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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1906)
Tlir OrCOII DAILY JOURNAL, FOHTLAND, TRIDAY EVENING.- APRIL t 27, IS POTIiLLIlflEM FOR DIG DOOr.T (Suburb Soon to B Annexed to City Forme Strong Board of Trade. , .." "BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS ' . , TO COME WITH A RUSH Place Wil Secure Abundant Water Supply and "This . Encourages In " ,'j;. veator a Strong . Campaign Being ; - Made for Manufacturing Plants. ' I: Seat Side Bepartmeat. At a meeting held Wednesday night " j the MontavIIla board of trade' received ... several hew ... member and thoroughly ' i consider the atatua of. the annexation , J question that will te voted on by tie , citiaens of the town at the June elec- tlOn. " v-v Committees were appointed on streets : and to secure a meeting place for the organisation, that haa to thla' time been j holding lta aeaalona in the broom Xae I tory. At a recent conference with' the county officials, the representative of the board of trade were aaaured that I the road of . the suburbs .would be i placet in excellent condition .this sea- aon andean attempt will be made to raise fund imonc the bust nee men to v i keep the road running through the buai-. ,nea portion of the town oiled during the summer, the highway being a moat i popular one xor ini puLumuuuQ, man wj r July being moat of. the time hidden In a cloud of duet. : - ' " . - ' 1 'y I'nttl the question as to whether' the . i suburb would be annexed or lncor ; po rated was settled, the board of trade , and Improvement league waa unable to ' arrange 'extensive ' plana for the im provement of the place, but now that it 'is practically decided that the Suburb i will be admitted te the city, there re ' malnlng merely the vote of the citiaena ' of the, place to determine thla -matter, i the board of trade can undertake larger plana. - . ' There Is. evey Indication that the suburb will experience a real boom this season, -many contractor being new at Jwork on building plans. ; The water . board has assured the residents - that when they become a part of the city they will be given abundant Water aery Ice, and thla assurance baa "been suf ' flcient to give the place new life. 'With Made in Oregon .,.v. - ' . ":' ' -' "- '-: Suits . to Your; Measure $20.00- -to- ,'. $40.00 '''' ' ;' . i i ' ; ' .'" Let us show you a fabric. .made, from ; wool grown ' in Oregon, woven by the Ore gon City Millav and made up in ' bur shops by well paid Oregonians who know their .business.' y . ';,'" -v- . .'". : No " finer men's dress goods( made anywhere than those. woven within less than an hour's ride from home. -.. v' ' 'Combine self-interest with loyalty to our state and its products and buy a suit of : us really and truly "Made in Oregon." ' To your measure 8 20 to 940. ;;;y'o?:i'-,''v Unifc onus Let us give you an esti mate on uniforms. If the order warrants it we will "weave" warp of cloth" to your order and make your uniforms from it exclu sively. , ' . ELKS' BUILDING , l.ooe resident. MontavIIla ha 'had a water., supply sufficient for a tenth of thla number,- and in toe summer season there ha been hot only not enough water for lawn sprinkling but in many case patron of the local plant have not been able to secure wster sufficient for the barest' family neeua. - The ques tion of fire protection' has alio been a burning one, for every houae in the dis trict which haa caught fir ha been totally deatroyed. Despite the, .absence of water, fire protection and sewerage, the place has grown rapidly the last few years. About loe homes were built laat season be sides several business blocks. Three or four Important industries have also been located In the suburb and the board of trade with the new advantages It now commands expects 4o secure several other plants. Xlontavllla has one of the few bed of cement gravel in the suburbs, a large rock quarry adjoins the place, and it la one of the few auburbs that has railroad facilities, the O. R N. Co.'s main line bisecting it and ther being numerous site where switches and sidlna can be built Attempts have been 'made for the lal't 10 years to secure the annexation of MontavIIla to the city andauoces waa only met with thla time thTdugh the aid given by to East Side Improvement association and other leading push club of the greater east ' side, and through th systematic : work of the leaders of the annexation movement who labored with each individual coun cilman. . . v SPEND MONEY AT HOME. M. Jonas Cheeks Cashed is Towm sad '". Money Basest &oeal Xerohaata. " During one afternoon' and evening re cently th Peninsular bank of St. John cashed more than IQ.OOe In pV check for employe of two St. John Industries. During th last few months the policy of cashing not only local pay- checks In the town, but those of the waterfront Industrie on th entire peninsula, like th .Peninsula Lumber mills, has-been adopted and the St John merchant have noted a great increase In trade. The business district of St. Johns Is twice large as it was a year ago and the -majority of the stock carried are much greater. - Ther are half a doxen Urge firms In the town that are located In fireproof brick 'blocks and four more large structures of thl type are being frected to supply thedemand, every business room in the new buildings hav ing been leased before plans were com pleted or work started. When the ferry-bet wen St. Johns and Llnnton gets Into operation and the present launch service Is don away with accommodation-foi- teams will be given and the town merchants expect to gather In the trade far down the west bank of th Willamette and across th hill kite the rich farming communities that now have no trade outlet , LENGTHEN LODGE LIST. treeur slshiiah Organlsatlom ronaed at at, Johaa Thla Week. The lodge list of St Johns is growing.- This week the Laurel wood Rebekah lodge was Instituted with a good mem bership. The following officers were In stalled at the first . session: Noble grand, lira. Bell Thayer; vice-grand, Mrs. Minnie Hall; secretary, Mrs. c. J. Hewitt; treasurer. Mrs. Tlllie Hill; U S. N. O. Mrs. EBUiottR. S. V. O., Mrs Monahan; chaplain. Mrs, Bolen; lnsld guard. Mr. William Clark; warden, Mr. T. Caplea; conductor, Mrs. Susie York. At the institution ceremonies -there were nearly 100 vlaitlrtg "Odd Fellows and Rebekah present . St Johns at present has nearly a full roster of fraternltlea and several of the lodges organised during the list year, have already reached a membership ex ceedlng thai of much older Portland. With .the- Increase haa come a demand for larger quarters and it least one of etie new brick blocks being constructed will provide for this, a big lodge hall being a part or the building plana. - fMKET : STREET I'HEN 'BUILDING COLLAPSED Shower of Brick and Stone Fell - Man Hurt but. Wife and : : ; V7 Child Escaped. Th experience ' of Mrs. Edward P. 6len, who arrived from Ban Francisco mis morning wun ner nusnana ana lit tle baby. Is perhaps as thrilling as that of any other refugee. She waa In the middle of Market - street when a build Ing collapsed. Th shower of brick and atone fell all around the little fam ily. The husband sustained a eevase eut on thehead, but the mother and baby escaped without a scratch. 'We reached Market street as soon a w could after our home waa de stroyed and tried to get to the ferry,1 said Mrs. Olsen this morning. "We sai the Are breaking ont and knew w would have to hurry If we reached the ferrf before we were cut off. We were walking down the middle of the street Just aa we were opposite a five-story brick building I happened to glance to ward It and saw the front wall start to fall. I was' so paralysed with fear that I could not even cry out I Just hugged the baby and ahut my eyes. The next moment there waa a deafening crash and th brick and atone and plas ter fell all around us. I stood wait ing, with my eyes closed, waiting for the blow that would knock me down. perhaps kill me. I stooped over to shield, the baby. In a few moments the noise was ever and I had not . been struck. Then I opened my eyes. "My husband was Just getting up from the ground. There waa blood on hi face and hi head was cut- Neither baby nor I had been touched. - All around u tha debrl was piled o high that w had great trouble getting .over It and Into th clear street again. Then we saw that th Are had cut na off, and had to- turn ' Into another etreet and keep walking until we reached . Oolden Gate park.". .. New Enterprise for East Portland Ous H. Hlnnenkamp of the New Tork aiouerjf, fileventhrnnd' Morvfson street, open a new market and grocery at 477 47 William avenue, near Eugene etreet with Dan McKlnnon as manag-er of th new store. . There 1 great need of a first -class market and grocery . In thl neighborhood. ' and Mr. Hlnnenkamp assure th public that be will carry a full line of flrat-cla good, and U ' unusually low prices. L . 1 Mr. Hlnnenkamp' success at hla old stand predicts grand success at hi new place and fills a long-felt want In Upper Alhlna. for the New Tork grocery east Id business haa grown to auoh propor tion he waa forced to open thl branch there. , Save your orders for hi grand opening, Saturday, Mayl. - 1 1 i i i i ii . : BeoMee) Against. Lynge; ' , Judge Bear today decided the ease ef the Real Estate Investors' association against L. A. Lynga. The suit waa tiled by the lata U. a O. Marquam on behalf of the association In order to quiet title to 4( lot In Hell wood. Judg 8ar decided In favor ef the plaintiff. . " CAFE AND . music HALL- WEEK BEGINNING , MONDAY, APRIL 50 ; The Threc.Hillers Novelty Musical Act Direct From ' the Empire (Theatre. : ' San lrancisco. ' THE FIECI1TLS ' In Prison Scene from I1 ' Trovatore." " Edythe Montague . ; The "Flower Girt." Dorothy EIrac Operatic Vocalist. , M Bonnie Vounnle And Other Large Attrac tions From the Stricken City of San Francisco., , Special Daily Matinees from " y -tr 5 o'clock. SPECIAL SUNDAY IIATWEE Program Changed Daily. : Entrances at 21 North Third street. 21, 23 and 25 North Sec ond street, and 243. 243 and 247 Bomaida street. v - ' ATTORriEY 17. D. FENTOil Q UAKES REPLY J Says Finley Was Not Obligated to Pay Holman's 'fj Debt To the .Public My attention has been called to a published statement signed by Edward Holman. In which he assigns cer tain reasons why J. P. Finley should not be elected coroner, and refers to a contro versy with reference to rent which Mr, Holman claim to have paid and . which he. claim Finley should hava paid. In this published statement . Mr. Holman saya: . "I refer to W. D. Fenton.'Flnley'a attorney." Thla reference to me was without my authority. - permission or knowledge and is intended to mislead. ' The firm of which I was a member at that time, Bronaugh. McArthur, Fen ton A Bronaugh, appeared In a' ease brought by Edward Holman against the DeLln. River, Finley company, a cor poration. 'John P.' Finley and C. R. Relger In the circuit . court of Mult nomah county to recover the stipulated rent under a lease executed to the copartnership of De Lin , Holman, which lease waa made by the Ray estate. By the terms of this leas DeLln A Holman, then a partnership, agreed to pay 1100 a month for the '.Ime said lesse was to run. When" DeLln A Hol man dissolved the partnership. Holman attempted to assign to DeLln his In terest In the business and- tha lease, and" thereafter DeLln remained' In possession of the premise snd. (noting from the BABTSmST OUTJTlTTITO OOMFAsTT We trust' you in every sense of the word. a A long time ago we conceived the idea of the little at a time plan of payment, and as some , may think we have to charge more because we give credit so freely, well tell you the plan. The cash collections every, day amount to the same as a cash ' business we collect today for goods sold' last -month, .laat-lweek-orycs- terday. In all these years of credit merchandising our losses from bad accounts have been so small that our faith in humanity , is daily growing stronger. We want you to understand that your credit is as good as your intentions to pay. we. trust you.; ; Eastern Outfitting Co. , J A The 6tore Where Your Credit la Good ' Washington and Tenth Streets . fHf-ATT TT 1 A TTTN T7-4 T7N TTV T7 f T 1 -Tv V' ' "i SPRING APPAREL FOR MEN At this store Saturday the man who makes the ' necessary preparation to purchase his Spring Suit wiU Save Big Money.: Read the details and you willr recognize ithel ' :"-V: : ' values as unequaled in Portland y '' -r; f'h : anVtaMBBvagasjasasasjasasraasMBBaaBB $9.?5M Shirt s Men's Pana : The wdj known STANDARD brand . iifUS ' They are. made of pure worsted, also . Negligee Shirts; $1.00 and $1.25 1- , r " , , the new , tweeds. - single; or double : values. Carnival Price..... ,...Uulv :'w. -:lM 'f ' tt,. ... t '" breasted coats, perfect fitting; they ' - We wouId not offer. these Hats to otir come in the grays, also plain black and' i ! : patrons if they were not better. values blues;, $16.50 and $20.00 A HC' mm , Tine? than they could get in other stores " yalues. Carnival Frice VS I O F fj ' I G S $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 values. 3 A r " ' ' 50c values . . ,'. . . . .'. ,S9 ' GamivallPrice, MaV J ; Boys9 Knee Pants ' . , - . . ..- . r:.r...,:,,.i Suits ' mn'Summer H6SieFV- PRICES CUT TO THE QUICK : J Ml atS " : . '' , Misses' 'and -Children's Black Ribbed Knee Pants Suits worth up d AT h jn white, grays and brown; 50c Hose, size 5 to 15c values, jtp $3.50. Carnival Price. .,.ej) I e7J ." values.. Carnival Price....... LyL Carntval Price.,....-..;......, ...OL Knee Pants Suits worth up "IQ The Conqueror Brand fashions, latest " u. to $2.60. Carnival Price, ... ej) 1 907 conceits in soft models; $3 andAP The Ironclad Hose for misses;. IjL - $3.50 Values. Carnival Price. .. yOv regular 25c val. Carnival Price., 1 1 C- fT . ' ' - ' ' ' '' ' '' ' ' " '' . e ; ' T-- Men'S find YOUtliS' ' -.'W 1 : Men's' Rockford'ioTrfegular l6c Pants Boys' Knee Pants values, carnival Price. ... ..... . . .oc rClHl& ' . , Boys' Corduroy Pants;' 75c' AfvL . . . 1 , . Breeches are going cheap here. Look; values, go at;...... ;.v... Tt"l,. ;-.'' " ,v v j atsthe following prices on Odd Trous- - . ' - , S ; r$& Values go at;:;.......t.nO Carnival Price,,...... IMMUl $3.00 and $3.50 values go at,, ..$1.95 ' r - - Our Shoe Stock is complete, the very $4.00 and $4.50 values go ah ...$2.29 Men's Handkerchiefs2, 3, 4ft 6 best of everything. Let us show" you. T1H 1 lanruare of Judge- Wolverton.. who de cided the case In th supreme court, "but did not undertake or assume by the assignment to pay the rent, nor did the lessors undertake to accept or receive DeLln aa and for DeLln Holman, but thereafter -continued to collect from and enforce the - conditions of the lease acainat both DeLln 4t Holman aa their tenants', that thereafter, about Septem ber U. 18S. the DeLln. River. Finley company, a corporation, succeeded to the business or DeLln and tnencerortn occupied the premises under DeLln aa hla tenant and not otnerwise. In this situation, while Mr. Holman' lease waa outstanding, about December 17. list, the Keye lnsmuiea iau gainst HOlman wun io recover about $1,000 due .on the lease, and Hol man thereupon paid what he was legally bound to 'pay. At that -time he under took to obtain from the lessors an as signment of the leas and th right to recover th rent rrom ueuin. niver, Klnley company. J. P. Finley and C. R. Rleger. Tha case waa tried In the dr. BAgTmT OPTFlTTlliq COHTAaTT No home has tcx many Rockers. We are offering some very special price , inducements on the better class of Rockers. $10 Rockers. . . ...... . . . . .?7.00 9 Rockers...... 6.50 7 Rockers.............. 5.50 Cheaper Rockers, same reduction. - 50 A WEEK ; Bookcases r Quarter-sawed golden oak, hand polished Bookcase, three sections of five shelves each, , glass doors, extra well made. - Regular pricef $34; special ............... $26 .Combination Bookcase of quarter sawed oak, glass doors, French plate mirror, nice writing desk. Regular price $24; special. . .$19 Quarter-sawed oak Bookcase with five shelves, claw feet. Regular price $23; special. . ... ... .v. 817 ,1AWEEK Buffets $50.00 Buffets, $45.00 Buffets, $42.50 Buffets, $32.50 Buffets, $27.50 Buffets, j: 1 A special. . .837.50 special... $35.00 special,.. $32.50 special. . .$25.00 special. ..$20.00 WEEK RED Northwest Corner First and Taylor Streets cult court and a verdict returned In favor of the plaintiff, not. for $2.t0o. the amount which Holman claim to have paid, but for f 1,000, upon which Judgment was entered and from which the defendants appealed to the supreme court. -The opinion waa delivered by Mr. Juatice Wolverton January 18, 1S97. reversing the ' Judgment of the court below and in effect holding that the defendants, including John P. "Finley, were not liable for th' of Mr. Hol man. that hi remedy, If any, was against A,' P. DeLln. his former part ner,' with whom Mr. Finley had no rela tions excepting that, they were stock holders in the same corporation which subsequently Occupied . thee premise nd which corporation paid from De cember 1, mi, until the 20th day of January, - 1896, 11,200 rent, but these payments were mado through DeLlo to the lessors, tha Ray estate. . t ; In my Judgment Mr. Finley was neither legally nor morally obligated- to pay Mr. Holman's debt or any part of the aame. The relation of landlord and ASTjmjr OUTflTTlJIO OQlCTAsTT Lace Curtains Mf large and well-selected stocks and low prices are any inducements to you, we feel sure you will buy Curtains here this spring. Our stocks embrace the latest up-to-date noveities in Swiss," Bobinet. Nottingham, Jf'ish Point, Ara- , bian, Brussels, Battenberg and Muslin Curtains. Price range is wide per pair from $20 as low as............ 81 50f A WEEK . ft Wi 111 V FRONT An Unequaled Offer A set of our famous 15 False TEETH for 910. Painless extracting free with this offer. ' Exam ination and consultation free. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Extracting, 60 cents t WISE BROS. Dentists TKXBS AITS WASXUTOTOK. tenant never existed between J. P. Fin ley and the Ray estate or between J. P. Finley and Mr. Holman, and It was so held by the supreme court. I make this statement in Justice to Mr. Finley, aa well aa to correct the reference made to my name without my authority. ' . ' . . WM. D. FENTON. For a mild, easy action of the bowels, a single do of Doan's Regulet I enough. Treatment cure habitual con stipation. IS centa a box. Ask your druggist for them. BASTTmBT OPl'Tfll'TlJIO COaTPAMT Silk Petticoats We are pleased to announce some new Silk Petticoat arrivals. All the new and popular spring colors, changeable rose, reseda, light gray, green and blue." All sizes ... :. .... . 50 A WEEK New Waists " a A the descriptive words at our would not fully portray . the, beauty of these Waists. ; They , must bf seen to be appreciated. There are Waists for every occasion, " dav or eveninp- wear.. . j 0.., ... $1 A WEEK Newest Tailored Suits Hundreds of Portland's most discriminating women have come and seen and bought tailored Suits here this season. Easy terras are not the only inducement we offer. The woman in quest of the latest and most authoritative styles knows she will find here fashion's latest. The arriyal yesterday ofxlot of silk and Panama Princess Suits in the much wanted decided and shadow plaids and checks will be hailed with delight. Come and sib them tomorrow. We have your , site. Eastern Outfittm? G Tre Ctwe Where Your nd Wr .. Opem armings aad Sundays , . Cola-rave JMned. (Journal flperlal Bvrrke.i Walla Walla. Wash.. April 17. Dr. E. M. Colgrave. arrested at Wallula Tues day on a charge of practicing medicine without a slate license; entered a pica of , guilty, before Judge Brents yesterday' and waa fined ISO. Dr. Colgrave will glv up bis profession Smtil he takr the state examination thla summer. , ' Stop Itching Instantly. Cure pile, ecsema, salt rhenm, tetter. Itch, hive. . herpee, acahleaDoan' Ointment At any drug store. . ASTslltT O0TTITTIBT& CO tFABTT J M ' command .V 1 Credit la Good Tenth T- ft-.