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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1906)
;A:;,SECTIOir:TW( ' - ' - I II -l I III II I . I 1 I I ll .1 I T III I 1 1 .11 -, , J , , ' ..... ' PORTLAND. OREGON, ' SUNDAY , MORNINOj APRIL 29. 1906. Fifth, Sixth -& Vashingtoh ' Streets Store Opens at 8 A. M. Closes 6P..I. wan m Bimun" stobb. TU "WITT: STOBB. fnnviTArI o Pirfp AUIllJUUT.-LVILri- . is ." V " w flu I . .., . . rai wiimin" tTOU. : , . ' v-. r . iiiiiliilif 'TOMORROW THE LAST DAY OF r THE GREAT BENEFIT SALE I i FIVE PER CENT f OFTHE -GROSS'RECEIPTS OF THE STORE GOES TO THE SAN FRANCISCO RELIEF FUND v.. Portland, W'to26, Inclusive '.All -TOGETHER FOR A "GREATER OREGON" Boost th Big- fair and State Xaauftrfal Bxhlblt of ' Made ta Oregon" 'rood Bortland,' y 1Mb to gatb, Beat b a ela-n,' ' Miss Bernard, chlefeas of tho big Salons of Dre. returned home )t week from her second trip el nee January 10 'to-New Tork. a trip made necessary by the wonderful volume of vbuslneaa accorded- her' i dnpartmonta. - Mls Bernard ia en tthualastlc over t be -new things, ahe Jias brought hpme with her, espe cially' the new "Frltate Seheff" and ."Racquet"' Sulta, "Rainbow" BklrU Vtnd Solta, and "College Blouse" or Golf Walats. It la extremely gratifying to lanow that this Is the ' , ONE Portland , house . finding it ' neceaaary to send a representative twice In a -single season- Into the, .garment market'- to' aoure goods,' and all the more so-in-that it gives, . this house a later acquaintance with Fashion's newest fancies, not out .when other houses went to Market. .This week will see a revival of the ;81ik Shirtwaist Suit and Silk Eton and Fancy Tailored Suits. - Thla will be Fashion Week In the PiHt Salons and all the frocks and frills 'that Queen Fashion has "Stamped '.correct for feminine wear will be oa ahow and aale at extremely modest : ; prlcea. ' r V ' . ' "1 Tomorrow la the last day to con ' trUtute through purchase " at the store to the San Francisco , relief fund.;.--;. . .!''- -.: , Ijutt ; week's ! ,'Clearnce wr A tremendous success. Bales- No W get ready for the "Mad la Orefoaj" Bzpo. . . . . Underwear aaaaaahla Bneolala Women Want. KNITWEAR AISLES FIRST ' V'.- - FLOOR. ' . . Woman's 1.00 Valoa Bolts T3c Women's "Merode" Union Suits, , with high neck, long sleeves, knee . length) silk crocheted trimmings) our 11.00 value. Special at, the aUlt ...y... ...... .........T3 . ;" Women's $IM TTalon Sulta : ; Women's "Merode" Union Suits, me- rlno. . etiftimer weight, long X ateeves.t ankle length, extra silk ; trimmings; our 11.60 value. Spe cial at, the suW..,...i...fJ1.19; " Women's 3 So Tlgkta SSe, , , -Women'a Whita Cotton Tlghta. ' ankle length, correctly made and ; ahaped; our ISo value. Special at., the pair .25 Womea'a 85a Testa tor So. ' Women'a White Cotton Long Sleeve ' Vests, very fine ribbed; our tia value. Special at, each..... 25f . ' Womea'a too Testa fot 14c. ' Women'a Whitei Ribbed Cotton ,. , .Veats. low neck and sleeveless; ' ' our tto value.. Special at, V each,, .......... .......u.lif Womea'a tic Tanta 17e. . Women's White' Lace-l rimmed Knee Pants', out IBc raltie. Hpeclsl at, .y tin! pnir '. ..17 gl Jffe f Safe 0)f W2ffnps Eiiquls m '- ,V aa-sena ' ' .-" w ..flat . . "f .. --r . , ' W9 ' ' ' - 's ' '-'-...,.,.,-.'' , - ; . ( -i ' . . '. 1 I,";4 -yI-V:y'"' l. . W n " 7 tt'tv- II II rjT I't4 i crr4 rcn ? rvri ria ' ; ' ; : i-iua o Women's Silk and Lisle 75c to $1.00 XiLOVES FIRST JLOOR. 'Two-clasp Silk. and- Lisle Gloves in ' f black, white, mode and gray; 'also Silk Net Qlovea In black and. : ' white; -values -at 7Bo, SBo - and t.00. - Special the pair 48 MONDAY'S PENNY-SAVERS . FIRST' FIXXR " NOTION " ,, shops., ,,f "All things are cheap to the aav-. Ing. . dear , to the wasteful." Bn TFranklntrr Save the pennies the dollars will multiply themselves. We print a group of savings worth while. . -6c Curling Irons. Special. .... .3 , 20o card, best- Ball and Socket. Snap v Dress 'Fasteners. Special. . .124 lOo cube White-headed Toilet Pins. . Special . ................... .6 Pair 10o Wide Shoe Laoes. Spe- - cial . 6, Pair lightweight White : Summer V Dress Shields. . Special .....10 too Whisk Brooms. Special. ..12 19a Jar Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline. - Special . .11 to" cake Kirk's Witch Haset Toilet - Soap.- Special s.T'.T. 'tiTr.' Wllllama' ' SO round cake ; Shaving Soap. Special ........... ....3 ISo bar Jersey Lily White Floating Castile Soap, Special; ......IB lBo Plain Whita Crepe 'Paper Nap . kins. 100 In package. Special. package . 9 25o box ; Japanese Twilled Linen Writing Paper. Special. ... .12 s Co bottle La Page's Gold Medal Mu-. , cjUage. Special ........ .... .3 ; 15o lightweight - Transparent Eye , Sbadea. Special . ......... 10 Women'a SOo fine quality Nickel .. .plated Scissors. t and 7-inch. .''. Special, pair .............. .30 Obaooea That Wont Com Again , . .. lava on BEDSPREADS i TABLE CLOTHES and PRETTY i k t WASH GOODS'! '. " BrXCIALi KOBBAT. ' ; -. T- f FIRST FLOOR."' ' ' Bedspreads 1149. V White - Crochet Bedapreada, : full - aix, In handsome Marseilles pat- . - terns. Special at, each... f 1.25 ; ' Bedaprsaaa l.Td. ' White Crochet . Bedspreads with , fringe or cut-out corners. Special t,. each .... . . . . . .... T.V. f 1.75 - Bedspreads 91 M. rise Satin Bedapreada In newest : designs, full slse. Special at, ' each . f 1.08 i Battern - Tableclotha Made . from the best ilnen yarns; cream color. . . Coma In three designs Chrysan-' . themum, Fleur de Lis and Holly. , "Very handsome , Slse Sx t. Special at, each. .S3.00 Slse txlO. Special at, each. .B3.50 t Slxe Sxll Special at, each. .f-i.OO goo Wash Oooda for tao. , . , Four thousand, yards of fine Wash .. Goods Including in the eelectlon ' Linen Suitings, Mohair Waist, lngs. Mercerised Poplins knd Em- .v broldered Vollett; all our 60c val-, , uea. ; Special at, the yard... 32 THINGS MEN .--,At Brlcea Woman Bay." . ' v. . - Special Monday in the "Ilaberdaah ' . erle" Sixth Street Annex. ' ' FIRST FLOOR. .''', Men'a lOo andkerehlef So. Men's plain white hemstitched Cam . brio IlandKerchlefa, with H-lnnh : ' hem; the beat value made for 10c. ' Special at. each,. t 5 1 ' Man' too uspendera t7o. ' Men's fine lisle elastic web Sus- "penders. with oontab and leather ' .' ends; our S6o value. Special at, -the pair .27 ; - ntes's 'too Box for MHa. ' Men'a Fancy.' Hog In newest designs. In polka, dots, plaids and figures; . sold by many for. 26c; our regular ' price Is SOo, Special Sale price, the nalr 12Ht Ken's 60o Vndarwaa for tTWa. Men'a flesh-colored ribbed Balbrlg- ; gan. Shirts and Drawers; shirts with French neck and drawers , . with double seat; extra value at( - toe. Special at, the gar ment . . :A ............ . , 11 vv iiwii i.ff r 1 u i ff i trj r if r vr i t ifj ( n i- t DAINTY NEW mmERlEmiTmPTATlOM PRICES A nn Xalf to be Saved oa This HANDSOMELY -DECORATED HAVILAND CHINA - THIRD FLOOR, t i; , Our China Chief has recently re- . turned from the - Eastern markets. In anticipation of the arrival of carloads of goods, wa hasten, to close some ahort lota from- present 'stocks to create room. We'll stand the loss) philosophically, for the sake, of the ultimate good to be derived. . So Monday: you'll pay . J17ST KAUrrOB BBOOBATBD,; y. ;.. ; xatixabb . cbxva. ' ; ! These handsome pieces of Deoo-'. rated Uavlland China are samples , of the . latest '' productions from the , celebrated pottery at " Le " moges, .- France, - and are beaut!- -fully decorated with floral designs . In national colors. In delicate shades . of blue, pink and yellowj v -.; . The Illustration falls enttrely to give, the rich effect -of r this ins; China, which wa are offering at halt Its value. . - . Wa mention below a. few. of the -good ones In the assortment.. ..' '.I. CTr ABB SAVCBBs -'. . ' Oqr ' 60o value. Special, each. 25 Our -0o value.. Special, each. 30 jOur -70c value. Special, each. 35 Our f 1.10 value. Special, each. 55 ' Our $1.40 value. Special, each.70 Our 11.(0 value. Special, each,. 80 Our i 5q value. Special,, each. Our 60c value. . Special, each . Our 65o value.' Special, fach. Our 0o value. Special, each. Our t-70o value. Special, .each , Our- 5o value. Special, each, Our 11.10 value, i Special, each. 23- 25 28 SO 35; 48 65 SAXAB OB BXBBT BOWX.S. Our 5e value. Our $1.25 value. Our $f.40 value. Our $1.70 value. Our $1.(6 value. Our $2.10 value. Special, Special, Special. Special. Special, - Sped. cach.48 each. 03 each.70 each. 85 each. 98 a. f 1.05 CXOr TBATS. .'.-'."' '.' f , Our $2.10 value." Specl, ea..$1.05 ! Our $ 40 value. Spec'l,,20 : Our $$-00 value.; Spec'l, ea..$)l,60 Our ' 70c value, ' Special, each. 35 Our $6o value. '. Special, each. 43. Our $1.10, value. 'Special, each. 55. Our $1. JO value- Special, each. SO HOME NEEDFULS AND LUXURIES AT "HOBDAY BABQAIV niOXa FOURTH FLOOR. ' Baney Colored Beadleton Indian Btankatai our $.0O'yaM4 Special . at, Aach 94.65 iaio BUkoUaes for to. " ' , Colored SUkoltnes tn pretty floral ' and - Oriental designs. It Inches - .wide; our;12Ho value. Special , at. the yard ..... ..9 A.BABOA1B IB OOOABTS BOB i BABT. ' . ;focrth floor! t. '' S7J0 Oooarts tor SMS. . " Reclining and folding Whitney Go carts, steel and hardwood frame, , .reed front and back; cushion' and ' parasol to .match. Ten-Inch fub-ber-tlred wheels and antl-frlctlon wheel fasteners; our $7.60 value. Special at,, each .... v: .. .95.35 , . ond floor. New Combination ' A XOBBl. OB COltTOBT ' ABB STTliB ALMOIT ZBBXSBBBBABUi ' WOT -, - ;aW''x ntiBCBsa oowks. , I combines threo: garments in one the 'Corset Cover, -Skirt' and Drawers. Tery .practical, as In no part of the garment Is iher more. than an extra thickness of ma terial. . Its" comfort, convenience, economy ' and other good points appeal at once. to a -woman at first sight. Of fine nainsook, trimmed with Vatenclennea lace, beading and ribbons.. A feature, of this week's 'great sale.; J " BARGAIN EVENTS of UTMOST IMPORTANCE r ' TOMORROW IN THE y ' WOMEN'S APPAREL :- SALONS oor" JAUNTY COVERT JACKETS FOR HALF-PRICEI fin vy-:- - tailed description. Suffice to say EVERY COR8ET MODEL Is represented and perfection In fit is assured. Regular values range from $5.00 to $16.00. Cut the price .In two on the Jacket you select, and take it , at i...BAXT BBI0B. $12.50 Raincoats $9.98 Tery swell new Garments, Indispensable to eve,ry woman's .' wardrobe anJ especially .desirable by those who have a trip in view an Ideal garment for the traveler and the vacationist as welt as the stay-at-homes. , Every woman -needs a raincoat, no matter where she resides or what her occupation may be. The coats comprising the offer Ing we make for Monday and Tuesday are all In thla, aeasona latest makes, from best cravenetted materials, ' notable for perfection In tailoring and finish, attractively : trimmed in braid, strapping and button effects, and In a color range embracing every wanted shade. Including :- grays, . tans. Oxfords and olives. Best - regular $12.60 ' values. Special for two days at. .... i. .. L . . ..99.98 - Sensational Sale of Walking ONE-FOURTH . OFF ON ANY IN THE HOUSE . , SOLD USUALLY AT $tS-:0R LESS The above, offering In clude every .Wool--klrt In the pedes' '," trlenn effects In the : Store's - Immense stocks. No need of , descriptive melange: Indeed,- description would - be ImposslMa' ' In such variety of ma- ' terlxls, colorings and: - styles. Portland . wo men know tha extent . of the , offering when. ; we say, '"Chose from 'any up to and Includ ing those at $16.00." -" It means select from I . thousands. All -. thla season's style and leading makes, Every wanted material and . color, alt, splendidly . - ':'".,. tallore.1, perfect In make and fitting properties: choose from the monster convention atiy In the bowse up to the price point printed above. at..OBB QUABTXB OFF. 'THE 'VbLLBtJB BLOfSK" or' OOLF WAISfS ARE IN. ' See thorn tomorrow. Charmingly chlo with their elbow sleeves an deep rolling collars for . wide, flowing necg-.,. -' scarfs. - ' The printed items on this page represent only fresh, new, crisp, undergarments. At, these prices no woman can afford to make the garments' t homeif she values her' time at anything.' Every garment is cut to fit correctly, full and not skimped. made in master workmanship, in sanitary factories, under" the most healthful con ditions. ' Last week large shipments of French lingerie came irt-marvcla of beauty . and of daintiness. See the big window displays "around the corner" at Washing ton and Fifth streets. Read the savings in the week's special sales. Annex, sec-' Li ITT--- ---r-.- For two days, Monday and Tues day only, we ahall place on aale in the Garment Saf lona our entire stock of smart Covert-Jackets in tight fitting ef fects. Here you may choose from a - stock larger than la ahown by any other two local stores com bined, all new and au thoritative models and made in mas-, ter workmanship by the foremost tailors and coat . makers In Amer ica. In every cor rect style favored for Spring and Summer wearing by good dressers. The stocks are too , large and varied to admit of de. . 2J inches wide; regular $1.10 grade. per yard . 27 Inches wide; regular $1.26 grade. . per yard .. ......... . 3 Inches wide; King Special. Saturday at 'Regular $1.00 Regular $1.21 Regular $1.50 ' fvory and V..', Drawers A CONVENTION OF BEAUTY AND y :. ,Vy 'vy BARGAINS Drawers of ' flna muslin, cambrlo and nainsook, trimmed In Insertions, tucks and lace or ambroid-. ery edging, at 30, 60 75. fl.OO, 1.25 to f 12.60 Chemise Women's pretty, dainty Chemise of a bore material a In ahort or full length, lace and. embroidery . trimmed at yoke and bottom. Prlcea.. 50, 76, 85, f 1.00, f 15 to S9.50 A REVIVAL OF SILKS SAYS FASHION ,. With the Summer cornea a demand for Bilks for tha new Shirtwaist. Eton "Frltsle Scheff." "Raoquet" an4 "Rainbow" suits and fancy silk skirts and. waista that Fashion baa decreed for wear of her devoteee. After aU, what COULD take the place of allka. for amart aummer wear t In the collection of allka ahown her style la reflected In every piece, taste predominant In every eolof and deaign and positive saving is cer tain In every yard. . For Monday and Tuesday wa offer th-followtng special values: ' .- '' '- .r : ' ' ', Bengalines and Fancy Novelty Suit Silks 2.000 yards pure Silk and Wool Falls Ban gall ne tha best value, ever offered at $1.00 per yard; durable and good color lln to choose from. Special, per yard . .......... .r. . .69 4.100 yards Novelty Suit Silks In both light and dark grounds, with floral, Dresden, broohe effects. Also ' a large assortment of neat stripes and checks; our ' regular $1.26 grade. Special, per yard. .......... .86 Dependable Black Taffetas Special only, 83 Special only, 89 regula $1.60 grade. Olds, Wortmanf Special only, per yard. 91.19 Colored Taffetas White, Ivory, Creanfand" Deep Creani Taffetas ; the i best values offered Irtjtown at 5o per yard. Special t for two days only, per yard .... f 68 SPECIAL IN DRESS GOODS y COLORED FABRICS Imported English Mohairs In Sicilian and Brllllanttn weave In every new and wanted shade these dur. - able, duat-reslatlng fabrics can be bought Friday and a big saving- grade. Special, for yard.'... .82 ..98 grade.' - Special. . for yard...... grade. ; Special.- for yard,. ..... .f 1.21 Cream shsde are included In above. . ROYAL WORCESTER SALONS Correct U Mode. ' - $3 Royal VIorcester Corsets. $1.89 r . t Royal Vorostr. Corset or pink or blue) and whit brocade, lao and " ribbon trimmed, medium high' , bust, deep Prlnoiss Upa, velvet I grip hose aupporterg at aide and ' front; alsea II to 16; regular , .. price $$.00. - Special, pair.fl.89 Women's $2.0j0 Cambric or Muslla ;; Petticoats $1A7 Blx dlstlnot atyle la Women'a 1 baa eambrto or muslin Petticoats. , ; with deep Counoea, trimmed In embroidery or lac Insertion and : wld dglng, or deep and extra full ' floune Of fin lawn; deep Item . and tare clustars of gtg . fin ' - took each; length 1$ to 44; reg ' ular prioes $2.00. Special. - -ach", . ...f 14T 85c Corset Covers ::.yvy64cyy:-r:; Fourteen distinct atyle of Corset ; . Covers, of fin nainsook or cam brie, low round or square neck. - full front.- trimmed in, Valen ;. clennes or Torchon' lao and em- , v broidery Insertion and edging, beading and draw ribbon; slse from 14-44; regular price 86c Bpeclal at, each .......64 2 Yomen's 8&t Drawers 61c Six dlstlnot styles of Women's - Drawers of fin nainsook, cam bric or muslins; trimmed la Tor chon lao Insertion and edging or .' fin embroidery and cluster of ' fin tucks u sises from 1$ to 27 ; , regular prto $6. Special, vpalr ....67 Women's $2.00 Gowns $1A2 Six distinct styles of Woman'' Oowna of fin nainsook, oanjbrlo i- or muslin; high, low, round or square and V-shaped neck, with ' yoke or bishop style; elbow r full length aleevea; trimmed In ; Valenciennes lac or embroidery edging and Insertion;, fin tucks, beading and silk wash ribbon; slse from. 14 to It; regnlar prto $2.00. Special, each -. f 1.42 HOSIERY WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S BBOZAXi MOBBAT.y .. FIRST FLOOR. "; ' ' . Wsnams SS Imw IS. Women'a black cotton fancy striped boot Hose; Women's fancy striped lac tan Hose; Woman's black 'and whit lao Hose; Women's black Hoe with fancy stripe, and - Woman's black lao Ho all of theee 26o value. : Special Sal price, the pair ........18 Children's Wait and fin ribbed, sises to 1 values to 20a. Special, any else, at, the pair . ...... ............. .15 OhOdiM' Bin Watt Xtato Xom, seamles. - Splendid value at, the '..pair , 26 GREAT VALUES y IN GOWNS Immense quantities ef pretty Do mestlo Gowns, mad of Insertion, ' cambrlo or nainsook, low. round or v aquar. high and V-shaped neck, ' long and elbow sleeves, at 50. 75. 85. 81.0O, 61.26. Ji.cJo. ,$1.76, to 27.60, ,. . : . - !., Skirt of same . materials, deep flounoea. trimmed, from the neat . little plain - hemstitched tuoks to the very full lao or embroider, trimming, at Sl.OO, 91.2. 91.50, 92.00, 2.25, f2.60 to $40.00. . , . . DAINTY CORSET M; COVERS : : SEtMRKACU VZWZS Corset 'CSvera in an almost endless variety of style In tlght-nttlng and full-front, some In all-over embroidery or all lae Insertion, others In dainty edging ef U-. and embroidery, rwadin sn.l Draw ribbon, at 25. 60. 7C fl.OO to 910.k.J. .1