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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1906)
;:z cr.zcorr daily" joor.:iAt. TonTtXHD.'"TUK;DAy. Evr:nT!Q. - zz.y l. i::i" IB FilCliiG I'Ji VJITI! CIIK3A Condition "" Bordering on Chaos Confront Visitor Who En " ters yitdivostok; FAMINE PRICES FQR V V " .. FOODSTUFFS-PREVAIL Many Trainloads of Russian -Troops Daily Leave Port for Chinese Man . churian border Jewish People Are Given Short Shrift ' (Special Dispatch to The Jearsel.) - ' Tacoma. May. 1. The north China - ""liner Pleiades, Captain jr. O. , Purlngton. ..wnicn la in- port, t reports a condition '. bordering on chaos la the port of Yladl- - yestok. ;i; 'Tha moat Important Mwi ihere, bow- "ever," said Purse-E. O. Tuttle todar ""la the manifest Immlnsoce of war wltb . tha Chinese. While ft was Impossible -or ua to get anr abaoiutely reliable, ln formatlon. yat whlla wa were there tralnload after tralnload of troopa ware 'dally Waving the-city, for the VWnese T border 'in Manchuria countrr. and It . waa the general supposition that the . . were coins to light tha Chlneaa. .. - "The - effects of tha lata war with 'Japan are aaan on every aide In Vladl- ., yostofc. Almoat famine prlcea for food V". stuffs -sre- prevailing; all transportation facilities art overtaxed; the dock a at tha waterfront are (really congealed and . there la great confuafon in handling No warahouaea are. to be . found alone tha waterfront for storing . .". good a and thouaanda upon thouaanda of r ' tone of merchandise of every deaeiiptlon " and from every port of the world, la ".' a tacked on the froaen ground with noth i4ng to protect it from the weather above Or the thawing ice and anow beneath, ' "The riots of November and January. when-the,, city for daya at a, time .waa '-4n the harids of lawleaa mobs, looting. murdering end burning, have left .largo burned districts; snd tio efforta have yet been made torebuild. Rumors sre fly- " - tng dally of additional uprisings, and -'.- the' authorities conetnatly keep troopa TDn the move to put down insurrection. ' '.- T ' "From the outset the' Jewish-people were given short shrift, all-being or '.." dered to get out of the cHy with the -exception- of the merchant, prof eaeional. S- man and mechanic class, and the 'jew --belonging to these immune clsasea has to have a license in order to remain In Vlsdlvostok. These licensee are graded, - license -of the first claaa coating .the J -Jew purchaser who takes It out' 2,500 roubles,, or" tl, 250 a. 'year, Just for'the : ' privilege of living In Vladlvoetok., The ' eity le In a very turbulent - condition. -.-and it la not ' safe for a person to be out after nightfall. -"Under the Russian" law a. foreigner cannotbcoma the owner of real estate : InTIadTvoatok, and if you lease land - :' or a bunding, all the Improvements you add reverts lo' the Ruaalan owner when c- the lease expires. r To rent, a' store or -wvea en office;' In- Vladl vostok-is almost Zlout of tlw question, while a lease of one of the bvtldlngs that has been gutted by the rlotere involves the payment of the entire' lease money before any re , pairs ca be made, and you assume all . tisks in addition. w -Vladivostok le one of the dirtiest - '-cities to be found. When there ta a . .. lack of moisture there la an abundance r of the dirtiest dirt flying, which has ah " adhesiveness almoat equal to that of ticking plaster,-- The- city was founded 1n the fifties, and tt Is claimed that Ha - streets have been a wept but once since, ' .- and that the a weepings - were -etien not - carted away.' The surrounding country Is flch. in minerals,; which, the Rus- is make no effort to. develop., and it tould be--WO) -use for an American to try to, iinleea he were -"next" to the powers .that bJ. The loss of Port Arthur and Dalny has been a great hardship to the Runalana in their operations In-the far. cast, and will result In the Immediate Fsr.isninE; -EIROLESS BONNETS; : Verily the "world do move" and at laat the atony heart of woman haa been reached on the bird question and an In road made in the phalanx of fashion by some bright ' and. according- to- - their photographs, beautiful college girls. 'How glad thla makes every woman to whom, the .birds are near and dear. How often I felt a chill of disappointment at the alght of a lovely woman engaged in some needed and noble work like the Home Training association, for example her hat decorated with a curved plume or- silken, breast or aigrette or wing or head that, could not peaaibly be obtained without bird-slaughter, and I have wondered how ahe .could be so thoughtleaa, for ft la nothing worae than- thoughtlessness. These women hav gentle, sympathetic hearts.-despite their feathered millinery they simply nave not tnougnt enougn aoout tne mat ter to. see the wrong they, do. - - If the clubwomen of Portland, would take thla matter up as soon as ths earthquake sufferers . are - off their hands, 'it would be soon enough before the fall season opens for their Influence to glye : some milliner .the .courage ta put out the: sign that appeara over millinery establishment on Amsterdam avenue. New York City: ."Blrdlesa hata oniy." . -. -'The interesting etory-of the college girls and their battle, for the birds, taken from the New Tork WorldV fol lows: Barnard girls are wearing blrdlesa hata. - Not all of the eollege girla are laying aside feathers for flowers. Many young women are too fond of the feath ered decoratlone to give the matter of bird protection serious thought. . A society foe the study of ornithology and the protectloa of birds haa recently been formed by a number of the eollege girls.. This society Is In no way under the supervision of the college authori ties. - It merely constitutes one of the side ' Issues of " interest to the young women who find It more profitable to turn their attention to a study of birds certain. evenings in ths week than, to fritter It away at a chaflng-dlsb party or- some otner iignt recreation. -The-leadlng members of the oluh are Mrsa-TJramtgaraT-Mtsa Margaret" It eedrt Miss Bobbins. Miss Underbill and Miss Frank. '-These students have a real in terest ' In the protection of the., little feathered -songsterey- and Jong -before enuring college they . were the birds' friends.- --: -- , ! Onoe In eollege It almply meant thai sooner or later theae young ' people would discover the kindred Interest held by their fellow students, band together ana com Dine to make a pleasant and intellectually profitable club. Nearly all of the girls who belong ctlttles at Vladivostok." Belaeoo vivea Beaett, ', ' (Joaraal Special. Serviee.) ' " "New "Tork. - May 1. At. the Belaacd theatre this afternoon a SDedalnaranw. ance oTThe dlrl of the Golden Weat. wltllJlncheBatesandj-ecltationB by z: Iavtd WarftoTd. -wee ejiven for the bene fit of the flan Franclaoo relief fund. Tha performance, waa largely- attended. Thuraday afternoon at the BIJou- the i atre Mr, Warfleld wllappear In a ape---rial- benefit" matinee" of . "The '. Mualo to the olub ' study biology and aoology at college. -.-1 was In this Class that the .aubject of bint protection waa first introduced; thsn the pupils discovered mat many or them were Intereated In the oubject, and .decided to atudy orni thology. Thla la-the way. the club-was begun, and it is proving a success. Every girl who belonra to the society refrains from wearing feathers or birds on her hata. This ,1 really a matter of r much Importance, and ahowa .that tha- girla are truly- Interested In the queatronof -btrd protection, else Ihey would . be tin willing to . abandon . - the wearing of many of the beautiful feath ers met. new are made. - The Bird olub at Barnard baa Ita lawa and by-lawa. Just as any club haa, and ue members work to bring thslr friends Into the little circle, and thus promote a general interest In. the subject.' , It ' baa been- found necessary to fix a-due -for club membership: -This Is a mattsr of. 26 oents a week. Tha pro ceeds are expended In books on the subject of ornithology, and also used for any little house expenses that may have to ba met.- - , - . ' Th? club meeta..pnoa .Tgeelut At tha meeting mere - is a review for the studies, for-ths week., and an elected student must have nrebared a fallr n any branch of bird that aha may choose I to anient.. i- .. . i .. ..- to select, These short lectures range from the and extensive development of harbor fa- I "Peotectloir of Birds rlPlrge"t;itles7 to stories or dims in foreign countries. J One young woman Introduced a very interesting subject In a novel wav. flha talked - on "Substitutes for Feathers" and, niuatte!ierta'nr-byr-making a bat ana shewing -various methods Of utilising r lowers, tune and ribbons. This. "lecture"-waa one of the most unique that had been delivered In. the club. ... ; These pretty advocates of . blrdleaa hata wear tulle Instead of fluffy feath ers. -In- place of stiff, pert little winrs areTPound military bows "and wired knots.. . Flowers are always effective, I .1 71 . Master, r .- - ,- . in . i i -. . -ii ThpirHtrd Otrucgle Made Eatlerl nterestinc Ctatw .. . mentt by a Yo'unc Lady in Dottorr , ;:andXne In Mathv ''All women ' worlc " soma in their homes, some in church, and soma In tha whirl of society. And in stores, mills and shops tana of thouaanda are on tha never-oeaaina; treadmill, aara in g their dally bread. - . All are an bleat to tha eame physical laws all -Buffer alike from tha same physical disturbance, and tha nature of their dutlea, in many eaaea, quickly drifta them Into tha horrors of nu kinda of female eomplainta, tamora, Iceration, falling- . aad displaoe soenta or perhaps - irrerularity or gnppreaaion, eauaing backache, nar vousneaa, irritability and laaaitado. They especially reoulra an inviforat Ing, austaining- medioine which will strengthen the female organism and anabla them to bear easily tha fatigues of tha day. to aleep well at nighW. and to rise refreshed and cheerful! Sow dlstreaslnr to aea'a" Woman struggling to' earn a livelihood or par form her household datiea when nar back and head are nchlug, she ia ao tired aha can hardly drag about or etand up, and. every movement eanaea vain, tha origin of which is duo to some derangement of the female or- faniantr -- MiaaF.Orser.of 14 Warren ton Street, Boston, telli woman how to avoid aneh auflerinf she writes: . tear lfrs.Pmkham I oould not sleep and aonld hardly drag around. I consulted two phyaieians without reUef , and as a last resort, I tried Lydia si Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and ta soy snrpriaa. every ache aad pain left me. I gained tan pounds and am in perfect health : Miss Pearl Ackers, of 87 North flunv mar Street, NaahriUa, Tana., wrttaa I Pear Ura.VinUamW : ":;r. V-. H I suffered with painful periods, severe backache, bearing-down pains, pains across the abdomen; was very aervooa and irri te nia, and mT trouble srew woree every month. "Mr physician failed to help me and I decided to try Lyctla E. Pinkham's Vesetabie Compound. I soon found it was doing ma good. - All my pains and acnes coaappearea, and I no longer fear my monthly periods.'' , L Lydia K, Pinkham'e VsgeUbla Com pound ia tha unfailing cure for all these troubles. It strengthana tha proper muscles, and displacement with ail ita horrora will bo mora crush yon. - r UI suffered niisery for several years with female Irregularities.- My back ached: I had bearing-dowa pains, and frequent headachea; tyU E Pbklvw't ;Vcitatte Cm9 Fa! Backache, dlsainees, fainting, bearing-down pains, disordered stomach, moodiness, dislike of friends and society all symptoms of tha one cause will be quickly dispelled, wui make yon strong and well. -- - , - -" Yon cm .tell the atorr M your snf. feringa to a woman, and receive help ful advice free of cost. ' Address Mrs. Pinkham, Iynn, Mass. . The present Mrs. Pinkham ia tha daughter4n-law of Lydia B. Pinkham and for -twenty five years ahe haa, under her direction and since her decease, been ad rising aiclc women free or cnarga. , . - 'Cut Show Very Pretty Calling Costume of Dark Brown -r Velvet . Huge Wslstbsndt; Short Sleeves Ported at the Elbow and Furnished With Lace. Ha to Match. A and as ons of the girla aays; ..X)ncc you have grown used to blrdlesa hate you really grow' to dislike feathere' "It is plainly up to the women' tc protect the birds," ssJdMissBireu gam. "If they would atop t wearlaj them on. hata . there'' would be no de mand for them In ..the market. , This would, put an end to the wholesale alaughterlng of the pretty things. I don't aee how it la possibjs for any one who has ever observed the pretty habits of birds to ktir-thein. or permit them to be killed that they may be perched on top of a " hal.T.J'urely flowers-and ribbons are Just an effective ; . "The ostrich feather is sn entirely different - matter. - We - may perhaps thank a Hottentot chiefs wife for dis covering their use for ua As the story goes, oatrlchr feathers were never -found of value or real ' use until one day a traveler found a J beautifully curled plume Surmounting a. Hottentot lady's black, woolly coiffure. She bad discov ered a method of curling them; the traveler . took the -feather.' away, with him, learned how to curl them, and in civilised countries they Immediately be came the fashion. "The Hottentot lady perhaps was void of regard for the life of a bird; but. -however, aha -wore only the.. feathers that dropped from its wings. . One does not have to - destroy life In order to obtain ostrich -plumes, so there is no reason" why they- should not be worn." At one of the evening meetlnss it was ones suggested that at the next meeting the girla should all make hsts for themselves.- - Accordingly they brought the materials and proceeded to' trim tneir nats. some or. mem were evening hats, some msde for utility and ' business, - but so -well -were they put together and with such good taste that one would never in this world-miss the lack of feathers. , - - - T once:. thought, 1sa1done ofUie members of the olub, "that I oould not possibly wear . a hat without . feathers on It. but now I find thst some of the prettiest hsts 1 1 ever bad have been blrdlesa For Instance, If you want a substantial hat make it of taffeta rib bon,- in- winter felt. In summer straw. Ribbon will not melt away when wet like made feathers will; It" is tobe viewed with favor from an economical standpoint." MELOUE RIVER BED Wl - TWELVE FEET- LOWER Earthquake Causes - Bottom of Stream to Dror Tracy - ; Lake Dried Up. (Jearaal BneeUl Bervtes.r- v Stockton, CaL, MayJU- It waa discov ered today that in the vicinity of Wood bridge the Mokelumne river haa fallen IS -feet, the bed of the river having dropped from the effects of the recent earthquake. The stream had --been carrying a lot -of water when H-waa no ticed the -river was steadily falling, contrary to all precedent.- The people could hardly believe their eyes. They watchedJthe..rl.ver..iecedexfora .day., and. mads an investigation with the- result that the bed waa found " to be almost 11 feet lower than before.- Aa the wa terway haa been steadily filling up each year with silt from the upper portion of .the river farmers along that stream are highly- pleased with the change. since it can carry far more water than heretofore and not endanger the lands on either side of It. OF PRACTICAL VALUE., "A Rochester mother," says an "ex change, "haa a palatable substitute for castor oil. She takes a quarter of a pound of figs and stews them slowly In - ollce OIL When they are swollen, lemon lulce Is added to tea tc"1-One fig with a little of the syrup ia equivalent in effect-to a dose of castor oil. The figs keep well.' Cold cooked .fish of any kind, mixed with white sauce and oooked for a few minutes, makes a tasty luncheon or breakfast dish. A small piece of bay leaf -cooked -with the mixture -addr-an agreeable flavor. Ramekins - may .- e filled with It. the tope sprinkled with buttered--CTumbs and' baked until brown. 1 r '.''.''"' '..-. O'Brien potatoes are prepared asfoi- ows: Fare, slice and boil as many as yoif require, for two or three minutes. Msanwhlle cut the contents or a can orplmentos (Spanish red peppers) into pieces. Butter a baking dish and Ar range the potatoes and pimentos In it In alternate layers, sprinkling escn layer with Just a hint of salt and pepper and flour. Then mix half a cupful of cream with the liquor In- the can and turn it over the mixture. ' Cover the top with buttered crumbs snd bake. The oven should be not. r - V4 As the warm weather advances' the wise housemother will depend more and more upon fruits and vegetables In mak ing up her dally menus and leas and lees upon meats. , ' . 7" v .J ' Vp to Saturday th-re' had been ffT glllnet. lit setnet. M "trap and 'three licensee Issued at Astoria, - Another Incident of the earthquake la the drying up of Tracy lake. In the northwestern part of San Joanuln coun ty. . Ever since the earthquake the wa ter haa been decreasing at a rapid rate and ' at - present - Is - almoat -en a level withthe Mokelumne river. STUDENTS AND FACULTY " CELEBRATFVICT0R1ES r "(RpecUrtMavateV to "Tee JoerseL- Albany. Or., May - 1. Albany college this morning had a rally and celebration In commemoration of her. many vic tories on the forum this season. She has . been successful In . every literary undertaking during the paatVear. old Albany prldea herself on winning the Intercollegiate . oratorical contest, -also the - collegiate 'debating championship of Oregon. - Speeches .were made by members of the-faoulty and by members of the board of trustees. The winners were given a chance to-talk end the halls " of the-college- fairly -rang with yells. " ' .. . - Albany Is proud of her college and every cltlsen nee an interest in this Institution. Ita alumni number fn Its ranks some of the- leading cltlsent of the valley and atate. LANE MAN CHARGES - WIFE WITH CRUELTY - Sneelal TMspetck te The Joersal.) Sugene, Or., May t. B. ."V. Horton, a,- sawmill owner., or Blachly, vJane county, ha begun suit against Eva Horton-tor-dlvoroe -upon-the ground of cruel and Inhuman treatment. Horton ategee that hie wife has frequently loet control of her temper, severely . up braids him for -compelling her to live In the backwoods, has struck him and cursed him. They were married at Vancouver, Washington. April 7. USa, and have no children.,. '. .... Bad Wiring, aighev Insurance. Eugene, Or- May l.-j-Word haa been received here from the board, of lire un derwriters f-the Paclflo that on account of tha defective wiring of nearly all the business bouses In the city the rata of Insurance haa been advsnoed on an average, of to cente a $100. J ' ', IL LJJ Deaths 'rose Anneadleltla . Decrease In the same ratio that the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills Increase!. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release from constl pstlmt SMd the ills growing out of It. Strength snd vigor slways follow their uee. Guaranteed by Skldmora Uruir Co.. Ho. 1 Try thenw v ' STORE OPUSS tA. AT. Thef,Dmcrcnr ,,A:. Store src:.-. 6ll . km e.-.-al en, "MADE IN OREOON" EXPOSITION, PORTLAND, MAY 19 "TO .J6TH, INCLUSIVE AIT OREGON MANUFACTURERS' FAIR AND EXHIBIT OF PRODUCTS MADE IN THE 8TATZ, ALONO PORTLAND'S STREETS AND IN HER STORES. SPECIAL RATES ON ALL RAIL ROADSMARVELOUS AND ATTRACTIVE ENTERTAINMENTS EVERY DAY. - RHen's Day in the Shoe Store "Let's have a special "Man's Day Wedneeday," Bald our ahoe man to the writer. "I've a splendid lot of handsome new Shoes for men that are Just brimming over with style and smartness fit tike a flows every pair of 'em, and as comfortable as a hammock out under the old apple trees In .June," he continued enthusiastically. And we went to aee the Shoes. The shoe man had every excuse for his enthusiasm. The stocks of Men's Footwear ' in this store are not approached in points of atyle and completeness anywhere in the Northwest As4 special incentive to get men who are In the habit of buying their Shoea in other stores, paying more and getting poorer footwear, -we hall make the following offers for Wednesday only. The Shoes compriainz these offerings are from the best factories in America. Many of theae mak ers confine their producta exclusively to us locally; one reason why our Men's Shoe- stocks are ao notably in advance of others In down-to-date style show ings. Special Wednesday: -V' ' :: :r . .. .- .."''- ' .. . : V A!JY'S 44 SHpES $2.89 "- You mar select tomorrow fnom five styles of MenTs New Tan Oxfords, made oh the latest, snsppiest last shown this season in the eastern style centers; regular $3.50 and $4.00 values. Choice for.. 2.89 WEW'S J5 BtUCHSHOS5J.95 Men's patent calf and gunmet'al stocks, cut on the popular "BludjerJ last, and a product of the cele-,. bra ted -1 lorahelia - & -to. s-lactory, a iirm ismnin for the down-to-date styles they produce-nd-iih-4p-jr quality of footwear that bears their itsmp. ' Ihe,nM Shn ia nnt eniialerf in stiv either make m America retailing at $5aX). , Speciaihere tomor-" aa.wo row at a choice for..... i . . .... MEN'S $5 SHOES $2.89 A.. Ipecfal lot, five" 'distinctTy diff eretif styles of tans snd browns included; values to $5.00. Choice for .,., .i .-,.. t ..2.83 Men's Patent Gun-Metal ShoesrSpecial at $2.89 Men's patent colt and gunmetals. Blucher Oxford cut one of the best models, in . Summer. Shoes jshown this seasonf'and .a-'ondeTfuijwaljia at the special'price if TT.TTT. . . .TV. ."TeJS.V J" l,VomenfST75c antfjl Gloves (O) -First ' Floor.' mm Two-clasp Bilk and Usle Gloves tn black.. arhlta,.nodai and gray; also 8Uk Net Glovee in Diacg ana wniie; - values at 76c, iSo and 11.00. Special, the pair. ..48 VJomen'sMnderwear raOXAXi VIVIIIBAT.' KJflTWEAR AISLKfl FIRST TCOOR. . . s tXOO rjaloa staito no. - v-- Women's "Merode" Union Baits, with high neck.', long sleeves, knee length; silk crocheted trimmings; our I - 11.00. value, Special at, the suit ....... m.u.T8 WVe4aearaXo Vaiom tutte fU. Women's "Merode" Union Suits, merino, summer Weight. long sleeves," ankle length, extra silk trimmings; our tUO value. Special, at. the suit...... ..,91.19 .Women'a SS Tlgbta 5c : Wometfs White Cotton Tights, ankle length, correctly - made and shaped; our llo value. ..Bpeoial at. the ;.z pair .,.,........,,.......,............. 4 .25 -We sUoTestS lot Uttr Women'a White Cotton Long Sleeve Vests, very fine ... ribbed; our 6e value. Special at, each.. ...... 25e: r ' ;':-:- ;v. Women's Me Yeats to 4e. , . ,' Women's White Ribbed Cotton Tests, low neck and sleeveless; our SOo value. Special at, each......l4 ' a ' ' '. Wemen'a tan Vasts iTa, -:- r --i Women's " White lause-trtonmed - Knee- Pantsi -eur - gae value. Special at, the palr...................,.lTe) wm-w wiBiitMT or HALF-PRICE . . .a-. , Sale otHavilandChina thFrd r5RT These handsome pieces of Decorated Havlland China are samples of the latest productions from the eele-. b rated pottery at Lsmogea, France. Chey are beauti fully decorated with floral deslgris In national eolors, in delicate shades or blue, pins; ana yeuow. Our too value. Special, each. ..SS Our loo value. ' Special, each ....... ..30- Our T0o value. Bpeclai. each ,.,..3S4 Our $1.10 value. Special, each. ....... . ......... 55 , Our J 1. 40 value. Special, each .,.;'. ...... .'. . . . . . TO Our 11.10 value. special, escn . ........... ,.v,.BOf . - - - 'svat. .. - Our 4 Jo value. Special, each...... 23 Our -toe value. Special, each. .. N ............ . .25 Our - ISo value. . Special, each. ............ f. ... .28 Our l S0e value. Special, each .1 30 Our. TOo value. Special, each 35 Our t5o-value.' Special, each. .".Vr.'..'. . .484 Bpeoial, each... .....,.....65f '.,'. kaivab ob mn ions, ' Our lo value. Special, eacn.... 494 Our value. n Special, each .....fl34 pur 11.40 value. Special, each .TO bur 1.7 value. - Special, each ...,. ..8S Our tits value., npeciai. eacn.. .....984 Our 11.10 value. Special, each........... fl.OS r . oiof niTL Our It. 10 valus. PpeclaL eacn Our 11.40 value. Special,. each. Our 11.00 value. Special, each Our 70s value. Special. aan.....,.,.,,,r....'73R- Oiir I60 value. Hpeciai, eacn Our tl.lO-vnlue.f -Speelal, eaoh. 14 . . 4 . . . ..65s) Our tl.tO value. . Special, eaoh...... ,i...80I Our 11 1 value. .....;....i.os ........4...r...Il.2 " $1.50 rriiJartxjAAwaOTJ 1 Man's Shop Weal S Haa attained popularify Portlanda men and those wo- - men folks who do men's shop- II ping . -for 'tn, Superlative II . ' values and foremoet atylea tell... J " "with men aa well aa women O ; 7 . in though It may take longer to educate the maJb thrift than the woman. Once we've made a patron e a man. however," we hold him ,: and hie trade and he brings othersr-Values like these told of here hel ear man's trade. , - Special Wednesday, ; SIXTH STREET ANNEX ITR8T FLOOR. 'Vears 100 aarfketeaiefn o. . . . 'j. Bfen'e plain white hemstitched Cambrlo Handkerchiefs, . with H-lnch hem; the best "value made for lOo. - Special at. each . Pe -xena-45e- Te.- M A ,1.1. .U.fli, ,k fln.Mnrf.M . wltb AAfltaSk and leather ends: our ISo value. . Bpeoial at, tha pejr -. r ..r '.'.T:-!'-' ' ' Mea'f toe Ses fog laHa. ; ' - Men's Fanoy Sox .hi newest designs, in polk dote. plaids anoTflgures; sold by many for I6o; our regular : price is-iOe. Special Sale price, the pelr...T..12He) s BOo TJadenreae Tor ST He. Men'a flesh-colored ribbed Balbriggan " Shirts and Drawers: shirts with French neck and drawers WHh double seat; extra value at 0e.-rSpeclal at, the - garment .ii ;;v. ..i.i, ui-.STM' A till WsTSnSBAT Ol Tow thou aaad yards of fine Wash Goods tncrodmg la .the selection Linen 8ultlngs. Mohair' Wsistingav Mee eerised Poplins Snd Embroidered Votlee;. all our I0e . values. . Special at, the yard. ,.,.,.............82 Indian Blankets, Silkolinet: FOURTH FIX50R. ' ,v . " ' " Faacy Colored Feadleeow XndJast Blasuntta, our KM value. Special at, each .....................$4.65 ' - '. 'j -WHe sUltollBea fo te.'7Vf " Colored Sllkdllnes In pretty, floral and Oriental designs, .. I Inches wide; our It itc value. . Special at, the ' - yard :....f.,.i.n... Os- Bargain in Go-Carts for Baby ... : FOURTH FLOOR, i y ' r'-'i'.rrr'.rrz. htm 'cioeerte tot lui, IJ''ztz. Reclining and folding Whitney Oocarta. steel and hard wood frame, reed front and back; euetrion and parasol to 'match. . Ten-Inch rubber-tired wheels end antl rfrtctlon wheel- fasteners;- our- 1.40 value.; Bpeoial at. - each ......,...(55.35 Uovi Buy the Bedspreads ' " " ' SnOXAXi WsWsTBBAT. -, FIRST FLOOR. ,. . .' ."; .,.'.-, Sedapreads fLU. -r"-- 'white" Crochet Bedspreads, full else, tn handsome Mar. -; sellles patterns. Special at, each..,.,... ''.' ieonaaaa, -j White Crochet Bedspreads with, fringe or cut-out c -':. nera Special ali ases f 1.. . T" . . Veepivad' I1M. Fine Batla Bedspread In newest designs, full si--. Bpeclai atf each .............. . A , , ; Pattern TaUeoloths Made trom the best ltne - .cream color, come in tnree - oeigns : - mum. El eur de Lis and Holly, .- very ban Bis tx t. nrlal at. each.... SISS' txlO:-' Hpeciel S4f Irrrrr,,,,,, Bise Ixll, Special at, each.