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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1906)
( r i"' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVEMNO. APRIL 27, qQ. r mm still -id DE1M1D " jch Needed Articles Forwarded ' to San Francisco as Fast - ... as Possible." ' ."'i',-':. . . " " ' FINDING PLACES FOR ; THOSE OUT OF WORK What ku Been Accomplished by Portland So Far Toward Relieving e Distress in the Cityby the ' Golden Gate. ' . . " V .v " Th total amount raised In Portland for the benefit of the San Francisco sufferers up -till S o'clock this afternoon-Is $237.(45.30. The amount In cludes the approximate value of the va lious supplies and provisions that have been sent. The sum of $633.10 was con tributed today. "y i ' The women's relief committee, which is acttn Independently of other relief efforts, has shipped to San tFranclseo IIS cases of supplies. Including bed dins, eletbios and numbers of new jar men ts by the Needlework Guild. It has I also shipped 13 maternity boxes and large amounts ot drug and medicines. In sddition to what the women's re lief jrommlttee has sen'tiothe south It has clothed and fitted out I.B00 refu gees at the Armory. It has worked in conjunction with various employment bureaus that 'have been established for the benefit of - the refugees and has ; found positions for hundreds of the un fortunates. 1 ' '- BeUef Stattoaa. - At the union station, Armory, the People's Institute. Y, M. C A.. Chamber of Commerce hundreds of refugees are being cared for dally. Large numbers who arrive ere given transuflrtatlon to Seattle' If they ask for It Those who remain In Portland are clothed, provided v l i h baths and meal tickets ana assisiea it "fending employment ., . Employment bureaus' are - maintained at the Armory, the Y. M. C. A. and the People's Institute! , Persons and tlrma desiring either skilled or common labor provide the committees wun lists ox po sitions they desire tilled and the commit ter! send refugees who. may nil the po sition's to the addresses. " j. At the People's Institute free die pensary has been established to care for , the unfortunates. Many wno nave ar rived are not only destitute but are. HI and. suffering from either-accidents or : the results of leeplng " for several nights In the parks. Those who are 111 are sent directly1 to the People's Insti tute, where physicians and surgeons are ' in constant attendance to care for them. Hundreds have -already been cared for. -though few have been sent to the nos . pita la . In' the "acknowledgment of subscrlp : tlens John F. O'Shea was credited with a ehntrtbutlon of 11.000. The amount wa contributed by the Union 11 eat com pany. - . -f - ' " W. H. Coughtrey at the Union Stock yards w01 give employment to two farm hands. . ' jm- '- .e- . ;.T'Wtat Xa STeeded. - ' , . 1 ' Any organisation In this city havlhg . money to spend for the purpose of aid ing the San Francisco sufferers can get an Idea of the articles most needed by telephoning to the women's relief com- ,, ml t tee, telephone Main 48(. whose head quarters are in the Armory. The Items most needed at present are infants' clothing snd women's waists in large lies. The following ladles compose the transportation , committee: . Mrs, Louise H. Tarpley. Main X63; Mrs. John . ' Shepherd, Main 214; Mrs. Zer Snow. - Main t14; Mrs: Adolph Wolfe. Main 214; Mrs. Jsmes Laid law. East 104. Caves of pltable destitution reach the Armoiy In large numbers. This morn Ing John Plume with his wife and 10 children applied: for assistance. They were clothed and fed and provided with transportation to Seattle. The family lost everything. S Testerday members of the Lyceum stock company, which played at the Ly ceum theatre In San Francisco, reached the Armory. As a result of his terrible experiences James P. Lee. a member of the company. Is as gray-haired as It Is OMSible to be. Before the disaster ha had not single gray hair In his head. r-UUHTIlEAFl-' i. . PURE - -".'. BORAX -i-Softcna Wctcr-i :-V. Gavoo Olzznz end IVhlbns i Cfctftso r ' If yow dealer haaat 20-Mtda-Taaia Borax, take no substitute. Writ as, . eodaairur S cents, (iWnf dealer's name, and we) will mail Ton package and in clade booklet, "Borax in the Home." Paaifle Coast Borax Cev, Saa Francisco. c:rj soap oq tains Ftare Borax, Narajra's Clsanaat and WUeener banco makes aiothea snowy wfeJt and hyfienioaUf classi. All Orocera. " Free s em pie bar for top from paejnd eartoa M-Uala-Taam Boras and dealer's asms and roar tuua and addreaa. ' . . Ill THE , The Market Basket Three days more and.tlfo season for oysters, theoretically, will over. May la the first month In the year that does not contain the . letter "r." In year gone by there were few oysfers consumed during any month that .did not contain "r." but this has gradually been changed Not 9 very long ago the general public was of the opinion that -.oysters were hot good to eat In rertata aeaiom, but. according "t'o;i5ad- Ing oyster men and pnysicaans, mis is not so. - vjv "" : The catch of salmon In the Columbia thus far this season- has been - some what disappointing. The great demand for ch I nooks for canning as well as for cold storage and Immediate consump tion haa been enormous and this haa caused unusually high prices. - In the markets are now plenty of 'crabs and rasor clams, both of which are finding good demand at regular price. . . ' ,. .- The 'strawberry season Is opened In earnest.. The disaster at San Francisco hss caused practically all the berries Intended for that; market to, come to Portland and the. result Is that during the past few days there has been a drop In, the price In the retail markets. Today yon can buy the finest Califor nia strawberries at IS cents a box. The markets are today -well supplied with bananas. A half dosen cars In tended for San Francisco markets- were diverted In time to save them from loss. All but one car came to Port land, that one being for Puget sound. Prices are not ao high. The fir's and ' earthquake caused the destruction of a beet sugar refinery and helped to scare the local trade. That there was no reason for alarm Is shown by the advices received from Califor nia that both the California at Hawaii an -and - the Western Sugar-Refining company are rushing work In order to fill orders in this market ' Had the trade not become scared, there would have been no shortage at all. As mat ters stood, however,, grocers who usu he saya.- The change has been complete ana. now nis hair la white as enow. The change, he aald, was due to 'the great mental anxiety under which he labored since the earthquake. He haa a wire and two children, one of whom Is only an infant. As soon as the shock occurred and Leo realised the extent of the disaster, he rushed to a grocery store snd secured two cans of condensed milk with which to feed the baby. When tne company arrived In Portland vester. day they possessed notblngexrept what remained of the condensed milk. They were clothed and will likely appear at a local meaire. ,, , , Members of the' company were Lee nourney, 'assistant manager: James p. Lee and wife, Marie. Barber. Maxle Mitchell. Dot Raymond . and Homer Long. Miss Raymond la only T years of age. . Wife 3fot left SaetOnd. , At the Union station veaterdav Ul Baldwin, superintendent of the TraveU ers Aid society, kept P. W. Bergman from leaving his sick wife here while he went to Seattle. In the afternoon the husband applied for transportation and Miss Baldwin recognised the name a i once, she asked Where his wife was and he replied that she desired to re main in JPortland: At her direction policeman held Bergman In custodv tin. til his wife was brought to the station She was provided with transonrtatlon and told that she could take her hus band along If she so desired. She took mm. .-''",--,'..' n However, committees at the various places of relief declare that there have been very few cases of Imposition. A woman at the Armory yesterday secured three outfits of clothing before she was aetected. , A big crowd Is expected to attend the benefit entertainment at Multnomah club tonight It Is ladles' night at the club and an excellent program has been arranged. Athletio work will be under the direction of Professor Robert Krohn. Professor J. R. Lewis, the vio linist, wss leader of the Tlvoll orchestra. and saved nothing from the fire excent nis violin. - r- v ; Beaeflt antertainmeat. , Tlokets are on sale at 25 cents each at the-, following places: Schiller's. Nau's. Woodard, Clarke eV Co.'s. Rowe Martin's, Olds, Wortman . King's, and t all the M. A. Qunst stores. The tol lowing program has been arranged: Overture .......... .Parsons' Orchestra Direction Professor Parsons. Apparatus work Day Juniors Vocal solo (selected). Mrs. W. C. Haseltlne, Pols and dumb-bell . drill Forty gtrla and forty boys. . Selection. . . .Multnomah Mandolin Club Apparatus work Leaders' "Class Vocal selection "The Nightingale".. ..................... Mixed quartet Misses Llna Llnehan and Petronella Con nolly, Louis P. Bruce, Dr. George C Ainsne. M. A. A. C. color drill.. VJEighty girls Vocal solo "My Aln Folk .... .Lemon Mrs. Walter Reed. Distributing medsls to victors of re cent junior contest ...... . Ballet . ......Sixteen girls Violin sole "Legende" Wlenlawskl - " J. R. Lewis. Pyramids and tumbling. . Seniors BaUroadd lea a Xasd. Railroads have assisted In every way to relieve conditions - In the southern city. The chairman of the finance com mlttee of the Portland general relief committee baa been notified by F. H. Fogarty. general freight agent of the Northern Pacific, that the Northern Pa' clflc will transport free from all points along Its lines any supplies consigned to the relief committee at San Fran Cisco. Other roads in . the northwest hsve made similar offers..- . .i In Idaho the relief work is being carried on vigorously. . From the town. of Idaho Falls 33 carloads of sugar nave neon snipped and are en route to Portland to be sent Immediately to the south. Railroads have granted a tem porary reduction .'of the rates on sugar from the east until the manufacture of ankle lu California has been ro- sumed. So general has the relief work be come in Portland that .school children rare raising funds for. the benefit of the California Sufferers. Almost $50 has been raised by the pupils of Ockley Green school. Most of the money was raised Wednesday evening at a benefit sale and entertainment by members of the graduating class at the school house. The program consisted of literary -and musical numbers by the pupils and an address by Dr. J. Whttcomb Brougher, who spoke on "The Education of the Body." ' . ,. , rounders' Bay at Tassar. 4 . Uoaraal Special Btt)-.) Pougkeepsle, N. T., April 37. Foun ders' day at Vaasar college was cele brated today with the customary exer cises participated in by the students, faculty and Invited guests from many parts of the country. The address of the day was delivered by President Hadley of Tale university, ally ordered one or two sacks gave a nurry-up order ror .in or aouar more- than 30 cars are due from the east and supplies will again be plenti ful. California shipments are expect ed to be nesumed the coming week. While the wholesalers did not make any advance In the price of sugar In this market, some of the retailers took advantage of the situation and raised their prices.. Generally speaking, this policy proved'' short-sighted, and those that advanced their quotations were sorry later. , '',.'.'..:,... - The prices in the meat market have been so high of late that consumption has been .considerably curtailed. The reason gln Is the shortage In most lines and1 the higher prices ths dealers were compelled to pay for their sup plies. The greatest scarcity has bee In hogs, and for both the livestocks and the dressed product many advances have lately ben quoted In the local wholesale markets. Spring lambs .are now plentiful and prices are not ' so high. . - ' f Thd h'.Rh price of hogs all over the United States Is causing the values in provisions to go sky-high. Hams are advancing almost every day ' and lard and bacon are climbing upward fast In one day the price of bacon advanced I cent a pound at wholesale. . Present prospects . are that butter prices will soon begin to climb. This week, the dealers . believe prices struck the bottom: The heavy demand from California points and the Puget .sound cities has entirely cleaned1 .up the local market and most of the creameries are now unable to fill all thetr orders. This alone Indicates an advance In price. - .Vegetables have been somewhat high er this week' on ' account of delayed shipmeuts and a scarcity of supplies here. Asparagus has been about the only line to cheapen and this Is due to the . larger local production. Cabbage and cauliflower prices are' considerably higher. Tomatoes are .slow In coming and stocks are not of fancy quality. Price high, however. . DOUBLE FOR SMITH ' " -.': - Chase for Slayer of Night Watch - man Hanlon Continues""" ; -i Fruitless. ; ' ' "v.-,-. SEEN NEAR NEEDY- WHERE HE GOT MEAL His Nervousness Excited the Sus- picion of Hia,JHost, W, Kanegy, ; Who Notified tha Sheriff Rumors 'Run Down Without Result. ; ; j (Bpeelal DUpateh te'Tke Jooraal.) Oregon City, Or., April 37. (Special.) The reward for the capture, dead or alive, ot Frank Smith, murderer of Nlshtwatchman Hanlon in this city Tuesday morning, was today Increased to 8600. Clackamas county adding 1260 to the reward already offered by Oregon City. t - i - What seems to be the first definite clue to the whereabouts of Smith, mur derer, robber and thus;, seems to have been brought to light at last Word was received by Sheriff . Shaver this morning by telephone from William Kanegy. near Needy, and about five miles esst of the railroad, to the effect that a man who tallied perfectly, with the description of the murderer had ap plied at the home of Mr. Kanegy for his supper, ' which was furnished him, though he at first refueed to enter the house to eat, appearing very nervous. He finally ' did enter the house but seemed 111 at ease during the entire time he was at the table.' After he finished his-meal he left the house hurriedly, going south. ' At the time of his appearance at the place nothing was known of the murder of Officer Hanlon at Oregon City and word was not received or the same until last evening, when the suspicious actions nnd description of the man made the Kanegys certain that their queer visitor was the murderer. The description of the man tallies with that of Smith perfectly, having on a "salt ana pepper coat and vest. dark pants with stripe, black shirt, light tie as well as his slse and complexion. He had obtained an old bat. by some means. Sheriff Shaver left on this morning's train for Mt. Angel, accompanied by a special deputy. In the hope of Inter cepting the murderer. The usual crop of rumors about the murderer being seen at various places were floating around during the day yesterday, among them one from Ho lalla to the effect that a man acting In suspicious manner had been hanging around Molalla for a couple of days, but Investigation proVM this to be another case of mistaken Identity. MISS BESSIE COSHOW fc- ELECTED MAY QUEEN ("neelal Dlaoatrh te The JooraaL) McMlnnvllle College, Or., April 17. The annual May queen voting contest this year -resulted In the election of Bessie Coahow of Roeeburg. Oregon, member of the U. It. sorority, with a plurality of 0,010. .She received In all 8,910 votes. -Her nearest competitor was Marie Jones, Edelweiss sorority, With 1,80 votes to her credit. Miss Coshow received the largest vote ever cast here for May - queen. The nearest wss Bernlce Sears, May Queen In IJOirwitH M6S. " The annual May festival' will be held next Tuesday when "Queen Bess" will he crowned with the- usual festivities. The dav will he a holiday here. ' Tlaktt Vigntion , 1 1 J5 e 25 FELLOWSEBXcdl Says with the prevailing high prices he is " selling goods un usually law prices and maintains a good supply. We are very busy get your orders in early. Back Pure Eastern Buckwheat Flour. . 20 '! 10-lbt sack Nebraska Corn Meal. ' 10-1U sack Whole Wheat - Flour, v , -'b- PkK- Soda Crackers. ; " . , ' 15 Jrd. , pkg. Pyramid Washing Powder. .;;-.,':..-'.. 25 . .13 ban Good Laundry Soap. 10a . l-lb. can Assorted Soup. 50 10 cans Star Condensed Cream; 10c alia :.'.'f ?1.15 . Sack Rose City Flour: Fancy Patent West Park and Washington Sts. Phone Main 2596 pbxobs ABB ooob FOB TO - mobbow ajtd w bbxt win Frank L Smith Meat Co 228 ALDER ST. Fighting the Beef Trust We have received a carload Of fancy milk-fed Spring Lambs for Saturday's trade. , They are choice. They are de licious. A most welcome change from chicken for the. Sunday dinner. Eat them while they are at their best and while chlrkens-are high. Don't pay the trust butcher 10c per pound for lamb, but come -to Smith's and pay the follow ing prices:' Milk-Fed Spring Lamb, hind quarter, per lb . ....-.;... . .IS Milk-Fed Spring Lamb, front quarter. per lb ...12H Milk-Fed Spring Lamb, chops. .. ,12Vi Milk-Fed Spring Lamb, stew....,.lOe) --. OJTB OOBJT BBXT. ' The basis of a real NEW ENGLAND DINNER. Made of the beef put Into the brine while' " fresh and sweet; sugar-cured, tender and tasteful; per lb .. 77W. .'. 7 Rolled Roast Beef, per lbi'-y ,. . . ,. ,10 Fine Pot Roast Beef, pes lb. , .8 Rollng Beef, per lb. ... .vA-....... Beef Stew, per lb. ... . .St Rib 8teak,-per lb.. lOet Lean Roast Veal, per lb..; lO Leg Veal, per lb..'.... 1 le Rump Roast Veal, per lb 12H Veal Sausage, per lb 12V Hamburger Steak, per lb., 10 Pork Sausage, per lb.... 10 Country Bacon, per lb. . .15 Breakfast Bacon, per lb. ...... ,.1TH Hams, per lb. .................. ..16 Frank L. Smith Meat Co naturnterers, 'Wholesalers, Jobbers and Betatlara. : Rainier Market Best Meats to be had at reasonable ' ''. ' -.' prices. Pure Honey, Jar.. ...... 30 and SO) Fresh Ranch Eggs, dosen. ....... t .20 Flneat Creamery Butter .....50? Fresh Dressed cnlraens Saturday. A FnU Una of Oaaaad Ooods. tbjgsx ran stmt -wbbbbsbay ABB raiDAT. A GOOD UNB OF SOAP. . BUTTER, EQQS AND CIEESB . o. Burst. - Sereateeath and Savlar Bta., . .. ; Beta 1S3S. - ' 1 . Than WOOD FOR SALE Delivered on the West Bide, exoept bkg wtUametta aad BorOand Beiglita, at the foUowlaf rates t Dry short Wood yes load) .". . . .f 4.50 Chreea short wood (per load) . . . . $1.75 Dry four-toot wood (sea oord). .B2.2K Plock wood (per load) ........ .$3.00 Saliva rlas mads oa ths Bast Side la the district boaadsd by Stollad?, BCoU gate, Biver and Bast Twentieth streets at taa zonowiag rates i wreea Blab wood (pew oord). ...Sl.75 Dry abort wood (per load) . . ., .f 2.60 areen Inside wood (per load) . ..B2.25 Dry four-foot wood (peg eord)..B2.25 Block woo (pea load).,k......$3.O0 Xa the dlatrlet bouaded by Bast Twentieth, Bast Thirty-fourth, Xolgate street . and Xast Buraslds aad Beady road i '..' Dry: short wood .'i'l'f 2.50' Boo added to price of ether wood. , Xa the district bouaded by Bast Twaaty-flfth, Berby, Xolladay avenue aad Btorrls (etosa streets Bast Seventh, Sixteenth aa Twenty -f If thi rrosi Berby to Bast Ssrsath (abort wood) ..... r. ....... .B2.0D Trom Seventh to Sixteenth. .. , .$2.25 Trom Stateeatk te Tweuty-flfth. $2.50 SSe additional eharyed oa other wood. BCaaoa street Is as fa aorta as de liveries are aaadei Bast Twenty -fifth street aa the east aad Bolgate ea the aoatk. Orders asay be asat to Wood Department root of Tweaty-flrwt Street Borth. t- Telephone Mala S3t. STOTB Slabwood wlU be eut la fay aaoe or shorter lengths to salt par FELLOWS CHEAP FUEL (rarsMrt? rarsMr1.) - KS3LE3ALE A.ND CTA!L GSCCU 381. 383. 380 Third st, cor. Jerrenea, . Bi Store of Little Prices rouownto moss wnx sats tott He OS mil BOUAB, ftVAUTT aVASASTUUI SCHILLTMO'S BZST BABUBS YOWOSB U tilt, per lb ,SH 3 pkjra afasnolla deaaed esrraate , ..M 8 fkt ew -rrowQ aeeded raisins ........2Ae ?lba sew s-erews keae Mnacatcls ....... ,3S lb cma Bojl baking powder ..40e Craaea at Biaeawell'i oIIts oil. at bettlM..A l-lb pkg Arm A Binawf aoda l-cal caa farcr table arruD.. ........oe H-sal caa fancy table ayrup. ............. .Sua S lbs rrenrh acauea ........... .7.. ....... ,2ftc .......... M hrwtded Wheat btacnlt, par pkg um feouanana new taaey Earl one Pea a. par dus !! bare Uojal Baron aoap ...... 28c sue T cans beat aardloie In oil....; ....Sftc fore oyatara l-lb cant, eolld, pat dos........SOe H-O oata. 3 lb pkga, per pkg... .......10c Beat plonle bama, per lb ,.t .11 Beat cottage bama (bonelaaa) par lb. ...... ..He Shreddrd coeeaaot, per lb .....,..,..1S Itard-wbaat Sour, par aack .............. .31.00 Scotch oata, par pkg- to Poanim cereal, par pkg -k. ....... SOe Pelts Naptba aoap, par bar .........He Beat ao ft wheat floor, per aack fl. 00 Java A Mocha coffee (ragalar 3Bc) ...... .3D H boi aoda crackers (about 10 lba) .......50a Fnallah Braakfaat tea, per lb ......lfta Fancy Gunpowder tea (resnlar 38e) ........loo Bnikes Jare Coffee, per lb...,..............10o 3 bars tar aoap .5 t'needa Blacolt. par pkg... ............6 Tiger cream (10a aun). ,....... East Side DtllTerlee Taeadara sai , - raOBTB KAXS 403. ' trltays. Columbia . River Chinook . f Salmon, lb. ....... ......IX'jC' Crabs, Oysters, ' dams and Halibut fresh every day, 1 Everything in the Fish Una. : VfE. W. Peckhara just opened the fish business, here and will rive the orancn nis personal incnoan. . Get Soma of Our ;. Celebrated Veal Sausage ' Made Fresh Every Saturday. . ISO First St. Phone Main 6 Enterprise Creamery Co. XS7 1IBST STBBBT, - Headquarters for Oregon Creameries Corvallis .. ... . . . , . . . . . ,'. . .50f Jersey .454 ' SPECIAL 1 Dor. Strictly Fresh Eggs 204 3 Cans Corn ; ............ . .25 3 Cans Tomatoes. ......... 25 3 Cans Peas. ... . . . . .... . . . .25 f That Saturday Is a Sunday you want : day and ea We can supply your wsnts. Call on st G. C0YACH & CO. S7S Pint St. Phone XCaU 53 B. BUTTER LOWER! Best Creamery LA GRANDE CREAMERY 264 Yarhhill St, "Good Things to Eat" AT THE Great Market Bay Tomorrow Cnn vlnrlng values In 'line Meats, rish and BonHry. Our customers appreciate the spienoia values we are orrering in high' eet clans eatablea Thev know thev get fresh foods at prices which enable ttnem 10 save money. Wa Bave BtrloUy Tresh Brrs.V . T. BTITSSBATfBB) ABO M.'KXKPBm, ser B. Bnrnslds St. Baoaa Bast T3. Central Market "' BBOBB BAIT 41S. ' Where all shrewd buyers go, for It's where they And the best .to be had In town.7'.'" '"""i .' '"': MEATS, FISH AND POULTRY For all. See us before buying your Sun day's dinner, ; Kindorf Bros. M0 Oread. Ave. Bhoaa Beat 41a. DUKE'S MARKET Chickens, lb. . . .. . . ........ 18a Round Steab, lb........... 12 Sirloin Steak, lb. . . . . . . . . . .13a Prime Rib Roast, lb. .... . VZyf Ranch Eggs, dos, t . . .-. . . . . .20a Buttet1, per roll, . .35 and 50 I8S FOURTH ST., Near Yamhill , rr-. ; phone Main 283a 7j Futon Market Don't Forget rxsx Your Poultry Standard Market : " 1 :' '' ; Don't Buy Now WAIT! Until Our Grsnd Opening, SATURDAY, MAY 5, the Big- East Side Store New York Market and Grocery 477-479 WiUims Avenue, Near Eugene Street . . GUS H. HINNENKAMP. Prop. ' !ftM DAN lvTcKINNON, Mgr . . -vj. J Full -Line of . Staple and Fancy Groceries, Tecs, Coffees, Meats, T : Poultry All First Class. Watch forOur Big Ad in The ' Journal Friday, May 4, With Unusually Low Prices t. y ' , .,...,...............,.,.....,...... BARNES' ' Big Day I Chickens,f urkeys, Ducks ! .!.. , -., ... -m , -. S ana NOW IS THE ROYAL CHINOOK ' . FRESH FROM THE 105 Third Street - Phone Private Exchange 63 1 ION CEYLON TEAS. DiRSCT FROM The Great Hit of The Cheapest Tea to Buy No..l Ceylon and India l-lb. can, T5. No. S C. and I." 1 lb...6S No.,1 Ceylon and India ft -lb. can. 40. No. S C and I., V4 lb... 36a) i ,,,.',. SOLD Br ALL CRO CB RS , SEE THE NEW Chicago Market We have moved to our new and elegantly fitted up quarters and are now doing business in a more up-to-date style. r COME AND SEE USAT 187 Third Street, Near Yam No pains or expense have been spared to make the New Market the nicest and most up-to-date 'place in the city. And the old customers as well as all new ones will be as courteously and promptly waited on, and great care taken to have the best service and prompt delivery made. THE CELEBRATED BOCK SAUSAGE will beTon the market Saturday, the last of the season. ' Please leave order Chicago Market 187 THIRD. NEAR YAMHILL HERRING Halibut, 3 Pounds 2Sq Smalts, per lb. ..... . -Breek pereh, yer lb.', r-- CLAMS PER LB. So OBaSs BBBSB BOIXBB BTBBT BAT 8MALU 8IZB BAwn STATtDARD CHAD CO., T OHEGON DAILY JOURNAL K HEW Ir AtR r OK MARKET a-. Saturday"-' FOR ueese TIME-FOR A SALMON STEAK COLUMBIA! RIVER v 44 TUB GARDENS , the Portland Fair One Pound . Equals Three PHONE MAIN 413. Per Lb. Sc ltoaadera, pea lb. .... I rt i ) .70 1 I8e ' mvw w ,, pww aiva. ...v.... 10c 15SgLlS6 TB??22Sc 171 - 173 MADISON AT THE BRIDGE ALL THE FE OP L V