The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 27, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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H11l..Blenche Wilah la "Womu In the Cui1
Baker .Mualral Burleaqae
Bmuira. ,,"A, Thorough bra Tramp-'
Lyric..; Broken Heart"
Grand , ...fe..VdTlll
Star .....Vauaevnie
Th University of Oregon alumnae re
siding in Portland held' a meeting yea
terday afternoon to effect an organlsa-
non xor social purposes and is won tor
tn advancement of the college Interest
viwau Acuipurmry sfkiuwib w
elected and a committee con its ting of
Mrs. Fred Templeton. Mrs. Bernard Jak-
,WM tA lllea .T'.n.sM Dm.,.. Vm. , I .meem. earn)
w. vui r m.wm vk tiler ai es.i y
.-department; Dr. Katherlne C Manloa of
'the medical department aril Uri. C. A.
Atacrum of the musical department, vaa
' appointed to . draw 'up a constitution.
Another meeting will be hert next Thurs.
day at 4 o'clock In- the office of Dr.
Manion In Ahe Hamilton building, over
fJKKrn young- shoe store. All women
graduates of all department of the Unl
verslty of Oregon are requested to at
tend, - .
George M. Hoopengarner, a pioneer
uregon teacber. waa burled yesterday.
following services held at hi late homer
S&4 Ross street' He succumbed -to an
attaclc of pneumonia after an Illness of
two weeks. He waa S years old. a na
tive of Ohio, and tame to Oregon In
1S70. .For 20 years lie was a principal
in Washington county schools. He la
Urvlvri rjv a. wMnw fAtIP inn nf wA
daughters. Hla sons ar 6. V. Hoopen
garner or Alisons, E. I of Portland,
Max. residing at Hornlbrook, Califor
nia, and I P. of ' New York. His
daughters are Mrs. J. M. Relg and Miss
H1IA . ffWltlt Mf Wwt .Mil . ,
. The normal class fnr HuimIaw eptinnl
teachers which has been meeting at the
T. M. C. A. Saturday noon for a nunv
ber of years, baa been much Interrupted
f late from' the fact that Dr. WUson
has been obliged to discontinue hi
work as teacher, and p regular teacher
iiuu mn nourm in ' nis piece. - inn
committee- announces that Rev. B. M.
Sharpr pastor- of the Mount " Tabor
Presbyterian church.-haa been secured
to teach the class, and that tha regular
sessions will begin again Saturday of
una' wees. -. . .
" ' pn the way to Salem Peter Larson, a
manlao- whs has caused the authorities
considerable trouble, jumped from hla
seat' and attempted to escape from the
moving train. Rushing down the aisle
he broke out windows and attempted to
wrench the door of the car from Its
hinges. , By the aid of trainmen end
yBcu,ai iiiv lUOiUM B HUH waiBk IV
hla seat.- When Salem waa readied
Larson again attempted to escape, and
In his efforts damaged the depot..'
' Furnishings for tha new 'headquarters
for the city health department, the
plumbing department and the building
Inspector's offices are being ordered. The
three . offices will all be In one' large
room on the second, floor of the city halL
One clerk will, keep all the records. Ar
' rangementa . are ; also being made for
. opening tha office of the-city free em
ployment. bureau, which will be In the
rooms now occupied by. the building in'
spector.. r .',,' i -; '
The Odd Fellows' order In Oregon has
gained 882 members In tha last ' year.
and the membership has reached 11,151
In the state, according to reports given
last evening at a meeting of Minerva
lodge in Portland. Teaterday .was the
87th anniversary of the founding of tha
order, and special attention will be
called to mattera pertaining thereto at
the May convocation of tha grand lodge
and grand encampment, and the Re-
bekah assembly, in Portland. -
. Resultant from reorganisation In tha
general agencies of tha O. R. at N. and
Southern Paciilo companies In Oregon.
C. A. Malboef, chief clerk in the South
ern Pacific freight offices, becomes
chief clerk In the general freight head'
quarters of the affiliated Harrlman
lines in Oregon. Mr. Malboef hat been
with tha Southern Pacific company 11
years. ,
Mineral Spring Hotel eompany, lea
see. Amo D. St Martin hot spring,
Carson, Washington, Is without doubt
the best health resort In the northwest.
Hot 'mineral baths for cure of rheuma
tism, stomach, liver and kidney trou
bles. Exoellent table, alectrlo lights and
seam heat; Una trout fishing. Take
steamer- Srencar or Regulator boats.
Special cut In price on Men' and
Youths' Suit.' $, 17.60, $10, $12.60 and
$16,' worth from $4 tof $10 more at tha
high rent stores' . prjee. We save you
from 60 cent to $1 on Hat, Pants,
Shoes, 8hlrt or Underwear. Twenty
per cent saved on Trunk and Suit.
Cases.. John Dellar, Itl-ISS First
street, land 6t North Third street
A successful and enjoyable musical
and elocutionary entertainment waa
given at Vancouver Wednesday evening
by Mrs. Fred I. Olson, assisted by Miss
Petronella Connolly, Ml Cornelia
Barker, Mia Ada Matthewa and Ml
Reynold, accompanist. Tha entertain
ment waa held In the Presbyterian
church and was well attended.
' Beautiful Sweet Peas. If you want
the finest aweet peas grown, plant our
Grand Prigs mixture, sold in sealed
packets only. Wa also have all the latest-,
noveltle and, new Introduction
aside from- 126 stand an) aorta. Port
land Seed Co., Front and Yamhill streets.
Forest Grove Anniversary Glae club
will sing tonight at a' benefit, enter
tainment given by Multnomah ' camp.
Woodmen, In the east aid Woodmen
hall. !
Butter lawn fertiliser rejuvenate
the shsbby lawn! hi sweet peas and
lawn grass got gold medal at tha fair.,
It Wont, between Yamhill msA Tavlw..
" Presbyterian residing at Bast View
and Annabel, on the, Mount Scott line,
will shortly organise ehurches. At Kast
View It haa been planned to organise
next Sunday afternoon -r at - I o'clock.
Our stock is most complete,
both in variety of style and in
range of prices. Several lots
of Fearl Soft Hats have just
arrived, and they're beauties.
Ilewett, Bradley 4 Co;
Haberdashers 344 Washington SL
when Rev. C. W. Hayes will preerh end
a full sec or officer will be elected. t
Mrs. Hooper, the expert from A. A
Waterman A Co., la with ua until April
ahowlng the autpmatlo sol f -filling
fountain pen; making allowance for
any old ona In exchange and repairing
an meaea. j. n umi company. Third
ana Alder streets. - . .
Presiding Judge Sear Sis called a
meeting of the lqcal bar association for
l:$0 o'clock tomorrow -morning to adopt
I resolutions In memory) of 1 the lata At
torney U. S. a. MarquamT The meeting
will be held In department No. 1 of the
circuit court. -
'Following an Indictment by the fed
eral grand jury, Butler Falrchtld haa
been placed under arrest on the charge
of assaulting Jacob Johnson with a
knife on the SI lets Indian reservation.
FairchIM has been releaseeTonTJtftJ. -
Watches. - diamonds and Jewelry' on
easy payments. $1 down and 60 cent per
week. All mainspring $1; all watohe
cleaned $1. Metiger Co.. Ill Sixth at
'Frisco fir sufferers ' will be given
60 per cent of the net receipts of the
Advocates' ball and wlndup of voting
contest at tha Armory April 10.
Don't forget the aemoval sale of Beck,
the jeweler, 207 Morrison street.' -He will
sell an CI gin, Waltbant or Hampden
watch for $6 until May 1. . .
W. O. Wbeneflt entertainment to
.night, east side hall. Glee club of For-
eeb Grove - will entertain, - Admission
only 26 cents, .
H. W. Monnaatea, haa sold to Philip
Nenrfor-f 16,000,- -lot-occupied -y
livery stsble, opposite the city 'hall on
Fourth street -'
W are stlQ selling ay glass t at 11,
a perfect fit guaranteed or- money re
funded. .Metager Co, 111 Sixth street
A little girl haa come to United State
District Attorney William C Bristol's
home to stay. ; She arrived Wednesday,,,
Dr. Stephen 8. Wise of Temple Beth
Israel will deliver an address this even
ing on "Hysteria and Public Morals."
The Lady Maccabees will give a bene
fit ball at the Armory tomorrow evening
for the San Francisco sufferer.
Tabor Height Pavilion.' Dancing
very Thursday and Saturday evening.
" Dr. J. R. Wetherbee has - returned.
Office 227 Marquam building.
Sale 'Ladles' Oxfords, -tan or black;
cut prices. Marka ShoeCo.
Cedar Park open, dancing every Sun
day afternoon and evening
'Dr. B. C Brown, Eye-Ear. - Marquam.'
. - : - ' i ' '
..The police Intend making the oity too
torrid for Impostor who are trading
on the sympathies of the public by rep
resenting themselves to be refugees
from San Francisco and to have loat
their possessions by earthquake and
fire. - Several arresta have been mad
and a number of decetvera ordered to
eave the city. Three arrest were mad
yesterday by Pstrol Driver Price and
one by Price and Station Officer Burke.
Ike Ford was discovered begging at
Third and Stark streets. He told a piti
ful irorv of his aufferlne-a durlns the
flM T 1r , tn th nnlfn atatlnn ha !
was forced to admit that he had never
seen San Francisco. Police Judge
Cameron ordered him to leave town at
Fred Hicks also claimed to be a fire
sufferer, hs waa taken into cuatody at
Front and Madison streets, a search
showed that he had . duped the public
out of $26. He promised to get out of
the elty Immediately and waa told that
If seen again by the police he would be
charged with vagrancy.
Hugh MoGuIre waa caught begging at
Third and Washington streets. He waa'
offered a meal and asked for oysters.
In the police court he was informed that
his appetite, waa- too epicurean for a
refugee. He left Portland at f o'clock
last night, striking out northward.
C Carlson waa arrested on Sixth, be
tween Morrison and Alder streets, and J.
Cannon at Third and Washington street
for begging. Both promlaed to leave the
city at once, .-Sr.
J. Couch Flanders will erect a hand
some residence on Flanders street, be?
tween Nineteenth and Twentieth streets.
The building permit was issued yester
day to Garrett It Peterson, contractors.
The coat mentioned in the permit la
$6,000, but when finished It 1 said the
house will have coat several thouaanda
A block of modern flat will be built
on Tenth street between Clay and
Market streets, by Oosslln A Harablet
to cost $$,000. Tha permit wa issued
yesterday to I. A. Peters, contractor.
Other permits issued yeaieraay roi-
low: C. F. Goodwin, cottage. East Da
vis, between East Thirtieth and Bast
Thirty-first street, cost $1,200; J. C.
Mann, atore, Haasaio street, between
Grand avenue and Eaat Sixth street
cost $2,000; F. 8. Field, residence,
Weldler street, between East Nine
teenth and East Twentieth streets, cost
$2,600: Paul Wesalnger, repalra to store.
corner Flrat and , Alder streets, cost
1.800: C. C. Oaler, cottage, comer East
Thirty-fourth and Stephen streets, cost
$700; corbett estate, repair to atore.
Front and Oak streets, cost $2,000: T.
E. Dowling, repair to cottage, Blast
Sixteenth .between Wygant and Alberta
treet, coat $200; William Flledner,
plastering building, corner Tenth and
Washington street, coat I.l0f. .
. ' Sunday, April tS. ' " "
Another, popular $1.60. excursion ' to
Seaside via tha A. sV C. R. R. leave th
union depot a. ra. next Sunday. A de
lightful day' . outing at. thebeacb-and
a fine rid along tha banka of th ma
jestic Columbia. - Ticket sale limited
to seating capacity of coaches. Ticket
on sale during th week at 24S Alder'
street and at tha union depot on Sun
day morning.
For all Information telephone C A.
Stewart, agent, . Main SOS.
Big Pay, Uttl Work.
present your prls credit eertlflcete
at Kllera Piano Hon and actually
aav It face value in purchasing a
fine new piano. Do It today. Certifi
cate expire April $0. ,
, Carl Jont, th Cigar Man,
Haa now a full Una of newspaper and
periodical. 176 Washington street,
corner Fourth.
Heavy, impure blood make a tnuddv,
pimply complexion, headaches, nausea.
Indigestion. Thin hlood mattes you
weak, pale, sickly. Burdock Blood Bit
ters makes the Moral rich. red. Dure
rotors perfect Health. . 7..-f.:
I.lcrcltendfco Puchsscd on Credit Ttnorroiy and Monday Will Go on May Atizzz
'Ike Mefev Oj &&Mz " tore . OftoK:
it r m: .jm
tl4t -iXk.: 'j:. ; 1
Tarn m a rvpl nYi s vn In p.r tn TVTp.tI 's Suits
for Saturday buyers This v season's
garments in the most desirable styles
Men's strictly all-wool ' and fast color
navy blue serge suits in single or double-breasted coats,
- ' - ..i in mi a m ' i mi ! -.s.. a -n- , n i n m n n. n i i. a is i i n .m
newest cut Hand-felled collar and faand-padded
shoulders The grade of clothing the cx
clublvc clothier asks $18 for Our price
Men's all-wool suits in light jand dark
grays and fancy mixed worsteds Round cut or
double-breasted sacks This season's leading styles
Perfect fitting Well made and finished
Our best $18.00 valueS On sale for . . .
Men's Clothing Department Second Floor
Open Tomorrow Night Until 9:30
Wolverton Commands J. J. Col
lint to Produce Duggan A
.Co.' Record. -
Collins Claimed That ' Evidence
Would Have Tendency to Incrim
inate Him, but Bristol Argued This
Could Be Proved Only by Books.
J. J. Collins' must place In evidence
before the federal (rand Jurr all book,
records and other docunienta of the
firm of Dug gun A Co. Judge Wolver
ton so decided In th federal court
this morninr. The decision statea In
aubstance that Collins must, produce
the book before 11 o'clock, tomorrow
morning and par all coata of tha action
broueht by United States District At
torney Bristol to secure ttiem and doc
uments as evidence. -
Collin 1 a. member of . the firm of
Dug-can. A Co.' and la ona of th wlt
neenee Subpoenaed to appear before the
present grand Jury, which some time
ago Issued a warrant for him to testify
and bring with him as evidence . th
books of Duggan eV Co. Collin ap
peared before that body, but failed to
produce the book,' and refused to do
so when asked by Mr. Bristol. ' The dis
trict attorney then brought action.
Collins demurred on tha ground that
the evidence would have a tendency to
Incriminate himself and that it would
therefore be outside the jurladtetlon of
the court. Mr. Bristol, aaalsted by At
torneys Curl and Kelly of Albany, held
that the suit waa not against Collins
and that evert if It were there would
be no way J to ascertain whether the
documents would Incriminate him until
they were'placell In evidence, it waa
also contended by' Mr. Bristol that oth
ers would be shielded If Collins were
not obliged to produce the book. Mr.
Bristol asked fet an early '.decision. In
order that the grandljury work might
not b delayed. v .
Judge Wolverton took tha' case under
advisement yesterday afternoon at 4
o'clock and rendered the decision against
Collin when court opened this morning.
. Leroy Anderson haa a grlevajifel He
paid a montn'f rent In advsnee and next
day the earthquake swallowed up hi
house. He Is a telegraph! operator and
received his semi-monthly salary Just
before the calamity. He la married and
ha two children, aged and t year. In
addition to providing for" hi family be
had to look after hla father, 7 year
of age, and two women relatlvea and
see them aafely out of the city. He
reached Portland yesterday. ,
- Freferred Stock Caaaed ooaav
Ilea Mwltf. Best Bran ;
Apollo Rink
A iuin or rpi
May, Pole
X vest of th aao
4 At A Y FIRS T ''
Join th merry-makers, plan
your costume and win a - prls.
Skates .reserved.
awo XJkrox.
All work guaranteed for ten yeara
Lady attendant always present All
work done absolutely without pain by
specialist of from 11 to 10 yeara' ex
perience. Gold Filling, Bridge Work, Gold
Crowns, Artificial Teeth, -
HIM Morrison Bt, Opp. 'Meier Fienk
. and Potof flee.
For. Stomach and
Bowel troubles, Liv
er and Kidney, and
all diseases due to tan
pur . blood or weak
nervea Small six
(tablets) 25c. tare
sis, tl 00. At Drug
gists' (tn black boxes
U not send fer FREE
trial boa to
DaiwM'a NaMvai
Herbs Compaay
, uaar
An entertainment waa - given.' last
Wednesday evening In th assembly hall
of tha Ockley Oreen school for th bene
fit of the San Francisco sufferers by th
first graduation class. There waa an ex
cellent program of musical and literary
selections, after which Dr. J. Whltcomb
Broucher gave an Interesting lecture
on "The Education of tha Body, Both
Mentally and. Physically.1 Candy waa
old by th rlaea and th young men
acted a usher.- Between 14 and tiS
waa raised, which will be sent at one
to th arthquak sufferers.
Make Money Quick. .
Present your prls credit certificate
st ' Ellers Piano - Hous and actually
aav It face valu In purchasing a
fine new : rxi it futav rartin.
esvtaa axplr April ,
Hth and Waasingtoa, ? raose Mala X. I
Tonight. S:1S; Tomorrow Might. Speelajl
Price Matinee Tomorrow, . I
aiAJion waux
la Olyae Fttoh's Drama,
Evealng Prlese Sl.BO. 11, T5e, W
Matisse Prices 41. TOe, eOr, S&c
Seats sailing at -the HalUg Tbeatre. I
1U saa WMhlnrtoa Psoas Vita L.
AU Mast .Weak. Beslaamf Soauay KisHt,
AprU Jfl. 1HOS.
, The VeUard Lllllpatlaa Opera Oooisaaz,
' Toe jrolknrtef Maalcal Plays WIUTL
Be Preeaated:
toiiday, Tbnraday Nlafata, "A Kasawsy SlrL"
MeDday, Prtday Nlbt.
"The Belle ef Vew Terk,N
Taeaday KKht "The Sataha"
Saturday Matlnae i.."H. K. B. risafera"
Baturdar Nlabt "As Smarinaa afilltaaalia'1
POrifLAB PKICES Ereaui. 25a, soe, 60
ise. Matinee, snc aaa sue.
grata sow selling a the HelUg Theatre.
Baker, Mr.
Baker Theatre
Tamhlll and M Its. Pbose Mala 1S0T
Tke Home ef Kosloal Bariaeqae,
SseeUl Asmuw Nlftat Satsrday Cash Prist
so W laser.
Tosifht. ToawrroaVKIsbt, -Matktee Tomorrow.
Barleeeue aal ZxtnuegaBsa Cempaay, PmisV
lag the Twe ranoy raraae, "The Takisg
ef Mr. BafflM" aad 'Ta SovU
Sakaea." Pratty SWi sad Maale
walore. reat TeudarUle Olie.
Matinee Satarday, IHe, Se, Soe, SOe,
It1b(. Soe, SS. toe. To.
May S, The Calif an la OlrU."
Empire Theatre;
.lira asd Morrtaea,
.Phooa Mala 11T.
MIHna W. Seamas, Maaaser.
Portias 'a Papular riaysauaa.
Tomorrow MatlDee, Tomorrow Night,
favorite Oomadr-Drama of Them All,
A Thoroughbred Tramp
Witt loaa V twaitwood as "The Tramp'
as a wraat Out.
Action. Comedy, Pathoa, Beavtlfnl tWaery.
BTtmlng Prtcee 15s. Sfte. Soj and SOe.
Matlnaa Prices 10c, lftc and I Be. ,
Vast Wash "Tha BUver tWt-
- .The Taaertaa Trie, ' -
Plalda Kaneea. ,
Mr. Louie Batae, '
Miae Baaaie Orua. '
; . Barnes a I-Tnn. , '
Jamaa Burse.,
10e To any seat eacept brass 10
Vs, K. Wladam.
The Msilesl thlrUya,
Kagh . Xmmltt.
Master Kareld Baft,
Week ef April SS
T. Malaoa Sewaa,
Bias af Xo
PRICKS KTmtnsa, Snntfara an hnll
Sara, lAe sad SB; hex aeata, SKc. Matt-
1IM to any aeaa umn vnwm.
Every Afwrsoea and ItIbt PaAlia,tA
Popular Steak Bause. '
" The Metedramatte Saaoaaa '
in rorn act",
pollovp thb runwn rojtnsuors PIB-
roitMANrn. .
., . 1,-1 1 L ,
. Milwaukle Country Club.
.Memphis nd Islington race. Take
fjeiiwood and Oregon City car at First
aad Alder, . - ' , - -.
Phillips Sfooe Co.
$Q fift The Phillips Shoe o n
The Phillips Shoe -
FOR WOMEN, f 8.0O Is steadily In
creasing in sales every day. The stock is
all new, styles the best They fit to per
fection, and are easy to wear, and we abso
lutely guarantee THE PHILLIPS SHOJ
the equal of any shoe sold on the Pacific
coast for $4.00. A positive saving of $1.CJ
the pair. Better take advantage of the sav
ing. DO IT NOW.
The Packard Shoe
FOR MEN, f 3.50 Is the peer of any shoe
at any price. Price alwsys the same, $3.SJL
All styles, all leathers. We show more new,
nobby styles in Oxfords than any bouse in
the city. They are moving fast catch on
while they last. , .
See Our Display Windows
They reflect fashion's decree in the models
shown. . No samples shown, only good!
from our large stock, . .' .
We are the energetic, pushing thoemen.
We are after your trade. We want it. We
will get it, too. Better come in tomorrow
and look us over. No trouble to show our
goods, they please us, they will please you
also. Our shoes challenge comparison of
styles. Our prices defy competition.
Phillips Shoe Co.
Up-to-the-Minuter Footwear-at Up-to-the
Minute Prices.
Between Washington and Stark.
-if '
All the wanted shapes and colors at all prices.
UNTRIMMED SAILORS. ...fl.OO, f 1.25, f l.RO and to C:
SAILORS TRIMMED by high-cUss artists, with correct rr:'
smart, snappy, modish, up from
rn At nv; vc.-ri-5