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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1906)
Tliq OnZCOII CUIIDAY jur.I IAL', ' PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 23. 1803. r ' t- ' j 1.... . . , .. . I Dainty IJeelxwear :jr Japanese" Drawn Work Turnover Large variety of neat designs ; regularise quality j .'. , ; . l, ...... . ..,.;,...,.., . . . . j . lf Linen and Lace Batiite Stocka Very neat and pretty; regular1 35c and 40c'grajla, Monday at... .,,'... .....;...' i r .j .20 Val. Lace and Lawn Chemiaettea Will launder and arralwaya pretty; extra good values . au u. xiXii'i ..;, - j ? .? and 50 " - . j .,. - . - . ... ? Ineiat on the Coraet your particular figure require a.' No two forma aralik, but there ia an R. ft O. Corset for every type of figure.' . .- - : -' ' .';''' STYLE 384 is a splendid model for the average figure, long hipi. tapering waist, hose u'pporters front and ai&Vf-comes in white and drab; price. .o Trade stirring values in every section of this big, busy store await you tomorrow.; The store is radiant with spring' readiness and overflowing witn values unequaied anywherea veritable exposition of the newest and beat Spring nl summer gooas. , XL! DiJiiiw uuouaI1, j.ou announcement is ou m piui itiA v wv vavvjwviwi vaxuca uiai twin yuur cuniin. 7 - - ' - rnTT-twli1Ti;m7Tr ' 77' " 7 -77 7; v;, v. 7 ' ;7. 77 7:7. :.' -'-i v'"' "21 . ., - ? . . .'77.7 : 1 : 'Made ; Sheets . V v; , 81x90 Inches OOC EXTRA 1 : Linen finished Sheets full size for double beds, 81 by 90 inches, made " ipf extra' wearing: j- quality muslin,' most 7" suited " ' for 7 hotel use. Specially' ' : priced at 7 . . ...V.. ... . vd 65 b Made Sheets 81x90 Inches EXTRA 1 Superior quality rcady-to-use Bed Sheets, made of extra quality: round-thread muslin, large -size;. 81- bv" 90 inches, fuH-bleached and well made, Extraordinary values at. Ittrt-uivAVUtu aau )rdJioatyyalues c 1254c Pillow Case Muslin at 10c 1,500 yards Pillow Case MusUn--4 5 inches wide, full bleached, nice soft fin ish; never before sold for-less than'12C(a yard. Specially priced ; IflV for this sale at. . ... r. . . . . . i '. . V. 1 W. Bed Spreads and Towels l AT 75 Full size white crochet Bed Spreads, good wearing quality, hemmed eady to use ; well worth 85c. AT Full size white crochef I Bed Spreads m an attractive line of patterns, nicely hemmed ' and welJ worth 91.35. ' ; . ; AT ; 91.50 Extra large white cro- chct Bed Spreads .in a large assort ment of pretty; Marseilles patterns, finished with, deep hem and well worth' -$i.75. ;. ., :;. '; AT ?2.15 Full size white -satin' .; cameo Bed Spreads', extra quality and weight, bright new goods; well I worth $2.50.;. , r. - AT ?2.50 Ectra farge, white cameo ; Bed Spreads in an extensive line of beautiful new patterns, superior qual f ity "and finish ; well worth $3.00. ' ; AT 9175 Full size white crochet ; Bed Spreads, made with cut corners and finished with deep knotted fringe; well worth $2.00. AT 92.25 Full size white crochet , Bed Spreads,' made with cut corners and finished with deep fringe; extra heavy quality ;well worth $2.50. . AT 93.00 Extra large white satin cameo Bea Spreads, madewlth cut corners'and finished with deep fringe. ' handsome hew patterns;' well worth ! $3.50. ;; ' y.! 7 - AT5jT White Huck. Towels. 15 by 30 inches, good wearing quality, finished- with fast colored borders and. deep fringe."- Special values at, 5. Price, per. dozen .. .... . . . ; . . .55 AT 7 White Huck Towels' 16 by 28 inches, finished with" fast colored borders, hemmed. Special values at 7. Price, per dozen . i . .. . . .75 AT, 10 White Huck Towels, 17 by' 34 inches, excellent wearing qual-' ity, with or without cplored borders.V neatly hemmed; great value at 10 1 Price. per dozen . : ; ; . . . . 9100' AT V&M Linen I luck .Towels,' 1 7 by 32 inches, good firm quality, plain white; or white with red borders; un-, usual, values at. 12yi f Price, per doz,eri ....... .:. . , .9135 AT 15 White Linen Huck Tow els, 18 by 35 inches, all whit or white with red borders, all linen ; exception al values at 15. Price, doz. 9105 Sheets amj Pillow Cases x PILLOW CASES-f42. by 36 inches,; made of excellent, "wearing ; quality muslin, full bleached,. hemmed ready, to use. ' Specially priced i. at J.5, l&At and 7. .10 PILLOW CASES 45 by 36 inches, made of superior quality muslin; nice soft finish, free from starh. Special ly priced at 16, 15 and... 124 PILLOW CASES 50 by 86 inches, made of thebest quality muslin, full . bleached ana finished with deep-hemstitched hem. Unusual value at . 25 BLEACHED SHEETS 72 by - 90 inches, made of good, strong round thread muslin, hemmed. Unusual values at ,! , . . : .50 BLEACHED SHEETS 72 by 90 , inches, made of extra heavy quality. muslin, soft finish, free from starch. Specially priced at , .60 PILLOW CASES 45f by 36 Inches made of,, extra .. heavy' even thread muslin. , finished .with hemstitched hem ; the. best values in the city. Spe cially priced at 20 Shoes of Exceptional Values at Moderate Prices We've many specials in Shoes that are now on , There is no reason why we should not supply your wants, and we undoubtedly will if you will allow 11 shoe you. - It will be an easy matter for you to see where you can save money and at the same time, get a perect fitting shoetwo good combinations to Consider. . v . . ; Women's . $3.00 ; Oxfords. ' Special for Monday ; .... . . ... -... '. 91.09 W'omen's $3.00 Shoes. .Special for-Mem-. 1 day . ........ . .-. ...-.... .pA.c , Girls' $2.50 Shoes. " Special fof Mon- j Girls' $2.50 Oxfords. Special for day . ....... . . ............. 9150 I Monday . . ........ .9145 ' We are continuing our Basement Shoe , Sale, where the prices ; are ONE HALF PRICE. y-: ' , ,; ale. - hi-) s to ' I J , oS7I7 vf. Tte j Season's ' Newest' Styles in Women's Suits sts mm "r, v Are ,HereV Moderately 5rieed ,"' Our showing of Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments is as complete and up-to-date as can be found anywhere -and our pricjs, as usual, are the lowest; for instance' ' Gov ert Jackets . : A woman's wardajfet is hardly complete without one of these neat; jaunty ! jackets, so much in demand. .'We have some mag-; nificent values; both in the fitted and 'loose back'etyles. 7" 7- ? 7;"7':7' "Cl KC FT gdtwU Covert' .Jackets,. 3)0ll Stylesthat are. fully as good as if they ;cost, three times as much.,"--, I - (T TA For Covert' Coats that are fullv. ' U0U worth from $8.00 to . $10.00, if values are gauged by current, quotations. 7 Fbrvery' fine' quality , of . English Covert Cloth Jackets; neat, nobby, genteel styles ; actual ,$15.00, valaes',,-: ; '777;. -7-' ' - i'i'v-i";' $10 ' "Our Raincoats waterproof; .fitted or 7$14.50 Are truly wonderful values; all 'strictly empire effects.' Special sale this week 97.50, 910.00, 912.50 and ... . .-.;. Ner Arrivals, Petticoats Women's Wash Petticoats, in neat stripes, with umbrella QP ruffle, 50, 75 and.'.;, . .. ; . .7. .1. .... .'. . j::.. .V. .:.OuC Women's Sateen Petticoats, full mercerized finish, deep, flounce finished "VitttyShirred ruffles,, accordion pleating or three small ruffles, finished' with straps. - Extra special this . CI week ........;..;...; V. ...... j .... 7 1 0 Women's Black ' and Colored Petticoats, made . from excellent quality taffeta silk in all the newest shades,: box plaiting, shirred and corded effects, 95.50, 96.50, 97.50, i CA .....liW.UU 910.50 and.'... Great Values in i Siiits Every garment you buy at Roberts ' Bros, is altered free of charge, -if alterations are. necessary, and fit is guaranteed, in fact we are more anxious to please, you, or just as anxious at least, as you. are to please your self. ; , v ' . Siiits for $12.50 We have for this weeks selhng.'over 100i Suits in pretty mixtures'Panama' and plain cloths; Eton, blouse, and' pony" effects,' cir' cular and plaited skirts ; any one woVth from. $15.00 to $17.50. ' Suits at $15.00 Top notch styles in the latest Eton and bolero effects, splendidly made Suits in gray mixtures, plaids, Panamas and broadcloth: skirts in gored circular effects or pleated. These are exceptional ' . values. '.' ' . Suits at $33.50 . j.' . Worth $30 to $35 shown in the swellest models of Eton, pony, bolero arid hip length jacket effects; made of the finest chiffon Panamas, checks, plaids and voiles in the season's most fashion ' able colors. They are among the finest suits we have ever shown. A, Beautiful Exhibit of : White Waists MbreJlian usual attention has been given to our Shirtwaist se lection this season--realizing the importance of the demand, sure to come this season on account of increased demand for separate waists; '. - ' '.. ; .7 " ' .''' White Lawn Waists from ................... 50up to 92.50 Exceptional values at. , 91.00, 91.50 and 91. DO Lace and Net Waists, Uilor made, at. . . . . . . .94.50 and( 96:50 White Tap Silk Waists. .92.25, 92.50, 92.00, 93.50, 94.50 Taffeta and Louiine Silk Waists .93.50, 94.50, 95.50 f uujau riuburu oixulu OS11 " TT J J'XT J T" ' ingn and Exclusive DcsigTia TUST OPENED! An extensive line of Fancv Grav "Picture" Silks, the verv latest creation in Dress and Suiting Silka-XNew Silver Grair effects in peat small designs interwoven in. pretty overshot Persian patterns;. also gray effects in handsome shadow plaids in shades of blue, green, lavender, red and black and white. Never befdre did we show such a magnificent collec tion of silks. No woman with silk needs can afford to miss this sale. , Bargains in Sheets, Pillow v Slips, Towels, Bed V: ' We say, without fear of 'contradiction,' that our showing of -Sheets, Pillow .Slips, Towels and Bed Spreads is by far the best in the city; It even out- r 'rivals our own former disolavs the values are greater-i-the assortment larg-: er the prices lower, for the most reliable makes the kinds that have proven best by test, for years, .v-.- - '.' v ' '- ' '. ' .-' Economical Housewives' kWill Bead Items; Carefully A Sale of Children's Stockings For Monday The Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in Children's Stockings One thousand dozen placed on sale at half price. AH styles for boys or girls. ' Tomorrbw we will devote the greater part bt our energy , in the Hosiery department toward the sale of Children's Hosiery; .With this end 'in view, ( we will place our entire stock of children's Hosiery at your disposal at from ' one third to one half of tiie'original selling prices.. .7.. - . ; ' A One Day's StockrBeducingr Sale That Will Attract ; Al sizes in misses rioxen-oim .iu? A-bejmtifu, .howing of. French Faille, 6 inches idccon, All sizes in Boys' .and Misses heavy lisle thread Stockings; 40c grade. .23c - nide to' sell at 60c per yard, special price, per yard......,,..., All sizes n Boys' Armor Waa &tociangs, triple knees; Zacgrade. .... ..l5 .s assortment of good'-oualHy Wash Taffeta Ribbon, fully 4 inches wide; All sizes irt Children's best 25c quality medium weight ..-.18 g0od ranKe of color; special price, per yard ...10f All sizes in Misses' "Brincess" Stockings: 25c quaUty.'. . . . ; . 715c4' incline of fancy Ribbon, in Persian and stripe effects; very stylish for All sizes in Children Monarth, brand Stockings .124 neck wear; extra good, quality; Monday, per yard.....1..... ...15.' RIBBOU SPECIALS For Monday and Tuesday ' r w in all colors; 28 Beal $1.25 and 81.50 Values. Hand some Suiting- and Waistingr Silks on Special Sale Monday and Tues., Xd Buy Black Sillr Now T. Tomorrow we start one of the most wonderful sales of reliable Black Silks. Almost, every wanted weave of silk will be represented in. this great sale. Not odds and ends, but hundreds of pieces bought at a fraction of their original price. Come early tomorrow and get some of these great big values THREE EXTRA PRICES ARE: Black Taffeta Silk, Full - 36 Inches Wide 95o Only a limited number of yards to be sold at this price 36-inch Black Taf feta Silk, beautiful rich finish, every yard guaranteed best $1.25 quality. specially pricey atf yjird.. ........... Black Taffeta Silk, Best $1.00 Quality 69o Swiss or Messaline finished Black Taffeta Silk, from 22 to 27 inches wide, warranted all pure silk, wear guaranteed, perfect finish, the finest foreign and -oomestic makes; never betore sold tor less than $1.00 a yard. KA tyflAL., MUIM1JAY ANU lULSUAY, AT. . j - .:...-...95c Black Swiss Taffeta, Best 81.00 Grade at 75o 36 inches wide Black Swiss finished Taffeta Silk, deep, rich finish, strict ly all pure silk, warranted to wear: sold all over the city at $1.00 a yard. Specially priced tor this sale at, only f priced for this sale ftjQ 69c Gray Dress Goods, Special Values Silver Gray Suitings 52 and 54-inch suitingjn the popular Panama weave, silver gray wiih . a' slight touch of colors Extraordinary CI 7C values at . . . . . ", . . , . ........ t2) 1 LO New' Steel and London Grays 46 inches wide, in neat, shadow checks and broken plaids, medium . ' QCr .weight goods. Exceptional val.yOC , Steel and Silver Gray 45 inches wide, . all , . wool, popular ; Panama' weave. Unequaied values at,- m j , per yard .7. . . . 0C Silver Gray Novelties 38-inch silver gray in broken plaid ' novelties, in both" light and dark shades. CA Unexcelled values at, yard....'0UC Silk Gloves for Summer The "Kayser" and the "Amsterdam" represent the two best Qloves in the market. Both are made with double tip fin- . "fit if 9 . . . . gers u ine iips wear our. Deiore tne rest ox tne glove a new pair is given. ; Unexcelled values at 50e, 75 and ...... ............. ...S1.0O Long Lisle Thread Gloves These are made in . white only. Best values to be had at. .75e, SI Long Silk Gloves In pongee, cardinal, white, 1 lavender, Nile, tan and mode shades. Extraor dinary values at, per pair. . . .--. . . S1.25 " 1 1 ' . " 1 1 ' . ', u v 111. Specials in 1 's Wear efs. r' .; ires and lOt' mm$f 25c MEN'S FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS. .New Fancy Mercerized Handkerchiefs, with check, figures and dots; our best 2oc grade, bpecial at 50c PLAID NECKTIES 25. c -Large variety of Men's up-to-date Four-jn-Hand, Ties; neat color combinations. Regular 60c. grade at. . ; ... . BOYS AND MEN'S 35c CAPS 25. Boys' All-Wool Caps, in assorted patterns, Norfolk style, very new. JT Regular 35c grade, special at.. ...uC Pretty Embroideries 15c AND 20c EMBROIDERIES AT 0 PER YARD Miles and miles of fine cambric and nainsook Embroidery edge . and insertion, from 3 - to 7 'inches wide, large line of dainty patterns. Your choice, per yard. ....9f Summer Laces and Trimmingo Valenciennes Lacesr-Hundreds of new patterns of Edges, Insertions and Matched Sets at very popular prices; per doz. yds. . . .25, 35f, 50S 75t English Wash Torchon Lace edge, with Insertions to match. Your choice " at ........ . . . . .... , . . . . 4f PER YARD New Trimmings Beautiful showing of new trimming laces, in bands, medal lions, festoons and allovers to match ; the assortment includes Baby Irish Crochet and Batiste effects. Price range from 25 up to.... $3.50 , Summer ? Weight Unit Underwear for Women 00 dozen regular 50c quality just retiredplaced on salt tomor. row at, each -.- , . ? 7 ...... All sTyles in women's extra quality bleached yarn Y "d Iant, vests nave high neck and long aleeves, panu mn in anVIe 1,V, knee length in tight or lace trimmed style, made with Fr.rsch I vesta are !ilk trimmed; a splendid quality at a greatly re-;ice.i r All size., 25 garment.-