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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1906)
THE OUEGdtf DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL. 27, . 18C3. - TODAY DISASTER DETERS FLOUR RISE Millers and Sellers Unwilling to Take Advantage of Cali fornia Trouble. PRICES SHOULO NOW ' ;;; be ten cents higher First Cherries Arrive From CaljibrnU .- and Sell at One Dollar and Half Per :. Ten-Pound Po Cabbage, ' 'Cauliflower and Tomatoea Are Up Vroni Street, April S7. The principal vh ot tfc. Forties wboleeal utkill .: " " ' v : .. First California ehsrrie arrtv. . . : . ' Strswberrle srs going low. H - ' Maaater keepe down fa advaoee. , . Or icon aaparstns la Assra la prtra. lroons ara practically out of narkat,' tsbbs sod caallfkiwar vry bl) .. , Twa eara of aranfta .arrrra In. . . Wnest market 1 quoted stssdlef. . Store butter doll and drssi Ing, , Kfffa bold ap to top Botes. Dressed essl M tts. lowar today. ,' Dressed Bess Mill alow la enantii. , Filter ot potatoaa l nneertaJn.,, ' ' freeaaery butter goktg lata aroreie. Demand for bops, bat bo stacks. fMt- ' DUaatsr Itoaa rlonr AJti Tka recast dlaaaur 1 Sas rraaciaeo baa thewa to the geraL.trad that Portland Joe- bara aal manufacturers will not', tax vents of tba altustloa br advancing price. - i t. 1 ulvu baa been . bud aot af tba aaoal ma. Just tbJa baa a special bsaxing oa tba flour altnatloa. Tba " better call for stuck, baa esossd awra flrmneea tn mU In tbla aaarkat. Had It BOt baaa for the distraction of Han mortar tba local flour narkat would In all probaMlltr Da 10 to so a barral klgbar tban at present. Tba gaaaral daalr at tba wboleaalara and blaaanrtarera bora not to take adraatas of the- altnatloa Is LI that keen tba arte of floor from (ouC ap. Tba altnatloa w air ante a eplrlted advance la ! local raluee. but . rlsa at tbla lima would wok too mora line using sareniaee m in Ran rraaciaeo honor. la anr .irist local flour Tellies ara aarbansad today. , Tba wheat Market at saswtng staadlar to, today, float email porekaaea barn been re- " ported, but bolder are joot orer eer I sell at tb present ruling. ' I" All mlUatuffs ' ara hi rood 'position, with prices strong but uucbanged. - xnat caiusraie ams aitir To tag at "oa tber ram lata reetorday tb first r berries from California to arrtre la this . market tba praaent season. Tb shipment rams from VsrsrUI. sad consisted ot three lO-pound beies.. Seles were msds at II. DO a box. Two cars ut orancea arrived In from tlx outs ibis mornmg la faoa soap.. . roc mi but oacbanced. . . ' Tba market : la p recti oeRy bar of lemons, and tba nrtoa afaows s rta todav. Cabbage sad cauliflower ara in fairly, good 'receipt today.. -Stocks la fair shape, with prices bigb oa account of the sharp a (trances in tu oath. Today best cat) Data m quoted at sc. - Eggs bsic up at Top jtetca. . - - Tba agg market ahow fairly liberal receipt today, but demand Is so nette that top prices . are eery easily- mslatamad. snd sora deeWrs ar stUI obtaining H oser quota,tona oa am saiss. uoia ssorsgw opers.TKnw are quits oeaTy; tbla bemg ana of tb cblrf factors la keep lug tb market bleb.' - Vsrr slow In (Wed ara tb arrlral ot cblck ns. A few mops of broilers cam ta during tb morning and found a strong demand tat tua printed prices. All sorts of poultry-aaytblug that wears learners- win ssu toasy. , t '. Oraaamry Better elng lata Btoragn. Beside tb eery beery detnsad for creamery butter, both from toe local terrttsry and -tb worth nd south, tber Is a vary beaey call for -cold etnraae. Yesterday Terr hear statements were put Into storage, rotors of market looks like sa ad ranee. un acQounc or in oeairacrioa or aan Fran cisco, there Is at prsssat eery Uttl anil bar ar nominal, uniy uemaaa at press at as rrom Tutur af Potatoes1 Is Vaosrtalaw Tb furors of tb potato market la eery aa eertsla St tuts tlms, 'Just St present the easier seem eager to buy, and om considerable sates ar reported at highest price.- Tb Mliforal marksts are quits keenly loaded, and receut purchase here bar been mar for specula t lea than Tor scrusl demand. While stocks of onion ar eery small, ds . msnd Is ar ere sales snd there la now a wlu 1 rang la the prices asksd by tb few holders. Some are asking as big ss st eouatry points, but this pries Is considered sxceeairs at taw tint. 1 ' Dressed Taal U a Half Cent Off, Very beery arrteals bar at last told oa tba dressed Teal market, ad today's price ara fully He lower than yesterday. While tb dealers wer ssny sble to- risen an sll sr rirsls of tbs psst week, ap ta today tbere was slower demand tbla morning snd tb cones, slon la price wss msds. Dressed begs ar aot coming Tory fast, snd tb eery beery demand from tb trad ta keeping prices ap to tbs top AtA. nplne lemhe t Inn, ,wnw finl. with prices malntslaed, bat demand not quit ao gooa.. i - .-.- " " Dsmsad far Xopa; took VomlaaL ''With bat aomloal holdings of bops fat this tBte thai ri,f,.I im ,mma ,( . S. . . tba east tba demand la Increasing, but taw ear i pay ua aaranrea prices naked ay tbos who still re la in supplies. Tb measag rocs I m . freis B. Clement llorst ysstsrdsy wss a big surprise t tb trade here, as It has freqosatiy reported that all stocks ta tb Bsy City bsd ' been horned.. According to borers this may possibly, maks some difference la tb price, aa the holdings ta Ban Francisco ar aald to bs quite beaey, j Tb trad psys th following prices ta Front (rest. Prices psld producers srs lees regular ' Orata. flear sal Tasd i, ' - . .WHKA1 Clnb, TOci red Kusslas esc: Ma. stem, TOc: eslley, Be. -ARlVr-s-ed, U0 rsUed. M.K, br, lag. $23.10. .TcOBN Wtaeie, tT.0i sraeksd, fM.M pet '" par wt, ' ; v'-" ' rsr. FLOUR Nsw eastern Oretroa patents, .1.Ma t.ani atr.l.bts, W.40HJ..S0: si port, Sallry, IS. 55; grshsm. Us, W.RO; hl wheat. $8.T(f: rye. Ms. (A 00; bales. a.V. , Mir.ijmyraar.s sit ro a. ia niinas, . eso.uw shorts, asauairv. sea on -i- fiuon: chop. tun " " HAT Producers' pHr Tlmotby, Win trie tte Taller, fancy, 10.00(811.00; ordinary, ST.O0 OOf ssstsra Oregon. tl4.00Olft.0o . mlsed. Sfi rSSO ()A AtM HAUiaiU. a. i.00 bast .ao. T Xgn aatl tVsHrp, arrrTIlt par m. a. b. tNwti.t - ream. l"He; sour, 1HC BUTTBB city creamery, JOc) ostslds fancy, : store, I8H14e. " yoon Mn. 1 fresh Dreron. candled, ITe. CHBC8B!lw Pan cream, tats, I Set Young America, M! Cbsddsr, list Cs It fornia fists. 184. POCLTRY Mired chicken, let, per lb; fancy bens. IS lb; roosters, old, 11 per lb; stags, 11 per lb freys, fn pee Ibt brellers, 3ns per lb." decks. Ins B1T par lb; mess, lie per lb; tarkeys ISflUo per lb; dressed. Sir per Ih; eqsabs, $S.TSjt(.O0 r aos; ptssons, (XOu per aoa. Xopa, Wsol and JDoaa, i -ROPa Contracts, 180 crep. 10 pat Ibt IPOS Oregon. Htll. . WOOL 10 clip Valley, eosrs to anedlum. 32Rc; floe, ttc; Meter Orego. 0OXM, MOHAIR Ffew, aoas.WMc- -' BKCPORIN cheering. jSetO each) srjorl wool, STOe sscb; saedtum Wool. etoJTs aeebl long we,!, IV 11.00 eara. TALLOW Prim, par la, IM0sl Mm I aad grease, laiua CHITTIM BARK a par RV ' BIBM-Dry. We. t. Id taa, snd aa, MU ITHe per lb) dry kip. Ho. i, to H lb lee; dry self, 19 v 1. ander lbs. lbs: selted hide, steers, sound, to Ibt snd oree. I0lle: eetes, tlOHc; stats snd bails, suand. sTci kip. Id te SO Ihe. self, ssasd. ander 1ft lbs. He; frees, snsalted. 1 lassi ct"s. Is Baa- la lsss ?' 1 kills. Mil; sack, l.aSl.T dry. sacb, SMARKE JOURNAL'S DAILY i TIPS ON MARKETS d v Tha recant i aharp advance in d potatoes and onlona Una caused d d 'many producwra to go back on d d , their contract, the dealer- aay, d q and th result 'la that a larg d d number of suits ar promlaad. d d The dlartardlna of contracta by e d both dealer and producer always - 4 e ' hits a bad effect upon tha mar- d d ket In. thla city there are food d dealera and bud ones, but the . d d good nrms ara greatly In. tha tna. q Jorlty and their contracta ar al- d d way reepected. The gharp ad- vance In prtoeg over what a con- d d tract offers ia no excuse to dls- d regard them. . tl.OOei.SO; oolt bides, BSeOOc; goat skins, coDuou, sscb, lOQloct '.agora, aara. Soctf I1.0U. X rrults aad TegstoVlse, , . v. POTATOBS Best sorted, H p ssck pro d seers' nriea fur "ear lets. BOC ner cwt: ordl- aary, toe; producer' price, tBQ'Ific; new po tatoes, so per lb. . ON I0N8 Jobbing price Oregcav W. t. 1160 WS.OO; producers' pries. Ko. 1, fTSO: . 2, fx; gsnic, "txioe per id; onion acts, ic. PBE8M PBUITS Apples, I.00S: orangs. fsacy narel. 3 50: sesdUng, M.75; Msdlterrsa ssn. S3.2AaS.S0: bsnsnas. Bs per lb: Ismons, choice. $a.50 per box; fsncy, 4.0O4i i dox: umes, fdcxlcan, per mu; tangerrass, $1.2; pineapples, Msxlcsn, $4-60: 1 Hawaiian, ko. 00; CaUfornla atfswbsrrle. 200 per erstc. VEOETABLES Turnips, new. TO per sscttt carrots. oeTbc sack: beats, OcOtl.O Pec sack: Oreaoa rullsbes. Me dos: esbbsas. CsllI or als. 18.00 per cwt;- grssa . peppere. ( ) per ID; isurornl.t - tomatoea, X7SW.w; pare sips, POcsaii.ooi ctrlog beans, POcl can- II dower, 2.2S ..per crate; green pass, I7V. ner lb! horsersdiah. '5.Ts per bl: artlrbokce. rvetl.00 par dos; hothouse lettuce, ll.BOQ2.00 bos; celery, - JSC doses; sprouts. Be par lb) ersnhsrrlss. Jerseys, (Id 00 per bbl; Ooa bay a ad Tlllamaok. tlO.OO; aspara gus, tall torn la. Sc per In; Oregon, b0(7oe per do beaches; Walls Walla. $1 115 per box; squash, IViO; arnsjch, 7Bcttll.0t- per boa: kreea onions, Orsgoa, 12Vc dosea buacbss; Uaiirsrnia,T(t2.oo DRIED PBUITS Apple, eraoecate. igg Ine lb, apricots. UQlOe per lb; peaches, 10H las Der lb: sacks. Us ear lb lea: erase. SO to 40. Tttc) He drop oa sscb sixteenth smacer sum; ags. canrorais Discs. jie per lb; California whit, no per lb: dates, goioea, a par in) rare. par io-id bob. . " arsssrlsn, Vstav Bt. " ' STOAR Rack baa la Cube. sT.Ofi! aawdsrsd SS-eOi ftnlt granulated. SS sO: dry grsaulstad. e 0; coaf. A. S.S0; beet gTsnubMsd, VSMi sxtr v, SS.SU goidea V. xijsf. v lyauow, $6 10; bbls. 10c; H bhk. Sfic aoias, 60s d- raac ea eeex aasia. lees ane.perifws xor csan, IS dsyst maole. 140 loo-see lb i ( Abere sriess anolr be . sales t lea thas ssr lota. Oar Iota at special prleas sabjset ta BCTua i ion. I . . J HONEY S3. 66 par eratc. COrPBB Paekars brand, 1 sa. . - -f B ALT Coars Bait grounj lows, par . . ki a., a . . a,, im, Kiini. f ported LlTsrpeol, 50s, SIT.OOl - 100s. Sid IVOJ rMs, 1 00; srtra an bbla. s, k. 10a. S4.504 5.60; ' bulk. S20 lbs, S-i. 0016.00; sseks, BUS, esaaaci Urerpool ramp reek. lit. 6 pet boa; vv, HIIIR, .,.1. ir . A , . V v. , a V . , .1U.I . , I au-iB rocs, it oo; looa. n.TB. uifsin bauh cniewrta. Tisa. KITS laioerlal Jansa. Mo. 1. Bet Ha. B. 5Hc; New Or loess bead. f AJax... Scj I cole, 014c BBANR Small white. 14 oO: la re a whirs. .60; pink. S3. 00; be To, S6.00; LimaS, Sd-00; Meitcss reos. e. NUTS Pesauts. lambos. as nee :bt Tlrsinla HCt per tb; roasted, rfaj'H per )h; cocoa note. SSdNOe per dos: waltem. 1BSI18V per lb; pisannt. loajig per id; hickory auts, 10 par lb: cbestaut. savstern, ISOIde per Ibt BrssJI auts, 14s per lb; Alberts. 1401B per lb; fancy pecans, 1BM016HC) almond. U0 WW. . .'-- ' j-sjBta, tsaas ttis. Bad. . BOPB Put bUnlla, 14s; stsndsrd, UU COAL OlfPear Astral Cases. '1Ua ner gai; water wnii. itob doss, . isc per gsi; woooen, it per gai; aoqiigbi, liu-osg. 21 He per ssf. ' OaSbUNs-IMsi, eases U9 par gi al. lis le per gal. BKNZINaV-8-oeg, lis 18t4c? nee ml. sales IS per gaL irsa "rTTRPllNTINB In seses ts ly aral. sanedea pois iv per get, WHITB LKAD Toa lots. 1 per lb; hrts, Se per lb; arss bits. SHe per lb. niRi nails I leeeur nasis sr UNHEKn OIL Pare raw. m S-bbl Iocs. IMet 1-bhl lot, SSe; esse, Me per gal; rennlns kettle boiled, eaeas, SO per gal; 6 bbl lots. 64; I -bbl lot. Bile per gsl; ground eak. car lota, $20.00 par To; lea tnaa ear lota. Bm.oo per ataa, . Keats, risk and Prorisioas. PBBBB MEATS ..Pront atreel Resf thsa Idjo per lb; oowa, $&) pr b bogs, block. 8Vc per lb; packera, 8HUo ner lb; bulls, SA3tte Bar Tb: rosl. sxtrs. litTia ner Ih; ordlnsry, H per lb; poor. 6Se per lb; Bio turn, fsncy, per lb; Umbs, PalOc. haub, bacuit, a iv;. rortiaas psca (local) heme. 10 to 14 lbs. 14440 ner lb: 14 to t ihs 14c per fb: breskfsst bacon. leflltHAe per lb: picnic, 10H per lb; cottage, 1014 per lb; regular snorx cieare, uneaseaeu, lufc e er III J smoked. 1 1 He per lb! clear bseks, unsmoked, lOUs per lb; smoked, 11 He per lb; Union butts, 10 t IS Ins. ansmoksd. s per lb: smoked. nee Ibt clear bellies, nnemofeed. lie r... Ik. smoked, 12c per lb; shoulders, lOHo per lb. lAnsAti a. nu a.cTii jeer, ins, toe per lb: 6s. 1.1 ttc per lb; SO lb tins. 12V4e ner lh: stesm rendered. 10.' 12c pet, lb; as, 13fc per in; compounn, iu. eiac. jAlanniii iai.aii.T-vkhoobdis nrer, i-id TSlla, nv; B-i taiie, fancy, i-in nara, si. so; lb fancy aata, 11.18; fancy 1-lb or. is, $276; kb cans, pins, noejeve; res. si.ou, nominal riRH Bock cod. T ner Ibt aounder. Se ns lb; halibut,- 6c per lb: crabs, $1.00 per dost strlned bsss. It4e per lb: cstflah. Te ner lb: salmon, Columbia rleer Chinook, be par lb; sUeltMsds, Tc per lb; herring. 60 per lb; solos, se per lb; shrimps, 10c per lb; perch, Be per lb; blsrk cod, T rsr lb; tomeod, Te per lb stleeV smelt, Te per lb; lobsters, 16c per lb; freak mackerel, 80 per lb; erswflah, 23 par dos; ahad. 6c per lb; sturgeon, 10c per lb. uiaiBBB nnoaiwswr ear, pas gai, S3, so J par sack, S8.T6. CLAMS Ha rdsbslt Bar bob. S2.001 raane tlaavs, $2.00 per boa. SPECIAL TRAIN OF SUGAR IN FROf.1 THE EAST ' Twenty-Four Cart Due in City ra-c e- ! urn DeTorv tvaning rnce win ',- Be the Same. f Th special trala - of sbont S4 cars losded wltk-aestsra sugsr I do t arrie In this Tb shipment wss ordered by tb Klly-Clarkof company from sa asatarB reansry, la order to f relies th fsmln In this anarkst sntll tbe-l rallread congeetloa la Callforala can be raised. Prtcs tl through tb sugsr market will be Just'tb seme aa they war prsTlotm te thmi trouble at Baa rtsnclsce. . ,1 v Acourdlog to tb KeUey-Clark compsay tbs shipments of sugsr Is this direction will be made from tb Csllfornls rednarie luat as soon aa rail or sua met tra Reports ti on can be bsd. Tha Srm Is of th oplndaa that a good slssd shipment will be recelred a ttas steamer due la this city a week from tomorrow. Every sffort (a being maJs by th various refineries to get sugar into this market with all posslbl dlapatrh. Word was received by a local Jobber that a carload from tba California 4 Hawaiian rrflnery at Crockett wss started la this direction. Wan it will srrlre Is a mere gnea. ss It may b coa Bacated st Baa Franc lace for as tber. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE : CLtJBB. Ha a 1 rranciaco., ...... Los AnreMS. ........ 1 H o ITie .81 JV4.1 .SIS .t2 .182 rortiano, Iresno . e Oakland aeattl , Loot ..I SI 21 6 8 T t.31 DADAGE TO CROPS IS Speculative Trade In : CK "cage Believes That All Loss Mai V Been Discounted. - w; MAY OPTION IS DOWN THREE QUARTERS CENT July Closet a Quarter Off While Sep- terabcr It Unchanged X.lverpool Comet Down at Openinf but Re . covert and Closet Higher. . " BELATITB WHEAT VALUES, . . Clos . ( los - C lose Loss !. . Thill. WOO. k-rL May :t .TU S .7UA t MU t .001 tail ... .79 . .T4 ,3 , .00i4 SWptsmber ... .7754 .11 That coaaerratlr people In tb grain trad do aot beUere, la rtbe report of damage to tiw wheat crop coming (rota tb southwest shown by tb sttltuds of the Chicago market today. At tli opening tber wss fraction up to a f radio lower, July being unchanged Willi tba Mae He down and tb nepleauber aigaar. A eonstdersbl amount of sslllng agsla deTelopd durlug today's Baa, loo, and tbis caused price to Break gam. IJrerpooi sa . but regained this k Mid down at tba opening. I and closed higher thas yeaterda; rssterdST. Chlcas lost steads 1 during the day for both May and July, but the Heplemher recelred eery little trade snd closed the same yesterday. At th 'closing Msy wss s town, July bsd s lose of lac. wbil th OroB damara reoorta eoatlau to earn, but tb trad be tiered tbey bar been fully dis counted and little attention Is aald to them. Beport of th general crop of th worM ar eery gooo, ana the trade la nuiy ss Bsanea ss rer. Tb following report of th condi tion of th eron Is siren by Hroomball: "United Kingdom Tba weather la th United Kingdom during tb psst week has again been tine ana are. Bermtttinr grower 10 ousn oa with ths seeding of spring crops, - Th land Is getting Tory dry o tb surface, and prob- amy a fee astti eeowora would tie wsioomaov but tb mala thing bow Is to gst ta ths crops. nrobahlr farmers will not cramfii eery mack If the dry spell lasts another fortnight or so. Tb whiter wheat crop doe Dot make a rery pood showing st tb present tlm, bat most neoDis think It wlu come on su runt wita eea- onsbt . weather, and tnoraorer latest report seem t Indies t that tb decrees la tb acre are le aot eery grant. Tb s re rage price of English wheat waa lifted last week U 11 f-r w pounds, sn s a ranee or eo par qnartar. be nuantltlea renorted sold srs of fair bus." Official quotations by Ossrbsck, Btarr cook company: . , . ... Vt n ur. Open. Hlcb. M.y....,.t ,.TH $ .19 July...,.. .TBii .0J tcpt...... ,T .TSt, - f CORN. V May.;.... . .H ' ' -r . . .H . .46 OATS. May... .S2i .SJw, .ItVi .82, MESa POBK. May.... 15.B2H 16.e0 . 1B.S2H u.u TJTEJtjOOL OBADf XAXXXT, . ' Urernool." April ST. OfBcml wheat prices . Open Clos- Clos Gals Today. TodsyTburs. Today, Mar S T4d Ss PUd ns 4d .Viil July- oa tjS. Hii ;a J9 a OVER 7 POINTS LOST . BY COIDRADO FUEL ' Bears Made a Successful Raid on New York Market and Entire List Closes Off. NET LOSSE. Amslgsmsted Loularlll .... ITi Atcbiaoa .. ..... Sugar .. ....... Baltimore aaiaeoun M rui ac . A PennsylTnnla ..... 1 Oss Reading ., ...... tVp Rock Ialsnd hi Southern Pacific. IS Union Psclflc..... 2 I lk Cansdlsa .. Colorado fvml .... Erie .. (J. t. Steel .. 1 ::: 15. do. preferred It wss ths high-price stocks that ram la for th attention of ths bear, today, and repeated raids wer msds on tbs big leaders. Ths entire market waa badly wrecked, but tb low-priced shsrss did not participate la tha anormoua de cline. Colorado Fuel was attacked with mors sigoa than th rest of the Hat snd lost Ttt paints. Amslgsmstsd Copper rscrlred setbsck of Ztt points sud Americas Sugar BeSnery lost 8H points oa liquidation. Steel stocks trsrswesk Ith los of 1 4 on tbs common snd IV oa ths preferred. Besdli in wss hit roc 2 s. points, Hsrrlmsn stocks lost besTlly, with llnio Ps- clflc SS points and Southern Pacific 14 points lower. The Ken Francises (roubl continued tb bearish feature. , Official ouotationB try ureroecs: DEtCBIPTIOrT. Anaeoads Mining Co.... Amal. Copper Co.. Atchison, com..... Btl lHltt an. sugar, 00m. ra. Smelt., com 104 llMS 7flt 15714 12V Baltlmor ft Ohio, com. . Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pad So, com... fhl.. Mil. ft St. Psnl... Colo, Fuel ft Iron, Com., Erie, com. nilnols Central n4 Lmitarlll ft NasbTtlls. . 141 Ilasnuii Psdflc. ........ or them Pscldc. ........ BO(4 im T5T4 LocnmotlT ............ atlonal Lead Pennsyleanls By....... P. O . li ft C. C 1.1B. SO 1 12314 Reading, com........... Rock Island, com....... 20 ra 14S 14BU Mta Southern PaclBe Tennessee Coal ft Iron.. nkin Pacific, com , 8. Steel Co., COB.... do preferred. ,.,...,. 107 a 10, Central Leather sotTov coma kakxxt. Boatoa, April ST. Offlclal cVielng; " .. Bid. rid. Keeads .......18.00 Hhasnoa T oo - Uraen Cos.... 87.20 Bingham P4.1-00 Franklin 18.00 nited Cnpper. ftfl.oo Coppor Range. 7 00 POBTIJUrP BAJIX tTArXaTXatT. Clearing 9fill.MrT.33 Balaacs iieJ.M MEIENBERG SAYS HIS ELEVATOR DIDN'T DROP Thomas Melenberg, aaent of tha Co lumbia building. In which an elevator ccident occurretf yestsrday. aald this momlna that the elevator did not drop as reported, but that tha Janitor running It exceeded the speed limit .sat by th governor and caused tha safety clutches to act, thereby bringing tha lift to a audden Stop and Jolting the paasenger severely. AH J hose Injured at tha time wer able to proceed about their busi ness today. Make Money Quick. : - Present your prise credit cert innate at .Ellers Piano House and actually aavd It fare, value In purchasing a fine new piano, lut It today, CerUfl catts axplrs April - ' IGNORED low. Clos, - .n y .11 Unlike Seattle Hou$e the Portland Flour Merv Will Hold Down Prices as Long as Pos- sible on Account, of the Disaster to 'Frisco. SPIill LAMDS HI SLIGHT CALL Heavy Arrivals of Dressed Pro .' diict In Local MariceiJa Bad l : ;:,';;; ; for, Livestock....'': Cattle weakness is : same as yesterday - Although No Arrivals Were Shown . Today Suppliet Are Quite Liberal ' -Trade Expects a Severe Break'ia Sheep Within the Near Future. PorUand tlakm Stockrsrds, April IT Uts- stock rscslpu: . . ', " flogs, J CstUs. Sheen.' Today ... eft Wsek sge 1. . 43 . ' 81,3 Month ago...., II. . , ... , so Tear ago...... ejo ... 1,03 Spring lambs sr vary slow gnd rather weak la tba UTealoi'k market today. Tha Tory beary arrlrala .1 tb dressed most market ar th direct cause, aa price tber ar lower la pro portion tbas here. . . , Cattle-buying le oa s eery small seal today kad the weakaees which caused tbs decline ysstsrdsy la erne more pronounced In tb trad ing tossy. Although there were n arrlrala of cattle ta th yards today supplies ars very liberal, on account of tha former hesry re ceipts. Prices tbs same ss yesterday. In tbs opinion of buyers th sheep market will soon begin Its general decline. Tb drop In the market yesterday continued today and raise remained unchanged. rlr receipts shown. - - No bogs cub la tb ysrd today. Tb tone f th market reflects Its aaoal strong ander. ton nd former high prlre a re fully main tained with nominal sup plies. Today 45 horse came In. 1 , Ofoctsl Mvestoek pries : Hogs Best ea stern Oregon, - fT.J6GT.B0: blockers snd China fata, fo.bp; Blockers and feeder. Sd.SO. - - . . - Cattle Beat eastern Oregon steers, S4Tftf) S.OO; bast cows sad heifers. S3.TStf4.O0; light and medium steers. 48.75(8400; light cows, J.TB4lOO; Blocker snd feeders, SIUO; baUs,, Sheep Wethers, 8c; lambs, ttt)e; mixed snewp, ibe; snssrsa sseep, a Hfl. Cairo Good re a, 160 to J0 rough and aeavy,. . MOUNTAIN PARK TO HAVE WEATHER Cooperative Station at Mines of - George Sikes Company in ' j Baker County. ; The chiefs of the weather bureau has authorised the establishment of a co operative station. At- Mountain Park. Oregon. Mountain ! Park ia altuatedln Wasco county, about to mile south ot Hood River. ; Tha (Instruments wilt be placed on the ranch of tha observer, Mr. Markley, at an elevation- of approxi mately 2.100 feet above sea level. Authority has also been granted to establish another cooperative station at the mines of the George Blkeg Mining company, in Baiter county. This ata tlon will be 'located in about' latitude 44 degrees SO nflnutea north, longitude lit degrees It minutes west, at an ele vation or .7,800 feet above sea level. which will be the. highest point in the state where there are weather bureau instruments. Thomas S. Kennertr, su perintendent of the mines, will act as observer, and it is expected to have a complete record from this station - tor m tnnnth tot Mnr -r 1 - A cooperative station was established In ths Baker City zorest reserve in March, with W. E. Berry, assistant forest ranger, in charge. The instru ments are. about 4,120 feet above sea laveL i. " . . ' A cooperative station was established in March on the ranch or J. L.. unanaier, situated about It miles northeaat from Olex, Gilliam county. The station is in about latitude 45 degrees 31 minutes north." longitude 120 degrees t minutes went: elevation unknown. The following changes have taken rtlaca in the personnel of the servloe: W. B. Paraona. who for a. number of vears faithfully kept the record at Ella, Morrow county, has resigned, and Carl Troedson baa been appointed to succeed him. ' . C. It. Foster, cooperative observer at Staters, Crook county, owing to poor health has res lamed, and D. I Miller has agreed to keep thd record in his place. fl. B. Aiken, cooperative ooaerver at Prospect. Jackson county, has also re signed, and M. Hollenoeak succeeds mm. Tbe cooperative stations at Albany, l.lnn county, and Bull Run, Clackamas county have been equipped witn tner- mometer. and .beginning wun tna month of May a record of tha tempera ture will be kept at both stations. . The official In charge of the beadwork of the Portland waterworks system will continue in charge of the station at Bull Run, while F. M. French will keep the record at Albany. RELATIVES AND FRIENDS WRITE-TO FQJREST GROVE (Special Dispatch to Tb Journal.) " Forest Grove, . Or.. April 17. Many residents of this part of the state have heard from friends and relatives in Call fornia and a few have returned. Th 'Misses- Lund , of Cornelius, who wer In a Ban Francisco hospital aa nurses, returned home on wdneeday. John .Boeker. a merchant in the Bay Cltyhut formerly of Greevllle, returned to visit his relatives zor a while. Daniel Baker, east of town, has re ceived word from his son, Dan Baker, who waa at San Francisco. Mrs. M. A. Dixon has also heard from her two sons. On waa in San Fran clsoo, the other SO miles out on a ranch. Both ar eaf. . N. J. Walker received word from his nephew, W. H. Walker. a telegraph operator at Oakland, who reports that be la aafe, wltrt utti aamag to nia prop erty. .' ' O..A. cornlsn ana wire arrived Tues day evening from San Franclnco to visit his brotner-m-iaw, noDert isyior. Word has been received by Mrs. Mary Best of Gaston from her sons, Walter and Bert Best, that they ar alive. Frank Plerc of thla city has heard from a daughter who wdnt through the earthquake. The people of Dllley. one and half miles southwest of this city,- nave gathered a carload of potato which they intend' shipping in a few daya to LaSan Fraaclaco. Emmerann Baker, a student st Stan ford, wrote that he will be back soon. . Prfrrd Stoek Canned (roe da. 'Allan Lewis' st Brand. EVERYBODY STOLE SAYS L1ELL0CK Traveler Saw Man Come From V Grocery With Dozen Bottles " ; of Olives. SAW WOMAN STEAL LAPFUL OF NOTIONS Regular Troops Took Pocket Knives ' and Trinkets of Small ValueNot Saloon Broken Into Before Guard Waa Established. ; ' '" t y-.. . : That there was considerable looting In San Francisco after the earthquake and during (be Are la aplte of tha ac tivity of the regular troops Is th con tention of Clifford 8. MeUock, a travel ing salesman for a Cincinnati distillery, who was in the Bsy City oa a business trip at tha tlm and who arrived in Portland yesterday afternoon. . "I saw men stealing everywhere In tha downtown district regardleas of the danger from tha Or and guards," ha said. ' "Aa I - was walking toward tha ferry I saw a man run from a a mall grocery stora with a dosen bottles of olives la bis arms. He did not appear to have stolen anything but the olives. I aaw another man come from a hardware store 'carrying a lot of kitchen knives. A woman of middle age came from a notion eatabllahmant with her lap full of goods. I aaw a man stop her to ae what aha waa. carrying. ..Bti had' an. aan aortment of notions, avmong whloh I saw at leaat two dosen papers of pins.' "There did not seem to be much loot ing of saloons. I did not see one SAloon broken Into before tha guards-were es tablished. If th troop had not taken charge when they did everything mov able would have been atolen. . People were stealing things for which they ap parently, had absolutely no use. Tbey seemed possessed of a mania to get all tbey could lay their handa on. The regu lar troop took what they -wanted when they had a chance, but I do not believe anything of value waa stolen by them. The ' only stuff I saw tham steal waa pocket knives and- little' trinkets that a soldier -or "any other man might us every day and which, perhaps, might aa well nave been. taken aa left, to be de stroyed. . . 'V. .- ABSENCE OF MAYOR GIVES L FREE REIN Boise City Fathers Call Special , ; Session to Elect and Seat New Men. v.. -. ' - (Special Dtspsteh to Tb JoansL) ' Boise, Ida.. -April 17. A special meet ing of the Bole olty council will b held tonight for the purpose of filling tb offices of elty ' attorney, police judge, city engineer and poundmaster. The offices were declared vacant by a resolution of th council thre weeks ago. Mayor Plnney reappointed tb old officials, who failed In confirmation, but ar continuing in office pending th qualification of their successors, . which th mayor refused to name. ... Advantage la being taken of th ab sence of tha mayor from th city and a special , meeting called by a two thirds majority of the counoll. The of fice will be filled by th election of councilmen and their appointment by an acting mayor. LAST CONTRIBUTIONS LEAVE GRAYS HARBOR (npeelal IHspatch a The Joamal.1 ' Aberdeen,' Waah., April J7.WTJia last of th contribution from this pine for San Francisco started on th staamof Newburg yesterday. Th shipment con sisted of - about 600 tons ot auppliea from th Ave town contiguous to Grays Harbor, and is the third lot to go. B aides the food and clothing there wer (60,000 feet of lumber contributed by th mills. Th work of loading was carried on expedltloualy, a large fore of longshoremen handling; the freight and refusing to accept . any pay for their services. - Although tha teamsters of the city sr on a strike, they will ingly gave their assistance in getting th supplies to the boat, while their former employera gave th use of teams and drays. All worked with hearty good will and enthualaam. It la ex pected that the boat will . reach Ban Franclaco by Saturday. Captain John son may b trusted to get ther aa aoon as possible, aa his own family, as well aa that, of tha second mate's, la there, and they have bad no word from them aa to their safety. Soma of th contributions from this -place have gone by rail.- . - . : It is eatlmatea that Aberdeen'a con tributions have amounted to 116,000, while Hoqulam gave 110.000, Montesano and Satsop 12,000 and Cosmopolls 11,000. Th work of preparing contribution re minded tnany of war times. . Th wom an of th Review club, a literary organi sation, met on Tuesday afternoon a a usuaL but instead or carrying out tneir usual program apent the tlm In mak ing clothing, especially for Infanta Tb women of tha Presbyterian Aid aoclety contributed a quantity or clothing-, and other article that they had prepared for1 sala at basaara. Never in the his tory of the city has there been auch a s-ans rous outpouring or coninouuons for tha relief of suffering aa In thla In stance. .- - k : ' ; MUSKOGEE QUADRANGLE IS RICH IN MINERALS (Journal special rwrrire Waahlnston. April 17. Th United Stats a eoloa-ioal Survey haa lust brought out an Interesting folio dealing with th Muskoge quadrsngl, a ainsion ot isna locaUd In th Cherokee and Creek na tions. Indian Territory. According to tha renort the ouadrangl is rich In coal. oil, gas, building-stone, limestone, road material -and clay. To these reeourcee may be added water, soli and the forests. The- ones of sine snd lead may possibly be found In small deposit in tn quad rangle, but they are not known to occur In oornmerclal ' quantity. Biiumimroa coal of good quality la to be found in the Muskocse ausdrsngle. Hut ha not been located In beda of sufficient thick- to b profitably mined except ror local consumption. Th production ot oti la tola quadrangi was limited at the tlm of th surrey's mventlgation in July. 1904. to th Im mediate vicinity of th town of Musko gee. This oil. is of much higher grad than any other oil produced in Indian TsrritoeT , CloorJ, Skin, Nervous and S4" Diseases of Men WE DO NOT TREAT ; ALL DISEASES of tlie human race, but make a . specialty of treating and . curing NERVOUS DIS EASES, BLOOD DIS EASES, SKIN DIS EASES. KIDNEY DIS EASES, -BLADDER - ' DISEASES anS all affec tiOnS of THE GENITO- URINARY ORGANS of '-'.-X men only. ' ' ' V Hen Cured Quickly, Safely and Surely ' There iaabsolutely ho Inconvenience, loss of time, 'hardship' or uncer tainty, while the result ar direct, ap?dy and permanent. We cur you of dlaae to tay cured. We want to talk with every man who suf fers from those affliction, due to any cauae whatever, we want to ex plain our methods of- curing dlaeaae and all ailments of tha kidneys and bladder. Our office is-equipped with everything sclenc can devlne and. money can buy that will assist us in curing dlaeaaea wa treat. We axe true specialists, and do not attempt to treat all diseases, but cur all w treat. Our methoda of curing ar original, positive, absolut. ', ' ALL MEDICINES FREE UNTIL CURED ; Should you desiroSrou maydeposlt th fee with any bank or business bouse In Portland, to 'be paid jto us after you .have been restored to health, or you may pay in monthly payments C you, prefer. - , : CONSULTATION ALWAYS ggEE ; Office Hour I a. m. to I p. m a Sundays and holidays, iO;a,-m. to Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. - OnoM ! MOT Xotele aVi hlrd lv Oonsst PUa, VoitlaacV Osv . Hours 9 to 57 to 8:30 Sunday 9 to ia , W b are . specialists for Diseases and Weaknesses - of MEN, and MEN ONLY. jWe know just what we can do, and we have such firm confidence in our NEW METHODS andTRE ATMENT that we are willing to cure our patients under an absolute Guarantee of NOT A DOLLAR Unless Cured. We Mean This Most Emphatically. V v i It Is For You For Everybody Y LOST VITALITY RESTORED (According to age) 14 to 60 days SPECIAL DISEASES (Recently contracted) 4 days VARICOCELE (Without an Operation) 10 to 30 days . . BLOOD POISON (No Mercury or Potash) 30 to 90 days KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE (cUSo ) 15 to 40 days bi ) o ( Bastabllshed 3S Years In Portland W mak no chars for a friendly talk or correspondence. Come to ua In the atricti confidence. - We hae been exclusively treatina special diaeaMa of mn for reara. Nothing sclenc can devise or money can bur le lacking- In ?ur offlVequment. "V?e .will uae you honestly, treat you aklllfully and re store you to health In the shorteat time with the least discomfort and ex pense. If you cannot call, writ for symptom blanks. ST.LOUIS Mw DISPENSARY UOOBTS Jjn TAaTsTTLIa oo: TRANSPORTATION. REGULATOR LINE" The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. Boata lev POrtlsnd and Th Dalles dally, exoept Sunday, at 7 a. m., arriv ing about ( p. m.. carrying freight and i lasengers. Splendid accommodations for outfits and livestock. Sock root of Alder rt-, Portland oot of Court SV, Th Sail. . , aom Mala tie, Portland. , S. S. F. A, Kilburn - rr 0os Bay, Knreka sn4 gas rrsnelses.-. " Next salllnt from Portlsad. Sa tarda r, April SS. Next sailing from Sas Franc kace, Moa., April S3. y. U SUINODGR, Agt, rawlek PusS Rev a. Phaa atsia UU , NOT A "CURE-ALL" W don't claim to eur anything. "TW claim to cur dyspepsia. Included under that heading are heartburn, gas tritis, waterbraah. fermentation of food, ulceration or threatened1 cancer of the stomaxh'By taking CHASE'S DtS PKP8IA CURE, a liquid medicine, you are at once relieved of sll annoying symptoms. Tou hsv no more of that arnawlnsr and weak feeling in the stom ach before meals and that distention and uncomfortable fullness, wltrt beicmng erf wind, after eating. N ' Cbass'Mfs. .Co., Nswlmrt. W. T.s . nrw naraa. aune so, ii-h,. Iesr Sirs 1 tried rhees's tlapepals Car re ran yoa did not elalr that It 'are ererr Ihlnf. 1 take plessnr tn reenrsmendlns It. n. ranae It rnred m ot s very sever rase of si- dlfestkm ta s very snort tlsie. I hellers that Tour drape p. la ear will pneltlrelr eur ny and arer cae at stomseb trouble that Is et tr eble. I as srstefnl to ye (or the beneficial results ebtslned from this remedr. Yours trnlr. JACOB LI FT, Sol Stat St. ' It will pay you to try this remedy. In any cas where It falls to benefit, after a fair trial, th money paid for th medicine will b refunded. '.'t ' BO cents and II 00 a bottle. Tor sale by sll reliable druggists, or sent direct, charge prepaid, by i THK CHASE M KG. CO., Brooklyn. N. T. lra ..I. Xkex i Ks t' ..M m.M r mm I tu vimsuivj i wj nvwaiwi 11 OarkaACo - i'l i O sf WE CURE MEN FOR $12.50 ITBUTI. VOBTZaUTO, OMOOl UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS 0PV The Great Chinese j Doctor At No. 162 J First St; Cor. Morris::. Ms ail.leaduia atatemeata te th mat-. I (oarante a somplete, ssf a sad laattas cs la the eilckeet pcawlbl Urn. n4 at ta barest Cost pgsslbl tor Sanest snd SBsesss tnl treatment. I eur otarrk. sstkasa. hanaj. throat. rtaenmatlam, nrrransoas steas, Hrer. kldner snd V-af kianbood, rCJIAlJt TB0VBLES AHD ALL rUTAn DIBEASKS. Vy remedies are kermises, en in poo. i f nets, kerbs, bsds and barks aspwlally seleeted sad imported street by s trass U amtasla t China. , , U TOW III imlCTIl) BXXAT. V , SELATiAaK DAkOISOUS. If yss eaaaot call, write tor sratptosa Blaali and circular. Inelnee 4 rent la ataa. , OONRULTATIOaT rtEK. Th 0. Oe W Chinese Msdloin Oo ISSH yirst St.. Center Merriaoa, festlaa. 0. Ileaee aaeotto tbls neper. 'KcVJcl'jto CC7-L;IZ,Tui: -mt .a v . - fir " ' w re.":' l: l STa'L.,. a"