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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JQURNACPORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. MAY 1. ' ' ' ' 1 II j i .-- 4.'., ... ; . y m r7 mutt iui((i; FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. TODAY la th Ulna to ac Piedmont; splendid f locatlone are belag eeleeted. daily, gat yonr mi, ' BAHOAIN. i . 5-room - bantered hvus, . ale lota, 16 Bearing fruit trees; ft block trim Haw thorne Are. Prica 1,U00.. Call 821 tt Mur - fan al, goes v, i - ---- - - 1,600 1ft ACRES Hir Piedmont, cleared and . nanny, ueu ivi it nira n. '-ROOM houee, lot 40x110 ft:nic yard and hwd; pric 1.SA0; , anon down, g 18 per " , month! clues to car, la Burnsld at. Mala . ,:. I'UIQ, .' - - .'. , SO ACRES, H cleared. Rear p. W. P. eerlliie, . oniy i mi Lei outs, guua ana, buiv- glow acre ...uau suit aniro at, . HAVE too a boaaa for rent! If an, Hat It with a. - wa oaa. rent l at aee, Cut Bide Baa Batata Co, 407 nawtboraa are. FOB SALE No. (21, cor. of Clay and lth ata., - romana,-uregou; agetua. - aaie- wany, j riHQBnt,. . vtaaningion. - TODAY la th tint to select your lota la PW moats tomorrow you mar find them taken INVESTMENT coi, 844 , Htark at. Main 971. . SO today and see that beautiful .A-saeaa house ' an Union avs.l modern In amy way, Includ Inf fireplace, and richly tinted 1 easy torma. v,.-Se twuc today. 803 Veto t P bona aac soo,, . ., "PEOPLE who waat to build In a choice re. atrloted residence district abould see Pied mont. W believe Piedmont to' na the Drat tlest residence dutrtot-ln tn-1ty. Baa It and toll ua "hst you think of It, Bt. John. :-- vtuoaiswa or u car. saoooa a BO yvaeamg. ion aw POR BALM CHEAP g aad T -roe as , em; - part sash. ' 870 Qardcld ava. Woodlawa car. - Phone aat 8841. - . Taka - FOR Piedmont lota call up Main "71, or Vnlon 22KS. Lota tueVK and t-V0. Wa will halp too balld; aaaj tarma. Iamtmeut Co., ? stars. , , . . , ! , kKAI. WtTATR id h' -only (10; labor Hat of nearly l.auo namaa and aMmai; arrr i"0 or taa Beat oargaina In ml aatato and peraonal rropftl In ftia -etty wanr lioetar Tor aale of tradai "ill ata tlonary and .aulpawit ( hlchaat grade aud 'ararytblnc to do with. Tlila offlca cleared m 14.000 In moot ha, and ta on a flret rlaaa fueling. All goea fr 150 cask -Addreaa lti N. Panrth ac onyr. ' TOO abonld aea tha attr In Piedmont lots. wonder wnr , - e Piedmont and you will know, -I-nta $SOrt. 40a and t50! taka Bt. .Johne. AVoodlawn or u ear, corner , w.ihlnrton and narona ata.- FOR SALE FARMS. TO R0MRSREK1CRR . , For eale, an Ideal home, with a B-acr prune, orchard, at Myrtle Crack, Ttnuglaa county: - free minute' walk from poatoffk-e. acbool and ' rharcbre. I, P. R. R. Addreea B. C, Myrtle .; ureal, or. 110 ACRBR. 36 cleared, aome bearerdam. booe. ham, orehard. craeket 10 mile -waat at Portland. Wlngren, Baarartoa, rente S. -XARUH 200 farma toc-aala,froaa 1 acre ap. Bee ua before baying. Beet Blue Keel EJetate Co.. 40T Hawtboraa aee. STAMP- 'bring t-page eatalogoe of country lanna. Rurr-raduoa ua, aw Hroaaway, uaa Und, Cal. - MOTICI to Homeaeekara and Ineeetnra I hT choice wheat farma. In large or email tract. In the now famou Elaht-Mlle country. In Halm coaaty. a dlatrlet where failure wad - - aerer known, where yea can nay a tmne at a reasonable price, on caay - term, wbtrh will make yoa (roa 10 to 20 per cent e. year Inreatment. I hr alae aome very choice itook farms, cheap. Ton will do youraelTe an Injustice If yoa' buy etoewhera without tnreetlf atlog this gectloa or tiregon. Aaareaar-- . . MOB B ASHBAUttH, Real Eetata. " . Xlght-Mlla, Morrow Ceuaty. Oregon. 0 PRR ACRE 125 scree, fine fruit farm, la . Jamhlll county, well lmprored; bouse, barn . and fruit dryer: good place tor stock;' run " nlng eratcri W acrea cleared. 10 In rations kinds of fruit; plenty of wood: rural mall " ' or ouoiie. A bgrgala If Bold Boon. PkOM ttaat sTST. , GOOD clean etork of general merchandise, will , Inrotca about fd.000. for aalc. or will trade . for good tillable land: make ua an Bffer. ' Addreaa Lock Box No. 80. fillrertoa. Or. , 1U ACRES IN PASTt'Rg Johnao creek rana through It At Byes mora St., on O. W. P. car llMj. 8100 pec BCr,iUl Alleky Bldg. Ilohaa Taggarc A BARGAIN 10 'acrea, well lmprored ' IMS miles Tram tatacaaa, - e r r Colnmbia f. ". FARM POR BALE 1(10 acrea. good bnlldlnga. HO acres amler eulttratloa. fruir and berries, splendid water, near tuwn. dally aiall: l.tioo.- nuO feet of -fine pin saw timber, lot wood; ""a hrrary home In tbe moat -delightful climate en the Pacific coast. Address H. B.. boi HT. WoodTlUeOr. . FOR SALE TIMBER. " W bare cash buyer for large and email tracts of good Umber la Oregon, Waahlngtua eg Caurornia. Gregg-Bros. Phone Mala 8308. S1T18 Fentoa bldg. 1 H0MKBTP.A0 and timber claim relinquish, menu for sale cheap. - 184 Bnrnalda St. Phone T018. CBRTiriED scrip, sny else plecee; km set prices. . .W. - U. HoweU, 8S8 Cbambat ef Cont- TO EXCHANGE. SPOT CASH - For furniture and household f r PHONgf MAIN FOR EXCHANGE Modern nous for acreage, , .call 107 Third at. HATE yon "sny real eatattr to- exchmge for flrstlase Intereat-bearlng aacarttleel If ao, - addreaa Lock Boa 81.- city. r . - 14-INCH STEEL BEAM PLOW, with wheel and colter; never neen asea: worta gis; win sell far 810. Good alngla ha mesa, 8aV- 100 acre with S,o(W.o00 feet yellow pins. In aned locallti; 1 mile from good towa; will etchanae lor reeioenea n reruas, raene Eaat 2718. 8S8 East Morrison SL ' 'LAUNCH to aichsnga for lot, alu fSOO. Ip, - quire at BIS McKay Hldg. - HORSES AND CARRIAGES. 83-1 ROAD wsrnn. slmoat new. Inqntr gro,. eery, re-ner East Ankeny at. and flrand arc, , FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BILLIARD AND POOL tables tec reat se for ' kale on assy payment. - TUB BaVUNSWlCK BALRB COLLEN DE SUCO. 48 Third St.. Portland. TL FOR SALE OR RENT NEW AND SECOND. - HAND SKWINd MACHINES. STANDARD SEWING MACHrNH AOE.NCI. B. D. JONES, 880 IAMHILL 8T. BOOKS bought. Bold snd exchanged at th L niA Bonk atom. 228 TamhlU at. " WB seed furniture aad will pay full value. Phone Paclfle tPS. Was tern Salvage c,, 477 Washington at. 1 WESTERN OREGON MIN1NO MILf.TNO CO. seadinartera; etork for aele and Informetiaa at 8u First St. Phone mala lt28. . . . . I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS, inowfASBB AND FIXTURES made to order! second-band gooda lor sals. Carlson 8) Kail - BtruBi, 8tV Couch at. Phone Clay 871. HOW cases, constnra, axtnrea bought, sold or aacnanged. western causae vs.. w naaa - lug ton at. Paclno TOs. , WR print your nam aa DO ealllag cards, proper else anl-etyle. 3 VI bnalnaai rarde. 11. --A. W. Bchuale Co., 2- first, Portland. Or. BOLDKN'S RHBUMATIO CURB- -Bnre cur tat rbenmattom. - Bold by all aruggkits. FAB. git. ftMwnAAinfl - unrlaht holler, ault- able for woudaaw. Faatar k, Slalsaf, VUU FOR BALB Portable 8 h. p. engine aud boiler; guaranleedt ana third ua raiua. u. U,, rJ gott, lawyer, 4 Mulkey bldg. UNU8IIAI. onnortunltr to aeenre dlrldend-Day log stock worth S4M for 8100. if ukan at once; lnreatigate. ioca box hi. city, FRBB 8.0QO aharea atork that pay divldeud this year - with erery 8100 worth guaranteed per eeut flrat-murtgaga sonde bought from me senea stay xv. - aamtb dw vir vkij. IF YOU ARB FURNISHING YOUR HOMB. hotel or roomlng-nouaa, csll and aae aa we , will aara yoa muncy; sreryining nera lor complete houeefurnlsblng at bait the prices charged elsawaere. lime Auction jomnany, at Uauld. ('., S. W. cor. Frout tnd Bura- aide, third Buoy. FOB BALE New tif pool table for 130; harf to sen at once. Xuv Alder at. EILERS-PIANO certificate $S: will acll at a bargain.-- Inquire at imhk Clay at. - MOVINd-PKTruItB marhlnra, f lima, gas ont- fits, pbunographa, song slides, sold, boujUt, rented and exchanged. ' USV Blxlh at. IS RAFM -at '"' bargsln? dlffcrene slaer- all new; must be Sold this week. Wall at 2C3- . 27 Frout St. ' . .. ' FOR BALE No. 1 ircah Jersey, milch cow with or without call, loo Miiwauaie are. Beu wood ear to ti rat ton Crore. BUSINESS for as Is, clothing and shoes. J7J Front St., between Morrlaon ana xaiublll. 1,100 FKKT No, standard pipe, practically new; will aau tor vuc per root tr raen urotKv alt Ion . M. Bard A Bon, wholesale Junk dealere, - Eighth and Gllaan sts. 800" FEBT No- 8 atsitdard pipe, good aa new. Ji. itarue m aon, wuoieaaie juu uaawra. KlghtU and Ultaan ata. . - " HOUWPHm.D gooda and "bedding for sale cheap i( .we noweeii - ei., . upnirs,. PERSONAL. TBI WAD 8 Paftne 1 CORSET. 08H Morrlaon;: beat mad, rPfl, Pa (mo Tablets aake"ya sleep perreetlyt they care Bjerroaanaaa asd make yon atrong ; price hue a boa, 8 boles 83.80; guaranteed. All arpgglats, or address Brooke Drug Co., 87 North iTblrd St., Portlaad. Oregoar - MMB. ANNA LUCKBT AND MRS. 8. W0LFR. aMe a genu lor nine, uranam Hydro-vara treatment and bust developer. " Thla la tha moat . acienuoe treatment wrinkles snd facial blemishes; a be for bust development. Ne need of baring wrinkles sny moreFatlente reeelred. with board and L,-trataieat. .. Full UeeA betkawBatlafaetloa guaranteed. - Taatlmonlala from leading phyaldana. ' ' 18 Langs Hotel, Sixth and W aahlngton sta. Phons Main 3011, BALM OF FIGB fee all Jemala Kaax tMimoat. rnoaa asaar aus. U1T8 pressed while yon wait. 80c' Ladles' Skirts preaeea, BOc. (illbert.- 1QH BlxLh St., Btii , to vueii. - rsoss I saiae doss. T DR- WORLBT-BEWJAnllW. ttl Pout BreelallaV' anuwj waaningtoa at. uoou aus. Burs laet made sound. " BINO CBOONO. Impartsr ef Ctlnes root medl dnea; aells Chinas tea that la certain raee fur all disease. 181 ecoad bt. Yamhill and Taylor. . OETECTITB A 0NCT Cenfldentlsl tnTaatt, gatlonsi reports made oa any Indlrldnal bast' Bees or tnrapertyi mleatna relatives located: Bad debts Collected; charge reaaoaablet cor reapondence aoltdted. Ore roa Detective Service, efftcea 814-818 Columbia bid.. 888 waaningraai ar. raone sill saia. BAORACrlPJ and kidney ee Msddee dlaaaaes cured wltb Oregon herbal trial alaa -ts 10a la stamp. Plommer. 800 Third St. WET FRET ar desyerooa. rTabtaot blacking a snaointaiy waterproof. . MANLT vtgor restored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve Olobnlea. -One montb'a treatment. $: 8 amini, ao; aenr securely aeaieo ny man. Agents, Woodard. Clarke A Co.. Portland. Or. ANT ama or woman can be etrooa and battoy oy using aexine nils, the grest toaiot pnee i a aoa, noses go, with rail gneraatee. aa or call J., A. Clemen aoa. graggtst, Beeoad and TamhlU St., Portland. Or. HIOH-OBADB portraltst epaelsl offer lor few usya; eantnex stee. caros or miners, is ror IS: auallty and work the beet;. D. M. Stevens. 80S Geodaeugh bld(u Fifth and aamoilfc '. BOLDKN'S RHEUMATIC CORR Suis ear tor rheumatism. Sold by all draggleta. ' , LADIES' Turkish baths, massage, hydrlatrl parlors: strictly flrstn-lsss place for ladlea nlyv- Flat A. B61 WasDlagton .at., betweea lath and 17th sts. . . TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oregonlan hldg.j ladlea days, gentlemen Blghta.. Mala 1888. DR. O. T. K ETCH UM cores promptly private - dlaessss,- kidney, nervous, akla and apodal terns le rreunies. van or write.- tirnce itM Third at., cor. TamhlU. Phone Pacific 8320. DR. M. I. OOLB, 848 East 834 at.; maternity dlaeaaea of women. . Phone Tabor 111. THE 8TEWART LINDEXL PARLORS, room 10. Mage notet, Bixlb and Washington, fader- Memiebeet expert elect re lysis, manicur ing, shampooing, electro fare and acalp mas sage; mole and warta removed. Tel. Mala BUT. - FORBIDDEN - FRUIT." "A 0 lay Lot Lothario,' "Story ef a Slave." ''Fannr B 111." "Agnea." "tVMn.B a Im ' SfU UR, llata e sTlFaet wtr DISEASES OF WOMEN " aueceasfully treated; maternity caaas cared for, private noepltai; ireinea nnraeel eenauitatMB reee. , ur. at wood. Two j - Morrtaoa at., raom S. Hood B3S. DOLL'S HOSPITAL , Repalrlag - and dressing. 881 TamhlU at. SCHOOL books' and sU, ktnde ef hooka bought. eoia ana eacnangeo, . aenea smmnx aunre, awi Alder at. - GENTLEMAN wishes acquaintance respectable woraing gin or young widow lady maut- monlally Inclined. Addreaa hex 81, city. I bp 61. dty. soVlety; we Its v MARRT if enltevtt Join one eoflety: hundreds or member who wish to marrri many wealthy, 84 Ruasel bldg. TWO young ladle give scientific massage, mani curing and pedicuring. 144V4 Sixth bet, Mor rlaon and Alder. TWO young ladles desire to make th acquaint ance or two reapecTsnie gentlemen. Addreaa Msntl Colgate, general delivery. city. - . . ATTORNEYS: A.' H. TANNER, attorney, S08 Commercial bnt., Second and Waehlagto rta. Phone Mala 848. -d AS. WINCHESTER, attorney-e t-la w. rtotaryv su waaningtoa Biag. mens pacme . 3317.-, ART EMPORIUM. ,ei PROFESSoll'-ft MAr-MBTER,-84r 4toT, rnrxraii ana laaaerep artut and teacher. ARCHITECTS. "-wr'rI7WBN0ES,r Architect. 118 Beeoad st. ASSAYLRS. OARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO.. sad Montana Assay OfSce. 188 Mnrrlaoa St. i : AUTOMOBILES. COVEY A COOK Meter Car Co.. T -euth and Alder Agents for Cadillac, Pierce. Orest . Arrow I and Stevena-Duryea motor-carat s eh I pee ranted, repaired and stored. ssnaswsnesasamiiwjisMwowc;leaeBesnnBai BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES.r ".'" mZ. ZS Largeat butchers supply house ea the coast. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS A HUH A at, lOB-tlt Secona st. Blank boos, mannfacturerai agents tor oswa I e proved laee-Leaf ledgers; are th as) - Aureka leaf, taa best en Jka marks, ' BATHS MASSAGE. TWO yopng ladlea'glra maaaaga. tub and batbaj 110 cur. Waahlng rapar aahlngton. nAiuunu gires hatha and nwseage iieeiiueuie. jo vuaujes, iai aurruoa au THM 8NOWUKN BAT1IROOMM, S07V4 Alder at., bet. dlb Blld Ctu Tub and liur IuiIIul maa. . ejei-triciir. ruone Mam ouoo. aasaaa, iuu Maaauap. A 4ag ilUU Uft, 4W1 rfj 1UIIU- MISS ItA'THVCH gires' hatha and niaaaage treatmenta. Tha" CosHwe. MVs Morrlsoa at, CHINESE REMEDIES. MRS, DH. B. K. CHAN curea prlrate and female uwrMca wnu eerue mna roots; remedies narn tsaa; no overaiiona. ZD? tuy at., ear. TUlra. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST, PTtOF. NORMAN. CONSULT TUB BKST IT WILL PB0VB J tlw -VllKAPIGsT IN Till END. - Without eklfte-ar-nnejitton Ir tell everr' In. cldent of your lst. present aud future life; how to gain your deal roa In knre. uiarrlase, dlTorca, akkneaa. wealth, etc.; locales lost wins, aeeda. mortgaaea aad aesent rnenl - fella you how to tell If jfiir juiue contains v.w, -w. w m ' w u iaii a...' ' 225 FI1TII ST. GRANT CHESTERFIELD. , peyehle palmist, rlalrroyaut; reraala tha past, predfeta tha luturr; uaimistry ' tanght; uedlumietlo per. dea Bona dereloped; jpalmistry readinga aisd trance tlalrroyanf sittings 80c, Hotel Cosmos, jwi'i aiorriaon at. PROF. RAPHAEL MORELLO,. aplrltuallst. me il dium and clairroyant, la located at IUU Mar. ,-enth -at.- prlrate -readinga -dally: - test and ; message circle every Tuesday and Friday, a p. in,; aiae mental ireatiuenia. ' MH8. i BTRTENS, ' Portland'a leading palmist. aatroioger ana clalrroysnl. ia Bareata sIm epp. Hotel Portland. . COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES any" one ewe yoa money t We collect bad debts of all kinds. Northweetera Law - Collectloa Co.. 123 Grand are., rooma 14 and - 15. Cltlaena' Bank bldg, Xirt thla cut, . Phone East dots. , CIGARS AN0 TOBACCO. M. A. GUNST A CO. xiuuitiutora et FINI CIGARS. Portland. Oregon, 'COAt ANDWOOiX CBURCHLBY BROS. hsa re mo red from toot Deris at. to xa Kearney St., near litai is the largest woodyara la tna city, carry tug aU klnda ef weed and eaaly- Ma weed and gala BSL ALBI&A FUEL CO. Dealer la eordwood. coal and greea and dry alsbwood. R. it; ana Ae btna are., t blocks aaat ef ferry. Bast 67. ., WESTERN Feed A Fuel Co., on Front, between Gllaaa and Hort. dealere la all kinds of I bouse coals aad blaekamltb - coala. - - Pkeee LJlaljiaoia, : : STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO Peeler In eeL ,. eordwood sad dry slabwood. Phone Esaf 434, OREGON FUEL CO. i ktnda of coal and 808 Aider at. Phone Mala . BOX and planer wood.-- Standard Wood -Oa.-f -i'hfenB-Kni a;tihv- -CARPEa CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest plant en xne coaax, i.oring aaa usraing em., xeie- pneaexssst aau. .carpets a leaned, .-rantleq sewed and laid: both ateam and lateet eea. preaaed atr proeeas ' r avatlng mattroasea aad - leathers a specisity. -. SANITARY carpet cleaning, suction snd com pressed air combined: cerncta cleaned on Sour witnout ramorau msib boj. mam nauo. HUNTER, 'wteam carpet and nuttreea- 'Dona.aiainL.lli CLEANING AND DYEING. Portland Steam Cleaning A Pyetne: Works: prat Ucal hatter bj conuactlcot 3U iuraelflq 801 CLOTHES cleaned snd preaaed 81 per ' month. vaiqua l snaring uo., hi waaningxoa ax. B. W. TURNER, profeealonnl ver and c leaner. BOB Jeffersoa at. rbone Mala 351A CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLES A l CAFES. THE OFFICE 28 Washington at., phoae Mala ill. namoei vigneauz. i COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EFBRDINO A FARRKLL. produce a nd-commie. el on merchants. 140 Front su. t'ortlaso, or. Pboo Mala 1TB. . CHIROPRACTIC CUREfl ftpMndtHtlaii mo drari m tnit. Dr. Krm uogii., qui uaioa at. iei. wooaiawsi vi. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN FLOYD--Carpenters. Joiners snd carriage work. S3 otn at. l'none rsciuc sius. HENDERSON Carpentering and jobbing promptly attended to. . Reeldence OSS Mllwaa- aie at. cast wna. ... DRESSMAKING. PRICES-way low,- guarantee satlafaxtlon- Heoame Angeiee. I'Done lacinc zas Fifth at. -Stors opea evenings and Sundays. EATON anlta 83, ahlrtwalaia 83: rhllriraqg cloth a specialty. 4U4 baat alurriaon at. FOR stylish drsssmaktng snd ladle-tailoring call oa Mma. Haldwin) aatiaracuoa guaran teed. flfta Hlilh. el., city. 1 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. B4 Be Tenth at., Portland, o. k. ror everything la the electrical Una. Phone Mala 1888. . PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, eeatrac. tors, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. Flret, cor. Stark. Mala 0S0. R. H. Tate. mgr. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-atr furnaces save fuL I. O. Bayer Furnar Co.. gas seeona. msib eux. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Maanfacturlag Compaav Manufarturera ef luraltare lur tae trsa. Portlaad. Or. ' ' ' FURMTITRH Bianufaeturlng and special order. L. Itevenskr fnrnlturf factory, sto rroax aa FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND W1RB A ' Flanders St., cor. 84. IRON WORKS SS8 Phone Msln 8000. GRINDING. K. B. KaRI.HOV A CO.. c inert grinder. As sign th. l-Buoa gaciiie iwb. 1 GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocer, man, facturera and aommlaslea merchants. Fourth sad Osk sts. ALLEN A LEWIS, mmm'eslon snd produce m Portland, chaste, rront and uavia sts.,- Or, GASOLINE ENGINES. BtBtlmJery-" an mariner "Little Speda!" 'gaaollne launch.' tll; seeead-AaaA. alawtrbj ' iaancbes and hulls, - . BEIEHSON MACHINERY CO., " 1H2-4-8 Morrlaon at. HAY AND GRAIN. B. L, Cf WIPER A CO.T-Potatoe. feed aad flour. 12S Union era. Phone East 181T. HOTELS. HOTEL Portlaad. A merles a plan; 83. 88 per day. BELVEDERE; Europaaa plant 4th and Alder sts. . TUB BROWNrOraad and Hawthorne avwa, HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Cat.-.Solicits opportunity t qnoie price, laj 1st at cor. Alder. Msla 1884. INSURANCE. ISA AO ti. WHITE, firs toeutAoce. 808 Dakuai i aV s v, via id s,uuu,uuw.utn WooDrampIoyera llabmtf-and"lw4T- JAB. McL dividual aeddent surety bonds ef air Tlads. r nwee T. avs BSCKay Bldg. '" LOCKSMITH. " -X. 'iisis ISM , SSA, ssa 1. H. RICHARDSON. loekamlUt aad sanalrlauL. i. sbt Buroeia. ractge 1081. - MONUMENTS. NEC ajlNGSLUT. 208 First St., Partianda leaning marnia and granite work. -MACHINERY. THE H. o. ALBBE ext.- Bacond head machinery. eewauiax, etc. gas GraaA ar. . BIPPRLT 4V MYERS, machinists and dew tneurat electric elevators, electrical macula cry aad gasoline euglnee a epaclalty 834 Oak at. Phone Main IR20. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved dty property or for building purpoaaa, for from 8 to 10 , yeare' time, with privilege-to repey all ar part of loan a fief two year, . Loan a approved froaa, plana - anor money advanced aa bui tdtng progresses, mortraiirs taken up and replaced. FRED B. STRONG. Financial Agent, - 343 Stark at. THE STAR LOAN CO.. Any salaried employe, ret s-esroec, aa get ' ea big Bote, without mortgage ' Month. H Month. Week tno onRepay ta an atg.88 er or 88.85 S2n,00 Re-pay- to as I 8 8 er-8.8S eg 81.88 818.00 Repay to j A00-or 3,00 or LM 810 McKay bVtg. eONFIDENTIAL-mans oa nslarte. 1nstrrc pollrlee, planes, furniture, warehouse re ceipts. tru! any deeervln pereoa mky aecnra a liberal advance, repay lug bp. assy weakly . or monthly Inetalliaenta, -KEWiEHA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY, 108 Ablngtoa bldg, . MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB And others upon their own nemea wltboat .aecnrltyi-cheapest re tee. easleat payaientaj fflcea In 83 principal cltlea; save yeuraelf money br aetlliig our t-rma Sr-t. TOLMAN. 328 Ablngtoa bldg., 104tt Third St. BEADQUARTEK8 FOR BALARY LOANS. Money ran be borrowed on easy payment 'plan, lowaet rates: atrlctly confides tlaL . CBBBCKST LOAN CO.. 42 Mohawk bldg.. cor. Third and 'Morrison. MON ? teas ea reel, pur eenal and- collateral security i special attention to coarrei moct- fsgea; note bought. C. T. Pallet, 8U4-8 en ton bldg.. 64 Sixth at. BIGHLT - reepeetabte plaea where ladlea ana .gepfa . .ejjiborrow jnoDeyc.B diamond d jewpiry. trilateral uoan Banc, xs rvaaa Ingt'in St. Phone Black TI. Yto.JoaaIpn ClsjckamarcDuhtj-4lnas, B. ana r. is. Kuay..aua caauioer uesx- merce. LOW EST rates on furntturs and pianos. East Hrrloc-bldE.- Pacific 311X MONEY TO LOAN ea all klnda of aecurlty. William Boll, room 8, Washington bldgr SEVERAL tbotissnd dollara to loan at 8 per cent, city property; private. T 8, JeurnaL - -eeveeA ehettel aaeayltp. R. A. Frame, 814 -the Marquam. WILL loan 85.000 or lesa on real eatat eeenrity .at per cent. Farrlngton, 818 Cbambar of . commerce. - . - 81.000 TOiloan for one year on rest estate, altuated between Division and Stark sts. 411 Eaat S4tb at. Phone East 814. MAGNETIC HEALING. XtRVOCRNSKS and functional trouble posi tively cured: consultation free. L. H. Hart, i-i . ii twt seventh er.- Main- -et.a. - MUSICAL. EMIL TBIEI.BORN, pnnll af 8EVCIK, vJolla teacher. Studio 188 Sixth.- Tel. Mala 31MS, MANDOLIN, guitar, banjo Iaaons.i Prof. B., A, smith. 304 12th st. Mam 4703. OSTEOPATHS. DRS., ADfX A NORTHRtP. 41B-10-1T Drknm bldg.. Third and washlngtoa sts. Main 848. Examinations free. THB very beat! lady osteopath la towa. Drv L. 0. ahneoB, suite 10.' aVWas-Bueseh bldg- J " 1 V- DR. PIERCE, oat iteoo Ih, rtbeatlon and the new light. 81 H Third U rnone fscuio but. DR8. OTIS A MABEL AKIN, 408-4 Mscleag bldg. 'Phone P'dy1 ;. , , , PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. a- BBACR A CO. The PMoeer Paint Ce. window -glass and glaalng. 188 First at, Phoae 1834. ' ERNEST MILLER A CO.. Second and Taylor Wall paper, paint, ell at market price j tre ceiivery. - "PUBLIC-STENOGRAPHER." CUTLER 88 Concord bldg.t Mala 1878. ' PRINTING, TUB MODERN PBINTERY Artlstls printing. 30 Kueaei niag souria sua asorraaon. rnoa Paclfle 162. aNDRRftON A ci;k(Wat coup am lithographing. Blank Book. - raone 8083l4arL. WELCH. DAVIS -GARRON Printing that pars the payer. Rooms SOS and so tea me bldg.. Sixth an Morrison. TnwisrMatn--l4T, PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOSING eale efRdal photogTaphle views of exposition, aoa van v poatcsroe. view- nonaa. etc., -greatly reduced prices, EapealUea tore, Bv BtorriBOB St. 3CX PLUMBERS. DONNERRERG A RADEMACHER, aanltary plambera. 84 Fourth at- Both FOE A CO., sanitary pmmbera, tm Beeoad, bet. saaia annaaiasoa. uregon rvm- aaw awa. FINNIOAN BROS. A CO. 3SS Third St. Pbon Main gooo. Plumbers and Beating engineers. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKVS4 AMe St.. phoae Mala T10: robber stamps, seals, stencils, baggage, trade cherke; eesd foe catalogue! Ke . ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing aad gea yobhlng.g-taill. X Zmum SCALP-TREATMENT, . . OKAY, falling hair, dandruff treated: shsmpo. - log, manicuring, chiropody, face work. Mra B. F. Kyne. InB'A Fourth, cor. Monies. - Room 88. Phone Pi 3! SCALP aatf face- m sees rr-saanlcnrtng agent for t)r. Christlon a FVeach toilet article, 11-18 Orsnd theatra'bldg. ' Mala 8471. Moure, STREET PA VINO. WARREN Oonstmctlon Oa., street paving, aid, walks sad croaalBga, 718 Oregoakw bldg. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Ce. at Portland, f it nee ties voreeer nta SIGN PAINTERS. COLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banner, economical electric atyna andl aieaa af all klnda made quickly. Fntek,K lelsar. Fifth gad Everett. Phone Exchange 88. V. P. BEROEB A BON. 2S4 TamhlU at. Signs of stl wind. Phone Partoe 2233. SECOND-HAND GOODS. GOODE'S Furniture House Highest Ire paid fer second-hsjid furnltursk 818 Banned Psoas jPsclfl 488, . y at, FINANCIAL '- ' we,i....fc. I TVITID STATES JTATIOBAL BANK OF W i i Aortnweat tor. xnira an uas Bta. , Tranasata a Creaeral Baaklng Bualneea. DRAFTS I8SCED Available ta An Cltlee at J. J.""1 taUs aa4 aaropa, Hongkong and Manila. Oellaetleaar Mad ea Favorable Term. Preeldcnt J. c, alKaWOKTH Vlro-Preeldeat. .....W. B. A YKR T!TLPr'?ldr"'-.'-"'"..".B. LEA ARNS Casle...,...,.,.,B, W. 8CHMKEK- vssniar. .. . ,, , .A. M- WBIOHT nTHI BANgj 0T CAIJTORNlAlatabllshed . . j. . ., ,. 4'iamher ef Oammerce building. v WM, A. MACRAE Manager, t. T. BURTCBAELL ,. Assists nt Manager FIBST HATT0NAL BAaTX OF PORTLAJTD. OREOOlf. - , ' leelgBatd Depository snd Flnaadal Agst at the Osfted ;'.' - .Pr' ......A. L. MILLS Caahler. . ,, . ....... .V..a:.J. W. NEWKIRR r"i-S"h,' -"i . C. ALV0BD Second "Xaafaunt Caahla.....B. F. STEVENS u7..f Credit leaned Aveilable la Europe aad tbe Eaatera Slates, a. ti f " end Tvlegvaphie Transfer Bold aa New York. Boston. Chicago, St. LetHa. 8L Omsha. Bsn FraacTaeo and the prlaripal points Is tha Northwest x 1 ' "m drawn la auma to aolt ea London. Parte. Berlin. Krankfnet-e-he-Ma1s, noagkong. . Yekohanja Copenhagen. . ChilaUaala. Atoekbalsm, St, Petarshnrg, Moace.v, Zurich. LASO A TtLTOW, BAaTaERS Established ta 1388.) Tranaaeu a Oeaeral Banking Bualaaas. Collections mad at alt Botnts na tsvnr. .... . terma. Letter ef credit leaned available in Europe and all rotate In the United 2. ?!L. ht K-baii and Talegrapble Transfers sold oa New York. Waahlnrtou. Chicago. Bt. Louie. Denver. Omaha. San rartrlaco aad Montana and British Columbia. Exchaaga Bold ea London. Parle. Berlin., Frankfort,- Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu. t M'VWZH '-'SAIlOBa.mAJTar, POET t AUD, OBEOOW. i fMRA'JKwAT80N,.......PrealdeBt R. U DURHAM. .T.7T.T.i.. ! reMen W B0YT. ..Caahlar GEORGE W, BOTT. . . . . , ... . aalstant Cs abler a. ."?" ,0.rl Banking Bualnass. Drafta and Letters it CreaU Issced AvalUbl ' farta of tha World. Collet tloaa a Bpadalty. , . . . TRUST COMPANIES. RESOURCES fIVWU at umam n SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. 'Time -ertlScateS, 8600 er ever, 14 to 4 per sent. Call Cor book Temiei,"' s slg. Phon a rUI1" .................. President B. LEB PAGET .Secretary SE0VJTPT SATTJIOS 4k TETTST COMPABT 888 Morrises Street. Portlaad, Oregea. Tranaaeta a General -"-nklng Bualnaas. SAVINGS DEPABTMENT. -aJntereet Allowed aa Tim aad Saving - jits. Acts se Trustee for Estatea. Draft r i Letters af Credit ' ' : In All tmmm .f Ik, ll . ; ' r. .AJ?"'- .i..... President L. MILLS ....Beeoad Vlce-P.asldaat , OEO. F. RUSSELL THI. 4MIABAHTEB Tt;st t .u. swnuB aaa Mnrtgsgs Boaght aad 0. W. WATERBURT UAfllAL. President B. LOGAN BAYS. Elks' Tsmple. Seventh sad Stsrk 2 " - BONDS AND M BROS-Ui rirat StreeV ertlnd, Ongoa, Offer Gllt-Edg InvestmwtaTB MnnlHpsl TPlTLE.OVARANTEE 4V TRU8T OOKTAaTT I MORTOAGB LOANS aa Portlaad Reel - streets D Rtftm' 4, Onromi Frnor. OYertecky Starr & Ccckc Co. OEAnr. PR0V1SI0WS. COTTON, STOCKS AND BOBPaV . . .;,;,' , ' - - WJ DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. - , Coatlnaous Markets by Private Wire. Ooick any-Bad -United aisles National-Bank ef England, ' MUNICIPAL SCHOOL- AND " "CORPORATION B0NBS : ; ' ; Blgbest Returns ta laTastara PORTLAND A N0RTHWE8TERN BOMB SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES, Hnwr.ltKH mt a seer diisorlnrieai bank, bar . aad atore axturet sued to order. Th Lathe Manufacturing Co., PertlaaA. SAFES. nlKHOl.ri SAFER -ALWAYS RELIABLE, not -4n-THJRT. Norton- aud aliickaye-aeaa-aiaiat Of (Ice FUturea llepalra. Phone, ataia .000. . John BV Davla. Agent. 88 Third at. PORTLAND SAFE -CO.. sol agenta for HER-. . RINIl-HALL-MABVm 8afaa and MANGA- N ES E Staal Safe Co-'e TRANSFER AND HAULINO. SAFES, nlaaos end furniture moved. Decked ready for shipping aad shipped; an wen . guaranteed; large, s-atoy brick, ftre-proot w sr. bouse fag atorage. Office 138 Flr4 ac C. M. Okasa. Phoae Mala 84T. I cor. Sixth and Osk eta.i Baggage check ei from hotel or reeldence direct t destlsatlesi passengers xnerexore svoia rusn sna saasy ance st depots. Private Exchange 88. fi. O. PICK, office 88 First st.. betweea Stark aad Oak am., phone 888; piano nnd furniture moved aad pecked for shipping; aomawdlos brick warehouse WttBr separate- area --Front aad Clap Bta. ' - OR BOON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone Mala 8. Heavy healing and ateragai POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Me. SOOIa Weak Ingtoa St. Phone Mete BBS, -TOWEL-QUPPLYv- CLBAN TOWELS "DAILY Comb, . 81 ner BMnth. Portten Bnpply Co., Ninth and Couch. TYPEWRITERS. KBW t7iwHts?i, till aVgAkM, rntctl, t4 mA -TELEPHONES.- TBB only exclusive tees pboo house. B-cR, Electric at- isiepnone . ataauiaCTunna; ca p.ny. 88 Fifth St. , WIRE ANDIRON WORKS. BAST PORTLAND FENCB A WIRB WORKS, ISO B. Water at. Phons Kaat su. AT THr THEATRES. w "A Gaiety Girr Toniglii? 7 Th BU of New Tork" given at th Hellle laat nlsht was heard by sn aaDra- dative audience, which clamored tor a rela tion of each musical - aelactlonv - Jack - Pol lard bad to return repeatedly to tell all about "Mr Wise." . - The antlce of - th smsitsst of tha "men" ,-kapt .tba...BOU -! - Continuous roar. uiit - siw, was uasoiua as of old ss Pin. sad Eva Moor aang "Thay Alway Follow Me." ' The Pollard oouipaay will present - tht mualeal comedy. rA tJalety Girl." at th Meille theatre tonight at 8:1(1 o'clock i to morrow (Wdneeday night, 'The Uetsha"; Thursday night, "A. Bunawap Girl"; Friday niglitr"Tb Belt' New Tork" Saturday night. "Aa American Millionaire," and-at the In price Saturday- marine ror tna isaie children. "B. M. 8. Pinafore," SeaU ar now selling st the bos of Oca at the llclllg fog-1 he entire engage meat. . "The Christian" Coming to Hellig. Mian Lillian Lawrence, who -will appear ss Ukwv tuayie la ueu - tains a poweriui plJU-A'Tb ihri,,,,'L., ,h Helll(theetr next Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights, May 8. T aud 8, has this sal a er ner By ua Baltimore American wall : playing J en gagement at that city: , Th last tmpcrennattoa i 1 witnessed af Sard. was tha Fedora': -Miss- Ulllaa Lawtwnce. and It was a performance aa slrocig nnd powerful that It . 14 fh th- marvsl why scire see who ar mbltlons ef emotlonsl distinction do not gll themelve of the depth snd breadth of -Bardoa'e llteratur aad eonatractlve majeaty. ' - -' Th advance eale ef agsls will opea neit Friday m.aiag at the bug ofdc ef the Hal II g theater, Feurteeata ne--w aaaiaTwni axseets. -The Silver Dagger." '.7.,.:..' FvervAne who bee BotlceA th brilliantly col ored show bills sil ever the city advertising Th Sliver Pagger- at tnw mnpir snows that th play must b one or thee intensely realistic snd thrilling mclodramaa In which everyone Bud aome thing to Interest ee inner. The play I la the heads of sa especially atraog company asd has been a surcee all aeaaoa. . It tells a xjowerful atory of the triumph t Innocence and elrtne over villainy and crime. "The Silver Dagger", will be at the Empire U week. Matinee Ssturday. t At tha Baker. . sfaatfcr In' ft siUiuj' of Ktln " ''. ' i "' '' "' :- - - BANKS. 0RTLAlrB, ORXOOaT, AaaUtant Cashier..' . W. A. UOLT 14. Head Of toe, Bas Praaeisea, Oallf orals. wrpiu aau naaivioeo pronta.. . . . .av.TTo.ies as k.,.i. ' -v- ., . . R, world. 8 to 4 TVer cent; a hort -call special eertlScate. of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Southeast earner Third Prlrsta Exchsngs TS. " ' ' .,' H. U PITTOCft, Tlee-PresldeBt J. O. OOLTRA. .Aeetetant Secretary L. A. LEWIS.,... ...... .First Viae-President R. G. JUBITZ... .............atecretary Asatatant Secretary ' 00MTAJTT BAJTX. - Bold. Interest Paid S Tint ' Deposit. ....lce-Preldat gl00.vO0.vw C. W. MILLER.............. Aaslstsnt Secretary Streets. Phone Main 184. INVESTMENTS. - a-.-.TS-.-atr"" and Ballroad Bends. Writ er Cstl. T4oWaablnatoa Street. Corner Second. Beta at Loweet Batea, Titles Insured, Furnished. ' - - ' Ah. Chimtw. of Com ' tMembers Chicago Board ef Trade.) . 101 Third St., McKay Bldg., Portland, Otagoa. Service. REFERENCES Ladd A Til toe Reek. Boom 8. d aad B la Fsyett bldg , cor. SlxU J,A.Jwtyal DIVIDEND BANK AND "Z CORPORATION Conaiatast With Absolut Safety. . ' ..'...xS TELEPHONE St TELEGRAPH SECTRITIESc;,r ... - yvw.' 'r? Flood. Jaaas H. Errtckaoa of th Grand an Star, "aad . "Oafrjg Rker "tsve:' assembled a lot of good vaudeville people who Bed north from the Baa Frajifleco Br and are presenting a vaudeville bill at the Baker thla week of anuaual excellence. Tbe comedy sketches sre a scream ef laughter. There wia be mrttneea tomorrow, "Wadtieaday after, noon and Ssturday . attarnooa. The parfarm- ance each evening la at 8:1- e'eloca;. Baker Price tor this special week has been duced and tjrought wlthla reach -wf aH.- VAUDEVILLE AND STO CRT At thvj,yric That , play -la moat lntereitlng which ha to do with, th real Brobleaui of life and which la acted with a aaturslness. The e na tional drama, "Her Father's Crime," which Is being offered by th Lyric stock company tbla week, la well -up to these acquirements. ARMY TO TAKE OVER -1 : OAKLAND RELIEF WORK (Journal Special Berric.) i : -San Francisco, May 1. Mayor Mott today requaBted Oenoral Qreely to Uk over th. Oakland reUaf work undar nrmy control, Orely gald It would b don as soon ag troops' are avaiiabl. .. TRANSPORTATION. ii SENATOR June I - TleketB aw. - uormaxMTXM . at. abb; a . botttb. From Battle at o. m. for Ktchl- san. Junes u. ekag-ersy. Whit Horso. Dawson and Fairbanks. . 8. B. City of Seattle, May 1, 11, II, II. I 8. 8. Humboldt. Mar . 1. I(. , - 8. 8. Cottags City vla Sitka). May 4,' 18V . tL.ixMMMJL m tVU SaWOsTBJ. S. & Bpokana. Juna 7-11: July. 8-JOJ A u trust aV - ' - TOM BAB? raA.BT0ZS0O BXBBOT. From SoAttl at 8 a. m. B-.-8. TTmatllla. Maw I.-48. - .-t; - 8. 8. Quean. May 8. It. B. 8. City of-TopekA. May 18. 28. ' arrUd Offloa, 'MB WaahlaAota - . lain wnim".-K. a. M..UB. rmm. at rx. Art, C. D. DUNANN, O. P. A, ' : - - 10. Market Bt, Ban Francisco. ALA S KA FAST ABO POPULAR STEAMSHIPS -.-. - Lnrt Beattl - ; . .. .. JZrTXBSOlf," April BT, t p. am. : "DrjUOO." April 88. ' CALLINO AT - Ktcb!kn, Jnneen, Pnuglas, Balnea, Sksg way. Connects with W. P. A T. roots for AtUa. Dsweoa, Taaaaa, Nome, at. For All Seatheastara Alaka Porta. Call ar send for 'Trip to Wonderful Alaska," "ladlaa Basketry." "Totem Poise." . -- ' TUB ALASKA S. S. CO.. Frank Wselsey CeX, Agenta. ; Bit Osk st. Portlaad. Or. "REGULATOR LINK The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. Boats leave Portland and Tha Dalle daily, eaocpt Sunday, at f a. m., arriv ing- anout 8 p. m., carrying freight and Jisaengera. Splendid accommoxurtlon or outfit and lWavtoch. - Book root of Aldag ai, rortlaadl aot I vean a tm xyauea, ... Baaoaa Blala 814, BortUad. ' S. S. F. A. Kilburn For Coos Bay, Bareka and Baa Fraaetee. Next Balling from Portland, Ra turds ya April ?. Next Bailing from Baa Francis, Mon., April S . sB. S. faos) Mala IJU NOME ROUTE TRANSPORTATION. 3- --Trains to the East Daily-4-! Through PuTlmsa atandard and tearlat alcen-Ing-eara dally w Omaha. Chicago, Book an.; tiiurlat sleenlng-eare dally to Kansas t;ity. Through recliulug chslrcsre (acata tree) ta the East daily. - I'nWn Depot - 'Leave. Arrive. Chicago-Portland - Special for; -the Eaat via il,intt...t..K .Ii. t II Bi 23 Btna Spokane Flyer for Kaatrra w-ashliigton. Walla W alia. Lewlatun. iVmm,, a' . L,n. ana . Great Northern point, dsllv, J JJ pm ' 8.00 am Atlantic Eipnea for th Eaat rla Huntington, dally,..,,,.. 8:15 pm T:1B sol COLOMBIA R1VEH DIVISION. For Aatorla and wa nolnta eonneetlne with tteamer for Ilwaco and North Beach. ateamr Hasealo, Aehetv dwrh. leave 8 p. m. alslly. , except Sundavl Ratnr.lev 1A n . m- - Arrlvca abeot 8 p.. m.. except Sunday. YAMHILL RIVER ROPTB. For Davton. lreoe new ! T.mMll rive points, (teenier Ruth and Modoc. Aabet. deck, leave T a. m. dally, except Sunday (water per. Suhdx "2t-Jl-iMrm'av, ' 77'rAB:g ITKaVsWOm - c-f :. For Lewtston, Idaho, and way nolnta from ; Rlparia. Waab., tcaaur Snokan snd Lewla, , ton leave 8:40 a. m.. er upon arrival Trala No. 4. dallr evcent Belnrdev A rrrm Si, m. dally except Fridev. ..... . ' . Ticket OfBce. Thtrd end Washlngtoa sts. Telephone Mala T18-. ' fi. W MTTWilan rlw ri.v-e a - A. L. CRAIOs Geaeral Paaaenger Agsnt. EAST A SOUTH Cnlon - Deneti , - Leave. Arrive, Overland Express - Trains for Salem. Knee burg. A ah. -land. Sacrament, Ogden, San Franclacu. Stockton Loe Anselea. El Paso. WWUrlesnn and the aaat1 I W loot I I ABXsJ "I Ixilt S"tnr4. ie-l " i STpni."" Morning train eoaueeta at Woodbura dally except - ,.- Sunday with - trala fur - elenat -aBfsaV Blleeelou. -t . , q, . Rrewnsrllle. - Springfleld, Wendllug and Natron.... 8:43 pm n:tSaisf paaaenger eoc ' necta at Woodbura with - j.-., Mount Angel and Silver ton local e4:ia nta - !8:8S Bm Corvallla paasenger....... T:lttpa sS:60 pm . Sheridan paaaenger....,,. 4:S0pm S:25 am roreai urove paasenger. fio:40 pm ' l:uO put -uaiiy. utiaiiy-except Bunoay. . -j. ;effehon.-stbeei station , For Palls and Intermediate points dally :1B p. ni. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. m. For time end card of Oswego auhurbaa train apply at. City Ticket OfSce. or station. Tlckcta to Eaatarn nolnta and ftnrnne; also. Japan. China, Honolulu and Auatralla. ttty-Ticket Of floe corner Third and Wash--Ingtoa atreeta. ' Phon Main T12. C. W. STINGER, A. T CRAIO. City Ticket Agent.- Pen, Pass, Aggafc- -TIMECARD OP TRAINS Portlands tfnteil Denot Tear.- Zrrlvae Tellowatone Park-Kansas m.n, fnla Inl.l Cne Chahalla, ' Centralis. Olym- r pla. Gray's Hsrbor, South --- - Bend. Ta corns. Seattle. Spo kane, Lewlaton, Butte, BU- lings. Denser, Omaha. Kan-.T' ! aaa City. St. Louis, snd Southeast, daily 8:90 8n) 4:80 p8 North Oast Limited, clec i -:t trie lighted, for- Tacoma r Seattle, Spokane. Butte. ' . - ' Mlunes polls, Mt. Ttnl and - th East, daily , . . .TTT, .... 1:00 pm T :00 am Pnget Sound Limited, tor Claremnnt. Chehalla, Cen tralis. Tacoma and Seattle only, dally 4:80 pm 8:80 pen) Twla City Express for Ts- con.Ssttl Bnokan. Helens, Butte, Bt. sul, Minneapolis, Lincoln, Bt, . . Joeepb. Ksnsss City, Obi- hs, '- St. - Lonla, -- without . change of cars.- Direct con- --. nectlona for all -potnta . Esst and Southeast, dally.. 11:48 pa 10:88 pat - A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant ' General ' Pae sender Agent, St8 Morrisoa street, comer Third, Portland, Oregon. ., . Astoria &; Columbia j River Railroad Co. Union Depot Lv. . AT- -f ksnle. Yi est port. uillton.. -v lAatorla. Warren ton. Fla- i eel,- Hammond. -rt Btev-..; - ---i - ens. Gearhart Park. Seaside. 8:00 am 11:90 ant .LAatorla-,--and Scashors. ex- dslly TWO Bat 8 :60 put AD' trains SsHy. . : .. V . JT. C. MATO.'O. F.ssnd P. A.. Astoria. Or. C. A. - STEWART, Commercial Agent. 344 Aider street, Phene Mala 808, ' TNC COatrOfTTABUt WAV. 2 Overland Trains Daily 2 'Th Oriental Liaaltsd. th Fast Matt IA SEATTLE AND SPOstANB. , Dally. " Dally. Lear. 'Arrive. Portland time schedule , . - , T end from Bpokane. St. Paul, Minneapolis, V lrulnth and all points ' ' Eaat rla nwai,. B'ler .ea THWtm 11:4 pm t.Msa To and fmm St. Paul. ' ... Minneapolis. Dulnth . "7 1 T tnd all points Eaat via Spokane '.-.-vttw rr-rtS pm 8a Sreat Northern Steamship Oe, SalllBg from Baattla- tat lapaa asd China port and Manila, sarrytna pea- aengeraand frvlghL S. S. Minnaeetar AprO S8. 'J- S. IV Dakota. June T. BlPPOal xT78ErTCA181!a fJapaa Msll Steamahlp Co. - B. 8. Skinaae Mara will sa from Seattle about May II for Janaa end China aorta., car r ling Bessesgers aaaV fraight . Far tickets, rate, hevtk . t.ssrva tloaa, etc.. call ea ac addreea . , H. DICKSON, 0, P. T. A., 188 Third e- PertlaaA. Onaaa. Phoae Mala 4d. Chas. n S,:::.:;!4 FAST TtMB. n tkb cottTMsr ti rw"t;:rJv'i . lal leJ.j 4 lavee Oak-etr.t o k I " ' Wedneedsra aad Friu-ia, a Dshae 4 p. m. taeee The Dalles T a. e- d-s snd siuro, e ft end .,.. t mm v. , '