THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY -EVENING, MAY ' 1. U03. PORTLAfID TO GET LEAK S 0 rl E VJ HERE SAYS BRUIU "THE TOURISTS Royal Baldng';P6wder is made - of- pur crystal cream of tartar and i is beyond all question as to wholesomeriess ahd stxen hbmical to use. ; Warm Weather Vetobles at :cial Prices - ; Harvey T. Lott of Omaha, Tour- itt Association - Represent - ". ative, Figures This Way.-.-;"; Joe Northrup, Wanted "on War. r rant, Eacapea on Sunday ri: . 7," to Seattle. tX. NORTHWEST AND MEXICO SOMEBODY WARNED HIM, SAYS POLICE INSPECTOR WILL CETTHE-TRAVE L A Mexican Trip Is $ovr Expensive, ;;Mr. Lott Says, Majority of People Seexinf Sights Will Come to Tort- Was Arrested fa Company With Se,v- erat Actresses in Restaurant and' Hia Evidence Largely Waa Respon - aible for Acquittal of Proprietor. land and Sound Country. 7' "y u Spc if f i ' , r , i . ' .'. v I T'(a J af i . - , ' i -r- - - , . ::::: Wi L iv' - ' "-' t - Harvey T. Lott of Omaha. arrived hi - Portland -thla morn Ins from Ban Fran- claco. , where ho paaaed through tho . , earthquake and Xlra. Ho waa rooming In . -., a downtown 'lodging-house and barely . scapd with hla life. Mr. Lott la rep- resentatlve of a tourist 'aaaoclatlon of " Omaha which makes up touring parties . ....TV trlPS. m&f' The tourist travel which would have aone to 8an Francisco will be diverted to other places thla summer." I he1 aatd, ' and it la only reasonable to assume yhat , iuii pHuur wit imiiuii b vw- j cause of this, we were arranging to ' send a party of 140 to Ban Francisco . and from there to other points in Call . . fornla. I was in' the city making ar ... i. , rangements for this trip whan the earth - uuake and fire occurred. . I Immediately telegraphed my firm lhat It would . . impossible to have tho party make tho , trip.. .. . , We . mere arranging for several ' Pa .rifle coast trips and the majority of ; them had 8au Francisco for the most "t -.t northern point. Now-we will attempt , , -Lto arrange a tour, with Portland, aa tho central point and aide tripsjto the sound, onr location makes It Imperative that -1 .C our toura go through Portland. ' While i am in the city I win make arrange ments for the- entertainment of our parties here. "Of course my firm sends out less 0. -Pieonla every jresJV Bat ifrom what I have seen and what I have h otkactottrlei ranraaaataUvaa y J u inclined to. believe that the travel this summer Will ybo -divided between the "northwest and Mexican and southwest-,- em points. AS the latter toar la more :Toetly -It-Is safest say that the ma--or4 1 y of toeetsta m bo oomt west of the Rockies will Invade Portland and from " here take In the beeches and the sound Rtrr-r, l-aleo expect a number to take the Alaska trip. " ' -can say nothing about tha horror. 1 witnessed that has not been said hun dreds of times before, except that In my : opinion San Francisco and tho country adlaeenQa damaged for years to come. "Z. Of. course the native California ra will - . lirtmcdiately'rebullarTor cuminerus and business of" s,ir kinds demand it. and the railroads Who) bare expenelva ter- snlnals there,- may be-expected te-uo 1 their- utmost to baild up the olty again, tont th utldera In general will fight of nne:. places ThatonrlBt- trave aat - factor. . greater, taan moat neoDle. nerhapa. - think, and there are hundreda of other relatione between - outeldra snd flan' francos thatwlll be ruptured for yeara. r AH: pf thla -wilt "wesw 'a great tone to wio ia la nut h Ins leas than "wonderful that any one who has looked upon those ruina nas the nerve te Invest money again tn the city and to live there. TAKEN WWLE CITY QUAKES. ta Ban A--mot" Interesting lecture, with over 0 stereoptlcon views of tho Ban nan- TconnnH. dliwrttr after-tha aarth- iunke and f Ire, "Vlll bw given at fju, "White Temple Wednesday evening. Il4y t. br Mr-. Mayer.' a photographer of San Francisco,'-' - ,J ' . As Mr. Mayer ' possessed -. the -only Fterscpt Icon machine after- the terrible disaster which turned the beautiful city .iDf Ban Francisco lnto.uina, tho -views "to ba shows the Portland publio are the only ones made. In an interesting mtervlew Mr. Mayer described hTa thrilling experleners In photographing tha ruins on tha day of the ea rthquake.'--Directly after -- tha : shock inrtha- mom In g, Mr.- Mayer char to red- a ttig- to take him to BanFran T Cisco from Oakland,-where the earth iiuake found him. All cameras and large stereoptlcon machines which, were In Mr. Mayer's " Ban Franclsca office became a prey to the fire and with lha try one which he -had with htm Tn Oakland, and after buying up all the -available negatives- tn- town1 be started JTor tha doomed .cityProKlUlng hhnserf -wit -wpaas- from- the- governor" and a flre-ltne pass, Mr. Msyer atruck out the early-afternoon for tli .down "towuoUtriet. photographing everything of Importance! Hla preeence In the - burning dietrlct . waa -connected . with . many -.dangersV ee military patrols had full charge ef the city. By sleeping - that night- in, the ruina of a burned building, and with a slight scratch from a regulars bayonet, Mr.Mayer man i aged to get a photograph of nearly all . the large buildings which by that time ;, were already for tha most Psrt In-ruina. Mr. Mayer .took the only pictures of the city on tha first and second days of - 4 hr almat which-, in all their horrory sIhiV the terrible deatrurtlon tho great catastrophe left in Its wake. t - - mi , 1 "- Mat aad Capmakers Meat,' 'Jnunlut Special iiilit.i . New Tork. Mny I The I'nited Cloth Mat-ahd'"CnpmaJtrs of America. which -Jias been. fnremO" tn-. the light sgalnst the Industrial Workers of the World, be gan Ita fifth annUM convention- In, this rftr. tedsy. Tha convention will be n . session a week or longer and la ex.. pecte to adopt plana for continuing the warfare on the Debs organisation. . . rv;. TO LOAN AT LOW-RATE OF INTEREST ON IMPROVED GILT-EDGED PROPERTY. -C.SH Insurance Compaq 286 Washinston St. (MacUay Eld.) ; Portland Oregon L. SAMUEL - General Manager (how s,y 1 M IS ENLARGED Chief of Police Takes His Seat as Member -of .1 Body. ''I y the NEW RULES FAILTO - -PLEASE THE" MAYOR Thinks Suggestiona to Market Men Are "Too Yagu and Sound Ama tenriaK3jaxoaK "t Pickera "Worry For tha first time since the reorgan isatloa of tha city board of health under tha new charter thocTilaf of police of tfiaiarvbaeorm By-tha" clty'charter. the chief of police Is made a member of the city board of health, tha ether three members to be licensed physiclana. The mayor Is chairman of- the board.- Heretofore, and especially " .under ex-Mayor Williams' regime, the chief, of police was nerer present at the meetings. ' This provision of tha charter. In which the chief of police la a member of the board.of health by reason of hts post ttoni was"1 discovered by Mayer Lane I short' time aao and .today Chief Ortts- macher took hla seat. In the board and participated in the transaottpn, of bust- Mayoi:7tAnafeavareIy eriticlsed thrt manner -hr which a number of augges- tlona to be followed by market men, bakera and erniceraIf "theT AamTr to tw, jrtswdnnhe "clean Uaf of the city market Inspector, - were worded at the I -""-r nf tha"OTv-lea1th- board this lorning. Those suggestions sound to ma ta be a little school mammy, said he- It sounds to ma aa If they eorer too much territory and are not specific enough. believe you should say at this top -of your pamphlet .containing those suggestions- that If- any grocer, baker -or market tnanSdeatrea to have hla name nlaced on tha "clean Hat' to be posted In the city health office, he aball first comply with tha following regulations. Then--airs your llstof" requirements; mnki4 everything explicit. The suggestions - compiled by Mrs. Evans required the shops- to be - weill ventilated and lighted and tnorougniy elean. Ona of her suggestions waa that no smoking or expectorating be per-; mltted in. tho ahopo and that signs be laced In .conspicuous- places- eonveymg that Intel 11 gerjee to customers, ona sam that aha . had seen' men making bread who were smoking and permitting ashea ta drop Into- the dougtu 8 he recently upbraided a men because a woman, waa oermitted to expectorate In hla shop snd when " the :wamaB Jeft -- the proprietor said that the woman who had expecto rated waa hla wife. - Tha adoption of the suggestions waa postponed until a spe cial meeting to be held. -Mr.-Evans reported the confiscation of two lots oriseTrlee-.which.wera jnl!t foy-;lood.raiid-saW that tha -work-wma accumulating In ber . department since the-smaU-frwita-werw beginning to coma Into theLmarkets..'; "I would 4lk to call the attention of the health board." continued . she. "to the practice Of children feeding -on and carrying away-deeayed fruits out of the garbage barrels along Front street reported the matter to som wf"The com mleeloa wiertbant sad o police hoad- quartera. but neither could suggest remedy.!' . . . MUSIC FESTIVAL WILL - OPEN IN CINCINNATI (JnernsI Snerut r1"e.) Cincinnati, O.. May 1. Judging from the- number of rlaltora In the- city- and the advance sale of tickets, Cincinnati's seventeenth biennial music feetlval will be a financial ss well ss an arttntla suc cess. The Initial concert la to be given tonight and the final one Saturday aft ortxoon.. Sir Ed war Blear Is here from England to conduct two of his oratorio and two of hla orchestral works. The soloists to be heard thla year Include Madame Gadakl, Madame Louise tinman Miss Jniet Spencer, Hubert-Wlther- spoon and others of note In addition there Is the festival orrheatra -and a chorus of 4o voices, . ... " I !V .".... HEALTH BOARD fM 18 WILL BE - CLEllfllllG DAY On That Day Big Roundup of --T'Tirt Cana and Weeds la', . . Planned. " SCHOOL-BOARD MAY CIVE WrCRlLDREN HOLIDAY J Ward Orfanlxatlon Befrua bf Civic Improyement'Committeeg of Inlt - iative On Hundrd--Wornen 'Will Br Aaked to Ha1p- r.'..--L Ward organisation for a eleanlng-up campaign waa begun today by the civic improTement committee of tha Inltlatlva4 noon and mapped out a plan by which they will Interest the women and chil dren of the city in morement to (beau tify the lawns and clean up the back yards and vacant lota. There was a full attendance. -It la requested , that women who wish to help along the movement telephone or oail upon, some member of jtha committee. The members and their addressee ere :. . louis Kuhn. tti North Twenfy-seeond street; George VU Hoyt. 14S Sixteenth street north; J. J. Selling. 405 Stark street; Robert C. Wrtght, Dekora build ing; Dr.. Kmmet; Drake,. 125 Thirteenth etreeti-- F." - A. - Iouty, 122 Abernetby street; J. A. Strowbrldge, ft( East Eighth street: Dr. A. W. Moore, Dekum hniirtingUtnhn Plttangrr, Borthfftnri street; . W. Barnes, Sumner and Van couver; w. - A. OrondahX- Mount xabor. Oregon, ttt Woreeter Portland; Cm.p- Fenton. Portland, A start la being made la each ward by securing tha cooperation of tha young people and the women. -.-Everything that ta dona along thla Una adds to tha monetary value of the property, and thus the man of the household Is directly Interested -through . his pocket- book. -In a neighborhood -of pretty lawns, well-kept fences and back yards. snd clean vacant lota property la. mora deolrebhs ajid--;brtnga-1)attarprl;s,n' tha market than do similar properties In neglected districts. It la proposed to carry on a clean-up campaign until May T.'when a grand roundup will be made. Tha'achool board -will be -called upon by at committee oompoeed of George Hoyt and J: A. Strowbridge and aaked to- grant a hairTiollday for the school children of the entire city May It. The teacbera and principals will be requested to give tna children talks preceding tbe holiday, telling them what they are as- pected to do to beneflt.jyia elty by votlng Friday afternoon, to work that will Improve the exterior appearance of their homes.- Tbe ward committeemen will have general charge of the work and wilt adopt varlone means of arous ing the rnterest-.of.: th children.- Borne of the committeemen will solicit funds and- giva prises to- the children who? col lect the largest -pHea' of tin cans and rubbish of any character that cannot ba burned, but must ba hauled away. - The women Will. It la expected, form civic aesthetic aoc1t1ssahd keep up- the home-beautifying work permanently. Two women of the sixth ward called on thecommlttee yesterday , and asked what they could do to help. ESQUIMAU" FORTRESS . BEING EVACUATED (Jenresl Spwlst Serrlc.) ' Victoria, B. C, May .1. Tho evacua tion of the fortress at Esquimau by the imperial forces today marks sn epoch In tha hlstorv of .Canada. It meana that , for tha first time In three centu--j riea there are no British soldiers, using tbav Venn British soldier in its restrict ed sense, doing duty in North America. In future tha fortlflcationa at Bsqutmalt, aS at Halifax and elsewhere, are to be garrteened by. soldiers of. tho king un der the direct' control of and maintained directly by Jhe Dominion of Canada. FAMOUS ITALIAN VILLA - - IS SOLD AT AUCTION Rome, May I. The famous Villa Pnl-V mierl, nearFlerfcnee, was- sold- -aue- tion toes Xi togeiuer -wit n ns estate or nearly 100 Sores. - Tha villa is famoua because, of 'Its associations with 'the lives and works of the painter Botti celli and tha poet Boccaccio; In later yeara It- was owned by ths Karl of Craw ford and on two occasions the villa was occupied by Queen Victoria during her springtime sojourrjs In Italy. RIOTING MUTINEERS r r DESTROY A PRISON e) T ' learsot SaeHsl rTtcei' - Bt. Petersburg. May 1. A seri- mis outbreak occurred tn Hebas- a .topol last night. A battalion df-4 stroyed the military prison- ahd - liberated 36 men who Were under- , 'going sentence for tnklng lead- Ing parts in mutinies during the w past year. The governor has telegraphed Mt. Petersburg ss ing the situation Is grave. The " extent ef the revolt Is not known. Incensed by tha escape of Joe-North- Jrup, for whom a warrant of arrest, had been issued by Police Judge Cameron, tha municipal authorities declare that without doubt there ta a "leak" some where In the police department pr tha police court-. Inspector Bruin expreaaes the opinion that a department,- stool pigeon managed to convey tha Informa tion to Northrup that ha waa wanted by tha police atidthat after being warned he left be-tyr" Every effort Trill be made to discover who Is. responsible, . Northrup was employed aa manager of the muslo department of a mercan tile store. With A. O. Smith, proprie tor of tho Circuit, or old Doctor saloon; J. Ward, an actor: Mrs. Ward and Miss E. Murray, actresses, he waa - taken Into custody ss a. witness against . Ed Johnson, a restaurateur, at t:30 o'clock on the morning of April it. Johnson was charged with selling liquor with out furnishing meals. He was ,,sc qultted, largely on ths ' testimony of Northrup, who Is accused by .Inspector Bruin of -testifying ,falSeiyx. Angered by Northrup' a, testimony tha police made an investigation .as to his mode of living. It wss discovered that at night ha played a piano tn tha Cir cuit saloon. He la also charged with being an opium moker and with hav ing used the drug at the Castle lodging-house, Wsshlngton and West Park Streets. ; A romnlalnt was - filed- against ,. him vnerjring asf1 wfrewaeteae flat. I urday and a warrant lasueo. it was given to Detective Murphy to serve, but ha failed to locate hla ouarry Saturday night. Aa tha offense chargetLls a mls- demeanor the warrant- could not be served oh Sundaynhottgh U w known thst-Northrup waa arlnKTnr-ar onn. son's restaurant at lito ocia tnat morning. ' ' . - ' yesterday Detective Murphy searched alt day for Northrup and waa unable to locate, him. It waa ascertained at the etore that he had not been employed there alnos Fridsy, owing ta hla eon-J nectlon .with . tha affair at Johnson s restaurant. - . ' ' There-is something pecullsr about this," - said Inspector Bruin. "Nobody but "a few members of tha department and officials of the police court knew that a complaint had been filed against this man and a warrant leaned, r: There la no doubt In my mind that somebody 1st him know ha waa to be arrested. tf the nerson. guilty of'auch-an act ta jllnrot'epeq it win do mias jgBinatm., far htm. I am informed that jsortnrup - left Sunday njoming for geatue... SHEEPMEfHBATTUNG FOR WENAHA RESERVE ISoeelU Plsoetrk to The Joarssl.1 Pendleton, Or., May 1. The Umatilla county sneepmen nave mcr imuii r trance prepared to present to tha forest reserve officials at Walla Walla today. The papers consist for .ths most psrt of affidavits from individual stockmenof Oregon settinrforth their claims to land --In the Wenaha reserve which wss allotted to Washington men,at the flrat meettng month or mora egov However; tho Oregon t will also make tha-: claim that ; no Waahington. sheep are entitled to range In Oregon so long as Oregon men deelre to use It. On thla contention- they-arajdrpendmg much and purpose to carryfne matter to the head of tha department ahould the officials at Walla Wall rule agalnat tbem-- Nona of tha Oregon men de-fwet -to Walla- Walla today, the rmon- strance being . presented by colonel Raley and Secrejary 8m y the, attorneys f or t ha" sheepmen."' :f, ' PENDLTr0rFLOURT FOR ORIENTAL TRADE ' (Special Dtapak-k te Tbe feerasl.) endleton. Or.. May T. Twenty thou sand sack of Pendleton, flour, enual to 0- carloads, will be sent out this week bv the Byers mill for export trade. This shlDinehrTsrn- be" made to FnrtTsnff.i Plies Cured Quicldy al Ilorae Why Suffer Agony Any Longer, When , You Can Get a Quick, Sura Cure . For Your Piles by Simply f end ' ins; Your Name and Addrtst? . ' ' . Trial akaw Zs ea mbaotntely . la mala Wrapper aa Bvsryoaa Waa ' Writes. , -6. Burgeons-themselves -consider a per manent cure of piles by a surgical opera tion as very doubtful, and resort- to it only when the psttent has become dea perate from long continued pain and agony. But the .'operation Itself .Is every bit as excruciating and nerve racking ss tha disease. Resides, it Is humiliating and expenslyeT' and rarely a success. ' - - The vronderful Pyrsmtd P11e-fnre makes an operation unnecessary. You cure yourself with" jtormr ease, rltr you; own home, and for little expense. Pyramid- Pile Cure- gives you-Instant relief. "It immediately- heals all sores Snd ulcers, reduces congestion Snd In flammation, and takea sway sll pain. Itching snd Irritation. Just a little or the treatment 1 nns1y sufficient, to ' give a permanent cure. Pyramid Pile Cure Is preps red In tha form of suppositories so thatlhey"ean 4-ba. applied directly to the parts without Inconvenience, or Interrupting your work in sny wsy. ' - --"-j - We'sre-sending a trial treatment free of-chargw to every-n whtf sends hams" and address! We do this to prove whst we any soont this wonderful remedy Is ttfWWV)rstfVsj;.".s. - -- J i ' After you hajva tried tha sample treat- I merit, and you are satisfied, you can get ! a- run regular-elaeel treatment of Pyra mid iPllo Cure at your druggist's for to cents. If he hasn't it, send us tha money snd we will send you tha -treatment at on-f by mall, in ..plain sealed parks e- , . - ' - t . Send your name and address at once for a trial of this marvelous quick, sure' enra. Address Pyramid Drtig Co., ttfX Pyramid Building, Marshall, Mich. t I .,' - - ' . ' .' Togs for men cvcryxonccivablc article of wear f requisite to a complete wardrobe, in the great ,, est; range of attractive styles. Besides ouneyer sound value-giving, prices we offer two stun- -ning specials for a few days. . v In plain Blues, Tana and Fancy' Stripe dark effects only. These Shirts are splendidjraluet "f,C .IScSpeciaL-eachx;! t, : Neckwear An endless variety of Fine - Neck- wear of design and 'shapes particu" larly adapted to summer wear. Spe cial line of Baratheas and Crepes ' in all the new 1 ' "CH plain colors r. V7.4rr.V .TT7 J JC where it wllr Immediately -be loaded on tessels for the orient. The flour will go into the msrkets of Japan. China and Manchuria and -carries tha name of Pendleton to people who are becoming ' more and more .regular consumers of American products.- Some of this shipment of .Pendleton flour will find its way "from the seaports of Which one do you wanttThe firsUs so much better thaiuthe, secondthere can bm butr one-xhoice-and yet-how-many people-court trouble by sticking to coalr wood,- ashes, dust, dirt and labor instead of being modern and tusing GAS for COOKING and . HEATING. Which do you want? Come arid see us if it's PLEASURE. We don't" -1 .1 I GAS IS RIO.W . U. , v ) Net Per 1C00 Cubic 1 -NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERING OR CONNECTING , ';..'.-- WATER HEATERS PURCHASED White. Dropstitch Combed Balbrig gan, full lineof si2es upto j46.' Special at, rper garment' Fine Silk Lisles and Lace Effects in light andrdark tones. 3 Pretty; effects in new plaids and checks, -"stripes and embroidered, wide fang of Cfi" "Pittef IIS r'V V aW t r-v r $ TTf The Greatest Clothing House j-Ohlna into tha far interior -which points It win b carried by the Chinese Junke r river boats which ply on all tha streams of tha Interior .xtr. 1 in 1 1 -, ' , : ' Horses at Auction. - Auction sale of' horses-tomorrow at Irvington track 10 a. m.. rain or shine. TELEPHOIJC miVATE EXCHAKGE 25 ,40c i .?. av i Half Hose in the Northwest. Chicago, May 1. The stockholders of the Diamond Match company at a spe cial . meeting held today voted to In crease the capital stock from $,0AS to IIS.000,000. The additional capital will be used for adding to the machinery facilities and for-the liquidation of a debt - - .. -r -: : TCT1 T GAS RANGES OR GAS- - OF US. nr'