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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1906)
7 PEIIOLETflll fJAII : JELLS I 5,000 DAILY No Illness Has Developed and Every Precaution Taken to ., Preserve Sanitation Rev. W. H, Bleakney of Academy Viewed Scenes of Cali--.' . . fornia Disaster. GREATESTJQUESTION OREGON DOCTORS AND NURSES RETURN SOON V ; ? IS FUTURE CHINATOWN . f if v V a, . . 'v Money Seminary That Owned Rescue Home More Money Needed to Supply Outfits to PgUenti Leaving Hoa ' pitala Efforts Made to Impose on Committee. (Will Not Rebuild Until Decision at to Location of Chinese Has Been , . Adjusted. DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 1. 190. oral FEEDING y0000 ltll1ili C'?CC:iC ' o j)ti?!vp i r zp nTi (T '-;0m$- - HdhUI Diasatek to The lantlt --- Pendleton. Or., litjr 1. Rev. W. H. ' Bleakney, principal of tba Pendleton . academy, who want to attend a meat ' - - lug Of tha board of trustees of the Ban Francisco semlnary,whlcb la located at 8an Anselmo. about tha time of- the ' . earthouake. haa returned to Pendleton and apoke ae follow of the, terrible dla ' aater: "I found San Francisco -Seminary, . which "la situated at - Ban Anselmo, a 'suburb of tba city, badly damaged by tba earthouake, although the lire did not reach It. The towera were ahaken , ' down on top of tha aemlnary bulld " inga and crashed through tha roof Into " the lower floor, doing an Immense . .amount of damage to ' the equipment, - ; and aleo the walla were badly cracked. .-"vThe total damage to the aemlnary is . eatlmated at tUS.OOt.- It Is a Presby - - terlan school and will be Immediately, 1-epatred." . ,. ' Mr. Bleakney says tha greatest bulld ins; question now confronting Han Fran- claco la what to da with Chinatown. Jsadlnaf business men declare It ahall '-. ' not be located In tha heart of tha pity. . and It la the general sentiment that the land belonging- to the Chineae will be 3 sold and the Chinese district removed - ta one separate section of the city, T" liera It wni tl way t kept alone. '' Tha Bsn Frsnclsco seminary owned V a" valuable lot In the heart of China -. town, where a Chinese Qlrl Rescue home ' waa conducted. ' -The trustees of the ; home will not rebuild It until tha mat- . tar of the location af Chinatown la deft nltely settled. Tha seminary haa .rescued SO Chinese girls -from Chinese glaveownera In Ban - Franciaco, and when the Are started the 'V glrla were taken to tha aemlnary build- inga and are there guarded by students of tha seminary against the Chinese of tha city who make nightly attempta to kidnap tba glrla. Four would-be kid- - napera are now under arrest The girls .ara delighted at being rescued from ihelr ' horrible Uvea . In Chinatown and ao- cept the klml offices of the seminary ' " r willingly and cooperate with tha achool , authorities In trying - to evade their , .' former masters. ,- -j.- Mr. Bleakney aaya tha people af the . jdty are extremely hopeful. Everywhere ',.tha.; largi T)roperty-ownara are- letting -'-rContFaota ou. tha amoklcg ruioa of their .ibutMlnga. v -.' jHe aaya there Is no suffering except .' Worn lack of shelter. Food and oloth- . " 'in are plentiful. Thousands of people - - are leaving tha elty, but many expect ta - -- wuw nwalr a chimney is itrff standing In Oakland, he aaya. but out .aide of that lltUeUamage waa done by 'the earthquake thert. BIG TEXTILE EXHIBIT t, "... OPENS AT TOURCOING . . ... (taml -SpeeUt ServW.) , - - - i-t: Parta, 'May 1. Under the patronage af the French government a notable ea- - hlbltion of 'the textile and allied lndus- '.trlea wa4 opened at Tourcolng today, "'to continue through tha entire summer, i In addition to the textile exhibits ths exhibition embraces a comprehensive . n. - display af processes, products and ma- chloery for textile, mechanical and elec-.L4 tticRl. industries, and also exhibits per- " talntng to. social economy and hygiena England, Germany. Belgium and a num ber or other countries aa well aa Franca are represented at the exhibition. T . By BL It Gregory.- (rresi e Jeerasl IUH C.rr.ooilat. ) Oakland, Cel., May 1. Jefferson Myers, head of tha Oregon relief com mittee, haa made a thorough1 tour of the hospital tenta and reporta all work in excellent condition. Every precaution la being takan to preserve sanitation. No Illness haa developed at the camps. Yesterdavrrthe 12 iuri wlm arrival Jronr' Portland were detailed to the Oregon hospital. Work at this honpltal la being organised... so . that within-the next few.daya the Red Cross society will aasume charge and the Oregon Na tional guards .bareleaaed. Five tbousahd ara fed dallv br the Oregon, relief Committee. There Is an abundance of food and money Is needed for, its distribution and a., supply of transportation for destitute Vanes. Many Instances are. reoeaded .of ef forts to Impose on tha committee, but when detected Impostors ace denied any benefit- One big husky" fellow, after securing freo .transportation, attempted to obtain money from the relief com mittee and was doprlved of his trans portation by Mr. Myers. On the other hand, "the worthy are frequently slow to accept aid. - Honpltal conditions are being: sys tematised. Part of tha corps of phy sicians and nurses return to Portland Saturday. It is difficult to obtain riot hea and -ahettar -Tor tha -' in tt en ta les vlng. The clothea donated are well worn and misfit and of little "service. Money le needed to provide suitable outfits. 1 Mr. Myers found women truthful anil deserving end believes that money- In trusted to them' for supplies will be well spent. - RUNAWAY TEAM IS TRAPPED ON BRIDGE e s e e? . Frsak among - runaways waa that which occurred On the Madl aon etreet bridge at o'clock this morning and caused a hun dred people to hold their breaths ahd wait for the tragedy which dl not come. "-Jerlinter Zo wetre, jg . team ner. had hla horses tied at Water street end Hawthorne ave nue. They became frightened and started to run, breaking 4 away from the wagon at the first d corner. They' dashed onto the i , . mm -aa aal ...... s-J---, . Wi -" asas -asa i..ea .eae , '- ,,-,- aeM ..,J- ' , . , , ,. ,' , IJNJTKfb CIGAR ff&REsSiL d of which was opened to allow tha d ateamer O. K." Wentworth to pasa a. with a log raft.' Dodging half a 4 dosen vehicles and two - trolley 4 earn they ran tha full length of tha east end of the bridge. Peo 4 ple held their breaths aa the 'horses naared the fence across 4 the bridge roadway. But when e tha n Imaia reached It liey both 4 took It at a jump like experienced. huntera and landed within a foot W of tha edge of the bridge over 4 the channel. Just as ths raft waa directly below. At the edge, 4 however, the horses stopped, 4 looked at the water and raft be low, then turned and watted until bystanders had - effected their rapture. IDAHD NEWSPAPEJT - . : PLANT IS DESTROYED ALL FOR BIG PROJECT Special DUptich to Tb leeraal.) Bolsa. Idaho.. May 1, Firs at 1 o'clock this morning destroyed tha of , 1 1ce of tha Owyhee Avalanche at Bll- - ,vn City. The building was In flamea r when the alarm waa given and very lit tle waa aav(d. It la thought that the - Tire was caused from a defective chlm- ney. The loss is 1.K)0. no Insurance. Jake Horn, editor of the psper, an- at-he-witt buy a new plant and resume publication next week. SMADE IN OREGON" e May 19th to 26th Exploiting Oregon-Made Goods A New Flatware Pattern TheViolet One can fully appreciate a sim--pie yet effective design in thi pattern. The assembling of violet is a most pleasing de .parture, and aided by our beau tiful engraving has a most charming appearance, especially -in nets of s:x or chest combina tion ' "The line carries every wanted article for serving purposes, snd is represented by good weight, in the gray finish, and priced so "as to be exceptionally interest ing for that high "sterling" quality. wnvr. Cor. Third and Washington Sts. Jewelers, Silversmiths. . . Manufacturing, Opticians. " (Continued from Page One.) trlcta, running lo the high bridges at 81." Johns snd Elk Rock and putting every part of the big city Into close touch with every other part This feat ure alone. It is asserted by those who have made a atudy of local t raffle condi tions. Is worth the entire' cost of the total Improvement. Should tha city not build such a belt line private enterprise will be forced to take up the work, there being already an urgent demand for better transportation faculties from the Boutll" Portland manufacturing firms anil ths majority of the North Portland es tablishments, -t - - I It Is estimated tlutt at the lowest rate I of . return the entire Improvement can i be paid for In 40 years by a sinking ! fund, established from a portion of the profits of the toll bridges and belt lines. ( and the Initiative committee of one hundred expects to prove to the voters I before election day that the Issue of $2,000,000 In bonds ran be made, floated snd -ultimately paid for without drain ing the city treasury of more than tho 1 cost of the election, or Increasing- tho municipal taxes a mill a year. tVero the city te .pay the entire $3,000,000 out l right and receive no cash profits, tho 1 plan la generally believed to be a most ' valuable one, for the benefits that would Immediately accrue. .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hundreds of Stores In Operation from Coast to Coast. New York 1M Store. Chicago, III. 7 Stores. Bolton, Mass. It Store.. Philadelphia, P. It StorscC Sail Francisco, Cat. 14 Storetx Kansas City, Mo. Buffalo, N. Y. Pittsburg, Pa. - Pravldeace. R. L- New Haven, Ct Fall River, Mass. -JerjrCttjr,N. Jr- Newark, N. J.- Paterson. N. J. Albany, N. Y. Rochester, N. Yi Baltimore, Mi. Washington, O.C. Cleveland, 0. Indianapolis, lad. Louisville, Ky. Fort Wayne, bd. Erie, Pa. ; Or and Rapids, Mich. Saginaw, Mich. ' Minneapolis, Minn. SL Paul, Minn. Milwaukee, Wis. Hooston, Tex. DnasrTexv- San Antonio Jtt OaTveitonTTex." Seattle, Wash. Los Angeles, Cal. Etc., Etc- Etc Saturday," MayXvvc: will ioper lnnhlnltyorirJcjDj9 1 B i- - " Tliird . Slhreeit j - - -: 0 0 fi- 0 0 0 Goncerningricanddlit if 0: You will know us. by the sign of the UNITED shicldmblcm ctfiiualityir3 We -put the queitionol price before the the profit-saving principles that have built up smokers of America in a way that upsets all this immense business. , precedents. T. ... All that we save by puhuinr cigars in - In every transaction in a Uru'ted Store your niilliott-lots-from-the-p nickel gets the' same five cents' worth as saves when ' he spends a nickel in a United though it were a part oL aTthousandoUaj Stwe order. - Which means that no man, no matter our golden rule. ... - v how much he apends at a time, can tray cigars , Your greatest satisfaction is in knowing in United Stores at a lower price thanyo pay. that the price you pay is as low as the lowest " Per cigar, per box, per thousand our price "anybody else pays and that your pocketful art tho sama to everybody, and lower, than of dgars coat you at the rate the jobber pays, i; anybody s at that. : You get this satisfaction ,m United Cigar . You're on the grouhd floor with every Stores. T " , : . '"' -- ----- purchase. , 'And more important still: You get quality and H A dealer, cash .in hand, with art order for" price tied in a tizM knot a knot, that cannot be 50.000 cigars, might as well dicker with Uncle twisted or undone under any circumstances. Sam for a trade discount on postage stamps as V In no other way does the matter of mero tor try and get a-discount-on-ther prices of - price count 7 United brands. There's no such thiol. In no other store are the same values " Something to ask for on comlnd in a UNITED CIGAR STORE value CAPT, ftIARRYAT Invincible. The price 4-for-23 cts., box of 23, $1.50 the cljjar a proof of our proposition' 0 I -To him we givevery benefit of the largest . These fact are of great concern to you - retail cigar outlet in the world. He gets every and their proof so easy that we leave it up v saving, to 4 fraction of 1 cent,hat results from to you. - . .. : : '. -- UNITED CIGAR STORES COMPANY n m 0' 0 ., ,. ,-..U,:!:lj.: - -j-' - -nt -r, innn nm is sstiiaT PROPOSED, WASACEPTED, THEN ROMANCE ENDED Hew Vaper la TmatUla. '8pH'l Dl.pttrh lo Tb Joomtl ) rmatlllM. Or.. May 1 H. C. Willis, former illtor of the Bcho Promoter, and who hm bsen editing a weekly paper at Pvnd)ton for some weeks, will bogln the- publication of a weekly paper In I matlllu. the first Issue to sppear this i week. His. prlntfhg plant has been I mvert from Pendleton to this plore. , rmatllla promises to become one of the i leading towns in eastern Oregon since the Bast I'matllla irrigation project is going through. Presiding Judge Sears this morning overruled tha demurrer to the answer that had "been filed In the case of Mary Preschern agslnst George W. Bevls. Judge Bears allowe'd Ifnry K. McGinn, attorney for the plaintiff, 10 days In which to flle a reply. At this time it Is expected that the case will be set for trial. Mary Preschern Is suing for 125,900, alleging a breach of promise to marry, declaring that on January 1, 1804, Bevls proposed snd wss accepted. Hr complaint was died In the circuit court on November 11. Soon eftcrwnrd At torneys F.d and A. H. Mendenhall, counsel for Bevls filed - the answer. It Was alleged on the part of the de fendant that ha told the plaintiff that he would marry her If she could prove by some reputable physician that eer- .taln charges msde sgslnst her were I untrue. Bevls avers that he gave the 1 plalntlff-'ritoney with which to pay the physician' bills, but that she never i made a aeport. I Mr. McOlnn Interposed a demurrer to this answer. This demurrer was argued yesterday before. Judge Bears, .who hunded down his decision quickly In order to get the case at Issue. . BootaJlst Ticks la Baker. Baker City. Or., May 1. The Social ities of Baker county have placed the following ticket In the field for the June election: Representative, J. H t.'ullom; sheriff, W. A. Pspoon; cleS-k, 8. 8, Start; county judge, ii. E. Court ney; commissioner. J. j. Thomaaoh; treaaurer. A. C. McClelland; surveyor, Newton Ward: coroner. C. H. Ames. I To draw the fire out of a burn, heal , a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure i bolls, sores, tetter, ccsama and all skin I snd scalp diseases, use DeWltt's Wltah fHasel Salve. A specif ta for pilaa. Oat tbs genuine. No remedy causes such ; speedy relief. Ask for DsWIM B the I genuine. 4 HELPLESS PARALYTIC - IS BURNED TO DEATH (HpwUI Dispstrh ta Tbe JnnrUl. Hlllsboro, Or., May 1. Samuel El liott of Phillips, about ten miles from this city, wss burned to death In hi I home yesterday, while his wife was absent attending to affairs on the farm tile house caught fire. Mr. Elliott waa paralysed and unable.t-mov. He was 70 years of age. an old Oregon pioneer and leaves a widow and six children, among tha latter Mrs. Redmond of th, city. ....) . ... FIRE SPOILS ROOMS - MEANT FOR REFUGEES Six families, of refugees' who were to have been given shelter at the Hur lodglng-hourt-, (I North Eleventh street, today will Uava to ba quartered alaa- where, on aocount of tha carelessness of vacating tenants who threw rubbish down - the -dumb -waHer; Fire which started at :I0 o'clock this morning damaged the second and third floors of the structure, causing a 'loss of 1400 and rendering the apartments unhabit able for some days. The Hur Is oonducted by Mrs. S. W. Fisher, who mads arrangements with ;he general relief committee to take WOMEN'S WOES ortiaaA Woman ..Ara rinding KeUaf at Xet. . It does seem that women have more than a fair ahare of tha aches and paina that afflict humanity; they must "keep up," must attend to dutlaa In aplta of constsntly aching backa, or headaohes, dlssy spells, bearing down pains; they must stoop over, whan to stoop means torture. They must walk and band and work with racking, patnauid many aches from kidney ill's. Kidneys cause more suffering than any other organ of the body. Keep tha kidneys wall and health Is easily maintained. Read of a remedy tor kidneys only that helps and cures the kidneys and la endorsed by "people you anow. Mrs. A. M. Hollabaugh of IS I Grant street, Portland, Ore., says: "In Feb ruary, ltOI, I gave for publication statement endorsing - Doan'a Kidney Pills. I am Just a arm friend of thhrl remedy today, and am plaaaad to con firm my former testimony. For two or three years I had suffered with kid ney complaint and Inflammation of the bladder. Thara waa some backache and a dragging down sensation, but the worst symptoms were In connection with tha-kidney secretions', tha passages being coo frequent and accompanied with pain. Doan'a Kidney Pills prompt ly relieved this condition, banished the bsckache, corrected the notion of the kldneya and benefited ma In many waya." - , ' for sale by all dealer Price cent a FostettMHburn Co., Buffalo, N. T, sole sgftnU for the United States. flcmember the name UO AN' 6 and take no'othsa . , . t ,. .....! ., -. - ; - aix famlllea . o refugees today. Tea terday six families of tenants moved, and In the rooms they occupied tha ref users were to be quartered. Tha de parting tenants threw rubbish down tha 4umK Waiter In large quantities," and In this rubbish at the bottom of the shaft fire started from an unknown cause. Tha flamea leaped up the shaft to the attic and quickly spread under the roof. Firemen confined the flamea to the roof and attlo, but tha second and third stories were deluged by water and damaged by smoke. Tho loss Is fully covered by Insurance. SUMMER IN SEATTLE IS TOURIST MONTHS William Russell, manager of tha Third Avenue and! the Grand theatres In Seat tle, paased througk Portland today on a flying trip to Ban Frajiclaco to collect a company from among ths homaless. engagementlesa actors of tha Bay City; "I have secured the Grand for tha summer season and will Open with a new oompany thsra May 30," aald Mr. Rus sell. "I have aeveral of the best of tha people In San Francisco In view and ex pect to put a high-class stock company Into SeatUe during tha tourist months that'a what tbey call aummer up thsra. to distinguish it from tha nasty hot term that the word impllea back east. I Oenevleve Kane. Clara St. Clair- and George Webster of Belaseo's company are three of those whom I expect to en- age, besides probably eight or- nlna people in ail. - Chaa Bate for Heat; The O. R. at N. company announces a rata of one and a third fare on ao count .of the . Interscholastlo athletic meet at Washington 8 tat a college, PuU irsn, Washington. May 11 and it. .Tha selling dstes are May 10, 11 and 11, and final limits la May IS. ,, . 1! . . omownra ions An vaxkm. . Mrs, Joule Sumner. Bremond. , Tea.. writes, April IS, 1002! "1 have I used BsJlard'a Snow Liniment In my family for three years. - I would not be with out It In the house. I have used It on my little girl far growing pains and aches) in her kneeai It cured her right away, I have alsnAised It for frost bit ten feet, with aood success. It la tba best llvlment I ever iwed." 2(0. tOc and 1.00. Bold by Woodard. Clarke Co. SIX PRECINCTS : MAY 60 DRY NEXT-JUNE Last Wet District In Tenth Ward Filet Partition for Local . Option Election. ' Residents of six precincts have filed requests for a local option election In their preclncta In June, and another pre cinct haa lta petition prepared and will probably file It tomorrow. In each case tha eleotlon la mads a purely precinct affair and Is confined to the residence dlstrlots. Precinct 21, taking In the territory from -Main to Jefferson and from Seventh to Fourteenth, was tha first to file -Its petition. It waa quickly fol lowed by precinct SO, Portland Heights. and preclncta SS. 14 and St. taking In all territory between Meads stteeT and Sey mour avanue.-Frecinct. so. rrotn Fre mont to-Killings worth and Vancouver to tha river, tha last "wet" precinct of tha tenth ward, also riled Its petition. Tha petition of precinct It, covering all territory from Harrison to. Sheridan westof SlxthftreetJias been .prepared and la expected ta be filed tomorrow. This Is distinctly precinct prohlbl tlon.' aald Dr. a.-.! Tufts, who haa charge of tha work. "All tha precincts which have filed petitions ara In resi dence districts, skid tha fight . la not against all saloons, but against saloons near ths homes and schools. Each pre cinct atanda or falla by Itself In thla election. Wa ara working to oonf lne tha saloons to tha business district of tba Ia nrcclnct IS. ona of those which has filed petitions, tha principal objection Is against the saloons or "Little Italy." which ara near tha bridge over tna gulch, making It Impossible for residents on tha oth,er alda ta get to tha city proper without passing tlu-ir doors. 1 ' ," Arrangements ara In - hand to bring water from tha head of Hay Creek to Condon. ..There la a Una spring at tha head of tha canyon and tba distance being about four fnd- one-half miles hcan easily be overcome., London will hava lota of water In short time. Failure ToTroper!ydlgaT,rfoM"naaaaB'iaarlr: very 111 of tha human body. Tha blood feeds tha body tba stomach feada tha blood If your food la not properly dl- -gested, your blood la carrying poison through your entire system. Put your . stomach In a heaKhy condition and your . other troubles will disappear. This la a bold assertion, but nevertheless true. -CHASE'S DYSPEPSIA CURS, a alrnpla . liquid remedy will positively and quick ly cura any form of . indigestion,, or - -money refunded. . - ' . Warren. . I., Aerll t, ItOO. , - Dear Sirs My principal trsable Is wtod Astl T. beertbara, from which I hare eaffered for rear. I have takes medicine from elx doctors, ' besides taking a number of patent medlciqte t . hTt resit about and heard af, tmt tbey did sis " " ne sooo I saw roar ad la the Bolletln and thoof ht I would try that, and It bee done S) Bare goed thin aaythlng I have ever tried. It hall continue te m Chase's Dyepepeta Oere ",. snd will sIm ilo'aU I tin to iilnriui It. . . xears reepectniiiy, a, r, hoswukth, - ..Wattes, SU I. - It cents and 11.00 a bottla. , ' -- For aala br all reliable 'druggists, or ' sent direct, charges prepaid, by THU -CHASE) MFO. CO., Brooklyn, N. T. - For aala In Portland by Woodard, CI arks Co. -v t -r-r s--. Fine Dental Work "Vary Moderate Prioee. ' -Crowa aad arldga Wetk a Speolaly. . 'AU Work Fully Ouarantsed. Solid Gold Crowns Bridge Work .. Full Bet Teeth ns ............f4.00 .................3.00 sdw a eataSaOO Booma 8, , f, a rand Thea- : t - tre Sldf. , OppealW BUsrg riaaa Xoaaa.