The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 01, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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: f 2,750 ?.room house, 2 lots.,
and sortie ; fin fruit-tree, on
,7 ,, "Caruther street. 2'
. . r r..,
'" f 2.250 Large, 8-room house, ,
v ; cement basement, barn, all kinds .
.... :-0f fruit, -targe and small, and 2
j Jots; west f; Mount ' Tabor,-
near car line. '
' - f 1,8007-New 7-room house nd ;
; , lot on East Hoyti near 28th st
f 1,500 8 lots, 5-room house .
-. and all kinds of fruit, large and
' small, within 2 blockiof. .St
.' '.'-Johnt car line.
; f 1,00070 acres within 6 miles 1,
of Oregon City and 1. mile of
V Clackamas fiver. ', ' -
F. Abraham
Quarter block aoai' Hawthorn
IB It. 600. :
Half block. EavatClay. near Tlrand
avvanue $11,000.
. A full block, facing Grand avenuo
J 16.000. j -t '
- Quarter block on Union ave. 112.000.
Ouartor block. &. 7tta and Bolmont
17,000. . -
, Half block between Union and Grand,
. rloaa In $17,600.
Half block on railroad track, on lra
- prod atreeb $10,000. .
60x100 on .Grand avenue,, near Mar
ket $$.000.
a acraa one mile weat of Clackamas
atation. all In cultivation $1,000.
I have 1$ other 6-acre tract a adjoin-Ina-
tha above tract at from $100 to $200
prares--ha-I-wlll either-eell or erU
-cnanfre ior arooa reaianncai proiwny, ir
-i further partioulara ee -
DEVER, 404 East Alder
Phone Kaat f 11
At" RMldenc 333 Malar Strtet,
Tomorrow, May a, at 10 A. M.
Ttc Pcrtlaad Anctlon Rooms
. . ; A BCHUBACH. PROP. ; -
WUl-eelt for the owner all and every
ot- VARPKTW. The parlor i an ,part-i-
mrnt of. luxury, the bedroom a place or
comfort, everytnina oeinc tne Dent anu
rlran ann Trf""-. Tne mtonen naa one
the-other neoe-aaarlee. The -dlnln--room
baa a flne eulte. vis.: TABLE, CHAIRS
and. BUFFET and all the other many
Items you find In a cosy, -comfortable
home will be eold next Wedneaday, 10
a. m. .. ; C. U -FORD, Auctioneer. .
Rorttnvestern r.Intnal
ssxKMKXMM mew laanntmoe wrlttea
darlaf Brat three moatha eat. isoa.
S. T. L0CKW00D & : SONS
: " . General Agents, . --4
Coneord Bldg Portland. Or.
Steamer .Nicomedia
Aftar B0 years ea Morrtaoa atreet. aow forced
-to awra. Caa aa foauid after May 1 at 300
--- Arder wt.y -aear- 4?-Wr - P. - waltlng-rooss. -
lrlar to moaliig. howeear, will sell all foods
el a large aiacoont. , ,- ,,...:..
Portland Land Co.
Skoal . Zatate, ' Xaaa, . Xasuraaoe aad
4 i ' Eaat End Bteel Bridge. ' '
'Phone"Et 17K. Andy P. Gram or
Henry Harkaon, ' ,
- acree of level land, easy cleared,
.near electric line, eaat side. Only $130
' Pf acre. Owner tn the eaat hard up ami
-ompelled to. aelL Inquire -
A Few Good
Auction iale
"" "Saooat SI 4 Ooeumerdal Bloek, Beeoadand
AV"J ' " Mbdmrtem anreeta. . l ' -.
:-rr;i " undertakers." -
"'Bdward Woimaa A C., the Wdlng fnaaral
. director, kaee the Sneet eatabllahaieat, tha
Saoat goods, the Saast aealcl.a Jod tb aieel
' eaaooaabl prtree. Fine broadcloth -asverad
raakata, 838 and 830. The 3 neat wood goad
made, rross 813 to $30.' Parlors 330 and
Xtt Third atraet, earner Balaae, - Portia ad.
J. ft. Ptaley B Rn. faaeral dlractora sad
eetfwlmera. cornet Third aad Madlaoa atraet.
Of See of aaeaty eoroaor. Talepbee Mala a.
" .Oaantag. MeBateo A Ollbaoga,' eBdertakees
aed eobalaer; sardera In every detail. Seaeath
aad I'HM. Mala 400. Lady easistaat.
A. B. HeBMtorf. dertakr ead eerhalsMr,
Beat Thlrtaeatk aad UauUiia are.
I Tl. ' . - .- ' .
Chwt Bias for Sew ara. Be Morrtaoa atrest
Wina-i graee $10, ysailny le. ST8 ta $1,000,
The raly eeM,tery hi Portland Which per.
prtualir BMlatalna ead eana for'lota. Far full
lerormctto arn'F t" W. B. Mackewrle, War
eeaiw Mack, att. W. at La 44, praaleaat.
A new disturbance has Bad It appearance
"TBI mural ng rr Alberta. It extend aoeih-
weatward Into UK unite mat, anor-ne cauawa
i-lini Dii im -and burner temoeraturee . la eaatera
J Oregua, aaatara Waeblagtoa an weeter Idaho,
J bev. bo rala of -ueaiaauuenc baa yet atteaded
its psugrsa. in Barometer a rieing oik im
Oregon- and north California coast, and th
weather 'Wlyndy le all ssspsei -free Cap
Flattery south lo 8aa Lola Oblepo. The Teie
disturbance haa moved nortbeaetward to Ne
braska, and sbowers bsv occurred generally la
tba middle west. Tba lower use dieturoanc
la advancing to ea art tha Maw England eoaat,
and tba rain bar eeaeed la tiat -section.
Showery condition, however, conrlnu la tba
Ohio valley. Tanaaaaaa aad tha Virginia.
Tba Indication ara for fair weather h thla
district Wedneedsr. with r La lna temperature.
Obsrvtlon tsksn at $ a. a,., Paclfte time:
.-Tamp. ,
Station- . ' Max. Mln. Preelp.
Raker City. Oregon. ... . .,. 72 .4 -, -.0
boa ton, Mriiuseft. ...,. - A3 .0
Chicago, Illinois M 4 . T.
Imm, Colorado. ........ 4 , 'SO".. .10
Kauaaa City, Missouri...... 74 " 86 T.
Ix Angeles, California. ... S ' .tr
New Orleane, Loulelana.. SB, - 70 '. .0
Kaa York. Kaw Yuck. ... 74 '. M . .0
Omaha. hraaka S - M . . S.00
floor hura, (ireioa...4. wa. a , .
St. Intila. Mlaaourt., 04 M .13
Salt l.aka. i'tab .4 8 .80
Han rraartaro. Callforala. . 4 . M ' . .0
Spokana, Waahlnaloa...... 7S . S4 T.
l aroma, waabinctoa. . . . . ., Ta 4 . .
Walla Willa. Waablnatoa.. . M ' " .0
Waahhrtaa. D. C SS 60 T.
Waddtna Cktrea. W. (V Bmlta a, Co..
tbftoa bldf., ear.- foertk and Waahlactaa ata.
Mlaa' Bortba Martta, rooaj SIS Allan bide;.
Stamping aad loa aoodlawork ; ' Uoaoaa slTaa,
Funeral notices.
LARMON la thla city. April SO. lOOO.
laraoa. ared'63 vaara. brotbar-lD-law of L..
v Ralilraa of thla dir. ' Frlanda aad acquaint.
aofaa ara -raa pact fully taatiod va-altaad f Wa
I fuaaral oarvloaa, whtH,-aIU boaatd -at taa
i-hapal M i. p. rialr bob. Wadnaadar.
Mar X at 1:80 . an, abtorntaot BlTarrlaw
HA NKKT April II. to Mr. and Mra.-Adolph
Jlank.'y. yea Kaat , Jfourtaaath atraet.
danahtar. V l .
KRKH8 April ST. to Mf. and Mri."niir 10,
arvba. of Pborwood. oragoa, a daagbtar.
McC ANN April 14, to Mr. aad Mra. Frank
MK'ana. Third atrrata daughtar.
KKL80XApiit - in. to Mr. aad Mra. . Otto
Krlaon. Son Wat, atraat, a ann. '
WE8TKRGARD Aprfl t. to Mr. and Mra.
Jama tl Wcataraard. of Kanllirorth. a aoa.
CLOVE April 10. to Mr. and Mra. Uarbart
u. vwraa, 114 ajaat Twaatjtsnta atraet,
a ann. - - --. - -: ,.
ABRAMROV April M, to Mr. and Mra. X.
T. Abraamaon. 534 -Ola atraat. a ana- .
PRKAlR0ROt'CH April ..- to - Mr. - aad
Mra. Frank Spraadboroufb, SOT Mlcblaa
araana. a bob.
OKTKKMAN April 2S. to Mr. and Vra. Kala
Oatarnian. M JiarU Twantr-Sftb atraat, a
ann. -
HFLBERO Aorll JO. to Mr. and Mra. J. Bl-
br. 843 Kaat Twelfth atraet Karta,,.e
danarbtarc - .
CARTER April tl, to Mr. aad Mra. W, N.
Cartar, la PladBMiot. a daughtar. '
KEDVIDWK Aprir T,o Mr. and. Mra W.
r. NM,IM, .ia flub atraat. a daughtar.
RETNOl.ns At hi lata raaldomw. 1U F,at
S4h at.. Mar 1. IflOS. William-Haorr fVry.
- aolda, agad A3 rara, 4 cvmtba and dajkr
iaiiTar, -4oio.r-ane fforwfra. ajnam.,- papara
filaaaa eopFr-Notice -of fuaaral will ba (Ivan
atar. ----- - ' -
BAMMl'S April SO, Lara C. Baamna, agad Sf
yaara, X10 Third atraat? eauo, cancer,
narlal at Lona . Fir ramerary.
BIE WARD April ST. John Rlaward. agad 31
yearn, at St. Vlnrrathoepltel; rauaa. aaptla
endocarditis.' Barlal at Forest Grora, Ore-
BOKMAXX April a, Osoega Hofiaaaa, aged
an yearn, bob Weldler a treat; cause, eancer.
rfnrlnl nt Loa Fir re meter, v
DREW April 20, Newton Drew. " aged M
leara. 407 Bant TtilrtT-aerentb street:
raaaa. pbtbiaia paimoaslla. Burlai at Bivac
view . eentatary.
Chnrlen Cnrdlwell to Grace W. Meade.
- lot A and aoath a feat of lot B block
2!1. dly 1,000
liana tanaea and wife to Wealey Miller.
mm an teal or au a apq nortn iHi
feet of lot I. block 40. CaruUiers dP"
tloa .. . ................. ...
. R. Bowles and wife ta Orllla Bowers,
12Sz0 feet beginning 100 rods sontb -
. and 900 feet west of northeaat corner :
. of Seldom Murray's donation bund . -elahn,
seetloa 1. . towaahlp 1 south,
range 1 eaat.....,,.. ' . SSO
land company to O. W. 'Morrow, lot S, '
4lock it. Ctti, View Park........... "' 280
Phoenix - t-and company to Etta Bald. "
6.10 arres beginning 10.028 chains east' T
of aaathweat corner of aeettoa Sll
" towaahlp 1 north, range S east....... 10,000
Sam Del Aaderaoa and wife to Oaetaf
Fatereoa, lot 17, block S4, BnnayaMa.. l.SSO
Prank- B. Cook and wlfa to Thomas B.
Arailtsread. lota S aad 4. block 134,
- Weat Irelmgtoe lAJOO
Bdward B. M"ure et si to Conrad Wysa , .
Hr.. lot 1 block 148. Bast fort land... 1,700
Lyaian Merrill to Naacy 1. Watklus, 00x
1.10 feet beginning at the northeaat cor
ner of lot 1. north Mock 1. Uolamble "
llalghta add! t loo i art 1. atock 1. aaaae
addition r BOO
Char lea M. Cartwrlght and wife to Joaa
Manning et aL, lots 1, a, a and 4,.
block 1$. Doacler's Recoad addlUoa... S.000
Joaeph K. Kaah and wife to B. A. John- --
son, ana u ana u, uoca 91, ire aiuat
addition 1.380
B. Lee Paget and wife to Frank Roehak,
hits IS and IB. block a, Hlgblaasve-ark 1T0
Portland Lone Fir Cemetery couwaar
Henry l-ootgert, north IS feat of let
10, 0Mn. am, j . ....... . -'.w
Robert A. Snider aad wlfa to John H.
Vampbeu. lota T aad a, block . 110; ' .
- Slephena' -addition $.800
D. J. Carraa to Victor Lead company, ,
lota 31 aad 33. block 1. Orchard J-lace. ' 1. 1
Title Ooarantee Treat company to
Jennie-llngaaei Jo4-4 aad a, buck Jl.
BUUth HI. Jallll.WTrt.iN. " 1
Don S. Nalaoa et sL to S. 1. Cowley, lot
0, block r Boor alow GUde. ......... . r.--.678
i. J. Cowley -to Era A. Nelsoar
a tba
proparry .
Central troat Inreetment company te
E. B. WlUtania. north o- tract Degin
nlng at nortbweat corner of Jacob
Wlila' at al. donatio land -claim, eec-
. ttona So and 84. townaklp 1 snath,
range 1 eaat....
B. B. Happersett and wife te Gertrude
M. Jamleon. lots IS aad SO, block 4.
Maegly Highland
Lorea oewartf and wife to W. O. Thorn p-
- eon. lata a, 10. 11 and 12. block 10.
NorU Irrtngt 00. ...... .-.-...
M. ! Ilolbrook and wife, to W..F.
Rtadelman, Inta 1. 3 and S, Block 11,
Ht. lohna Park addition J. 300
Wlllimetle Tribe, No.1. I, 0. B. M.,
10 Clans Aamna, lotp 10 ana IT, MCB
33. Kootk fnrtland
Battle F. Babb and bnsband to J. W.
Campbell, tot IS, black 3, Bhlna'a ad
dition V. V...
Leella M. Swain ta Q.J: Chapel, lot 12.
block 10. St. John Height addition. .-
B. S. Boe and wife vi Claud C. Iaeka
et al., 34 eeree la' aonthaast corner of
Jacob J on aeon a donation land claim.'
- aertloa S3, towaship 1 aonth,, range 3
eaat -r,.. .... .,,,. ,,...,,,.
Oot ymt Inaersaeai aad aastraeta to rent aetata
from tha Title eaaraatoa A Trael eaapaay.
340 Washington atraet.
THE anderalgned will recelr keeled bids for
etoek of meeiwandlM. eo lailng orlaclpaliy
- of furnlahlog gnoda and clothing, of the In
voice prlre of $3,378, together with fliturea.
-072. AO, located at Foreet nrore. Oregoa. np
to IS e'ehirh noon of Ttieaaay,- Mae aV- 100k.
- A raah depnen et 4o per cent of the immnt
"hid aunt accompany each offer. ""The right
J reeerred to reject any end ell hid,
Tneealory of property may he seen sf my
office ami tha property ma he raapertad al
I'oreat Grere.
Dated at PertUad,. Oregon, this 28tk day
et April, lOOO. . .
- '' B. L. SARIS', '
' Front end Ankeoy ata., Pertlaad, Or.
THS id learned anasal meeting of the at oct hold
era ef Colombia Rlrer A Norther Railway
eompanr will be held at the efflr of tha com
pny. Sherlock building, Portland, Oregoa, a
' Friday, May 4. 1BI at the hoar of 10
o'clock a. at. At aoch wieetlirr a beard nf
'director .ta erve for M ho enanlng year will
.. bo chose d cb otht baalaees will be
traaearted a aiay lawfully some before each
I. B. IJTTniCTM. Secretary.
THR adlottraed annuel meeting of the stork KoM
era of The bailee. Portland A Astoria Narl
1 getloa enwipaay will be held at the of floe of
, tb company . Sherlock building. Portland,
Orego. Friday. May 4. lata), af the hour
f 10 e'elork e. m. At each meeting a board
1 of dtreetor te sere for the eaeulng year
I will be ehnaea aad auch ether Lunlnea will
r he rreeted aa aiay lawfully com before
auch arMtlug.
I, , .UKTBICVM, Seeretar,
A. F. A. M opecUl eomoiual
rattoB thm tTneeday) eeealnx at
S o'clock. Burkbard bldg. 1 Work
' .ta-fh T. C. ilegrea. AllVellow
crafts laTlted. By erdec ef
lae W. 4. .
C. B. MII.LE17 Secretary
- CAMP,, ho. SHI. W.
. "- O. W., maeti tonight
at Tenth and Waah
ata. Vlaltlng h'elgb-
fT - V -U. A. rBKCBICH.
t&Mltft, . ; ' Clerk
tiors welcome
FOUND A gold ring aa Brook lj ear.
50 East Oak. .
POUND A rHd watch, on the corner ef Fifth
aad Oak. .laqair at 008 Flrat at. ..-
FOUND tittle black aad white potted dog.
. For further iuformattoa phone Mala 0Ao3.
LOnT Moaday erenlug ' oa Washington or
Third streets. I.V la gresBbeck. Re tare
Journal of 0c. Reward.
LOST A lady's champagne-colored hoiooat with
. groea velvet trimmings, ea Baat SOth t. or
Baae un road. Bunder art
to 004 -Bast Mala at; reward.
LOST Gold ring eat with 3 opals. Return to
uajeav car juoena Juoa.1 reward
LOST lady's small gold watch, to Ida cover
marked 8. Strong, 1U7. Return te 777 Patty
- grove at. Phone Mala 68S0. Reward.
MFN and wo me to aara barber trad la eight
weeka; graduate eern from $18 t
weekly; expert I ne true tore j catalog free.
Mohler 8 jateni e College, $8 North Fourth
ALBSMBN WANTED For ea ef the la tweet
auraerle la the weet; caah adraaced weekly!
good territory open. Addreas Waablngtoa
KureerV Co.. Toppealah. Waah.
A0BNT8 WANTED to aell mnertor. hlgh-g-rad
anrwry tork complete entnt fnrnlahed free;
eaah weekly: write today for rbotc of ter-
- rltory. Capital City Nonary Company, Bah,
STRONG able-bodied .men wsnted st I.. F..
Kera brickyard, E. Forty-flrat and Division
sis. 1 tste HM-nmona
WANTED 3 flrvt-claa oltdtors who hare had
- apertae In bonsa-to-hous eeavasalng: lry
and eommlasloB to right parties. 300 Beeosd at.
L BARB opportunity for a man with om
capital; Ineeatbjat aad yea will ears lareat.
O 110, .xe Joaraal. '
HARNESS and eeddlemekere wanting good Jobs
In the country, address Case. I- Mastlrk A
CoM wholeeal leather. Front aad Oak atreta,
Portland. Oregoa. -
WANTED Roy; eteady; factory work.
Davt,' corner Front.
WANTEli We want to coatraet for 3O0 to SOO
- goad UUtneee or . Japan
Iol labor In turnen-1
tin weed, aad at railroad and aawmlll work;
we would Hke to orrepod with rellahl pa
tie who will contract to furnish with
aoch tabor for a term of year. Jackana Lm
"her C., Tjorkoart. Covington eenaty, Alahamet
, merit. 838 Sherlock bldg.
WANTED Bailable Bwapaper caavaaeerj eteady
- poaltloa for right party: city and country
war 1- asuac- give rcrerenc. auuisen v,
Agent. Vancouver, Waah. ' -
Davis. '
WANTED Varalaher. machine aad bench
band. JOregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam
road.. - -
lH ASTEn-r-UtkBisn tottksJSset.
at Waablngtoa Lumber to. .
WANTED Aa erpertoaeed mi to aell far
landa for an old firm. Aaawer P. O. drawer
. 22. with referenoe.
WANTED Flrat-claa earrlsg painter.
A. P.
Neiaon, :e unioa v.
ttON HfrTEU- 81 North Sixth t. Ratea:
Roo ma. $1.33 ap; room with, board, 14.60 op:
mm renovated; excellent table board. Aa-
WANTED Foot men to work In a brickyard.
Apply to Diamond Brick Co.. foot ef Aa-
hanv at. . , - .- )
WANTED Da Irrma to bar atock. Implement.
crop and leaae BO-erre farm, . or reliable
" man to take charge of place ea euAree. B.
N. WJIIIamaoB, Wlla. Otv
WANTED Boy to work In factory. - Pacific
Coaat Biscuit Co., Itth and Davis.
WANTED Flrt-els tlrkerma at once, and
.Strong boy te learn sash and deer trad.
Portland Saah A Door Co., 230 Front t.
TO!' NO man wanted for factory work.
BS2 But Slat at., corner Ellaworth.
WANTED-rA turner,
berg. Or.
Uescock A Sons, New-
WANTED Tailor. A pply.-Buch. A ,0st. 382
I amhill at. , . ,
WANTED Boy -about 10, Tn, fish and poultry
market. 180 Flrat at..-
BOYS. reHable-about 17 year of age,, with
a wheel. - Apply at euperinieoaeai s eiuce.
Old. Wortmaa A. King. .
book) large profit: act quirk; sample free,
Olobe Company. 738 Cheetuut eU. Phil.
WANTED Goad wan to drree- milk wagon.
- carry cream, batter, egg, etc.: must he a
nnatmr: gooa wages, aaa eomnusuion. - rnon
4 et lf "'na'vireleJ - . .
AGENCY, S4SW Waahlag.
ton St.. ear. Seventh,, apatair.
rhoae Mala
samaie seip waaiee.
day nd evening, iodh our in at. rnen
Main 6H20, . . " - :-
EXPERIENCED QIRL wanted at -30$ Everett
to attend ator. . Call 10 a. m.
COMPETENT girl for houaawork aad cooking;
mall family; good wagea. 4M Eaat Da via.
KEF.DLEWORVK eeleewoman; good noattloa to
lady of appearance and acquaintance In the
dly! Mexican Drawnwork Co., 848 Morrlaoo.
WANTED Olrl for
aewlng. machine. 4
steady work on sower
1 Front, " cor. Devi.
WANTED 3 dining-room glrla.
-McCUIUn. Boaeburg. Or.
Address flotel
WANTED girl c
woman te aeslat
Phone Et S001.
wita general aouaewura.
WANTED Aa Bp-to-det woman cook for
- tsurant In s ses coaat nmrner reaort; mnst
be of good character; reference exchanged.
. Addreea, stating salary expected, T. A. B
car JonrnaJ.
WANTED flood girl for gene raj honaewnrt.
128 14th, at., bet wee Waalilngtoa.end Alder.
WANTED flh-le te work la factory. Pacific
Ooaat Blernlt Co., 12th and Davis tta.. ,
WANTED Xonng girl or middle-aged woman
. to elt with light honaework. 808 Baa
Rafael at. 11) one tut 1544..
T-ROOM bouse, modern. OOT Sixth at.
3. HH"i Thied.t. .
BNERGETIO lady, with bnalnee shinty; short
hours, pleasant Work, good sehrryr gtre -rehy
phone number or enclne stamp. Addreea
E. A. Brh-k. general delivery, city.
HELP wanted end wppllad, mala or femal. . R.
"fj, Drake, SnOHS Waehlngtoa t. Parts 1370.
WANTED Poaltloa aa clerk In grocery etneet
peak both German an r.ngnen; nave naa
10 year: riper tear. K. 118. car Journal.
MAN with ftnt-rlea reference wlahe noaillon
a aellcltor or collector: pes notn uermaa
ad Engllab: will- furnish bond If require.
Addreea D 128. rare Journal. , -
MAN, 00, good health, university sad chemi
cal education, wants (1 tuition where nilltle
will be appreciated. Addrea E 12. Joaraal.
ENGINEER, dealre position; andarrtind Cor-
ina ana lgn-eyrea eeginw, .i.i-n.wi bit-
etrenrr; do merbsnlcsl and electrical re
pairing. AddreM D 12S, cere Journal.
YOl'NtI man with Six-years' machine ehne x-
perlenr la in aer in tne cream aevieruin
line want work. Addreea E 124. rare Journal.
WANTED Wfndow to cleae er honeecleenlng;
a how windows preferred. AO war Msrku
scaat, 30$ Jatferaoa at, '
WANTKD Br fnlly itriBCd
waahlug and hoiiaaclalug. Scott 11 fed.
WANTED Day work, sweeping,
boaaecleanlng. Ill Math at,
Pacific RIO. I .
d oat lug aad
N. Phone
1. in
STRNIMIRAPHEB. tlx year' experience, da.
aim mm u , piviiw., v , ' ru, avww..
WANTED By eiperteaced lady, hoaeecteanlng
or weptng by the day; reference. Phou
Pacific WOO.. ' .
LADT won Id like posit loa aa rampanloa or but.
aery gorrrneee. Addreea D 134. car. Joamal,
taanmnmaawa new I tut mi 11
WANTED Agents 1 omethlng aewt
big wage. 3U0 McKay bldg.
AOSNTS WANTED to eell otir htgh-grada nne-
ery atorki Cain aavaoceo weekly; pig noi
Klmloa and premiums; write today.
Cairo Nursery Co.. Balem. Oragua.
838 TO 8AS per week eaatly made eel ling sick
and celdat benefit for Tnlua Mutual Aid
- Aaaoclatlon, 700 Marqaaai bldg.
AGENTS WANTED Mea or women: It' here,
beet eller ea earth. , 337H Waablngtoa iU
TBI Portland Employment Co.. 300 Mortiaaa
et. Pboa Paelie 138.
M N. Seceed eL - Pbon Mala 1 MO-
BIO FOl-B BMP. AGENCY Help aapplled tre.
18 Korth Second St. Pbobb Mr la 1818.
t. Phone Mala 7018.
- Oar rental department kaa beea ea Urged
. aad provided with additional uff.
We Invlt ' listing frem LANDLORDS.
eraon! ' attention to aed -nt!Baeu
iloa ever all. property Inlraated ear
B. B. ear. Sd aad Oak its. Phou Ex. 73.
A FAMII,Y desiring a modem Mount Tahor
ham and will board owner and wife. Call
SO McKay bldg.. Third aad Stark ata,
Ida- houeei, '. Out
sad eoftagea; can rent at once.
. . 2U Stark (t. Phoa Pad He OAS. "
WANTED S furnished bouaekeeplng mom or
flat, rloaa to, weet elde; flrat floor preferred.
' Main 2W4.
.ee Iua hooae.
xchtag for eouity la
Pbeoa Eaat 3041. -
fW ANTED City and auhnrbaa real eatate, 1m-'
proved and unimproved; trayera. waiting; net
your property with tonaiin nn. ror quicx
$17 Marguerite axe.
WANTED At one from owner, vacant lot".
wsllnx distance, west sl(efhve "fsah
"Tnurer. Tt J. fie&er, SStV, AforrlsoeT St.
Phone Pacffle 44. - '- - --
WANTED $1,000 for 8 year on 8 acre well
improved suburusa property. . Address DJ20,
-- csr -JournsL v -' .. - -
PAINTING, spraying and whitewashing tree.
- bsasmsata, baru, dock, etct largest gieolloe
praying outfit oa tb eoaat. M. O. Morgaa
AXcw 322 Coloa ave. Phaae East 017.
BIGHE8T CASH PRICE PAID for furnttt w-la
. any quantity ; also take seme on eommlaaloa
and guarantee beat remit. Th Portland
Auction Kooma a. Henanaca prop., xil aim
Bt. . Pboa Mala Sdfio.
BIOHEST eaah price paid for ' aecood-band
good. Pbon East 0077. )20 Cnton ave.
JOHN HA BLR. mssafacturer af
meat posts, wsferproof. mating, strong, cheap;
ire Boat.
d.' L'gtnp.
eve, Portland, Or. .
B. N. - MORGAN, pioneer aprayer and white
washer. Csll Kaat 8348.- Remember the
nsmo B: N. Morgaa; 11 years la basin
1b Portland.
For furniture and household good.
PH0N MAIN 6605. ;
WANTED A serond-hsnd peanut roaetert
- mnst be In perfect condition and reasonable
ta price. Addreea T. A. R., car Journal.
Wanted, Immedlstely. carload ef furni
ture, fnr San Franclaee; will pay a good
. price for anything you wish to elL Phone
Mala SOT. ssk for John Ok. , . .
WANTED Energetic and competent a gen fa to
represent n In all part of tb northweat;
caah weekly. Capital City Nursery Co.
WANTED Te boy 500 feet ef second-bend gal
vanised water pine, sltber l or lVs-tatcta.
" D 114, -ear Joamal. .
THB KINO. 800 Jefferson t. Nicely furnished
room, with gaa or electric light, beat and
ketha to new building, . $0A aad-$10ser
ElegaBtly furnlahad. steam keel aad baths. 1
THB GRAND. 44 l.aeth Third at Boom tot
gsatlaawa $1.85 per week and ap...
FURNISHBD rooma, tn new, modern boa, $4
per month. 640 Madlaoa. Phone Manx 0840.
FURNISHED rooms for ladle. rtS Mr Fifth at.
VERY NICELY furnished front, room 'tor
housekeeping; gas. kelh. 211 Sherman St.
THE GRAND, 8T - Tsmhlll st eeetlv far
- nlshed rooms, slngls or ea suite, $2.00 pee
week and ap; electric light, free batb and
free pbon.
Boom, housekeeping and txsaslaat) oa
va stent; prices reaeonahla.
SLEEPING' and hooaekeenlng
room for rant.
P&l, Ruaeell at. Tb McKay bldg,
highly utilitarian. It
makes this newspaper more
It to jyoU-thanere-n'Cws-ZZ:
paper it ' fufnsItlintaZii
" means and medium.'
get things dispose of things,
find pcoJiJc or llnd publicity.
' '
$1.30 WEEK aa, eke, furnished beoeekeepleg'
rooms, wita yara, perior, lauaary, now.
' ae beet, tutv ten too St. U ear.
$1.80 FEB WEIR Large, sleaa. ' fnralahed
hvaaekeeplngouma; laundry ad kelh. 14
Sherman, outttk Pertlaad.
THE BALL. 4l Fifth Roe ma, single-er.ea
wultev-nuMdahed - for. light . housekeeping.
hd -"for, llg
Ice noaeekee
171 ALDER Nice o nee k.
Dluxoonu: ga tov.
- beta, fthona, alus to
business; reasonable.
BLEEPING-and housekeeping-room for rent,
-aH. B. Ulglev room e3, 2W Washing,
tva'st. 1,.; '
LA BUB elegaatly furnished bouaekeeplng
aaa range, bath, running water; $3
&U3I Alder at.
COMFORTABLY fnrniahea' housekeeping salt;
nirnisneo lenis: aics locaiioo; ruic ireee.
Phone -Kaat 4138. Lewi' A Clark eamplnd
jt ' , . ir-k
ground. Mount Tabor.
$ FURNISHED Bouaekeerlng-rooeee: reaaoaabl
to right parUaa. Call Hat William av.
THE GRAHAM, 841 Wah. Bomb $1.75 per
week ; honekeplng. $2.00 per week and up.
THB . BUTLER, ' 40D1, Washlngtoa t Well-
- furnished houaekeeplnf-room, moderate prtos.
Phone Pscjnc 8o4. . : -' . -
DESIRABl.B rssaonsbls BBfurnlahed eoltee?
-brick building, centrally located: aav time
and money. 311V heoond and Salnaea.
$ PLEASANT unfurnished room, bath and gas;
naeonaBM rent. 001 aixia at.
KB toouarxeepma- room tor rent. Call 44
nth t. . ,T' . -,.. ....
LARGE kitchen. 3 bedroom, parlor, piano,
:. rang, ga range;, cheap,. Mat 3238,,.. 213
Seventh et.
LARGE kitchen. 3 bedrootne. parlor, plane,
range, ga rang; cheap. , Mala 22HS. . 813
neventn ei. .
471 ALDER Large troat parlor, bath, pboa.
board II Oesirea, wsuing aiauac reaaouaL
prif. ,- :
$8 12TH Large front rooms; gs. bath, pbon.
walking dkitauc; private tamny ana Berne
com forte. :
WKLlVKI'Rk'ISHED rooms with hoards rate
raannble; meoern. . 443 Jeireraon. . 1'hon
Main 0428.''. - ,
512'4 . SAVIER
ST. Board nd
week; single
$1.38 week.
WANTED A 'child te board; reason hi; good
- home. Pbens Scott 1 240.
KADDKBLY TRANSFER CO., prompt aad re
liable plan and furniture movers; also etor-
age. Phoa Mala 1088. OfBce 110 N. Third.
FOR RENT Modera 8-room anas. 10th
Irving t.. $S0. - Phone Mk 701.
notion. 005 Vancouver are. 1
llnwl Sssll ei
electric wired,
- Msln 4408. -r
cottage., llyrtle Park. -
bath, tc; baxgalu.
menu, S2S 12th at. Apply at 837 12lh st.
FURNISHED S room ami: ea family. $28;
aids. . . Phon Eaat 8S63. .
FOB RENT 13 room bona and 'TDtochTr
ground, bearing fruit tree: good place for
chicken ranch: ala cowa anu chicken and
' farm machinery for Bale. Addreee or call at
- residence. A. L. Miner, St. Johns, Or.
NEW modem "-rem house.
In Uppei
Iran. In
between 3 csrllnee; no children
- Monro et, - -- "
-ROOM new modern cottage, with large comer
lot.' 430 East 84th at.; Hawthorne' car: raa
onable yent.r: Apply 402 CommcrcUl bldg.
A 10-ROOM brardlng-luftra- near th S. P. car
. ehone. 2rlth end Powell at. Pbon Baat 0055.
FOR RENT T-eoom modem new flat. MTV
Sixth St.. swsr Jseksoa. Phone Pselfl 88.
. A. H. Maegly. 310 Fourth at.
I MODERN 5-room flat. Including gas and atari
W range: ahedea1 on wladowa. 30B llslaey
FOR RENT New 0-rsosa flat. 105 X'nloa SVS.7
north, near Holledsy.
8-ROOM Bat. Including basement, telephone.
. water. $11.80,; , BO email chlldrsa. 628
. Mill at.
MODERN S-mom flat, tnchtdlng gaa and ate',
ringer. shade on window. ,200 Hsltey,
FOR RENT 6-rnom'flat, modem-Improvement.
151V, North ,17th st. Inquire Wekefletd- A
-'Frui 220 Stark at .
Two 8-room modern flats. Fourth sad Clay,
$38 eseh. - .
JijppmnMdern cottage on Thm-msa St. )
34nVt Washlngtoa st.
OFFICE rooms, en furnished rooms and eample
room for rent. Goodooogh bldg. Apply le
vator. - - -
PART of shop tor-rent, . Inquire 308 Fourth,
aesr Salmon.
BOOMS and office. Iwt Mdg., Morrison aad
Park ata. ' Inquire I. L. White, 804 Dsknoj
bldg. '
AT HALF PRICE Furnl tare ot 13 room; good
business: reason sltkniesi Osll 0 Wf-Psrk.
FOB BENT In city. 8U acre
gardening. Inquire 308 Faurth.
-itabss for
CIGAR-STAND, fm location, clos to theslr.
nqulrePrtiJoon. 18th sndjaashlngtoets.
DON'T com here tint, but don't bar year etty
property, frait aaa garde lane, waaai.
-or dairy rtnchrs until yoa see u.-
wsat Lena ca soa uooanoaga mag.
P. B
Wa also hat host chance, af all kind.
aad can Ipeste yoa right. N. W. L. Co.
CENTRAL, cash a i were
. chance eeldom offered.
for tftoo: thla la a
Call 346H Stark al.
RESTAURANT, 30 Stork. $.1001 hinch counter.
10 stools. 8 tables. 0 chairs; doing a first
clssa buatneee; muat ell: called east ea bmuV
aees; good less, can Si Firth St.
FOR SAMC F1rst4laa
aaloon la I Pendletna,
Or.: new flxtnree. everything lal ftrat-elee
. condition; , no belt location la tar elty.
Apply BuX 255. .
MEAT MARKET for aale. 8S8 L'aloa svs., N.
PORTLAND abarbaa drugstore for eak
areas si , -ear eoarwai.
$400 RUTS a good paring restsarxnt. Inter,
national hotel, cor. Third and Everett.
mil H T.E A hdW TWt Ht 1
-location; good bargain. 815 Jeff emoa t.
city; owner retiring frem bniln.
LA ROR or gmall rooming house for Bale ou
term by-- II H, Hlgleyf room . 80, 33iH
. Waablngtoa at. - it-.t . -
t-OTMIO rretsursnt fine toe tiosv good tmalnsaai
price 3100. 1M Burnalde at. aiaia win.
FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery store Tory
cheap; low renCi Inquire 643 V sshlngto t.
OPPORTUNITY ef lifetime for Inveetseeat la
excellent ; Srst-mnrtgsaa 0 ev-cent . bond:
2 000 shsree stork thst will psy dividend
"this ysr frerwtrk-eh $100 worth bead;
doe t ipsa" thla l-ock Box 01. - .
I SNAP Ne better , Inveatnwnt - offered;1- a
gotMl.v, new- stock . et genersl mrrrhsndls In
a new velley town, surrounded by beet farm
Ing. dalrvlng nd lumbering country; new
railroad being built through th tow; about
11,000 atock; long leaae; cheap rent. Ad
dreea F 120, rare Journal.
A GOOD tnveeimeat No better anywhere: a
stock . of genersl merrhandls about $13,000;
Erarly hlf new stork, beet location In th
Isee; lr nearly doable ef eeme period
ist yeer; long lease st recap rent. I th
. heat town la th Willamette valley. Apt
dreee F 128, csr Journal.
WARTED Msa with $500; goad salary, paabl
wnkly. P. 0. Bos ISO.
. ,. 1 -' . ' ' r
$300 RELIABLE partner wanted : will pay yoa
$25 weekly; xporlcnc BBnecsaaary, . .. t,U
U4H Slark t, .. .
".' SPOT-tASH.
For turoltur and houachuid good.
j PIIONB MAIN 5055. ..J.
BAVE yon $100 or $2ts) to Invest la guarsnteed
dividend-paying stock I If so, don't fall 4
eommMuicst with . ' Lock Bus 01, city.
CBEAMKRY Opanlug for a reliable mea a
partner; $MO eevunsd will make . you . 1W
a niuuik. Csll. 241 Surk at. .
$550 STAUB bualnees for sale, doing good; -4
, horses, hack, a led and good "trail Suchpier
te Bourn and the big wine. Addreea Warreu
i. Ferguson, Bourne, Baker county. Or.
FOR 8A1.U $4,000 arock f merchandlaa ta
hssf WUlsmett valley town; good buslnessi
best of ressona for telling. - Audreaa F 135,
car Journal.
IF YOU want a bualnea doing from 335 To $J
cash per day for $UAO. (newer thla ad. Ad-
r no, ear journal. -
$2,000 BUYS bnalnssa en Washington et.. now
doing better than $1,500 per month; liivujr
about $3,300; party retiring.' F JI7. Journal
H INTERKHT la good ground floor real eats'
office; $350 required. tsll 1071, Third t.
WRITE n quick (bout' recent-. Important de
velopmenta of tb Hurct Automatic Switch A
Signal Co. ; boy stock before big adviac,
J. F. Hunt A Co.. 300 McKay bldg.
FOB BALE BsllLnor cafe and lodglug-Bousa.
Addreea H. Van A tta. Vancouver. Waah.
COMPLETE four-chair barber shop, excellent
. location: Ma.- reasonable tent v now dulnj
$350 per month; working twe chair.. F 110.
" car Joaraal. ,
SAWMILL Here' a -mill bow running Willi
plenty of timber. and everything goes for
$4,000. Call 348 "urk t. . . . ,
SWELL 84-roem fUt ta heart of city, $2.oftO.
, 00-room boa, elegantly located, $4,000;
would consider aa offer of smsll farm toy
part of tt. ; m ' ' - -
room noua. weu jocatee. mosiiy bouso
RHIH. l. mm, ...
v OTTO A CROCKETT. . -.-r r--.
845V Washlngtoa St. .
FURNITURE and hardware ator for le. Cll
. et 2HT Flrat St.. or at Conn Bros., IMS Flrat
at- Portland. ' T T 1' '
A SAWMILL prnnnaltlon ht K lick 1 1st roonty,
t Waahlngton; waier power. Pel ton wheel, 90
. foot tall, double circular (hti. . edrer and
Slaner and cut-off aawa, capacity 20.000 per
ay; the mill I tn good running order, ready
' for beelneee; InO acree laud goes with It.
, good timber, except about 1 acre cleared
for orchard and garden: all neceasArv bulkl
' mra on th place: buyer caa get all the IIih
bar adjoining at fair price: a good ktral mar
ket at 1h will. Prloe $4,500, on good lerjne.
er would exchange for oilier propertyr only
resaons for eelllng. widow. Inquire ot W .
r W. Repay,- Uaanlltrm bldg. .
GOOD opportunity for a family: I will aell g
rent my rcataurant and lodalng-houa on Ih
- east aide ea eaar terma. For particular e
-H. Heller. 308 BurasM t.. or New York
lodging-hone. Front and Burnalde.
, , . ,,,
I TirkVr Salt mm . nm, W... arhtl tfcev See
LTh.r - never-era rn mrti nrWt ea Plednwint
tsrfTOO. fm lni p noorcsan ermtaijmnt
GOOD blscksmltb shop, doing a vary goad 8ul(i
to exchange for house keeping rooms.
Some good, saloon propositions, also gro
cery tore. ' - '
- ' 345 Washington at ' .
Birr 0-reom residence, full Int. en Second t..
clos ta: (pace for en mere hoeee; bay today ;
don't wait till It double In value. ,
, . . v i i
-331H Morrison et,
' . $10.00 PER ACBB $10.00 - .
Crook county, Oregoa. DEED direct from
stats. WRITE for Mmphlet and mepv.
- 381 Alder at.. y-onuMW,
300 FARMS, small t recta and lot: bargain (
O. W. P.. electric line. 0. R. Addtton. Lenta,
Oregon. Tsk Moaat Scott ear, 8c
$2.400 Good 3-story 7 room bouse, lot 50x104
feet, esst fsce, clos to Hawthorn ate,;
, BCTcral hcsrmg ftult ties, flss nalghlwrhood,
$l,10O cash. . r -
$900 Good Areom house snd 80x100 lot at
- Stewart's ststlon., Mt. Scett line; $300 cssii.
. balance $10 per mouth.'
' 8 lot with good S-room .boose, SO bearing
fruit tree, nice garden and Ma small fruit;
faring on a -fully Improved aires! ead adjoin-
log Ilnlladsy Park addition; price $4,500;
easy terms: a goml speculation.
Lots on Esst :i4lli. near Hawthorn. $375
each, 'oa Instsllmenis. ,
402 Commercial bldg.
8-ROOM cottage, modem every war. foU lot;
brand-new. .In Upper Alblna; $1,750; $400
' Cll. .
Three A room hewen. holtely ssodem,
strictly np t date and -new; cannot be beat
on William av.; clos ta; $3,850; tor aale
. s few dy only. 1(11 st once.
" . ' . lOSVi Fourth (t.
BEPOBB yoa bay eee Piedmont; lot $300.
- $400 and $m0; BOilOO feet, with 15-foot
a l leva: rholeeat residence tract In the elty.
He Piedmont today; take St. John. Wootl-
IBWB or U ear, evrwer ..nin,inn nivuu
at. Cars leave for Piedmont every $ te 4
mlnata. . .,
i ACRES Ne. 1 laud. 1 mile from electric line,
10. mile eeet ot Portland; thla M No. I land.
r lay well and ay to clew: there 1 no rock
or gravel. I will sell 5. 10" or 30 acre at
Snr per ecre on very way term. D low,
csr Journ!. -- .... '
30 ACRES,- k, mil eotith of Uresbin: IS suiss I
In fine tte or cumvaiion. oaianc can oe
cleared ready for the, plow for 810 per acre;
"t Iim4 "sr-'AoA near- lie, f fsi old', ttrhr
Is very fine fruit er potato lead. Will aell
for 31.300 on easy terms, or will exchange
for city property. D -108, cam JournaL
8-ROOM bona aad lot -60x100, ea Beat 14th at.,
for only $850. If yoa want a Snap, look this
ap quick. D ISO. care JeornaL
MODERN S-reom bona, wall situated en Saet
- 4th St., between Belmont and TamhilL . l.
W, Walker, owner, on premise. ,
$10.000. -WILL 'buy SOxISO. centrally locstod;
Income $2,100 per year; pay 8 per rant oa
1 $30,000; thla property soon Id treble In vslne
-to th nest 10 years, being better security
than any bank, and three time better tAan
loaning money oa real eetate. Mrs. Rounds,
30314 Staaton. earner Commercial, Alblna.
t BUILD honas. easy pavmenrs: lota furntahed
If desired. Miller. 813 Commerclsl .bldg.
LOOK here:
Modern T-room honss, brlek bseemenf . good
bam, lsundry. four lota, with fruit and bet
rlee. $3,000; n bloek north and four blocks
west of Tre moot atattoa. J. F. Hugglna,
FOR SALE Along th north hsnk raUroad, a
tore Hat ef farms, orchards, sawmill and
bsntn property. Inanlre of D. W. Hatch
tnaon C.. Waabougal. Waah.
IF TOO want to build, bay all rear materiel
at the A merles Innt yon will save 78 per
eent; fin doors, window, plaster boards,
Ktlc er siding, flooring, stalra. timber aad
bar. Pbon wee. Pari fie 107A
I HATS a fee. B-eer tracts f very fin toed.
- eery eeav to clesr; "0 mile seat ef Portland,
"""'end'only one mil from W.r. elevtila
' line, that I will sell at from 80 to $76 per
. acre, oe very eaay term.. Address . 14,
-.eeee- Jonrnat ,
.A Sae atock range, eootatnlnd a neat f.SnO
acrea; all aader feneef -situated a--Bees
burg, Oregon. S. P. B, R. i tht Is a ot
th best stock rang In th county: I alee
kv another good toefe rang nntlalag
1.430 acre, wnir win he oie st a very low
. For particular annreas 4. a. aatBsr.
Hosseorg. tiregoa. ,
FOR SALE At s bsrgaln. bt fh owner. Aroom
cottsge. with sll modern Improvements, with
er without furnltnrei frnlt snd flowers:' he-
lereerf S csr line: comer R. Thlrty sltth d
Tnylor. Xhon Best 6171.
ROOM modem residence. Esst Ash. In wslkHia
dlstsace, large lot; 10-room very modem resi
dence, North Ninth and Halsey, Hollsday's
addition. 85.000; tonus. C. W. Pallet!, 304
Fentoa bldg. .
CNT7L May 1, fin fall 2-tory T mnm bomw,
good bsm. 3 lots, with frnlt. $l.3O0: well
worth $100. Owner, 83 Hsrt ave.. MontavUla.
8KLI.WOOD LOTS. $8 down and $8 a month;
from $78 to . Sal I wood Tnwaelte c
' H. P. Palmer, msssger. Pbon Eaet 4Tf4.
S-ROOM modern bonae. Fast Sixth St.. close In,
.sy . walking distance, laqutr 407' UsW.
tkurne ?, - " , --
$3 3n0 AH 00 tf'- hmiee. l'r"-r
Alldnsl. worth
ibt bi
beno. Kt 023. ' ,
1lli ACRKX..H mil frota depot. mile froi,i
church and a.lioiil; plenty nanlng wstert--price
' $.' H. F. P. lioul 8, but 8. hber-. .
nuud, or. - William Rife. : ' -
NEW. un-toMa ie A-rooin house.
ipr ' 8-VM ',
i montuiy. orrncr. - ru
st a..,"
MODERN 0-roien bouse. S3. 000 1 A'Kul duwa. $19
namthly. Phone Baat B7S. . '
$1 n.0MCV collage, ball... t.a and electric
llgbta 4 rooms: mi bkwk from echoo! sail '
' csr. Amtb I'ortlaiid: lerni. ; 208 t'vwrta at.
. leiepotine racine 14E.
$4.1100 IfAN'DSOMR home. new. modern Irt every I
particular, heauflful enrner. llolladay'a addl-1
tton. clee to.a,eooi- are! car. ftMriilra pwner, ,' . .
SOS Fourth, at, Telebon Jfajn 3UW0.
DO YOU Want to buy city kits or acvehgef if
se. see Eaat S1la ItraL Katet te,. .4aat sells
property perllty. 407 HawlBom r '
ner Grand. Plume Baet- 4007. -
NEW house at East 1.1lh and Hancock, a lie,
meet choice ke'atlna In llnllailay and Irving
ton additional built with the beet ofnnterlal,
artlallcallv tleelgned, double-lined I se. re.
ment cellar floors, furnsrea. mo, tern bath
1 monia, plumblnr. etc: selected wood Jr.r all '
' Inelde work with, fin egg shell stall finish.
lx, seven end eight roouie; rsn use. Owner
' to advantage and will mak rednftlon ut
' $150 n th first bona eold.- , .. . ,-.
CIIAS. L. , BOHM. -,
Office phone Esst 03. Hosae phase 738. .
7 BOOM p,w bona, elegantly farhlaned) 5-rowu V
new oot lag drawing 13 per cent on money ; J.
your own price: leering cl'y In two weeks.
Esst Ankeuy and 28th st. csr.'' CU SbJ
Sandy road. . .. ;
POSITIVELY do not buy a place for a bonio
; till yoa eee Pkdniout: an hour time and
carfare will be repaid you , a handrerlfold
whether yon buy or not; Ht. John. Wood-,
" lnn or v csr every 8 to 4 minutes,
Second and Waahlngton i. -
WOB. BALE Modern 8-room cottage, large lot, - .
$ blocka frem O. K. A N. earahop; part .
ch. Owner, -171 Stantoe at. - - , ----
: ' acbb tbactsi ,'-p
FaHelsed etreata. water fa sack 1 aera.
. Tea s 'to thee acree ea th earn ear.
tsy the Be far the lot sea paye. The
t nil I your swtgbber. but be le re
atrleted In majority ef featorea that Wake '
a tree ubarbaa hosa. - r -
Opsa Wadaaedsy aad Satardsy elag.
110 Second SL
MUST sscriflc 6-raom cottage. 8 lota; Bo res
nbl offr refuMd; . Is suburbs. , Addreas
. P 0,. rare Joamal. . .
OU ahoaM se th stir tn.PIdmont lata I
wonder why. Se piedmont and you will
know, lit $.100. $400 end $.K)0:'tk St
J-- Aohne. -Wondlewa - , V car, -comer - Wash- -
Jngton and rlecond ts,.
St. Johns Property ,,
18 lot a. IU blocks from -a)totftcr"bvr.
looking river. $SM per tot. - -i-u
" 31 lot, t block trew crtlnr-$350 - .
Iol. .
One si'ie, antt-feel from eerlme. 8-'"V-
03 acre oes.pscklng plant alt, $.00 aer
acre. . ., r j
Lots $20 down and $10 per month.
' - HAMPTON A HURLBEBT fO.-f"" --:-v
Room-A lleasdse hlk- Third sad Washington.
le.10 8-ROOM cottage In Montavlllaf $1o0'csh.
. balance $10 per month. Call 10714 Third at.
ST. JOHNS SNAP R choice tot In South St.
- Johns, Jersey St.; no' reasonable offer
refused. Call on or addrm Ira Kllbora,
owner, Lenta, Oregoa. , -
S-ROOM HOUSE AND S LOTS. IS frnlt trees.
$500. Terma. Phone Eset 4018. .'
6 acre of good rich will la high stste ef
cu'ittveUon: new 5-room pestered house, bsm.
r-' chicken houeo, $ young fruit tree. trw-
berrl, 3 ecre In oe ta, ane freah cow. IS
- oa rwc Mner fere We. . peteeOS.A
Jtorsns. E, . J.elsr,. 331 St. Morrison st.
FOR SALE Suburban rot tare, 4 rooma. . lot
50x100: growing locality, alghtly. 6 minute
to rarllne: $(70; 8250 eaah, tlm o balance.
8 II. cere Journal. 1 . - ""
HAWTHORNE . Av.- Vats, choicest on market,
only to minute' ride, $450 and upward; real., eaat or weet sale. prce according
to mcslltv. eaar terms; warehouse sit, esst
slile. $7,600: lOOilOO; don't overlook tola.
' llartmsn A Thorn peou. Chamber of Commerce.
Exchange 30.- .-
PORTlJVMI HEIGHTS Residence WrTlprln
t., very mnaera convenience, on alghtly H
block. 100 feet from carllae: ale lawn, fruit
and rosea. F. H. Fleming. 241 Waablngtoa at.
FOR SALE 4 beautiful Ms. 60x100. Columbia
Heights; -fin errhsrd, 4-room tsnk hoase. we'd
" and windmill, newly ' fenced: Ideal aulnrrhen
- home; excellent car acrvlce: $l.uo: mortgage
$000. 8 year: $1,200 net: owner leaving city.
Addreea E 180, care Journal. . (
HOVER, op river front Portland. Located an- . -
dec N. P. Irrigating ditch end on new north
. bank railroad; frail go on tb market three '
. weeks erller tks tn any other eeetlon. com
. mending highest price; dalle tmera from
. Portland. Sal by lb ewner,. Hoveo-land -
Co., Hover. Waahlngton. ' - I -
Buy choice corner lot 8OxtO0 oa . Third t.,-
rloee in: snltshle for fist or apartment
bouac; old building, rental $40 per month:,
rwhen Improved will pay b4g rale Of tatereet.
aad sura to grow In value.
221V Morrleon st,
Phone Pacific " 844.'
THIS la our special week on Piedmont lots;
,..711 splendid uomea there aow, muy more la
- roitree of conetruot ion ; wa wltTbetp yon build '
Tour: aaav terma. '
Main 871. . - 344-Stark -at.-,
HOUSES and lot frem Boon np: easy terma; .
- lots wltbl 1 block ef car $285 and opt smalLZ
: per ment a down, betane $10 per month. In
qulr at William Price . 317 Marguerite av.
FOR Piedmont lot cell up Mara 7l. ne Union
- x2. - Lota 8SUO. 8400 end BBOO. We-will -help
5 oh build :fksy terms, investment Co., v
244 Stark. , . .. '
BOMB choice Vnta for sale near Hawthorne av.
and East 34th at., only $878 each; oa easy
terms. F 136. csr JonmsL
PIEDMONT ' offlc, ' corner Kllltngsworth aed
Williams sr- Union 3305. Mom office.
IM4 Btsrk . Ilaln nil.
FOB SALE I-tot. near Albert st Ysraoa
e WoodUwa car. - 650 Novthrap. . -
TODAY ts th tlm to select ymr lots ta Pied
mont; tomorrow ymi may ftqd them taken.
344 Slark at. Main 871..
Broom house oa Surmaa t., one block
from Union sv., nearly new 5., price 88".
$'50 flow ad $10 per month;. best buy
- Room 8, Breeden bldg.. Third and Oak at(., '
Portland. Oregoa,
A SB you thinking "of building . heme? The , "
best fetre a rs none too good, ar thy
Then eee Piedmont, th choicest residence '-
1 trsct In Ih city; tsk the St. Johns. Wood- .
lswn or V csr. Lot $300, $400, $000; cash '
or Installment. . "
PEOPLR who want to build In a choice re
stricted reildene dtetrtcvr hould e pled-
Tnont. "WT BTTe-v-"Pted mnBt ta T The- nrer--
tlest residence district In th rltr. . See It,
snd tell oa what yoa think ef It. St. Johns, , -Woodlawa
or L tara -Becend and Washing-:
Ion at - - . - . . - r-- - ,
KEW 4-room boos on the O. W. P. A Ry..
-cartfne, 8 I B acre land, cleared, $1,600,
Call 1071 Third t.
ARB, yon thinking ef building ( home? Th
baat features am none toe good, ere tnyT
Then eee Piedmont, the enoleest naldence
tract la th elty; take the St. Johns. Woo,,- .
lawn or U car. Let $800, $400, 66OO1 eaeli
r tnatallment.
$3,000 MODERN snd, flrst-clsss S-ronm boots
on Bast Merrbma U full tot. Csll 107 Vi
Third st. . ..
0NB srrs. Bisgnlflcent lore t Ion: new A mora 4
1 beats, all plaatered, cement cellar aad out- '
- hulldlnge; cloae to 10-room aehool at Lenta.
Be fare to ny part ef Portland: prim onlf
$1,076. oa temwi itr bargilB. O. R. Addi. ..
ion, Inta, Or.- , ..
POSITIVELY do not buy a place for he.
till yna eee Piedmont; an hour's time snd-'
rsrfsre will be repaid yon a - hundredfold
whether yoa bay not; St. Joims. 1 Wood
lawn or V car every 8 le 4 mlnules, .-
- 8 1 toad ead W Baking tea sl. -, - - - .. - .
. V'