Daniels, composer Of "Hla- watha," under the pseudonym of Nell 1 Moret, la In the city -with his bride, " spending ' hie honeymoon. He leaven .. today for the eaaC Mr. Daniels la also the composer of ."Moonlight.4 . 'Top. pies" and otherpopiilar pieces. Jle haa Juat-completed a new song, entitled "Autumn." which will soon b on the . rnarket- Mr. Daniels haa .apent some time In viewing the scente wonders of Oregon. - '- ;- . . , .. nenry vv. mes, 'Marx o Neui .and X Martin W. Qorman. appraisers of the .eetata of the lata Colonel L. iL Haw 'y "klna, have filed - their - inventory and fappralsemant with County Judge Lionel .yi.-Webster.-- -Thejr-report that Colonel A Hawkins left property valued at $111.- i uvm wnicn tn real property is vaiuea at I60.S10. ' The bulk of the personal i property. a 371, shares nf stork, In, .the Portland General Electric company. Alleging that she Aided her husband in -maklag hla little fartana, Ka -WlleonhagTdJosliua"B.vriliOTrfnr a divorce and aaks the court to award . her a share of their property;- Mrs. WlU son alleges cruelty aa grounds for a dlvoroe. declaring that ber husband threatened to kill her and that aha waa farced -to take her, children and leave. -Tb couple were married In 1114, Twenty-eight man of foreign - birth ' took out full cltlaenshlp papers in the local atat circuit court In AprIL "Den mark contributed five, Germany - waa nt with four, Switierland. Sweden. I pr. w- c. Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam. Austria, Norway. Roumanla and nrTLj"r'L r - land eacn sent two or tn nw-ettien, while Russia is the fatherland of three. IrelandTCanada, Spain and i Italy .sent lit the county court yesterday-waa flUd thej wiU of thalata-Btephen. C j Hunting, .ine property -is ion u uii l""" ana w""'T lor me. on ina condition that Mlaa.BuniTng careaTTOF vaaylum.' The,, daughter la also given 1 1 0. A nephew, FrsnltL- Bunting, is glvan- a wgtCB ana; severaj other small amciea. ijrf tsiz? . ; ;-.i-.rT "' i ' " r .et. ... A.. L. -Kronenburg. who recently sc oulrad -that' portion of .the.-Cdd- Fellowa' tract upon which stands a building In tended to be used aa an orphana' home, is having the Incompleted building torn -down preparatory to using the material In . .the construction of ,a barn. The truotut raa partially erected ..some .twenty years ago, but was never com, pleted owing to the fact that another borne waa built In Portland. ..-. , Th if tlwaukle brass band has r "rnoved the . old town hall from the achool grounds to th lot recently pur chased from . Richard Scott, and th building la now being fitted- up - for headquarters. . Th building was th 'pioneer schoolhous of that .place, and will be preserved by the band, which la expending about lioe in repatriag it ..v.Tne Unitarian Woman's Alliance will ' .' meet In th Unitarian chapel tomorrow .-afternoon and after a business session commencing at : f o'clock Mis Jesst j .Ooddard,:, teacher ' at the 'high achool, wi deliver talk en th aubject.ATh Charm of Henry - W. .: Longfellow's Poems." ' - ... --"Oswald Lohan. German - consul In Portland, left last night for San Fran cisco, ; wherhe wlU .apend somt-tlms aaalating the jconaul at that sltyj- After -TMjmptethur h-ls -work there h -wtii'-tb to Europe on a trip for five months. ".During hi abaeno the German conaul tit Seattle wUl hav charge of th local office. . . ' .,; , - r . . ..... , e. S. Cole of St. Johna heard yesUro y Say from Emuel Johnson, a San Fran ' ri-' -rtswrefttge. fqr . whom he inquired -.--through Th Journal. Johnaon is now In a town near th ruined, city. He is . uninjured - but lost everything he had . ' except a few pictures.",' r if- yoti ; have" real .estate for. sal at " reasonable price It will be to your ad "V vantage to see F. Abraham at 11! Sec end atreet Eatablished II years. Its , knows how ttr get th buyers and sells ' strictly on commission,- -v ... President W. H. Snaahall of the Farm rs Independent Telephone line of Mult- nomeh 'and 'Clackamas counties, placed the first order for wire, and con struction work will be begun at oncbV An extensive system of linee has been planned. . The company haa been having trouble getting men to do Ita work and the delivery of polee ordered hag been WAISTCOATS FROM THE VERY BEST MAKERS OF THE COUN TRY. ONE-FIFTY AND UP. Hewctt, Bradley & Co. Haberdashers 314 Washington St.v -FANCY This world - (nil ef kaoey if we'll ealy he the beee, Aad alp it from the Blneeoaie ef tlie . ' - clefera and the tree. Ob, why wlU human beings all the hour fume sua tret, rtarluf there way he a pleasure ef tke world they will sot fall Aa to ee, we .hie keep boay es the,-. boay. boay ant, .. .. . ,. -Aad tat oar -vocabulary there Is a eoch word aa "can't." Brery day we're waealne llota at sis fcnaible cents a sound. " Aad tbna ma k hig ether hapsy, ptaaeare . , fur ouraelTte we're fouad,. ... Ok. there's aotblnf 111 MiiUkiaa that - fills np the humaa heart. Bera U perrn-a knowledge that eaeh mie haa dona hla part. r So w I athar la tb mornlug and dla- . tribute ere It's alaht. i Vaalehlnc both I loots and aadnaas lll-. . ng tsm.'S with purjlellbt. mOU IAlFiDHY EOOKD AKD COLUMBIA. ' Tel. Kata' ft. r'" t ' : slowbut It -Is expected that from thla time there if ill be no , trouble. -The farmers are enthusiastic, over the projr act and hope to put a telephone -on every farm and ranch in tb two coun ties. ,.,... l- -V ' ...',.-- j - , Evergreens, Roses, Shrubs W hav a fins Una- of all kind of nursery stock at our tree yard, foot of Yam hill atreet. Call and see it and get our tree and rose catalogue, Portland Seed company.-,. . - Alleging that Costanxo . . Ballatoro kicked and choked her,- Maris Baliator ha sued for a divorce, $S a week ali mony and 1100 attorney's feea. . They were married In Italy eight year ago ana nave two children. , - Ladles desiring shampooing, manicur ing, hair dyed or touched up, facial and scalp maaaage. done at your homa or call at omoe, .15-u Lewis buUdlng. Ph'on Maln2610. , , ' t 'Bu tsar's lawn fertiliser rejuvenatee the shabby lawn: his sweet peas and lawn grass got gold medal at the fair. Ill front, between Yamhill and Taylor. Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on aay payments. II down and 10 centa par week. - All mainsprings 11) all watches cleaned. llo'Metsger Co., Sixth st -"Dr. Paul J, A. Semler haa resigned his ponltion'- as - editor of th . Deutsches Zeltung. . , -::r ' Bsle" ladies' white 1 Oxfc Eftrt nrice.-IL4T-Llt-H.. Ma CO. - -.-.. - Ing Cor 44 eherfock building. - - i a a" ov.bu J i... iTji - W are atlll selling eye glasses' at 11. a perrect rit guaranteed or money re funded. Metsger z Co, ill Sixth atreet. l Removed, to-104 Second, 'between Washington and Stark. 7 Donald O, woodward, agent. Telephone Main 1431 ThV"J. - It Wetherbe haa returned. Ofnce JIT Marquam building. EVERY DAY BRINGS NEWS yoraL-JtaporfedZAll, RighfTn Sari Francisco Through r Journal's Bureau. TThe work of "The' Journal's Informa tion bureau in locating friends and rel atlves of northwestern people who passed through th San Francisco hor ror continues, and many ar -being found daily. Th work will be con tinued as long as there ar Inquiries. Among those reported safe today: Mrs. 'Mary Jagger," two eons anwoT daughters, are safe and well. Henry Martlneav 411 Kearney street. scaped, but lost everything. In the are. Miss F. M. Danforth of I02T Broad way, San Francisco, wrltea to The Jour nal that Miss Kate M. Davie, who lived at 1261 Fillmore atreet and waa aaksd foe- by-Oregon- friends, i ascf at-Mlaa Danforth'a hom " Shr acaped without any. Injury.-- - - : " ' "' J. C Wilaon of HlUsboro. who In quired about Mrs. Annie Sutherlsnd, la Informed that- ah la alive and well and with frlenda at th Presidio. She lost everything tn the Are which fol lowed - th eartfiquak'. : Mrs. M. Qulnn, mother Of Mrs. Ross Chllcott of Klnga; Valley. Oregon, has been heard front and la aafe. i Thome .Kellyf-la5 Howard street. asked for by M. Kelly- ot 1 Morth Sixth atreet escaped without Injury. - Mrs. Dr. Wakeling. 7S Market street escaped and -la a -present- with friends in Oaklsnd. ,. , , ,. ; Mifwaukle Country Club.' ' Mamphla and Islington 'race. Take Sellwood and Oregon City care at First and Alder. . . SIXTEEN MEN BECOME -! FULL-FLEDGED DOCTORS sixteen young men of "the 110 else of the University of Oregon medical de partment received their diplomas at the commencement exerolses held In the auditorium of the Portland" High school leaf night The hall wag crowded with friend and relatlvee of the graduates. The degreee were conferred by President f. til Campbell of th University of Ore gon, The Baylor echoiarenip menai ror the greatest percentage of credits ac- has-Lqulred during the four-year course wa ewarded. to Pr. Alfred Kdward Teasdale Buckell and waa presented by Dr. James P. Bell. 'Henry -John Kavaaaugh-delivered the valedictory. '. Those who received diplomas and de greee were: Oliver Miller . Babbitt, Simon - Peter-TUttner,-- Alfred Edward Teaadale-Buckell, Harry Earf Estey, Ferdinand P. Flech, William J. In man, Henry J.' Kavanaugh, Krneat B. Mac Iod. Charles Leon Mead. William A. Mmtreei-Claude PewelK Aa Bertrand Btarback. Frederick I.-J. Thompson, John Thompson - Townley, James Leonldee Wooden and Thomaa E. Zleber. I . i . " . . i J1 .J For Sale Bargains - - lit tone hop wire, til tonj ' IS tone "Remnant" plow ateel cables. ,. 1t0,0 feet different sites pip ing. . 100 tons pulleys, ehaftlng, eta. ' Metals, eerap Iron and Junk of all deecriptlons bought. M. BAROE & Son, .xoKnc Asn lisait. a OF MORE SAFE " SOUTH PORTLAND - VilNS FIGHT CounciT Liqijor Llcenid Commit' tee RecpmrrxiiKl Taking Away A ; ' E$ch!' License. J Pour hundred feet . iLj;: from holman school Dan MaJarJtey titkes Long Pita for " Saloonkeeper, Arguing That He Should Be Given Chance to Fight Case In Courta. August Jschle,' who cortduots a saloon in violation of the city charter at 1070 Corbett atreet within 400 Tee of 'the block on which th Holman school is lo cated, will hav his liquor license taken from him, If the-recommendatlons of the liquor Ucfcnse committee of the city couacil are approved by the council to morrow night . Attorney E. C. Bronaugh and other -cltlsens -of South - Portland who are opposed to the location of the saloon In their nelghbrhood. and especi ally so near- the achool building, have been attempting to persuade t he oouncll to act. : The liquor Interests however, have been making a determined fight to prevent any action on the part of the committee, on th ground -that Eschl would hav no opportunity to resort to the court 4f -the-oounoll took away-hia license. On the other hand they aay If he retained hla license the' people who desired to rid the commmunlty of.the saloon could bring a suit against the proprietor and the city council for per mitting the resost to run In violation -of the city charter. " -. 'i-...v..,.. - Attorney Dan J. Maiarkey made a long plea yesterday in Eschla's behalf. He begged the committee not to take away th license but-to permit -him to run hie saloon and fore the objectors to reeort tt- the courts Jit they desired the place removed. Maiarkey argued that there waa a question whether the saloon came under the provisions of the charter, aa 11 wa more than 408 reot awty rrom the school property. Ttffriiey Urbnaugh affuefl the word "block" in the charter meant the ' KU.J.I- . - i V.,iAA Kw i - f etreeta-on-whica av achoot Duuaing was located and wae equivalent in its nature to a Whole city block,-whether owned by the achool district or not. - - "Is not this school building and are not the school children of, this city of more consequence to this committee than a aaloon?' he Inquired. "We have come here day after day to argue, with you and plead with .you for the .pro tection of bur school children. To my mind this resolves itseir into a question whether law are passed to be enforced or whether they can be changed or over-' ridden to suit conveniences." . ' Whemtvot On- theTtjuestton -we taken all voted to take away the license except Councilman Annand. Gray-could not vote, as he waa chairman of the "committefj " . 'zi ' ' .' "II la .aaia ttoi a minority report win be preeenteytMhe coijncjl. jmeetla ,to--j license be' not revoked and It la expected htnoweargument will be made by the opposing Tactions at mat ume. PUPILS WITH LONG NAMES r BOTHER TEACHERS ColoOjL?' ."U88'an Youth Seek - Instructiorr at the Failing r 7, j School. ... ; " A email colony of Russian school chil dren whacannot speak or underatand English haa - Invaded the lower grades of the Failing achool and crowded the rooms for the beginners to overflowing. So many made their appearanoe that for several- day.eightror ten-ot " ther; new comers were - compelled to sit on the floor in -one room until additional seats could be secured for them. The teachers also had their hands full. -The little Russlana looked stolidly at their instructors and ' smiled when they attempted to teach them. Finally an appeal wae-made'toriSupertntendent Rlglecand he added another half-pay teaoher to the force in the school 16 In struct the little foreigners. At 'the- next meeting 'Of' the 1 achool board a-principal for the new east side high echool -wUl electee). Further use of oil for oiling floors in the achool buildings wilt be discontinued.- Sawdust dampened with a solution of bichloride of mercury, a receipt -recommended by Health Officer Wheeler, will hereafter be used In cleaning the.Jfloore of the echool rooms. ..-' - - ' Mlaa Kate Gordon succeeded last night In securing permission of the board to address the teachers on the queetlon of woman suffrage after the next grade meetings. . ... . Permission was granted the teachers and pupils to raise a relief fund in the public schools for the San Francisoo eufferer. - Heretofore the board has never permitted funde to be collected from pupil for any charity. ' j .Saddle Stallion for Sale. ... The Kentucky bred seddle horse Rex Montgomery will be sold at auction at the -horse sale, Irvlngton race . track. Mar , and 4.- This is the finest type of the Kentucky saddle horse ever brought to thle country. Don't fall' to see him. Now at the race track ; MAINLY PERSONAL ; , rtbermandarkand T. W, Hopkins of Cottagf Grove, are regletered at the Belvedere. , Dr. Andrew 8. Johnston, who waa re cently located In Pendleton. Is at Jhe Imperial on: a bueineae risltjjo the city. ; Mr. and Mre. Fred Fruln of. Aihlafid are registered at the Belvedere -- R.s LT Aldrich, coast manager United States Health and Accident Insurance company of Saginaw, Michigan, left to day for a three weeks' trip to. Michigan.- T - ' '-'-- EBERMAN DISMISSED FROM POLICE FORCE R. U Eberman is no longer a member of the Porllend police department. The charges of neglect of duty-preferred against him by Captain Bruin were sus tained by th olty executive board yea terday and the chief waa ordered to dis miss him. Eberman was ranch t asleep on duty In an east side laundry by Cap tain Bruin and Sergeant Jones. Patrolman Stark Lytle . waa ordered aweaded. II daja irlthot pay, I rem end Agenti, for "Skinner's Sola Portland Agents for White Canvas Shoee ? - The Meier Womens $27 Suits at Women's $50 Suits at Jewelryr .Patent Folding "cfoat Hangers exua M Oregoajflei special value, each. ,. ,.' . .B"tl ' ulr Io Trousere Hangers, special.. ...121 (So Back and Bids Combs. .,..491 11.15 Mounted Combs. each. ..93f Oold-fllled. Hair Burrette. .43 Sterling Shirtwaist Sets.. J4a.gearf Plna new stylet . . . . 69? Collar Supporters, apevlal. . .19 Ho Bracelets for, each,,,.695 cNecklaces for, each..;;, .63 Womeh's.Dotted Swiss Waists $ 1.18 Ea. Women's FirieSUk .Waists Special lot Great May trimmed lor dress I res;. $7.50 Tf . . Women! 17 V l , - j'st siivii 9 . this lot OpeaioLthe Season -FAMILY-SUMmSrOARDEN -WaBhinsonvStreetNerCltrPrk " Entrance. '-;v V" ' triet 1 y first-lass management Flne1jllne'ofLiquors,Beefr, Sand wichej and Cigars. : - ; --CHASr-TILTZr Proprietor,, .' . 1 .... .- . . SAVE MONEY All work guaranteed for ten years. Lad attendant alwaye preeent. All work done abeolutely without pain by specialists of from It to 10 years' ex perience. ... i. . Gold Fillings, Bridge. Work, . Gold Crowns, Artificial. Teeth. . BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS I1H Morrison St, Opp. Meier rrank - and PostefSco. ' LAVCNTNAL '.v-'; WHOLMAtB- LIQUOtw DEALEQ& rormerly et 109-111 Sacramento Street, Ban ranoiaco. - Cpsl -so -Washington St- Oakland. OaL atomere Remitting Send Coin or Cur- - rency by Express, April II, tor becoming intoxicated while on dutv. - . " ' -A reprimand was administered to Pa trolman Charles porter, who waa ac cused et Intoxication while off duty. . Patrolman H. A. Oalbratth wae mildly censored for - using harsh language toward Leonard Brock. The policeman's attention waa directed to the rules of the department .. . - ' - The Oregon Humane society will be given- the eervlcea of a mounted police- man. Chief Qntaroacher wae ordered to meke the aaalgnment yeaterdey. ; ' The Original Laxative Cough iyrup la'-Kewnedy'e laxative Honey and' Tar. It expela aUeold ftoea the systejri by acting aa a cat hart lo on the bowel a. Kennedy'a Laxative Honey and Tar la a eertaln, aafe and tiarmleaa euro for eoM a. eroup and whooping eongh. c xt3e 1 7 V a - w Park Inn Br7T1 Oxfords fpr Women, MUtcs, Celebrated Satins for lining purposes "Ostermoor" Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses Third Floor wa wa maaav, IMWaBW ,M'Mv"lnrWawaaaaaasM 150 women's new Tailored Salts in grays, fancy mixtures, and Mack Pony, tight-fitting, semi-fitting and Eton styles with gored or circular skirts, all sixes, grand assortment Every suit regular $37.00 value. . . . . . C Yf O C Other stores call them $35.00 value V 6J.JJ ;., - , ' i - ' " " " - - ' ': --;":'-'.' '1 . Magnificent styles In women's high-grade Tailored Suits Novelty effects in Eton style,- handsomely trimmed with fancy guimp, silk or buttons Others lace and gulmp trimmed Circular skirts with folds around bottom Panama cloths, henrlettas, serges and voiles In Alice blue. rose, navy, black and green Regular S50.00 values for $25.00 Silk Suits at $ 1 6.25 Creat May Sale of 40 Women's Novelty Silk SulU-Very jaunty styles in white, blue, pink, lavender, Alice blue. gray Neat rich effects -'Tucked waists with short sleeves, embrold ery yoke and Val. lace trimmed Circular skirts cf AOS with bleeu anel tttcke All tlxee a.egula71(25.0O value for VOeaMf lews Writing ; Tablets: value, for. ...... .9 Eaton Hurlbort'a -ttne tyneij Paper, Highland Dnen jtnd, quadrille fab- Tioreao ryaiu, iwr. ...jBar Msnklna, aejrUdUafttBatbwaatPflwilr.r. apef,lal . 1 larns, spafiaL per, hundred r. 7p i tte Writing Tablete for IB ITHfj llnlil lis anil Pinsfi; jiL'lje : etock at -Iir-&eTredteeoiint nnjtTeCggaparties. easss, I nakss in.i. regular' Plain!, a - Grist rweesr-r end jeweled Dog, Collars. ...98? values at .,...,. . l6ttiSwssaists SECOND FLOOR of fine White Cotton Waists, 100 dozen of them in dotted Swiss, lawn and mulL-tucked and lace and embroidery trimmed ; greet var4ety4-f 1 t )' " all sizes. Exceptional values duringr this sale, at, each fi ..f.y lilU Saltof 100 hisrh-erade Silk waists in fancy lace yoke--Pink,f blue, white ana evening wear, an aizea hivery value Your choke while they last at . T $8.50 Shirtwaist White India Lawn Shirtwaist Suit - .ae,a GUfft StiolrAel aHel UaaMK lrKA mivir wan wvaaa, a itvii atuvt andprettiet atylaa, gelling. regularly at SSJO eacn while they laat at, thia low price. ; INVEST YOUR IN WOODMERE LOTS, -PORTLAND'S MOST ; . ; BEAUTIFUL -:.: rr SUBURB lAnntT. ? -: tnrst aad HOMES - Hiuilfcituit,- gold oiwaasy . T monthly payments. Own "your fcwtt ' home. i , TAX acr. . : . zr . . . ' i Sy First aal jader sjtek Every Convenience In WOODMERE "V 23 Minutes QBOe-We Failing Building, Third Agent Always Apollo Rink n - - TONIGHT- MAY POLE M a sq uerade Car nival : Tohigh May? Finsit . . If don't skals. 'cdme.AJd lauglu-Anywayletterhana clrcusx. AH skaters must be maaked. Maaks can be procured at Ike door for loo. May Pole to be raised at ;I0. Prises given and masks removed at If ' V SKATTW TTarTTX. 1 F.-K. s"k sraw eMmm-nw aevsia Sims. LOTTA aoos. BlreeVoa. Adkeisatom SBe. Skakea too. . Jones & Randall - Apollo Rink JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY D3ST and Cblldren - All Sixes All grades, lowest pric $20.85 - Each $ 38.45 Each All sizes O -yT C a . ; a a' a . V V VV tic Silk Toilet Bpnnew. f lt Polished Toothpicks, package.. 1S Kxtra special vaiue in a rountain Syringe at 43 Special sale of Whisk Brooms. .13 Bsthasweet Tnllet Snaps. nska,Sia. Krecht Toilet Paper, package... T I! irajtm.n'a TalAum PoeaV un.1 aa m- ben, special , . .... . . , ,r. il ' All lines of Drug Sundries eold here at the lowest prices. c? at $435&ga. Radium silks and peau de cygneg and .black Very attractive styles' 1 waist in tne lot $4.85 this low price . . . ; ' ' . ' 1 Suits $4.85 Surplice style waist tucks and eitiPMal T'Haaw an . aadLaVwa ai m...- ti iiiuiiwu iu - ttaavu a agf whoice ot $4185 in the Swim IDLE DOLLARS Moorr cam aUder Sta. LOT8 9150 I3.M"dowri. 11.00 month. An opportunity ' worth taking ., advantage of. SOOTT OAS From City. BROWN arid Washington Streets.) on urouna. Apollo Rink P. TO. . . . r. .. .-. I- - - - Apollo Kir.?; AanrsBiexsrra. White TE.iPLrJ . Cerasr Tweim . aad -Tayleav . . special oSi"r,:G::T cmy ! ";?aiiyTr, i9o6T8 o'au : iee m m ."' :.-'' ' illustrated Lecture on San Franckco Showfkg the ruin by Are and earthquake. Theee vlewe were taken by Mr.1 A. Mayer of San Frannleco and comprise one of The Snest set of lantern slides to be -'had, ' :' 0 STTSJIOTS ' SO StTaVXaOTS ADMISSION 25c Via.uVu.The mi Theatre v Brery Vlght TbU Week. Matlnes Sataraaj. t Pollard. LUlip&tlas Opera Coepy Toalstit. S15, "A fialetr )trl." -" Tomorrow Klfht. "Ike Oelaba." V ' royaler erenlne prlrea SAe, 8o, SOp. Tfte. Batgala siatloee settee Saturday adults See. chUdraa Z3c . ----- Seats sow eeitlng at aea effiee at tka . -Hetilg Theatre. Em e 12th sad Marrlaoa. TOoae Mala tit. , tobtland's popti-Xa flathoitic." Teolfbt, an waea, matinee e.turaar, ataox swam ooitrAXY. Is tee big aaniatkw.l scraie aiektdrtas THE SILVER DAGGER l A vtrt4 nnrv ef life la sad abnet Xew Yrk Clt j Hark K. Swn. A plar ef thrilling " heart JaterMt. Special aeeaers carried eeaiplate. Eraalng prices lSe. SSe, SAe. We. Uktlaee lOe. lAe, tSe. Veat week tke IseMe laaak," ) ..'".- BaKer Theatre Oregea Tkaatte O . -v I See. U Sake. Mgr. lammil ssd Sd gtl. rbene Mala JS9T -- SrcoIAL THIS WT.RK. VseW-fke eiroetlea ot U C Keating. Jaaaes . H, akrtafcaea aaa Oeeise L. aeket.- C8XSTEB VAUDEVIUE ASSEKIIY. Of, Refugees ef the Groat Saa rraselsea . i IMMater. IS SIO ACTS IS. "TfstSinTTif thi rr-r-t P T " Mr " -k I nmp auanx CaealaUaa.Ai Klaat i Matinee Weeoea,lae aad aatnrear Xlfkt prtf.a Laarer tkaw, fraat of teces. '80e' aleht, erleeo, lower floor, keek ef kfea. Xnr; entire balctmr. r; gallerv. 15ei' alt aiatlaaea,-" Tftrte.- r-w-aakaaHfoeataataU-arTiKHI ceaisaajr. . ., , tlUYRIC THEATRE Ivorr afteraeea aad XveatBS rerUaad'S , rwviuar aieoa navaa. . rr- ...The Bswtt Kawtluaal MaloeraM - HER FATH-UVS COIMSi IN FOUR ACTS."-, TORT OF A CHILD'S 10TB-. " FOLLOW HI CROWD OOMIIRU0TIR . FEXFORst AVCK. ADMIfleiOT Me I8avai SBAIB Se v GRAND . ftUaare. Xaraea aad - KaatsoaMry. Taaa SadainilW . Maek Tate. Ida Kewell. MaaUr Bareld Raff. Otaadlaooee, ef April SS thb aiXLeva ' JPramlae Feet . Foaterae. ritMSR PRICea Xvenlns. 8mrlya sndt aaltdara. loo, sue ano ri suuBeee, te an seat, eieeet boa .ea. " I "STAR- THEATRE -Week ef AyrU St Wills CbBlM. J taerlea's g realist Travesty Artlata. ; Wallaee Beaek . Tke Tkrae Kekera Miss : Mildred ZMy f.'W. OUffard ; , " , James Rarke , ' - , llaiaaaeps , lOe to any aeat .leapt boaee loe - GUARANTEED BY WOODARD. : . CLARKE CO. Simple Way to Cure Catarrh by Hy-'" r bmei Without Stomach Doaing. ..It U the height of folly te doee the stomach with Internal medlcinee to eure -naaal catarrh. It cannqt be, cured except the catarrhal germa that are present In the nose, throat and lunge nave first"1 seen MHseVn- 'n-i-.r Direct local treatment by breathing Hyomet through the pocket Inhaler that come with -every outfit, la- absolutely neoeeeary to kill the catarrhal- germe and prevent their growth and formation-, The eoothlng air . of Hyomel heals the amarting and raw membrane of the air 2 passages in the ndee. throat and lunge, kills off the catarrhal germs and rids the system of the laat traces et eatarrtn- The eomplete Hyomel- OutSt eonelete " er-m-nard-mbberlnhaler" Which- can be eerrted In the puree or veat pocket, a medicine dropper, and a bottle ef Hy embl. and coats only one dollar, while extra bottles can be obtained for te eente. thue meklng It, the moat eeonoml-. eal treatment for the cure ef catarrh, as - well ae the m'ost reliable. - - Woodard. . Clarke ak Co. poeltlvely guarantee a eure when Hyomel, is used -la accordance with th elmple dtreo-, tlone en the package, or they will re fund the? money. This certainly show their faith and belief In. the virtues Of Hyomel. ,. - - - - -; t t set-, eeaeenleet to oktale Ryemet ef -Woorlard. fClarke A Co., ee enaie ether ernsslit. It will ke forwareed fraaa raa-laaerater. he -- aaatl ee reeHpt ef arlee. Tke R. T. laKI Oaaipaar. Hyoaaet bldg Itaaea. Raw Turk. P 0 liQrAlSTflC TENDER GUMS Pond's Extract keep baby's tender gums in perfect, health snd comfort during the painful teething period, quickly sooth ing and subduing the inflamed condition. - f : ' " Hardens the gumt, prevents their bleeding, . cures canker pott and tore mouth, remorei bad taste end make an excel-' lent mouth wash for old or fwniTin'1KVrr fitffainiri--tion. internal nd external. iirifr Hmth evf th Aeese thing. On tntlyrii - f $rvtiy tmmpltt f Wktk Htti . as thing"--Wt! t " - H rtminifiit Wfr 1r M9 tt ef. ; f ' tlt pireiheatr -is- I