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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1906)
4'.. . 13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAY. EVENING, APRIL 27., 18CS. -irri'Tth' -4 MPS MED niiiiiiiivivin . H j , . , . , ... - - - .. - - - -.V ' 1 " : ' " ' 1 : .. . r- ' J. . ..','.-.'. , .. , v... -- . r. ... : ... . a - Styles Such as arc Found Onlv'in the Best Class of Stores in the Large Eastern Cities Latest ':.- Models Tailored Especially for, 1 "Us by the Best Craftsmen in ' AmericaEvery Garment Fully Guaranteed -$11(0) I 4 - THEY'RE WORTH ALL THEY COST .... .... faKy. Xif'Wxmn L-l AN ALL-STAR L.IISB ' CLUETT, MONARCH and EAGLE SHIRTS. ; ARROW BRAND COLLARS and CUFFS , l'. DENTS, and ADLER'S GLOVES THE FAMOUS fSHAW-KNlTiL HOSIERY The WORLD'S BEST HATS f a Jl Jii 11 alPlvl STYLES v:- ;r, AND : - $5.6o even v hat uiMAirniKO $3.00 Successor to : - ; Salem Woolen Klill Store Panamas $5 to $7.50--FInc Split 51raws $2 to $3.50 imports Mexlcanjlatcgas ras;ii.5t 85 - 87 ' THIRD STREET ESSICK PITCHES A FIUE GAME '.v ? -'',v--.: . : v : :v ; " Blonde-HaJred Twirler In Great Form and Whitewa$h ; - the Angels. ' -: "' :-. I " ' C M'CREDIE PUT OUT OF V'--'vv-:' CAME FOR WRANGLING Califf Succeeds Portlmnd'-Manager in Right Field 'and Puta Up Good : Cotrteat, Making Thrta Safe Hita McLean Playa Second Baae Well.;: 4 10 Uoonwl BpeUl BrTlc.) . ' .Lea Angeles, AprU. 27. BUI Ks(ck cava tfa Angela , a coat of whltaneaa yaatordar to th tuna of 4 to 0. BUI ,. waa I ftna trim and kept th arselle ''wallopara (neaslna throuchout the mt ,' ima. ' licCredie wu put out of tiie . itaine for : g-ettlnc too , say with the . umpire and Caltff, who took hie place, ' played a rattling- food ram, making - tkree aafe drive. ; Larry McLean cbv rrri aeoond for the- Olanta and made a A creditable ahowlnf. The line up: . V r , LOS ANOELE8. - . AB. R. H. PO. A. K. Bernard,' cf. ........ 4 0 0 Rose, If. 4-0 I Jinwhear, ZD. ........ ' Cravath, rf. j., t Illlon. lb. .......f.. 3 Ata. aa. ....2 , Toman. So. S 8piea, c. 4 Gray, p. ............ . 4 i . -j, L- .Tetala . ...... :...,; ' . I tl 17 S ' PORTLAND. ' - ' . AB. R. H. PO. A. R. McHale. cf. .......... 4 1.1 4 0 UcCndfi, rf, ....... 1 I I 10 raiirr, rf. s i 8 Kweener, ae. ........ I 1 1 1 t 0 Mitchell If. ......... 4 1 1 -later, lb. .......... 14 1 MrLcan. 3D. ......... 4 f , 1 I 0 Moore. b. ........... 4 0. 1 TMnahue, c. .......... 4 f ! Kaalck. p.; ........... 4 1 J Totala . '. I 4 19 27 14 ' SCORE BY INNINGS. Lo fcncelea Hit ....... .1 !- Portland . aoeaieeie--4 SUMMARY. TwivhiM Wta Califf 3, Mitchell, Me TT.i. nraahnr. Ieft on' baeea I At Angelea, ; Portland, . Htolen baaea-ir - halleO.r trmn i off Baolck, a-IStrwk n nnv. a. Paaaed ball HdIcb. Hit by-pHcher Toman. Time of game --Two houra. ... Umpire Mcuonaiq. . . t , ' Km vpU tecard a enlleetlna pUte u a Vi-ateHiln In whlrh they ne a dime hi the Wle ef ewtlna a dnlUr'e wnrtb reualae. SPRINGFIELD DEFEATS EUGENE OUTLAWS . (Special biepatcfe te Tb Jxirml.) epringnera, or., Apru 37. in a game of baaeball yesterday at the north end park Sprlnifleld High, acbool defeated the Eue-ene Outlaw by the acore of H to I. . The fame waa anappy throuabout and the aupport waa good. - One of ths prettleat playa ever aeen on' a Spring field dlan.ond waa a triple ' play by epnnaneld. ! The lineup: "y sprinofikld: . ; AB. R. H. PO. A. E. iionerta, in. -......, 1 2 2 Funtaon, rf. ......... 4 2-0 9 00 Anaeraon, ID. I 0 J H tag. If. ............11 J 0 6 Lamnr, 8b I 12 31 Andera, aa. .......... ( I 2 '2 4 KrsKlne, c. .......... i 8 4 3 3 0 Walker, p. ,.v....... I l l a .4 0 van vaia.n, ex. . ..... 4 1 1 1 ' Totala . ...........43 14 '"14 27 20 . . . EUGENE. '1 ' t- " AB. R. H. PO. A. IS. rreaion, 10, a 2 2 Room, aa. ........... 10 0 1-1 Wataon. c ,400 T 2 King, If. 3:0 l 8 -0 Armatrong, rf. , 4 0 1 1 0 William. 3b. ,.-. 4 2 110 Wileon, p. ,3 1 1 1 1 Vanduyn, 2b... 4 11 2 1 Hurd. cf. . 3 2 0 2 0 Totala... .....84 I ill 1 SUMMARY. ., v.. r Struck out By Wileon. 7: by Walker, S. Baaea on belle Off Wileon, 1: off Walker, 4. Hit by pitched ball King, Anderaon. Two-baae hlta Eraklne 2. Lamar, Walker. ( Stolen baaea King, Armatrong, Wileon 3, Hurd 4, Roberta, Bunteon, Lamar 2, Andera, Eraklne, Van Valaah. Wataon 2. Triple Play Andera to Lamar to Roberta. Left on baaea Bprlngneia, Eugene, 4. . AMERICAN SPRINTER WINS HUNDRED DASH Journal Bpeelal Berrk-a.) Athens. April 27. Archie Harm of Milwaukee won the loo-meter sprint ing race In 11 1-3 seconds today. Moul ton of Kansas City waa second. --. AMERICAN LEAGUE. A St. louls. St. Lou I a r-.-i". ......... : Chicago . . ' .1 11 Batterlca etcnbaoi and , -HJtcliey; A4iruca ana mcrariana. . H. E. -r 0 1 nun n rovTX." " tMaeaae and Slckneaa Bring Old Age. Marblna. taken every moraine, h. fore breakfast, will keep you In robust health. At you to ward off disease. It cures constipation, blllouaneaa, dyspep sia, fever a' :n, liver and kidney torn ' piatnta It purlflea the blood and cleara the eonipiemoq. - Mre. IJ. W. Smith, Whitney, Texas, ferltea. April 8. 1102: "I have uaed llerb'.ne end And it the' beat medicine for constipation and liver trouble. It doea ail you claim for It- I ean highly rerommend It." Price I On. Sold by Woodard. Clarke A Co. c At rhlladalnhia. . ; . , . R. K.TC. Boston . ......... . ........ , .12 11 2 Philadelphia.. 0 4 7 naileries winters and Qraham Coakley, Hartley and Power. . . . f ' At Waabiag-koa. .: R. H.' K Waahlngton '," ," ............... v 11 o New Vork J. .....,. 10- 0 itaiieriea Kitxon ana Klttredge Cbesbro, Urlfflth and Klelnow. - A Detroit, 1 ' ' " R.H. E. IJetrolt . ..iT,..-. ..3 . 7 J Cleveland ... 2 ' 1 Batteries Siever and Payne; 'Hess ana tsueiow.- NATIONAL LEAGUE. r4 . -.' : ". At Boetoa. . R.H.E. Boston 1 8 i Brooklyn 8 g i Batteries Pfelffer and O'Nell; Strlck lett and Bergen. Umpire O Day. , At Oaloago. ' Chicago . . ...,i...,t..4 8 1 Cincinnati, s ......3 1 Datterle Ltindaren and King; Chech and Phelpa. Umplrea Carptener and Klem. , - - At Mew Tork. .-. ' Re H S Philadelphia ........ 3 8' 1 New York . .,..4 4 1 Baltr1epiuinf and Dooln; Tay lor and Rowerman. Umnlraa Canwar Md nalle. ., . i CORNELL EDITOR , RULES ARE GOOD Changes in Football Regulations Find Commendation at Ith- aca't Clastio Halls. - - The Cornell Dally Bun, in reviewing the work of the Intercollegiate football rule committee, com men ta editorially on the results of the new rules aa fol lows: - : , "With the intercollegiate - football rules . . committee agreed upon the reforms under which - Intercollegiate football will be played In thla country during the aeaaon of It 04. we may be aaaured that the gentle art of eclen tlflc pigskin endeavor te In a fair wayi to run along In different channels from those which It haa coursed for aeverai years back. i . , "The cbangea are radical enough to make prophecy of the result practically impossible. The measures establishing th 10-yard rule and the forward pass will ao change the character of the game that present opinions can be but conjectures. , r - "Two things, however, mm to be pretty well established. The first Is that (the game will be more open, and the eecend that a cleaner and more sportsmanlike game will result.. The first of these la for the benefit of the spectators and the second for the bene fit of the playera themselves. "Open play of Itself would in all- probability - increase the number of minor Injuries, but would ' render the more aerloua accidents less frequent. The Introduction of the forward pass will probably teajd toward -breaking up the dangeroua flying tackle, for it stands to reason that unless a tackier la sure ha la getting the man carrying the ball, he la not likely to go into a tackle ao vigorously, "While the physical beauty of the game to fhe -enthusiast ln the bleachers haa been Improved, It la much more Im portant for the Intereate of the sport that its normal improvement haa alao been looked after -ao well. The .ffpirtt of the new rules la essentially fair play, and palne are being taken with the codi fication of the rule ao that fair play will be forced upon those who are ret I cent anout adopting it in their own Initiative. Probably further changes In the rules will be made from time to time, but at present It seem that a long atep has been taken in the right -dlrec Hon." ; , YESTERDAY'S RACING AT MEMPHIS AND AQUEDUCT ' (Jonrnal goeelat Herrlr.) New York. April 27. Yesterdays race result: . Selling, sis and a half furlongs- SIGIUODAGI1L! Positively cure hj these Little Fills. They alao relieve Da trees from Dyspepsia. la dlgeatloa and Too Hearty Eating, A perfect rata edyteKzxlnesa,Hawaea. Drowstaesa, . Ba4 Teats in -the Month, Coated Tonirae, Pain lntlieMde, TORPID irrXB. The regulate tbo Bowels. Purer Vegetable. ., SKMIRIL SKALLCOSE. SimrT.ICE. CARTER'S CllTTLE I flVER PILLS. CARTERS rrrir ' IVER piat. J Gmurne Must Bear . Fao-Simils Signature - KCFUSC S0IST1TUTCS. Rebo won. Consideration aecond, Colo- aal third; time, 1:11. ' Steeplechase, about two and a half rhllea Phantom wen, Ben. Crockett sec ond, Prlnoe of Pllsen third; time, 8:11. Four and a. half ' furlongs Mexican Silver won. Black Mate aecond, - Montr fort third; time, 0:6i 4-i. ,. The Flushing etakee, selling, one mile Broadcloth won. Grenade aecond. Ebony third: time, 1:40 2-t. Six furlonge Lady Amelia won, Cas sandra aecond, Yaad third.; titpe. 1-9. : " Four furlonga Oolden Shore won. Moyea second. Communlpaw third; time, 0:41 4-8. At Mampbia Track. (Joornal Bsedal arvlr.l ' ' Memphis, Tenn., April 27. Teater- day a race reaulta were: - , One mile Kllnaer' won. Rustling Silk second. Bitter Brown third; time. 1:48. Seven furlongs Highland Fling won. Little Red . second, Optional third r time. 1:31. . ,-r ; . Four and a half furlongs Expect To See won. Lady Allece aecond. Rifleman third; time, 0:S7H. Seven furlongs, selling Whoa - Bill won. Uncle Henry aecond, injunction third; time. 1:10V. One mile Peter M. . Mathanial won, Charlatan aecond, Harry Scott third; time. l:4. One mile and a half Los Angeleno won. Dollnda aecond. Cashier third; time, r:to. f NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE . BEGINS SEASON TODAY ' . (Jnornal Special Serrle.) ""-: Boston, Mass., April 27. Not at all disturbed by the Friday hoodoo, the New England league of baaeball cluba started on Ita aeaaon of Hot 'today with every prospect of one of the moat prof. Itable years since Its organisation. The schedule calls for 117 games, the sea son to close September 8. . The season opens with Fall River at Worcester, Havernni at iawrence, Lynn at Man cheater and New Bedford at LowelL Vinol builds you up v; and keeps you up Our delicious Cod Liver preparation without oil. Better than old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions to restore health for ; Old people, delicate children, weak run-down persons, and after sickness, colds, coughs, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Try it on our guarantee. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. WILLAMETTE TO PLAY M.A.A. C. TOMORROW lapedal Dlapatch to The Joaraal.) ' Salem, Or., April 27. The 'Willamette baaeball . men are practicing hard for the game Saturday at Portland with the Multnomah- Athletic club. The boys are all playing with a spap and vim that win win games, ana win give an a ma: teur teams a run for their money, Every man on the team la a hard, hitter and with aucn batting practice as when Virgil Oarvln la twirling them over the plate agalnat the 'Varalty It will be nam ror any amateur - pucner to aian them up in such a way as to fool th Willamette batsmen, trader, Coleman Long and Nace, four of the old football men, have made places on the team and are putting some of their old time football spirit Into the game. King and Simpson , are pitching good ball and either in the box will keep the club men guessing.' Willamette haa played but two games thla year, winning both by a ahutout. CRACK AMATEURS WILL CROSS BATS SUNDAY f A red-hot contest la the card at Ath letle park BunJay, April 28. The chant' pton Maroona will defend their title against the faat amateur aggregation wearing the Hop Oold uniforms. The game will -be called t 2 Yclock and Ed Rankin will handle the Indicator, This will probably be the last amateur game put on at Athletic park for sev eral week and promises to be a good one. The Hop Oolds were formerly the Mucks and were the only amateur team In the city last aeaaon that made any ahowlng gnlnst the Maroona. The teama will line tip aa follows: Maroonst Positions. Hop Qolds. Weed . .c Shuld-Chapln Klaer ............p.. Blebels-Roblnaon Trowbridge Helser Campbell . ; 2b La Cure Orsy Fry Mangold , Rlepel Henkle ......... ..If ......... . SchnelJ Smith . rf Robertson Gains cf Chapln FIRE DESTROYS WIDOW'S HOME AT M'MINNVILLE (Rpeetal tnspatck to Tb 'earnal.1 McMlnnville, Or.. April 27. The borne of Mrs. Ruth Connoley, Just south of the college, was burned to the ground yesterday. , Mrs. Connoley la a widow with two daughters and all were absent from the houae at the time. Nothing In the houae was saved and the family is only left with what clothes they had with them. The membera are practically penniless. They supported themselves by laundry Ing and weaving carpeL. FrJenUs and neighbors are helping in their mis fortune, aa also la the college atndenta' body. which. fave Mra.. Connoley a puree. Mrs. Connoley haa only been her about a year, having come from Mis aourl.' FRANKLIN STATUE IS UNVEILED IN PARIS '' ' (Journal gptdal genie ) . ' -Paris, April 27. The statue of Ben jamin Franklin presented to this city by jonn h. name was unveiled today. Five thousand Invitations were lasued and a vast throng of American and Frenchmen attended. Ambassador Mc cormick Made a long addreae. COTTAGE GROVE MAN - KILLED ATAGNEWS I Special Dtapatrn te Th Jrmrtial.) Cot tag Orove. Or., April 27. Albert Cruson of this city has received word from California " that hla brother. XA IT "First Aid" to the - Bowels. DOCTOR; CASCARET Off ice -Irryoiii- crfrn 'r Vest Pocket; On call any Minute-Day orKljnt I 1.,.,, ... -v v When Heartburn, Sour Stomach, Headache, Bad Breath, ' Coated Tongue, Belchlng'qf Stomach Caa, or any of these f orerunnert of Indlrjsstlon appear. Old Dr. Caacaret wants to be right on the spot In your pocket. He wants to check the coming trouble lngtantlv beforeM ean grow Into s Habit of the Bowu to be costive. ; Ladlea, who extend to Dr. Caacaret (he hospitality of their Purses or their Dress Pockets, will be rewarded with a fine complexion, and healthy Happiness. These will about (iff times repay for the trifling space occupied, and the ten centa per .week at cost. , Dr. Cascaret ruarantiwjs to cure the most obstinate cases of Constipation and Indigestion, without discomfort or in convenience. t . ,.'His medicine doea not gripe nor purge, nor create a drug habit. ' ; . V . Because It la not a 'BlIe-drlver," nor a Castrio-Julce Waster, but a direct TonlQ to the. BowefMuaoles. , It exercises naturally the muscles that ' line the walls of ,: the 'Intestines and Bowels. . . -,.-)'. ' . '. . Want of Exerolso weakens and relaxaa these Bowel-Muscles, Just as it weakens Arm and Leg muscles. . . ' Old Dr. Caacaret goes directly after n these Bowel-Muscles. He wakes them up Just as a cold bath would wake up a buy person. ;'' Than he works them (through ths' nerves) till they get ao strong from that Exerolso that they don't need any more' help to do their duty. ; . But Dr. Cascaret wan ta to be right on the apot. In your Pocket or Purse, where he can regulate these BoweW Muscles all the time, lnjiealth, and out of health. Because, even the strongest Bowel Muscles may be overworked. .. i Heavy dinners, late suppers. whiskey. ' wine, or beer drinking, nervous excite ment, sudden exposure to cold or heat and a doxen other every day likelihoods tire the Bowel Muscles. " ' 'In such eases a little Caacaret In time, Is worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment -1 later on, to aay notnlng of the suffering, discomfort, loss of Business Energy, and loss of Social Sunshine It saves. . Old Dr. Cascaret carried constantly In your Vest Pocket, or iu "My Lady's' Puree is the cheapest kind of Health-ln surance, and Happlneas - PromoHon. thai ever happened. ' - Little thin enamel Caacaret Box, ha'i as thlqk as your ' watch, round-cornered, smooth-edged, and shaped so you; don't . notice Its presence. Contains six Candy tablets Price Ten Centa a Box at any Druggist's. Be aure you get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and ! never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCCV' '" T", . a beaetifttl ItBoOoX. sty fcr th tr FKXK TO OVIt miatWDSt we wsat s sees ear rrienoi PrnclMiealrwis. GOLD-PLATED SOI aara-anaaMUMl in oalsra. It la a aeaatv areating table. Tea cents la stasias is askes as S BMasan ef lt h aad ta cever eaat etCascareta, witH whldituli'ty trtnket U laded. . . n Sena M-eay, eientlegMg tais aaser, aqaratt Starling Kamety Cemsaay. Caicage ar (Jew Tsrk. aW.WEATHERLY. f :GPECfSas HHCarlocic I SI aaSBB. jn. CqaLanoCoke jh-uirrison a Phone East, 244. WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD 1 . LESS OF "COMBINE OR COMPETITION Cruson, lost his life' lit the earthquake in Agnewa' inaane hospital, alx miles from San - Jose. The building waa shaken to a maas -of. rulna and after five daye digging Cruson's body waa uncovered. . When found he waa sitting In a chair In the act -of laclna- his shoes. Ua wsa employ at Ute hospital. . Odd fellows at OottaVe Oreve. (pedal Dtapateb t Ta Joaraal.) Cottage Orove. Or.. April 27. The Odd Fellows' lodge of thla place had a big time last night. It being the an niversary ef the founding of the lodge. Many members from . outside towns were nreeent end the evening Was aa- Joyed bl all. 4 - !