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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1906)
v THE OREGON DAILY i JOURNAL. . PORTLAND, SATURDAY ' EVENING. APRIL 3, 1ZZ3. 1-f ' HILL'S DliEALl L1AY BE REALIZED ... .. :v; ' : ; ; Water Grade!; Railroad Fjpm Sound . to Portland " Now ; . Under Contemplation. WILL SURROUND ENTIRE ! - OLYMPIC PENINSULA PUnned to vTProjtdjl Completed to Oregon Metropolis in Another Year and With Connec- ', tiona Tidewater May . Be Reached. ..J.,:.; serial rteptch te The Jaernal.) Taooma, Wash., April Jl Jamea 3j Hill has In contemplation a water-trad ' railroad line from - Seattle and . ' Taeoma to v Portland and, during - the present summer ha will be gin .' the construction of such a line, from Taeoma to the Oregon metropolis. The belt Mn out of Taeoma. eliminate v Ing tho havy grade from Taeoma to Bouth Taeoma. Is the first step. His plan involves the construction of a new line from Taoewia to Tenlno, a Una that ; will be built under the name of the Port ' . .Townsend Southern, and which, as Us .-. name Implies, will have other connec tiona.'. ...... -' .' '.- This new road wilt be extended from V Qullcene,-' on Hood's canal, and connect " with the main line of the Northern Pa ' clflo at Olympla. From" Mocllps ' the Southern will run a branch to Oray'a I Harbor Northward from Mocllps the ' road will dntruct ' a Una along '.the ocean' shore to either the QulTlajrute or I . Dtckey river and follow up e valley " .1 mt one or the other to a , convenient ' point and cross over the low divide to ' the shores of the straits of Fuca. It will thence be built eastward to Port ; Crescent and-Parr Angeles and finally - to Port Townsend. The road Is already constructed from . Port . Townsend te Qulloen. - V " , ,'' -- "' When this la completed the Hill rail, roads will have a belt line around the entire Olympla peninsula with Its vast "timber, mineral and scenic resources.:! " It Is the Intention to have the water grade Una to Portland "completed by the nd of J07, so ihaxvhe finish of the work will synchronise with the comple tion of the. north bank railroad dowa the "Columbia river, and the bridging of that stream at Vancouver. .One of the Important details In securing the water-grade will be the construction of a new road around the Newaukum hill, In order to eliminate the grade betweea ; ' Newaukum- and Kapavlne, Just south of , ' Chehalls. The new trackage will reduce . the grade from one to a- half of one per '. cent. . enabling motive power to haul ' double tratnloada, at compared with present operatlona. . ' ' - The Northern Pacific hae bought the .' Taeoma Mill company's property, which It wants for right of way on las 'new rout out of the elty, and also for dock ' age. The purchase price la reported t6 . be 11.000.000. A tunnel a mile long will ; be dug by the road from the harbor ,- line to the narrows. .- " While all these operatlona entail an . enormous amount of effort and expense, : In the end they materialise the dream of James X Hill, who, years ago, saw his trains reaching tide water without . climbing the Cascade mountains. The Union Pacific, the great rival of the Hill lailroada, will build Into the city dewn practically the earn grade the Northern -Paclflo-1 now moving neaven ana eartn to evade. Neverthe . less, the nsw road will have a shorter route Into the elty, and will pssa direct ly through the heart of Taeoma, In stead of making a circuit around It ASKS RELIEF COMMITTEE TO FIND HER HUSBAND Mrs. P. Rhea, on of tha unfortunate who passed through tha terrors following- the earthquake In sin Francisco, and who arrived here jreaterday, la al most distracted over the loss of her husband, from whom-aha beoame se pa rs ted In Berkeley. Mrs. Rhea. Is stop, plnf at 127 North Eleventh atreet aid has asked the woman's . relief fcom. mlttee to endeavor . to locale- her hus band, whose name Is William Rhea, and la supposed to still be In Berkeley. Mrs. Rhea la being eared for by tha relief committee and a effort will be , made to carry out hsr wish.' , FIVE GRANDMOTHERS -MOURN FOR INFANT ' ; . (Sowtal Mepatek te The loeniaLI ?,. Pomeroy, Wsah., April t. Tha fu- nerai of Andrew Deibert, Infant aon of ; Mr. and- Mrs. A. J. Berry, was held i , Thursday from, the i Christian ehureh. . The child was unusually blessed with . rrandmothsrs, having five living, Mrs. M. M. Berry and Mrs. Etta Hoffldlts of this elty being grandmothera, kfes damea Rachel Welle, Idaho, and Sarah . Miller. Pomeroy. great-grandmothera, , J and Mra. Louisa McCormlck, -Usrfleld , county, great-great-grand mother. TORlIGHT Musical Proflram AND Opening Reception ' : 7 to 10 p. nu gevuStz& SONS Cornr First and Yamhill MUSIC BY ; '(:' - PARSONS ! r - v ORCHESTRA, ' ; , REFRESHMENTS, ' SO.UVENIRS. . Free to Everybody All Art In . ritedAll Wclcom. 1 , TOTAL K017 IS $202,61 2 1 (Continued from Page One.) from him no more goods will be shipped, although the artlclea . will be prepared so that they Can be sent within a few hours after the word Is received. Al present no food supplies are needed. Th.rryln need . for . good clothing and shoes. Food may be required after Ueneral Funatou answers the telegram. During the week the T. M. C. A. haa had more than 1.000 men bathe In the quarters.' . Many of the men have taken advantage of the shaving parlors, em ployment haa been obtained for more than 100 men (h la, week and about 100 more positions are ready for those who apply. , ' ' "' The national organisation of the T. M. C. A. haa sent oat an appeal to all the associations throughout . the country that a funo of S&e.OOO may be-raised to place the association In San Francisco In-working order so that Instant relief can be gtveu the. 'members In the stricken city and car taken of those who arrive from the est side. ; Y. X. O. A. to Bats armada,'' . In order to assist la raising a portion of tb fund proposed by the national as sociation, the. Portland association will Hive an Illustrated lecture " tomorrow afternoon at 8. o'clock in the rooms of the association. - NO admittance fee 111 be charged, but a collection will bo taken up and th proceeds forwarded to San Francisco, The lecture will be de livered try W. Ear! Flynn. who was on the - eleventh floor of the. 'Hamilton building when the shock came, and who saw th terrible work of -destruction. A eerie of views were taken by- Harry A Van of the -Musical Vans, and those have been loaned to tha asaoclatlon for th leotura. Two other acta of pictures have been secured and elides are be ing made today. ! - Th Portland Federated Trades Coun cil relief committee has taken car of 280 single men and '40 families. One family, that of James Howard, a street car man, had 11 members. Two of the children did not' belong to Mr. . How ard, but he found them without parents or any one to care for . them ' and brought them north. The family was sent "on to Seattle last night, after be ing outfitted by the . committee. - All trades and callings have been reore sen ted In those cared for. In 'many Instances the men were given employ ment and will remain in .Portland. . t i Aa Kelp of Xmployes. ' Chairman R. R. Hoge of the Portland finance, relief committee has sent -out tha following letter. to the varioua busi ness hOuses-and corporations whose em ployee have not yet registered . their subscriptions: . "Tha number of voluntary employes subscriptions which have, been made In behalf of the San Francisco sufferers, and which at this writing . aggregate $1,174.(0, , suggests asking tha. co operation of your firm or company In affording ...your employes - th oppor tunity of making a collective subscrip tion,., publication will be made by total, or. by names, as may be desired." WOMAN DOCTOR GOES ' TO AID OF SUFFERING On of th most "conspicuous examples of self-sacrinoe In desire to aid th suffering that haa been seen in Portland la provided by Dr. Marie D. Equl, who left the city for Ban Francisco when Dr. Marie D. EquL tha first call for doctors came. Bhe gave up a lucrative practice to aid .the suffering. Dr. Equl hae worked Inoes santly In tha midst of all kinds of dan gers and has relieved tha suffering of many. She Is at present at tho general hospital at ths Presidio at Ban Fran Cisco, under Colonel Torney. . LOG TRAIN, RUNS AWAY KILLING TONY SWENS0N . Tony Hwenson, a tlraberma n, was killed yesterday In a runaway accident on a logging train In Benson's logging camp. Oak Point, Washington. Benson waa riding on a train of logs -When It ran away and plunged Into a car ahead. Ha waa thrown violently from hla post tlon. Death resulted almost instantly. Tha body waa brought to Portland and Is now " In ths liolman undertaking rooms. Swenson'a mother lives in Port land and the body la being held until she ran he notified of tha death of her aon. . MRS. J. C. WILKINSON'S" -SISTER-IN-LAW DEAD 'Mrs. Nellie IToyer, a sister-in-law of Mrs. J. C. Wilkinson of 303 Thirteenth street, is reported dead In Ban Fran cisco. Mrs. Hoyer was living at - tha Van Ness apartment-house at 1111 Mar ket atreet when tha earthquakejecame. It Is not announced how aha met her death. A Dallas woman In a dream saw tha top of Mount Hood blown off and Tha Dellee swept into the Columbia river, and she Is now packing up her goods snd chsttsls." ' ' Make Dn Graves' Totith Powder your . twice-a-day friend ; it wilt make you many admiring friend., -thoSe who" have keen eyes for bright,, white teeth and pure breath. Your sweetheart knows why.. ; i-, la taaady saal ears or bottles, SSe. OCrtro' Tc:lb testa ti. aallj. Good m. a 1M 4S Are made with ( Royal Baking Powder bread,: biscuit, cake, rolls, muffijis, crusts, and all the various pastries re- J quiring" a leavening ot raising agent. - ; Risen with' Royal Baking Powder, all these foods are superlatively light, sweet, tenderdelicious and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder is the greatest of time and labor savers to the pastry cook. i- Besides, it economizes flour, butter-and eggs, and, best of all, makes the food more digestible and healthful ROVAl BAKINfJ POWDER CO WEW YORK. TIMBER CRUISER DEFIES GRAND JURY AND UNITED STATES COURT Ordered to Produce Books by ; Departs for Albany, Failing Order Issued for His John J. Collins, a timber cruiser of Albany, haa defied the-United States court, the federal grand jury -and all ths powers that be. Because of this an order has been Issued for hla arrest and confinement lii prison until ha de termines that ths Instructions Of a United States judge are to be obeyed. Collins was ordered yesterday by Judge tVolverton to produce before the grand Jury ths books, records and docu ments of B., Dor gin company,-of which h is-av member. In a case pend ing before tha grand Jury, Colllna la a witness, end the books and records. It is alleged, hold, (n themselves evidence that la causing certain people aleepleas nights. Collins wss subpoened to ap pear before the grand Jury- and bring with him the books. He appeared, but when asked for the books flatly refused to give them up. District Attorney Bris tol coaxed and pleaded, but In vain. Then Collins was haled into court and Judge Wolverton asked aim to show causa : why he should not uellvsr tha books tb tha grand jury. . RAILROAD COMPANV ASKS y 07cnnnn niiiincttwi giUU.UUU UHWHQLO .....,,r. . - - , . Arlington &. Pacific Claims Har riman Appropriated Its Right of Way. ':' Attorneys John F. Logaa-snd John C. Shlllock have filed a suin-the local circuit eourt on behalf of tha Arlington & Paclflo " Coast Railroad company again the O. R. aV N. Co., the Columbia River Oregon Central' railroad and W. U. Bel), a civil engineer. - Tha plain- Mrs. Maris Dudley, ths Philadelphia society woman, and wife of the mil lionaire clubman, Edward Dudley, who is suing Mrs. Elisabeth Bat tell Vanderpeel, of Saugerties-on-Hudson, f or he'i alienation of her . husband's affections. ; "'. . i'""T'' ..--.- '.-'t 1 'K Judge Wolverton, John J. Collins to Appear at Time Specified- Arrest and Confinement.. Collins declared that'the books In criminated him and ha could not be forced to give evidence that could be used against himself. Attorney Bristol hold that Collins was not yet a witness, that the books shielded other men be sides Collins and that the evidence In them waa essential to the case ana that the- proceedings of the grand Jury were being delayed through hla stubbornness. Judge Wolverton ordered Collins to pro duce the records before the grand Jury before 11 o'clock this morning. Collins departed for Albany last night with his attorneys, and at 11:0 o'olock this morning the. grand Jury certified that ha had not' appeared with the books and waa in contempt. . 'A commitment was ordered prepared and tha clerks of the eourt immediately set about gettlngi it ready, - Aa aooa as uoiims can oe reached ha will be put 1 Jail until ha la ready to obey the order of tha court. It la oorrtendnd by the attorneys of Col lins that a One legal and constitutional point has been ' raised, end that tha matter will be fought to the bitter end. tiff company is sSTtuf Tor $760,000 dam agea,. alleging that' tha Harrlman line appropriated Its surveyed right of way between Arlington and Condon. It Is alleged that W. H. Bell, who waa employed by the plaintiff company for soma time, resigned from that line and began working for the Harrlman lines. Mr. Bell la said to have had maps. drawings, note and descriptive mattor that were made for the Arlington & Pacific company, and It Is alleged' that when he left the company a employ he took the memoranda with him and that they were used by tha defendant com nantea. It is ssld that In 1902 tha plaintiff company made a survey and began pre liminary work for a railroad una be tween Arlington and- Condon, but that before Its road could be built the Harrt man Interests used the right of way for the construction of a Una between tha points named. : STILL L10RE HEAR GOOD flEiVS : Portland'People ; Leanv Mainly J Through Journal's Efforts of , Friends'. Safety. SEARCH FOR MISSING r WILL BE CONTINUED At Telegraphic and Mail CornmuniCa - tion With Destroyed Cty Becomes Easier, Belated Messages Arrive, ' , Relieving Strain of Uncertainty. . Cltlsena of Portland, and Oregon con tinue to learn , through - tha efforts of The Journal's Information bureau of the safety of their f rlenda and relatives who were In California at th tlma of the holocaust, and the work is being contluued. Those reported safe today are: ' ,. . . .. ' - - i Mrs. A. Stone and! '.slaughter. Miss Leola C. Spofford Stone, Inquired for. by Mrs. Florence Btone How of Kalams,' Washington, were outside of th burnt district in San Francisco and.;ar-sJl right - , '- -.- ',. Scott R. Beattl of UiiU Mission street, asked for by-Robrt Beattl of Tygh Valley, haa . been heard from. ' James Conneil, brother of L. Cornell Of Th Dalles, and family are safe. ' Mrs.. Oeore-e F. . Qallagher, sister of Mrs. J.'Di-Bllow of Liebam. Washington. WE. Gelble, lis B atreet, brother of Mra. J. 8. Anunsen, The Dalles. Brother of Wro. B. Schlanker, Wasco, Oregon, Is all right. J. If. pagans, Mra. Maria Hagans and Miss Clara E. Hagans of Turk street, are safe but homeless. , y , Mr. and Mra. Knowlea are at Santa Rosa. ,-. -' ' v Bruce Roland, wife and family, lost everything but escaped Injury. . Albert Doilmann, szs Fin atreet, la O. K. Mr. and Mra. U 3. Marks, 410 Castro -street, safs. r . Wm.;M. Epperljr, Windsor Hotel, all right .. . -Hugh B-. Chalmers, 440 Fifth street. lost averyxning, pui uninjurea. v Mrs. McEwan. 1011A Scott street. formerly of Astoria and well known in Portland, is camped on tha hill. Was la tha midst of th stricken district and scaped, but saved nothing. Mrs. Fred Schaffnar war burnt out. Mrs. , Hermann Bchaf fnr . la safs and well. - .n Miss U C Daniel and brother Wll f ord Daniel and family are safe. House was not ourned. , Mr. -and Mra. Edward Xlttla hav been heard: from., L. K. Sawyer, brother of Charles "B. Sawyer of this city, is Ot K. Reports that 'h was shaken up, has a few clothes, -Is not suffering ye and doesn't expect to..-.: " . J. T. Hlbbert. Clay atreet. la aafa. ' Miss Addle RalnvlUe, ST Turk street has-been located. Mr. and Mra. Robert P. Hswltt, 14 Mission avenue, are O. K. Miss H. C Logan la aafe nut lost everything.' ' - . Mrs. 8. EX Rice. Miss Helen F. Rica, J. H. Rice. Mra. Louis Brown. 447 Post atreet are all safe. Mrs. J. H. Mury and T: W. Lindus, 1T0( flutter Street friends of F. SV Braga of 170 Second atreet. ar all right John Leonard and wife were In midst of fire, horn burned; they barely es caped; loat avarytning. 'Miss Annie Kassube. -1144 Second street. Is safe, but lost everything. Daisy Mays haa arrived safely in Portland. Miss Lillian Albert reached horn from SanFrancisco this morning.. . Mr. and Mrs. C W. Hoff ar safe. .- . Albert Brannan la in Ashland, Ore gon. N. Oatemaa la reported safe In San Franclaoo. . - ANT PROTECTION FOR THf COAST Mill and Lumber Men on the Sound-Want Amendment to Ship Subsidy Bill. SENATOR CEARIN "IS ' ASKED TO LEND HAND Allege Absolute Stagnation of Coast Lumber Industry Will Follow Un less . Ships Are Protected,' as Rail roads Cannot Handle Traffic.' (Waahlngtea Bureau ef The Joomal.) Washington, April Is. Senator Oearlu recently was In receipt of a communi cation from D. B. Bklnner, president of ths Port Blakeley Lumber company, and' heavily interested in -Portland enter-, prises, who with other lumbermen has ' been before the house . commute on merchant marine, endeavoring to pro-1 car an amendment to the ship subsidy ! bill, td" protect Paclflo coaat ships. Mr. ' Skinner claims that ths ship subsidy ' bill, with its fB a ton subsidy to ships engaged in foreign traffic, la attract. ing all the vensels heretofore available for carrying lumber and other commo dities from the Paclflo coast to ths At lantic He .asks that th subsidy be made to apply ; to American - vessels sailing from Atlantic -to Pacific or Pa cific to Atlantic -ports of th ' United States until the Panama canal la com pleted. . To further protefct-th-lumber Inter ests of the coast, he and his associates ask that th subsidy be net applied to tonnage plying between porta of British North America on the Paclflo rtoean and porta of th United States. - He alleges absolnte stagnation of tha lumber In dustry unless this' relief - Is granted. because the railroads ar utterly unable to handle th business. - SALEM JUNIOR Y. M. C. A. ENTERTAINS CHEMAWA .i x (Special Mipatrh tn Tb JneraaL) Chemawa, Or, April IS. Tha school assembly hall was filled last night with the Indian boys and girls to see an en tertainment given by th young men of th Junior T. M. C. A. of Salem. They were In charge of Mr. Holt- of the Capital Journal. A very Interesting pro gram was given, which was well re SATURDAY 6 P. M. REGULAR VALUE; 40 Cents ; ' 2 Quart JCottke ' i - Grade 27 c 18c f !. V'?7 1Sc Crystal Salad Bo wl HIRaT AND THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD I Especially Is This True of Education We have the larges'tJBSlt modern and most thorough business college in the northwest . ' - ' . . Our depsrtntents are In charge of experts .who are thoroughly conversant with their particular study. -1; - ' Dnr ffrarfiias are all emnloverl. ' . v " We will- place you m a position when competent. .. . J Write for catalogue.' . , '., . ". H Behnke-ValKer Business College ' w. aai . a St . ' M. . n ' . M aX Q ,ik ijuiiatng , seventn. ana atars Dirceta, x-oniana, wrcgon. H- W. BEHNKE, President . , I. MWALKERr Principal. All Branches Taught Open Day and Night . . An Uncqualcd Offer . A set of our famous tit Falaa TEETH for g)10. Painless extracting fre with this offer. Exam ination and consultation free. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Extracting, 60 cent. . - WISE BROS.. Dentists mu An wABxrjroTOir. Maim SOS. . . Opea STeainga aad Sunday. ALBANY TEAM WINS IN THE (MlPIOIiSMP DEBATE Annual Business Meeting of CoU leglate Debating League Held at McMinnville. . (Special Dlapeteh to The JoereaL) McMinnville College, Or, April- tiv At the annual business meeting of th Colleglat Debating League of . Oregon held her yesterday th following of ficers war elected: President Theodora Anderson, McMinnville college; vice president. Bay Raclsdala, Monmouth; secretary, A. U. Brown, Albany col lege; treasurer, Ralph Reeaa, Psoillo collage ' Th time of th first executive, when th question will b ohosen, was changed to tha second Friday In Oc tober and also tha tiro of th prelimi nary debate waa changed, .making It one Wtek earlier. In th evening the final debat for championship of the lesgiie waa held. the contestants being McMinnville and As the tea kettle was the beginning of the steam engine, so the ordinary soda cracker was merely the first step in the development of the perfect world food Unooda Biscuit t A food that gives to the worker more energy of mind and musclethat gives to the child the sustenance' upon which to grow robustthat gives to the invalid the nour ishment on which to regain the vigor of good health. -CSC In a uit hts ; (w) motsturi proof package. V NATIONAL BUCUrt.COM PANT. . - f I SPECIALS TOV Pi l. REGULAR VALUE 40 Cents or Tea Pot'. : High Granite - TAYLOK as Albany college on the question! "Re solved. : That , th tnteratat commerce ' commission should be empowered to reguiat railroad rates 'aubjeot to re vision only by tha higher courts." Theodora Anderson, B. A, Nott and W. C. Campbell composed MoMlnnvlIle'a team, and Ralph Knotta, W. H. Steele and B. Ia Jonas were Albany's team. Tha Judge war ' Hopkins Jenkins, Portlsnd; T. T. Vincent. Corvallls; Pro fessor Bates, Forest Orove, who ren dered a decision, I to 1 In. favor of Al bany. ' Following tha debat a reception was given tha visiting team, delegate ana Judges. , .. , , .... 1 Oaraegle Tlslas Ottawa. Ottawa, Ont. April II. Andrew Car negie arrived In Ottawa today to apend several daya aa tha guest of tha gov-ernor-general. On Monday Mr. Carnegie will br present at tha dedication and opening of th new public library of Ottawa. ' Tha following day ha will go to Montreal. ... To draw tha fir out of a bum, hal a cut without leaving a scar, or to cur bolls,- sores, tetter, ecsema and all skin snd scalp dlssaaea, us DeWltt's Witch Hasel Salve. A speciflo for pllea. Get the genuine. No remedy causes such speedy relief. Ask for DeWltt's the gsnuln. ' , ""SI P C- : m -1 ad vod bx an appreclaUv audlenc.