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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1906)
I Tcivn Ycplcs i - - j, t YOSATI AUVUMEMTU. nniig., hmplre. Baker .Pollard-a la "A Runaway Olrl" 7i...."Tbe Ulier ..... J..... lUtfURMI VllftTUl l,rtc. ... .(,... A Broken Heart" nitjkittitMii , VaudTllu V. Vaudeville Star The tollowlnj; artlrlea of Incorporation -have reoently been -Med liWthe office of County Clark Frank a -Fields: llilqu Brli'k 4k Ttle company, by B. K. Hoover, A. BT. Hoover. Henry Black and H. HannL Capital 110.000. Chapman Advertlatn company, by C. C Chapman, H. 1L Mat teaon and C. A. BelL lanital. $1,000. Irrlaron. Abstract company, by John V. Hhielda, A. A. IJodaley and C. B. Altchl aon. Capital. 11,000. National Iron ft " Foundry company, by "William Nawcomb, J. M. Malcolm and John Crawford. Cap ital, $10,000, Nt1tary Milk & Cream company, by William S, Curtis. Mark W olf and U. H. Carey. Capital, 13,(00. . BRIEB ,'! ' .'' .' Tha changea of years ara rapreaentad In the changing of styles. Our lateat model are the perfectpn of up-to-date tallarlnr. graceful fh atyle and dealrably comfortable, they, give you a correct and dreaay appearance. Tha workman ahip la the beat, made to wear and tve satisfaction, and the price la one you can afford as we make any auit 1q the nouaa 10 oraer ior io no mora, no less. Tbla la something no other house In this city will da Come In anyway. Alwaya glad to have you Inspect our roods and workmanahlp. Unique Tailor In , Co., S0 Stark,' between Fifth and Sixth streeta. . ! Emmet Charles P pre art Miss "Viola, Ethel Cook, both of Portland, were mar ried at the Soott hotel by Rev. Henry A. Barden yeaterday evening. Miaa Hat tie Porller waa the bride's attendant and Joseph F. Keller waa beat man.' At the conclualon of the ceremony Mr. and Mre. Page left on their wedding trip. . Mineral Spring Hotel company, lea. . Aram D. St' Martin hot spring. Carson, Washington, is without doubt the beat health reaort In the northwest. Hot mineral bath for cur of rheuma tism, atomach. llrer and kidney -trouble. Excellent table, electric lights and - ataam heat; fin trout - Halting. Take ' steamer Breneer or Regulator boat a. 1 J. N. Matcahek, the Firat atreet candy manufacturer!-was arraated Friday upon a- warrant sworn out by Market Inspec tor Sarah A. Evans for a violation of the food law, forfeited hla ball of $25 caah In the police court yesterday.- The mar ket Inspector said ahe found "box of 'decayed date In Matcshek'a factory, T " vaaaaaaHaM " Excursion Uniform Rank,' Knights of the Maccabees, for San Francisco re lief fund. Sunday, Mar (. to Albany and Corvellle. Round trip, $1.60. Baseball game at Albany" Albany Colt ' vs. BrainanJ Maroons. Tickets Vor'aale- at Woodard. Clark A Co.', 8chlller- cigar -store and by member." , ,-'. The Alharabrs, club gave the fourth of a series of dance laat Tuesday evening. About ' "SO , couple were preaent. The committee In charge were Messrs. A. K Glanelll. Jame E. Bannon and L. H. Russell and Mlsse K. Covach, M. Rob Inaon, Mary tlnnegsn and Josephine Curran. . .. "v Evergreen Sanitarium, 14 Corbett street" A quiet home for the sick of noth.aese and women In confinement. In charge of graduate nurse from Bel- Jevue and Polycllplc, New fork. Splen didly furnished rooms and surgery In connection. Telephone Main 1800. Proud of Tour Lawn T If not, reseed It with our fancy lawn graaa seed. Re member how pretty the lawn were at ; the fair ground? we furnished the seed. Call Main 47$ : and aak our land scape gardener about' making lawns. Portland Seed Co. - t. We will be open today from 19 to t, so that peraon who have not the leisure at other time may have alttlng at any - lime between these hour. Flrat-clas work guaranteed In every instance. - B. ' W. Moore, Elks' building. Seventh and , Strk ' Henry Rodger of Butte, Montana re , ported to the police that he went Into a """fourth street resort laat night and was drugged and robbed of everything he carried except the sum of $4. He la stopping at the New Western hotel.- A San Francisco refugee whoa .name the police do not desire to make publlo reported to the station offloer that a purs containing $40 was stolen from him at the Eagle Club saloon at $08 Irving street, , Those Awful Slugs. They eat up the sweet peas, small plants, etc. They ara J easily extermliuyed by using Blue Label Slug Destroyer, 26a and 60o packages at Portland - Seed Co., Front and Tamhlll street. ". ' Portland' newspaper mailers will give a ball next Thursday evening at the Armory hall for the benefit of the Ban Francisco newspaper mailers. . Everest's orchestra will play. Miss O. Leslie, aged 1 years, ran away from her horn at The Dalles and the police were asked to look out for her. Detective Carpenter and Relalng were detailed and found the girt ' aa We are " headquarters . for those desiring to purchase wed ding presents. Not only do we cater . to the most fastidious, but the smaller remembrances of such occasion receive our special ' attention. An unusually attractive and new assortment of such articles as Solid Silverware Consisting of the most modern and unique patterns in . HOLLOW AND FLAT ; WARE V HIGH-GRADE CUT , ' ' GLASS , .' ; DAINTY HAND- PAINTED CHINA That fits become so popular,' for such occasions. . .. G. IleiUceraper Co. Jewelers and Silversmiths 886 MORRISON ST. " . Lowest' Priced Jewelry House , : for High Orade Oooda, , Wedding Presents Ue Want oa to Sec Car RfeHome Jt: Th officers and dlrsotors of the Oregon Trust . Savings Bank of : Portland, Oregon, extend to the' public a cordial Invitation to ln- ' spect their new banking quarter, ' .' Sixth . and Wash In ton atreeta, Monday April SO. The growth of . the buainess of the Oregon Trust . Saving Bank haa been so great that larger quarters were neces sary, and we are glad to announce that In our new home w will have as good facilities for serving you In all branches of banking as can be found on the Pacific coast. W. H. MOORE., . ... ... .President , . E.' E. LTTLE... . .Vice-President'' W. COOPKR MORRIS. . . .Cashier . BniOTOU, W. H. .Moore, ,Io Friede, H. A. Moore, K EL-.ytI, W. Cooper 'Morris. A- ' ''' ahe was alighting from the train at the Union depot.. She waa given . In the charge of Mrs. I O. Baldwin, super intendent of the Travelers'. Aid society, in whose car she will remain until her parents can be communicated with. This will remind you that now la the time to have your hair mattresses reno vated and returned the same day. Phone Main 474. - The Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Mstsger. proprietor.. . .ii ' . ', Butiers lawn fertiliser rejuvenates th shabby lawn; hie sweet pea and lawn gcaa got gold medal at the fair; 111 Front, between Tamhlll and Taylor. Watches, dlamonda and Jewelry on easy payments. $1 down and to cent par week. AH mainsprings $1; all watchea cleaned IU Metsger Co., lit Sixth st r , , ". . .... i , - The corner atone laying of the build ing for the college of theology of the Willamette unlversltn-wlll beheld Tuesday, May 1, at t Welock p. m.v Have call for. all kinds of-business and residence properties. List your bar gains wUte-roav. R. U Cat. Ill Second tree(, ., - . . ; '': We tr atin selling eye glasses at 11, a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. MeUger Co ill Sixth atreet. Coal oil and gaaolln for stove and automobile. . Phone Main 1$$1. 141 Flrt atreet, corner Alder. :' . v 1(0 head of horses will be sold at auction. . Irvlngtqn racetrack. May S. ' "Dustleaa Roads." Portland Road Oil ing .Co- 446. Sherlock building. Dr. 3. R. Wetherbee has returned. Office III Marquam building. 7 ' '.' 1 - ";' ' Horse auction, Irving-ton- racetrack, May . I, .......... ... Wooster,' the fruit king. VAUDEVILLE AT THE BAKER All THIS WEEK .' '' i laliiini iisssssasjsssjss ' - Performert From Wrecked San Franciscp Houses Will Furnish Features. After some 10 weeks of burlesque, the Baker today will turn to vaudeville, which will be the attraction for the week. The first performance will be given this afternoon, and . the price will be a little more than half thoae regularly charged for burlesque. The entertainment will be unusual In that It wUl be provided by San Fran cisco performers, many or whom war left stranded when th earthquake and fire destroyed the city. Associated with Mr. Baker In the enterprise are J. H. Errlckson of the Grand theatra and Lc C. Keating of the Lyric. Among th perf ormera secured are: . Three Leanders, poses pi sat I que. Dot Raymond, vocallat , Homer Long, black-faced monologuist. Mr and Mrs. James Lee. -Little Madeline. Frank" Rents, trapex act. The Boutona. Jam P. Lee and company In a faro comedy by James p. Lee, entitled "The Wropg Doctor"; caat of character: Felix O caiiagnan. James P. Lee; Charlie Rivera, Dick Mack; Mr. Rivers and Dr. Banks, Homer Long: Mary, a servant. Dot Raymond; Julia Banks, Maxle Mit chell; Mr. Banka, Jean Hathaway; Mrs. Montague, Marie Barbler. . , ' SELECTS COSTLY PIANO. ProoUaent Portland Citlsen Takes Ad vantage of Prls Credit Oertlfloate. Among th 23,000 lists submitted In the reoent publicity contest conducted by 'Ellers Piano House, the one aent In by Harold Hugglna wa a most commenda ble one and reflects much credit on the ability of this bright young man. His list waa awarded a large prise credit certificate. Maater Hugglna la tha aon of A. T. Hugglna, manager of the Flelachner 4k Mayer Co.. the largest wholesale dry goods house on the coast. , . Mr. Huggln ha slways been recog nised as one of Portland's shrewdest and most capable buslnesa man, and ha Im mediately aaw that the certificate won by hla aon would effect a great aavtng In purchasing a. piano. He selected a very eostly and beautiful Stock Orand Piano. The Bteck- Instruments , have been before the publlo for more than half a century, and have a most en viable reputation throughout the -world, it being the Instrument that waa uaed exclusively by Frans Llsst, the eminent Oerroan composer. - - -. ' We Want-,, To huy Caacadla, . Copperopolls, Dixie Meadow. Golconda, Standard Con., Ore gon securities. Highland. Hurst Switch. DeForest Wireless. Marconi ' Wireless and all other atorks. Get our price before buying Ton will save money. Call or write. Lafayette Build ing. Sixth and Washington. -STANDARD SECURITIES COMPANY. When a foreigner haa a title h gerv arally manage to meet some fool worn-J an who ha th pnea, - ... j - - EXPORTS tf:71PniL 8754,553 One of .Best Showing Every Made(at Portland at This ' ".Timej of Yjar. " - i , " TEN SHIPS CLEARED P")R FOREIGN PORTS Artgonit H ' on , ; toard Nearly Thirty Thousand Barrels of Flour Lumber Shipment, Including - Those Coastwise, 15,000,000 Feet Product. - Value. Wheat, 141,7.1 bushels. ,......164.1B4 Flour, 8t.071 barrels ,., JS4,J4 Lumber, I.7SI.S74 feet 81,420 Miscellaneous freight......... 17,6 ; Total value................. 17(4.161 Portland In April made one of the best showings in esports ever made at this season of th year. Two more grain cargoes would have brought tha value of ,the shipments up to 11,000.000, a fig ure seiaom exceeded. Ten ship cleared for port aero th seaa lu the past It days, alx carry ing grain and flour and th .other four lumber. The flour was taken out on two Oriental liners the Arabia and Ara- gonla. The latter cleared at the custom house late yesterday afternoon, and will leave for the sea at daylight this morn ing. Her flour shipment amounted to It.tOS barrels, nearly S00 more han th Arabia took out early in th montn. Including that sent coastwise, the lumber ahlpments for the month to taled 15.624.m feet. 1 vessels being required to handle the traffic One cargo- went to Boston, one to Genoa, Italy, one to Port Ptrie, Australia, one to Manila, one to Shanghai and th oth ers to California ports. . Th Boats and Tht Cargo. In detail the export business for th month Is as follows: April 6 French bark Jules Oomme cleared for Queenstown or Falmouth for orders with 1Z1.8I0 busneis or wneai. valued at $85,800, April 4 British bark Balm or cleared for Genoa, Italy, with 1,1,74 feet of lumber, valued at 118,000, April' T British bark Clackmannan' shire cleared for Port Plrle, Australia, withal, 117,651 feet of lumber, -valued at -.'April 7 German steamship Arabia cleared for Hongkong and way ports with U.145 barrels of flour, valued at;-tS.8i feet of lumber, valued at 14.490. and enough miscellaneous freight to bring the total value of the cargo up to IJ54.464. s l- April 11 Fnehctvahlp Crlllon cleared for the United Kingdom witn a.7W bushels of wheat valued at$36.800. ? Aorll 18 French bark Francois d'Am bols clesredv forKjthe United Kingdom with lOMWbushel' of wheat, valued at I70.884. - Aorll 1 Schooner creaeent' cleared for Shanghai with 1,651,01 feet of lum ber, valued at $t4.41L ' Aorll 10 Schooner Polaris oleared for Manila with 1.017,000 feet of lumberj valued at 814.180. - . Anril IS French bark General Neu maver cleared for Oueenatown or Fal mouth for order with SO.tlt bushel of wheat, valued at 868.6(0. April Z 8 German steamship -Aragonla cleared for Hongkong and way ports with 2,904 barrels of flour valued -at fll.62i; 67,000 feet, Of lumber, worth 86,700, and a quantity of miscellaneous freight, msklng the total value of the cargo siis.n. ; ' Ooaartwl Xaunb hlpavnk. Th lumber shipmenU sent down the coast are as follows . vNarhe Destination. Feet Redondo, San Frarrclsoo....... 760,000 Northland, San Pedro 860.000 Johan Poulsen, San. Francisco. . 760,000 Harold Dollar, Redondo 1,048,000 Nome City; Redondo. 850.000 600.000 890,000 Bee, San Pedro Mabel Gale, San Francisco.... Redondo, San . Francisco Caacade, San Francisco........ Harry Morse, Boston.. Despatch, Ban Pedro..... Virginia, San Francisco........ Aurella. San Francisco........ Caacade, San Francisco. ....... 870,000 616,000 6(8.649 600,000 700,000 680.000 660,000 Total feet..... 1,876,648 NOTHING BUT BISCUITS. of Bardowl Subsist em Soaaty ' Pood and ago Afflicted With Scurvy. Obliged to subsist fox more than a month on sea biscuits and water, the crew of the British ship Bardowl ' be came afflicted with scurvy and in their weakened condition It was all that the men could do to keep the vessel headed In the direction of San Francisco, the port for which she was bound. The Bardowie arrived at Portland yester day afternoon and brought tale of unuaual hardships. More than 14 month ago th Bar dowl set sail from Newcastle-on-Tyne for San Francisco. Calms and contrary wind were encountered Intermittently after she had got under way and It was soon seen that the passsge would be unusually long. Then a gale carried away a good part of the rigging, and the vessel waa forced to put Into Cape Town for repairs. After lying there a month, it was decided not to make the second attempt to round Cape Horn, where she bad met with her mlahap, but proceed to the Paclflo Coast by way of th Cap of Good Hop. While off th Australian coast, John Voberton, on of th able aeamen, fell a victim to con aenan ..'nffrMwiia irr '"r " . v - I ST- Bsli'slliiiiW'l"1 llli"Ii : ; - -:v. v - . ronTLAND, Sunday morning, , april w, 1 sumption .end died. 'The next day the f body waa consigned to tbe aeaj Held in calraa and buffeted about by gales which followed, the Bardoiwle waa making poor prosresa. Her aupply atorea was-' soon so Veduced hat the members of the crew were put on small allowance. Th officers also shared the sain fate.. Finally all 'of th food waa gone but, biscuit and these could not be eaten until they had been soaked In water. With such poor diet the men soon fell III. Some of them were Just able to drag themselves about tit deck. The work of navigation fell on the few who were not ao bad off as their .mates but all of then) bad scurvy. ..-. .. Fortunately. before the dlaease reached Its worst stage, tbe ship met fair wlnda and completed the passage to Sao Francisco after she had been out alx' montha from Cape - Town. But was a year to a day alnne ah had left Kngland. After . getting substantial food, th officer and crew soon rerov ered. Seafaring.. Ufa- ha becom dis tasteful to seven of th tar and they deserted ft th Bay city. About half of th Bardowla'a cargo waa discharged there and the rest brousht to Portland. Th shipment. -ofilt--ef pt iron,-- oncKs and miscellaneous freight.1 The Bardowie Is In command of ' Captain Buter, who 1 well known In Portland. SUGGESTS CELILO BELLE. J. A. Tawter Thinks It stood Jfaus for Open Xlver Boat,' '. - J. A. Vawter of North Yakima. Wash Ington. think that Celllo Bell would be an aooroDrlate name for the boat which th Open River ' Transportation company Intend to build ' for opera tlon on th upper Columbia river," Mr. VawUr says: seeing the announcement In . The Sunday Journal for a new, boat to be built at Celilo to ply on the uppes Co lumbia and requeating the publlo to suggest a name, I auggest as an appro priate and' pleasing one th name Celilo Bene, a th vessel will be constructed at Celilo, which, place will also be Its western terminus for several years, and the name Celilo will be often minted ana spoaen in connection with the gov. eminent canal and stats nortaare. It would m f It tin. The word Bella added give the name a pleas Ins;, .mu sical sound. Tradition may. furnish some Indian chiefs beautiful daughter who. was the reigning belle In Celilo society; and her profile or portrait might be uaed at trie bow aa a tsade mark.- This name would not cause any Sectional feeling or Jealousv as mlsht one (elected aa belonging to any town, city, or prominent man or woman. The name suggest speed, grace, destination ' BREAKS RECORD," .'.,- , - ,-".;' Spencer Xake Trip Prom Th Dalle in. Five Soars and Seven SfOnnte. i In actual running time the steamer unariea K. Bpencer made th trln from i n uaues yesterday in -five hour and seven minutes, thereby breaking the record. 8h wa delayed at tbe lock nearly 60 mlnutee. . The beat previous record waa five hour and 18 mlnutea. She completed - the trip In that time last , fall when he carried the Open River delegation from- The Dalle to Portland. By water, the distance from The Dalles la 180' mile that 1. for steamboat which ha to follow the winding channel.! Thu th Spencer mad cloae to 84 mile an hour. I But there lav a strong current tn i the Co lumbia, which proved - a decided help and there was little current to contend with in the Willamette. In a few days the. steamer will make dally round trip between Portland and The Dalles. ' ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The -work of . loadtna- the British Steamship Oceano with a lumber cargo will be completed Thursday at the Port land mill. F. P. Baumgartner, local agent for th California A Oregon Coast Steam ahlp company, received word yesterday that all ' of the vessels of the line are under time charter and none will be available, aside from those on the regu lar run, to assist in taking care of the Increased traf fio down the coast . The oriental liner Nlcomedla moved over to the Alaska dock yesterday after noon to finish discharging her Inward cargo. She -will not aail on the out ward voyag nntil about May 10. For th past week the fl re boat George H. William has been on th dry dock receiving repair. , Sh 1 being calked and painted. Her new color I a dark green, '-'.:". The steamer Despatch Is scheduled to sstl for San Francisco Tuesday evening. She will take out a cargo of lumber. MARINE NOTES. Astoria, April 86. Condition of the bar at S p. m.. smooth; wind, north west; weather cloudy. Sailed it 7 i m. -Steamer Bee, for Graya Harbor. Arrived at 8:10 and left up at U a. m Steamer F. A. Kllburn, rrom Ban Fran cisco and way ports. Arrived at 11:00 m. and left up at 8 p. m. steamer Barracoota, from San Francisco; passed St. Helen at .6:16. San Francisco. April 88. Sailed yea terday Steamer Coat Rica, for Port land. , EXCURSION TO SEASIDE. Sunday, April St. ' Another popular 81.60 excursion to Sesslde via the A. C. R. R. leavea the union depot 8 a. m. next Sunday. A de llarhtful day' outing at the beach and a fine ride along the bank of th ma- Jestlo Columbia. ' Ticket sales limited to seating capacity of coaches. Tickets oif sale -during the week at 848 Alder street and at the union depot on Sun day morning. For all information telephone C A. Stewart, agent. Main 806. '.f T, ' , . Biitiait. Steamship Oceano, - Which Will Sail-This. Week. OE Oregon Trust V Savings Com pany's New Home a Mar ,: -'--ble-Palace. i : MAHOGANY AND BRONZE V ADD TO RICH EFFECT Even the Women Patrons. Are Re memberedGreat Vaults Are Fire and Burglar Proof and ' Cleverly . wuaruco, . . The new home of th Oregon Trust Savings bank at Sixth and Wash ington streets Will be owned for hii.l- ness on Monday and the people of Portland will sen one r th. banking rooms on the Paclflo coust The bank haa spared -no expense In provid ing for the comforts of its patrons nor to safeguard their Interests, Every thing 1 equipped In the latest manner and while the desicn followed la simple " simplicity i it richness. 1 A one enters the door he is struck with the richness of the banking coun ter. ' It runa the entire length of the room on, the lefr-hand side, "it is con structed of ,. American navanaxao. a marble - very rich In desiirn. Just to the left of the doer are the desks of the president and cashier. Thev are behind a counter of marble In which Is a door opersted by electricity. If either the president or cashier desires to see t. their desk some one on the Outside all they have to do Is to press a button and th door flies open. sTdtnittlna the pvlsitor. . . - , While the counter i made of marble. above it Is a grill of heavy bronse. all oft which la rich-In hand-chased work, -Each . teller has a separate cage or compartment, which Is a reat help In banking, for If a teller has to leava hla counter he can Just shut down the window andeave his desk, closing a gate after, him. i thus doing away with Uieneeeaslty,of counting the caah every time he leaves his desk. This feature alone 'will be a great aavlng in time. The deal platea are Inlaid In the coun ter. They are of verde antique marble. the hardest marble known. All the woodwork In the bank i of solid mahogany.?- - '. . ' -, ' . i While the banking counters are on the left-hand side, the right Is devoted to the use of the officers and publlo. Just Inaide of the. door are desks for. tha use of the pstrons. Adjoining them. Is the private-' office of the president asd next to It: and communicating with It Is the board. of directors room, richly furnished In' mahogany and- equipped with chair of what la known aa tha Bank of England atyle, they being made without a aharp edge or corner. - The women patron of the bank have been provided with many comforta. They have a room to themselves, rur- nlshed In mahogany and In connection with It la a toilet and lavatory, fur-, nlshed In marble and tiling. - Possibly the greatest feature of tha new banking rooms are the great vaults. They are qpnatructed of reinforced con crete, the l walls being 18 inches in thickness. 1 They are burglar and fire proof. ' No bole larger than three Inches In- slse ran be made In any part of the wall without ringing an alarm In the police station. . The doors to the safe deposit,-vault and alao to the vault of the bank are of the latest pattern. They are equipped with time lock and so arranged that after they are- Once locked for the night no one can give them th slightest touch without ring ing . the alarm In the police atatlon. The safe deposit vaults are separated from the banking room by an eight foot aafe deposit rail of solid steel, bronsed. A new departure in connec tion with the safe deposit vaults Is five booths for the use of the patrons. These booths are equipped with a desk and a chair, so that a person can take safe deposit box into a bootn ana examine It out of view of the public. In connection with these booths is a closet and lavatory for uae of the men patrons of the bank. The safe' deposit vault will hold upward or s.ouv doxcs. All of these have not been placed In Doaltion ret, there being a delay In shlDment. The doora to both the pub- lie safe deposit vault and the vault of the bank are the aame and each me cost 13,000. The bank and Its equip ment is a model throughout and cer tainly marka a new departure In bank ing furniture as far aa Portland Is concerned. GEORGE M. H00PENGARNER DIES OF PNEUMONIA George M. Hoopengamer of Portland, died at hia residence. 264 Ross street. April 14, of pneumonia, after an Illness on one week. He wss born In Uiichs vllle,v Ohio, Dec. t, 1840. end rams to California In 18tS. Three year later he came to' Oregon, aettling in Washington county, where he wa encaged In teach ing for 10 years, being principal of schools In Forest Grove. Cornelius and Hlllsboro.' January 14, lift, he married Sarah J. Butler, daughter of the late Iaaao Butler of Hlllsboro. With his family Mr. Hoopengamer moved to Portland In ISIS and bad realded here since. He leaves a widow, four, sons ' and two daughters. The children are O. W. Hoopengamer of Williams, Arizona, L. P. Hoopengamer of New Tork City, Max Hoopengamer of Horabrook. California, E. L Hoopen gamer,' Hazel Hoopengamer and Mrs. J. M. Rleg of Portland. f -A.P' IIEl'J BANK TO LUXURIOUS j - ',. I r I 1 I . . Ullll. 1.1U.I.I 1 -J L-iLS-JX.l..J J .. i. . s We WantYour Tirade And will show an appreciation of your patronage if you will give u your order. Our stock Is most complete; all the lateat fashlonsblt fabrics culled from ' the markets of the world by expert buyers, with un limited .capital, and ail. bill . dis counted, saves you all middlemen's profit. - ariooU, th feailov, 1 th Urges eaclualv merchant tailoring boss ta the world, and for half a cen tury it hsa been our constant atudy to clothe you fashionably, becomingly and at aa little cost to you a possible. . . s Drop In and look over the. late arrivals. You won't he asked) to buy. . Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. . Uarmenfs to order In a flay If required. Full dress and Tuxedo suits a specialty. .. ,, . . - William Jerrems Sons, Props. T. T. .Soody, MA&eger. 10S TXXBS ST., POBTXtAJTO, OK. M BURY WIRES DOWN TOWN Campbell and Savarian Recom mend Having All In Fire Urn ' Its Under Ground. , INCLUDES ENTIRE WEST SIDE BUSINESS DISTRICT In Chamber of Commerce Fire, Plac ing of' Ladder to Rescue Impris oned Men Was Delayed Five Min utes by Necessity of Cutting Wires. AH electric, telephone and telegraph wires will bs plaoed underground In the Are limits of Portland If an ordi nance now under consideration- Is passed by. the city council.- Tbe measure was Introduced several weeks ago by Coun cilman Preston and referred to Chief Campbell of the fire department and Charles Bavarian, auperlntendent of the Ore alarm and police telegraph system, to designate the district In which the wires should be burled. They have reported to the council that in their opinion, all wires should be placed underground In the fire limits. This Includes nearly the entire business district of the city en the west side of the river and sevral blocks in the manu facturing district on the east slde. ' The agitation for the change- was started by the engineers from th na tional board of fir underwriters, who surveyed the Are hazards in Portland last fall and In their report recom mended "That U overhead wires in the (Ire limit be placed underground." The engineer held that a network of heavily charged wires was a serious menace to life and property. . . Immediately after the big Are In the Chamber of Commerce building the 'agi tation was revived by the city council. In that fire the raising of the aerial lad der on truck No. 1, In the attempt to rescue aeven people from the ledge of the seventh story of the building, wss delsyed fully Ave minutes, s the wire In front of th building had to be cut. There I some question whether, the electric, telephone and telegraph com panlea can be compelled to place their wires under ground by ordinance, and the matter ha been referred to the city attorney to make an Investigation of the franchise under which th various corporations which would be affected are operating. If he renders an opinion that such an ordinance can be enforced it la said -that It will be passed by the council. "San Francisco Fire." Dooly te Co. have received a telegram from the California Insurance company aa follower "Dooly A Co.. Agent Portland. Or. The California Insurance Company will pay all of Ha loasea In full aa soon as adjusted, and continue business as heretofore. Notify all agent. 'M. A. NEWALL. President." Milwaukle Country Club. 1; ' Memphis and Lexington races. vTake Sellwood end Oregon City cars at First and Alder. , cAmerican Restaurant raxao Airo oovoh stbxbts. . ormr sat aits moaiT. Sunday Sinaer 11 a. m. ta S p. sVettao 10. Siloed Cucumbers . , , . Chick crambo soap. Shrimp Salad, Mayonnaise 204 Pickled Holland Merrtngs.. 16 Steamed Uttlo sTeek Clams ...204 Boiled Salmon. Cream Saao. .... . .154 Fried Halibut lSo, Basor Clams ...15 Clam Bouillon with Toaat ......... 15 Boiled Os Tongue with Spinach. . ..204 Lusb me a at MUanalse ...404 Calf Sweet Bread. Bordelals. . . . .404 Chicken Pot Fie, Dumplings. 25 Frloassee eel, Oreen Pea. .. , . ,20v Chicken aisle, Sent. Creole 204 Short Bib Beef, Browa Potato. . .204 pickled Mats'. Tongu, Potato Salad ...204 Preeeed Cora Beef 164 Mszloan Tamale ..15 Cod 11 an Balls, Onasa Saaoe. ...... ; 15 Oorm Beef BAsh, Voeehed Zgg 15 Beef Stew with egeeable ..154 Boaart Spring IVamb, Mlat Saao. O-reen Pea .'.204 Boast Chiokea With Breeeiag . . ..i254 1 Boast Teal ISO, Pork ISO, Knttosx. .154! Boast Beef, Paa Oravy .T....154 Strawberry Short Cake 104 Strawberries sad Cream IO to Cream 104 1 Apple, aVetaen, Custard, Ooeoanatk Pumpkla and Baaharh Pie. ...... 54 Aaparagu oa Toast. -IO Sptnaea Se, Oreea Oaloa 5 Ooffea, Bread aad Butter and potatoes - - srtth aa rdera. , . SPECE SIPECOX To Assure Prompt ar. Careful Attention . i . call ' Fulton 17c: Company , JONES' MILL Phone Pacific 894. r Prices for the Next v-: . 30 Days Delivered in South Portland V.'"-.' Only : " .-: ' Per Load. Green Slab Wood.. .?l.EO Dry Slab Wood. . . . .$2.25 Inside Slab Wood. i. $2.25 'MJxed Slab Wood. .. f 1.75 CAFE AttD music HALL WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, APRIL 30 The Three Millers Novelty Musical Act Direct From the Empire Theatre. . :. ,, San Francisco. THE FIECHTLS In , Prison Scene - from "II , Trovatore." Edythe Montague The -Flower Girl." Dorothy EIrae Operatic Vocalist. Bonnie Vounnie Ant Other 'Large Attrac tions From the Stricken City of San Francisco. . Special Daily Matinees from 2 to 5 o'clock. . ' special Sunday Matinee 2 to 5 o'CIock ' Program Changed Daily. ' Entrances at 21 North Third street, 21, 23 and 25 North Sec ond atreet, and 243, 245 and 247 Burnsids street. " EeBeColwe! (rsrsjerly rarster'at . . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GK0CE2 SJ1.SSS.SU Third st-, sot.' Jeffersoa. . Big Store of Uttls Prkss r6ttowrs yaicis win, bats tov OK ITIBT DO LI. A. SVAUTT tVASASTZZS soKn.inrs-i sist sAsnra powdib u etui, par is .... ekes Uacaolia eleaae terrsnts r 8 bkga mw S-erowa seeded raisins I lbs sew S-erews hwee Mnsrattls ........a l ib esa BtsI baklsg pewear ... Croaa BtacswaU'e oilv all. ajt kettles. l ib pkg Arm A HaaaaMr aeda ,.. ...... j-fai caa vf wiuin iTnp, .a,,. l; M-tal eaa fsaer table iim.... I i Iba rrearb uras ...i-r Sbredded WbMl blseait. vr pks lbs Loalnlasa rice e rase? Earl; Jnae ram. par doe. ...........I IS bars Barsl Saa sosd t T rass beat li sardlnas In oil. .t.......i - l-oia eratrn 1-lh cans, solid, par doe........ I. i H-O eata. I ib ptas. pmt pf ...v .....I RMt plrnle kama. pr Ib 1 1 Rat rntlas haaM tnnnelMe) ear lb.... 1 - Shrdd.d coenasat. sr Ib .................. 1 Ilard-wkeat Soar, pae aaek aM'-b eata par pk( ......... .............. Pnatnm eareal, par pk . ..... ...i Prll's Naptks sues, pee bar eat aoft wbeat (iniir, ear aa-fe ....(' Java a Mncba coffee (rrnlnr nr) ....... 14 boi anda mrtiri labi'ut lu ina ....... Knallak Hreakfaat tee, pr Ib r.nrf flnapowdrr tea r(lar tee ........ Bmkaa a.a toffee, par lb..,., t bars t snap I'saeda BhjeiiU. per ekg Tler ereaai 110a stsa).u.... East Sid , MrtiTaa4ars tad TH0HX BAIM dot. av srw T f Timat e Ssirael el Vm VA-OUtr- TWW'J ,a-'' t,'. ' a Raw .crin a. SM f ., rr'nd. "" : " t Tutaai C.. ad 1 K.t k It V