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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1906)
rJ. POiiTLill KEEPS $3X0 Tc";tS:iJ$I.85 ' UP THE PACE Prices Are Right Payments '. 'Are . J- ''::-: . Subscription to Sen ' Francisco rru Relief f Fund - Still v -'I " ' '"Liberal." : Captain Merriam's Wife Come - to Gather Clothe for -. , ,; Homelees. -a S-plee Decorated Toilet Bets, easily worth th regular prtr of li. to make room la th s basement, where .they r mr '. stored, w place them on sale thl week at, a eetX, v.ei-s SAYS FAMILIES ARE- 1 r SEVERED FOREVER TOTAL GIVEN IS OVER Neat Cream Pitchers. : &-ot. of modeled earthen wars: ref-1 Sole Agents for Monarch Malleable; Ren&s : TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND .. ular UKcv. TITO OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. rOSTLAND.. , SUNDAY UOSNING, APItll, 3. ' i::X liiiRNn mtii ni?FU NPPn DCI Iff fB I 12 Cream, Sc- l W ?ftti Too ' Governor Pardee Wires That Many s Town Need Aid Jnd;.TbtOne " . Committee Is to Handle All Funds ' for' California's Needy. '." (' PnrtiBtut rm to tha front yesterday with M.4CM0, for the San, Franclsoo relief fund and mad tha total subscrip tions, exoluslve of tha Oregonlan, .at :0M70.S(. t'" ' ' AA; Included. In tha amount u l,00 In (Old coin put up bjr tha Chlneae of tha city. Delegates had bean aant from here by tha Chinese to aaa how ' their countrymen wereetertng In tha etrtckeit olty. Tha funda aenl from her and the good being distributed were handled In a manner, perfectly satisfactory to the visitors and when tha member of tha committee returned to Portland a report was made whioh waa flattering to those - Bpaklns' "hf the' matter; 'Mr.' Mora aid: ! am Informed by Mr. Lee Hone of the relief committee of the Chlneae society, that a committee of three who have returned from; Ban Francisco re port betas entirely satisfied with the manner ,U which aid, la being siren their countrymen,'" all sufferers betas fairly treated. Mr. -Lee Hons further states that 'this committee took four thousand dollars to Ban Frajjclsoo from the Chinese Benevolent society, and that tha Empress Dowager haa sent a subscription of 150.000 to the Amer Ican location at Pekta. and liO.OM to tha Chlneae Mlnlatar at Waahlnstoa for the Ban rranclsco sulTerera.'.' : leaay Tewms Heed Aid. ' Governor Pardee wired 4 Chairman Hoge last night -that Santa Rosa was badly In need of funds and that several of tha other towns were in the same condition. TJie . Portland finance com mittee ' will probably meet today and decide on what Is to be done, la the matter of tha distribution of the money on hand. It Is expected that the moat of the cash will be sent to Ban Fran claoo and from there sent to the local ities needing money. Qovernor Pardee's telegram follows '. . "Mr. R. R. Hoga, Chairman Finance Committee. Portland Relief Committee, Atfjwerlw Your inquiry this data. I learn that Banta Rosa has fair supply of provisions but la short an money. The same likely ' is true of other outside towns. The seneral theory on which we are working I that the relief com mittee In Baa, Franclaco ahould be a clearing house and distribute aid to all places needing It We will probably set this plan into, soo worklns order soon. George G parte. Governor."- . J -iyfi kra cuing eur houses with women i and children from Ban Francisco, and '" I atlU they Doma," sald'hotel elerk last . , iw. T annaora tht all WhO are , ' . BnaactaUy able to do so are sending C their families to roruana m ie unm borne are buUt In tha Bay City. The ' " people' say they cannot find suitable . , apartment la "prlvaU hotels and apart raent bouses, and so they stay at the hotels until they And something to suit ''f " them.'' - '.'..' . ... J Tha registers of every flrst-clags hotel , i in the city show numbers of women and - children registered from Ban. Franolsca v testerday many arrived In the city. Ths majority of them declare they dealr to rent apartments for the summer, and aorae dealfe rooms for a longer time. : News has ben received In tb city that , , Mrs. Gertrude Lambereon Hunter, form , 'erly Portland girl, who waa married 'about one month ago, was burned out . j". during the destruction of Ban Francisco, and not only waa the new horn of the 1 ' " young married eoupl reduced to ashes, ' ' ' but Mrs. Hunter lost her trousseau, her . ! wedding gifts and even the list of donors; .' . .. . Th police were asked yesterday to V search for Max Goldsmith and family ' , who war refugees from Ban Franc leoo. The request earns from a member of the i family at BL Paul. Minnesota, Mas "', . aages for Goldsmith are awaiting him - at th Western Union telegraph office. , " ' ; Jack 0Day has Informed th police i that all union men who are refugees . from Ban Franclsoo should report to Mm . for relief. He Is located la rooms 104 and I,16l Beoond street. His offloe " i Is open from a, m. until midnight. . V Even the milk of human kindness ; may contain a few germ a ' i -' . . An May See What Is . fMADE IN OREQON" ' From May 19 to 26. liantseum INVISIBLE BIFOCAL LENSES $3.50 PAIR 'A much desired article that every one may poMets at a price a great deal lower than asked for by other makes. The moit per'Ct constructed lens on the market, and by far the best seeing by their superb qualities. . ; . , . "They Recommend Themselves". Con Third and Washington Sts. Jewelers, Silversmiths. -, : Kxpert Wstch Repairing. Where Quality Is at Its Best." Suffering at San Francisco Beyond Description and Help Needed Urg ently Kilburn Will Carry AH Do- ' nated Supplies Free, - - ; . Clothing, particularly children's wear ing apparel, Is being solicited by Mrs. R. W. Merriam, wM of Captain Mer rlam of th steamer F. A. Kltburu, for th needy la, stricken Ban Franelao. Mrs. Merrlam arrived -east night on th steamer and Is representing aa Oakland church which has sent relief committees into th 'fields , ,5 '.". "I have been busily at work to al leviate the suffering ever sine ths dls sster," said Mrs. Merriam last' Bight 'The conditions are more horrible than can be told: Children are separated from their parents, wives from their huqbends and many of the families will never be united. In working with th relief com mittees I saw sights which pearly drove m crasy. Had I remained there much longer I believe I would have gone in sans. I was sent her" by a church to get clothing for th homeless and destl tute. Any donations that the Portland people 'wish to make In the clothing or food line will be taken to Ban Franelac on the Kilburn free of charge. The ves sel, will be In th- harbor until Ties day." 1 r . ..'. . Wives of th other offleers of the KU bura arrived on the steamer. Their homes were destroyed by the earthquake and Are and .until other arrangements can be nidi they, will stay on th steamer. - Other refugees were also brought north free ef, chart. A Port land relief commute met them at Astoria yesterday and will furnish them J with temporary accommodations. "When we heard of tha disaster," said Captain Merrlam last night, "we were m Marshfleld. That was ea Wednesday. We went down to Bureka,-wher - we found the populace almost wild with fright. Nearly all of them wanted to go to Baa Franclsoo on the Kilburn to search for their friends and relative I got a special permit to carry ST .peo ple and took that number from Eureka. Th Klrtmrn completed the run down th coast In IT hours, breaking the record. Heretofore the best time was It hours between EVreka and Baa Francisco. Oa ths way1 1 gav ths news of th disaster to the government lightship stationed off Mendocino and to other places along ths rout. W saw Fort Bragg burning. Tha town -was totally destroyed except th mill.. Point' Arena waa not damaged. "Arriving at Ban Francisco we landed at the Bteward-street wharf.. The only foodstuff ws carried was - (OS sacks of potatoes, which were taken on at Marsh- neid. But theae were not connacated, as tb authorities said thay could get along without them. I ' immediately turned th ship over to the refugees, wh soon crowded on board. They were fed and made as com f art able as possible. After th cargo bad been discharged an embargo was placed on shipping and none of the steamers was allowed to sail. Bo ws had to remain there until Tuesday. During all of this time we were taking oar of aa many of ths refugees as w could accommodate. I brought many of them north free of charge." Th captain said that th people of Ban Franclsoo wars sounding th praises of Portland when he left, on account of her promptness to extend relief to the suf ferers. They declare that thla city aent more foodstuff, clothing and raised , a greater amount ot money than any other city of Its else in the United States. He says that Marshfleld also mads an ex cellent showing. Th Kilburn passed the Barracouta off Tillamook. Bh passed Bt. Helens last night at S:U ea her way to Portland and reached. her at about midnight ' . v I TWO PEDDLERS CONTRIBUTE 21 HATS F08 WOMEN Jarnes O'Brien Drove Entire Dis tance From Lot Anfeles to Portland. - CD "' I. Joseph, a well-known . Portland peddler, and Jamea O'Brien, - another peddler, who recently,, drove th entire distance from Los Angeles to Portland, have donated to Th Journal's relief supply II new hats for woman. They are now busy attempting to get further donations from ths peddlers of Portland and vicinity. ... - Joseph lays claim to being tha oldest' peddler in ths city. . O'Brien hse th unique record of accomplishing the long trip from Los Angeles to Portland, through th Blsklyou mountains, with a one-hors peddler's wagon. He asserts he drove from Los Angeles to Oakland In 14 days and says that la soma parts of northern California he. waa obliged to pay aa high as I cents a pound for hay. y SUFFRAGISTS PUN HOW FUNDS MAY BE RAISED At the weekly meeting of th Oregon Equal Suffrage association yesterday afternoon there waa a general discussion on means to raise funds for ths carry ing on of th campaign. It is th wish of the suffragists that all persons Inter ested in the movement in ths stat con tribute as much as possible. It is likely that at next week's meet ing soma tangible scheme will be sdopttd for th rslslng of funds. Na tional Secretary Miss Kate Gordon says that tha parlor meetings at attracting considerable attention. LUMBER MANUFACTURERS CONVENE AT CHEHAUS 8nHl 1Hetr te Tee Joerftet.) ;y Chehalle Wash., April IS. Tha South westsra Washington Lumber Manufac turers' association held a meeting In thla city thla afternoon. Practically all of th mills war represented. The prin cipal business transacted was to bear the report or th committee appointed at the last meeting to adjuat the ca pacity of tb various mills on aa equiu sbl rating, that It might be used In th fight for better' freight rates. The mat ter waa' practically rloaed and the re port turned to ths Taooma, headquarters. The Qucstionof Economy In rpuxcliasing range is determined by the 'amount of ful required to operate it during the time It will be used and ths cost f repair. Tbs construction of lv . ; The Monarch MaHeable Range makes if economical in the He of fuel for the following rsssons ?J. .- ';.'';.' " .. ,"1 .. ''"'. . : ' ' ' ; . FIRST Tbs top. In tbs thickness required when made of malleablo iron, heats mors readily. t ' , SECOND Tbs scams and Joints mads tight with mal leable frames prevent the admission of air from ths outside. into the flues xcspt through ths firebox. THIRD The) rsn bakes properly with , ths sams fire that U used isKdoing other work. v . ' r FOURTH The srrangement for wster heating n all. forms is such that there is no interference with ths opera tion of ths range for other prposs.--- Ths use of malleable iron makes ths MONARCH a rsngs that will not crack, wsrp, bresk or open up in ths aeamsj. '.. " . The guarsntee that you can always gst $30 back for, your Monarch Rangs is better than idle words. Irs a cash, guarantee for ths statements mads bars end satisfies ths most particular people. ; t . ' ii u ; ..j ....... , i .' i A Few of the Many' : Styles of rikareb Ranges . 'A II ; Are Priced Here : - ; tilde. ;. Top." '- ' Oven. T '" No. 224-4 No. 8 31x27 15x21x13..;. ....4 No. 2254 No. 33x27 : 17x21x13. ........ f5T ; ; N0..226 4 No.. 8 - 33x27 15x21xl3........f fNo. 424 No. S . 33x27 . 17x21x13.... f55 No. 0246 No. 8 35x27 19x21x13. ......... fSS No. 824 No. 8 ' 38x27 .21x21x13...., No 30 Hotel Jcsjigs.,,.................i.'.135 ;., . ' ; f ..'.'.''-'..'..'"'. ; With portable gravity reservoir. - . -' v With water-front , : " -v . Ws have other styles on display at our showrooms . ' and will bo glad to phow them. Remember 830 back at any time for your Monarch Rangs Is a guarantee ' unlqua with ths makers of this rsngs alone. ; -; CWrite for Free Booklet on Monarch Ranges 55. Princess Dressers . Select . grained golden oak. Full swelled front on top drawer. Largo French bevel mir ror. Excellent value at our price of, 'each 17.50 J i Hall . No.' 793 Quarter sawed oak. polished; diamond shaped French mirror. 1 Three double' brass hooks. - Ksguisr tlX&O. This wsek'g specisl'- . r' ?8.95 COMBINATION BOOKCASES , . ; COMBINATION CASE Made ' of select. , polished, golden' oak. ' French bevel j pattern mirror. Cupboard be low desk ' falL. " Adjustabls shelves in bookcase. ' Desk compartment conveniently pigeon-holed. Regular 20; special, thisweekr. .fl.00 COMBINATION CASE Select, quarter-sawed oak. French bevel pattern mirror. Bent glass In bookcase, door. Regular $27.50; specisl, this week ,..U........23.T5 . COMBINATION CASE Mahogany, extra large Bent glass In bookcase door. Three drawers below desk falL Cast- brass trimmings, .large French bevel pattern mirror. Beautiful carved trimmings. specisl ; this ........... ,fwvvV 9cegular -$48; week C3 .THE tATESTTH MADE UNDER : UNITED "STATES AND FOREIGN. - ; PATENT RIGHTS, ri A HANDSOME PIECE of I PARLOR FURNITURE eooo st.cOTsstc SOlERSAULTIG DAVENPORT; BED THE PERFECT THE ONLY AN AfeSOLUTELY NEW DEPARTURE IN METAL - FOLDING DAVENPORTS. - A SANITARY BED WHEN REQUIRED rtnlxr fhr? tiest rfevervthinsr. In this advertisement are enumerated many useful and high-grade articles. We are glad to be able to exclusively offer you the. Somersaultic Davenport Bed. The name 'Edvvards Company" always stands for a good place to trade. In this instance it stands for something far above the general run" of furniture. la Use as a Bevenyote Befe. $40 1 ' tm. Vae est BeaV .; $40 . . e Baey OUU Oaav Operate I. Tae aaek Suaayly Bells Terware. Wasm Tea Waa to STepare tt e e4.. The Somersaultic Davenport Bed Has Many Points of Merit Price Is Right Payments Are Light I. 'Wllhout tnovtns; from the wall; It earn be trana fortnetf from a Perfect Davenport to a Perfect Bed. -; . J.' Upholstertns Is protected, by cushion automatlo ally turning Inside out, present In f the tlcklne ' eovered felt mattreea. ,. I, Bedding' remains In plaoe concealed from view durlnr the dajr. Make up the bed In the wora- ln, ready for use at nlsht 4. Banitarr steel construction, simple and substan tial, cannot set out of order. luxurious double cone-oll-tempered steel springs. ; , , i. (. Mattress and cushlona fUlsd with hygienic felt. 1 held In place by our patent Invisible clasp. . ' . . Can be readily taken apart - for shipment, or V taken through the "narrowest doorway, and It Is easily set up again. ' l. i It eosts no more than the antiquated Davenport,, nor as much as an ordinary bed of equal grade, . notwithstanding lts unquestioned superiority. ft ate Saagav a Aar 4 y Made in Oregon' Aa Oragaa Show far All the People. May 19-26 &5 eVYeS , ere rtle ea-asmee. ; 8pmU1 DIspeMk te Tbe Jeeraat.) navton. Or.. April la. Tha relief com. mlttee. composed f W. T. Trloker, president; U. . Kippey, mnwi, mma Mrs. r. 1.. Harris, treasurer,, has done excellent work. Spring lYIedicine la . thousand fA theneands of homes in cities, towns sad villages three doses a day of Hood's Barsapa rlUa are now being taken by every member ol the family. ... . 'Why such wide end gensrml. tisst Becaose Hood's SanapariUa has proved Itself ths Best Spring Medicine, by Its wonderful effects In cleansing the "sys tem of ell humors, overcoming that tired feeling, creating appetite, clearing the complexion, giving strength and animation. : Over forty thousand testimonials re ceived in two years, by actual count. Accept no substitute for . , , Hood'o Garoaparllla Insist on having Hood's. Get H today. In liquid of tablet iora. ; 100 Dosss 11, SPARING 110 PAIHS OR EXPEHSE Attorneys for Heywood, Moyer, Pettlbon and Simpklne Art Fighting Hard. MAKING BIQ EFFORTS ; FOR CHANCE OF VENUE Agents Scouring County dotting Sentiment el PeopleProsecuting Attorney Warns All Not to Talk to 8trsngers.. ' (Sserlal Dlasstrh te Jhe Jere.l.) i Boise. Ida., April IS. Attorneya for the Westsra Federation of Miners have employed ageata te travel over Caayon county and talk with eltlseaa regard. I t ' , ' ; - - - I Ihg ' the indictments returned againal Morsr, Haywood. Pettlbone and Blmp kins, charged with the murder of ex Governor . Btennenberg. to . ascertain Whether or not the . sentiment of the people Is such 'that the defendants cannot have a fair and Impartial trial, the purpose of which they say Is to Isy the foundation for a change of venue If the people are prejudiced. County Attorney Tanduyn la investi gating the actions of the agents and clalms-to have evidence ' that at least two members of the grand Jury hare been approached with offers of brlbee for Information as to tha evidence given by Harry Orchard, the confessor, when before the grand Jury. v. The prosecuting attorney has . sent out warning to all parts of Canyon county not to talk of the ease to st ran gar a and notified all members of the grand Jury to report to him any offers for information regarding the testimony given before them. In order that violators may be arrested and punished. .-'- . Attorney Nesent for ths defense etater that they have a right to In formation which their agenta are work ing to secure and that their men will be protected again it Intimidation on the part of state officers.- The defense Is sparing no pains o expense to., se cure the necessary aff Idavlta to base their application for a whangs of venue te some other county tn idahOy - t ,,,,,,, ,,,,,M,.,, ,,, .,,,... flMI ureat para ams on Men's and Youths9 Suits 120.00 grade for............ ....f 11.85 tlWO and $15.00 grade for...... ...fT.85 Light-Welght Suits, worth $10.00, for. .......f 5.85 Sir ' Selection of Hats, Pants, Shoes, Overshirts and Underwesr St 33 per cent less In pries compared with high-rent stores' prices. , . c Trunks and Suit Cases st one half of their value. ' , .. ai". . . .' . . . . I - "X John Dellar - ."rl81-183 FIRST STREET V " Brsnch Store, 53 NORTH THIRD STREET. V 4WvttjMtt ee4 line e eel .. l..v. . . '