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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1906)
.L. rCriLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, 'APRIL' iJ. "ll-J." 1' PL10 10 REBUILD OLD SAN JOSE' 't .V.'.' -J ejSssasaaBSBssBs-sssassjsfsasjB ,"'-' Property Owners Will Erect Lar Eer, Stronger, Finer Structures.- MANV buildings not ' 7 ! DAMAGED GREAT DEAL ' Chimneys Fall and Cornices Wert ' Smashed, Making Blocks Appear , to Be Wrecked Thousand Men st Work Clearing Away Debris. : .v:: . v.- (Joarul Special Servtea.) -Tan Jose, Cal.. April Ban -Jose, hlch was partially, destroyed 'by tha earthquake and subsequent fires, -will be rebuilt .The. people have nearly' re covered from the panic, and everybody la lending a willing hand" fn clearing away the rutna, preparatory to rebuild Ing. Many of the largeat property .owners affected by the earthquake are . ? planning to erect largeY, stronger and , more beautiful structure. All tha architects In San Joss have 'been appointed on a-committee to ln ' apoct the buildings of the city. They have proceeded rapidly with their work. : The buildings' that ara'unsaf are being condemned and razed and the owners of others are being Informed by the ' committee what repairs should J made ' to put them In good condition.' . .The results of the Inspections have . proven a great surprise to the populace. .The damage wrought is riot nearly so great as expected. Many of the larg est bulldlnga In the city are still stand - Ing and have been declared perfectly " sale. The wrecked chimneys and orna ment on the outside of blocks made things look much worse than Is really the case. ., Tearing Sown Bnllrilags. - The buildings that have been con demned are being torn down and the debris carted away, fully 1.000 men - arc at work in the busineas district of the, city and within 'a week nearly all -the wreckage will have disappeared. 7 A masa meeting of cltlsena u held, " In which the leading spirits were mem . bera of the chamber of commerce, mer ' chants' association and publlo officials, te conelder the situation. Trie first ' thing attempted was to organise a gen eral relief committee.. Next came an "" announcement from the building trades council and the federated trade council ' - that all attempta to Increase the price . of supplies or wages would be sup--'pressed.' i r , ' ; Tha taak of caring for the unforfun.- ates of the city who have been left homeless or who , have been Injured has occupied the-attention of the re lief committee, but plenty has been pro '; vlded for all and they have been made comfortable. In addition to the peo ple effected In this city, thousands are flocking here from San Francisco but It is" reported that the local relief cora . mlttee will be able to care for all who . apply for assistance. . . , i ' Sohools . Stor e Yaoayos. A vacation has been declared In the publlo schools 'for to days and all pro eeedlngs in the courts have been post poned untU May 4. Work at the San v Jose state - normal school and at the University of the Pacific has bven re sumed. The -beautiful San Jose-High ..; school, ereoted four years ago at a coat , of 1190,000, ia a toui wreck and the .. ruins are being dynamited. On Thursday the people were nearly .thrown into another panic by two severe shocks, .which tumbled standing walla . They ruahed from their houses into the streets in wild confusion, but the ex- cltement soon subsided. Somebody :, started the report that, a large sub--- terranean river runs under the SanU .. Clara valley, that the earth was going . to open op and devour everything. This . was eagerly seised upon by many of the more eacltable people. ' The authorities hsve the city well In -hand. It Is still under control' of tha '. state militia, but several hundred spe cial policemen have been discharged by .' Chief Carrol L : Clearing Wreekage at Agaews. -At Agnewa inaane asylum the work ef clearing away the wreckage la Still In progress. The damage there will . amount to 1700,000. ' . OUroy, to miles aouth 4t here, with a population of 6.000, suffered 1600,000 damages. Several were Injured. , The damage at Santa Clara will total 1600,000. c Mountain View, Mayfleld, Los Oatos, .. Mllpltas and other towns in the valley were all damaged. ' ci A complete list of the dead, number ' Ing It, In San Joae has been compiled by Coroner Kell as follows: , Paul Ferrex. Mrs. Ugolina Coata.'Mre. Claude Everett, Dr. Warren De Crow, Henry Anderson. Baby James Hlguerra, , Borneo Mauvala, . Delia Marquardt, Trial Package Hailed Tree to AU Was V Send sraaae aaa Address. '. , ' "I wss troubled with piles for sev eral years before 1 would let It be known. But at last they became so se vere that I could not walk and I had to take my bed. I tried everything and anything the .-doctors prescribed, and took their treatments for a long time. BuV nothing ever did me any good. ' I had seen your ad. in different newspa pers, so I got a 60-cent box and began using them. From the very Jlrst I got quick relief and by the time I was starting on my third boa I saw I waa cured. I have' not been troubled with them since. Now you can. use this as you please, because it is genuine. Yours, T. A. Sutton, Stone and Cement Contrac tor, Marion, Ind." J ,-, . Inatant 'relief can be gotten by using the marveloua Pyramid Pile Cure. It immediately reduoea all congeation and swelling, heals all sores, ulcers and ir ritated parts. - The moment you start use It your suffering ends and the cure of your dis ease Is in sight. The Pyramid File Cure renders a surgical operation unnecessary. Don't hack to pieces those tender, muscles which must be Intact if a satisfactory cure la to be obtained. The Pyramid. PUe Cure Is put up In the form, of "eaay-to-use" specially made suppositories. They are soothing, painless. Instant and certain. . , A trial treatment wui be sent you at once by mall. In plain, sealed wrapper, without a cent of expense to you, if you send your name and address to kPyramld Drug Co., Hit Pyramid Build ing, Marshall, Mich. After you receive the sample, you can get' a regulsr-slse package, of Pyramid Pile Cure t your druggist's for 60 cents, or if he hasn't It, send us the money and we will aend it to you. fix Fi.33 Cured Suffering for Years,' and Bed-Ridden w ' From Piles, s Contractor of Marion," Indians, Ia Cured by Pyramid PIe Cure. Thomsa CToole, Mrs. Helen Brandon. Mr. and Mrs. Carrlgan and baby of Oak land, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haley and two children of Oakland, K. Fujita and. Wife. This list does not Include the Agnewa asylum victims, which Increase the total to more than 1J0. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY FOR NORTH POLE Waits; Wellmaa WUI Stake Baas, for Vole and Install tie Wireless Tele graph as Means - of Oonununloatlo. Mr. Walter Wellman, the widely dis tinguished explorer, is about to make another attempt to reach the north pole, wlfen making preparations for hi perilous expedition he -was quick-, to realise the - benefits to be "derived " in many ways from an installation of wire less telegraphy. Every one who makes a dash for the north pole across those unexplored and treacherous seas of ice. whence so many have gone never to re turn, takes his life in hla hands, and It is not difficult to imagine the sense of seourlty end safety which these men will feel when they know that by the touch of a key a meaaage will be flashed to their friends and, fellow- citizens 1n their own country end they will be ad vised of happenings at home by the ssme means. For centuries past at tempts have been made to reach the north pole, and so fsr every expedition has met' with defeat and has turned back after having Buffered untold hard ships arid privations. Many of the ex peditions have never returned, but who can say what would have, been the re sults it they had been provided with means of communicating with the civilised world? Relief expeditions woulqhave been fitted ou and sent to rescue these daring men; helpless In the clutches of ice and snow, and thess relief expeditions, similarly equipped with wireless apparatus, would have ex perienced no difficulty In tracing and rescuing their countrymen. Nearly every country of the world has sent ex ploring parties Into this unknown . land. but those who have called from Mhe United States have met with' the most success.- As above stated. Mr. Well- man Is very confident of a. successful termination to his present - hazardous undertaking, and who can conceive of the honor which will - be accorded to the country by every nation of the civilised world in the event of his suc cess T The north 'pole discovered by an American -cltlsen, and the Tlrat news of Its fllsoovery flashed by means of sn American invention, the DeForest wireless telegraph. Our record in the paat speaks for itself; ur future Is assured. v very Truly xours. AMERICAN DeFOREST WIRELESS TELEGRAPH COM PANT. tockholm's SCaay flower Shops. A special characteristic of the BwedlaTt women of all classes Is their love of flowers. . ' ' In proportion to Its slse and the num ber . of Its lnhabitanta. Stockholm has more flower shops than any other town in Europe. ' t r : If 4 .i -2.i'-' v. -I I,-,'I h -' 4 ' 1 "4 J' 1 . - 1 r ! J. t. Agnes Catholic Church, 8an Francisco 'vV-Jpii'-v-.V' :r-:i. - '':. :- i s . ; ' imi PATTERN SPECIAL $11.00 v THIS PATTERN ' SPECIAL $1250 :;;V:,"';r';:.-'';' , THIS PATTERN ' SPECIAL $12.50 Owing to the fact that in the near future we will be located in our handsome new building on the corner of Morrison and Seventh streets, we have inaugurated a series of special sales forthe purpose of reducing our present stock, and thus iacilitate the removal of same. These sales will be most liberal in their value-giving, and will cover every department which combines' to complete housefurnishlng. This special sale of Morris Chairs embraces nine pat terns in the mahogany, golden oak and weathered oak finishes. Sale commerces Monday morning, lasting throughout the week, ': " "" ."' .'" . ', SPECIAL $11.00 Morris Chair in the mahoganized birch, hand polished, carved design upholstered in richly colored yelour. . :( SPECIAL $12.50 Morris Chair ' In solid quarter-sawed - oak, hand fjolish&d, equipped! with loose cushions in two-tone velours t" ' . SPECIAL $13.00. - ' Mbrris Chair in hand polished mahoganized birch, and equipped -with loose cushions, checked .velour. - ' ' ' SPECIAL $13.00 - . : , ',.-. Morris Chair in hand polished quarter sawed golden oak, fitted with loose' cushions ' in two-tone stripe velours. 1 , ' SPECIAL $13.00 .- -Morris Chair in quarter-sawed golden oak; -.hand polished, fitted with cushions in two "tone checked velour. " SPECIAL $15.50 ' Morris Chair in the best finish of mahogw anized birch, hand polished; has loose cushion in striped and checked velours.; ; . SPECIAL $15.50 Mission Morris Chair in. the weathered oak, fitted with the striped and checked velour cushions., SPECIAL $15.50 1 ; . Morris Chair in polished quarter-sawed gol " den oaJ, heavy design, equipped with Jsose .. velour cushions in stripe, effects. ; v '-SPECIAL $17.00 - Mission Morris Chair in the weathered oak, fitted with the loose Cushions in striped and checked effects. m FSSSfBBBaBSMBa4JBBiiS? ' v Special Sale of JLace Liurtams For , this ysale, we have gathered together over 600 pairs oTottingham Lace Curtains, in many ' novel and popular effects. This special sale will continue - three days, commencing tomorrow morning--- : ' t 150 pairs $1.10 Curtains; special at, per r ...... . . . . ... .... .... ... . . . SJUC pair. ISO pairs $1.50 Curtains; special at, per Q p pair ..r- .......OOC 80 pairs $2.00 Curtains; special at, t " per pair..,.........'...... a)l,lU 180 pairs $2.50 Curtains; special, at,- per pair. (2.50 Curtains; special, at, 4Q MADE, IN OREGON EXHIBITS MAY 19-26 $1.00 Down $1.00 Per Week These most liberalterms have been the means of placing In Portland homes more . Buck's Stoves a,nd Ranges than any other " make. That they are riving perfect sat ¬ isfaction is proven by the many testimonials of satisfied users. Their per- feet baking and fuel saving qualities a re the result of thorough test and - science in the building of stoves and ranges., Embraced in their con- . struction are the many splendid and exclusive features which distinguish y ..them" froni Dl othtawatoves and ranges. If desired, we will uke your old stove or range in exchange and give liberal allowance for same.. . v; . " ' '. ' SlC0MPLETE-I1005E;FURm511ER5 TmakcvourI OWHTCimij MADE IN OREGON EXHIBITS MAY 19-26 STUTEBED SAVED HIS SISTER Charles McConaughy of Berk- elsy Donned Corporal's Uni form and Passed Lines. FOUND GIRL CAMPED . NEAR FORMER HOME Finally, Pseudo-Corporal Managed to Escape With Slater From City, Telling All Who Opposed Uim That He Was an Orderly. - ' ' Forced to don a military uniform In order , to enter San Franolsco unmo lested and rescue his sister from tiis de. strayed city such waa the experience Of Charlea McConaUfhy of Berkeley, who has relatives In Portland. The reacutd sister. Miss . Conaushy, has reschct tnls city and Is now at the Ilobnrt-Curtl recoverln from tha shock Of her terrible experience. McConaushy realised from reports that his stater was porhaps homeless arAl at least needed his ssslstance. 11a de termined to go from Berkeley end res cue her. He found,' however, that no one wis alolwed to enter the city with out a military pass, and that, those found on the streets were put to work burying the dead and shoveling" debfls. Knowing that If he got In and this fate brfell hlra, he would be unable to search for his sister snd remove her from the city If he found her, McCon aushy determined upon atrategem. - lie procured the uniform of a cor. poral of the California National guard, put It on. Stuck a bundle of official looking papers In his belt, and crossed Into the city. He went st once to the place wrtre hla slater had resided, and found that she had escaped and waa ramped with others on a vacant lot near her home, which she feared to enter because of Irs wrecked condition, 1 ' After enduring a great deal of trouble McConaughy managed to eaeape with his sinter fromitie city, telling sll who stopped him that he wss an orderly on Important busineas. Ills ruse was In every rase euoceasful. Miss McConaugliy reached Portland safely, but la seriously 111, her terrible experiences almost wrecking her mentally. Xaay Were Stnagry. peaking1 of her experlunrcs, Miss Mo. Conaughy said: "There were ntuny pitiful sights. The first two days there were many people without anything to eat, Including hun dreds of old wouton who wre too fwb' to fight for food. The dlaaaler made friends of people who had never -n eaoh other before. The courage the Was little lamenting, even among; tha more unfortunate. The help from' the outside was received with tha utmost gratitude. "Not a house that remains standing In the city is squarely on Its foundation. All the chimneys are down and In .many places there are great! cracks In. the . i. r t f V A; - v.- F IK. ? . 1, . ar 11 . ' f ha i ( I )1 !i : 1 Odd Fellows' EuUlisx, ia J::. streets. Instead of gas rangea there are campfirea lining the strests. "The Bed Cross work dona with au tomobiles was remarkable. ' In most esses where the tires of the ears were worn'' off in running over the rough streets and debris, the machine were run on the rims. 1 saw ona poor woman whouliad lost her baby carrying a dotl and hugging It and crying over It. She was Insane." , '." Auction Sals of Horses. The annual auction sae of fine horaea to be held at lrvington race track next week. May 2, I and 4. (a attracting the attention of borse men throughout the northwest. Horses for ibis sale are now In, and buyers are beginning to flock ti the city In 'search of a driver, or stallion. The consignment is far U beat ever offered In this city and buys are conaldered fortunate In having au an opportunity to select a good hor The Brook Nook conalgnment fr' Montana sre particularly a choice I fitted especially for this market. C horae that came in loo late to be c alngtied Is the great Kentucky bred die -horse. Ilea Montgomery, on of t finest ever brought to the coast, f R. -1 Harrlman from Bunoeton., 1 has 4n aecurcdys--auctloner. i tteglna promptly at' 10 a.. to. .41"" Blgla Snbeorlbea t::x (SrvM Dllf t IT. ! EUin. Ur, A!-il l t inier . vlKiin of the former mayor, t. ricks, Of this dir. a am - waa circui.ted for t (tan rrani'la-n anffrr.- , ; arrltiM by tlie i- vicinity, which i t uk '7mw it