The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 01, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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    -. i
-t '
;Canners Along Columbia Very
.Much Disappointed . Over -j:
' the Run This Season.' - ,
""Buyers' In the South Do Not Have
Ready Monc; and Local Funds Are
r Tied Up-Some '": Millers' Advance
.Price of Flour of Valley Variety.;
, ' r' ' ..... ' , . .. '
' ' iTrof r jtret. ' May- 1.' The principal fa
Mure of the fort laud wboleaale market 't-
. ; 7 aref- ,' ' .
, Oregon, stra oerrlce coming better.
I ill lor nls berries are Iwtr.
B i i -arsa-at 1 iwlwfH
Foultry situation eoatloaea xeelleut.
( u cibhi md ear lemona arrive, .
, Veal market liable t Weak, .
. MtlU a- good lose ta ar ie fckfa. .
-Bell pepper arriving front, florid. r'
B-jrtug lamb ara In food ifalL ; T"
' . Home valley Boor la 10c Higher. ... -
! i.. Van . Seal ! a amsll rise today,
Btill a ahortage la fresh- salmon. ,
Potato Tesrsjet 1 ansattafactorT.-
Still Slvertage ia Vraak Salmea.
in SALnOfl
- - A" thtf- eeaua ' progresses ' tha - eatck - of
Salmon Jjl. tha Columbia prove rf dleap
x pointing. . la- this aiarket stocks ara the
lightest received - awing l imm la- tsoout
', -yeara.. Packer report that they hve never
been aa disappointed oxer tha ma aa tha atart
of the -pec'st araaos. Tha agreement of the
packer to pay no higher tbaa a aertain tun
: for caaaary Sab- la baltHI bcokaa, uaay tlmaa.
,L ,.T At tba crarnl tlnii practlcilljr erery . parker
akna tha rlvar haa bava affrrad luura ordera
T be can rwaalbljr till.-Wbtla a lane- r
' cent of theaa bare bmA accepted, aoma ut
toe lar(t cmnnera balk-re lbt prlcaa Iboold
: r ha klf ber - aud axe atltbboldluf - tbalr i
i eetilame wf w: 11 Hut uulj d mot a--tt
'" ' i eannera "bclleTa that epla -ea beat
UlalaHila tlaaa ahauld lie Miner, lnrt--aime
W -Ibe largrat buytra aawrt ttn-lr wllllntnxe
pay aa aSrabce ro,ldln tby caa aecttra
ilhe atuck Tbla In ItaeK la aafclaat to
!'" Ilia aUe Jt "tba 'demand f . tba Hayaf
- 1 Chinook aaiuvtL. "
? Tba catch of -ehad la"!-CotnajWa -rleaa
-- - la woad,rful!y hriT, at rbutltna and atocka
' ar (uluf ta areata on every ha ad, deaplta
-. me wwj)ficca . "o'fJM'J'Si
Oracea Itrawaerrlaa Oeaabir Better. -
atea at UreciMa attaarbarlal
.aare. reoelred today -along ATroot atraet and
the- price la He a box lower. At..40c. tbe eal
roea aie atlll ntnaalid -and with -a better eup-r-..ply
prtcee. win aoon aaelt away. Tboae tbat
I ' eaiaa tbla, awrnlnc ware from ftyrtla Creek
- ; a ad Dlllard. They were ta eery aoud aba pe
and aoon found bnyerm. California eerrlra are
-eMnln . la eery faat and tha Ttce' la driyt
.v.plng ratha'UTaly. - btocka. ara-aew eoeulna
.la nucb better condition ' and there la - aa
loproremeut lb) tha demand. - - . -
- - -Laaaoar Sappllea Acela. OaaBlag. - "
A car of feaioaa arrlTed la rraaa the amrth
' tbla aaorntng aad helped aoarwhat Io relieve
ilia. abortaie which bea aalalsd here for eee
t eral weeka. ' Tha market, bewerer, haa' about
e Uoete aa many ordera aa there are aaaea
er taaiorn la ail ana pri
-j A car of eabbaite casaa In during tba aora
Mm frow Vum Anglea.'--lnaniy (air, - with
'iru-ea going do we. .,,r--. -.
dome belt " peppera were- eeelTed" from
. Florida tbla Borntng aad aold at noe a ponnd.
Some tuaatuea from tha aaaaa place. Latter'
' condition not of the beat. .
California tomatoea are- coming la better
V ' Mpply and, price ara eaaler. " . ,i
; - Leaks Llk Slamy la VeaX ; 5
Receipt , of - real hare been- aa hoary' of
lata that the k-ne of- tha market la coneld
arably weaker. lTleee a a me today,
lireaeed hoge remain arm with reeelBta -and
demand aht ot eoual at tba preaeat price '
Spring lamba are finding a very good eale
around hc a poand, tbat la for tboaa without
head feat, Leaa price for other a.
1: . Soma Valley Flear la Higher. . . v "
Tha r e t'-.a-'im lii.fc'iir '-t-e
Willamette -trailer rarlety ia i-aualug' aome .of
to-aak blabae -arloaa-end be naeao-
alvea " are adranced 1C a barrel to $3.80
today. 'There la but little offering In tba
' way of -urlcetal buaioeaa, but Callfurnla trade
la now Tnry good. . ..
Wheat la atroug today, with NtHe- tonal.
.Been mulling. I'rlcea aame. --.i 1
un account -of -thahtiber price of cora In
the raet there waa an adrance ef 9C In corn
tteal here-U-dey.".-.- 1--4 ;, i
... 1, .. - canned gooda aad dried frnlta eontlane te
-, una ap and aoma are aaklng higher prlcea. .
" Ko general Bore. " '
"- Twlf Market la Vaaatiafaetary.
Cendltlooa In the potato market are eery
cUneallafaetory fra a dealer'e point af Tlew.
. Thc lj at sreaent plenty of demaad from
. t tnc aouth. but . money la bard to gat, ea-
u-Keellly from San Kramteco., ad dealer here
- ar therefore going alow- la their porchaeee
.53 ft aoutbern account. The general future of
' the market, howerer. la better. -Ntnlon atocka
.u- ara aa nominal that they caa. eoarcely be
Front atraet rrirea paid producer are lea
' regular roiumlaah-iia; 1 - - . ? . -
''-- "trnv lee an Teed "ry.T1'
WHFAT Club, 70c; red RoaaUa SSe; bloa
etera, TOc; valley, OOe. ' ,
BAHI.RY r w.v; rolled, $24 10; hrew
-Ug. $23.60.
-Whota. $27,001 rrachad. $ad.0d pw
I... RT1 $1.88 per ewt.
' OATS Prodoeera' price Ne. wblta, $2g O0l
1-.i gray. fVT.OO. . j . . . ,
riXllJll !ew eaetern OregoaV pataeSf; iSt rt
. J.M! atralrhte $S.0?; export, $3.IOi
ralley. $3.M: graham. tt, $3.n0, wboU wheat.
$ 7H; rre. (in, gn.ooi balea. $j.Vd. wa
MII,LSTTrrS Bran, $17.80 per tnai
dllnca, $2K00: abort a. aonury. $20.00i altr.
$lf)0f: rhop. $l.oo. . . ' Jl
BAT Pradnceee'. prlew Timothy. Wttlametr
' ealley, fancy. t0.00aiS.nO; ordinary, $T.noa
' 00 eaatera Oregon. $1.OOQift.oO mired.
rl 5oe.00: elneer. $8.0009.00; grata. $$.$00
00; cheat, IS. OA. - .
. fjuttar. Err and tanltry."
BUTTS It V AT g . a. i-arlUad gweof
ream, lHdi eonr. MM,:
BUTTER City creamery, anc! enralda fancy.
"lOc: erllnary, 174c; atnre. lSH'SHc. . .
E0(lt No. -1 freab Oregon, candled, 1THC
... CHICK"' C New ruD cream. Sat.' Ida:
TToung America. 16c; ehtddar., I&q; Call fern la
POULTftV Mired rtlckane.' MHe per lb;
,r - fancy bene, lflc lb;) rooatera. old, lie
. pee Tbr . Ji iw lb; freye. Sn
per lb; - brmlera. ge .per lb: - dacha, trie
'f1T perJbi geeee. lie per lb; torkere l4tl7e
- per lb I dreeea. 81c eier lb anna be, U.7$o$ 00
e doa I pteeona, 12 00 pee doa. . "
imm oieiun. a'l-finc
V' wpoic-ljns alto Valley, eeame to median.
. SSe; fine, 2e eeetern Oreon, -1fflBV,
M01TA1W WW." SOiffMiie. "
SHBRriKlNB Sheering. 1800 eeeh sheet
woo), tnoeoe each; medium Wool, AeOTa aeehl
lor wool. T.Vf I 00 ecb.
. TALLOW-Prl-jve. per In, SMOtol Be. and
arraae, 208140.
0HITT1M BARK Sa ne lb. -,' i . .'.
BIDRS Ber, No, 1, 18 rat. and e, ISHO
. It He per lb; dry kin. Be. V B ta 18 lbe. lee;
- dry calf. Ma. i. sndar S Ike. lee: aHn Bldee.
. ateera. Brand. 80 lbe end ever, looilei eawe,
$H'iA ataa and bulla, auand. lei kin,
18 te 80 lbe, 8c; eelf, eenad, nana lb, lie;
greea. aaaelted, 1 leaa: mile, le'ser la tea;
boraehldee. aalted, eaeh. fl.2AOl.Tbi dry. each.
' $l.eOI.$0 colt hleea,. XIVOc. goal akin,
common, eech. lOOISet 'ngora. aack, SBcej
00. . '
rmit ud Vegetables.
POTATO ICH Beet ortd, $1 per lack! pro
- dueer' price for car lot, 80c per ewt; ordl
aarr, SKci producer' prlr, S607Be new pe
taioe. nan id.
ONIONft Jobhlna prlco Oreana. No. 1. 8am
f 8.011: preditcee' price. Bo,-.l, $lpO Ko. a
' $i; tafdle. IOc per lb) anion beie, In.
rRl.MI PRIJITS Apulea, $2 On OH: orange,
' faery narel. aeeUlln,,Li.7B; Medlterraa
V ran, $.100: bananaa, V per Ib: letnoaa,
ahoice, $3.90 per box; sacy $4.00tJ4. pf
-. ,- .
d " Freacnt lndlcevtlona Ara for a 4)
d aevere alump In tha dreaaed veal .1 d
d market Hvvy rwceiptg -have,
d ' been ehpwn for SO long a period
d . Vhar ktocka in tUtv liaqda. of re- .
d taller are overflowlna and there d
d Is a gaining weakueaa each Uajr. 4
d Prices are about the same today,, d)
d , but If present arrlvala continue d)
4J fgr a ' few dayg mora the trade d)
d looka for a senoral slump. ;
- ' ' .-' . . A- .
Mi; Uaiea. MetlcaD. par 100: taniarlnaa,
tl.SX; utacaiila. llnlcan, H.M)f llawallau.
i.0; Orecou alrawbarrlva, Uc lb; California,
l.T. per crate. t
VBOBTABbKS TarBlpa, aew. Toe per aackl
earroU. 7e aack: heeto. KVeJtl.OQ pad
aacfc; Oregoa radlahea,.w)e doa: cabbage. (H(vr
nia. S3 00 per ewl? hell peptwr ftWe per
lb: California - tumatoea... ,'J.(((3.W; . pr
nine, KOttf l.00j atrial beaua, lac; Van
lldower, (2.23 per ciele; itreeu peaer
t(e par ll: horaeradlab. td 7c ; per lb;
artWbokea, 7Sc per dua.t bothouae- let
tnce, .1.604LTS boa: celery, a&c rWo;
apnMta,.ae pw lb rrannarrlea, Jerwra, UfN
pa bbl; Cooa bay and Tillamook. $10.00; aapara
cua, Callforala. He per lb; Ori-r1". 607fi
per dna benchea; Walla Walla. $1.25 per hot;
aqoaah, le; aplnaoh, - 7St$l-00 per boa;
Itreea onlona. Oregon, Uy, dnaen bancbaa;
i'mUtnrmi.' euctiftthera. lh.7oU2.00 04ea.
f b fcl lt T it U ITaV Applaa- era oora e: J Stf
ISe lb) aprlcota, maiM pea io; peacnea, i"Y1M
ISe per Ibr aacka, M ' laaai "raaea,
80 to 40, THc; Ma Tp;oi eaeh aliteenth
ma: ! Im fallornla Mark.. 807e aar
Ih Callfnrnle wklle, 6a par lb ; da tea. -oiiJea.
fe par ibj tarda, ii.w oar. i-in mop. ., ,
ere earl aa. Vata. Xta.
- RUOAR Sack baala-Cnba. $7.05) powdarad.
$8 0; fmlt fraanlated. J0; dry craaaiated,
id.DOh ceer. A, $o ; beet-raaaUtadV D;
etra-CL-0; colde Q. V-X. D yeUeer,
$6,101 bbla. I0cr--bbhv-2eej ariee, BOa ad-
eaace ea aack baate. leea Be ar avt nr eaaa.
U dayat maple, Ulklbe per lb
(Above price apply W aalea ef lea
car lota. " Car lota at apeeul prleaa anbli
bled te
HONRT-lfSM par erate.'f - . .-
COrftB Pacfeare braade. !. . CJ
- SALT Coane Bait groan, ea. T 00 not
ton 1 table, dairy. So. Ill.'-o; tone. $l.Ts "
po-ted. Wrerpool. boa, $17.06) 100a. 1 not
l4aT $100: extra Una. bbla. a. be. loa, $4.6il
$.S; bulk. $20 tba. $4.OO1S.0O: aack a. Boa,
enaade; Urerpool lump reek, $lt.S arr tea:
AO-lb rock.
87 00: loo. VTtl.
filini ftAna Calrwtia. TIAa.
RICB Imperle Japaa, Ma.- 1. Set Me. S.
1fte: New Or lean bead, 11 Alas,- Set
rVeAle Kit. 1 -
t. i. ata.-er"' eae ll aa iiIim
S4.0ftt" plnbi $3,dftr"beyetaj
NI'TS Peaouta. jnmboa. Be fer.b; TlrglnJ.
84 Osat v per lln roaated, 808"4l l"er fb
eoccenuta, MASOc per doa; waiawm. ltlSAe
per JlsiMaBleOOOirWa patlbt blcaerj,
He er lb: ebeetnata, eeetecn. MO Ida- pee
Braatl ant, lee per lb; Alberta. UOl
Ib: faacy peeaas, UHOlSHel aliaeada. 14
rafnts. Oaal Ofla, Zte. - .
- ROPr Pare klaxlla, 14e; ataadard. tHc
leal. lie. .. "
COALOIL-reatlB Astral Caee,JH per
gal; water - white, Iroa bbn, 14e per gal;
wooden. 17e par g headlight. lTO-deg. eaaea,
4t Ue ner eal.- - - .
OAMOUK BaSrrg. eases S4H per gal Iroa.
nolo ine per gal.
BCXEINC 43-dew,'
hkU oer eal.
caeee aSc per gal. Iron
TURPENTINB la eases SI pes gaL waodes
able Sc per gaL
WH1T1 LKAD Toe Iota. 1 per lb; SOS-lb
lata, 8c per lb; tee Vote, e per lb. ' '
Win riAIUJ rreeaat oaaia ai .n.
I.ISsrrn OIL Pare raw. la B-bbl fct.
1-hM lot. 53e; caaaa. Me per gal; Pennine kettle
bwlled. raaae. 80s pee gal; 5-bii (ara. Me; 1-hbl
lot, BSe pee gait greand cake, eer lota, $20.00
par toa; leaa tbaa ear lota. $1 00 pea ton.
'-r BTaate. Flab aad Prerlelea. "
PHCSH MBA Tie rre etreet Beef ataere,
4"ft5e per lb: -reave, 84140 per 1b; bo, fancy.
c; : oroinarr. wrz poor: it per in; anttr
3a per li: real, aatra, fe7Ho--pr lb;
ordinary, 8H- per lb; -poor. DitfSe - per-lb;
mutton, fancy, UHOo per lb; lamb. : SOlOe,
HAMS. BACON. STC Portland pack (local)
hauia. 10 to 14 I ha, 14 H per lb; 14 to Id lbe.
lee per lb: breakfaat bacon. I4ti9 per
lb: picnic, lOHc per lb: cot tare, iat per lb;
regnlar abort clear, nnemoked, !0e per lb;
emoked, lle per lb: clear backa, nnamoked,
lOHe per lb; amoked, llMe per lb; Union tnrtta.
10 to .18 Ilw. nnemoked. e per lb: amoked, 8e
per lb; clear belllee, ao. evoked, lie per lb f
anioke.1. 12 per lb; ahualdera. lOWe per lb.
lxCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. lite per
lb: Be, I8e per tti." SO lb tine. 12e per lb;
team remlered, Ida. 12e per . Ib; Se. iSk
per Ib: compoond. loa. 84c.
1 inKii HL.aai.r. u aaiDia nrer. i-m rain.
1.80; S-lb tall. IX 75:, fancy. Mb lata. $1.80;
H-lb fancy dat.
Alaaka tolla. pi
k, tall, $t.0i-
lb fancy data. $1 in: fancy 1-lh era la, $2.78:
a I laacj 1 -
lak, SSOSOe; red.
I,; aomiiMU
r.Klt ' . Beek ead. Te ser Ib: Sonndera. a Dae
lb: kalltMrt. tie nen lb: era be. 81JI0 eer doa:
etTlpcd beee, 2He -per Ibt catdah, Te per 11
ealmon. Columbia rlrer Chinook. 'Se per lb;
ataelbeada, 7e per lb; herring, Se; ir Ib; aalea.
8 per Ib; ahrimpa, lot per lb perch, Se per
lb; black cod. Te per Ib; tomrod, 7e per lb)
allrer amelt. To pa Ib; tobetera, IRe per lb
freeb mackerel, 8e per Ib; craw flab, Sfta per
dna: abad. 4e Tver Ib: erurxeon, lfto per Ib.
OTSTIKa t-horwate rbatvhr gal, xxi
par each, $.1,75. 'Jrr- -H.
CLAMfWHardaTreWf- per boa. tSOOi . rase
clan. . SS.00 pa box." . , '
-.; . -..;.v; :. . . -
New-York Stock: Market" Drops
fm tl.J rl 'JtBr I
Ovelr Five Lowers
Amalgamated .... SIV Ixvcnniotlr 21
Atcblaoa Norfolk I1
Kuxar ............ z-tkU'ennayiTanta ...... 1
Baitlmora .T 1 ,'laa
Canadian ........ HWi Heading ..M,
SeJ,n.l.t.,-2V: R'k Ialiid. 1 1
Chesapeake 1 V, Southern Pacific. .. 1
Colo. ruel..T..... dVfcmtherrr Railway.,
Brie ............. I'.lfnloa Pacific. ..... 4
UMtlerlll 2VIU. S. "reel in,
lllaenari Pacific... 21 do preferred 1
Cotton Oil. . . . a'l ;
Money rale dVie to the Immense drawing of
ftmda tor the rebaildtng ef Saa Tranclaco eauacd
a aenaattonal decline In tba New York stock
aiarket . today, practically all tba list - being
eereral point ander the closing of yeaterdajr.
Call wane ranged on the exchange around 6 per
cent. TIi opening if tta markft wa quiet
aad eteady. bat the decline sonu began. The
la r eat indlrldual bwa for live' dsy waa In Bead
ing common, which lost fV point from yee
terday'a price. Amalgamated Copper lost Jt
polnta -and In Ion Pacific under b.-arr presauie
waa 4d potnta andr yeeterday at the rkattag
today. . Colorado Kuel waa another of the weak
feature with a net decline for the day of 4
Klnte. Toe list . closed practically at tba
ttrrni. -s . . . . ..
Official eootatlooa by Orerbeck, Starr A
taam eampeny: .
AtnaL Capper Co..
Atcblsow. earn,..,,...,.
An. sugar, com.,,
Baltimore A Ohhv com..
Brnoklj-n Rapid Transit.
Csnadlan raciria, com...
(hl..,MII. 4k St. Paul...
( hesapeak a Ohio
Colo. Vnel a iron, com. .
Erie. cora....
Imleetlt a Naahrllle. .
Metrntnlltn Rt. Ry
Mleaonrt Pacific.
Cotton Oil...,...,,
Onrral loathes.. .
Federal Smelter,-;'.
Norfolk a West., com,.
N. T.. Onf. West...,
Pennsylranla Railway...
P. Us L. C. c..r...
Reading, core. ......,
Rock Island, com.
Southern Ry., ear...,,
Knutltern Pacific.
107'. 107
771 7RJ
ions-i ion
lfto i;muT
log ion
74 74
i.m ini
.19 C
4.1 L,
4K li
po a
117 w
84 '?
Ml 4i
1 niow recti p,
U. H. Steel Co.. com e. .'
fl. preferred "
. 1
4! 1
lot jio11"
Rsle to rw-m7b7.a "shacie?
Vail money closed at, rlaj per cent.
May Gradually Losing Ground in
v , the Speculative Market t
. Others Gain 'Most. - .
May Gains a Fraction and July a
QuarteiwLbw Points of Pay Made
rTtheu Owning LlveiolOTies
Trifle Lower. . .c ,. . ( . , -. : .
1 4.'' 1 ' close .. Close ... 'Oloee
V.-- Tues. lnn. - lb"v.
May ;,-.:. .71 - .7JH I fj.
JoJy.T. ...... . "S-4 -1 .MH
Bepumter. . . J9kr,1lH r" r-
- Gala
$ .001,
Tha CUlca wheet market today epened Am
elia need to a fraction h labor. Toe trad waa
allgutly bearish soon after, mt- became bullish
on the receipt of a nre report of bad crop
In tba outliwat.Th fng between-, the- My
nd July Is again gradually widening ta fare'
of the latter, which today closed a full H
oyer the former. - .. . ..... ',
Opening eablee were trifle off and tbla Jn
a mcssura accounted for aome of the early los
shown here, rn Lrrerpool the rJoalng waa
b'lii"tiila market opening figures rer the low
pobita with the exception of July. May opened
at 7c, the earn aa the closing of yeaterda,.
It gained afractloB aoon after, out tost ea tha
opening cshlee from abroad. - Later It began ta
Improre and at the elese wee e er j eeter
day. The September waa atrongeet with a net
gain st the and of the day of ie Ths closing
todar abowa a gain of hi tlve ily- .
OfftcUht qnotstlooa by. Owbeek, Starr
Cook, compaay: wnrAT . '
One ' Blb. : - Low. s Close.
ta.m la.iw
18.W 15.W0 ' 15.8S
ixvitioot omanr mabkbt.
-LiwoVr:"3'',1l "prted" !
. Toes.
, Re M
, 7d
da ti
6 Tied
Mon. Tues
n 8'td i
0 lit ;
..Wulu April 80, 1908. To th
Oommerclal Kdttor--f- The Jonrnai: i.airi
before me a copy of your Sunday laene, April
2a. wherein you (peak of tb "Sea 'tie Jobber
-.1 ...... SI e seek. . W Wish tO
that tha National Urocery company at no
time adranced. the price or. angar.
vrmr- to reiawin...raneetfviUy -
' - NAXfONAL 6R0CEBT CO..-:-
'"'.-; - J.- C. Istng, president.
-In tt Sunday Isaoe Tb Jonrear" made
reference to the fact that Ssenle prices on
surar bad been advanced $1 a aick. This ad.
radc wia made by one. of the largest-Jobber
la that . territory No refereee st all
waa -niade to the Nettonsl Grocery company.
The boos which made the sharp adrance In
the price la reported to- have later given a
rebate to all-who purchased at tba btgber
price on aceonnt of the general complaint
made by The Jnarnal tbat the des tract ion of
fisa Prandace ahouid not be token advantage
of by tr sclera. Portland bonaea kept their
price Ststlousry ea tbl account.
BosTOjr corni iuinT,
Boststr, May -fc-Offlelal copper closing
Riir 1
Bid. 4
Parrot .wS-1T.M -North
Bntte.. , US. ISO
Copper .Itsnge. TF1.00 .
tlreene Copper.
Tr.. i.nrT
UTl 7.oo .
.... $3.23
waiy wsat. . J.2iv
I'nlled .
..-j - (JoBtoal Speetal-Setilac,) T
Washington. Mny 1. SecretaryTafl
wired ex-Mayor Phelan, chairman of the
finance cornmlttee, at San Francisco this
morning, gayer
'hers i loft -avallable7-rf-th-iwr-f
oritiiiii& a.prujrieviun
ofer $700,080,
Hons, quartermaeters and medical, sup
plies and the transportation ef troops.
It can only be ' expended through the
lawful agents of the war department
hnd bonded officers of the subsistence
department.' quartermasters and medical
bureaus 'under my direction method
provided by congress. I have no aui
tborlty to turn funds over -to you nor
to aJlow them to be expended foe. any
purposes except those specified by law."
tjonraal. Rpsclal Service.) -
Oakland, C'al., May" 1. Oovarnor Par
dee, Oeneral Ureely, Mayors Schmltg
and Mott held a conference today on the
proposal of the local relief committee
that all government funds voted . for
relief be turned over - to the finance
committee ara bent equipped and are
proposal on the grounds that the local
committee nre best equipped and are
familiar with the needs and so can pre
vent the waste of funds whtch ta now
charged to tha war department .,
(peclal Maps tcti to TTi. Journal.) "
Barlow, Or.. May 1. O. C Rodby
started a Norwegian subscription school
bare today and will teach the yodweglan
language both Itv study and religion.
Ho teaches primary and advanoed
grades and haa a good attendance.
Bnptlst services are being- held In
tha school house every Sunday by Rev.
A. iw. Davenport, who has also organ-
lgeT, a, Sunday school, here. .
(Continued from Tate One
latter looked him 'square In the face.
Jones noted that the suspect- wore a
small-cap, dark gray In color and spilt
down one side. The stranger continued
onsdvli-way fn" the direction of Port
land and. word .was hurriedly
New Era to kp a lookout: for him.
The Arrival of Oregon Strawberries Marks
the Beginning of the Enid ofjthe Demand for
California Fruit -Quality Is the Only Cause
- tt .' f-'
Receipts Are Increasing and This
Is Causing Dealers to. Of- r '
'.:. i fer Low Prices. 1
Continued Lack of a Sufficient Num.
- ber of Hogs Ja -Keeping That
Market -Way- Up No - Immediate
, Changee Are Anticipated by Trade.
PrartUnd Tnloa
stock receipts;
Stockyards. May 1. Uve-
-. Hogs, Cttl. Sheen.
Today ( .'..,..
Week age .,
kitulh aga .
, ire;
Spring lambs r again howWiteisldarahla
Wasaness, but price are practically the aame
a yesterdsy.: The receipts la sheep are In
creasing and this ta causing a aomewhat
duller tone tn that market. Vale the aame.
however. . - - '
The rattle altuatloa Is far from settsfsc.
tory to lthar shipper er eommlsehva maa. The
duilaeaa Is eaaeing . aotne to hold back their
purchases with, the view of tordn price
to a tower level. Ne chaaga. howerer, ap
pear In tha list today.
While tb trale la of tha optnlea that the
top baa been reached by the bog market, the
continued lack of a aufdcleat number of 'ar
rival I keeping the tons rather atlft and
full 'ouotxtloa are alwaya obtained for beat
product. - . i 1- t.
Official livestock prices:
Hogs Best esstern Oregon. . $T.2S4t$T.CM:
blockers and China, lata.. $3.k&; atockan .and
feeders, $d.fa, - ,
Cattle Beet aaatara Oregon ateera, $4JS0J
d.75; boat cow and halfers. 11.15: light nd
medium steers. $3.7(1; light cow. 12 76; stxxX
srs and feeder. .; bulls, $2.7S.
- Bhsep BhearUnga. ac: Iauoa.
McCroskeys ' Apply for "Second
Divorce In Case Filled With
Judge Cletand has taken tha Me-
Croekey divorce caee under advisement.
the arguments having- been concluded
this morntasr
Susie - A. McCroskey sued EUawortn
P. MoOroskey for a dlvoroe, for tha care
Of three minor children, for the family
home near Farg;o street and II nloa ave
nue, for $50 a month alimony and asks
se "o , soo
Zr vii.aao
of Sawyer. rWcCFoaKSy -file arTroMeT."
suit, aaklng for the care of the .children.
he husband was Tin tnegttnoee-etsid
yesterday afternoon." He denied the
..-cwfcharga made by his wife. He also de
dared that the children had been given
better treatment and bchoollfig during
the time their-mother waa away than
afnee she has returned. The MoOroskey a
were divorced in 189T, but remarried
October 10. ItOt. r - -
This morning Mrs. Mabel Jahnckel and
Miss Nellie McCroskey. both daughters
of the warring couple, took the witness
stand in rebuttal. They denied the atate
ment made by their father yesterday, In
whtch he testified that the girls had said
they were better satisfied to live with
him without their mother than when
she was preaent. . ; - . . . i- :
- ' i .
There was a marked ..Increase In the
number of marriage licenses Issued from
the office of County Clerk - Frank 8.
FldToH during themonthof-Aprll over I
March and - February. - The Ban Fran
cisco disaster Is one of the causes, sev-
oral weddings having been hurried on
this account. One hundred and fifty
two-marriage-licenses were Issued last
month, whUv only 121 -were aold during
Marortand 138 lu February.
Fifteen of the April brides were oMer
than their husbands. ' Thirty-five of the
grooms gave, their poatoffle addresses
outald of Portland. The youngest
couple- waa Oeorge : Weber, .aged It
yea rs, and Minnie M. Ervln, aged 1$
years. . .-: . , '" I
' ' fjosrnal Special Service.)
San,, Franclnco. May 1. The Ruas
bouse. '.-de ,at'stt '."bldeatr htlsof -eVV-i
San JfYanc'Isco, will rise again a larger
and grander structure than before. The
hotel wll be built on the old site along
Montgomery ..street from Bush to Pine.
It is to be a steel frame class A struc
ture. The number . of stories has. not
yet been determined. The directors of
the -Russ estate are now conferring
with architects. This old-time resort
of. Oregon L people will be in its .new
form a palatial structure " costing
$1,000,000. . ' v V
fjosrnal Special Service.! w
Berkeley. CaX. May 1. Mrs. Honors
Bentley of this city, who is worth $80,-
000, has been arrested by Marshal Vol-
nf atesllng sup nUgg
from various rerlef stations and appro,
printing them to her own use.
Mrs. Bentley waakdrt Into W8tdrTir
at ther Ymtng Men's Chriatlan Associa
tion bureau, where she had given the
name of Mary Smith. She Is accused
of having obtained supplies front a sta
tion by saying that she needed them for
the maintenance of a destitute family,
(Josrnal Special Service.
San Kranclneo, Mny 1. Chairman
Phelan of the finance committee report
that a total abount of tS.lll.t4t has
been promised to the relief committee.- ,
Officer of the Pennsylvania volun
teer who were entertained here while
en route to the Philippines have sufi
serllied $10.000,. Mayor Schmlts States
that TOO carloads gffftrovtalona have
been receive! and 1ST. are -now on the
way. .A shipload of provisions baa ar
rived from Vancouver. ;
Likewise for Children Who Write
Best Essays for Made in
v Oregon Fair. , ;... '
Queen and Columbia Will Be Selected
From j j?hotOf raphe, ..Winner , to
Have t Picture Printed In - Local
Newspaper Railroads Offer Rates.
. Floats, pretty girls and school chil
dren are to be given prises during the
Made in Oregon display. May tt to It.
To arouse Interest throughout the state
the management-has been active In-arranging
several noteworthy eontesta.
The committee -is paying. special at
tention to floats and motor cars. Anto
moblllsta have been Invited to turn out
In force and deoorate their machines
with flowers. . , Invitations have been
sent fraternal societies, trade unions
and cadet organisations, urging them (o
take, part. Th- Hat of- prleo for-floats
In the parade Is wide In scope.- ' .
There will be a- first prize for the
ItCjgt decorated float, a prise for tha beat
floral float, for tha best working manu
facturer's float, for the best float typi
fying any society or organisation.
In the automobile Una there will be a
prse-for the-garage making -the- beat
display of automobiles.- There will
also be. a prise for the -best display, of
horses, for the most original farmer's
wagon and' for the funniest float
. The selection of a queen and Colom
bia are to be made from photographs
-of- the Candida tea for these honorary
position. - The photographs are "trow
being received - in - numbers, - and -the
choice of . the committee will be an
nounced by the publication of the por
traltg In the dally papers when the
successful ones are nominated. This la
believed to be the most Interesting and
Impartial method of selecting a queen
and waa decided upon by" the committee
after careful discussion. .---- --
Children of any school in the state
who succeed In presenting the best
essays on Oregon. Industries and rela
tive subjaeta are to be awarded' prises.
Xhare jrilLfoe a prlotfered ta window
dressers for the best window display
of goods made In Oregon.
' The railroads have offered special
rates that-wlll admit of a large attend
ance at the demonatratlons and Indus
trial paradsJotL-ErMai afternoon, of. tb
expoaltlon week and at the climax of
the exhibition on Saturday. - Rates will
be .allowed by the Southern Paclfle as
far south as Eugene, commencing with
Saturday, May It, and will permit visi
tors from valley towns to attend the
entertainment at the Armory on -Tue-,
day evening ofwpotfltlun week. The
npeclal rata will also apply as far south
ss Ashland -for- all trains arriving In
Portland on Friday morning, with re
Iturn limit to, the -following Bunday
The twenty-flrat annual convention. oT
the Oregon State Sunday School, asso.
clatlog wag opened this morning at the
First Congregational church with dele
gates In attendance from all parts of
the state. About to were present More
out-of-town guest are expected this
afternoon. The morning was- devoted
to a conference of state and county of
ficers and in the absence of the state
president. R. R.; Steele, and Secretary
Merwln Pugh, Dr. J. J. Wiggin. Mult
nomah counfy president, and Mrs. M. I
T. Hlggins - were elected - to fill the
places temporarily. "
Rev. W. C Merrltt of Tacoma opened
the dlsou.tslon on Organisation showing
tha value of Jlstrlctcounty. state and J
International systems. Mrs. Mary Fos
ter Bryner of Peoria, Illinois, liksned
organization o the system of clrcula--tion--i
the human body in which wit
parts - draw Ufa from the heart Mr.
Merrltt then spoke again, emphasising
Jhe need of dlatrlat, organisation in or
der to bring Oregon up to the etanderd
-or-other states. Th field workers are
the greatest step In this direction, he
said. - : - -.-
tlrrued the
ara subject of study from the stand
point of tha teacher, the officer and
the school. " .-- -r-7
-Before Judge Fiss
heard the appear from the county -court
of the Poter O. Martin will case.' Mrs.
Cassle Donahue is the contestant, her
attorneys being J. F. Booth and T. B.
McDevttt Sr. By the terms of the will,
which County Judge WeBlr decided
had been drawn under undue Influence,
Mr. Martin left all of. bis prooertr to
Jtfrs.IeIlaHall, one of hlk four daugh
ters: i ne-eioer oaugnters-arw Mrs.
Casals Donahue,-Mra. Mary Keller' and
Mrs. Llssl Hall, all of .whom are at the
Mr. Martin died in Portland last Oc
tober. A short time before his demise
a will waa drawn up and signed by him
whereby he gave his estate to Mrs.
Delia Hall, with Whom he was living at
the time. It la stated In the will that
this action was taken not because he
did hot love his other children, but be
cause Mrs. Delta Hall had cared for him
during his last days. Witnesses for the
daughter to whone wag willed ther prop-
... w A.ll, K..a v. . w
rMrtn mr tn4lt h n"oed to leave his
raiaia iu t-'f i icfc uwauvw kiv a widow,
while the other girls had husband to
provide for them." --
The estate left by Mr. Martin con
slated, of two lots and three houses In
Sunnystde and $2,000 In caah. -
fi 'r r-7iir fit n 1 '1 XI f afrira
numcui. ran i Mvci,ut
What will be one of theT ntA"- ???J?
donee in The city will be erected for
Mrs. Lang on the. comer nf St. Clair
street and Park avenue. The building
contract calls for a consideration or tit.
000, but it 1 said that when finished
the structure will cost severs! thou
sands more. A: M.- McKcnxle, the con
t rector, took out-the-buildlng - permit
Other building permits Issued yester
day follbw. O. Freywald, repairs to
tore. Flanders between Third and
Fourth trets. coat $H0; Oeorge R.
Shippley. -cottage, corner Albtna ave
nue and Jesstip streets, cost $1,289; H,
O. Parsons, cottage, list Alblna avenue,
coat $1,500; Mrs. . Uibbs, renldence),
tit Portlan boulevard, cost 11.000; W.
T Banun. cottage. MlaMsalppI avenue
ietween Shaver and Mason streets, eoat
$1,701); J. 8.' ftohlnson, repair to resi
dence. 1171 HAWj.noru.e- av
Diseases - and Weaknesses of
MEN, and MEN ONLY. We know
just vhat we :can do, and we have
such firnioiTfidence in our, NEW
we are willing to
under: an , absolute
Unless Cured. We Mean This Most Emphatically
r; It Is For-Vou For Everybody .
SPECI4 DISEASES Recently contracted) 4 days r,,
VARICOCELE (Without an Operation) 10 to 30 day$ :,
BLOOD POISON (No Mercury or Potash) 30 to 90 days
KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE (Unlfo' ) 15 to 40 days
EtQhllshecl 12S
We make no charge for a friendly talk or correspondence. Coma to us in the
strictest confidence. We hsve been exclusively treating special diseases of
. . vnii,n. ..,.n.a un J.vl.. Ae monev can bur is lacking: in
our omce equipment, W will use you
atorsTou to health In the shortest time
pense. -If you cannot call, write for symptom blank.
As Certain as
Night Follows Day
there Is a fixed penalty for the
violation of , any lsw ufjetur.
The punishment, which, urely
comes sooner Or later, 'may be
either sickness, pain, Jocay, or
death. If you are suffering, it Is
certain thatrrou -have.- knowingly,
...bHABTafelv - tmn,.r.Nfcl
Tour chief 'eonoernr-of-oourse. Is
"llOWT "W4s(' BOv-fivW
1CK : t- x -
f ctaliats ws trast and cure allv
enroruu, diuoo. n,rwu , " - ;
special diseases of - men;- ' also U
- ......1, kauri ' lltrer. kldnev. -c
bladder ana tnroat troutiie. uur
doctors are graduates of the lead
ing medical colleges of America
and Europe. In surgery we pos
' - ih. Kiti k 111 end we rer-
lorm tne m-- eriu ui.v.
operations successfully. Any peri
: . . 1. , mw. . with ne mir
r . . i--tt . ' .
bans: In rortiana, to ow piu yi u
tient prefer w will take weekly or
We Guarantee a Cure in
. T . . . . . .
": ."".Vr -. - ! .11.. .,..";".."-''Jr ''f:''-'
Consultation Trow. temwa--wun...-.u.i.v..,.v.
mailed free In plain wrapper. If you cannot call at omce, write . for
qoeatlon blank. . Home treatment successful, , ,
j-4-ffleaoui: k- rnrta p. jn.;
OffloewHw Ta Sfoy oUl, SSH Third St, Cones Maa, VorUaad. Or.
1200; J. W. Carpenter, repair to - well -
n(, corner onerman ana uiin,
Ana i zoo: f. k. Deveiw. rant,
Park avenue and Fifth street, .cost $66;
Mr. U Kuhn. repairs to dwelling, cor
ner Meple-and . Ftrt streets, -cost t0;
T C Pederon, repairs to store, J7J
Burnslde street, cost ISO; 8. F. Parker,
eottsge, 7S Eest Sixteenth streets ooet
Clacaamas -ana "'V
streets, oot $2,800; Iang Co, repair
to store, corner First and Ankeny
streets, oost $700. N. Kenned. cotUge,
corner East Aeh and East Ninth street,
cost H.S60; J. I. Marshall, repairs to
store, corner Fourteenth and Washing
ton streets, cost 1.00. . '
: -T t - '
B. Wollaber, local forecaster,-received
official notice this morning, that
In about a month -h will be given
charge of the weather office at Los An
geles, one of the moet important- sta-
tlons on-ha cos sr except San Francisco
and Portland. - The promotion came as
a surprise to Mr. Wollaber, although
District Forecaster Beats bad been pre
viously apprised -of the contemplated
change. ' . I . . "'
Mr. Wollaber hes been at the Port
land station for the past eight years.
During the jrrester part of the time he
filled the poaltlon ' of aaslstsnt fore
caster. In the southern California city
he will be fully equipped for work and
will. havslSorc!?fepnder
him, . ,, a--: - , - ' '
'LrOUls Tbudhol of Salt Lake has been
appal n
Mr. woiubers
at Portland as
W. Donaldson,
forecaster." H. '
set 1 In the- capeclt-r; jof assistant- ob
server, ha realgned. He' will remain
In Portland and follow some other call
tng. His position will be filled by Wll
ilam H. Warren of Oarrett, Texas.
A victim wa added to the San Fran
cisco casualty list In Portland yeeter
day when the 15-months-old boy of Mr.
and Mrs; Frank, fleddingtnn died at the
Belli ngham house, Eaat Sixth and Mor
rison streets.
Mr. and- Mrs. Haddington were forced
10 flee from their burning home In the
Han Franclaco conflagration and for
several c iv tve mott-f.r and child lacked
n ope - ri-;--r-v by.
Hours-9 to $7 to 8:JQ '
Sunday e 9 to is , " '
cure our patients
Guarantee of j.l L
(AccordlDg-ta : age) 1 4 J- 60 days
Yeora In Portland
honestly, trest you skillfully and r.
with the least discomfort and e-
. . . . ,
- . t the nrlce or
cur In
If tha
. er. t. .frctH.
""""." "'"".""'
Every Case r
We Undertake or . Charge INo Fee
, 1 ln.lrn.Hva Knnla ' fr, mete,
Sundaya and holidays, 10 a. m. to XX.
The Great
.... f----;. - --r-
j Doctor
At No. 162 J First St. Cor. Morrison
Ne tateleaOiug etateaxnts ta the afflicted.
I guar sale a eosapl.ts, aaf. aad la Us tor
la ta
lowest eust peaalble fa
ful trsatmrat. 1 cure ea
.K.m eawiwi. www, u.
usae, aoe a
lie io aooaai ana asmiss.
ful traatmrat. 1 eure- catarrh, astasia, lang.
throat. rheumatism, nervoaaoeea.
atnssacs. .
nver, siaae, ana oi annseq,
riMAu. laonsLKs and aix mivats
Wt renwaie are harmleea, eeaipisag ef
roots, herb., bad and hark eapeelallr eelected
and Imported 4lrct by ea free the tateele
af Chin.
. JJI.1.AIB a as vuotiuua ,
If yeej eauaat call, wilt for a r m p t am his a
aad elremlar. Inclnae 4 cent In stamps, .
Tha O. See We Ohlnse atedictoe P ISgu
yirat St., Comer Merrlaea. Sertlaad. 0a.
Ptaaee meatle tst aa. -
hlght A
soon a waa possible thai
Twrretsco; reaehlng
Portland last' Wednesday, and for a time
staying with friends in Alblna. The 111
ffreeWof the nrgl fsw day .in tlie oiwii
air were seen in the constantly Increaa-.
Ing illnca of the child, death coming
late yealerday." The funeral Will be
held" from the Flnley undertaking par
lors tomorrow morning at IS o'clock.
Mr. Heddltlgton Is a barber and waa
a member of tire Franclsce nntnn
and the General Trade Council. It j
being aided by the local union officers. .
' ' ,BiBaawaaaWMaW
--'''' (Jmiraal fictal gsvvVe.Tt
Kan Francl.-o. May 1. The sirr
enurt 1 decldeil tn leee the t'en.
Hub building on Saneome ttc-r r
tr-"t. I-.r rm re"' Adi -ui" i
taka 'until nct SI-n,l..v
(keoirled to hold It re-- -Hacrasianto
as usiul
library ma be r ', '
to this oil.
1 :