The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 26, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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    "czcc:j daily jouh::al,-rcr.TuviiD. Thursday evening, april 25, i::x
Heavy Demand and Scarcity of
:SppJIes Causes Mark St to
v, Stiffen Fast. '.V
v-'av T v
Pelayed Vegetable! From the South
. Arrive in Very Bad Shape and Are
' .Not Worth Freight Charfea Five
jJlCsrsl Bananas Unloaded, ; . '
fnmt atreet. April S.;-Th Brlwlpsl fea
vera e( the ForiUnd srboleeale sosrhets ;, te
day ere: '
. Ctataook nlntoa vsry acsre. s
. String boas ul psa pleatlful. - , -
-.Very -heavy vsal wtIt!. ,
I AU freeh meat hav food- call. ,
. Esse bold stssdv: arrival faw., ' .
. l'rufaabl . atone la butter market
Oar eraage and five ears banana. -iMlared
vegetables arrlv la bad iftap, :
Asparagsa eonilBg dowa In price.
Mtwral arrival of strswberrles. :' ,
, Hop sieving op la value.
Pcaltrr Kill la aomlual arrival, x .
Potatoes aad onion firm; Utter BB.
Soother produce BoBse OIKJW .
aVebabla Advance la Battal Mark.
-Br th trade la general It la' believed that
- the price o( rmUHf butter -baa already
raaehad tb low ml and tbat .aa advanc
will oa ba aoted. Tba aara beevr aaauBd
.' m bw ruling la thl market Jot creamery prod-
cl-BMaasa&jUHL traL .sUMealu quota-
IIom. At lb BromaDt atocka ara not heavy
enough to anppljr- tb ardan raeelved and
' robu of theas ara rajacttd. Thla weald b
, demaod la bow coming ratbar atroaf from
tb northern eitle and' -mere ara expecta
Hon a good mil (rn tb far nactb.
Beat ardor of Uaportaaea ara behig raaalrod
from Caliroral terrltary an aceaant ( tba
" lack af production there 'and the recent ad-
vaneee la price,
.f. While tb bnttar market I improving far
a -fait, tb cheese nsrtet is keeping fully oa
f par with It, sad preseat onot tlona
rera f& wilbnSSl heavier than aupplle.
Wltb -aearaaly Ka) balaa- t .-boPa -aaalnla
Innaold la tba baada f Oragoa frawora, tbar
- t a (raat demand Tor bop. and a Busbar of
' aala bT ba mad dating tb paat few
4ar at prleoa aomawbat blgbor thaa forairr
quoiUaa.T Domaad at thl tlma la for . all
. grade and prior balng paid ara not ' far
- apart. So Da prlmr ara rportd aold ' aa
- hlgb a llo a pound, whlj modlnm hat
" ; during tb paat (aw daj broaght aa mgrb
. lOr.. Lt aalaa ara: Cord Hoffman of
Motrat Angel. U balra ot prim," 4 Mr.
.Mlcbol cf tb am plan, 40 bafea. U both
-of tba. ttaaetkaa tba price aad nama of
purebaaar la btt acrt. 'At tbla tlan there
.- ara In th aelghborbood. at .O0 bale ot bop
' remalalng la tba Tartooa warabooaaa la tbla
atata, bat praetlcallr all of tbem are owned
br dealer whe bar alraadx aold tbem to
; brewer and ara awaiting tlma ot deUtrerr.
Home effort bare been mad during tb rait
- .24 boura to reporcbaae aom f tbaaa bop
' from tb brewer, bat awn of tbem ara will-
lug to let g at tbla tlma Tbla glrea a mot bu to tba tutor altoatloa.
i Vrr Kaaey Teal Arrlral. iry'
I Arrlrala f draaaed Teal are saw Terr havf
,loag Front atrart. bat tb marktt I taking
all tbat rem without a rbnnge In price.,
'There w. bowTr, aom alight weaknea la
the ton and a decllaw'ln ralae mfenr
"later. Prewed bog coming ratbar akw-'
It and price coatlnna at ec-Mba top kotcb.
'flprtng lamba ara rather free la arriving today
,and demand la only fair at tb printed qvota
.tioaa. -
Oklaeek Balmoa Tar aoare. .' (
. Bnpplle of Chinook aalmoa la thl market
; ara Terr acarca aad tb price la bring main
Vtalbed at Bo a ponad. Tber la tlU a fair
" .rupplr of ateelbaada la market, bat aaalltr
In thl Una la Terr poor. Tb price remain
at Te a pound. " Crab aad raasr elama ar
quit pl-ntiful. wltb prHe earn.
Zgga Hold Btaadyt Aertvala Tew.
Tb tun In tb egg market la Terr good
aif aad a not at be al aee bawg aaeoe
at a range la value. Bom ar being mad
at ITe, while other ar morlng Ho higher
thaa tbat amount. Recalpta ar Jut fair,
: but eonalderlng tb demand tb tock ara
41gbt - n . ..."
I'oultry continue. Tory alow la arriTlng and
. rwrr top price ara eaallr obtained.' It la
not bow a question ot price o mock aa to
get tb ituff. , .'
DeUred VegeUklea hi Sad Shape.
' Two eara of Tegetahle which bar been ea
rout to thl city aloe April IT arrlred la
'today. The atocka were la eery bad ahepa aad
'were not worth th freight charge.
KIT can ot baaanaa Intended for th Baa
Pranctacc market were antoaded thl morn?
"Ing. Four of tbem wera boogcit by Portland
Ann and on went to Paget eoand. Btocka
Tory rip and kard to ablp. lrto am..
- A car of erangee waa an loaded during th
fBornlng. '
.' String bean are . coming la mora liberal
anpplle from tb eoatb, bat at 90s the prte
1a conatSered rather high for general oog.
" eumptton. Oreen aca ar bow In abaadanr
,and tba price bae dropped aa low a Ifee
pound onmbe atreet. ...
. A meaear baa been raeelTed la thla city
atatlng that Loula Hplegl ba mored to Sac
ramento from Ben Irenclaeo. He kaa opened
hie eommtaftton bone In tb former city.
' Aeparagu ' 1 now coming ao freely that
price a re drifting dnwaward Utile aoutk
cm atuff coming mostly locaL
Btrawberrf arrlTal ar mora, liberal and
the price ea.ler. Qukllty sot gult ao good
a axpected. , ..
Potato aad Onioag Tina.
Th onion mrkt eootlnnea to respond id
mall tork and a euy liberal demand and
prirw bar reached aa hlgb aa Bo a pound
In thla market. New onlona from tba eooth
.ara expected to arrlr mora freely tb earn
ing week. ' .
Potato remain firm deapttt tb rary hetajr
offering and hlpment to tb eouth. Fanctei
'are Tory ftlff and aom dealer ar paying
a premium 'a order to get eclectlo. ,
' The trade pay lb following prlrel " to
"Front afreet Prtcea paid producer ar leea
mm. rtoar and Teed ,.
WHEAT Or, b, TOct red Buataa ; bine
Btem. 70cj valley, 7e.
BARI.gT Teed, (3S.0t rolled. tM.BQ, rw
lag. IM.60.
OOBN Whole, UT OOt eracked, JS.0t pal
. tOB. . , .
, BTB 1 SB per ewt. ..
, OATS Producer price Ne. I Wblta, M BOl
rT. far.oo.
. PLOtR New aaatera Oreen Barenta, S OOfl
tV1It, B.H!. grebam, Ua, gS.u- wbolg Wheat. J
aa.7n; rre. one. in.iw; oaiee, fa. TO.
MTLUTirrrS Una, . glT.BO per tnn mtaV
rlllnr. t S8.00: aborta. eouay, . tXMi city,
giofto: chop. t 00. . ,
HAT-JPredBcer' arte TlavithT. WIll.metN
ralley. fancy.. 1 00J1 00) ordinary, $1 ootj
00; eaater Oragnn. 14.00JU.OO mired,
ri MO.00; chrTer.-lg.0OOa.tM; grata, (SMO
00 abrnt, l. 00.
Battar, Iggt Bad feultry. - "
BDTTBa PAT r. a. b. Portlaad gweet
cream, lVie; eoar, 114. , .
BUTTKB rity ereamrrj, 0c) outald faacy,
ttri tor. 10c.
Una No. 1 freah Oregon, candled. 17c
' CHKESC New PuD cream, data. IB
Tnang America, loci aheddar, l(a; California
flat, irey.
POCLTBY atlied etih-kena. 1H pef Ibj
fancy hen. 15c lb I rooetera, old, 'lie
pr lb) ta, lie per lb; frere,
- Kr rb: v broiler, - 8B per - Ibi daehor le
it ITe per lb: geeee, 11c pre lb; turker IIIT
per Ibi dreeaed. Sic per lb; wtaaba,
ar deal pbreaaa, n.0 par do.
Xepa. Wool aad Kldaa,
PtOPfl Contra era. ISM crop, log per )
joofi Oregon. HIllr (
rnob-lHOt clip Valley, roar to medlnoi,
fBir-; Mo Jtic; eaetern Oragoa, 1044c
oHAI Vew. aoeyMUjC.
Ium -aAX. J Shaariiif, 108S)g aaahl gkart
- PortUNid Jobber, arg firm In
their vlewa that thay will not
tak advantage of their cub- ' d
tomcra gg did Be.attlo-houasa tr .
ad vanclna , th prlca of gugas v
"Juat becaaag. ein accident hapl .
pened to cauge a gbortaje, ,Only
am advance ciuoUd, th vgrioua d
rcftnerlea will cauae an upward- 4
movement of prlccg In thla mar
ket. Tblg will . b lntoregtlna; )
new to' thoa .who ' hav been d)
buying, from Seattle. " e1
" - - -
wool, Q40e ch;-medtum woot, a)? eaakt
long wool. TBct$1.00 each.
TAIXOW Prime, per In, lgi Ma. t bad
ereaa. IttiSac-
CHITTlal BARK S per Tb.
BIDES Orr. No. i, it ma. aag .'ldH
ITHe per lb; dry kip. No. 1. a to 1 Tb. !;
dry eell, Ne. 1, Bnder lb, loot altd bide,
teer. oand. M lb Bed over. 10B)llci owa,
mUPHci tgi nd bull, euand. gt1; fcip,
lg to 10 lb. Be; calf, eoand. under IB lb, lie;
grace. neltd. le leea l cull a. le Ber to lee;
koraehlrte, aalted, eacb. fl.gn01.Tb: dry, eecb.
fl.O021.SO; colt1 hldfe, Xifo goat iklns,
com mou. each, lOyiBc; .'Jigora, each. SBc
' 'fraHg aad egwrablag.
POTATOES rbwt eorted. II per nick; 'pro
ducer' price for car lota,' tOUKie per ewt; or
dinary, boot producer' price, TOQibc; new po
Utoeo. 4U. per lb.
ONIONS Jobbing 'price Oregpa, No. 1. 12-50
r.00; producer' price. No. ir $2.M: No, ,
12; garlhi,. nUc per lb; oulveeta Te.
FRESH PRIHTS Apple. I2.00(S'. oraaiea,
fancy naret, gfl Mr needling,' $3.T5; Mediterran
ean, 3.a.'ti3.SO; banaaae, Bo per Ibi Ictnou,
choice. per bos; fancy, I4.00W4.U6 per
rax; llmee, Meileaa. per 100; tengcrlnra,
1.23: nlneeoole. Mexican. g4 (iO: Hawaiian,
.00; rallfornte atrawlmrrtee. t4 no per eratc. 1
VEUETARI.KB Turnipe, aw, tdc par aarai
rarrotg. goOTOc aack: beeta, PO'CIl 00 V
ack; Oregon radlahee, 90c due: cabbage, Callfor
ala. $2.28 per ewt; greaa pepper. ( lb;
California tomatoes. ia.aJftgBO ' para
nlne, oc1.00; airing beau, SOct cau
liflower, ( ) per t crte; . green - pe.
THtiDc per lb; borseradlah, riJ7c per lb;
articbofcee, SBcQf 1.00 .per do; hot hone
lettuce, 11.75 per box; celery,. 25e per doeen;
proam. Be per lb; crsnberrle. JereeT, fid. 00
per bblrToea bay and TinamnohT, grO.OO; aspara.
giu, ralllernta. 8c per lb; Oregon, ggrioe
per lb; WalU rValla, . 1 1 SB per fcoxi
qub. l4c; spinach, TBcafl.OO per box;
green nton.rn.egoif, ISH' - rtoaen;
Oallfnrnli enenmheta, fl.7St.00 doara.
DH1ED rBL'ITS Apple. TanoretA, 1tq
IBc lb: aprlcota. 13Q16C per lb: peachee, lOHd
lie per lb: eaeka. He per Ik lea) ntuaee.
SO to eO. THc: vie drop en eacb sixteenth
ema.ler. else; gga. California Mack. 0O7e pee
lb; Oallfornle while. Be per b: datea, golden,
e par lb; tarda. $1.10 per la-lb boa.
arimrla. Vita. Eta.
KrniLRre basks Cnb. IT.OS: Brrl
t JOj f 7ta'f88' JlSttl
extra 0,
tS Ml aoldea C. (0.2": O Tel
(S. 10; bote. 10a; U bbto, too; bcie. BOB ad-
Vance ea eack beala, leea ts per ewt for aaek.
IB drl maple, waiBe per IB
(Above price apply to . ule ot tea thaa
car lota.. Car lota at special prleee aabjaet to
Suctnatlona.! - t .
. FONRY 4B per crate.
. COPTEaV Packs re bread, SiaSS,
SALT Coarse Hall gronna. iuu. .tT W pet
to; table, delry. boa. fll.Oo-; lOda. I10.TB: Im
ported Liverpool, boa, flT.OOi. 100. glSnOj
T24a,; extra Una, bnla. ta. Be, 10a, H:B0CJ
B Bo; balk. 820 lb. f4.O0elJ.0O. aefca, -Boa,
WASdc; Uvernool Itias iwek. flt-M get toal
80-lh rock. 87 00; 100. B8.TB. . f.
ORilN BAOB Caentta. TVt.
RICI Imperial Jepaa, Ne. 1. fet Ho. f,
1Bt4i New Or lean bead, let A a. fet
Creole. BUe.
PRANH Small .while. $4. SO; large white.
KI M; pink. 88.00 bayeo, fB.OO; Lima, fa 00;
aievtrea rerm. t4c. . .
NITS Pee not, tomboa. Be per Tbt Irglnla.
tHQdVB .per lb; roasted. .H per' lb;
cocoenute, SdraOc per doe; Waiaem. lBtJlBHt
per lb; plneauta. tOeiUHe per lb; hickory nut a,
lOe net Tb: cbeatauta, eester. 1B(I per Pa:
BreiH ant. 14 aer lb: glbrt. itelUe see
lbt fsany pacaaa. UMfjrettei almoada, lm
Pabrts, Ooal Ofla. Zta. ' -hOPt
Pure Maalla, 1; etaadarel llgr,
dial. lie. i i .
COAL OII Teerl ev Astral Caeee, 10H per
gal; water white, troa bhm, 14 pat gal;
VeodtB. ITe pee gal;' headlight; 170-deg. eeaea,
AMOINavlcM-deg, caeet 14 H per gal. trot
5ble lc per gL . ...
BENZINB 3-deg, eaaet ate peg gal. troa
bbls MUe per gal. ...
. TURpiNTTNE la aaaeg M act gs woodsa
bbl c per gL -
WHITS LK D Toa let. Tile per Ibi 800-lb
let. Be per ll: Wee lota, le per lb.
WIRB NAITA Preeeat beala at ft.BS. '
LINRREn OIL Pare rw. In B-bbl lota, Bflc;
t-bhl lot, BBci cssee. bSc per gl; renaln ktttto
bntled. taee. 60e per gat; B-bbl lota, B4e; l-bbl
tot. S.1e per gal; ground eake. car Vtrta, 10.00
per toa; lea tb ear tot. tM.OO pot tea. -
jUata na aA..niMiaii
PRB8H bUtATS rront atreet Beef eteers.
40B per lb; cow. 804 per b bogs, block,
8e per lb: packer. BViiftSe per tb: ball,
S4MHe per lb: reel, extra. JVi per lb; ordinary,
evdTc per lb; pobr, BssBVbe ber lb) motto,
fancy, hiiuc per lb; lam ha. QlOc.
BAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland pack (local)
bam. 10 to 14 lb. 14 4e per lb; 14 to Id Iba.
14c per lb: breakfast bacon. l'iflHc per
lb: picnic, lOHe per lb: cottar, 10ie per lb;
regular abort clear, aaamoked. 10 9er lb;
tmoked. 11C pet lb; clesr back, aaamoked.
I0H per lb; emoked. IIM Pr lb; Colon butts,
10 to 18 lb. Bnamoked, Be per lb: aaaoked,
par lb; clear bellies, nasmokod. 11 per Ikt
moked. IM per lb; ihouldere, lOUe par lb,
LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10, lge per
lb: Be, ISUe per Hi; BO lb tin. 11H per lb;
team -Tendered, -10-1 2 pea- lb; a, 12 St
per lb: compound. 10t, ic.
CANNKD SALMON Columbia rlTr. 1-D tolls,
II. HO; lib tall. I2.TB; faacy, l ib fata,;
U-lb fane data fl.18;" fancy Mb orala, $175:
Alaska tall, pink, SBOOOei red, f LBO; nominal
t. t.lU 12 00.
riBR Rock cod. Te per Tb Bomdtfe, 8 per
Tb; halibut. Be per lb; crab. - tl.BO per do-,
atrtped bass. im per Tb: estflsb, Tt per lb;
salmon, Columbia river eblnook, Be per lb;
steelhesds, Te per lb; herring. Be per lb;-olee.
8c per lb; ahrloipe, 10 per lb; perch. Be per
lb; black cod, Te per lb; tomeod, Te per lb;
illrer smelt. Te per lb; wtoters, IBs per lb;
fresh msckerel. Be per lb; crawfish, to par
go: shad. Be per lb; etorgeon, 10e per lb.
' 0TBTBR8 Bboalwator bay. pet gal, $2.28;
per Beck, 2.1.TB. "
CLAbtB Hardsheri, Pr bee. 82.00; raaat
eUm. fl-Ob per boa,
Western ' Sugar Refining Com
1l pany :ahd California V
. Hawaiian Have Race.'.ij,U-
Tbere I a turs eernered fight en at tbt
time to aupply th. Portland market wltb sugar
ettppllea. Tb Callfornta Hawaiian Refining
company le ruehtng work at It Crockett refin
ery ta order to get it eugar first kg tbla mar
ket, and tba Western Sugar Refining company'
plarA just eutsld at Ban Praaclace I working
orertltnt In order to retain ita preatlge to thla
market,- The agent of the Western refinery
la thla city, the Kelly-Clarke company, ooenred
a tralnlead ot sugar hi tb east tut thla mar
ks. According ta th manager of tb ema
pany, th stock ar sot due aattl torn arrow.
Tba train la said to consist of JI2 ear, and
eves more care ar "expected to arrlr g day
or so later.
According to local Jobber, there will be ao
change in th price of tugsr when th !
era stork arrlrt. Sugar can be brought to
thl ettr from tb ast at alwut tb tern fig.
aree being paid at Kaa Prancleco, and the
trade dor not beileT In adTancmg quota,
tloo Until aom cbng I md la th buy
ing price at the refineries In the meantime
fteattle quotation ire tbe hlgheat la tba tailed
ita tea, .....
Maiioa Oonaty BetnrBa,
(Bpedel- Ploealch toTbe- Jeataal.)
Salem. Or, April Jf. Offlcll returns
giro Benaon (or tecreUry of atata 181,
Oeutch i.Ht: for United States
aenator. Baurne Cake 70; for
trenaurer, Hoyt ItO, Pttee.1 f7?j for tov-
etnor, TV Ithycombg 1.714, Oner 1,101.
Colonel Hofer loaee thej nomination (or
rcprcseDiaiivB bjt twa Totes. '
Market Drops Twenty-Five Cents
1 Recovered Yesterday and Is '
.' " Rather Dull. . J
Sheep , Now , Coming Very. Rapidly
and High Prices Are Causing Buy
. era to Hold Back Their Purchases
-. as Much as Possible.-' "
Portland Vnloa Stockyards, April 2d. Live
stock revelpt: i . ,
i Hog. Cattle. Bneep.
Today...;.: 38 821
Week HS j.iJi.,,,,,,,,... 80 tU
slums ugo , jzb
Year act, .,. '1S4 --2&
While tbe boa- market Is more than firm.
the Tory beary arrival of cattle th past
few - day- baa greatly weakened th toa la
tbat 11a and the recovery ef 25e In tb. mar
ket waa Inet agsln, today. Tbt 'weekneea In
cattle at tbla time la due principally to the
wry iow prices ruling ra ine eastera marker.
Tbla earned tbe diverting ef heavy ablpBient
from Chicago and Kama City te Portland
ana the result 1 that tbe trade . to rather
lerlsa on fuluee insols
Sheen arrlrala are Increaeln rathe ranlrflT
fnd tba high prtcea bar be. a with na auck
a Inrg . time tbat tb trade to not willing la
continue- tbem. For thla reason they ar hold
ing back their Burchaa much aa possible.
Thl caused a drop ef 2&c In the prlo today.
Official U restock pries . - .,
Hogs Beet eastern Oregon, -.- 8T SftittT.urr:
I locker and China fsts, fo.SB; stocksr and
feeder. fd.nO. ,
Cattle itest aaateen Oreeoa ateera : g4 mtfi
S-OO-beet (usi and heifers. f,1.76i4.00j light
enn meaium steer. .i.Thf 4.00; light rows,
7513.00; gtocker gad feedera, fj.60; bulla,
Wheep Wether. '; Ismbe.-gOrUte; mlxad
keep, Bttc; herd sheep, 4 Uc.
CalTesv Oood Teal. 100 to 2u0 pound, 4e;
rough and heery. 4c . .'
Hew York Market Is Firm and
( Steady Early With Soma
- Fair Advances.
Brooklyn .....
Colo. Feel
St. Paul ....
111. Cent. ..
Out. Went,
Soother ,H.r.
lm Csnadlaa .....
...... lalMlssonrl Pac
J.I rennsylvsnla
ml V. K. Steel pfd
.'.'-. RKI VllXi.,,., -
Atckisoa ....... siw4 Br
People' Oaa ...... Hi Res J log ..
Trvril -
.-.onn.rn i sc. .... lean, coal
V. a. Steel ...... CiWabaab ,
Btocka were antte active today. Early trad
tog waa rather bullish, but selling pressure late
In th seas loo e a seed most of tb it to close
lower. Amalgamated, St. Paul and Brooklyn
were tb principal losers, while Reading, Kortii
era Paclfle -and Tennessee Ceel were amoug
tbose hat gslnsd. The praemue em Clop per waa
eapeclally apparent.
Official quotation by Over back, Starr Cook
Amalgamated Copper Ce, ....
Atcblaun com mo ..:.'.,..
Amertcaa Sugar common ....
American Smelt, eemmoel ...
BalllriKwe A Obis commaa
Brook ly a Rapid Transit .,,
Caaadlaa Pacific eommoa .
C. M. St. Paul
Oolorado Peel A Irea eoauooa . . . . BB
Brt common dl
Illlnol Central ................. i.
LouUvlll Kubvtll 144
nvlll 1444
pt Railway inil
Metropolltsa Street
Missouri raciric .
Northern Pacific , ....
Locomotive , ....
National -Lead
New rTork. Ontario A Westers
PsnnsylvaAla Railway ...........137
People' tt.VL. aad 0. Cm 81
107 Jj
Reeding eommoa 12S
Rack Island common SM
Hoot hern Railway eommoa ....... ....
Southern Pacific 84
Tennessee Coal A Iron ....
Cmon Pacific common" 14
I' nlted State Steel Co. tomiaoa.. 42
rnltvd Btatea Steel Co. preferred. 1084
Wbeb common ....
Amalgamated Copper ex. dir. IM pet Cent
. Total salee for day, Tod.OOO eharee. ,
- Call money, 8tt per rent
The report tbat K. Clem Bent met t.000
belee by the fire and earthquake ha provea
unfounded, according to a wire received by
Ernest Wells, agent for tbe .California oper
ator te this city. -Mr. Floret win that hi
firm lost nothing by tb disaster. On ef hi
employ ea as seed Rupert we killed at Baato
M. I. Netter. of tb Klaber, Wolf Netter
coaipany, ef tbla city, wire to Tb Journal
that ne aae canceled aia Europeaa trip- r.
Net tor a firm bought aereral thouasad bale ot
hop la thla mar 1st some time ago for ship
ment ra the continent.
M. II. Ollbertson reports tb purchase by hit
firm of 1,100 ha lea of bop in Oregon and
WasblngtoB dnriug tbe put ' few days. Of
this amount TOO bale wsrs purchsaed In Wssli
Invton and 400 batee to thl state, rm- tb
Waahlngtons tba price paid ranged between 4
and 10 cent, and for the Oregon 10 and 10V
cent a pound. - The (red tanged tram prime
to ebole.. . .. , ., .,
.... 0.lo4 Sf
- John rinnnlgan. (or two years watch
man on the steamer Telephone, bag
been mlaalng alnce Tueaday and It la
feared b haa been drowned la the river.
The 1 1 ream la being- dragged tbla after,
noon in the bop of finding the body,
Flannlgan waa laat a can Tuesday
morn big. For two years ha had re
ported (or duty regularly. Hla (rlends
ar convinced that he accidentally fell
Into tha river and drowned. Th Tele
phone in at th llaieltlne dock on th
rait aide, riannlgan was 41 years of
age' and Unmarried.
aax&aJsSa OMorTin STBur. -
Immediately relieves hoars, eroupy
eoiigb; oppreased, rattling, rasping and
dlfflouit breathing. Henry C Btearna.
drugglat, Bhtillabura. Wis., write. May
20. 1902: "I have been selling Bal
lard Horehound -rlyrup (or two. yeara
and havs never -had a preparation that
haaalvtnbUr' gatlafaction. I notice
that whirl 1 aelT a bottlg thr eorue
hack for more. I can honestly recom
mend It." 25o. tOo and tl-06V Bold by
Voodard. Clarke m Co. '
J ,
" ; Vtnsrof
opea. Bid.
v10h4 1 100
g7Vt .
..ISSVi 130
......100(4 iosv,
...... o no
im ion
Exteremely Heavy Demand for Creamery
Butter, from North asiVell'as South Has
Caused the Market to Stiffen Considerably.
Receipts of thd Crowing Crop
Are Highly Satisfact6ryancf "
' Markets Lose From Start.
Chicago Drops a Half in the May
-and a Quarter in the July Sep
- tember Option Down Threa Eighths
at tha Cloaing. .. .... . .
- r , Cloe.. , Close. Close. Lea.
Tliurt, '.Wed. IBOi. Thurs.
My,,t,Teoi4ci9iv.e- we
July ;7we Ht KlVe V
26. olhtBltnbor ...... 77 jc 71 - ' o
Conditions regsrdtng tbe wheat crop ootlouk
are highly favorable fur the rrup..but very ban
fur tbe- market. Th auexket opened wesker,
with a lues In grir on all eiitluu. Prlc
(ailed te recover, and the cloeuig was H te !4C
nnrier tbat of yesterday.
.Of tbe eron tbe North Br It lab Agriculturist
"Bright aaashbie end hlsh temneratiir dnr-
I tbe day. wltb slla-ht tuucbea of frost at
night, hare bees the erder of tbe dsy during
tbe east week. Tsrm work baa been guahril
forward wltb great rapl.llty, and, under Ilia
beet condition, 'fhe aeeittug of tmf land for
tb cereal crop baa mad splendid progress,
and . la th earlier district msuy of tli
fsrmers bar already flnlabed till part ef
ttiejf spring work. Tb planting of potatosa la
a too being rapidly iiroeeeded w lib. and tlw
breadth te be put under Ibis crup tbls year
promise te be aa large a ever."
Argentine report ar glrea by tha Tims o
Boeona Ayr a follow:
"Th wee I ber la keeping dry, and th grain
opnJy I not restrained to any . extent, -th-;
hurtneM or tb' siinnlv berns lu to aarlcul.
tar Is Is holding not for higher price, tad they I
will probably continue to ea bold eat until
corn - ehlpment becooje 'act I re. and -tb higher I
rate offrelgUl tbenjiTtblt Jlllfia-cs-iUcjBU
10 realise tneir wneai ana aeeo on term wituiu
hipping parity. A fab-
business be been
dene tbe-r Wtel.
TOWiUth Ixixers its (a
tnsr price are consiaersbty
nova ahlnnlna
parity, that ne buelnee at oosslhl. and thst
Bona la doing; never the leea shipments are heavy
nd new tonnsge I being daily fixed. Tbe
market haa ru leg ateadr for
teed, aad easier for forward corn, tber betnx
little or nothing available of the old crop. Mil- r
ler are busy and large quantities of flour ar I
being ahlpped to Bratlllaa ports."
Offlclsl oootatlona by Ovsrbeck. Starr A 1
Cooke compaay:
'' Open.
.... .7i
.... .T8
High. . Lew. - Close.
f V - . T
- .4T
, ,82f -S
15.TJ 1S.T8 y 15.80
LlTvrpool Or la Marks t. . i , .
Lleernool. April 28. Tbe wheat market . to.'
day cloaed 44 klgber thaa yesterday.
.; - . - .
- s
It Is Believed Milwaukee Com
pany Will Get 0. W. P.
, ' .- Terminals. .
A. J. Earllng, president ot th Chi
cago,'.' Mllwauke A Qt. Paul Railroad
company, la credited with having again
denied that Ma company "has aoqulred
control of th Oregon Water Power A
Railway company for tha purpose of a-
curtnr terminals in Portland. ' lit is
quoted as saying that hla oompany long
ag-o mad arrangement for terminal fa
cilities In thl city. Mllwauke repre
sentatives hr positively ' deny -811
knowledge of any terminate having been
secured by that company. It la said
th Milwaukee proposition narrowe down
to a choice between coming Into Port
land over the- O. W. P. from Troutdal
or over th main lin of tha O. R. A K.
from Wallula.
It la believed, without contradicting
tha statement mad by Mr. Earllng, that
ha did long ago make arrangements with
th O. R. A N, company to run traJfla
Into Portland via that oompany' lin
from Wallula, but only Until such time
as th north bank line of th Oerllnger
companies Is completed and the Colum
bia .liver la bridged at Troutdale. and
that following these , events should
present plans not fall through tha Mil
waukee will come Into poaaesslon of th
O. W. P. company's eaat aids terminals
and main lin from Portland to Trout
dale, and thu complete Its transconti
nental route- with a water grade to Pa
cific tidewater.
Upward of 1,200 members of th Mod
ern Woodmen of America In Portland
hav aent th sum of '$r,Z90 to San
Francisco to b used In relieving dis
tress among Modern Woodmen and their
famine. The action Waa-taken by- a
joint committee representing all th
camps In Portland, and the money Was
forwarded Immediately by th officers
of ach lodge, who relied upon th mem
bership to ratify their action and sub
mit to a special aeeeaament of II per
member. Th aeeeaament will be col-
4 lected with th next rrinnth's regular
auea. . ; . a. -. ... , .. ... . .
- City Am ploy es hav responded liber
ally to the relief fund for th Ran Frari
Cisco sufferers, and when all th gums
ar collected th city ball fund will
amount to 11,000. Ca,ah amounting to
f 688.80 haa already been . collected.
Lewis and Clark stork cerUncatea
valued at $18? hav been contributed,
and 171 subscribed which haa not been
turned in. Th total Is $S!7. Th fire
department will rale over 1509 and th
police department Is expected to con
tribute at least $300. .
(Joernal Special Berries I . 1
Washington, D. C. Aprir'In'.-.Th
president today aent to tha senate the
nomination of Julius Jaroba erf Califor
nia to be assistant treasurer, of th
United Buteg at San Fraaeigco, ,
: lots $150
Go Out snd See This
Pretty Suburb '
1st arid Alder Sts.
Has vry convenience, ldeallyTb
ated, 28 mlnutea from city,' on Mount
Scott electric car line, far to. Homes
built to ault and aold on easy" monthly
payments. As a result of pared prices
gengtutoiud gelling -has prevailed.
Geo. W. Brown
sea TAUJMa bz.so4 oobtb astb
A-gent always on ground. Tk Mt,
6cott car, Flrat and Alder streets. ,k
should be gently rubbed with Pond's
xtrsct ami-bandages applied Tha
pairt b relieved, the gwclling Is rt
.duced'and th concealed hemorrgf eg
which ustuglly accompgny (praini
. ar checked. Th sprains should b
"careful I jr rubbed upwgidt irom below
the Injury with Pond's Extract. -Its
antiteptic propertiet gf of Itie utmott
vglug In keeping th blood clots thet
accompany sprains from drcompot
ing. .;. ; - ---' ''
Witch it utt th tmmt thing.
On nalytit tevrntf inmpUt 0
Witch Hattl tftrtd mt " th tmmt
thing" fifty-tout- nutr thtvin tt
ttntmin wood akohol tt tormmUthydt
tr ttth. Jvttd dmngtr tf ftittuing
net Dental Work
Very Moderate PrlceaT
Crown and JSrl&g-a Work a Bpeoiajlty.
All Work Fully Ouaranteed.
Solid Gold Crowns ............ .S4.00 1.
Bridge Work S3.00
Full Set Teeth SS.OO
Malm 875.
8, Oraad Tbsv
tr Bldg.
- oppoat Bfln ruaa mow,
Notice to
Seated bids will be received on or be
fore May 10, 1806, for the erection oft
a brewery building to t erected at
Weieer,' Idaho. Plans and specflctiong
can be obtained from O-. Flleg-ner at
Welser. Idaho, or M. Orundfor, archi
tect. Pocatallo. Idaho ' ' '
DIKIs At 218 Grand a erne anrth. tged (to
fear. Mr. Marj a. -Turkey, beloved mot bar
- of Marat Tm-ker. rnneral Botlet later.
v-; :.-r ..'
Charles A. Llndatrom Arrives In
'! City and Will EstablishT;
; Station. .
-Porilahd -will soon -tiav a .wireless
telegraph station; Charles A. Llndatrom,
a representative of th American 1
Fortat Wlreleaa Telegraph company, haa
arrived In th city and opened ofTlee In
th Mohawk building and aa aonn aa th
proper arrangements ran be mad a sta
tion will be established. ' , -
Oregon an Nevada ar th only two
states In th union which ar without
wireless telegraphy. Washington haa 14
stations, It of-which ar In tha sound
district, and California haa several. All
th other states have from on to 18
or to. Manager Llndatrom In apeaklng
of big plan m Portland gald:
"I hav been located here by my eom-
To draw th fir out of a burn, deal
a cut without leaving a scar, or to cur
bona.'aorae. Utler, ecsema and all skin
and scalp diseases, use DeWitt'g Wltoh
Unset BalV. A gpectflo for pllea. Get
th genuine. No remedy can sea guch
speedy relief. Ask for InWlU'g th
gcnuln. .... " -,'
Skin, Nervous ecu
Diseases of ' Men
human race, but make a
' specialty of treating and
h curinfcj NERVOUS' DIS
DISEASES and all affec
tions of THE GENITO- J1
-men nly, -'
' - Men Cured Quickly, Safely and Surely
Ther la abaolutely nrr Inconvenience. Inaa of time, hardahlp or uncer
tainty, while th reault are direct, speedy and permanent. W cur
you of disease to stay cured. We want to talk with everyman who auf
fers from thoa afflictions, due to any cause whatever. W wnnt to ex
plain our methods of curing dlseaee and alt ailments of tha kidneys and
bladder. Our office Is equipped with everything science can devln and
motiey can buy that will assist jia !njuiring jlieaseawa--ireat W ar ;
"true) specialists, and do not attempt to treaTtall dtaenea, but cur all we
treat. Our methods of curing ar original, positive, absolute. . y
Should you deslr you may deposit th fee with ny bank or buelne
- house In Portland, to b paid to us after- you hav been restored to
health,, or you mgj py in monthlypaymutglt you jrefer,.! ljl".4.
"," Offlc rtour'--, a. ra. to p. m .1 Sundays tfhd "holidays, 10 a. m. to il
Dr. W. Norton Davis 5t Co.
lettli Tit Hoy 1, aH Tkird MX, Oorner Tin, Fertlaad, v-r
Hours 9 to 57 to 8:30
Sunday 9 to ta - J ;
Diseases arid Weaknesses of
MEN, and MEN ONLY. WcJoiow
just what we can do, ,and wc have
such firm confidence in our NEW
we are willing to cure "our patients
under an absolute Guarantee of
Unless Cured. We Mean This Most Emphatically.
It Is For You For Everybody r f
LOST VITALITY RESTORED (According to age) H to 60 days
SPECIAL DISEASES (Recently contracted) 4 days t :
VARICOCELE (Without an Operation) 10 to 30 days r .-
bi )
P. A
BLOOD POISON (No Mercury or Potash) 30 to 30 flays
KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE (Vcw :') 15 to 40 days
Bstabllxshed 25 Years In Portland
W make no eharg for a friendly talk or eorrespondenc. Com ub In the
strictest confldence. We have been egcluslvely treating special diseases or
.','L'.'.r r- tviii v
-Neithln' sclent can
stors you to health In'jh Bhorteet tlm with the least discomfort and a
pense. If you -cannot -call, writ for symptom blanks.
ooana iboos ajts Tiionu
Austin Cox
' . Koom tt, leBfaytt Bldf,
Xzpert Omra aad Bridg-e Work a
Scott's Sanfal-Pepsm capsules
Fet IiiBamBiarloB erOatarrtiof
las Bladnsr sn iiisseaea ai-
solllHMf. Carsa
:kv aag Bsrinaaeatir th
ot I
ui eJIss as saausr ef Best
ioag staaillog. iksolaialg
arsslssa. gold tr groggist.
Piio 81.08. r by aail. Beat
palo. 81.00, 1 hexes, 18.7a.
Bllaartehse, OBBB. ,
MAIYtl VksrUa Ssray
I Th near Tattael Brrssi. iBiee.
nsasas Mireiesu in si hi.
t onvanlent.
It he csneot sot nlj th
BiABVKi. aoueut B9
other, auk ssnd staniD for
lllnstrsiea bnnk srsb. Tt
tail nartlcnlars and iltrecttotis !.
Talusblstn Isilisa. MsHVBI, rX,
sa ens sr.. bbsst .kM.
a. a. bkidmokb a co in tht btexxt,
ajis wooDAgj. cuaat oo.
pany for the purpose of inatalllng a sta
tion. Inland- th most Important sta
tions ar at Chicago, Clave land. St.
Iuta, Kansas City and tenver. Many
railway trains hav also been equipped.
"The company haa delivered wireless
message over atretchca embracing
1.000-mll clrcultg without relay after
ttfbrough test at different periods. H.
I Blakeley, th Los Angeles operator,
say he got In communication with the
twn-kllowat atation used at Denver, with
a ahlp severel hun'red miles out In the
Clulf of I "-' 'o r i clve:ton, a dis
tant; c: 1 ) : '
Ba i. r
I il.TH'MULWri
tslisa. SivaililSiea.V.-'i L-ee''
mi hnnssiiv. treat vou skillfully and
C. Qee Wo
" .
The 6rcaf
At No. 162 First St., Cor. Morrison
Ms nUleadlag ststemeaU s th srrUrWd.V
I gaaraate compute, safe aad IsaUag rare'
la toe Bjicfcest yjaelbto tlos, aa at U
Ibsrsst euet passible fur Boo est aad mini
fol treetBtret. I enre esterrB. sstasss. hisg.
throat, roeumstlim. aerveaeess. , eleessis,
liver, llitorr snil lt BUDbsod.
My ' remedies .are harmless, en S3 pose ef
raeu, herbs, bad sad hark eapectallr aeleete .
ad twported, direct kg aa froa the latacluf .
f China.
tnaaTa aaa rjtoiooa.
ir yes eauaot call, srrlte toe sraiiitoas BlaaB
gad clrcvJar. InrlnM g cents In stsatsa. , .
00N8UITATI0K ytEX. .
Th 0. Os W Oklaes Medlele 0tBH
yirrt Bt., Corner Mcrrlsea. ysrtlaag. 0.
flesee aseatlua thla paper. .
To " Aaaur prompt and
, Careful Attention,- "
inia tra (c:::.'J
jorrr icx
Phon Vaciflo II.
r -v r
i a J k.
Orecn V.'rod...
rrr FSIhI ."f"xl . . . .
J-i.i l r Uh V'ob-1 ., I.. i t.o- 5 . .
v. ,.. ,), ,