1. "3 WW! S0L1E OOSW in TiiEcn BLOW SAVED LIFE of wor.iAri - Georga E.JCollins.FeIled JPawni. . broker Wife, Keeping Her t ' ;; -f- From Burning Building. ' Man Who Gave Name as James t Forth Gets-Traneportationr---' . Then Sells It v ' "i. j ..; ' .; ' x ; r':::: FEW OTHERS SELL-THEIR H FREE SHAVING TICKETS if mm . . - t -- ; ; i' i - 1 ;' :.- s ; ..... -... '... s- .V;.? -i'' i-y J ; f;''s .' HUSBAND ENTERED STORE 4 AND PERISHED IN FIRE THE OREGON DAILY,' JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. APRIL 3. J iff lli II I - . - i . T V ;5 .,' ' 1 ' ! . 'v ' At Third nd Towritnd Streets ;Mr. , Collins Encountered Collie Dog Watching at Head of Dead Master . Mutt Have Perished at Post. GeorV E. Colling of the steamahlp Mongolia, mhi? a refched Ban Francisco a few day before the earthquake, had apartments 'at the Metropolitan hotel. Third and Mtaalon at reel. wha the hock occurred. It waa there that members of- the . Metropolitan Brand ' opera company, were lodging-' and the place waa in the heart of the district where destruction was . swiftest and moat complete, r "The first ahork awakened 'me." said M. Collins. lor the room was rocking frightfully. 1 waa on the third floor and aw ' people . climbing- down he fire escapee past my window. - They were half clothed and pa lied, and I didn't .take time to dress. But when I reached; the pavement I returned to my Toom and saved my belongings." It was due to his striking a woman hat -ehe waa ssved from perishing in the flame while trying to And her husband. ' On Third street '.bet ween Mle ton artd Howard the Are raced . , . . . , - . 7 ' Tit Ctd User 09 gaaelalaa "ft BtnUtnt.- ' For the ' burdens and trials - of motberhood-nursing and house hold duties Oxomulsion has proved to be ''the ideal sustaining , food when supplemented br rest. ' Immediate improvement " follows the daily administration of Na ture's Food-:, -, ' , .' ' ozg:.ilgio: r Beneficial Result arc Obtained aftef the First Dom. . , . . . There are f siaes S-es, aad lS-es. Bottltat the Ferawle ia printed la I laafuag oa each. OZOMUL8ION LABORATORIES SS HMSUAIW I or. , ' ' ' ' - '-"H 11 K'-t T i v I r - w 17 x t , Hi. . .. i i. . .i V. .A , ' . The Bread Line in San Rrancisco. ' unUl It enveloped a large and prosperous pawnaluop. The owner of the ahop, with r his wire, were on toe aireex in ironi and crying frantically.- Finally the man ruahed Inside In order to save some of hie Jewelry. f The woman tried to follow him. but was held by persona In the crowd. She peralated la hr efforts and was about to succeed when Collins knocked her down. The flamaa destroyed the build ing and her huaband . peiiahed. . She would have met the aame fate but for the blow which prevented her entering., ' "One of the moat remarkable caaea of devotion I ever aaw waa at Third and Townsend streets." said Mr. Colllna. "1 .was going' toward the waterfront in order to reach the Mongolia, and ' In doing so was forced to pass thrpugh the hottest portion of the city. At Third and Towaaend streets I almost ran Into 'a dark object which lay in the street. There wss- so much smoke that I did not aee It until -1 had almost stepped on It. and then I discovered tnat It was the body of a man wrapped in a blanket. He had evidently been allied and waa belna- carried -away by hla friends, who werer forced to abandon the J body. 1 .... -..t ,-. . .-. - . L At the bead of the body sat a lare collie dog. . which puahed away the blanket and licked hla master's face when he aaw me. . He waa .evidently trvlna- to direct my attention to the body , of hla muter. Aa I hurried away from the scene the dog, resumed nis watch. . I am sure he muet have per ished, for the heat was frightful and fires burned all around the spot for several days," : . CONCERT AND BALL THURSDAY EVENING The concert, .and " ball to be given this evening , by the Oregon . National- Guard promisee to be the biggest event of the week. , A committee repre senting each company Is hard at work. Mrs. Walter! Reed, Mrs. Sheldon and Arthur Alexander have promised to sing. , - ' " Before the dancing ..commences there will be a concert given by an orchestra of 11 playera under the direction of Arthur Clifford.- The patroneaaea are Mrs, Colohsl James Jackson Mrs. Harry LanA. Mrs. -General W. E. rvnser, Mra Colonel C V, Oantenbeln, Mrs. Captain L. H. Knapp. The reception committee Is: Colonel Jackaon. General W. E. Flnaer, Colonel ' v vtl'i Xalaa Torture Is nd worst than the terrible caae of piles that afflicted me 10 years. Then I waa advised to epply Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and tnan a-box permanently cured me. wrltee U S. Napier of Rualea. irv Heala all wounds. Burns and Bores like magic ita at 8. G. Skldmore Co.J drugaiata Oantenbeln, Captain I. -' H. Knapp and captains of the Orefcon National Guard, Committee of Arrangements -Captal:t E. T. Smith, company K; Captain K. O. Scott, company K; Captain W. 1 Gould, company F; Lieutenant I -M. Clark, batalllon II; Lieutenant J. J. McDon nell. staff; "Lieutenant D. E. Bowman, company C; Lieutenant Walter' Wilson, company B; Lieutentmt .William Oen ney, company F. - . - i Captain McDonell will have charge of the floor, . assisted, by a corps of of ficers, - . TO SEND MEN-OF-WAR .. . TO VISIT LIBERIA (Jooraal SpeeU Berries. ' Washington, April H. The navy de partment Is considering the ' advisabil ity of having United States men-of-war make occajilonal visits to Liberia, Af rica, aa a demonstration of the friendly Interest of this government In the wel fare and progress of the African repub lic , Unlets the plans of the depaVt mrnt are changed,' the cruiser Taooma, now on her way-rto Port Said, to assist the fleet ' towing the' drydoclc . Dewey, will make a voyage along - the west coast of Africa on her way bark to the United Btateav In that event the vessel will visit one or more of the porta of Liberia. , A Few ' Professional . Beggars Are Srwttisdbyoncemen-ne Ref ugee Declines Meal Ticket, Another .Man Don't Want Gratia Shave. . Coming with the San Franclico refu geaa there are lmpostora wh.i take advantage of the relief commit tees. Several of these have been dis covered at the union station in the paat few days, . and while none . hea been turned Over to the police they have all been told Juat what the relief commit tee thlnka of them. Teaterday afternoon a man who gave his name aa James Forth arrived from the aouth, took hla place In line and got transportation, to Seattle. Later In the afternoon another man appeared at the ticket window with Forth'a ticket, received his transportation, but waa un able to sign - the name - on the relief committee's slip. He was asked to ex plain how he came by the ailp and Bald he bought it from a refugee for "SO cents. Forth was Caught before he left the Station and . admitted he had sold the. ticket. He waa censured by the members of the committee and re leased. - - ' -.-" Several others, who had been given shaving tickets, -.were caught -.-celling thepa. but so far as has been reported no meal ticket have Men aold. ..With a few exceptions thjL.xaa'ugees er glad to get assistance and appreciate It There are a few professional beggars, but no. attempt can be made to weed them out. for fear of injuring some per son deserving of assistance. The railroad company is Buffering from . lmpoatora, fox the officers aay number from Oakland are talcing -advantage of the free transportation la sued' to the refugee to get to-. Fort land. Ogden and other citlea. Several time professional beggars of Portland have attempted to get Into the crowd and get assistance, but these have been quickly spotted by policemen and di rected Immediately to leave the vicinity of.-the depot. Some of the refugee are particularly honesf. - A woman who arrived yester day on the t o'clock refugee train and was given a meal ticket returned It to the committee. , saying' she had eaten early in the afternoon and would need nothing more .until breakfast, by which time she would-be in Seattle. A man who waa given a shave ticket returned It with thanks, saying he had a raxor jNo pill I a pleasant and positive as DeWltt'B Little Early Risers. These famous little pills are so mild and ef fect! vethat children, delicate ladle and week people enjoy - their cleansing ef fect, while 'strong people' nay they are the best liver puis aoia. in ever gripe. That we have the; correct thing in Hats. ' You can't . find anything better than;' ' THE KNOX . -jr; J-, THE LINCOLN-BENNETT - IMPORTED ) :. DERBY -'. . ; ; . V ' ' - i '. ' ' .': THE WARBURTON STI FP HAT j.'s ') , ;t THE J. B. STETSON, SOFT HAT . , ' Fashion's Latest arid Most Approved Style Is Found ' - " Here.- . ." , ''-. .7:-"V: ',' I '.':'- r -V MM MM WAA : III WW ;v.'';;ri-rv:.;:.'.v':;. ; 3tt MORMSON ST., Opp. Postoffke As to value none do or can give better.'.. . ' 8 Ah Uncoualcd Offer A set of our famoua 1 Falae TEETH for $10. Palnlea extracting frea with this' offer. Exam ination and consultation "free. Crown and. Bridge work a specialty. Extracting, 60 cents ' , ' WISE BROS.. Dentist ; ! - TimaO AMD WABatmOTOH. ' ',: . nalx BOSS. ... - ' - Open Xvenings and Sundays. of his own, and asking the committee to give it to some one more unfortunate. AU he wanted, he aald. wa i chance to use a looking glaa and a towel. , SPIRITUALISTS TO GIVE ' BENEFIT ENTERTAINMENT The entertainment given by the First Spiritual society: for the benefit . of San Franclsre sufferera will constat of song , and readings by young peoplle andThll dren of the lyceum and demonstrations of spirit power In giving meaaage to ' the people,. The public la invited to ati tend.,. . -A-' t r -v.-.- - The entertainment will be held In the -Abington building. Artisan hall on Ttilrd near Washington street, next Sunday night at S o'clock. - 'ft i ? ii'sllii iiccifi': Every hii IS . L'e'f .! --i l I. - - . -, ::- .-. , . - '. '. w - . K . . ..... "c--Jli ' V " 21 I 1 Ifs No niistal(e GenllemenMhe Power of Price Rules Every Man Tt airnnlv amazes the better iudees of eood clothes, .and they are buying at a 'saving of from $2.50 to $5.00. The prices are very attractive, but the clothes T: K,;'VSr rf,mU' - are even more so. - Style, ht-ana WDncs are ngm; f,noi, vywui nias n - . v- ,X" ' ' MB O ri $IO.OO to $30.00 VALUES The. More You Buy Here the More Money . You Save : -Pahts Values ' ? :- r Yoo will be pleased to your entire satisfaction by coming direct to us for your everyday needs: Elegant showing of ' working or fancy outing Pants at. to ?3 Also an elegant line of dressy Pants, same as up-town r stores get $5 to $5.50 for.'.. ...,;.... .-. ... . . . '. . ;f4.60 Shirts Extra values and stylish all , the newest fabrics, ; at., . . . . . ...... . . . ... ....... . 92.50 to ?1.00 - Elegant Negligee or Golf Shirts,: too many to describe m detail. , If you want what's proper and best come ' " at. ... .". . ..... ... .' . . i . . . . . ... . ... ..2.50 to 50 , Fancy Vests Here in all the newest and most popular de-i signs, from. .......... ...$3.00 to $1.00 tUndcrwear .Men's fine i balbriggan Un derwear; a great , value for;. J.;..... ..H0t All " the better ones, , too,' 1 1 , cool 'and durable, ; $l;50fo25c Boys' Superior Clothing Nothing we can say in print is equal to the argument ' ;'.".. which the clothing presents. Prices An Ounce! of Investigation Is Worth a Pound, of . Cheap Argument Strawy Hats ; Elegant line of the new Straw Hats,, with plenty of the between prices, at - 25c to 3.00 Vouths Men's Furnishings . Men's Fancy Silk Embroidered Black' Lisle' Hose, bur ele- -gant 35c line, only; ............... i ...... . .'.' . . . . .'.25 Also an elegant showing in plain and fancy at "2 for; .25 Men's finest pure linen Handkerchiefs; reg. 35c, only. .25 Men's Working Shirts of heavy, plain black sateen or duck, in stripes or fancy colors. .................. ; .". . .".50j ' Talk About Ties They are beautiful beyond your fondest expectations. The weavers have outdone Nature's handi- -Wprk in their color combinations. All at 75, 50, 25 rine Clothing THE LEE DAT AT $3.00 Xs aylnr Daily DlTldeada t Satisfao- tloa to Its Wearera. Any Style that's proper you'll find here. We Are extending our reputation as bargain-givers m Youths' Clothing. Many .parents outfit their entire faru-. ilies here they know that they , can practice economy . . here with perfect safety, as we carry only "the best. Gen- ...v. , uine 97.50 to ?15.00 values here at ECO, $7.50, $8.50 Artd we also, in addition to the splendid val- . ues, give away : F REE! Skates, Watches and Rifles : With BoysVCIothlng MORRISON Coiimsrsr. -,. ...,j-i .,' . -- . elegant' tfiy 1 $3.00 to $3.60' Shoes . 1 ' J 0 Ci r