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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1906)
'' ''. ' fHE OREGON DAILY JOURNATJ," PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, - MAY 1. UZ3. i i LL 3C! A D ETS 171 Li liElMRMiOUTFLIlYS ARKTWAINTELLS ...... ST; PAUL.TOSSERS PLAY HIS L Firt-GAnia-Gx)aa-taParratt' IVILL f.lORLEY DO S 0 U A R E T 1 1 1 1 1 G ? COLUnDlA CUE-STORY - 7 ' Military Lads and Whits " and Purple Players Will Croat . '''.'- Bats. , FIRST. MEETING BETWEEN : v ; THESE AGGREGATIONS In the Interscholastic Race Portland Academy and High School Have " Each Won Two Game Withowt Defeat. ,'Al 1:3S tomorrow afternoon the teems of Columbia university and Hill -Mlllr tary 'will meat at Multnomah field for the first" time this year to battle for ? third plrfrwmmonaT the tnteracholastlo teama. Bo far both teama have been ' unfortunate. Colombia lout to the. Port land academy and Hill Military "was de High achoof However, both learn have been bard at work during the paat , two weks to atrengthen their weak places and to get Into the beat shape possible for thia game.. Both nlnea are : very anxlou to atone for their "past defeata. and aa they are nearly, evenly matched a very, cloae contest and a spirited game may be expected. The atanding or - the interacnoiaauo loaani teams la aa followa: . .PJayed. Won. AVge. P. A. ....... . ;,vu . . . 8 '-'-77 S 1.000 p. h. a. ............. 1 . . i. C u. .... .u. 1 - 1 -. .ooe A. . ... 1 .000 -H. M. A. I ' 0 .000 Tba teama will Una up In the follow' lug manner: ,7 ...7 ' Colombia. - ; . . HiU Military. l,ooney P..... Strelt capU) ' O, Moor (eapt )..-:.,... Taylor s.'Ci Moor... ...... .lb.... Fotherlngham McKay ........... t b. . Hayea Barry ........ . Huggtns Ford c-lb. ....... Houghton .Porter ..... .. .. ..rf ........... . Moore : Welsgarbar .cf........ Hendricks Aa a blow to poolrooms tba officials of Aqueduct will not permit reports of races to a-n out for 20 minutes. What a hardship it will be on the rooms to wait Jor It mlnutea longer for the payoff! Fref erred Stook Oaaaed Ooods. Allen Iwis" Best Brand. - - - We would like to ahow you" tome dresa goods for rnen, "Made in-Oregon." A Suit to your measure 20 to f -40. - '.7.: . .(; ..'., , These fabrics were woven for "us by tha Oregon City Woolen. - Mills. v: -y :-'- This same line ia b o u g h t eagerly by Eastern jobbers. - You understand, of course,' that an ; Oregon made fabric capable' of ' competing auccessf ully with the output of the' big Eastern mills" 7does so purely on its own merits 4- jusakejroc.t5ulLto "your " nieaaure" front " fabric woven from Oregon wootTand:r : cut, trimmed and finished in our shops hy .well-paid Oregon workmen. '-- To f4o: your measure f 20 to - Look over this line. You will be pleased to learn that Oregon produces tfie finest wool in the 'world r and has the facilities, within an hour's ride of Port land, for weaving dress goods that sell to the best dressers the world over. ' ' " This : Is aft k opportunity to boost , a worthy home product snd at the.same time, consult your pocketbook's welfare. .... - 4 - 7. ; (Oiixjca - -Elkf Building f Seventhand Stark 3HHi: taSSBBSSBBSSTr . , .... Boys Through Heavier Hit ting Than ppponenta. (Biwrial nitteb to" The ' Joeraal.V .' Newberg. Or.jMay 1. The Bret game en the home grounda thia aeaeon-waa played here Sunday between the local team and St." Paul. Tba game waa hotly contested and waa won by the home team, the score being t to 0. The grounda not being In first-class condi tion, caused both teama to make sev eral -ralsouea. Both Ditchers did aood workV-A lurfaTSrowd waa la attendance. The acorei , -.,'"' . .""H r ST. PAUL. ' " ' -- ? '" AB.R.H. PO. A. R Tjtmhert. rf. ........ 4 0 1 1. 0 Kaymond, aa. ........ a O'O I 11 Plcard. p . 0 .110 Vlvette. ID. 11S CoVle. If. .. .-. 4 Choquet te, b. . , . . . S ii. naymona. C . Pfafer. So, Faber, -rf.- i . rrti . . Totals ...... ...V...J i It It I , "newberq. .: v.T -TAB. It. II. FO. A. K Mills. If. ,0 1 S 1.1 F. Parrett, e. -. .;. Ul 3. Parrett, lb. ,-,,- 4 --1 7. 1 Ham net t, 3 b. ........ 4 11 0 Sl Oil 0 4 0 10 1 l-0 Parrett. aa. ...... ' 1 Todd. D.- ill Chapman, rf. ........ I 0 1 Klnoaid, cf. .... J.. 4 1 1 C. Parrett, lb. ....... 4 1 1 S It 0 1 Totaia i; ;.:..s7 t n ti it SCORE BT INNINGS. Nhr, . . 1 lllltlt 8k Paul 5 .T;Z. BUMMART. r . Earned runs St. ParX 1; Newberg. S. Storen bases Hunnat. Lambert Baaea on baJla Off Todd. .;" Off Plcard, 4. Htruck out By Tod a. t: oy ricara. e. T.itia hit Trwld. Vaber. F. Parrett. Sacrifice hlta Hamneit, Parrett S, Ray mond. Hitrby pitched ball Todd. Passed ball Raymond. - Time of game Two hours." Umplra--Crata. s Bcorer Smith. , Ar.ERIGAH - ATHLETS - ARE i7i::::ers-at-athehs PilgrtmIghtlynd-Bonhag J Carry Off Honora at the ' : Olympic Gamea. '-- IJeorssl Soeelal Service.) ' Athena. May 1. The American ath- letea continue , their wlnnlnga at tba Olympla oontssta hara-aad the chances are that several mora victories will rail to them before the 'games eloae. Yes terday the following raaulta were ob- Final heat, of Jfbe 4Q0-metet raca.ttt yards). Paul TOarlra. New jrork A. v. won. -Time. 0:bl 1-6. - Lieutenant W. Halawelle. England, second, 0:4STT-i. Nigel Barker.. Australia, third -Final hea;t of the i,600-meierTaoe 1.7il yarda)JIX-i.lghtbody, Chicago university, waa first; McOottgh. England, aeoond; Helleatrom. Sweden, third. Time. Hop. skip and Jump... O'-Counor, . Eng land, waa first, with 14 meters. Si centi meters; Leahy, - England, - ' aaeond. U meters, T centimeters, and Cronln third, IS meters, 7 eentimetera. ; ljiOO-meter walking match waa won by George N. Bonhag."7rleHiAarTen-AT Cr-Time, 7:11 S-i. ' Linden, Canada, aae ond; Spetxlotls, Oreece, third. . PENINSULA CLUB GIVES - U WANNAS A BEATING The Peninsula ball team,' played a close and anappy game with the La Wanna team at University Park Bun day morning. Peninsula winning by the score of 1 to S. The llnsuo waa: .. PulnsMlai . $AlVaana.4 Bach,. ...... ..vjjlevers K. Watklna . ..... . o. Swlnt Harris ... lb. Oaborna Savage Pealer Brown .lb. , .Richmond W. Leer ..., Pomrantg O-watklna .. lf..i . Mason Becker . . . .'.1 . . . .cf i . . Smith II 1 Mr ramiiTinll Tf , , r. v, j. Bevana Tba Pelnaulaa want to hear Sfrom any" .. t tba city.. rH, Leer, manager, 147 Curtis avenue. Phone aat llll. 7 - -i -1 -- ROSE CITY NINE BEATS' FJSHEIITHOBSEN LADS Roaa C?tty defeated h Feher-Thor-4 aea nine on nunasy py tna score ot 2a to IS. . The lineup; u-- . Rose City. n rr-r, Flsher-Thorsen. Kembla.--. .e, ... ... Berry Avery p. ..,'.. - Salmon Batton "i. , ...... h .aa. , , . , . . t ... Powell Stoehr ........... .lb. ..j ....... , Walte Conell lb.. .7. i. . .R. Powell Bondberg ......... Jb... Frank Peterson Yanderhove,, , .If . j.. .Fred Peterson of .-...V'. . . . . Hoggin UarshsJl ........ .rf..... Watt AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Sfew Tork. ! . . - .. n. ti. Hi. Boston . . ............. t..... II IS S New York . , 4 7 ' 4 Batteries Tannehlll, Walker and Gra ham; Chesbrb, Newton and Klelnow. At PUUdelpbia. : n. ii. e. Weshinirton ., ,.- S S t Philadelphia . . ..;-.T;...;.-.-.i.-.s -7 0 Batteries Falkenberg and Klttredge; t , lender and Powera. . . - M. uieveiano. . "'A.' " ! ' : R. H. E Cleyelsnd . .m ... v. .i . . I Sij.1 BL Ixuls . ..7..;4 11 ffqjf Batteries -Joss and Buelow; ' Pelty uyfi Glade--end Rickey. At Chloage, J R. H. E. .i.l i Chicago . . ,-iVYYi-. . ;'i . . Detroit ; . . i ... i .... 1 ........... 8 10 S Faiteriee WsJah wid BulUvanTHlever and Bcbmldt : .. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At OlaoUaatL R. 1L B. .0.6 1 flnclnnati r .' LPlltsburg --1 s x Hatteriea Chech and. PhUa: Phlllinnl 1 and Pelts. w :ii.7l "''"' V '. At Boatoa. ' ' . . . . - ' I R. II. E. Boston . . ......,.....Ti....JJ s t New York Batteries Pfeiffer and O'Nell; Ames snd Hresnahaa. - Umpire Emails and Conway. , ' At Brooklya. ' J, ''.! '. ' - H. E. Brooklyn . . I J. phlledelphla y a t 1 Hat lories BcanlarV snd Berrer; Pit- tinger and Doola. Umpire o Day, . At Recent Billiard Benefit- in . Gotham Famoua Humorist '. Amuaea Spectators. HOW A LEFT-HANDED ' ' PLAYER TROUNCED HIM Mark Challenged a Fellow and All That the Writer Had to Do Was to Chalk His Cue Doc' Payne's Theft of FiUsimmons' Horseshoes. Mark Twain .told the spectators at the billiard tournament in New York the other evening for. the benefit of the 6an Francisco, sufferers what be knew about the" game, and kept thenvrlaugh- tng while ha talked. He said: "The game -of billiards ha a deatroyed my naturally (sweet disposition. Once when- I was an underpaid reporter In Virginia . City, whenever . I wished to play billiards. I wont out to lock for an easy mark. One day a etranger came to town and opened a billiard parlor. I looked him over casually. When he proposed a game I answered au right.' 'Just knock the balls around a little so that I can get your gait.' ha said, and whan I bad dona ao ha remarked: '1 will be perfectly- fair with you. I'll play you left-handed.'- I ,Ut hurt, for he was eross-eyed. freckled and had red hair, and determined l to-teach blm-a lesson. He won first shot, ran out. took my half dollar and all I got was the opportunity to chalk my eua : If you can play Ilka that with your left hand.' I aald. - 'I'd Ilka to eee you play with your right' r - "1 can't, ha aald; Tra Jeft-handed.' 7" """!' Crae em 9oa Sfajaa. They are telling a good ' story on T)oo" Payne, the Cleveland boxer and athletic trainer. The story goea that 4 "Doc" was at orrtr lme-Jctlnir"- with Fltsalmmona in one of Red Robert's flght-for-love dramas. . On the stags Robert always ..turng out-a-horaeshoe and presents If to aome friend or BeatrfTtajBiSJ- ft 1s rn 1 led 1 1 iaf We dfwtre to holder In the theefre. The narrative goea to the effect that Para. w nerof Fits at the time. Tayne a.. - . . . uirixiy ana saw a cnanci 10 meae m little clean-up on the side. '.He started .swiping Flts's horseshoea from the anvil and the man who got the horse Yootgear had to pony up. about 1 5 10 the thrifty "Doe."- , " The schema went through with whoop. for a time. Payne was salting down; about 8S a week on the deal, one ahoa "a "day7but lb aonnrmanner Fits tumbled to the little game. He aald nothing, but when he went on the stage that night hla under Jaw. was sticking out a blt-ralwaya a bad sign with FKa.4 - Payne and Robert : atarted up their little boxing ?t. Payne realised that there were 4olnge In store. Robert waa not swinging those speckled, arms at Payne'a ahoaldera as usual.- "He punching atralght . at tba Cleveland man's head. Payne broke ground and. aldestepped for a second or two and Just aa ha was thinking about asking Fits . what - ailed him the Ruby one atepped In and put over one of thoee short-arm welta that put Payne's think J ng apparatus at rest. When ha came out of hia beauty aleep the curtain was g with hla head on a property brick, behind the acenea. Old .. Robert I waa standing - over him arms akimbo; ana smiling at him in a friendly sort of wav. "I ear, h'old chappy," remarked Fits aa he started -to his dressing-room, 'the next time there s h any pin money floatin' Just let ma hold 'orse ahoer h'ln h'on the cutup. That'a h'alt" v They do say that "Doc" never forgot th anllt . . KERRIGANJSJ-IEOJ-OR THIRD PLACE IN HIGH JUMP (Jtnaraal Sperlal Servlre.) Athene, May 1. H. W. KerHgan of Portland. Oregon, " who represented America in the running high jump to day. was tied for third Place with a trGreek. - - The foregoing dispatch was received this morning from Athens and while it shows that Bert Kerrlgaa-waa-iled for third place In the running high Jump, he must have met with aome strong competition in the event. Kertigan'a pest jump waa made In 1. when he cleared Sfeet S'vnches. Last year in the A. A. TJ7 games at the exposition- he jumped J.jteetH4lnchesa 1 Pendleton, Or., May 1. in the same of baaeball which waa played yesterday ariemoon oeiween tne, High achool of Pendleton and the BchoVteam at the big Eagles" celebration at that place the Echo team won the game by a score of s to 11. The game was attended by nunareaa ar -eastern Oregon people. A Prominent Educator Peo lares Tutol Is th Beet JO0X Ztvex -i :.,011 l'reparatios, There haa been a roocT deal of dls- eusslon an Portland regarding the merits of cod liver oil preparatltm, and wheth er or not cod llver-eH- mid emulsions that upset the stomach, have any me (llclnal virtue tJierefdee, "the following letter from M. ' A. (?assldy, superintend. ent of schools, Lexington,-Ky will be read with interest r - f'l am pleased to state that after havins'j used' and .tested . the different cod Hve- ol'prp"ratlons on the market - mlaoi. - U'W far auperlor to them an. it is palatable and pleasant to thirl taste, mfactr the - oily, flshy taste of cod liver oil la done away with entirely. and the- curative J and strengthening properties of Vlnol are, truly remark able. .... "lnol built up my system, strength inn HIT nfrvca riiu uinuv m iiww II Ml 11 01 me., and 1 heartily Indorse It as. the most enlcar?lous and agreeable cod liver oil preparation on the market." A mejnber of the firm of Woodard, Clsrke Co., our local druggists; when suited his opinion In regard to Vlnol, replied: "We firmly believe Vlnol to be the bea "preparation of cod - ttvey ott, therefore, the greateat strength-creator and health-reatorer known to medicine today. -We have never sold anything in our elore equal to Vlnol to build up the system, atrengthen the-'nervee, cure In digestion, chronlo coughs, colds,' bron chitis and incipient consumption., or to make gfbwlng children robust and give strength and vigor, to the aged, and to make-the weak strong and-the aick welt -U la for this reaaoa tha we offer to give back the money la every- case where It falls.", Woodard, Clarke Jk Co., druggists. V Shrewd Manager' of Loa Angeles . Has Method in His Pres- '.' ; " ent Actions.' NOT HIS FIRST TIME TO PLAY TRICKS ON PORTLAND Despite Rumors of Abandonment of League', Portland and Oakland Will vvOpen the . Season at Recreation . Park Tomorrow Afternoon. It appeara that the general opinion among the baseball fans of the north west and Portland especially la that Mm Morley of the Los Angeles baseball club Is doing his utmost to tbobw down the Coast league, bats, baggage and alk- On the beela of his withdrawal from the league on Sunday he changed his mind long enough, after receiving several urgent telegrams from the north,-to an nounce .that he would not disband his team, but would go to Freand. and play the Tlgera. The time has come when the fans have good grounds for worry. Morley la a smooth business msn. lie engages In ha e ball for money and has waxed wealthy through baseball channels. He Is not like owners In Portland ana Seattle who pursue baseball solely, for j n,ured up the eltuatlon with extreme tne love ot the sport, ile eviaentiy nas care and if his figures are correct they are. somewhat amazing. He claims that the Coast league will loae a cool 1100,- 000 If Tt oonttnueo to play thia season. Although his' team la due In Portland on May SI. It la dollars to peanuta that ha will refuse to make the trip. Morley would probably have disbanded hla team on Sunday but wanta aome chance whereby ha can regain hla players next year. - If he can lend them to Spokane or Tacoma or.JButte he cam. make an ar rangement whereby they will return to him sext yearJBhould ha disband then he would claim upon any of. hla play, In Fresno has. been prompted by have a few more aerlea played In that 5 J0 wUt 1 hla adverttslna ' contract In thi hia advertising ' contract In the acore card, and for. the eigne on the fence. Mike ia a foxy old magnate and can as a long distance when there la a prospect of money in view. Of course acore cards or advertielng on the fenoa In Portland would not prevent In any way the proper methods , being taken to conduct base ball gamea In thia Section. What the ianawant is baseball and JudgerMft- Credle intends to deliver It. Fans can reedfly. recall how Morley gave Portland the double cross lrr the friendly fake trade made laat year, whereby L6sApgeles secured Xtgrand Schlafly and Portland got Smith. Flood and Toren in exchange' When the time came for delivering and settling, up MorUy.-got-t'OO for Brhlafly-from Washington," and ' when thia season atarted he retained Atx. while SnYith and Flood refused to play with TPort-land.- That Is how Mr.-Morley treated ortland. . In the ace of Ihat deal.: U there the slightest hope that his Inten tions are on ba square" now T " B,cJ',tJ7 A,lew f fi11' whe" il was here laat week, tallied about Port land and Seattle Joining the Northwest lMyufcsnwsald It was the only logical solution of the. situation. To thia MoCredi would not listen. . Imme diately upon .Agnew's return to Seattle he made arrangements for the aala of hla ball park, and that deal waa con aummated on Saturday last. Have these men acted squarely with Portland Of course the Oakland team la- elated to open up with Portland tomorrow. To what other city could Oakland go than to Portland t; The San Francisco team paased through here thia morning en rout to Seattle. Where else could they gof . 1 j. v r: . "7 - These - teama are- homeless now and they are willing "to gd any plaee.- - This mornlng-flecTetary-Shepherd of the Portland baaeball club atated that, owing to Judge McCredle being busy,' yesterday - with- a Jury case at - Van couver, he waa unable to maae arrangw menta for the opening game tomorrow. Mr. Shepherd-aaya that while he was a "Web foot" in politics, he was a "ten derfoot" In baseball, . and didn't know what would be don; He ascribe Mor- ley's peculiars actions 7t the- factThaTt everybody haa blue daya once in a while, and thinks that when the clouds oil by everything will once more as sume a roeeare nue. The Portland Giants are due to arrive this oveidng- with the OaklanflraanJ If all ia well, the first game will be played tomorrow at a:30 o'clock. HALF-MOONERS PLAY TIE v GAME WITH IRVINGTONS I. The Half Moons and the Irvlngtons played a tie game Sunday, neither aide being able to croea th plate. The bat' ting of both sldVs- was -good, but they could not get hits when they -meant runs. In the last half of the ninth the Half Moons ' had, three men on. bases. with none- out. but Vennlngs, the Irvlng- ton-pttcher,- struck out " the' next mart up. . Thorney, tne iian moona" pitcner. bit a high' fly that looked as though no one could get under It, but Hclney Duncomb Mosart got under It after a hard backward run and by a good peg to the platter caught the other man, Every out was made by files or strike out a Thorney struck out i men ana caught two flies. Jennings struck out 14 men and caught--.three llnera, ao that the pltchlng tJonor - were - even. The feature of the gam waa the catching of Professor Murry Of the Half Moona It was hla fltst time behind ths bat and he did finely. The line-up Half Moons. . , Irvlngtons Professor Murry. ...e. ...I... Lovejoy .Hen Jennings Thorney ........ ..v;.T.p, Oeorga Murry .... 1st -Uv, Wlnterbothem ....3d b If. Mosart ...John Brown Hank Murry ss., Spuds Murphy. ....Sd b. ......Red Butcher judyTtTumti.TnT .1. ... ...L. Brown Calavlan r. f Mullen Bill Burns c. f . Coovert Umpire, Whitcomb. The Irvlngtons would Ilk to have a game with any club In the city, ages if to is yesrs old. Call East 3237 after o clock. , SPORTING COSSlPr- On the heels of his withdrawal from th Pacific Cokat league Jamea Morlav of Loa Angels, according to renort. still i wanta to remain In the Paelflo Coast league. How about It, James T The Carlisle Indians will probably be SeenTIn action on Marshall Held next fall. Coach .Stagg has received aJetter front the Carlisle manager asking for a date on the Maroon achedule. Ordi narily there would be ,n chance, but LET How easy it if to secure a DI AM ON D, WATCH or JEW . ELRY without considerable' outlay or paying , exorbitant prices. Our prices are. lower, our- stock' larger than those - ',. 7 1 of any jeweler in the city. ;.; j 'V .777 OUli EASY PAYMENT SYSTEM "Enables any one to "Save for valuables and wear them while saving." ,Y on pay no more than were you to pay cash.-. We give you possession when making, first payment.- v, ;- i SEE OUR DISPLAY WINDOW Larflcsl DIanond Dealer The Little your Vest Pocket EE the thin, round.-oornored little al-Bor"JbelQWt--wTigri carried In your vest pocket it eneaas Hesllh-lnsiirsnnri. ' ti-rCady Tabtefc pleasant tsste, almost , as ; pleasant, aa . chocolate. ; " . . 7 Each Ublet la a working dose of Cas- ; carets, which acts Ilka Exercise on thT Bowels and Llyer. It will ngt purge, upset ths stomach. - Because. It ia not . a "Blle- drlver,' like Salts, So-TJtr dium. Calomel, JaltpT Senna, nor Aperient Waters; . . ' ., "TTiese waste DIgea-' ttvs Juices of the system needed to-. I morroWr- In ..mer ev. (lushing out the Bow lls todays . 7. , 7 - i . Ta '. Neither Is It Ilka Csstor Oil, ClyceflneT j or other Oily Laxa tives that . almply lubricate the Intes- ' j L.VT.:Eaa. ' ncKon, nor J B S "V Showing tut"V4ttphr Coxtrtt B temjtartd U IValth. tines for transit of iho food slopped up In them at that partic- . .. r. 'ar time. . 7 These emerffney drugs relieve the t Immediate trouble, but do-not relieve Its Causer- ; !.' , The asms trouble will "therefore' recur 7 agalouJJIl that . Cause , la . removed per - tnanently,. .....l.TT 4V: ' . J 7' 7' ..The, chief cause ,'ef Constlpitlon and - Indigestion Is a weakness of the Musoles that contrjet tha, Intestine, snd I Bowels V Carcareta are, practically to the Bowel - Muscle, what -, Mgs and CBiS ar to the Athletic Muscles. ; ,7 1 ' " . ' M4 IRVINGTON May 2, Auction Sale Fine Horses T 150 head of drivers," carriage, ssddlers, brood marea and atalliona. ; Sale commences Portland Horse Sale Company - '-. Office Room 8 Hamilton, Building . COIU R. L. rlARRIMAN, Aucttpntsf Ari Unequaled OfCerrr : A set of our fsmous $11 false TEETH for BIO. Painleaa- eatraotlng .free with thia offer. Exam- I inatlon and consultation free. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. , Extractlngv&O cents , v , A .-l " WISE BROS., Dontiats Tximo ajtd Main 80fl. Opea Coach Stagg aald this" morning that tf the Michigan-Chicago gam waa de clared off for a year by the faculties he - would give consideration to, the Carlisle Invitation. " . e e The mayor of Pittsburg has refused a Baaeball pass. This may make him look hlgbly-noralJto Jome peoplebut es tremely foolish to others. . ., - rtstle scribes are peculiar people. Some of them are writing columns won derlng whether Jeffries would come.out of retirement for a purse1 of sitO.OW. ' ,-"' Mike Schreck was robbed of a victory ever- George Gardner by the referee. There ia no doubt about It, for Schreck's. manager has aald so. - V; tref erred Btoek Oaaaed Ooa.! Allen Lewla' Beet Brand. la Orcfion 74 Third Strcel Doctor in . ..They sttmuUte ths Bowel Muscles to ortrsTfreTfPod. and squeetathe- tHgesf tiv Juloea out I food eaten. 7 -77 '"."" "; 7 Laacareta do ?thia natursily," without purflnj or discomforts- . : . . . '.. They donjt help the Bowels and Liver . In such- a way aa to make them lean upon similar assistance for the future. . . Thla Is why, with Cascarets, the tlose may be lessened each succeeding ..time Instead of Increased. .!," must ps wun an succseainr poses cTother Catfiirticaand Laxatives. Cascarets set Ilka exercise. t If carried -In your vest rocxet, (or car- "risd Ia-MyTLady's . Purse), and eaten Just when you sus-l recryott-Baeirgfie . you will never know a ' sick day from the 7 '"ary Hla of life. ; " . x '' ..,', BecauseTneirlyan these Ilia begin In the Bowels, and '. partial Constipation pavea the way for all other Diseases. ? . r ' r 'Vest Pocket"" boa 10 centsv' : r ; ' i . Be aura you get the gemiinei made cnlybyj the Sterlings Femedy.Company. and never -sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." 'j 7 j, 1 21il;7l7 r 1'"- ;7Vi ' " '. ' WMXE. TO OUR , 'JcS XS awasare ef rwj faith sad tscsr tsst efCaacsrea AMrJJ, Bterllag Keaeiy Coorauy, Calcaas sr new s5. RACE TRACK 3 and 4 at 10 a. m. daily. V wASKnraTO. avealngs .aag BaaAaya. EAGLES FLY TOO HIGH 7 ! - -FOR CHAPMAN NINE h The Eagles defeated the Chapman Street school nine In a well-played geme of baseball by the acore of e to 4 yes terday. The feature of the game waa Krickson'e home run. , The lineup: Chapman. . 2' - 77 " Eaglee. Muehllg , . .. .e7 V.f;;VPeusch Brsndrs . '. .t . .f ... .p. ... f, , . .-, Erlrkson Wim ........ Schulae Meier. .2b. ........ , Jackson Karg .. .4f?-i, . Johnson Kackrlts ........ .lb. .. .... . Davis Labrens . .. .rf C Eleel Taylor .......... . .cf . O. Hleele Schulae ; . . . . . i . . .If . .'. . . .rT . . . , Psuhl '. OaUoway at BUUsbere, Hlllsboro, Or, May 1. C. V, -Oallo 8 lEo Portland unpTi.iNn riRtSOK. -T KUR0P2AN PLAN ONLY - HEADQltARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL . :'... TRAVKLtRa - ' ' ' Everything to eat and drink, and It costs no more In the . . Portlan Hots! Hathsksnar' ' than elsewhere In the city. Kvary weekday night from S:30 to IX SC. O. StOWBBm Manage. SPECIAL SPECIAL To- Asaure.rrompt and , : Careful Attention ,. -,r i ;: 7'.' em. :'. :--' . ; u vood coriPAiir . joni phone Paelflo . Prices for the Next 30 Days i'r. ..''' , . -. - Per Load. Green Blab Wood Dry 81ab Wood "". , Inside Slab Wood . Mired Slab Wood Hotel Eaton CO. V0BUS0V AD WIST ASK STS. NEW" ' " HaoSesaialy fnralstaed, elrgantly eealppee, Brtn., a mtnutM' wilk from heart l happlae aad Iwilwsi. dltrl',t, ill lrf. airy, eutalde reooia, sUaoi hratod, elactrk Hsha,-tHkoM In each aiwrtment. tie. i,arse otbm, tpaasins. uhjxh, - -nuu,. tlt- y,Wr. 1 limn rrerr tihI rrtvee estsieas meets trtfiss aad StaaaiefB. Room $I.OO f $S.OO a Dan ' SpMUl Bates te Oeauaerelsl Xea, ,...JaBB. MAI XAT0X. . -l. rorserlf ef Hotel Bldpatb, Sposane.) DLOOD POISOU vroi 0BI TUN TWENTY YEAH 7 we have made the cure of blood polaoa a sneelalty, Prlauiry.Seeeaaery er Tertiary Bin Peleea Permanently Cured. Yea eea be tree ted et home under eame guaranty. Capital SM0.08U, We" eoTTcTt the moet obeti Bateeasea If you have exhausted the old afetbeds of treatment, and stil 1 have aches snd peine. Mueus Patches in Mouth. Sore Throat. Pimplaa. Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcere on any part of the body, BTlr or Erehrows faille out, write for proofs of cures. leS-pag Book Free i 1 . COOK REMEDY CO. ; .. USi BiSSalC TIBrtl. Ukasa, t.1.1 Get back your strength. energy, ambition, by using- BASSETTS NATIVE HERBS. Costs only $1 far three months' trestment Dr.WHIiatH Austin Cox y . ' -- Bss ay, ZAfayett Bldg, JjlVaWaUlaTTJIOTPaTTfe . . . e . - .urt Crew aat. Bstdg Work a peoUlty. Scctf s SLital-Pejsii K3Sis!.s A POSITIVE CURE rorlellemsMtloB ceOaterrfcof . tba Blender anl 1ltMnd KM- m as cttbs ao ras. unree losly aad frmBfiBtlT the rent cue of aiuMenaissa aa4 . aeoettar ef bow t Manama, aeseiafaiy ualia. laU M arnasiaU. rrlee J1.4S. er by stall. Boat Bald, SiXaTl baaes, jinv. TKE SAXTAL-PEPSIX CO. Mark S) Every Vcnian k klaBsrssted snd sheeM taew . BDoat uie weaeerrei MARVEL WhirUsaj Sorav I The mmw Vatknl SiHaaa. Miff iMeae aareoe, imss sax. esv Moat ronv ,Mi TMB BfBBBrrBjl W Baa " MDsBT tmi NdS ItealMp la IllustmiMl boofc sJ4. Iu prticUriti4illrrtioii faiuAbte to K tVBl eti VL SBSBgi s.'T. sk sC laV WaaBBlA. A, 0. fKIDMOBE ft 00., 161 THUD I TOUT, UrS .WOOOAJJ) 0LA&XB 00. GUKrmrdt. wnu Miiowsr t vail. Tami l KatreeS ef Oabebe sa ThsiMMk ewfci and ! ear fee -MonkoMilMtaUiM.iM. fr take, eoavaaieat te eerry. fifty tlowe Martla's. SI1 WnMncto t. rartltnd, OntHii or by stall from Xlte Tarraat Co., ,4 Bsdsoa st. Mew tk. . - :-i way,. Democratic nominee for congress, addressed the eltlsens of Hlllsboro and vicinity yesterday evening en the po litical laaues of th day. The Hllls boro comet band furnished the muslo and a -large, and appreciative audience listened to the candidate. -V7.. ...... .13.25 ....... Il.TS 1 " eaoaey back tf ''X I woesa't cur. . Also II 9 f J v"'t I 3Jcstse..AtDrugaTlts'M y) -" I (m black boxes); if not. 7 a I ; " " I sea m ran sr-mang Mftf tssi I tosttft NsBve lerss Ca 1 I ; iiiamllcat :- lrJ 7l - . taa Bel rat ?v eat-Moat ronTsaiant. I ey 'Oi Hf'i lanatlr. Wmeeat,l.-V 71 It alTM , TV '"m rHl",,m0 "7 7, I . ' 4 The earthquake was -plainly felt- at savsral. places In Klamath county, '' 7 !-" .'' . " ' If ' - - ' : .; .... . (. . .. i . . ' v V