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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1906)
OltZCON DAILY JOURNAt. rORTtXND. FRIDAY EVENING.' L APRIL' 27, It: J. r.i nnno nc ," ,'.'' , - - . . New Pianos Used Pianos New Organs -Second-Hand Organs All go at the big sacrifice.;. Now is the time' tdj securo ' ' . a nice piano or organ at a big saving to you, . V: Call in and look" them over. . A FEW SPECIALS . FISCHER Grind, almost new, $700. now . ;. . .... ;i'.M - v EVERETT, upright, can't' tell from new. ......... ...... "..fSSOTT FISCHER, large gi slightly used . .,; .'. . .', ... .V.3B ? ; LUDWIG, a big snap... ..... ....'. . ,. ...f268; SCHAFER, almost new, best style...,.'.. . ............... f 30O v ' KIMBALL, largest size, used,three months. ,......;...."i.il8 :. WILLARD, fine 'condition'....'. ..........,'...'.......'.. .fW ; HIN2E, oak cas4, nearly newv;;. ?18T- '-'..- " . ,'.'"'-- '- ' '. '' "'.'.; ' '.,., ' X And many others, ranging In price down to $75. AH ouronagnlficent stock of new pianos at prices yon will not be sble to obtain again. Organs at half pricey Easy payments on alL . '; ' ; ''';;'; Allen & Gilbert-Raniaker Co CORNER SIXTH AND MORRISON men iUUUO ui TO PORTLAND Stveral Trying to Secure Family 'Sultet In First-Class AparV r ment Houses.' , BAY CITY NO PLACE FOR ; WOMEN AND CHILDREN Army Officers at .Vancouver , At tempting to Secure - .Quarters for Families of Officers Stationed Near . San Francisco for Summer. LIYSTERIOCTLLY TOLD TO PAY Court Orders Him to Provide' Hie - Wife Thirty-Seven Dollars ,'."':-.. a Month. ''; . . IT'S EASY TO PAWN , WATCH SAYS JUDGE If Smith Can Take Money From Till to Satisfy Bodily Needs, Court Ar gues, Hs Can Keep on Taking Until Supply- Exhausted., " " " - For the second time within the past "-' ' few' month Mary Smith , haa won a 5 verdict In the local courts against her husband. William A. . ("Myaterloua , Billy") Smith. Thla morning Presiding Judge Sears handed down a decision in I which he ordered Smith to pay Mrs, ' Smith II7.S0 a month for support. Sev eral weeks ago Judge Bears refused Smith a divorce decree. This i a -very troublesome matter." . began Judge Sears this morning. "Mrs. Smith hse sued her-husband for support and the plaintiff says he Is so dee pen tely hard up that he has to tend bar for a living and may have to enter the prlxerlng again: he says that he haa had to put his watch In pawn, and he showed T the pawnticket, but it t a very easy -" thlng.for one to pawn a watch. -, "I don't think this defendant haa a great deal. but . I think that a, part of the defendant's evidence is manu factured; at. least, it looks very much like It. " i ... "He says that he I allowed to take money from the till of the eeanott In . order to satisfy his bodily needs. 'If he could take money for that purpose, he could take It for other purposes. If he wanted o attend a horserace or a boxing-match he could go and take a dollar from the till. : Hla takings would ""only be limited to the contents of the till. -'' ' . i - ' -1 - "This taking money from the till is a matter determined only by the hlgn - aense of honor existing between Mr. " Smith, the bartender, and Mr. Sullivan, who is said to be the owner of the ea ' loon. V ' "The defendant- declares that Mrs. Smith drlnka too much malt whiskey, -but one thing Is sure she hsa always been sober when ehe appeared In court, -1 "so I know she is not jrehronlo drunkard. She shall be allowed J37.50 a .month from her husband for her support." - Mra, Smith declares that her husband in-the owner of a north end saloon, but Smith says that the buslnese house la owned by Lawrence "Lrry"J Sullivan. '' Smith eays that he le paid f 50 a month .. to manage the place. CQLOniST RATE EXIUKDED ' FOR III I.1EN ' , . - L'--; ' .: . ".a :' Then Can Take . Advantage of Bargain Tickets, In Parties ' . of Twenty. The Union Pacific and other trans continental lines In the - middle west have Joined In an extension of the colonist rate to Msy It for the exclusive benefit of millmea deeirlng to come to the PacMo-" northwest to work in the sawmills. It is provided thst the men must travel In parties of not less than 20, and on on ticket. The rate applies only to mill destination points In Ore gon, Washington and Idaho. Summer excursion rates to the Pacific northwest will go Into effect June 1, end tickets will be on sale until September IS, with final limit to October 11. The round-trip rate will be 170 from Chicago territory, and 151 from Missouri river, points. Including Omaha. Kanaaa City, St, Louis, St. Paul and Minneapolis. The O. R. St N. company has mads these tloketa apply to intermediate points on lta lines In Idaho. Oregon and Washing ton, ao that eastern people desiring to vialt towns- on the main line in eastern Oregon or on branch lines can buy their ticket direct to those points. This rate will apply to all points between Hunt ington and Spokane on the main lines. To main line points west of Umatilla the rate wttl be made double local fare over the Umatjlla rate, the total fare in any ease not tie exceed the Portland rate of 171 roundLtrlp from Chicago- and 10 fromMlssourl river points. . Cevurtz A Son Opening. ' Oevurts A Sone, corner First " and Tarn hill streets, tender a reception to morrow. Baturday, evening- from t to It o'clock upon the occasion of .their annual spring opening, f - - Unusually handsome line of fumfture are ready for inspection end these' will be exceptionally Interesting because of the new styles shown aa well as for tha artistic value of the display. The best 'sample of the cabinet-maker's art are embodied in the carloada of furni ture which have Juat been opened up, and a pleasant evening If assured those who attend.' Muslo will b furnished by Parsons' orchestra - and 'refreshments - served. Fitting souvenirs of the occasion have also been prepared for the guests. An Invitation Is cordially extended the Portland publio to attend.. -inspect the stock and pass a pleasant evening. , i : Big' Pay, Little Work. Present your prise' ."credit certificate at Eller Piano House and actually save lta race value in purchasing a fine new piano. - Do It today. Certifi cates expire April; t. . 'li Argument Questioned. ' v; ' .' "There ts ae ehaace ef the entoinoblte als plaelna the bone." remarked the opinionated penmi. "Yoe see. then'! se telling wuea sa automobile Is aolng te stop." "Yea," saawereil yoeag Mra. Torklna; "bet that. Is what Charley ears about aH the horses be beta oe." , - .. t FOR MEN; OF, j ALL TASTES Earl & Wilson . Manhattan Cluett :::':- r Monarch $ LOO .to $3.50 MEN'S SHOP 288 Wcshiniton St. r BeL f earth and fifth The prediction that Portland will this summer be crowded with people from San Francisco' Is already beginning to be realised. Men of means in the Bay City are attempting to secure suites for their families, some of them desiring to rent or lease fur a year. Army and navy officers are likewise preparing to send their families to. Portland ' while the work' of cleaning "up and rebuilding San Francisco la going on. , , The family hotela.ef Portland report that they, are crowded and are dally receiving- applications for rooms and suites from wealthy residents of Ban Francisco. At the Hobart-Curtls and the Hill a number of requaata have been made. Thre famillea made application at the Hobart-Curtls, all of them having been driven out - of San Francisco by the earthquake and fire. - Army officer left at Vancouver barracks have been In Portland attempting to secure quarter for the families of brother officers-; staJ tloned near San Francisco. '. They say that the Bay City Is at present no place for women 'and children. While the famillea of the officers -hav excellent quarter there, their' social aeason Is ruined, there are ho shops at whlch'purJ chases may be made and absolutely no amusement beyond- the hops and band concerts of the post. If suitable quarters can; be procured there will be a social circle of army ' and navy Women In Portland throughout the summer season. -Charles M. Slouarh is In the cltr St the Hotel Portland trying to get quartere for tftree famillea of wealthy San Fran ciscan . "My employer eent me up nere to get apartment for hi family and the fami ne of two of his friends." he sai a to day, "and I find it is s hard thing to do. Portland aeems to be growing so fast that the hotel and aparUnntLhouaea are fulL Hundreds of prominent famillea of San Francisco desire to come to Port land for the summer aeason It they can secure apartments. They seenr to prefer Portland to other coast cities. , It seems Impossible to get appropriate suites of rooms at any price. I am authorised to offer ss high as S100 a month for the right kind of apartments, but they are not to be obtained It aeeme. I know severer men who are now in the city on erranda similar to mine. If we can't do anything els w must rent houses." : TRADE'BOOMS - (Continued from Page One.) embarraaeed for lack of supplies.. No speculation on stock Is permitted. ' A California merchant who usually haa ordered a gross of any article, and' who now order six gross, ts not sent more than he ha been In the habit of order ing. There Is no advance In Portland prlcea. : -, ' . v. Wood Working Toole. '.V , vThe Zimmerman-Wella-Brown' com pany, handlers of all . kinds of steam equipment, machinery, . wire rope and tools, have ahlpped five carloads of stock to San Francisco and have a large num ber of care consigned from the east that will go to California. Th Immediate demand Is for wood worklnwtool."Vssld Mr, Brown. "It would be a conservative estimate to say that J50 carloada of equipment, exclu sive of all structural Iron, will be rushed Into San Francisco from Port land and eastern points aa rapidly as the supplies can -be moved. The de mand la for tool, boilers, engines, pumpe and similar equipment.' Tralnloade of groceries are moving toward San Francisco from all points to reestablish the retail and wholesale grocery firms of the. stricken cities. More than 100 carloads of , groceries have been ahlpped in the laat week by Portland wholeaade houses. The de- jnand on Portland grocery stocks is much lighter than waa expected. This Is partly due to the presence of sugar refineries in southern California. About 10 ner cent of a retail grocery stock la auarar. and thla demand Is taken care of by the refineries that were not, dam aged by eerthquake. ' Advance im Canned Ooods. , Heavy reserve stocks of canned goods in California warehouses were destroyed and there will be en advance of t or centa x can on all California, canned aroodo throughout the west, owing to the necessity of bringing these goods' from New Tork and other eastern sup ply points. The prlcea are expected to go up about tO centa per dosen to cover th additional rreignt rate, v consumer who have been buying California peaches at JO centa per cart will have to pay XS cent t untu tne next crop comes Into the market. . . Portland ' wholesalers are enable to get California sugar this week aa the reflneriee there are anppiying tneir own territory first. - A tralnload of sugar from Salt tvake arrived In Portland to day and is being distributed among Portland wholesale houses. . i To supply a rush demand for hard' ware In San Fr&nclaco wlthojit advanc ing prices to cover ran ratee is a proa lent, aa there is always a heavy move ment of this class of ' goods along the coast by water. There is a large de mand for all kinds of hardware from Portland wholeeale storks. The Marshall-Wells company will make lta first large shipment on sccnunt of tne dlsr aster next Monday, when It will send four carload by h boat that leavea Portland. Hardware Hot V The la rgeat hardware atork In San Francisco waa' carried by 'the Pacific Hardware -eV. Steel company, and thhr eoneern- waa not Injured by th calamity. Had It stork been destroyed th demand on Pdrllsnd hsrdwar slock would have been much greater, r- The dry goods' and clothing-house In Portland are responding to urgent order for stock of good to rehabili tate the storee of the wrecked cities and to supply country store that have been ordering their goods' from San Francisco wholesaler. Several carloads of dry goods snd clothing. Including general lines, have already been shipped, and th eomlng week will be a busy one In tha shipping departmenta of all Portland houses, where nearly every one Is working, overtime to fill rush order. , Sill A ; i ' I The Old-ertyle Hake. -v JUaiM alnllrr on lmmf ' ilar ,msei the eotoT. sweet vils her. I -I thine." aalrf alK. "that l l hv rock, . 'A Little Men in Fashionable Svmmer CI-Mil L.JLZ.. v s In ' our matchless offerings for this eason , anew stxmdard,vboui to quantity, quality and elegant styles at' moderate prices has been set for the JPacific Northwest. ; New , ideas ariddvelties In "summer wearables await; your approval. :V. Samples on dbplay in ovr Fovrth Street window at $2.1S to $5.00 Samples on display in our : ; Morrison St. window at $5,00 to $7.50 . i '.:'" . v . . ..... , :4Wj.eVeaU4SlSwsas) ' .:- .'A V ', Order the Boy's Clothes by mail. .'Ask us to send you our new " fashion booklet, together,.with samples and self-measurements. " f -:. . . Statt whether for boys or youths.- . C '.. . Clothes, for Youths and College Fel lowsSmart creations 4 ' -for style wise, chaps $ 12.50 to $25 Full Line Misses' Tailored Coats 5 Svits t : 4 . i . ;,'':. ;'' '' ' " r?-'- - ''"V "''''-j..:.''.''''i- .J;''' SOLD LIQUOR AFTER HOURS, BUT LET; UFF . Meals Were Ordered With Drinks Witnesses Claim, Hence Release. Edward Johnson, proprietor of a res taurant at. Seventh end Alder etreeta, went to police headrtuartera yesterday and Informed Chief Orltxmacher that be .would plead SuUty to a charge of selling liquor -after - hours if he were assured of smal1lne, The chief re fused to make anjt promisee and the caae went to trlalAhla morning, - with the result that Johnson secured en ac quittal through legtil technicalities. The police declare that . If no other method can bo found to, prevent the aale of liquor after houra . by Johnson a policeman will be stationed In front of his place to see that liquor is sold te nobody but .those eating meal.. "i that la the onhr. way the thing can be stopped," said Inspector Bniln,a ,1 Moorhead, "that will be the course -pursued oy xne depsrtment. The way . the law la framed a man can go into this restau rant, purchase a tamale and drink until Such -time as he sees fit to settle his bill." '. -jt ' Inspector Bruin raided the fi restau rant at 1:10 o'clock Monday morning and arrested the proprietor. Mrs. Joe Ward and Miss K. Murray, ' actresses, Mrs. Wsrd's .Jiusband. Joe Northrup, a saloon piano' player, and A. Q. Smith, proprietor of the Circuit, or old Doc 'tor saloon, were taken-tnto-euetodr-as witnesses. Glasses which might have been used ss evidence, the Inspector maintains, were hidden while he was procuring a cork for a bottle of beer. All the, witnesses except Bruin swore, however, that meals had been ordered. It waa admitted that they had been paid for, but that glass qf whiskey In sight had been ordered before payment waa made and that the. bottle of beer was ordered on Smith meal, aa be came In late, Judge Cameron aaid he would have to draw too fine a Una In deciding the case against the defendant, Johnson. Deputy City Attorney Fltsgerald ob leoted emphatically, declaring that on- der the ruling, which he admitted was In accordance with the ordinance and testimony, ti.e law could'' be evaded -by every restaurant keeper in the city, who could also avoid payment of a heavy license In the same manner. , v ..'. . A Bemoee Zmage. ' from the Philadelphia Record. ' ' ' T Whether this gets to he a foemsent of tin earaumer, fr tbe eonsnsMr an. hr the ene aamer. the lamh win trow a Bane Ilk. th. 1l and th. Ilna will wlgale aa Baocent tatt Ilk. the lamh. ; - S. ...'. NEW VERSION OF AN 01D ADAGE Do You Eat for Mere Stimulation or ' for .Real Nutrition? ' Tn matters of money, there is an old adnge , that says, "It s not so much what you earn as what you save.", and Just so In the question of food' and health, ft might be said as truly, "It's not so much what you eat ae what real nourishment you get out of whst you " i ..... . This Ja.lhe.Becret-Of health. Strang Uii ana. vitality, no ainerence now muon nutrition your food contains, ir your system does not assimilate tnat nutrt Hon take it up and- distribute It throughout your body you gain noth ing beyond a temporary stimulation by having eaten- it. Malta-Vita, best whole white wheat mixed with pure barley malt extract, thoroughly Steamed and cooked and every flake baked to a crisp, I rich tn nutrition and ts .assimilated readily even by the - weakest stomach. Every one or ' Its health-giving, strength building elements Is taken up by the human economy to nourish and suae tain life. No wonder that Malta-. Vita Is called "The Ferrert Food, and that pliyal clans recommend It for the sick and the well, the weak and the stronr. And Malta-Vita. Is ao good to eat not at all. like the tasteless variety ef flaked ' foods. A perfect breakfast Is Impossible -without It and it s juat as food three 4lmea day. Try a howl til with cream or fruit. Tour never lasiea gone. . , , Malta-Vita is always- ready to-eat. No cooking, aa laconvenleuce, All treeer. .- ..... ; Ve are reedy with the, largest and most complete assortment of Low Cuts in the Northwest ROSERITIEIAL'S 149 THIRD STREET : ' ' SOLE AGENTS, i ' DANAN & SON. BOYDEN, WATERBURVSC CUlatea'n Skees i ARMY OF TEACHERS INVADES MOORHEAD Mine., April IT. A small army . of teachers ' took possession of Moorhead today and the town was patriotically decorated in honor of the annual convention of the Northwestern Minnesota Educational association. The. forenoon was spent In visits of Inspec tion to the normal school and the Fargo and Moorehead city schools. The regu lar sessions of. tbe convention began thla afternoon and will continue over to morrow morning. The program 'calls for adlreaae by a number of educators of wide prominence. Swill -:- Keep Out tlii Insects The "pesky critters" the flies and mos quitoes this summer by a wise ard well thought out plan of placing wire window and door, screen. But start In early enough tofavold chasing these In truders out byJ never. letting them In. Get our estimate on protecting joue whole house. .. . ,- Avery iSl Co. 4 TXimS ST, BST. TOTM ASTD "SMT Omce Used as a Luxmiry l Now Demanded for ' . gji ss i fa r v . Economy ! V ; Y .-'-if-' ' ., '. ' : 80Q0 Oas Ranges Now in ; Daily Use. . . . , . - r . '.''" . . J "',''.' . . ' ' . ' ' . -f ; ' We can' offer no better evidence of the superiority, desirability and economy of GAS for fuel purposes. ' In connection with every GAS RANGE in use, theresho'uld also be a GAS WATER HEATER (sec cut) No household is complete without these -two modern gas appliances which, with the price of GAS at 95c NET, per 1000 cubic feet, can and should be universally used. f Make an Effort to Get a RANGE or WATER HEATER now. eWiHijako Which WiirAGtchlcriYc-. WUk bay ts take laste.4 of amrk." ' , , .-f aUteaipsJ Uege. - V. . ' . ' . A , -;.:.:...;...;' v.:,