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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1906)
w . ; v .THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 3, 1SC3. H0,1H CATHOLICS HIGH TRIBUTE TO t MISS TERRY i i . -- Prm and. Public Units to Honor Actress on Golden Jubilee !.;.::.-: Anniversary.' CELEBRATES MASS AT BALTIMORE ON A TRUNK 1 ! Leader High in Council Gather Priest ofChujrch ofjthe Fishery men Saves Sanctuary 'Lamp ' . and the Host. - to Celebrate CentenrV' of ' . Famous Cathedral: ' ' i j'-' l " " ii i : J; A $' v ii - - , !!.-; , 4'.; h m Vr4. v" k.V'.j-.V v . -Vt-vV Mly: mXde her debut just '; half a centu r y ago Eminent Members of Theatrical Pro fession in United Kingdom Joined In Performance at Court Theatre Xing and Queen Congratulate. - '' . mrwal Iwdtl nta.t ' , London. Apnr 28. Seldom If ever In the anna la of the Brltleh lU(t haa a Jilgher tribute been paid to an actresa than that -received- from presa and pub . llo . thla week by Mlsa - Ellen Terry en the occasion of the g-olden Jubilee arotxlVeraary of her professional debut. It waa Just 60 yeare ago, on April IS. J858. that Mlsa Terry made her first appearance at the Prlneeee theatre, un lr the management of .Charles . Keen. fTba play waa "A Winter's Tale," and Miss Terry had the part of the boy : Maotllliua. Queen Victoria, waa In the audience, and especially commended the . taottng of tha beautiful youth." v Nearly' all the leading-' Journals - of SVondon took occasion today to print .fcslogles of Miss Terry ta their - col- ijmBa,-rhlle the Saturday reviews all Contain pictorial wrlteups of the famous austreaa and her career. Tht moat emi nent members of tha theatrical profes sion In tha United Kingdom, together ' iwlth Charles Frohman and other fore xnoert sxapreeantatives of the stage In America. Joined la tha arrangementa ' for tha Jubilee perf ormaaoa at tha Court theatre, last night in honor of Miss Ter ry. '-The Merry Wires of Windsor" Is the pkay selected. - Mies Terry was Mistress Face and Mr. Beerbohm Tree, Stlataff. . ', ' - "King Bdward and QueeV Alexandra were unong those sending their con rratulations and good wishes to Miss ' Terry. Othen,- felicitous - messages of srreetiiig poured in by cable, poet and apodal Tneesengor ' from fa dioui people the .world vwr, - among them the leading players of America and fiuxope. For a quarter of a oentory , r Miss Terry has been regarded as one of the renowned actresses of tha day. Her fame waa won chiefly, while aha, was ha rtiitr nartner of-the lata Sir Henry Irvtrur. She was bora February 1 V 1848, and was christened Ellen . Alleo, She waa but S years of age. when, she first appeared on the stage. Later she appeared with a company in which were the present Mrs. Kendall and Henrietta Hodgson, now tha wife of Henry JLa boucbere, the famous editor -of -Truth, Her first appearance with IrvlHg was as Kathrlne In "The Taming of the Shrew."1 Miss Terry's first husband was O. F. Watts, .the renowned painter, Who died ta 104, but after. 10 years the marriage , was dissolved. Her second husband. Mr. Wardell, whose stags name , was Charles Kelly, died in 1186. fcrttlsa Unbaaaadot Sails. ; (Journal Bpectsl aerrli-a) New Tories AprU -21. Sir Mortimer "DuranoV tha British ambassador, and lady Dtrrand sailed -for their home in England today. Lady Durand may re main abroad during tha .summer, but the ambassador plans to return ; to Washington early, In June. Clxlcago laabor la Folltlos. (Journal Bpedal Service.) Chicago.' April . Tha , Chicago Progressive alliance. . a labor organisa tion reoeatly formed to take an acUya oart In politics, has arranged to hold a convention tomorrow for the purpoee tf nominating a complete city and county -ticket. , MRS. MARY. DAVIS, Horn Lakt, Mlsi, ays: "I hv be-o otlnc romf Bitten for some time paat and feel now that X am entirely well and atrong again. . I would adriaa ny one to It." II . . " II fS.-l-fl - .' I S TSbT n...V msmm J sia WW i A THE CINUlNE IS rOH SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS. PONT ACCEPT ANY OTHER SHEETS HUNG BETWEEN TREES FOR BACKGROUND With Trunk for Altar, Priest Sets Up Hosfahd llods "Solemn- Mass, While Foreigners Gather Around -and Follow'Cerempnies. ' J. cL Moon, who livid on-euttesr. I near Larkln, waa .among the refugees who. came In 'yesterday afternoon.- He waa accompanied by his ,wi'fe and. two children. They are on ; their way to St. Paul, whore fife'' parents of Mrs. Moon reside. In talking Of the disaster Mr. Moon said: -. p' ' 'One of the moW interesting and the moet- Impressive things I aaw after the earthquake was on Saturday morning at Fort . Mason. When the f Ire com menced to come Coward Van Ness ave nue, we were told to get out, and we packed what we oould and went to Fort Viaaoa. , On - Friday afternoon the . fire rwent back around Telegraph hlll,-and that drove all tha people out. Among those-forced to move were the priests of the Church of St. Peter snd St. Paul, commonly called the Church of- - the Fishermen. In sofcie way, by tha aid of a wooden box, one of the priests saved the sanctuary lamp.- He. kept it burning all the time snd. breught it to Fort Mason. He also . saved the host , and soma vestments. "' . -On Saturday morning ha erected a crude altar by. hanging a sheet between two trees for a background. AH' he baa for the altar.' proper waa a trunk - "On this ha placed the host and the still burning lamp sad' celebrated mass. It was- a wonderful sight to see those foreigners- Italians and Spaniards, and also others who had made their home In the vicinity of Telegraph hill gather around 'thla altar and with uncovered beads follow the mass." - UNION REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) . V Xi Grande, Or, April la The Union county Republican ., central committee met In this city Thursday-night snd the following of fleers were elected: Charles E. Cochran. - Union, unanimously re elected county .'-chairman; V. O. Couch, Island Clty,-secretary, Oeorge Mapea, Elgin, assistant secretary; W. J. Church, La Grande, state committee; Dwlght Barnes, Elgin, congressional committee. The campaign features were freely discussed,' and the chairman will call aaother meeting between May 4 and S, at which time the candidates will be In vited to be present and assist in oat Ifnlng tha campaign, i. . ' ' ; ; ' ' PASSED CONFEDERATE - ' : BILIS AT FACE VALUE ' (BfweU! PiapeM te The loorsat.) ' Aberdeen,-Wsalw-Aprtl It. Consider able consternation was caused the owner of one of the- saloons in 'this place when ha discovered that he had been receiving quits a number of con federate bills In lieu of genutna cur rency. Jack Minor has been arrested by Deputy Sheriff Winters and has been Identified as the man who paaaed the bills. He will ' be proeecuted on the rhir,i at obtaining goods on false pre tenses, though it Is a question whether ha en be convioted on the charge. Ha la a logger, and haa been under arrest before. WILL HELP YOU MRS. M. FICHTER, , Jordan, Minn., aaya: "I hTe need your Bittera for general weakness and know from experi ence it will do all you claim for it I freely endorse it" " When the ""system has become the various, organs are unable functions youll find a few. doses STOMAt will help wonderfully in setting things right again. It I so safe and. reliable that any one can take it and be benefitted thereby. For Cramps, Female Ilia, Vomiting, Dizziness Backache, Nervous ness,' Poor Appetite, Costlveness Bloat lng,' Heartburn, Indigsstion, or Dyspap- it is excellent trial will Ladies' Aid Society of Taylor Street M. B. Church Sewing Clothing for the California Sufferers, CHURCH SERVICES I Oeatrsl 4rmscII. sad Krtxr streatst Kev. I. T. AoeetL Class sieetlng, S:eS s. B.; lOisO .. . "Jaila Walls te Be DtswlUhed" 1 sudsy saasol, IS sv(. Bpworta , Lessee, t:4S p. n.; T:S V. n., swrlre la (aefge of Bilailea study eltas. tuple, "Jipta." Sunnrstde Ytsitalll stmt betweM TMrty- Jfth and Tblrty-elxtk strsats; Bst. T. B. rerd. At 10 s. B., Bandsy school: 11 a. nq roro. AC 10 a. B.. Ban rmebtiMt Sy rmator; l: :80 p. B., calldras a els 15 p. B.r-Xpwrjrth i prraphluc hy paator. IS m., cuts Buenos! mm ana jubuw lhw; Lwm: tiso a. au. prraphluc hy paator. - - Tayler-So-aet Dr. marls Borte Short. At 0 a. bv oUaass; 10:SO s. m.. "The koe.1 trla(oerol; 1S:1 p. m.. Saniay school: SO p. a.. Kvworth learuat T:Su p. s, "la Suatrloaa lollars the King's VrlaBde." ' Ktnrorta Xwenty-toira ana if Tins smew; Bev. Baury T. ' AUiaaan. Bible school, 10 s. m.i Botnlng sarrtra, ll e slock; Jsnlof I p. K.; Kpworrh iMfoe, S:0 a. I sveuug seme, i .m o croc,. ' Pattoa Mlchlsaa evenaa sad earnests atraots; Be. MclrtBe T. Wire. Praachiug at 11 a. n. ans t:su p. v.; nuu, kwm, jv S. m.: Bpworth Leafue, : p. ta. - Btm Best KlaU ab4 kCll street, ' Preseh. fnt st 1 a. n., fallow by tasUmoey merl ins : BBDDSUft Bl'OOOl, IV mi. . CenteBary Boat fin andMoih streets; Rev. snnun Jt Menno. 1). D. Kt. Paul Radar, state snpsrlntonaont ef the antl-SalooB Leatue of OrecoB, will occupy the palplt la the awra- Iss; 7.80 p. m., song semes ana pnuncm mwm Ins. with two brief aodraeaes by prominest layneai Bornlng etaaa, M e'elork; Sunday school, 1J:16 p. B. I Baa's Y. M. O. A. Boat lag, (JO P- B. uolore snd lutermedlstM, 8 p. b.; Epwortn ias-us, :w p. " Grace Twelfth sad Taylor streets I Rev. Oareace Tree Wilson. - Presenilis at 10 0 a. B. sad IJO . avi eUae . Beatlaf , :S0 a. B.t Sunder school, la HO p. b. Bpworth vsapsr ssrrioa, :80 e'clock. - ' - ' ' SArtltT. Isusaneal Sasond sad ateaee streets! Bee. T. H. Stepbeas. 10:M a. " so T:0 p. B., praahla; Bible school,. IS B. Toeng PeopU's sarrtre, S:0 p. tn. w . Mount On- Seventh sad Mverett streeta rreachinr by Rev. D. Drew. S p. n. UolTeral ty Prh R. Jobs Bentslaa. pas tor. Bandar sehool. IS a. B. 11 a. B., Kiachlng by Rev. a. A. Laere; TieS p. b t. M. M. Bledaae. Rt. Johns Rev. a A laoaard. pastor. Sunday achool. 10 S. B. BThlaf, 11 a. B. sad T'SO B. B. Sellwood Blvsera sad Umatilla atr.t: Bee. Osort A. Laara. Baoday aceool. 10 a. B.) preaibln. 11 a. B. and 7:80 P. B. ArlU faarelwood hall. Bandar school, 1Q a. m.1 preaching, 11 a B-, by Rev. M. hL nraVaneeevef aeaoea aad Kaott; Rey. I. M. Bllas, At 10 a. B., Bandar school; 11 a. n. aaa T:S0 P. B, preaching! B. X. P. rr .4jt m at rrrat oerBaa rwa son 1-( I. Kratt. rt. prsacnins, iu:a a. b. mmm chine. 10:S a. 7:80 weak and run-down and to perform their proper of convince you .-iit , J kl v. V 1 1 s. a.t BU1 school, ItteS a. B.; B. X. p.. v., T P. b. . . s . . . . Sxeond GarBsa Rodaay sveaae and uorru streets! Rev. t. Rnermniw . Prea chins, 1 p. B, Sad T:1W p. B. ; Sunday arnool, :s a. .1 louny reopia a Beeimi, e:o p. b. . Bwedlab Royt and riftaeath atroetsi Rev. Brio Sen era from. Preaehliur. 14:49 a. B. and 1:90 p. b.i Sunday school. IB B. , Kowannlla SchooUtoua. Baaday . School. :S0 p. B. - ' Korw,Us-Psnlsh Ban ice st Lenta, I p. .. and st Artisans' hall. Barlar strL aear Twenty etcoad. st S p. b. 11 Isblane Alberts sad Blzra streets. Prsscb- Ins. i ao t. m.. hr Rev. a. sL Bllsai Sunder Svtoool, 8:30 p. B. Central East Anhaav and Twentieth" streets: Bee. W. T. Jardaa. At 10:S0 a. m.. Intar- eeaaloa"; 7:10 p. a., "Baying Prayer sad Prarlnf"; Sunday school. -IS a. ... OalTary Bast Blfhth snd Grant streets; Rev. a. Lawrence Black. At 10 a. B., Illble school; 11 s. B., sddreas by 0. sL Van Pelt, sttorney Antl-Balooa leairua; I SO p. a., Bible Ilia for younf men; 0:30 p. SkrTonat Peo ple's Baetlaf; t:0 p. a., address hr pastor to parenta and younf peopi. Vllellaioes Bdacatlon." rirat The " White Temple. Twelfth snd Taylor stmts; Iter. J. Whltromb Broafber, D. D. On accord prayer aeatlnc. 10 s. a. 10 80 s. a., "Will Faith OutllT the World r'; Bible arbooj, la io p. a.; B. x. r. v., e p. B.; popalax OTiUn aervlee T:0 o'clock, "Baa Francisco: Who Destroyed -Hert" Oraee KonUTllla; Bar. oilaaa rarker. At It a. a.. "Prlnclr- Power With Ood snd Un") la the evrnlnc Rev. U W. Bllry. prest. dent et MchflnnTllla colUfc, will preach. Beeood Beeentb and neat Aaxany streets; Rcr. Stanton O. Lapbaa. At10 80 a. a.. "Th CondltkB and Atmoapher of Power"; Bible school at boob: Youns People's Vntoa. :SO p. b. ; "Moral Disaster and Lesaoas FToa G4 ll tha. Earthqnaae," 7;80 p. so. - v' snaeoMft. Trlnlly Nineteenth end Everett streets; Dr. A, A. ktorrlauo, rector. Holy - communion, S S.B.; Suaday school. 80 a. b.; -mornlnf prarer, 11 e'elork. prrachln, hy Rev. H. K, tlalae; CTenlus prarer, 7:H0 o'clock. fit. Stepneu a Thirteenth sad Clay streets; Bev. B. U. Binary. Holy communion. 7:80 a. a.: Bundar acbool. B:o a. b.i adenine service, 11 o'clock: arenlna service. 7 :S0 o'clock. - Rt. rears apiaeopai vtoonmerai u. Parkr, lay reader. Bcrrlce and lerawa at 8 p. m.I Srraday echonl, S p. a. Bt. Matthew' Flrat and Carathers street; Rv. W. A. IC.RrecB. Holy eommonion. 7:30 a. a.; serelce snd seraoa, 11 a. B.i Sunday school, ,:! . n. All Saints' ena North Twmtr-esconl street; Ree. Hobert Hod. Ph. D.. D. D. Sunday eervlcea. lis. B. ssd 7:30- p. av ; Sunday school, 10 a. m. St Darld'e Bast Twelfth land Balaont rrets; Bv. 0orge B. Van Water. D. D. Fioly eonmunJon, s. a. ; aornlnc prsyer snd aermra. 11 o'clock; eeenlbf prayer and aer. Boa, f SO o'clock; Baaday school, S 48 s. B. et. Mark'a Ninth and QalBby atrentaf Bev. J. B. H. BlBpana. At I s. a., holy eom bubIob; 10 s. a., Sunday scbool; 11 'clock, Bornloc prarer; S o'clock, srenlne prayer. Good Bhrnberd Sellwood atreet sad Tan rciiTrr arcane, Alblna ; Rev. John Dawaon. Sunday school, .10 s. B.t aoralng prsyer snd aeraon, 11 o'clock) rranlag prayer and ear Bon, 7:80 e'clock. St. John'a Meaortal elellwaed; Bev. W. R. Powell. Sunday acbool. 11 a a. ; servtss a ad seTBea, 7:48 p. a. . .. N ' nZBBTTtalAsT. .:' Mlcpsh-M'ary and Powall streets: Bev, 1- rom .. R. alcOlade. D. D. At 10: HO a. B.. ''The tew of Prayer"; 7:S0 p. a., "ReaaBber. in the Tears ef th mint Hand ef tse Most bleb"; 12 B., Sunday acbool. Mirebajl-Strert Marshall and North Revra teenth atreets; Rev. O. W. Hay. . Sunday acbool, io a. a.: preaching. 11 a. a. ; :M S. m., "Earth Tragedies" T. KB. 0. B., :n p. m. , Third Kast Thlrteeefh and Pin streets; Rt. And raw 1. lloetgoaery. preaching at 10:80 a. b.i 7:46 p. a., "Oood Oat ef Cs Ualre." Oivary iTlrrenth and Clay streets. At 10:80 a. a. Re. Rneeefl Anstln McKtnley, D. D., ef Bolae. Idaho, will preach: 7:80 p. n.. "The Political Aspect ef Christianity," by Jobs Rain. First Twelfth and Alder streets. Berrlcea Bandsy, rnadactrd by Rre, D. H. Have; st 10:30 s. a., "The True Man"; f:80 p. av, "Oolng Back te BrtheL" Fourth First and fllhba streeta; Rev. John Reyes Welch. At 10:30 s. a.. "God a Power ta Restore"; T:S0 p. m., "God's Power te Rep." , rburcb of the Brransars Wasco street end (Trind seenoe; Rev. B. Earl thi Bnla. At 10:40 a. B. "The Chnreh"! 7: p. a., "Th ef Agra," Illustrated by steTeopttcoa. COVORZOATIORAfc. PtlgMand Preacott and Raet SUtk street, north: Rrr, ArdeB at. Rnckwoed. At 11 s. B.. "Letting Go th Ladder"; 7:80 p. a.. "What the Church Owes th Community" snd "As m nitration for Right Uvlng"; Sunday school, 10 s. Junior Bndcsvor, I p. a.; Senior Kndesvor, 6:48 p. B. Unlreralty Par Artisans' tempi. Pnrte ntnuth; Rev. t). R. Gray. At 11 a. a., "Th Portland Aaaoclatloa and RaTlTaur" ; Baaday school, 10 a. a. Laurrtwood Ariel hall: Rev. - D. ft. Gray. At 7:80 p. m.. "What liars Reel ra la to Do With th Growth of rbrltlnlty T'l Sunday school, 10 s. a.; T. P. S. C. .. S SO p, m. First Madlsoa snd Park atreets; Rst. B. U Rouse, D. D. At 10:80 a. B.. "Tb Klnsdnn of God": 7:80 p. a., "The Good to Be Found In Bed Lie" Sunday school, U a.: T. P. B. 0. B., S:80 p. B. Bunayaldo Bast . Taylor snd.Jat Thirty fourth streets; Rev, 1. t. Btaob.' At 11 s. a., "Where Angels damp": 7:80 p, m.. "irnaafs Habitations'': Sunday school, lit s. a.; Junior (bristle n FJideaeor, t p. a.) Benler Chrlatiaa Esoearur, S:U p. B. VBTTXD ETABOEUCAL. -Ftrat Plaat Tenth and hherman atreets; Bv. A. A. Winter. At 10 a. m., Sunday scbool; presehlns at 11 a m. and 7:80 p. a.; S p. m., Junior XadesTor; 8 .30 p. a., R. L. of C. B. Oca lay Oreaa Bev. Guy T. Phtln. BanBay school, 1:90 p. a.; . preaching. 8:80 snd 8 p. a. Second Church FSrge snd Rerbf streeta; Rev. J. Bow error. Preaching st 11 s. a.; la the arm Ins uatoa arrelcea at Third Rantlat and Presbyterian rbarcbra; Sunday achovC-10 e. a.; a. iu :. a., i p. a. Bt. Johnis John and -trsnDoe streeta Bt. Johns; Rev. B. B. VicVlcarr. Sunday acbool. iO a. m.; 11 a. b., "Srlf-PenlalV; J. K. U C. ).. 1:80 p. tn.; B. K. L. C. T. , 6:30 p. B. ; 7:80 p. a., "Tb Power of Eiampie." T. Bt. 0. i, T. Vt. C A. Awtltorlum, Fourth aad Tam blll streeta. At 8 p. B., aaa aentlng fi tor a: aterropttoon vlrws of the Ban Frsa'-Ufx) disaster, with deacrlpturna by eyewltnesara; ercbearra and apectal music frA; men only. At Bret Ninth and Pin atreet at 8:80 p. m., T. M. C. A. aea'a mrrtlng addrraaed by Rev, W. T. Jordan oa "Tb Old Mas and tb New"; pedal Buala by Bale eboraa; free far aaa ""Jra Meatlaf . T. natch" will sddreas th retlng for boys only st tb T. SX. 0. A. st p. a., "Llf tn A leak a"; special Basis by keys' arches Ira 1 free to boy ever 12. SPIRIT" AUBT. ' First Society Third treat au Wsshlngton. ConferaBce at 11 a. m.i 7 n. a., proceeds for Sae Frsnclace sufferer; Inaplratronal leo tUr by Pat Id A. Ldas ef Baa rreoclsoa; psychic, readings by lire. Sophia B. . Selpt Bualral program by tb dramatlo slub. Bible BuCUty SOS Aide atrret, between fifth snd Sixth streeta. At 11 s. a., Chil dress Prograie Lyceum sad eonterenc,- 8 p m.. Mm. Laturs F. Shsr win aoodact the eartiees, sea la ted by Mr. ladd-rtaalcsa. " X.TTHXJLAR. St. JasMS' fJnsllab Wat Park and Jsffar- son slrerta; Rer. J. A. Leas. Berrloef s( t s. m. and 7:45 p. B.4 Sunday school, 10 a. B.; Lather Lague.l 7 p. B. BeUnla Oaniah I'ntoa erejan aad Morris street; Rev. Uudaaad OrllU Baaday Borneo, ; . . . Norwegian Synod Bast streets; Rev. 41. Haogse. s. a.; serelce at 11 a. Byaoo assi rentn ana wtbdk eunaay acnooi, w:nv m. and at S p. as. ffsr foe bBSt ef Baa rraaclacev. v ZTAjraiUOAL ABBOOIATIOaT. feaorlal Rv. R. I). Btreyffelrr. At 10 s. m., Sunday school; 11 s. m.. preaching by 0. W. Ruth of Inritaaepolla, Indiana; S p. a.. preaching by C. W. Ruth; S:B0 p. B., young people's aerricea; 7:80 p.- a., evangelistic serv ice by Rev. O. W. Ruth. Ftrat KngUah Baat Sixth and Market Streets; Rer. S. A. Siewart. Preaching. 11 a. m. and 7:45 ft. a.: Sunday school. 10 a. am. i Tcung People's Alliance, S;4 p. as. - OKalBTIAJr.' C " First Perm aad Columbia streets: Rev. B, B. Muckley. At 10:80 a. a.. "The, Economy of Mlselone"! 7:80 p. a., "tunst, tn aurseis t th Agas" Bible sebosrr U:i p. b. Chrlatlsa arodrsror, SO p. m. Central Beat Twennetn aaa sajmon atreets: Rev. J. F. Gbormley. P. D. At 10:80 e. a., 'whM. voiee Thee Shook the Earth": the Jonmr Bndeavor society will bav charge ef the evMilnc srvlos. ' christian scrrvcz. ' First Chnreh ef Christ, Bclentlats Scottish Rite ethdrl, Morrleoa snd Lownadale erreru. At 11 s. m. sad S p. a.. "Adam and Fallen Man": Suaday achooi at cloa ef Bwrnlng eervlce. . . ' . Second Church or tmnst, Bcieaiui-r-ain-teBple, Stark and Seventh street. At 11 a. B. snd S .p. a., "Adam and Fallen Maa"; Buaaky aohool, ll a. m. . 0. ABA K. A. rhristlaa aad Mlaaloaary Alliance Birth and Mala streets; Rrr. a D. Sawtcll. Prsach Ing. 10:80 a. a.; Sunday school.. 18:18 p. B.: young peopl' BaeUng, S:80 p. m.; srangel latlc service, 7:80 p. a. " TfBTTABIAjr. ' Plret Ssventh and Yamhill streets;. Re. W. O. Bllot Jr., alnlster; Rev. T. U Bllot. O. D., ' alBlster Brltns. Bervlees st 11 s. a.; Sunder school and adult class, II 80 p. as. : . ASTXirr. Advent Second street between Ball snd Lincoln atreet ; Rev. Charl Hstfendea. Son. day school, 10:80 a. a. preaching serrlce, 11:80 a. b.i prals aertlae, '7 p. m. ; BT. JODI S HOLIirTJIS MJSSI0B.' st joke's Hollneea Mission 826 Beeoad street. Bear Main; Rcr. John F. Olaseco. Berv. leas evry night aed Suaday at S aad 7:80 P am, .- .. .. s nrrns brkthxxk i okrim. First Kmst Flfteeath and Morrlm atreet I Rev. U. C. Bhaftar: Bible aohool, 10 a. m.; pnachlng. 11 a. m.: T. P. B. C. K.. T P. a.; "Indellty." sixth IB s series, atooero r-r, or. The Devil's Fslis BrUgloo ef Todey," at S p. a. - XTTKOrlST, B0T7TH. Fire Rev. Emery H. Mowrs. IJuodsr echeol, 10 a. a. preaching, 11 . m.. by Carter l Lean mitt; Kpworth League. 7 p. a.; preach lag at S p. a. by Pr. G. H. Btorsll. , "' ' . now. C 0. A. C. B Allsky hall, eeeotid Boer, Third and Morrison; Rer. Charles A. Hoy. At I p. B.. Blhl tudy aad children's eieeting; 8 p. a., "Ths brewing tse ChrisT'l 7:80 p. a., "The Righteous Shall rvwrlah Urns the Blm Tree.' r BTW TKOTJOHT. nrarch of Freedom brew ball, IBS Second atreet aear Marrtsoa. At 11 a. m., "flod. Ban rrsadsoe and th Prebra Who KlBhtr . ," tAnzx-SAT iinm. rhurcli ef Jesus Carlat ef Lstter-Imy SslnB Hall 0O.Allahy puiiuins. Jmr" , am streets. Iter rices st 11:80 a. a. and 7 p. as.) Suaday echool. 10 a. a. , ear f - . XXW CTTVUCK SOCIZTT". '-- Bwedcnborgian anisnn ox rioi.. mmJ M.mnem Imlldins. Rev. Hiram Trooaan of R.ietoB st 11 a. a, "Ths BlgnlBcsnee of Bobs Things.'? ; ' , " AUTI BRAWCH BTIBSI0V. OHre Branch Mission WO First street. Jeer Columbia. Preaching evary nlsht st 7:80; Baa- days, S p. as.; Sabbath acBoot, iisa-.p. b. BEAOOaT IIOHT BUSSIO. ' tUM n.h MiaeinK 11 Feorth street. aorta. K I rteachlng every sight aad Sunday si srriersTIAL TJAWsT, MltlesnUI Psws . A. B. haU, Secood god Morrleoa strert. Borneo at : p. sa. TnrrrxBaAiJST. Pint Bast Couch sod Bast Eighth a tree Is av. w. r. emaii. ji ' wtw, "After tb Cphcaral, What BeBaiasr't 10 s. sa., Sunday schooL REDUCED BEACH RATES. Base on Opens Maw 1st. ' . Round trip season esouralon tickets to Clatsop and North Beach potnta via the Astoria 4t Columbia River railroad will be placed on sale May 1, and dally thereafter until September 10 at the city office, J48 Aldler street and at the Union depot, at tha popular rate of 4 for the round trip. . Children of half- fare sae, one hair tna aauu rata Tickets good coins one day from data of aala. snd for return until October 15. These ticketa are Interchangeable and will be -honored for passage In either direction between. Portlsnd and Astoria on ths boats of tha O. H, A N. or V. T. Co. Close rail connection made at Astoria With tha boat to and fromjtforth Beach points. - ' c "T" For all information regarding the beaches and ths beat war to get there, telephone C A. Stewart, agent. Main 01. - -1 r- Great develonment Is taking place In Malheur, county. Many private irriga tion enterprise are under way and many new settlers are coming-lnt the Willow creeR country, PROGRAM BEGINS. WITH IMPOSING PROCESSION Cornorstons of Historic fedifics Laid by Johri JCBrroU Who Was th Fiwt Bishop Consscrstsd In Msssachu sctts Town In 1790. ' , .' ' (BpeeUl IMsnatcS te Ths wurwit.) n.Nnr. xj A Ani-n s Thai rerla- tmm r , K l..ln. Raltlmnra hotala to day read like a directory of the Roman Cat nolle church In America Page after page of the regiatera la nuea wnn tn - a .MhkUhnns rtlehnrtH tee non algnora abbots and leadere of the vari ous ecclesiastical orders, all of whom have come to attend tomorrow a coin- hli .1 'V,e Miit.nXrr Af the lAYlng! of the corner stone of the old Baltimore cathedral, tha aeat of the primacy of tha American nierarcny, xne arvM im of lealslatlon for tha church in tha United Btatea The gathering of prelates Is tbs moat notable thla country haa Been since tha , . v;.-. MA..MM,t fh.h waa field la issv ni,i f wwmmv. Bartlmore in 1UI. - While a large num ber or tne visitors, nave xouna aoum- a.tiA. k. hni.i, man v Athera ara being entertained by private famtllaa. ror mora tnan a year piano r w celebraUoa have been la preparation, and thoae who have tha affair In hand have been oocuplylng all their apare time in- arranging tha . tremendous amount of detail neoessary to us suc cessful culmination. , The oeremonles 111 a.. HhsMntsHsxa ttv imnresalve eol- emnlty and a magnificence that will fit ttnglr lay claim, to oompxxriovn t.h some of tha splendid events that have given fame to St. Peter's at Roma Tha program of the celebration will xvi uh en imnnsint rjroceeslon of rthe priests aad prelates around tha ca thedrai Dioca tomorrow uinnnm. x Una of march nss oeen exxenoea xw -low thousands who wUl atrlva to aee ths distinguished churchmen plenty of op portunity. T . Will Oocspy Taroae. In ttta eanotuary. vested in tha cappa rx,e M1n,l wrlll ocounv his throne, and directly opposite, also oc cupying a throne, will be tha a post olio delegate. . Ha will be atmllarry arrayed In Teatmenta ' Between ths two- thronea and high altar will be tha archbiahopa. blsbopa ana sddois, wnne mm MTO.n nlorl wUl be aested on tha gospel aid In front of the cardinal's throne along tha aanotuary railing. Membera of the faculty of tha Catholic university will he Disced on tha epistle aids near the aanctuary railing. . . Archbishop J. Ax.- p arley,- u. v., x New Tork. will sing tha solemn pon- . - mA eCee this nelflhrallon VIXIVSVI ,il . ' ----- his grace, tha Venerable Archblahop P. J Ryaa, JJ. JJ.. OT rnnaaeipnia, win preach. At tha and of tha ceremony tha receaalon will be In reverse of the pre cession, but. the'' same route will' be USed. ' r- "i ::..-, Ths start of tha evening procession will be from tha cardinal's res id en oe an the route : within tha cathedral grounda need. His grace moat ev arend 8. O. Meaamer, D. D archblahop . irii..w.. win sine the eAletxin non- tifical veepere at l.o'oloca. and tha ser mon will be aeuveraa oy rcnDiwp. J. Olennon, D. D., of St. Loula The win Affialate at the benediction of the blessed sacrament. During Monday a numoer or iniormai receptions will be held among tha many .-.a tksir mends. The main ao- clal event, however, will be tha celebra tion in tha evening at toe wra xnoa tre. All tha prelatea wily be In attend ance, and with tha other distinguished gueata It will be a most notable event. Secretary of ths Navy Charlea I. Bona parte has been invited to deliver tha welcoming address. whlch.wlll Include a general talk on Cardinal Oibbons. hla great work, ths cathedral and Cathol icism la BaJttmor. . , i . ' A BUsTharla difloe. ' As a center of hlstotio snd religious interest the Baltimore cathedral stands second to no edifice in thla country, and tomorrow's celebration will but add to tha many evente that have taken place there and which have been of lmmenae importance to Catholicism in tha United Btatea r-- Baltimore, through tha fact that John Carroll waa tha flrat bishop, having been consecrated In 1780, la the prl mattal aee, and therefore, according to tha Roman order, haa, and alwaya will have, precedence var all others, no matter to what extent the country may grow. Air tha great councils of the Cathollo church in the United Statea have beea held, and will Continue to be held, here; and in all American church aeeemblles the head of the Baltimore arohdloceee, although ha may not hold jurlediotlon, will etill be the, moat con spicuous flgurs. '". - 1 The cornerstone of tha Baltimore ca thedral waa laid by Bishop Carroll on July 7, 1I0. Tha site selected for the edifice was purchased -' from Governor Howard of revolutionary fama Tha architect waa Benjamin Henry Letrobe, the grandfather of General rerdlnand C Latrobe, , The granite with which th ohurch is built , waa brought from the quarries Of RUlcott City In carta drawn by oxen. The work of oonatnictlon slowly but steadily progressed until 1811, when it was Interrupted by the war with England, which continued from 1111 to lilt, ' Aftsr tha close of tha war workwaa resumed snd carried on till the completion of pe building In 1On May II. 1111, thefsaered edifice waa dedicated by Archbishop Maresohal. About 60 years ago the portico waa con struoted by -Archbishop Kenrlck. On May 2B, 117. the cathedral waa solemnly consecrated by Archbishop Bayley, The sacristy waa erected In 17 snd the building waa enlarged and tha new aanctuary added In 1811. 4 . Since its dedication in 1111 the cathe dral has been the. ecane of many con spicuous and hlntorlcaj gathering No church in tna United Statea haa wit nessed eo many consecratlona of bish ops and ordinations of prleets as hSva taker! place within Its walla. Twenty als blehopa have been coneecrated Be fore Its altar, and many of. these pre lates have occupied a leading position among tha American hierarchy. . Amdng tha number have been Purcell and Elder of Cincinnati. WhltfleUl and EooJeSton of Baltimore, Fenwlck of Boston. Du bols of New York. Whslan of Whergtng. Croaa of Oregon. Of the S bishops consecrated, in the cathedral. IS have received their honors from tha hands of In the cathedral three prelateg wars Invested witn tna inaignie ox ui u insu lt lai rank Gibbons, Satolli and Martin elli. I I .. In the same edifice 10 provincial coun ella and three plenary, or national coun cils bars assembled. Archbishop Ken- NATUROPATH Successful Is the worn thst heat uescrlbes her are sine coming te Portland. Successful la caring dlaaasa, auccassful la building up what te today the largest office practice of 'say ' Sortorja tat slty. . Thi Is whr ha orftcee ape at all times fall. and that peopl some times wait for hours to re eer. If To hare nv all men, ehronle e acuta. each as rbeumatlaux, la grlpp. bronchltla, goiter. catarrh, stomach and bowl trouble, serve trouble, etc., etc., yoa would do wall to- con salt her. ah can enre yoa. . . TeeTWOXULS Or PI0PLB SKI XAS ' OVaXO, , "Portlahd. Oct. it, IPOS. "Te Whoa It May Concern: "I Buffered a lung tlm with aer love stomach . . treable, tb d lees a ksTlng progressed u far that I was enable to retain my food, and f'.aalty Ase aal ex ax xVaaB Sn JSBaaaxaa tsaMaxaa lea axauwa entire systea wss la s seriously eepietajf ron- iitxee. ue se sdobx iujy io uai i aariaee wits , r. Neaey J. rultoa. ef till slty, and was Ixvdueed to take treatments from mer. aad after ' taking tb twelfth I wa dhKhargad. I can ' bow eat anything I desire, feel perfectly well ad as ooeetanllj gaining strength. Thi Bxer- vaxvua caaage 1 aaa xrutnruiir say i au I Dr. Pulton. CLTDB TACOHN, "Horn. Jefferson. Or." ' ' Note Mr. Vansha raa ha eomnasnlcated With ' et Jeffrree. Or-, er hla father. Bll Vaughn, ca he sera at tb Nsw Orand Cenual, oorner . ' Third aad rtaaeers, this slty. "October SO jpog. rre Whom It May Oneern: "It affords bs gnat pleasure to write word la pes lee at Pr. mitoe. I suffsred satuld sgoay for one week with pain in my whole body. My bneband called In Whoa we ap poeed waa one of the heat physicians In the elty. Us wss not sere, but thought I hail ueuralgla. or It Bight prove te be gallstones, left medicine sad thought I would be better Best day: but I gradaally grew wars; got so relief from pe in xcept under opiate. Hating -beard of Dr. Fnlton through frteada ef eura. wdctded to cell her In: e By husband want at one and brought her to the house, t'poii ' xaBlaatioa aba pronounce It eaee of arnt Ratrltla. and after on treatment I waa anW get up, dre myeelf and go ahoet By eal houerbnld duties. I liars now tagea week's treatment aed certainly think kr the moat Wonderful doctor I ever airV "MRS. C. B. HUTS0X. - , "tS Tenth at.. Portlaad. Or." Xote Doe't forget te Inrloee postage stamp for reply wbaa writing to aay ef By patient. . Dr.N. J. FULTON 4 ." ATVmOATaT, . ' '4 . . 315 TWELFTH ST. Ceraer Clay, aee block froa D car. "eas troa 18th street est, S from Jrffersos tsr. - - Trlepboo Main 8128. " '' rick ' presided over - tha ' first national council In 1111. ' Archbishop . Spalding presided over tha second national coun cil In 1114. This last national council waa attended by 71 blshopa and abbots and by tha leading clergy of the coun try. Ot tha 78 prelatea who .attended that oouncll only 14 survive. ODD FELLOWS OF UNION 1 W CELEBRATE THE DAY (Special Dwpetch te The Joornal.l La Grande, Or.. April II. The 'Odd Fellows of Union county celebrated the eighty-seventh anniversary of their : order In this city Thursday afternoon snd night All of the seven lodges of this county .were well repreeented both - bv the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. When Grand Marehala , ,Goodbred of. Union and Chllders of La Grande gave, orders for the parade .to start, headed by ths band, they kept falling Into line until two or more full blocks were re autred to contain the procession.. After arriving at the opera-house. they were entertained by a selection irom tne Blectrlo Concert company, when Mayor Stoddard delivered an address of wel come, A. R. Katon of Union responded In tfia characteristic manner and ret viewed the wonderful growth of the mere gathering of a few friends In the city of Baltimore In I81f.' ' Ths excellent program which whs pre pared by local members waa wel ren dered, and the toasts, under the super vision of W. J.-. Snodgrase, reveled In mirth.-' Wit and eloquence. Grand Chief Patriarch Claud Gatch ot Salem, being , present, delivered an able address., The banquet was one that will long be re membered by those who partook.- ' Xarerw ' m cniaaoe . Work. ' The United Statea civil aervlee com mission announoea that an examination will be held May 18. 10, in the weather bureau office to, secure -ellglblea from whom to make certification to fill a vacancy in' the position of repairman, for service on the Port Crescent-Ta-toosh Island telegraph line, and vacan cies as they may occur In any branch of the servlea requiring similar quail flcatlona Tha United Statea civil aerv-. ica commieslon at Washington wilt fur. nlsh application blanka JUSTllFEW . : Of the Bargains We nave In ' seoond-Hand Pianos. V Stelnway Grand, used 1 year. . L .650 Stelnwsy Upright, ueed -l year; . . 1400 Kmeraon Upright, used months. 1 129 Starr Upright, used 11 months. r. I I2SO Richmond Upright, used I months. 1 122ft Thayer Upright, used 1 year, y.s)200 " All tha above pianos csnnot be told from new. '',,- . . We havs a number' of others In Squares and , ITprlghts which range In price from 925 to f.150, . Organs good ones $20 ta f)lf. All new Plsnoa at pHeea that are sura to sell them. ; . , . i Our preaent stock will not last long, ao if you want a high grade Piano St a minimum figure call st once. ; ' BASZaST TMMMM. . . Dundore Piano Co. Stelnway snd Ten Other Makes. 134 SXXTaf ITUIT . ' Opposite Oregtralaa Btvlldiag. Victor Talking aitchlnes. Sheet "luslo. She Cures the Sick in A