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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1906)
d , ." 1 : THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.4 f FRIDAY EVENING." APRIL" 27, ltZ3. 19 . i. : t Bank Also Open for Inspection from 7 to 10 at Night Who wishes to DRESS w ir Ffew lone ours is the place at which ; to trade. ; ; ' mm V ; . "' (i ',,.:. V ."-'.''," ' ' " ' " " "'" . .. , ',; ' ' '. ' Jf ' ' ' ' ?' We Wait w to r .: 1 V . .. .J. w mm il 1 . f "TTHE Officers and Directors of the Oregon-Trust and Savings -7'NBank of Portland, Oregon, ex- ; tend to the public a cordial invitation to inspect their New banking quarters, Sixthj and Washington streets," Mpnday, . April 30. : The growth of the business of the Oregon' Trust and Savings Bank has been so great that larger quarters were necessary, arid we are glad io an nounce that in our new home we I will have asgood facilities' for serving:: you in all branches of banking as can be found on the Pacific 'Coast DIRECTORS ' W.H. MOORE , LEO FRIEDE H. A. MOORE E. E. LYTLE W. COOPER MORRIS. W. H.M00RE, President . . E. E. LYTLE, Vice-President W. COOPER MORRIS, Cashier , , i - . - t-s k ' , .7 .... ' A , V ' . w. c. kith " I . f7 Al . V J, i Here he will find gar Tnen;s: with all; the snap and style of the high-priced h ?clothier at : accost to suit his purse. V ' -.-w,-: v-: '':,.'. ' .,: i ) , '!:, ....... , V i, .. " ' ... . .i " . . . Will buy" a; SPLENDID SPRING SUIT: See a few ; samples in our windows ; many more styles inside. it rncn ro ace. h in . . i l '-1 When You See It in - 1-'. AND OAK v. : . j ..... . ... -., ': -i . . WE DEAL IN MEN'S SHOES ONLY NOT YOUTHS', ; . - BOYS' 'OR WOMEN'S AND OUR ll I Oxfoeds W For summer wear are the ne plus ultra of the extreme in the latest i fashions., They are the kind usual ly sold at $4, and some charge $5 for the patents. But we sell all at the : same price $3.50 the pair. MEN, SELECT YOUR FASHIONABLE HOSIERY AT - : ' v ; our store : .y-v,.-:- VMDUm & WALTON T0L Pacific 1933. ' SIS Washington St. 8i(. Fifth and Sixth , 200,000 Tons OF STONE WANTED United States Engineers Prepare y- Specifications for Material . for Columbia Jetty. ' Spoclflcatinn for aupplrlnif approxl - -matelr 100.000 tona of ton to bfl ussd ' in lha xtaimlon of the Rovrrnmant Jetty t tb mouth of th Columbia river were . prepared by the United State onglneera dnpertment yeterdy afternoon and ' mailed to the contractora. : It ia atlpu- lated that the atone muat be angular ' and ahaped aofnehing like prisma, but - plerea not xceltnaj 10 tona In weight ,i may be of cubical form. Rtonea eieeed- ina- nine feet In Jnih will not be ao cepted. t Three rlaaara of atone will be accept able. Claaa A will include large piece of atone of eurh weight, a may be pro poin d to be'furniahed try each bidder aa ' Provided for In the terma of the ton Inwt, but the mlnlmura weight of atone of thla rlaaa rouat not be leaa than all inna and the maximum weight not more than It tona. ClaeeB will Include plecea weighing from l.ooa pound up to . alx tone. Two-thlrda of thla cleae vwlll range from two to elx tona, averaging three tona, ami the remainder wilt range . front 1.M0 pound to two tona. 'Claaa C HI lirlude piece weighing from JO o 1.0() pminda. Of the total amount of yD u a purchad It im eetlmaud that about 10 per cent ahould be of claaa A. II per cent of claaa B and 21 per cent of claaa C Bidder are required to atate the average daily delivery they will agree to make during the flrat SO day and doling the following month. The bid will be opened on Way 4. Thoe who had the contract for fur nishing rock laat year nave been in' vlted to begin the work of delivering material at th mouth of the river with, out waiting for th bid to be opened. Acting upon -thee Inatructtona, the Co lumbia Contract company I getting It plant In ahap to start work a quickly aa possible. On of 'thla company' easels la th tug Hereulea. which I at Portland being converted into an oil burner. - Bh will be ready for aervlc in raw days. . , . To Pay 100 Cents on the $1. Mr. B. O. Snow, president ' of ' th Horn . Insurance company, write hi local representative. Mr. Harvey O Bryan, "th insurance man." aa fol Iowa: "The Horn loaa in San Fran claco. will not -exceed $1,000,000, and after paying claim upon u. th aur plua remaining will be upward of 7.000.000. w shall begin adjusting and paying claim aa soon aa our men can reach the city, and. Home policies wlU be worth 10 cents' on the- dollar." Mr. O'Bryan also represent th Alliance of London, th largest of all companlea, assets IM.000,000, and th Agricultural of New York, with aaseU of H, 000,000. Why Insure with small wildcat compa nlea when th coat -1 no mere with the reliable oneaT v MAYOR BLOCKS SCHEME TO TRANSFER FRANCHISE Mavor Lane yesterdar vetoed the ordinance authorising th city to eon- a ! noma, - r. " -it' : '-. ' , TME NEW . - HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY ' OF ' : '': PORTLAND "SECRET SERVICE' All Automatic, Instantaneous. All Cable. .' Largest Underground and Aerial XXX Oabla, Up-te-Dat - Telephone 8ytem in th World. . A fact Portland ahould be proud of. . Over sieves thousand sail of copper wire in cable; IS per cent of th underground already placed. : Interesting fact about this Great Plant, th amount of money expended and progress of work accomplished to data. Why mora than 40,000 miles of copper wire In cable will e used to complete, this plaint, or nearly enough to twice encircle th glob. , , . ' ." The Stock and Bond of the All Automatic Independent' Telephone Companlea In Southern California, and th East had a "Waiting ZJsf of applicant for the securitle lorn before they were really on the market " Th opportunity offered sub scribers to -the first lane of th Stock and Bond of th Independent Telephone Companies throughout th country 1 very attractive to a Bank, Trust Company or Individual, ami by thee people each flrat issue 1 Invariably OTeruasorlbe. ' Over on million dollars was) subscribed by California capi talist for Stock and Bond of th Portland Horn Telephone . Company a soon aa th local company waa granted It fra.iv- -chla. It waa deemed advlsahl for th horn good of this company not to permit outside capital to absorb It all, and th remaining limited amount (for H to limited) will be placed with local Investor on the aam attractive baala given Call- -fornla Banka, Brokera and others, when th franchise was flrat granted. Sine that time th company ha more than mad food and complied with every requirement of the fran ' chla. About f 100,000 have been apent in thl community and ' th company has a casta balance in different bank of over '1400,009. .'";.'. , . v i ,. ' Th Automatic' Switch Board ordered for thl city will coat over 300,000. This lngl Item will give you some idea of th magnitude of Portland' modarn telephone plant. . '' S adrta th parohaa of the securities. ' It will glv th " beat return of any Investment poaalble for you to make, eon- . sldertng flrat absolute safety baaed on aoraal seenrity, a flxed rvenu from a publto mtUlty, and paying a ateady Income. A' Mat of th California and VorUaaa Banks and prominent people who have Invested in these securities, together with all other information,' will be furnished on application. LOpiS J. WILDE Room t, 4 and I, LaPayette Bid g, "Cor. Sixth and Washtngto Street a,. ' POBTtAITO omsao. V. 8. Th remaining MTirt Isn" of th Portland Horn Telephon Bond 1 now offered to our home peopl. . .-.:. ". v. ' ' : -. "'' sent to th transfer of th f ranch la of th Oregon Traction company for ' an Lwhen not necessary, ' It, on th other hand," continued be, electrlo railway line (vr. various atreercivtbl. ordlnanc do eonfar right and to the United Railway company. Th mayor said that he understood thai th original' holder of th franchise claimed the right t transfer it and he did not why th city, should Jrlv it consent privilege pon fr.nchi-holdrs - which they do not now poeseea. It Seems m to b our duty to preserve carefully such rights for th benefit of th clt and its inhabitants," '.-.,' liiiiliiliiiE OF FINE CLOTHING, HATS AND FURNISDING GOODS ;. .:-.', v ( '. v' - i ' y ; That fine stock of Clothing, Hats, Etc, now contained in those certain premises at f ; j FOnr.lERLY KNOWN AS TDE KNIGHT SDOE STORE h' r HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO ME TO BE SOLD FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CREDITORS ON A' ' BASIS OF MW:7B FhkPirnT.a :0f Wholesale As our premises will shortly be torn down to make way for a more modern building, a rapid sale of the entire stock must be made at once : I solicit bids for the stock in its entirety no reasonable bid refused ;i From ,theJ Best Makers Only., " ; A fj Q( For custom tailor-made. Suits worthj J)tJ.Ot) : wholesale $15.: f- , ;.t .'. 1... Q C" For i fine : black, blue v and Sfancy yOOt) mixed Suiting, only the' best mer chant , tailor ;can equal , the workmanship on these splendid suits-;-regular retail price was '$22.50 and $25. . " : '"''.VT-irTrr;. C1 1 (jC'' Suits at thisAssignee Sale pl IsOO that positively can't ' be equaled for a penny; less than $30.. '": -.! AC Buys " Trousers ;that are sold in Zftd every store on - Morrison street at $7.50 a pair.: ' . 't:,rr;v:. '' '";:'.; v" ' . Over 1,000 - Spring Hats - in every shape of soft an1 stiff ; $3 to $6 values. All TA in a bunch at ...................... 0 1 UU nwae . II A lot of 50c and 75c-Suspenders - -C? at.... .y. i . v . . ... 'Ties, the same' way .. ' ;.;v;.. All kinds of $1.00 and $L50 - : ; '. ' PA Underwear. . .V. : :r. i. I ;,' .OUL Hundreds of dozens of 25c and 50c Sox, wool,' cashmere and merino. ,.. . lawv You nrc respectfully requested to attend this great CaC'sieaee ' sale. v Yours '. triilya ,f ' t. i - r ',v- .I)Q.LD-l-CiGr10I)r!S