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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY 1IC. OFFICERS American Deforest Wireless TclegraphjCo. ABRAHAM WHITE, President ' V. . LEE DeFOREST," J?h. , D., Vice-Presi- dent and Scientific Director. GENERAL IL H, C DUNWOODY, - Vice-President. .-,,- . -r .-. - FRANCIS BUTLER, Secretary-' and Treasurer. .- . ; . C C WILSON. Vice-President and .Western Manager, . ,, DIRECTORS American DcForcst Wireless Telegraph Cd. . . - ..... , J . L &S. aOGART . ,. .t CHARLES M. DeFOREST V, C. McPEAK : 1 : - jas. dunlop smuh;.. ' ..." w.'w. tompkins ' li J M: M. MacRAE- - c c Wilson " w IN AMERICAN DeFOREST WIRELESS TELEGRAPH STOCK This Is the Only System Endorsed and Used by the American Government, v Stations Now. In Operation In Nearly Every State In the Union, V . STATIONS WILL BE INSTALLED IN PORTLAND AND OTHER OREGON POINTS MUHM . j WSJ mm American Deforest Wireless Telegraph Company ' Th moat Important assets of the American 'Da Forest Wireless ; Telegraph Company, of course are Its patent rights. ; . . - - ; '"In ths United. Btates this company owns oyer 0 patents In the art . of wireless telegraphy, covering various forms of receiving; apparatus. transmitters and. tuning 'arrangements, without which It' Is Im possible for ainy system to operate. 4 . " ' .. la addition to. the patents covering- tha electrolytic'': receiver, which we control, wa own the fundamental i patenta in tha magnetic detector, which la tha main , stand-by of the Marconi Company for long distance work, and they cannot operate the magnetta detector ". In this country without infringing? our rights. - : This company has expended '.development and the introduction of . Forest In the-United State, England. i ail, and baa established over J,tt shore stations, besides some SO ships which this company has equipped. M of these ship stations are earning a revenue, which la in- creasing in s vsry satisfactory way. We have sold over so sets to the United States Navy, ill addition to being ' awarded by the Navy Department the largest contract ever entered into by the American DeForest Wireless. . Telegraphy, , covering; five long-distance stations in . Florida. Cuba, Panama and Porto Rica This Navy De ' partment contract alone la over $55,000. See Abraham ' White's letter. V .',. '.,;'.".. '-.,....:'," In addition to owning: the patent rights, ths sg-. greasrve methods which have been pursued by the , company in bnllding stations throughout this coun , try, have Introduced the system in such a wlds and . general manner that we have today abaolutely pre ; em p ted tha field in this country and Brasil, so as to ' render us assured from commercial reasons alone, free , of aay serious competition. y We have trained a large corps of skilled technical men and operators in this new art. which is in itself . - aa asset not to be in any way obtained than in tha elaborate manner In which we have accomplished" it -. ' From the commercial standpoint, the' importance of ; this fsctor cannot he overestimated. . We have a splen- . dldly equipped manufacturing laboratory in Jersey City, where between "70 and skilled men are. era- , s ployed, -constantly, in the manufacture of wireless ap panataa. - For thla department we . expended m ltOB over $400,000. In New York we have a" well , equipped technical experimental, laboratory, under the V ,' immediate supervision of Dr. J. E. Ives, formerly pro fessor of physics in the University of Cincinnati, and ;. Professor C.. D. Babeock, a man of wall-known tech- nical attainments. In the experimental laboratory, all inventions of the. ' company are developed" and work is constantly under ' way, developing and perfecting all forma of wireless ;' TJTArHC STRUGGLE OF GENERATION Railroads Scheming to Divert Thought From Vital Issue In ' Rate Regulation Talk. JUST COMPENSATION IS CRY OF MAGNATES Secretly Striving to Insert . in the Rate Bill Language That Will Per mit the Continuance of Present " Ortr-Capltalixation. . - - By John' IS. tathrop. j (Presi a Joorsal ttarf Our, pwi east.) Washington, D. CX, April 26. Ths vilmata mr uhnln( to divert thouarht J-'. from one of the vital Issues In ths' rate regulation discussion they are center ing attention on the constitutional ques tions of suspension or nonsuspenslon of a commission-fixed rate pending; adjudi cation; over the distinction between broad and limited review; over other phases of what is really the tltanlo " struggle of the generation; but they are secretly Striving to Insert in the rate bill languacs.that will permit tha con tinuance of present ever-capitallsatlon , and the preposterous thing of making the proposed bill compel the federal gov- eminent to maintain auoh watered stock and sea that the' normal Interest is paid thereon. ' . Just compensation is the brief state ment of ths proposition which they . submit as co-essentlal with the eonstl. , tuUonallty of the bill. But, fair as such a proposition is on its fsoe. it is, , as planned by the Wall Street mag-nates, the most astounding and bare-faced rob- . tiery of the patient, long-suffering pub .' lie that ever was written into a congres- ' sionsJ program. " AaatuU Beport Telia srtory. ' An Illustration of what these mag nates desire and for which they are - working; sub rose. Is to be found In thb ' recent annual report for 1 SOS of the : Pennsylvania . lines. ', This report at tempted to show that the 1 400.000,000 ' of capital stock of .tha Pennsylvania ' represents actual value of the system; - In other words, that it would cost 1400, 0ft. 000 to duplicate the system.' Ths fact is, ss all fair-minded per - eons know who are capable of giving r espert opinions on such a subject, that the Pennsylvania systsm, owning all of ' some of its rosds nd only part of others, has actually stock holdings rep resenting not more then t.OOO miles of lines. - James J. Hill built the Great Northern ubrough a half dosn moun tain van gee at between ' 120,000 and M0. 00 a mile. At the same ratio the I'ennaylvanta , lines would cost $40. If equipment be aa much more, then IKS. 000. 000 would duplicate the system, building; all - the roads con trolled wfctuh It owns outright and that part of o hers controlled which Is rep ' reaeautd by Its proportional holdings. Presums. then, that it be eonceded. for argurants that 11(0.000.000, or double the Ie.eo0,00 he admitted, and then 140,000.000 he added .tor good measure, the I'.OO.OOO.OOO thus reached to repre stent Its entire actual property holdings. 2 haa the PenaajrivaBia ijiUa to ask telegraphy apparatus used by' this company. The pat ent Attorney, Mr. Philip Farnaworth, formerly "with the firm of Bette Sheffield, and on the suff of the General Eleetrio Company, haa charge of the patent department of this company, It is the -policy of this department not only to protect' the Invention. of Dr. DeForest and other experts connected with the com pany, but to Investigate and purchase all meritorious patents bearing- on . this art from any house whatso ever. The American DaForest Wireless Telegraphy is the parent company and controls all foreign rights. Out-European rights are In tha hands-of a very pow erful syndicate of English capitalists,' headed by Lord .Armstrong, of the firm of Armstrongs, the largest over $800,908 in tha the American De-v agree to use he DeForest System In the future in Canada, and Bra- P f Marconi. Lloyds Is now suing taw-Mar- conl Company, ing- the publlo to believe that congness should ' enact no law which would not protect it in the receipt of normal inter est on double the legitimate value of Its property. If the normal rata be taken at l.per jcent, then the system would really be receiving 10 per cent an nual Interest en actual values, vand tha plana of the sallroad magnates ' is in effect to accomplish Just such an end. Would Be Oled to Have BUL . What. Indeed, do they care, then. If a rate bill paas, so long as the congress frame the law to compel the mainte nance of normal Interest on spurious se curities? Ths belief here is that ths railway managers really would be glad to have such a bill and are scheming to befog ths issue so as to, center the publlo ' talking; on phassa entirely re moved from what many experts claim Is the most important Senator Bailey rooted tils opponents on the queatlon of the power of the con gress to limit the authority of the fed eral courta below the supreme court Were It not that to accept his dictation would be to admit tbs plea of the la bor unions for tha anti-lnjunctlon law for which they are battling. Bailey's argument would be admitted by nine out of ten in the eongreaa, probably, and, it is known, that were It not that be haa already occupied much of the senate s time and dealres not to bring himself too-promlnently before ths peo ple he would make another apeh sgainst ths "Just compensation' desires of the railroad magnates that would be quite as illuminating as his great pres entation of the congress right to limit the power of inferior federal courta. WILL GIVE A FARM TO DESERVING REFUGEES iApeelal Dispatek te The Journal.) Seattle. Wash.. April SS. For some refngee San Pranclsoo family there is a 10-acre tract of land, with a house, barn and chicken house, and the farm under cultivation, awaiting acceptance. The benefaction comes from Mr. and Vrm. V. A. Brown, residing at 4417'Winalow place. - Thla couple has turned over to the chamber of commerce the deed and re ceipts for taxes paid on a 10-acre farm in Mason county, near Shelton, this state, which In turn are to be mads ovsr to a deserving family or refugee San Francisco sufferers Unoccupied for ths last four years the farm nevertheless haa been placed in an excellent stst of cultivation. :, ; , ' There are five acres of timothy hay awaiting the reaper and the berry crop will be very large. The other five acres contain a number of fruit trees snd ths ground is In arable condition for the .raising of garden truck, no finer land exlatlng In Maaon county. A four-room house and Bir th necessary outbuildings for the making of a com plete farm home are there. . PORTLAND TEAM WINS CITY CHAMPIONSHIP 'Special rnepeteh te The JoemiL)., . Seattle, Wash., April 2S. SeatU Ath letlo club Mo. S. tonight won the whist championship of the northwest defeating team No. 1 in ths finals. This Is the first time since the association was or ganised that Seattle hss won ths cham pionship and has gotten the Deschapel les trophy Ob superiority of play in tournament Portland won. the city championship. Of doers elected are: Ralph Metcalf, Ta coma, presldnnt; H. P, Holmes, Portland, vice-president; O. R. Eastman, Tacoma, secretsry; H. P. Watte, Portland, treas urer; W. P. Zerwlck, Seattle, and Judf Qi. y. Una, OUnfiia. eArscUuay shipbuilders In the world. Our president, Abraham White, hag closed the contract with the Lloyds, the larg-est insurance people in the world, whereby they. with whom they had exclusive cod- tract, for nonfulfillment of contract. Among recent contracts Is the one on very favorable terms from tha Indian government. ' ' . The British Admiralty has decided to nse the De Forest apparatus In ths' coming maneuvers, and the . British Poatofflce has licensed a trans-Atlantic sta tion of the DeForest Company - to bs Installed on tha west coast of Ireland, now completed. See Sun. Her, Our South American rights are 'In the hands of Gulnle at Co., Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, one of the largest and strongest firms in South America, and we have al ready received orders for a number of sets from the Brastlian government. .Our system Is being repeatedly Introduced into other South American. countries. - Work Is being pushed as fast aa possible, establish ing a powerful station at San Francisco, for trans pacific work, to- connect with the Orient by way of . Hawaii and the Philippines. In addition to "our sta tions and agencies In the leading; cities of the. United States, our recent arrangements -will make every sta tion of Lloyds. or tha Armstrong interests throughout the world agencies for the DeForest Wireless.. Our Canadian-rights are In the hands of tha Do minion DeForest Wireless Telegraph Company, and development work.. In the Dominion Company la com ing along very rapidly. Stations have already been established at Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, and a very large one is being erected at Halifax, N. 8. . In addition to the field, of marine signaling, cable work, and overland telegraph - service, the recent dem onstration on the Chicago Alton Railroad of the adaptability of wireless telegraphy to railroad needs, has awaktned a very lively interest in all. railroad circles, and our company Is dally receiving- lnquldles from the leading rallroada concerning' the equipment of trains for receiving; dispatches, and in the view of establishing .wireless block systems upon the loco ' motives. The last fsature alone possesses "enormously far-reaching- possibilities. Our atationa at , Alaska are paying ovar 400 per cent net on the Investment See Alaska report. : (Signed) LEE DeFOREST. TH E riELV C Hilfff r.lAN HAS TROUBLES Republican Brethren Say That Albany Leader's Ambitions Are Faj-ReacruhgT" WESTGATE A CANDIDATE 1 FOR COLLECTOR-'S OFFICE Three Men Frame and Adopt the Republican Platform for Coming State Campaign Amusing Features of Political Maneuvering. ' O. A. Westgate of Albany, who was sleeted chairman of the Republican state central committee yeaterday after noon, owes his elevation primarily to Dr. James Wlthycombe, the Republican nominee for governor. Westgsts la the editor of the Albany Herald and is a brother-in-law of SUte Printer J. R. Whitney, who la said to be part owner with Westgate In .the paper. The chief argument urged by Withy combe In favor of the new chairman was that he would be able to do more than any of the other candidates toward harmonising dlscordsnt elements of ths party. It la said Westgate took no active part In the factional strifes that divided the psrty In past campaigns, although he waa regarded as a Mitchell Republican, and It waa due to the Mitchell organisation . that Whitney Westgate'a partner, was made state printer. .- . . But eome evidences of hostility to ths new state chairman have appeared al ready. Mutterlngs of discontent ars heard among the Republicans of Linn and adjacent counties. Westgat is an avowed candidate for appointment as collector of customs to succeed I W Patterson, and it la freely lntlmsted that a chief object of the Albany editor in seeking the state chairmanship waa to further his own campaign for federal office. - The fact that Westgate haa been made chairman of the state central committee would naturally weigh In his favor at Washington. Jack Matthews stepped from the stste chairmanship Into the of fice of United State marshal, and Westgate might. ressonsbly expect equal good fortune. It la true ths t' the state chairman Is a much less Important fac tor In- stste politics under the direct primary law than under the old system, but he is at least a conspicuous figure head. An amusing, feature of the Republi can atate campaign Is the fact tbst ths party platform thla yesr will be the product of three members of the state central committee and will be put forth without revision or ratification even by the other members of the commit tee. In psst campaigns the platform haa been framed In atate convention and ratified by the assembled delegates. In this campaign the platform will be drawn by three men only, and will not even be submitted for approval to the state comtnUtae. Much Improvement going on at Uer .sulataak'. . WASHINGTON. D. C. March 2$, ID0. ' Greater New Tork Security Co -4 Exchange Place; New York City: ' Navy Department officially accept ed today Da Forest Wireless long distance station Panama, Porto Rico, Cuba, Key West. Company delivered the wireless service over stretches embracing thousand-mile circuits without relay after thorough teats at different periods. I am authorised also' to announce that not a single Marconi Installation la in the servlcs of the Government. The American De Forest Wireless Telegraph Com pany refers by permission to ths United States- Government and ,ls also authorised officially by the Navy Department to publish the recent re markable long distance wireless serv ice performed by our Cape H a. t teres ststlon in communicating wit ths Dewey dry dock expedition 1(00 miles en route to the Philippines. . (Signed) ABRAHAM WHITE, President ALASKA PAYS BIG WIRELESS TELEGRAPH " AND CABLE TOLLS ar.v;-" Charges Collected in One Month by U. S. Government $14,500 ; Immense ', Cain ; Over Last ; ; Year. ' ' , Asasrleaa 9s rorest Wireless TslssTraph Company Station at ITome, Alaska, . Ooapletea Second Tear of Servloe. The Associated Press dispatches yiaa .tsrday conveyed the Information of the phenomenal gains mads in ths month of March of the American De Forest wire less tslsgraph station at Nome, Alaska, : In its tolls to the United States Govern . ment. The amount earned was $14,600. 'Ths dispatch further stated that Fair banks, the Metropolis of Alaska, which . Is In the heart of ths territory, far from rallroada and almost on the Arctlo cir cle. Is in constant toueh with all lh world. The shores of Norton- Sound are ao rugged and the Interference of gla ciers with cables so constant . that the United States signal corps adopted the American De -Forest wireless telegraph system, which has been- in successful operation! now for two years. The Amer ican De Foreat Wireless Telegraph Com pany la erecting stations In the United States and foreign oountrlea aa rapidly aa Instruments and equipment can be furnlabed. . '"' J' .. OREGONIANS HELP THE Much Good Work Being Accom plished by Men and Women From Sister State. MANY BABIES BORN IN . TEMPORARY HOSPITAL Numerous Elkt Register and Other ' Oregon People Reported Safe Insurance Adjuster White From Portland Arrives to Begin Business. (pedal Mapstch by Leased Wire to Ts Joarssl) Oakland, CaX, April Z8. Magnificent work Is being accomplished by the hos pital established In Wilmerdlng school building, San Francisco. The hospital la In charge of Dr. Wtcht and Major Sternberg of Portland.' It Is finely equipped, being provided with warda for men, women and aurglcal operations. Eight trained ' nurses srs In attendance and about 10 patients being cared for. About 200 emergency cases have re ceived the attention of the nurses. Situated In tha congested district it will probably become a permanent Institu tion. .. . . . By order of the msyor the hospttsl Is being supplied with ths necessary whis ky and alcohol, all saloons and drinking resorts being closed. L - Pr. Msrls D. Kqut of Portland, in charge of the. maternity ward at the Untted , Statea General hospital. Is ths second womsn physician permitted to practice in a government hospital. Almost- 100 babies coming into life In this ward bear the distinction of being the only children born in. an army hospital Mothsrs and babea are doing well, and there have been no deaths. . Warren Whits, general lnsursnce ad juster, arrived from Portland today and will begin adjuatlng claims Monday. Mrs. Nellie McOee and Mrs. d. W. Ever ett, former residents of Portland, mak ing their home in San Francisco, were furnished return transportation by or der of tha Eastern Star. ' 'Mrs. N. Poston snd daughter, for merly of Portland, are located at 1214 Fulton, Berkeley. Oregon Elks registered here are W. O. B. Erdman, Portland; W. A. Bell. Pen dleton; A. Edgar Beard, Baker City; Sidney I. Ackerman, Portland; J. F. OHU Portlsnd; Dr. C. W. Fsull. Baker City; J. M. Einstein, Portland; William H. Barry, Portland. - . No ststs outside of California Is ac complishing such great work as Oregon. Tha relief committee Is not confining assistance to Oregon, but 1s giving help wherever needed.' Oregon's information bureau extends from Ooldenf Oate park to Oakland. Twb large circus tents on Hamilton square snd one st the Pre sidio shelter thousands of refugees. Numberless pitiable cases ars report ed. The most distressed, however, dis play consideration for others. Mrs. ST, Dufur, formerly of Dufur, Oregon, whose entire belongings were destroyed by tha firs, called at headquarters today and offered her ssststsnce. - When men tion wss made of compensation for her Uhar aa smiled ekeerfuUf and raniiadl INJURED AMERICAN DeFOREST WIRELESS STATIONS Portland, Me. Boston . . . . . Providence Springfield ....... ...... Hartford New Haven Bridgeport . . ... New York ........ Manhattan Beach Peterson . , . . ... Galilee . , Philadelphia . . . Atlantlo City -..... Washington . . . Cape Hatteraa . . . . . in oms HIGH POWER STATIONS Now LOCATED and IN Toronto ............ .25 Dnm. Govt Si Atlanta 40 Denvsr , . ....... ...10 STEAMERS NOW Mallory Line ."..Denver Mallory Line i ........ '. San Jacinto Mallory Line .Concho Quebeo 8. 8. Co,.,......Bermadlan N. Y. aV Porto Rico 8. B....Coamo N. Y. tc Porto Rico 8. 8.. . .7. .Ponce Red D Line. .......... .Philadelphia Red D Line. .'. . . .. v. .Caracas Ocean 8. S. Co..... City of Atlanta' Ocean 8. 8. Co. ....City of Columbus Standard Oil Ca, .Capt. A. F. Lucas Standard OlCo. , . . CoL E. L. Drake The DeForest yttcm ia used by th United Stile's Government, Londoa Times, New York Times : Public Ledger, . Wireless War Service in the Far East, Land and Marine Wireless, Subsidiary Companies in England, Brazil and Dominion of. Cinads.' '' . - v v ' , A SAFE AND PROFITABLE INVESTMENT For a few weeks the common stock will be told t $6.00 per shirt and tht preferred at tlUO. : We firmly believe that in lest timt than ont month common will advance to $10.00 and preferred to $20.00, and it would not be surpriains; that In tht near future preferred would reach $50.00 per ahart. Before Invejtin we desire the closest scrutiny and eearching investigation aa to our assets, tht acopt of our work and the great advantages we possess over any other system. 1 WE WANT YOU TO KNOW more abowt the American DeForest Wiriest TeL Co. and Invite you to visit our offlct or tend for some handsomely illustrated literature which will tell you many interetting things The. American DeForest Wireless Telegraph Co. '? Temporary Offices 205 -8 Mohawk Building Portland, Oregon v ; CHAS. A. LINDSTROM, Manager Phone Main 3698 with tha true Spirit , of th western women: . .' - ' ' 1 ' . "It is no time to think of money." A destitute couple weeping for Jo? because two of their children lost for days had been found, when offered sev eral blankets refused to take more than two for fear of depriving others. Kiss ing the man who had provided the blankets, the Couple left: smiling Joy fully. - - . , A ' widow- with two small children begged for money to cross the ferry and when given assistance by a number of the committee ' fell on her . knees out of gratitude. .The Occidental chapter of the Easter Star of Bandon donated a fund of $10 for the sufferers. ' Among the Oregonlsna safe are Mrs. Rupln, son and two daughters, and J. W, Howard. , V .. . - - COMMITS SUICIDE IN - PORT BLAKELEY JAIL (Special Din patch to Tbs Journal.) Seattle. Waab., April ti. Joakl Bar dan, a Polo, committed' suicide in, the lockup at Port , Blakeley laat night by cutting his throat - with a penknife. The marshal at Port Blakeley discov ered the dead man this morning when he appeared at the lockup to feed the prisoners. Bardan was 10 years of age. For soma time he hsd been employed as a laborer In the lumber mills there. - Tea terdsy he got drunk and was creating . '-.l't s'' i. i - y, , Baroness de Graffenried, Who Was Mn. Schuyler Hamiltouy Jri . Soe Charleston . . ....... I Ssvannah ... ........ S Jacksonville . , ...... t Key -West . H Ksy Wsst (Navy) ...9$ Pensacola . . ......... 8 New Orleans Southwest Pasa ..... 1 Galveston . .......... 1 Port Bolivar ......... Vk San Francisco ....... 1. Cheyenne . J Boulder , J Ienver Colorado Springs .... Cripple Creek Pueblo . . .........- J Trinidad Ksnsss City 11 Ksnsas City 20 St. Louis Chicago.. .... ....... I Cleveland.. I Havana . . .......... I Ottawa . . II Quebeo .- . ........... 15 Montreal . t .........15 Porto Rleo ........ I. Zi Guantanamo . ....... 5 Solon . . ..15 obile . . t New Orleans 1 STATxoirs ur covBsa or cobtstbvotzobt. Ssn Francisco 14 Sault Ste. Marie 15' Port Arthur II 8t. Johns, N. F. .....40 Shtpa . : ......,..... r Id , b ........, Eng., I , Bngland EQUIPPED WITH DeFOREST SYSTEM Standard Oil Co.... Mavsrlck Standard-Oil Co..,. City of Evsrett Standard Oil Co ....Aatral Standard Oil Co.. .... .. .Barge 5 Standard Oil Co... Barge M Standard Oil Co.,- .Barge B. a R. R. Co...,. Tug Saga"- Malns 8. 8. Co Horatio Hall Mains 8. & Co... North Star Peninsula de Occidental 8 S. Co. . Mascotte Peninsula sc Occidental 8. B. Co .Olivette confusion on the streets of the llttls town. The marshal arrested him and Disced , him in . the lockup to become aober. Tha marshal failed to search the prisoner. Soms time during, the night he took a penknife from his pock et and slsshed his throat from ear to ear. The body will probably be brought to the Bonney Wataon com pany's morgue In Seattle. - ', . v.". TXp Against It. ' : From the Phlladslphla Press. "That. Imitation of our goods," ; said the senior partaar, "haa become more popular than our genuine article." "That's so." replied tbs Junior partner. "There's nothing left -for ns to do but to advertise ours as "Just aa good . as ths imitation." 1 , . ' ' Day of Short Xlng-a. i ' rraaj the New Orleass Times-Democrat, 1 ' Tber la hardly a kins in Chrlatenonm rodt wboae wife dnea sot overtop him fcy s bead. The Knsllah king Is quite sis laches sterlet than Quaes Aleiandrs. The csar, a little aaaa. Is orar topped a fall bead by the esartna. Kalaer Wllbclm Is ef median height, hot the Qermaa emprea tall, and that la vh? the ' praod kalver will sever content te lie photographed heaMs bis wife salees she sits while be steads. The ktag of Italy, abort and saast. hardly comes op to ths ahoulders of the tall, athletic Queen Helena. , The king of Porragal, though fatter. Is hwe tall than bla qneen. Ores the Prises ef Walee Is shorter s good tarn Inchea than the Brlncees. Sod the yosnf king of Spain la Inches shorter thas his new bride. y - M t;:- -i' ' wi if . v 'v; ' J J Grace van Cortlandt and Afterward 2s Trying to Divorce' the Baron, St Indiana Harbof ...... $ Port Huron ......... 14 Buffalo t - Bores del Tors, United Fruit Co.., I" Port Llmon, United Fruit Co.". ii 1 Rio de Janeiro, Grimle - , Co. J , Santo .. ... .......... I ,. Nome . . t St. Michaels . 1 ' Ships, 1 each II Total. .4tTVi K. W. COURSE OF ERECTION I t 1 11 4 Ens;., 41 IndV Total ...114 K. W. Panama AT R. Co. .......... .Havana. - . m i , v. . . . . ... . ... v. Panama K. R. Ca AlUanca Southern PaclAo 8. 8. Co., Prince Arthur Munsen 8. 8. Line. . . .Prince George Royal Mall Steam Packet.,.. Tagua -Royal Mall S4eanv Packet. . . .Atratur " Royal Mall Steam Packet.. La Plata Royal Mkil Steam Packet..... Trent . Royal Mail Steam Packet. .Orinoco Under construction. ' v. ' "'. PORTLAND'S BANK CLERKS ORGAHIZE INSTITUTE Vigorous Young Men From VVhot Ranks ths Successful Bank Presidents Come. ? Forty bank clerks of this city organised the Portland chapter of the Institute of Bank Clerks last night In Justice Reld's courtroom. Nearly every banking in-. stitutlon in the city was represented. In cluding dorks, assistant , cashiers and cashiers, f ' . ,' ' Arthur Jones of ths First National bank was elected president; A. M. Wright or the United States National bank, vice president; J. W. Blckford of ths Se curity Savlnga bank, secretary; Bert Wing of the Bank of California, treas urer. - O. R, Andrews, an honorary member of the national organisation, as sisted in bringing about the meeting last night He was elected to hon orary membership in the Portland chap ter, i He urged the clerka to elect a delegate to -the national convention which meets . In Savannah, Georgia, next September. I. M. Walker of the Behnk-Walker Business college of fered one of the rooms at ths college aa . a meeting place for the clerks. ' , . The Thrifty "rankee Via. ' - rn tha Mew Vnrk Him. ' ' Kf J. Phelps, former United States minister to England, wss building a new stabls on his horns place at Burlington, Vermont. He wanted to put It on tho line of his property, and , In doing so tore down psrt of a stone wall which marked the boundary and which atood half on his land and half on tha land adjoining. , , - " Ths workmsn, . mstssa or otnsrwiae disposing of the stone, aa they had been n- An Ikra It AvM the line and Mr, Phelps fesrsd trouble with his neighbor, who wsa a ciose-iistsa person, of a temper none too eweet and very' Jealous of his rights. As Mr. Phelps ' was observing ths progress of the work on his stable one day he saw hla neigh boring looking rsther cross at him, aa he thought, and went over to him pre pared to' make hla pesos aa best ha might, having it In mind to say that he would haul away the stone at bla own coat, which would have been an ex pensive undertsklng. " He did not propose that at once, how ever. He went at It another wsy. . "Qood morning, neighbor," said he, 't have been meaning- to apeak to you about that stone for seme time. I sup pose It Isn't worth anything?" The suggestion of possible value had Its Immedlste effect en the - thrifty Tsnkse mlfM, ss, perhaps, the, diplo matist hsd thought it might. : "Wil, yaas. Mr. Phelps, T sh'd think that thar stun might be wurth. quite a good deal fer buildln' purposes." ' "I'm glsd to know that," said Phelps, V i , . T en't 1 1 A ft mm wtmit mm v.n . Ton are entirely welcome to my half of It" " So the result of thst interview was' peace, and not war. Ke Waa It. ' ' From tho St. Loula Globe-Democrat. HUanm. " ulil m tlt( m . -.1 -.1.1 ' the other day, ."I'm so tired and sleepy. -I wish you would put me te bed right now."- 'Why, my dear, whet makes you so' worn out tonight?" Oh, It's 'cause we've been playing Buffalo Bill all day, and 1 vs been the